City of

14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 193

A Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Etobicoke was held on Monday, June 26th, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

All Members Present with the exception of Councillor I. Jones


At 2:10 p.m. Council recessed into Committee of the Whole to discuss the Longo/Hockeyworld proposal. Council reconvened at 4:30 p.m.


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday, June 12th, 1995 See Resolution Number 269.


Councillor C. Micallef declared a Pecuniary Interest in Report #16 and Resolution Number 279, regarding the supply of Vending Services in various Parks and Recreation Facilities, because her husband’s company was intending to submit a bid and subsequently withdrew.


1. Mrs. Novina Wang, Clerk of Metropolitan , dated June 1st, forwarding Clause 3 of Report 4 of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, regarding “Responses from Area Municipalities on the 1995 Metropolitan Toronto Operating

Budget”. V (Metro Council is extending an offer to the area municipalities to make a presentation to the area Councils on

V Metro’s Budget.) Referred to the Commissioner of Administrative Services to arrange a deputation.

2. Mr. P. M. Madill, Deputy Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, dated June 1st, recommending that prior to the privatization of Canadian National Railways, Transport Canada is requested to initiate legislation which would ensure the retention of railway rights-of-way in the public domain in perpetuity. Received and Filed. 1 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 194

Communications and Petitions (Continued)

3. Mayor W. Donald Cousens, Town of Markham, dated June 2nd, requesting the Provincial Government to provide a full accounting of the costs associated with Project 80 and to disband this investigative unit. Former and serving Markham Councillors were publicly arrested, accused and investigated. In every case the charges were dismissed and no convictions made. Received and Filed.

4. Mayor Frank Faubert, City of Scarborough, dated June 5th, concerning the matter of the Metropolitan Toronto Housing Authority’s role in providing recreational programs in Scarborough. Received. Advise the City of Scarborough of Etobicoke’s response as outlined in Clause 68 of the Eighth Report of the Community Services Committee, 1995

5. Mr. Peter Leon, Chairman, Etobicoke Hydro Commission, dated June 13th, forwarding an update with respect to the consolidation of Etobicoke Hydro facilities. Received. The City Manager was requested to report as to whether the City would be interested in the use of the Hydro Building.

6. The following communications with respect to the Level 4 Virus Lab, Resources Road:

(a) Ms. Sandra Lane-Rondina, Executive Director, Community Advisory Committee, Level 4 Lab, dated June 13th, forwarding the Minutes of the Advisory Committee meetings held on April 5th, April 19th, May 2nd, May 17th, May 24th, and June 1st, 1995.

(b) Three individual communications from Mr. R. Alan Harris, Etobicoke Coalition On Lab Integrity, dated June 16th, addressed to Premier-Elect M. Harris, Mr. Chris Stockwell, M.P.P. Etobicoke-West and Professor I. Brindle of the Community Advisory Committee commenting on the lab, the public meetings held and the Advisory Committee.

Received and Filed.

7. Petition from Mr. Michael Harris and approximately 10 other residents on Delma Drive and Mitcham Drive, addressed to Councillor I. Jones, regarding the traffic problems in the area and the number of accidents at the corner of Delma Drive and Mitcham Drive. (Councillor Jones requested this letter be placed on the Agenda) Referred to the Commissioner of Works for report to the Works and Environment Committee.

8. Dr. Peter Wyckoff, dated May 19th, regarding the condition of the City property adjoining his property at 9 Miles Road and forwarding proposals for a solution. Referred to the Commissioner of Administrative Services for report to the Administration Committee. 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 195

Communications and Petitions (Continued)

9. Petition from Mr. S. Lizzi and Mr. E. Andrews and approximately 116 other residents on Vange Crescent and in the Mount Olive Drive area, addressed to Councillor Hastings, regarding the quality of the water supply in their area and requesting the City to make the necessary repairs to restore the quality of water. (Councillor Hastings requested this letter be placed on the Agenda.) Referred to the Commissioner of Works for report to the Works and Environment Committee.

10. Ms. Doreen Dobbs, dated June 9th, regarding the Committee of Adjustment decision in connection with an application for a variance for a property at 100 Rathburn Road, in the Thorncrest Village Area. Referred to the Secretary, Committee of Adjustment for direct reply.

11. Miss Kathleen O’Grady regarding the increase in taxes and requesting Council to make further cuts. Received and Filed.

12. The following communications in opposition to the application for the construction of an apartment building at 45 LaRose Avenue:

(a) Barbara Edwards, 61 Richview Road, Apartment #612, dated June 8th.

(b) Isabelle E. Greenwood, 40 Richview Road, Apartment #1807

Cc) E. Karne, 40 Richview Road, dated June 15th.

