^L E A G U E ? >p«ii>ihl vUk MeMtoitl n lw Th0 St. U c ii O w dlM k ' -ttftlrf-wii i t m S T a w w bmck »a onaaM . alp«r I t w iS tS ? r a I$ !^ Hodrnte tarn- baM )»n (earn in Twtn FaB* y w i e n U y St, turn S5' B«a4 tbe Bveiiliic T l M ifM l 34, M , tjfw O h pftf« todir for fiQ detaOa. Six Irrigated Countlra In Idaho

VOL. X X. NO. 276~« CENTS.. . nU i '• Hour U ue d WIr* ‘r«ltiF*pWo TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. 19?8 OFFICIAL COUNTY NEW SPAPEB^ •m lM Of th> t?Blfd P r « w ____ TWA PLANE MISSING WITH 9 ABOARD « * « * « « « «. * * • ,*** «««« «•«« ,,,, >««. , ' ^ ^ 1 ^ Clark Reveals Plans to Seek Office Again Chief Executive lAPAlSE MAKE MANYWIINESSES Craft Unreported During Will Enter N ame R f 10 GAINS IN CAILEOINPROGE Flight from Los Angeles In Primary List SHENSI P H N C E eOAO eUREA To Trisco in Rainstorm Bt j o s s r . m o r r i s BOISE, Ida., M arch 3 (UJtu-TJie SHANGHAI, M arch 3 (U.PJ—Jnpa- Ada county grand Jury today called E ffort for Second Term ..eso military forces, advancing rap­ score of witnesses as It continued Seeks Pact LINER FEARED LOST idly westward through Sharul prov­ its invc.—The Rmr. the hospital, where he w o n t the announce his candidacy in Several Japanese units are advanc­ Martin Nlemoeller, World war hero JOSEPH P. KENNEDY The storm became so in­ ing more than 20 miles a day. night of his Indictment to recuper* the primaries. and militant leader ot the opposition . . . Arrives In England to take* tense over the Tehachapi Japanese said that 100,000 CtUr ate from a mUd nervous collapse Father Fears AlUiough Cong. D. worth Clark, movement in the E^'angcllca] church post as 8. ambassador.' nese troops were trapped in the and an attack of slnua trouble, was V. mountains, . separating cen­ the governor’s nephew; Senator was sentenced to seven months Im ­ snow-blanketed Shansi mountains kept from the public unlU today. He tral and southern California, James P. Pope and also Cong. prisonment in a fortress and fined, left the hospital Sunday, it waa re­ For Safety of Compton I. White, all three in the and were being subjected to heavy that Captain John D. Graves, twice'today for defying the govern­ vealed. national limelight, are expected to bombing. ment. chief pilot, was. forced back. Twenty mixed Chinese divisions M ight Appear Saturday run for the same olflcc tiiey now - One fine was of 500 marks ($200). between Liogshlh and the Yellow Kidnaped Son He radioed a t '8:88 he waa hold or try for a step higher, none The other was 1,500 marks «e00>. When he is able to leave his bed. heading for Fresno.. He never of the three has made definite com- river fled west following the fall he wUl oppear before Judge Charles KEiEO Y ARRIVES NEW RO O H BLLa N. Y.. Uarch 3 As Nlemoeller waa credited with the of the termparary Shansi provin­ (UJ»-.Murray Xevin«, h a n a rd and ralttAls. Coogressman Clark b ex* months he had already served, i( Koelsch lor arraignment on the dlstreaaed, today for_' M>a *^Urt^iiiit« news' m pect«d to run against cial capital a t Llnfen and Japanese was conceded that ho h ^ glYBn sat* ^ a r iM . It voa not expected t ^ t < prim ar/ 'Mth ?ope and co liu n u were-aald to be pursuing In Isfactlon as to the prison aehtance K y i a wouIdTje able to B p ^ r ^ Ing to luccoed'Qierasel' an attempt to halt aa many as pos­ and the amoller fine. But ha will not JIT BRIW POST %ho was ^ t d n n - G . O. P. In Doubt sible before'they can escape Into be released until he h u paid the Phelan yesterday filed a request LONDON, Uarch 3 alilWOMPll The p ro s M rm ditwney kept con­ east oTp.______Shensi. larger fine. with Willlfl Moffatt. proaeculing at­ Governor Clark’s announcement P. Kennedy arrived today to as­ stant viffll two telephones In the plane i t •;ao p. tn. flylnc a t MO Deny Attack Nlemoeller went on trial before a torney, for detailed Information U ia t' he wUl seek a second term sume hla duties as United 6t«tea his 131,000 home In this suburb of feet down the Ban Joatiula river. A Japanese naval spokesman here secret court Feb. 7 on four charges concerning the charges of embezzle­ comes at a time when ambassador to Great Britain. New 'york Oity. avaSllnK an opportu­ Because of UiU report th« M u d i of defying the government In its ment and misuse. Phelan sought the yet has been agreed upon as the said in answer to allegations that One of the first things he wished nity to contaot the abductors. waa ccni^trated In the Sierra campaign for Nazltlcatlon ot the dates and circumstances surround­ Republican candidate. Henry Dwor- Japanese had made aerial attacks to conclude, waa an Anglo-United Reporta th ^t he had received « mountains east of rra o o . Evangelical church. He had been In ing the misappropriations ho as- shak, Burley publisher, has been against BrttLnh passenger planes, States trade pact, he said. note demandlns a r The rainstorm prevented search prison since July 1 last. sertedly made from prison funds. mentioned as a possible choice on that Japanese aircraft on Pcb. 22 The former chairman ot the U. S. within 48 hours under threat of from the air and forced seucbera to Nlemoeller was arrested for his different occasions, but ha Insists took off from a naval anchorage maritime commission dli death to the handsome, blue-eyed use automobiles. preachings os paslor of the Beritn- he will not bo In Uic rncc. GOV^BARZILEA CLARK •■off south C hina” when a bl-motor- from the liner Manhattan lost night boy. were