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INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (A) FOR THE YEAR 1894. A. Arc spectrum of electrolytic ,iron on the photographic, 983 (see Lockyer). B. Bakerian L ecture.—On the Relations between the Viscosity (Internal 1 riction) of Liquids and then Chemical Nature, 397 (see T iiorpe and R odger). Bessemer process, the spectroscopic phenomena and thermo-chemistry of the, 1041 IIarimo). C. Capstick (J. W.). On the Ratio of the Specific Heats of the Paraffins, and their Monohalogei.. Derivatives, 1. Carbon dioxide, on the specific heat of, at constant volume, 943 (sec ). Carbon dioxide, the specific heat of, as a function of temperatuie, ddl (mo I j . , , Crystals, an instrument of precision for producing monochromatic light of any desire. ua\e- eng », * its use in the investigation of the optical properties of, did (see it MDCCCXCIV.— A. ^ <'rystals of artificial preparations, an instrument for grinding section-plates and prisms of, 887 (see Tutton). Cubic surface, on a special form of the general equation of a, and on a diagram representing the twenty- seven lines on the surface, 37 (see Taylor). •Cables, on plane, 247 (see Scott). D. D unkeelky (S.). On the Whirling and Vibration of Shafts, 279. Dynamical theory of the electric and luminifei’ous medium, a, 719 (see Larmor). E. Eclipse of the sun, April 16, 1893, preliminary report on the results obtained with the prismatic cameras during the total, 711 (see Lockyer). Electric and luminiferous medium, a dynamical theory of the, 719 (see Larmor). Electrolytic iron, on the photographic arc spectrum of, 983 (see Lockyer). Equation of the general cubic surface, 37 (see Taylor).
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