Cd) Tony Bigelli, 50 La Rose Avenue, dated June 15th.

Referred to the Commissioner of Planning for report to the Planning and Development Committee.

13. The following communications in opposition to a proposed development and possible extension to the Westway Plaza at the north-east corner of and Northcrest Road:

(a) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vella and Family, 17 Nortlicrest Road, dated June 8th.

(b) M. Miojevic, 11 Northcrest Road, dated June 15th.

Referred to the Commissioner of Planning for report to the Planning and Development Committee.

14. The following communications regarding the Vacancy in Ward 12 as a result of Councillor Hastings being elected to the Provincial Parliament on June 8th, 1995:

Ca) Ms. Marilyn Whibbs, President, Elms Residents Association, dated June 12th, addressed to Councillor meson, recommending that Council appoint the person that came second in the November Municipal Election, to replace Councillor Hastings. 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 196

Communications and Petitions (Continued)

14. The following communications regarding the Vacancy in Ward 12 as a result of Councillor Hastings being elected to the Provincial Parliament on June 8th, 1995: (Continued)

(b) Ms. Franca Fantauzzi, dated June 20th, also suggesting that the person that came second in the November Election be appointed to replace Councillor Hastings.

(c) Mr. Anthony Caputo, dated June 16th, advising of his interest in being a Councillor.

Cd) Mr. Jerry Taciuk, dated June 19th, commenting on the matter.

(e) Mrs. Lorna Mens, Chair, Executive Team, Highfield Community Enrichment Project, dated June 21st, forwarding a Petition signed by 65 Residents in support of holding a bi-election.

(f) Mr. Nick Travaglini, Chairman of the Board, Tradesco, dated June 24th, supporting the appointment of Mr. V. Crisanti.

Cg) Mr. Vincent Crisanti, dated June 25th, commenting on the vacancy in Ward 12 and forwarding a Petition signed by 402 residents in the Ward supporting filling the vacancy by appointment.

See Resolutions Numbered 295 and 296. Council appointed Mr. Vincent Crisanti as Councillor for Ward 12, effective June 27th, 1995. See also Report Number 11.

15. Municipal Board Decision, dated June 8th, regarding the appeals to By-law Number 1994-123 with respect to the application of Kipling Investments for the construction of 8 semi-detached residential units in conjunction with an existing apartment building at 345 Dixon Road. (The 0MB dismissed the appeals and approved the By-law). Received and Filed. See also Report Number 10.

16. Town of Geraldton. dated June 16th, advising they have put forward the name of Mayor Michael Power as a candidate for the office of First Vice-President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for consideration at the Annual Convention in August. Received and Filed.

17. Mr. Brian L. French, dated June 5th, congratulating Etobicoke’s Business Development Office on their initiatives in marketing “Etobicoke at the World Congress of International Development Research Council in May. Received and Congratulations to staff.

18. Mr. B. DePippo, dated June 13th, requesting to appear before the Works and Environment Committee, concerning the sewer back-up at his residence on Ramsbury Road in 1992. Referred to the Works and Environment Committee for deputation. 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 197

Communications and Petitions (Continued)

19. Petition from Mr. C. F. MacLellan, Jr. and approximately 13 other residents on Midden Crescent, dated June 19th, requesting that the existing 3 hour parking on the street be changed to “No Parking At Anytime”. Referred to the Commissioner of Works for report to the Works and Environment Committee.

20. The following communications requesting to use the North Kipling Community Centre for meetings:

(a) Mr. Ajit Singh Johal, President, Etobicoke Seniors Association, dated May 26th, requesting to use the facilities at the North Kipling Community Centre, free of charge, for their meetings.

(b) Additional communication from Mr. Johal forwarding additional information on their request.

Referred to the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for report to the Community Services Committee.

21. Ms. B. Caplan. Clerk. City of Toronto, dated June 15th, forwarding recommendations of the Executive Committee concerning “CP Rail Collision and Derailment’. Received. Copy forwarded to the Commissioner of Works for information.

22. Mr. G. H. Shipp, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Shipp Corporation, dated June 21st, requesting Council to reconsider its June 12th decision concerning their application for an extension in time for fulfilling conditions to approval with respect to an apartment building at the north-east corner of Aberfoyle Crescent and Lomond Drive. Received. See Resolutions Numbered 270, 271 and 272.

23. Mr. Dan Hornibrook, Seven Oaks Homes Inc., dated June 20th, requesting to appear before a Committee concerning the construction of a house at 219 Prince Edward Drive; his application to Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance and request for reimbursement for costs and also suggesting the City leave non-conforming situations as they are. Referred to the Building Commissioner and Secretary of the Committee of Adjustment for report to the Planning and Development Committee and that Mr. Hornibrook be invited to appear in deputation.