denied. It was believed, One party, headed by Herbert Dalilem church, one ot the richest Prom present Indications, It . . . Annooneet Intention of seek­ ed monoplane appeared overhead at Plymouth. He was welcomed hero however, that a t least one authentic au n c ll. Presno manager of TWA, and most fashionable in Berlin. moro logical to assume that I. E. ing second term as governor of ' but retired when the British insignia by represenUtlves of the British note, written on a toy typewriter, was fighting It4 way to the Bimttoc- nockwell of Bellevue, former state Idaho. was seen. He repeatedly charged that Adolf PERSHING SPENOS ton lAke area. foreign office and members of the had been received. Hitler’s government aided Uie in­ senator and a ctoee friend of Sen. British authorltlea reported new U, 0. embassy staff. The general search w h directed troduction of iiereay Into the teach­ FoUee lo Enter Caae WUllam E. Bornh, will be lined op differences between Japanese and Kennedy, whose Appointment by TWA and government officials ings of the German protestant Police, who had acceded to Le­ for Uie Republicans when it comes British forces guarding the Drltlsij heartily welcomed by both Brlttsh who came to PWsno by automobUe to a showdown. Ho la known to defense sector here, wiien the Brlt- church. vine's plea to leave a clear cliannel ONiy FAIR NIGi officials and tho British press, was for the kidnapers to conduct their from aan Francisco and Loa Angeles. have expressed willingness to run l.ih soldiers refused to hand over a officially welconed by dignitaries at TWA officials announced that lor governor, but It remains to be Chinese who waa shot wiille fleeing TUCSON, Atlr... March 3 (UP) — negotiations, prepared to abandon SNIPMEtllS Plymouth, Uioee, aboard the mlsalng plane seen how mucli sup)>nrt his friends Into the sector. They said it was only Gen. John J. Pershing, Miffering their hands-otf policy as another A l a press Interview aboard the day apparently passed wlUiout a con- were: will be able to muster. A "small iijcldent." Al Suffering from a heart ailment ond kidney disease, spent only a '’fair'’ night Manhattan before he went aboard Uct. Passengers listed OosMtt Candidate last night, but wun itropped up In an admiral's barge that took him to Tliere were Indications that po­ Passengers: Among Uie names moat perNlat- Broken Spirit bed for breakfast torted. prophesied regular aubsldlzcd trans- ferring aecretely wltli the distraught Francisco, en rquU to Chicago on a Sliliinientn ot farm prodiictJi and cles OS other likely candidates for Dr. Rolond Dftvl^oIl, former ormy Atlantic airplane passenger one (CeDtli)n*d rs|t I. Column •) pleasure trip, Walts b a aoleamaa tiie liiihernaUirliil ofdcn Is lliat of other commcMlltles from 'rwln Pnlta FLOODS MENACE -Mrs. Capone physician ntlrndlmc tiio 77-year-old freight service by;iMO. with the Standard O il company. showed nn InrreoJir of 32 cnrlonda I.leiU.-Oov, CJiurles C, aoa-tclt, BAN FRANCiaCO, Marcti 2 (U.f!)— commander of the Ainfrirati Expedi­ Ho explained a wililngncs:i lo bo V. Krause.. Ban Francisco, step­ 'Iliaso close to tlin lleutfnuiit bov- dnrlng Pebrutiry of this year over tionary Port-en. l.s.Mied ttilH bulletin the first passenger of tlin trans- father of Oene Klose, TWA j^lot tn ttie fiiimc month in 1037, It was re-i Brarfftce Al Ciiiwne’s wIJn and ernor are (julte oi>llmbtlc la tlielr at 11 a. m. iC.STt (oduy: AtlanIJn service. Kaiisas Olty, Krause wai en route vcuImI liere thin nflornoon In a re- brother nechidpd liirtnsclves from hojM's that lie will enter tlio citm- society ngulii today nftcr Kraiitiiig ••General 1‘eri.lilnK had a fair Mrs. Kennedy and five of Ihn yycEiioNOiis to Kansas City.to visit his atep-son. t» rt nnnoiinrrd by Frank E, Haasch, pulgn, night. He did not im I an well an on uisadofs nine children. Kathleen, Jiiy Tracy Dirlara and Mary Union PHclfIn ngpnt. IXDH ANClKI.ra. Mnrrlt 3 (URl-Of- an Interview to reporters al a filling aoIl(an I.OS Angelea wont to work tng ttiat Chicago's master hcKxllum MnsK-rn gcttliig Into llin governor’s ‘•He was propi)C(t up in t>e(l to cat Mohsfleld, Ohio, He Is a eenlor and • sliow liicreaACfl. Spuds jinniwd tpiuIs largely on the lil- "Tho Immedliito diiiiKrr appears OARDONB, Italy. March 3 OJb— II'. Salisbury, a cbinpany pilot . droi)|)('d hy six carloartn—frnm 03 ants iiftor oiiR of tlin mont snvere They had Just rrtiirncd from a JESSE OWENS hL timaU) dccl^ltlll ol CongrrKsmnn lo have jmnsed. Tlie |M)vsll>lllly of ei\ toute to Wlnsl9w, Arls.' He had In 1D37 to »7 Isst month. storms in the rlly’s history. vLsIt to the AlentriiK lnli\nd priMiii, I»rrinicr Benito Mussolini and a (;inrk. It Is no nerret that Musters future complicalinii« fnmi Ihn heart PAYS CALL AT ntnff of hU'aldeai led a pilgrimage been visiting Ills mdther at WalnuV . Ontiin.'i, llve.itock, apples ntid rlt' uluto ot lirlnlng t. Capone Defiant ^ ninny world^s records, |u>hl a hAiiirirrhage. Un« kinre IDI^B und on tti'n tian Fran- Uriinn ...... 