24. Mrs. Jean Muir, dated June 14th, requesting the City to remove the Linden tree from her property at 4 Burrard Road. Referred to the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for report to the Community Services Committee.

25. Mrs. Shalini Alleluia, Committee Coordinator. City of Mississauga, dated June 15th, forwarding the Minutes of the Etobicoke/Mississauga Liaison Committee meeting held on June 9th, 1995. Received. Item 3 in the Minutes regarding the matter of an integrated bus service, was referred to the Commissioner of Works for report to the Liaison Committee. 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 198

Communications and Petitions (Continued)

26. Ms. Kathy Haas. Chair, Etobicoke Board of Education, dated June 14th, in reply to Council Resolution 212 concerning the 1995 Budget increases and recommending the Board and Council meet to discuss the issue of declining assessment. Referred to Committee of the Whole for meeting with the Board of Education.

27. Mrs. B. Lamb, dated June 22nd, requesting that Clauses 133 and 134 of the Thirteenth Report of the Planning and Development Committee be referred back to the Committee so she can appear in deputation. Received. See Clauses 133 and 134 of the Thirteenth Report of the Planning and Development Committee, as adopted by Council.

28. Petition submitted by Mr. J. Hughes, Etobicoke Hockey Association, containing approximately 1372 signatures, requesting Council to postpone final approval of any ice rental agreement until all information has been made public and public hearings have been held concerning the Longo/Hockeyworld proposal for a four pad ice facility in Etobicoke. Received. See Resolution Number 288.


- Nan Cook for flowers received on her 90th Birthday

- Hazel and Jim Pacella for flowers received on their 50th Anniversary

- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson for the donation in memory of their son.


(i) Minutes of the Etobicoke Historical Board\LACAC Meeting held on May 10th, 1995. Received and Filed. 14th Session Monday, June 26th. 1995 Page 199


The following Reports from the Standing Committees:

(a) Thirteenth Report of the Planning and Development Committee, 1995. See Resolution Number 273.

Clause 128 of the Planning and Development Committee,

regarding Channel Holdings Ltd. (Frank Raso) - construction activities, was amended in the last paragraph by deleting the words “Members of Council” and substituting therefore the

words “the area Councillor”, so that the paragraph reads - “That the Area Councillor be kept advised of permit applications made by Mr. Raso and/or Channel Holdings Ltd.”

(b) Tenth Report of the Community Services Committee, 1995. See Resolution Number 289.

(c) Eleventh Report of the Works and Environment Committee, 1995. See Resolution Number 292.

1. Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, forwarding recommendations with respect to the award of Tender P-51-95 for Various Lumber Supplies. See Resolution Number 293.

2. Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, forwarding zecommendations with respect to the award of Tender P-67-95 for the Sale of Various Waste Management Vehicles. See Resolution Number 294.

3. Report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, forwarding recommendations with respect to the award of Tender 95-7 for Storm Sewer installation and Road Upgrade in the Westhead/Horner Area. See Resolution Number 297.

4. Report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, submitting recommendations with respect to the award of Tender 95-10 for Road Rehabilitation in the Uno Drive area. See Resolution Number 274.

5. Report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, regarding the award of Tender 95-14 for Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay on various streets. See Resolution Number 275.

6. Report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, forwarding recommendations with respect to the award of Tender 95-15 for the Rehabilitation of Martin Grove Road Underpass at C.N.R. See Resolution Number 276. 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Pacre 200

Reports (Continued)

7. Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, regarding the award of Tender P-61-95 for the construction of the Lakeshore Village Community Park. See Resolution Number 304.

8. Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, forwarding recommendations concerning the award of Tender P-63-95 for the supply and delivery of Sidewalk Crawler Tractors. See Resolution Number 277.

9. Report from the City Manager, dated June 26th, regarding the award of Tender P-74-95 for Hot Land Asphalt Overlay, Grading of Soil and Laying of Sod in the Lakeshore Motel Strip area. See Resolution Number 305.

10. Report from Reble, Ritchie, City Solicitors, dated June 16th, regarding their appearance before the Ontario Municipal Board concerning the appeals to By-law 1994-123 regarding the application of Kipling Investments for the construction of 8 semi-detached residential units in conjunction with an existing apartment building at 345 Dixon Road. (The Board dismissed the appeals and approved the By-law). (See Item 15 of correspondence for the O.M.B. decision) Received and Filed.

11. The following •Reports with respect to the vacancy in Ward 12 as a result of Councillor John Hastings being elected to the Provincial Government on June 8th, 1995:

(a) Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 12th, commenting on the filling of the vacancy. (This report was before Council on June 12th, and was deferred to the June 26th meeting. Council requested a further report outlining statistical information on voter turnout at previous bi-elections, etc.)

(b) Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, providing the history of previous bi elections and the percentage of voter turnout.

See also Item 14 of Correspondence. See Resolutions Numbered 295 and 296.

12. Report from Reble, Ritchie, City Solicitor, dated June 21st, as requested by Council, regarding the possibility of designating the Lakeshore Lions Arena a “No Smoking” area. See Resolution Number 306.

13. Report from Reble, Ritchie, City Solicitors, dated June 21st, forwarding correspondence from the Ministry of Environment and Energy regarding the GO Transit Toronto/Milton Service Expansion and a public review of the Noise and Vibration Assessment Protocol. See Resolution Number 278. 14th Session Monday. June 26th, 1995 Page 201

Reports (Continued)

14. Report from Reble, Ritchie, City Solicitors, dated June 21st, regarding the appeals to By-law Number 1994-196 dealing with the application of Home Savings and Loan Corporation for the construction of 26 stacked townhouse units at the south-east corner of Bloor Street West and Old Mill Terrace. See Resolution Number 298.

15. Report from Mrs. C. Zaccaria, Secretary, Board of Health, dated June 26th, forwarding recommendations from the Board that Council ask Metro Council to study the matter of lap dancing with a view to, among other considerations, addressing the public health concerns involved in this activity. See Resolution Number 299.

16. Report from the Private Ventures Committee, dated June 26th, forwarding recommendations with regard to the supply of vending services in various Parks and Recreation facilities. See Resolution Number 279.

17. Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on June 26th, with regard to the following matters:

(a) Joint Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services and the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, forwarding an update on the progress of the Geographic- Based Information Systems. See Resolution Number 280.

(b) Verbal Presentation from Zanini Developments regarding the potential redevelopment and use of the Bering Avenue Works Yard. See Resolutions Number 302 and 303.

(c) Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, regarding the amalgamation of the Administration Committee and the Community Services Committee and also forwarding a recommendation that the starting times for the Standing Committees and Committee of the Whole revert back to 9:00 a.m. See Resolution Number 282.

(d) Report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, forwarding for Council’s approval, the “Statement of Principles for an Agreement on Waste Management Responsibilities in Metro Toronto between Metropolitan Toronto and the area Municipalities (Etobicoke) See Resolution Number 281.

(e) Report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, regarding the Joint Union/Management Proposal on Mechanical Street Sweeping and recommending that road sweeping services be performed by Works Department employees. See Resolution Number 301.

(f) Report from the City Solicitor, dated June 22nd, regarding the Offer to License and related License Agreement with Hockeyworld International Arenas Inc., for the construction of a 4 pad ice facility in the City of Etobicoke. See Resolution Number 288. 14th Session Monday. June 26th. 1995 Page 202

Reports (Continued)

18. Report from the Commissioner of Planning dated June 26th, regarding Interim Control By-Laws for Restaurants with outdoor patios adjacent to residential zones within the City of Etobicoke. See Resolution Number 283.


The following By-Laws were enacted and passed in Council:

No. 1995-119 To amend Chapters 320, 330, 340 and 350 of the Zoning Code to permit the ancillary sale of limited convenience items from Service Stations and Car Washes.

No. 1995-120 To amend the Municipal Code with respect to

Traffic - Chapter 240, Article I.

(Addition to Schedule VIII - No Parking - Vulcan Street)

No. 1995-121 To amend the Municipal Code with respect to

Traffic - Chapter 240, Article I.

(Deletion from Schedule VIII - No Parking - College Street)

No. 1995-122 To authorize the designation of Fire Routes, Chapter 134, The Municipal Code. (65 Claireport Crescent)

No. 1995-123 To adopt Amendment Number 24-95 to the Official Plan of the City of Etobicoke with respect to certain minor deficiencies in the both the Official Plan Text and Maps.

No. 1995-124 To introduce an Interim Control By-Law for outdoor patios in conjunction with certain Restaurants (Etobicoke)

No. 1995-125 To introduce an Interim Control By-Law for outdoor patios in conjunction with certain Restaurants () 14th Session Monday. June 26th, 1995 Page 203

By-Laws (Continued)

No. 1995-126 To introduce an Interim Control By-Law for outdoor patios in conjunction with certain Restaurants ()

No. 1995-127 To introduce an Interim Control By-Law for outdoor patios in conjunction with certain Restaurants (Long Branch).