67 and v.nilnt tlirouRli the eiirKlng Mrs. Miiinir Cuj)one, a tiill l)loii<1 hliorl visit lo Uifl Evenlflti 'riineti Mussolini, accompanied liy four of clM-(i-WliisIow nm since Snntentbcr, Onions ...... Wnterx Pcr8liiii{>’M l.ifc who ranir from Miami, IHa., to vl^ll offlcn toeil tlirtr frrL In old rags or paper iier Imprlwined tiimhalul for tlir flMl SOLON A T M S time slnre ho stiffrred a tiirnlnl 'I’o be I’«»rli’iiv«Ml with Ills Olympian iiuAkritnUI left Home for Onrdune by sperlnl (J, W. WAliacc, (o-ptlot. •I’Uoson,' Seed . and wiili''<1 ('"■ shoes and stoek- quliilet for a two-day m- trnin this morning. Arifc Other coinniodllles . illHS lo (liv. breakdown I'Vli. 6, wtm'nervoii.i defiant wlinn shr fiici'ii ie|in By Gary (looper nlghl al Miirtaugh and 't'iiuin- U WAA ro|K)rted that d'Aiiiiinir.lo Mihs Martha Mae Wilson, hoaless, Htrmly Downpour who had Iritllrd her tuxlcal) day at Gooding, 'llin (ciUnIul luid left H '•s|)lrUuui trfttainniit" foriiierly ot FlillBdelphla. 'i'o la L t...... 447 419 HOLliYW OOI), Man !i ‘2 (U fi— Negro star willbe Inlcrvl'-wnl nvrr [FEMIVE •I'lie I.IOIIII htarted shortly after 0 town. The rub ntojiiird i>i tlip fillinii Al Oen. John J. IVr.’iliinK'H own whii'h waa to be handed to Miuuio- 'nie plans was on the Man Fran- stotlon KTTl tonlKht at Tift I'V p. ni. \i->.i<-i

  • y. and at midnight station snven mllen noiith of Mnn reqiiest. Gary Cixiprr will portray lini on his arrival, and Ihal Musso­ (t»nhnuM) sn rat* t ’Column S) ' WAaillNO'I-ON, March 3 nutoblngraphy Is flliiiol. iminiiei t^uieral plans were lo ti>iir llio ^lon nt the |rja,00(MK)0 interior «iip- lio bureau of air ronimerce today appearanon ut tlie KlniUrilv Ikix- AnKelri I" " I" "f"* flooded. snmabiy Ralph (Uioonp, lim ki>i (loldwyn studio rtvriii'il ^odiiy. tiody tonigiit to the ixiw of Ihn old |ily 1)111 lo debate wlintlirr Prrslilent UiK matches before prcx ri'illiiK to ordrrrd tliree InsiK'ctors to re|>orl Many Ii.iniilrr' were marooned. High* Bter’s brother, wan with her In 1 'Hie autJibloKrapIiv in hi (told- l)iillleshlp Fuglln -d'Annunr.lo had the Murtaiiigh content whi'ie a Itoixievelt ever "did a iltiy'a work In Inmimllatety to the area In whieh wiiyx v<'K' liliK'krd t4i troftio by land- cab. wyn'n hnndfl and roiif'-i i ix'en rrlii- (lie bow brought lo (lie villa niiil POLICE 10 iST hin lUo." TrnnseohtlnenUil and WMlntn al. nlllle-' •'Well, wlmt r»n I iln fur ymi lo llve to imsilble fllmlOK of I’mili- record-breaking crowd in 'x- plnnted there—mid lo hold ttm jwcted, The debate flared u|> auddenly lines pinne wns missing with six I'oll. I-, the siinrifr’s office, the make you stop rhunliiK nir;" ;li iriK’s llfo wnro held ix-foKi tlin wen- fiinrrnl service lliern lomonow when Rep, Jumea O. fJcrughuni, IJ., paMciiKers and a crew ot tliree. eral's Illness. Nev.. offered an amrndnicnt lo In- (ConltniirO on r*i» t, Cfiliitiin ■) creaM tlio apiiroprlalluii for llie I'rovo river project, U t a h , from Death biell for all mechanical $100,0()0 to •3M,000. gambling devices wKhln ihe city of IUjji, Robert P. Rich, R., Pa \who 'I'wln Falls was sounded here Uila liftd offered nuinemus amojHlinnits 100 Year Old Twin Falls Confederate Veteran aftemooti by Chief of Police Koward lo ciiit down Individual Items only to (ililetie when ho announced police hiiva the hoiuQ liowl Uiem down will "start hunting" for M ch da< rnruKcil. vices Haturday mom lnf. •'Why, of all llie brasen-" ... Cilllette'a amiouncement th at the hluiU'd, "Well, 1 jloii’l know wlmt l4> Recalls First Battle Made His Red Hair White dilve would start at that tim e fore* sHyl" told of ths removal of all auoh de* KKili ntarted bIioiiIIiiu hut hIn As long ns he muy live, Joneph Will whl'h hn rntered after only liad aiibuni m l linir whlih li»y srrotrir^ tint "wUli my white hair.^' In constriirllon woik he m'iv iiI Oriihoned At tUtee, he was rais­ vliTS from local drug atorea; botvls, iniirks wnre nut genrrully InlrlllKlble ' Undo Joe” Oorduii, rrnident al "flvi' ilitvn of liard traintng.” In waves. Hhortly ufl<-r tlml riwhi tie wns brlwern UJ nnd UJ when as the first foreman when the l.u- ed liy an iinrin and aunt. His only tH>ol halls, clubs .'and other such nlxivii Ihn hiibimb. One |>linuie •II »(,r> ill VUKlnla," he sabi, I looked In a inltmr snd ilir .u ili ills liatr rhniiKed Its I'olor. cernn cutoff wns ronnilui (<’il nlnlrr. n few years his senior, was places In «hloh the machines a r t n tiKht (he nltentlon o{ Uep. /.ehuliin tho counly fin in who yeateriiay ceU niKl II »»'i '"V first battle. I saw Were still tliern 1ml niy Imlr wni Hut yesteiduy thn oldest iierson arnws the Great liait InkK. ttoiiih- taken by another couple. He re- now In operation, weaver, 1>, N. O. ebruteil Ills lOOlli birthday, will al- (lih Yiiiiker. with his rap pulled sjiow white and liu» stuyrd lluU In •I'wiTi KalU roiinly, and |>o«* ern Pacific trains now Imvrl llm mrml>ern neelng her only oiicp. The chief's statement reffardln* "•nie KentlemBU cannot say that way remember his purllclputloii In down iis<'> hin faoe, coming at me way even iinlil i<><1uy. sibly Idaho, lived again tlie cen­ trail which ho liel|Kid to bulUI. That was when she was between 10 the drive pointed out th a t.lt voulA Proslileiil ItiKWflVrlt never did a day’r tlin ow n war, flghling umier the with i> lii'yonet. I didn't know " I can't prove wiinl 1 m'V b'll tury throiigl) wlilt^ti lin has passed He was also a former rnui)"y'' and in years old. tilie was a niein- be ilireoted against '•any.vaad all work In Ills llfnl ' Weaver anld. Oonfederate flag, Iwcniise his first whul I" hrrause 1 hadn't been I'm iiot In tlin hiitili of i<'lliiiH since he wss born In I.ynrliburg, the Houlheni Pnrlfir, a nmil, Im l>er of a Jiil'lleo trtMip and played tyi>es" of such machlnea. •'Well," snUI Rich, "he never Imttle ctiHiiged the color of Ids hair tiilil I ‘'I'" t«) death but Va. on Mnrrh 1, IB3II. recalls, "which had plenty oivin’l