No. 1995-128 To confirm proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the Twenty-Sixth day of June, 1995.


No. 269 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday, June 12th, 1995, be adopted.


No. 270 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor B. Flynn

THAT Council waive Section 25.5H of the Procedures By-law for the purpose of considering the Notice of Motion from Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby concerning the Shipp Corporation at today’s June 26th, 1995 Council Meeting.


No. 271 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor B. Flynn

WHEREAS Council on June 12th, 1995 by Resolution #258 denied the application by Shipp Corporation Ltd. and Mayvon Investments Ltd. for an extension in time to fulfil the outstanding conditions to approval with respect to the development of a 24-storey, 200-unit condominium apartment building at the north-east corner of Aberfoyle Crescent and Lomond Drive; and

WHEREAS the proponent did not have an opportunity to speak to this matter at Council;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council re-open the matter to allow for discussion and a report at the Committee level.

Carried 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Pane 204

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 272 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor B. Flynn

THAT the application by Shipp Corporation Ltd. and Mayvon Investments Ltd. for an extension in time to fulfil the outstanding conditions to approval with respect to the development of a 24-storey, 200-unit condominium apartment building at the north-east corner of Aberfoyle Crescent and Lomond Drive (Clause 122 of the 12th Report of the Planning and Development Committee) be referred back to the Planning and Development Committee to permit the Shipp Corporation to appear in deputation before the Committee on July 11th to present their position; and

THAT the Planning Commissioner report to the July 11th Planning and Development Committee meeting on the merits of granting an extension to fulfil the outstanding conditions to approval.


No. 273 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT the Thirteenth Report of the Planning and Development Committee, 1995, be adopted, as amended.


No. 274 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender 95-10 of Pave Al Ltd. & Orlando Corporation in the amount of $361,096.11 for Road Rehabilitation in the Uno Drive area be accepted at the unit prices contained therein and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents in connection therewith, all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995.


No. 275 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender 95-14 of Gazzola Paving Limited in the amount of $663,078.07 for Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay on Various Streets be accepted at the unit prices contained therein and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents in connection therewith, all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995.

Carried 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 205

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 276 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender 95-15 of Holoway Philp Construction in the amount of $177,551.63 for Rehabilitation of the Martin Grove Road Underpass at C.N.R. be accepted at the unit prices contained therein and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents in connection therewith, all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995.


No. 277 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender P-63-95 for the Supply and Delivery of a Sidewalk Crawler Tractors be awarded to Sheridan Equipment - Division of Strong Equipment Corporation at the total tender price of $70,805.50 all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, 1995.


No. 278 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor C. Micallef

THAT Council authorize the City Solicitor to advise the Environmental Assessment Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Environment and Energy that the City of Etobicoke wishes to participate in any future discussions or hearings in connection with the GO Transit Toronto/Milton Service Expansion project and in particular the Noise and Vibration Assessment Protocol.


No. 279 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor M. Giansante

THAT the Report from the Joint Ventures Committee, dated June 26th, 1995, regarding the supply of Vending Services in various Parks and Recreation Facilities, be received; and

1. THAT Quotation Q-17-95 be awarded to Eastwood Food Services Limited for the supply of Vending Services in various Parks and Recreation facilities in the City of Etobicoke; and

2. THAT appropriate staff prepare a request for proposal for the supply of food services and snack bars to the public in City facilities all in accordance with a joint report from the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 22nd, 1995 and all as approved by the Joint Ventures Committee.


(See Pecuniary Interest - Councillor Micallef) 14th Session Monday. June 26th, 1995 Page 206

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 280 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor E. Brown

THAT Council adopt the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that the joint report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services and the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995, providing an update on the progress of the Geographic-Based Information systems, be received.


No. 281 Moved by Councillor A. Potts Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Council adopt the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole that the report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995, regarding the Waste Management Agreement with Metro Toronto, be received; and

THAT the Statement of Principles, which will form the basis for a Waste Management Agreement between the City of Etobicoke and Metropolitan Toronto, be received; and

THAT the term of the Agreement be for 2 years with the City having the option to extend the term by a further 2 years; and

THAT staff review and report on the price of containers; and

THAT the Commissioner of Works report back when the Agreement document is ready for execution.


No. 282 Moved by Councillor E. Brown Seconded by Councillor M. Giansante

THAT Council adopt the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole, as follows:

1. THAT the Administration Committee and the Community Services Committee be amalgamated to form one committee and named either the Administration Committee or General Committee; and

2. THAT the composition of the Standing Committees consist of eight Councillors and the Mayor, Ex Officio; and

3. THAT the initial meeting of the new amalgamated committee be on September 11, 1995.

4. THAT the Procedural By-Law be amended to reflect the changes to the committee composition and responsibilities.

5. THAT the start time for Standing Committee and Committee of the Whole meetings be moved back to 9:00 a.m.

6. THAT these revisions be reviewed again in January of 1996, in conjunction with the Committee review.

(Continued) 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 207

Resolutions (Continued)

Resolution No. 282 (Continued) all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, 1995.


No. 283 Moved by Councillor C. Micallef Seconded by Councillor M. O’Rourke

WHEREAS Council, on March 10, 1995, by Resolution Number 128, directed staff to examine the feasibility of introducing a separation distance requirement between outdoor restaurant patios and residentially zoned lands; and

WHEREAS Council, on June 12, 1995, in considering the recommendations of the Planning staff reports dated April 25, 1995 and June 6, 1995, expressed a concern regarding the development of outdoor patios in the rear and side yards of restaurants, and the potential impacts on nearby residentially zoned properties, and thus referred the matter back to Planning staff; and

WHEREAS a zoning review of restaurants with outdoor patios has been undertaken for the former Township of Etobicoke, former Village of Long Branch, former Town of New Toronto and former Town of Mimico; and

WHEREAS Council now wishes to enact Interim Control By-Laws, pursuant to Section 38 of the Planning Act, to control such development in conjunction with certain restaurants, pending the completion of Planning staff’s review;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT for commercially zoned properties developed for standard restaurants which do not include a dancing area, live bands, disc jockeys, entertainment area, floor shows or adult entertainment, Interim Control By-laws be enacted to prohibit outdoor patio areas, which are partially or wholly within side or rear yards, within 45 metres (150 feet) of residentially zoned lands within the City of Etobicoke, including the Lakeshore municipalities.


No. 284 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor M. Giansante

THAT Council waive Section 25.5H of the Procedures By-law for the purpose of considering the Notice of Motion from Councillor Brian Flynn concerning the P.A. System at Centennial Park at today’s June 26th, 1995, Council Meeting.

Carried 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 208

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 285 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor M. Giansante

WHEREAS the existing P.A. system at Centennial park is the original (26 years old) and replacement parts are obsolete. The volume control is in disrepair and any significant volume does not respond until you are half way through the volume button turn; and WHEREAS the noise level to have the meets is disturbing the surrounding area to the point of numerous complaints on any of the days that these meets are held, not to mention, 24 hour meets; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be requested to report to the next Community Services Committee on the cost of repairs which are necessary to the Centennial Park P.A. system. Carried

No. 286 Moved by Councillor E. Brown Seconded by Mayor D. Holyday

WHEREAS we believe in democracy; and

WHEREAS we believe in the concept of open government; and WHEREAS we believe in the public process; and

WHEREAS we believe in fair and equitable treatment of all our citizens;

I move that a public meeting be held for all interested parties, prior to the signing of an agreement with Hockeyworid International Arenas Inc.

Not Carried

Recorded Vote as follows:

In Favour: Mayor Holyday Councillor Brown

Opposed: Councillors: Flynn, meson, O’Rourke, Giansante, Marchetti, Luby, Potts, Micallef

Not Present: Councillors: Jones, Milczyn

No. 287 Moved by Mayor D. Holyday Seconded by Councillor E. Brown

THAT prior to considering the authorization of agreements with Hockeyworid International Arenas Inc., the proposed joint venture for the provision of ice surfaces be subject to a full proposal call. Not Carried

Recorded Vote as follows:

In Favour: Mayor Holyday Councillor Brown

Opposed: Councillors: Flynn, meson, O’Rourke, Giansante, Marchetti, Luby, Potts, Micallef

Not Present: Councillors: Jones, Milczyn 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 209

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 288 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor A. Potts

THAT Council adopt the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that authorization be granted for execution of an Offer to License and related Licence Agreement with Hockeyworid International Arenas Inc., in accordance with the provisions as outlined in the Report from Reble, Ritchie, City Solicitors, dated June 22nd, 1995, subject to the deletion of Clause 12 and 12.1 addressing “Additional Facilities”.


Recorded Vote as follows:

In Favour: Councillors: Flynn, meson, O’Rourke, Giansante, Marchetti, Luby, Potts, Micallef

Opposed: Mayor Holyday Councillor Brown

Absent: Councillors: Jones, Milczyn

No. 289 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT the Tenth Report of the Community Services Committee, 1995, be adopted.


No. 290 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor M. O’Rourke

THAT Clause 112 of the Eleventh Report of the Works and Environment Committee, 1995, be received.