the ■enllenian know,” •'Uncin Jor^’ recalled the inel- rlnirlv nH»hi tlie Yanitro wns dead, IHn tJiiele Jonn followed tirldge lie haa worked ai^d llvrd in •'1 talked lo her al>oul an hour,- "To anyone th u may oonoam. B * . naUl weaver, •'that before the I' » vlsti har noUfled that the Tirin FkUl jwttoa Ident was «li Irhni down Jic wan \ WBs feted At n parly h| Uie home. -lliul fi'fl eiicounter^inado a He aerved two yrsiw vvith llir aie the humorous and tragic liu vlsted nuuiy aecUoiu of the toun- in DusUm later, 'rite Uain on Whtah department wiu atari hunW ni 1 M ^ president ot an liuurance cuniiMiiy To an KvniiiiK Times reporter ho iii’.ilMi: irii|»i'^'>loii with me. When 1 Confedernle annv »nl^ wiu iKin- ntances whIeh hn recalls of years try while they were still (Insned lier trwipe traveieil, however, day m onilni tor any and aU V g i ' }n New York7 ' revealed his iwrtlclpatlon tu the MW ibtit Vankeo cumhig at u q I orably dlachargid -wUhoui a wlilch ate )>aa*ed. aa.territorial. (CMiiaue4 w rsi« I, OelBM U IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO IVUiM Khr, Mtrcb I, 1938^ BRITAIN ANNGUNGES GREATEST AIR FORCE IN PEACE TIMES Envoy to U. S. M M in Scene, Aides in Pershing’s Fight Father Fears Father Wins A1 Suffering For Safety of Broken Spirit H TO AID IN '• P R I E D lOSl Kidnaped Son -Mrs. Capone {Prom Fsfs Om > ' (rrem rig* Ona)' (m m n s « o b «) clsco-Winalow shuttle run of TWA father, who has not left his home asked. The reporUrs had followed which coonecta at Winslow with the sipce Peter disappeared last Thurs- her-60 miles from San Francisco. I W DEFENSE company’s transcontinentiU' joute ilay while returning from school. "All we want to know Is how Is Br LEON K AY between Loe Angeles and New York. Not Bellered Autbentle AJ?" the reporters sajd. ■'Al is all right." LONDON, March 3 (UR) — Great Famous PUot ' A noU generally accepted as au­ Britain announced the greatest air thentic. which Levine received late 'Is ho going to get well," she was Graves Is a former army pilot. Ha force eiUmatcs in her peace time Thursday night after an eight-state asked. history today and dlscloscd that she won fame in 1032 as tho pilot who alarm telling of Peter’s disappear­ "Yes. he Is going to get well. He located and dropped food to a .^ r ty had mobilized a corps of .scientists ance had been broadcast, was un ­ la suffering from dejection and a to aid In secret air defense plans. of snowbound Indians In northern derstood to have demlinded >60,000 broken spirit, aggravated by Intense Air force estimates totaling £76,- Arizona who were on the verge of nervousness," she said. • ^ ,0 0 0 (1387,500,000) vcre announced starvation. Investigators said there was a pos­ Her companion took up Uie con­ for the fiscal year which begins Harold ^rODjley, noted filer, now sibility that the writer had neglect­ versation -and denied that Capone April J, an Jncrm e of £17,000.000 Presno Inspector for the bureau of ed to p u t '8 decimal 'point which was insane. It had been rumored ($85,000,000) over those for the cur­ acronautlcs, said visibility in the would have inade the demand *$00.00 Utst the gangster had gone violent­ rent year. Fresno area was practically cero be-, instead of $60,000. Jhey doubted ly mad at the Ume his m enu i ail­ But by aliotments from the £400,- cause of Ihe downpour. that anyone. would bellsve Levine ment wos aimounced in a terse and OOO.OOO (<3,000,000,000) defense loan The rain started last night and capable of raising Uie larger sum. imlnformatlve statement from the authorized under a ftve-year defense continued IncessanUy today. - He has an excellent law practice in prison last month. plan, the grand total will be raised The plane, a twln-mo.tored Dopg- New Y ork City but Is not considered The wife and broUier did not say to £103,720,000 (1513,600.000), an in­ las, had gasoline to last- qnly until wealthy: what caused Capone’s nervousness. crease of tto m o o o (1101.1004X10)) midnight. . . , Mrs. Capone consented to be over that for the current year. This When the ship' left San Franclsc

    Hday come the navy estimates. Named to Orgai central and southern California. Rccalk Days his pipe turned upside down to Harry C. Parsons, Atty. Oen. J . W. K IM B ERLY, Marcli 3 (Special)— Uonciay the government planned Miss Mary Ellen Grieve, student Certain Craft Is Down keep out moisture as rain drlz- Taylor? and former Atty. Qen. Bert American Legion auxiliary will meet • full dreu debate on the entire rles down! . . Dderly man telling a t the College of Idaho, has been That the craft was down was a Miller. Parsons, previous to the Ipst Thursday at the home of Mrs. Clar­ defeoae program, past, present and deputy sheriff he has *3,000,000 pledged to the honorary music fra­ foregone conduslon since It carried With Pershing campaign, had hopes'of entering the DIG RELIEF BILL ence Houchlns. Hansen. Mrs. Mark tuture. wltli prime minister Neville bank and owns 100 motor cars. . . ternity, BeU ThflU PI. fuel enough to last not later than governor's race, but decided to stay Hill win be assistant hostess. Obaqibeilaln leading for the cabl- As Oen. John J. Pershing, the Display board at county agent's WASHINGTON. March 3 CU.R) — 1 a. m. The ship was nine hours Ured old warrior beloved by m il­ where he was rather than take iDiUated a t Universily office showing samples of various President Roos^Bvelt today signed overdue at Los Angeles a t 6 a.- m. lions of Americans, makes a gal­ chances In a many-sided scramble. Norris StetUer and Dick Heppler, At no time on his flight south from wool grades. . . Dndcrslung but For Same Pott the 1350,000,000 works progress de­ students at the 'Dnlverslty, of Ida­ lant fight for his life, Lt. Col. perky "pooch" wandering Into San Francisco did Capt. Graves re­ James 0. Long of Shoshone had The attorney general, the story ficiency appropriation bill. ho, have been Initiated by Beta Seen Today's office as this is writ­ goes, will run again for his present Attend thie port any trouble other than that Ice recalled today his association with The speedy signature by the Presi­ Theta PI fraternity. was forming on the wings of his ten. . . Claud Pratt with Feb. 13 office, so as to give the people an FLOODS M E iC E famed "Black Jack" during the Issue or "Glasgow Weekly News.” dent will enable W pA to place Into plane w W n he was flying a t a n alti­ World war. opportunity to express themselves Basque Affair Arranged tude of 10,000 between Tejon and Scottish newspaper left behind by on his methods of keeping a watch­ Immediato effects Its program for Lt. Col. Long told of his asso­ Scotch tourist, and revealing Supreme Forest W(>odman circle ful eye on the legality of state ad- Increasing relief rolls to accommo­ Saugus. ciation. by request, at the military tljat bonny. Scotland likes pic­ will hold a box social ‘niursday at That was when he advised offi­ mlnisthttion procedure. Whether Overall banqliet last night. Long was an tures of shapely girls in bathing date mounUng numbers of Idle ( W i i E B S S p. m . at Odd Fellows hall with c i i of his line that he decided to Miller will run against him i aide to Gen. Pershing and suits on the front page.. . Bridge workers. (Tina rage Osa) free bingo and dancing early In the turn northward. metuis of setUlng a little score he Dance throughout his travels in France players hoping that the flve-sult IM4 O n » and other agendas were evening. The plane was one of the dder- has with Mr. Taylor remains -to be It was estimated that the added served as a "guide officer." contract stuff (see picture on page A t Rupert ■wimped with caUa tar aid. type Douglas bi-motored airliners. "The guide ' officer,” he ex­ appropratlon wUI enable the W PA to Blerlea Keeevered three of today's Times) doesn't Meantime a grand jury InvesU- All tVaUable boat* were’ com* It w u on a shuttle line usually con- plained, "had to precede the gen- provide for an average of 150,000 Bicycles belonging to Dorvan grow general enough to bring gatlon. indictments of state offi­ nectlQg.fi«ajPranclsco ^ Ith the main u ta during his many trips, lie had persons w ort on- its rolls between .L|incoln Hall B f iT ln | f in ^ M n B i ^ e s were more bridge headaches. . . And cials, rumors spreading through TWA transcontinental route at to speiSk French fluently, be able now and June than would have been Jesse Owens genially shaking statehouse corridors, and the varl- 'tP eany to d ih arifib Winslow, Aris. Because of weather to read maps aa he would the possible under the existing nppro- Friday, Marcli 4 noon by locai police. The wheels were hands in Times offices. 'pay-stopplng" episodes are . that muUiMd fa their b o im conditions the flight was switched prbited page and do a thousand stden earlier in the week. combining to bring about some very prlaUon. Jota Dancers D a m the aevertty of tlie atom, to Los Angeles Instead of Wlmlow and one other things, opportune political issues. . i » caaiMltlM were reported. last night. . "There was no glory In the Job , I*auJ Sajfarra - Case Pttstpened Marionette Show The Democrats are worrying but Btmdieda of automobiles wt The ship's return route up the although It was dangerous should Miss Menchaca District court hearing on claims not too seriously, and the Repub­ abanaooad mben they became stall valley to Fresno was over flat, open some spy or other enemy mistake -M iss (Jaralia of cr^ltors iii d ls ^ t lo n of assets licans are smiling, but not too in flooded streets and highways. country where a forced landing tlie machine of the guide officer For Grade Pupils of Howard Speer and the former fldenUy. ------a m telegraph lines might have been made safely. The for that In which the general was ‘Jack and the Beanstalk," a mari­ — Good Music— Bpeer's coffee shop was continued airliner was following a radio beam. riding. onette play was presented by m There’s Extra today tmtll a p. m. Friday. T icketfl Sl.OO I.,adie.s F ree Many schools were dosed. Two officials explained that the "But then there were many cap­ bers of the Marionette club of tho A. Losada Funeral LandsUdea In aU the hUl dlstrlcU pilot must tuve lost the beam, and tains In the Engineers but in my Junior high school at the Washing­ Goes to Omaha dosed streets and In nOmerout in* possibly strayed from the course. m ind there was only one and wlU ton grade school this afternoon, ■twees enguUeO garages and men- Miss Doris Fuller, daughter of Set for Tiiursday Value in R & G always be only one Oen. Persh­ Washington Instructors and pupils M r. and Mrs. Wes Puller, Buhl, has ««ed houses. ing," Lt. Long said. attended the showing. Funeral service for Antonio Lo­ gone to Omaha to visit relatives C o l Trees, with rooU weakened by the He termed the general as be­ sada, who succumbed Tuesday at 1 and from there will go to Chicago Following la the cast: Jack, Dor­ watar. fell across pavements and ing a "game fighter" and