(Re: Request for Pedestrian Not Carried. Access to Evans Ave.,

H. A. Watts - Oxford St.)

No. 291 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor A. Marchetti

THAT Clause 121 of the Eleventh Report of the Works and Environment Committee, 1995, be referred back to the Works and Environment Committee for consideration in conjunction with the July report to be tabled by the Works Commissioner.

(Re: New Sign By-Law Carried Issues and Enforcement) 14th Session Monday. June 26th. 1995 Pacre 210

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 292 Moved by Councillor B. meson Seconded by Councillor C. Micallef

THAT the Eleventh Report of the Works and Environment Committee, 1995, be adopted, as amended.


No. 293 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender P-51-95 for Various Lumber Supplies be awarded to Brampton Lumber Company at the unit prices contained therein, totalling ($67,699.50), all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, 1995. Carried

No. 294 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender P-67-95 for the Sale of Various Waste Management Vehicles be awarded as follows:


Amtruck Limited 25 $ 682,595.00

Bronte Equipment 34 690, 112 . 50 BFI Waste Systems 3 209,030.00 Inducom Waste Systems Limited 3 63, 625.00 Sheehans Truck Centre Inc. 1 61,359.00 Shu-Pak Refuse Equipment Inc. 6 180,750.00

TOTAL AWARDS 72 $1,887,471.50 (Excluding Taxes) all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, 1995.


No. 295 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor E. Brown

THAT the Report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 12th, 1995, regarding the Vacancy in Ward 12 as a result of Councillor Hastings being elected as a Member of the Provincial Parliament, be received; and

THAT Council fill the vacancy by having an election for Councillor, Ward 12. Not Carried

(Continued) 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 211

Resolutions (Continued)

Resolution No. 295 (Continued)

Recorded Vote as follows:

In Favour: Councillors: Flynn, O’Rourke, Giansante, Brown

Opposed: Mayor Holyday Councillors: meson, Marchetti, Luby, Potts, Mi call e f

Not Present: Councillors: Jones, Milczyn

No. 296 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor A. Marchetti

THAT Mr. Vincent Crisanti be appointed to fill the office of Ward 12 Councillor, effective June 27th, 1995. Carried

Recorded Vote as follows:

In Favour: Mayor Holyday Councillors: Flynn, meson, 0’ Rourke, Giansante, Brown, Marchetti, Luby, Potts, Mi call e f

Not Present: Councillors: Jones, Milczyn

No. 297 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender 95-7 of Pave Al Ltd. & Orlando Corporation in the amount of $1,275,642.08 for Storm Sewer installation and Road Upgrade in the Westhead/Horner Area, be accepted at the unit prices contained therein and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents in connection therewith, all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995.


No. 298 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT the Report from Reble, Ritchie, City Solicitors, dated June 21st, 1995 regarding the appeals received to By-Law 1994-196 dealing with the application of Home Savings and Loan Corporation for the construction of 26 stacked townhouse units at the south-east corner of Bloor Street West and Old Mill Terrace, be adopted; and

THAT the City Solicitor and staff be authorized to implement a settlement of an outstanding appeal filed against By-Law Number 1994-196, as detailed in the report.

Carried 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 212

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 299 Moved by Councillor B. Flynn Seconded by Councillor C. Micallef

THAT the Report from the Board of Health, dated June 26th, 1995, with regard to the issue of lap dancing, be received; and

THAT Council request Metropolitan Toronto Council to study the matter of lap dancing with a view to, among other considerations, addressing the public health concerns involved in this activity.


No. 300 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor M. O’Rourke

THAT Council adopt the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole that the report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995, regarding the Joint Union/Management Proposal on Mechanical Street Sweeping be referred back to the City Manager for further analysis and a report addressing the merits of approving the recommendations of the Commissioner of Works or adopting other alternatives. Not Carried

No. 301 Moved by Councillor A. Potts Seconded by Councillor A. Marchetti

THAT Council adopt the recommendations of the Report from the Commissioner of Works, dated June 26th, 1995, regarding the Joint Union/Management Proposal on Mechanical Street Sweeping, as amended; and

1. THAT all road sweeping services be performed by Works Department employees.

2. THAT the level of service for road sweeping be increased by having two sweepers operate on a second shift.

3. THAT two Equipment Operator 3 positions be added to the establishment of the Works Department.

4. THAT one additional mechanical street sweeper, at an estimated cost of $137,500 be purchased from winter control savings in the Works Department’s 1995 Operations Budget; and

5. THAT two rented snow plows be replaced on winter control standby by City operated equipment.

6. THAT a report be brought back to Council addressing a complete review of the best ways of providing this service.


(Continued) 14th Session Monday, June 26th, 1995 Page 213

Resolutions (Continued)

Resolution No. 301 (Continued)

Recorded Vote as follows:

In Favour: Councillors: Giansante, Brown, Marchetti, Potts, Micallef, Milczyn

Opposed: Mayor Holyday Councillors: Flynn, meson, O’Rourke, Luby

Not Present: Councillor Jones

- Verbal Resolution It was regularly Moved and Seconded

THAT Council waive the 6:00 o’clock adjournment Clause in the Procedure By-Law for the purpose of completing the Council Agenda.