well a. m. will be conducted at 10 a. m. to enter nurses' training a t St. Old Soldier, othy Van Engelcn: Jack’s mother. USED CARS liked by the men he commanded Ruthanna Hayes, who nlso played Thursday In the White mortuary Luke's ^Iscopal hospital. and expressed the hope, on behalf tho part of the giant’s wife; bean chapel with Rev. H. E. Heltmnn In of Co^npany E, that Oen. Persh­ man, pilly Shephard; giant and tbo charge. Go to CalitomU At 100 Now, ing would recover from his illness. cow, Arrlei Oreen. Rosary Is to be rtclted at the Mrs. Lulu Ceoll and her daugh­ Catholic church todny at 1:30 p. m. nmiNSES ter, Miss Carry Cecil, left today for A special vaudeville also was In Hi-Oclahe at the Lenten services. California to make their home In cludod In the program with E. D. Recalls War Burial will bo In Ihe Twin Palls Huntington Park where Mrs. Cecil Breedlove as the clown; Oeorgo cemetery. has a son. They will vbJt In Tlie (From rss* Oas) Smith as Elmer and tiie horse. Mr. BRONZE Survivors are his Dalles. Ore., Portland and 8an wrecked that night and sl\e, along A. P. ANDERSEN sm ith was assisted In the direction wile. Rotaca. and R & G }h renotved nnd SOAIIiNllNIY with scores of other passegers, of thOAumbers by purtls Rutgsegger. two daughten,^!^ residing In Spain. Francisco. Ruaninleed. behind every was burned to d^ath. Now I don't GASOLINE Motor tehlcles license registra- uHcd c a r w e rcII Ih a nam e At the llotpUal know whether or not I have any tlotu Sind casli receipts In Twin value nnd a reputation Falls county for February reversed Patients admitted lo Uin ho.M)ttal living rdatlvea.” the trand of busineas recession and were S. Brannon, Mrs, Jack Hol­ Uncle Joe admitted that he had wo have earned. You’ll like ahowed subatantui increases over land. Twin Falls; Fern PeteVson, reached tlie ceatury mark almost BURLEY, Marcl) 3 (Speclali - doinff buHlncBs w ith u s, be­ before ho know l i ^ a a there. Anden Peter Andersen, 78, native .2 2 1 /2 ^ 1U7, County Assessor J . D. Bam- Haieltoii; Mrs. Joo HarrUoii, Hnn* cause we have taken Ihe “1 guess It feels like climbing a of Denmark, died last night at the - hart, annowced this afternoon. Tliose dismissed were Edwnrd (iim ble out o f UAcd car Reoelpta for February were |19.- Cooper, Winifred Quuler. IV In mountain," he muned. "I've reach- Cottage hoaplUI after being 111 for »7 »M as compared wlUi »7,528.w In risHs; Mrs, A. O. Ballcy, BurJpy; Ihe top ami now I nniAt go down a week with pneumonia, lie was )uyinx. All arc honent val- X G a llo n X the same month last y e a t,M r. Gray Donlina, Dtihl. the other side, end I don't know born July 33, IftSB, at Ulsted, Den­ ueH, nafo imrRninfl. S te p up Barnhart's report showed. how I'll travel. mark. I'entaUve funeral arrangements to th e V-8 Clnsfl. Total license InUke for the first O il Men Convene "Right now I'm fcrllng fine." two months of 1D38 was 133,770.4 Several score dealcrn and icpre- And to those ixrsons who want httve been made for Sunday at the •37 V-H C ou p e ...... »4Sa Unity L. D. fl. church, Tho body The figure last yesr was $16,035.00. sentativcB at the Utah Oil netliiliig to see their iOOlh birthday, iJnrla '30 V-n Dehisn pordor 'lour, 455 rcAU at the Payne mortuary. For morfr-pep Sale of passenger car plnlra'lo- company dlacussed aggrcMlve mer­ Joe |K)lntA to two thlngn which. Mr, Andersen came to Uiln country •3,’> V-B Del, Tudor, Radio , Woodlawn tailed eor In tiie past m onUi-au chandising iK)llclcs (or 103B ot a In his joplnlon, they inu.it ob­ In 1003 and had farmed In Ca&sla Heater ...... 590 Aero gasoline. •dvanco of 334 over the 1037 figure regional sales coiivriilloii Id Idaho serve. '33 v-a Tudor Sedan ...... 300 of STS. No classlflcatloDS nliowcd de- "Lay ofl whlaky nnd get your since 1014. His wife died seven weekr It's the gaso­ Power auonBor- should have, Uncle J i« rnUI, U '34 V-H Dchun l''milor v •g tlnst for 1037. h'lnnm Asltcraft, Burley; Mrs. Mary ed by Uie Ocni or dm Mountain, yrar the ability to lesvn tiouhle nlone. H<'iliin ...... 3flft " I never co«»n anybtxly any Lloyd, Riverton, Utah; Mrs. Chris'* Ixok. Judies will 1)0 Edward Ev­ Una Uoyd, Balt U k e City; Mrs, trouble." he salil, "and 1 'don't irnKi) t r o c 'k h h a v k erett Horton, actor, Uuoul Walih, Harnh Johnston, Hayward; Mr*. boUier anyl>ody. U n Icllow benlde UOT TO OO 20Ui Century-roK director, and U Itebecra Vance, Homedale, Ida. you Is making a fuM then gel away ’34 Doijgo 'iVijck, Stake Itoy PrliiB, dance dlrrctor. He ilM leaves two broUiera, i»o'iy ...... giao from him. " grnndchtldren and 14 great grand- ■;i(l V-fi Pickup, New Mtr. 305 And so today Itndn Ji>e rrilrrs chlUlreii. Into his second cnitury <>( jUc. ■XI V-H pirkup ...... Hla mind Is alert nnd ho Is * toel- ’3ft (Jlirvrolel Plrkiip ...... IlSOJODGi MILNEII SECURES Ing fine." State Patrolman '34 Chevrolet 'ituck 161 .... '3^ v-a 'I-ruck 167, New M dim ent for IIBo.ga and coaU Talks to iLea^iic Motor ...... was granted today to AKrat An­ Burley Child IH ■'■irt V-fl ’iTurk 167 ...... drews, Twin Falls auto bnleni^an, by M. I.. (I)M> HmiM, lr,fIlo Probate Judge an y U Kinney. Tlio ITS REMOVm Tukcii l»Y Dealli oiricer, spoke last evening on safety sum tvpresents commKMonn nseert- at tlio meeting of tho Uagne o t Tradi' in your old truck for IJL'.Aoliitlon ot a 14-yrnr-iitd In­ n iHMvcr (MIC now, w hile you edly owing on sales of motor cars. junction rrntrAliiIng thn Mllncr I/)W BURLEY, Mnrch 'J *lli>ri;lit|)- Aii- Western Wrltera pt the home of Andrews had sued A, E. DeAUey, Lilt irrigation district from iinnex- drow Roger Jarvln, Ilve-mnnUui-oUl Mrs John E, Hayes. After his talk he buvv more (» trade and doing. |)UBlne.v as WIDys Salts and Ing any lands In Uie now luartlve sou of Mr. and Mm. Urorgo Jarvis, nnnwertd questions nsked by U'HH lo pay. ])i,y Karly, get aerrlce, for llss.lB. Tito caa« was died today at noon. Ilo In survived group. Murtaugh IrrlKatlon dlstrlrl won The play will be directed by Mrs. of Bast Arrlca, and Dr. A. H. lUp- Your FORI) Dealer OOfT.Tb* dbetlvs again Uirough water sup' QtelU Oaks and menibera of the cant kins, superintendent of rural ' COMPANY 1 1 ^ , , oosehsd by Katliryn Ward. partment iNwrd pliintcd beaver near Uie fiublett day through the local secretary of ftgaliut tbe city and county o f Jer> B uU . Jackie Burkhart. Guesta were iU t« of Idaho, Utah. MonUna f fii Reilly Atkinson. Boise business man ranger station from marauding Uie U. S. civil fcervlce board of exam- ame, has been set for March 10 in * and former district RotAry governor, coyotes. To date, two have been Mrs. Byram. Mrs. Melvin Batrd ood Wyoming, possessors of approxi­ tners. M ri. Howard. tho court rooms at 10 ft. n . mately one-half of .the world supply told nearly IQO Rotorlans hero at tbe killed and Ranger M cOoiuld has Full Infoniiallon can be obtained A surprise party was given Thurs­ Bothwell and Porey. T w b M i a of phosphate rock,' today awaited inter-city session of the body a t the put pnii.oned sheep and magpies high school auditorium. Delegations near ihe dams in an effort to kill at the Twin Falls posto«tce. day for Miss Leona B r ia ^ who left attorneys, are coimsel lor the plain- Preaidont Roosevelt’s spcclal mes­ Tlie poslUons are: Sunday for Boise for study. Games tiffs and Frank Rettlg, prosecnUnv sage to congTcss on the world short- from the clubs at Qoodingi Jecome Uic coyoics. and Hailey attended. 'Ilip bcuver were brought from Marketing speclallat, and princi­ were played. attorney of Jerome, will ^ as coun­ -sge in phosphates.* ' pal, senior. a.wx'latc, and asslsUng Mrs. Maud Ivie entertained friends sel for the city and county. News th at the Prcstdent Intended Tlie speaker brought out the ranch ;\ica.s ot the forest near Uie flrsi of P'cbruary. approximately marketing specialists. $2,600 to $3,600 at a bridge psrty Wednesday. Prizes The case Involves transfer of part to present Ihe sublectT to congrcss spon.slblUty ot the business man 100 being removed from lower Rock a year, bureau of nBrlcullural eco­ were received by Mrs. lone Sparks, of north city park from thi city to came on the heels of the latest move word the community, and that It^ls creek. As tho beaver dams iorm nomics. Mrs. Nora Baird and Mrs. Dorothy the county as a site for the new by western offlclab to sccure de­ lip to tlte man operating an institu­ amoll iwnds, transplantation of tho Junior vclcrinarian. $2,000 a year, Turnbull. Four tables wera a t play< 160,000 Jerome courthouse. velopment of the vast pliosphate re- tion to nialce a succcss of it. He cltcd animals olds in water conservaUon. bureau of animal industry. •ources lying principally In Idaho. Associate agronomist and super­ The President had been requested intendent. $3500 R year; asslsUnt between business Interests and the to allocate unused portions of the agronomist (sugar beet Investiga­ FEATURE! public. fund provided for phosphate work tions). 93.600 ft year; assistant plant Mr. Atkinson, who was district under the' Tennessee Valley author­ physiologist (sugar beet InvesUga- governor seven years ago, when the EAtNERSM ity to set up finances for develop­ Uons) >3.600 ft year; bureau of plant Shoshone club was chartered, stated ment and experimental work In the industry. Thursdoy, Mar. 3 - western field.' Some harassed partners, insist (bat bridge to nifficIenUr intricate he had recently returned from an May Divert Ftmds We«t now, but just to make- It really complex. EiigUih players hate de­ cn-stcm trip and found Uiat many U r. Roosevelt Is authorized to do vised » filth suit for the game—the "crowB" anil shown above. Named iiilcrcsis were still greatly concerned OPIANQUIG after the royai family, the crown anlt faring* (he deck of cards to 65. over the future ot business condi­ at th« thLs under terms of the TVA and Representatives from each of the gives each player 16 in his hand with one left over which the dealer tion;:. He asserted thnt Idaho had such a diversion of funds already ap­ city H-hool.eakcr9 iitcluded ecutive offices today that since the arc Miss Mabel Porterfield. Ml.w Shumway. 12. a resident here since vJsliliig club presidents, Gilbert J. President has announced he will Dorothy Call, MLss Mildred Bowles 1016, at his home yesterday at 6 p. m. White of Jerome: Frank Moore of speak on the “world shortage” In anil Miss Helen Stcarijes. He liad been 111 for the past three Hailey, and A1 Shubcrt of Gooding. phoaphate he may be considering Public Forum Approximately 30 tcachers have wcok.s. liberation of western deposits to signified their Intention of making Born June 18. 