No. 302 Moved by Councillor C. Micallef Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Council adopt the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole that the City Manager report on the redundancy of Bering Yard and that in conjunction with this report, the Planning and Parks and Recreation Departments prepare reports relating to the Planning implications at having the lands declared surplus and potential Parks usage for the lands; and further

THAT the City Manager’s report also include the options and procedures for disposal of the land.


No. 303 Moved by Councillor A. Potts Seconded by Councillor E. Brown

THAT Council adopt the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole that the City Manager be instructed to bring forward a report addressing the potential use of all City yards and whether it would be feasible to declare any of the lands surplus.


No. 304 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender P-61-95 for the construction of Lakeshore Village Community Park be awarded to LaBelle Limited at the total tender price of $117,316.32, all in accordance with the report from the Commissioner of Administrative Services, dated June 26th, 1995.

Carried 14th Session Monday. June 26th. 1995 Pacje 214

Resolutions (Continued)

No. 305 Moved by Councillor M. O’Rourke Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT Tender P-74-95 for Hot Laid Asphalt Overlay, Grading and Soil and Laying of Sod be awarded to Roma Paving Services at the total tender price of $61,758.73; and

THAT Council proceed with this project with funding from the Contingency Account, subject to final commitments from Motel Strip landowners, all in accordance with the report from the City Manager, dated June 26th, 1995.


No. 306 Moved by Councillor C. Micallef Seconded by Councillor G. Luby

THAT the Report from Reble, Ritchie, City Solicitors, dated June 21st, 1995, regarding the possibility of including a Clause in the Lease for the Lakeshore Lions Club designating the arena a “No Smoking” area, be received; and

THAT the Solicitor be requested to contact the Lakeshore Lions Club, as operators of the facility, to determine if they would be prepared to provide a policy direction to allow certain areas within the building to be declared “No Smoking” areas; and further

THAT if approval is received from the Lions Club, a Clause be added to the Lease specifying the areas within the Lakeshore Lions Arena where smoking would not be permitted.


No. 307 Moved by Councillor G. Luby Seconded by Councillor A. Marchetti

THAT Council waive Section 25.5 H of its Procedures By-Law to permit the Notice of Motion from Councillor P. Milczyn concerning the public waterfront connection, to be considered at today’s June 26th, 1995 Council Meeting.


No. 308 Moved by Councillor P. Milczyn Seconded by Councillor A. Marchetti

WHEREAS Goal No. 4 of the City of Etobicoke’s Strategic Plan states that our intention is to “have an imaginative and well planned waterfront with a variety of activities for all”; and WHEREAS, the action steps related to this goal identify a number of initiatives which the City should be undertaking, including a waterfront plan, developing a marketing strategy, formulate shoreline regeneration plans, and enhance economic activities; and

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Resolutions (Continued)

Resolution No. 308 (Continued)

WHEREAS Council by Resolution No. 301 on June 28, 1993 adopted Clause 161 of the Thirteenth Report of the

Planning and Development Committee - “THAT the appropriate staff be instructed to consult further with Metropolitan Toronto and the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and to report back regarding possible land requirement, possible design cost, ownership alternatives and funding of a public waterfront connection across the Mimico apartment strip from Grand Harbour to Norris Crescent, in accordance with the attached report dated June 22, 1993, from the Secretary, Etobicoke Waterfront Committee”;

WHEREAS the local Ward Councillor is actively pursuing the agreement of local land owners to transfer lands to the City of Etobicoke for the purposes of the public waterfront connection and since these discussions are proving to be productive; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct the appropriate staff to vigorously pursue the previous resolution of Council; FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the public waterfront connection should be extended westward from Grand Harbour across all waterfront properties in the subject area and beyond Norris Crescent to include the multi-residential properties known as “Amodeo Gardens Court Apartments” and “By-The-Lake Apartments”; and THAT any costs that may be incurred by this initiative be subject to review by Council.


Upon Motion Council Adjourned t approximately 6:30 p.m.