1865. In Wisconsin, "An Oven Meal" augment the national supply. the trip. The teacliers will leiivc he in survived by ills wife. Mrs. Tennessee, with a l i m i t e d de­ CUALLIS-CU%VTON H IG H W A Y NEW SLAVERY LOOMS Twill Pnlls about 8 a. m. by private Catherine Shumwny; a daughter. posit of roughly 100,000.000 Ions of COMPLETION Editor, Evening Times: cars and *pcnd the day at Sun Valley Blanche, and a son, Delmer, all of in a sealed Oven! phosphate rock, has been furnishing Editor, Evening Times: Wars and riots arc the results of O B E D W ETO wlUi lunch at the Challenger Inn. A Twin Pnlls. I t may sound as mystUyhig aa pulUne ft rabbit out of the nation with most of its phos­ few teachers plan to remain Tho body rests at the Twin Palls » h»t We are well advanced i n ^ -the public opinion w h ip ^ d Into a frenzy but with electrlo cookery it's really.quite simplel Join u t «caln phates through, application of pro­ week-end. mortuary while funeral arrange­ calendor year IMS and statrf^lgh- along one line of thought. An Indi­ and leam this new bit of home economy with which to ftnuM cessing brought about by hydro­ ments are being made. way departments and federal agen­ vidual who' dares to disagree open:: your family I electric power developed by the cies are actively engaged In making himself to court-martial or physlci SIARIMARCHI5 Registrar Named TVA. up their budgets for the next fiscal vlolince. Only when free discussion , Florida Nearly Exhausted BURLEY, March 2 (Special) — year, whlcli commences July 1. Presi­ Is kept alive does liberty survive. • A N EW CASSEROLE MEAT DISH Florida ,the only other developed Plans arc progressing for the spring For 4tli Precinct dent Wells has asked the undersigned Your greatest protection against region In the U. S., haa had Ita store wild horse round-up on the Minidoka • TASTY VEGETABLES to address our members in Idaho Fascism, Communism. Nazllsm^ or Registrar for precinct No. 4 in of phosphates nearly exhausted and fore.sl, wlilch will begin March 15 In INVISIBLE : more and request that they any othe^klnd of Ism depriving you Tv^’ln Falls Is now Harold Hoover, • GOLDEN BROWN CORNBREAD most of lU product is being ex­ again send letters now to the Inter- cotnpllancc wlUi an order Issued by tho board of county oommlulonera of your perronal freedom Is an en­ Secretary of Agriculture Wallace ported. ci>tcd officers urging that federal lightened public opinion, a sure ha.', announced. Half-Soles • FLUFFTrCREAMPUFFS ^ Idaho, UUh, Montana and Wyom­ c:o.slnR the Black Pine afid Sublctt funds be allocated for the completion knowledge of facts, a sure knowledge Hoover rcplaccs Mrs. Ruth WIndle. ing hold a conservatively estimated divisions from Feb. 0 to March 31. Hand picked stitches, lo- of the Ohalils-Clayton sector of high­ of their meaning. w f^ moved to a new location. He wlil And it's all done with the aid ot,the « ^ e t o j r . supply of 6.869,280,000 tons of high Between these dates, tho stated vlAlble lialf soles with In­ way in the national forest. ' A new kind of slavery threatens have his registry books available at grade phosphates. These communications should be areas of the Minidoka forest are tho Hoover service station, on the visible stitching, and wat­ everywhere—one as real as any in Lenten season starts homemftkers thlnklnc ot n ev m n to Other known deposits In the re­ addressed by every member of the dosed to grazing of all livestock. Main-Blue Lakes truck lane inter­ erproof seam without nails the long history of hum an bond­ serve fish. Bee how easUy an d tastily fish cftn be broUed wUb gion have not been examined In de­ highway aasoclatlon and by the The order will be ndvcrtlscd for TO section. . makes your old shoes look age. Under It. all races, all colors, the electrlo range. And le v n 'ft new m y to mate a e members of the NOTE FOR HOUSEWIVES: A h.m M utual aoclety of tha second w art CALLING 1. D B. ohinxh ptfwented • program of cold BUDWBIBBR U elw«jr» • a t the Pioneer school Frtdajr. The thoughthil cotnpllmcnt to a Inwbaod m ain feature of the enterUinmenf The CORRECrr TIMIO t« Call ’yijis — Mpcclally in the evening. Haa h« was a one act play, ‘'Whirlwind.' ever expected U when th e n none given by Malwl Wataon. M arwerit* Number I r Any Time V<>u Are Hav­ Patton. ciJ«*ile Bingham and Bari ANHIUSIR-BUSCH in the icebox? Check up on your Crnythom. supply. Keep • carton on hand— and Tlie local chapter 'of Order of ing Car Trouble-DON’T FORGET Kaslern Star met In regular aeaslon ee^lboUleeorcanaoTBUDWBipSK 'I’liursday In Uie I.O.OF. hall with 24-HOUR SlOltVICH chilled and ready for Instant ferviag worthy matron, Mrs. Ulanch Beam, . . . at unexpected as welt aa reguUr with A Hmlle prtsldhig. for the annual B u d w d s e r oocaslona. Once A Cuatomcr Alwiij" A CiiHlomcr birthday party to be given MarrJi Or

    POT Behind the Scenes

    TBLEPHONE 38 Then came defiance. *TfhAl If I Having dr«w n these concluslona, in Washington have? It's my ship." the rascal,, who was two people, M l XiMid Wtt* •wvica Ita lM Pr«n. Amcuu^o. ruu R lA r)Mkw* BtntM. SHOTS Two pistols were raised • few shrugged his ahouldera and said to By BODNSY DCTCBEB statesmen, to make some Agree­ **jS!WV‘wHnTIBtD. (k* )nrh»« and held rigid. “The Je n r Whltteld. "You can take the 8trMt W w t . J ^ ru it. bUbe. I WRB (Bvenlqg Ttmee W atiilngtea ment—practically a t any prlc»>' ' M U kM 8tt Dan to the cablnV C a ^ requested. wom an ashore. I've got troubles which will assure gnyi*n<< against 9 M b I^ A u "Give it to me and I’ll go unlock Cemepopamt) enough. I flggered she was a rag­ German air.raids and on an Ital­ the door, -:ieou11 need to stay at tag Bowbon." WAaHmoTbN, Utrcb a-Dn- ian seiiure of the Mediterranean. : cam itttMr uk «M Tma nn§ jp*i«n««k *p»u «»»■ The Gentleman in T*i(«»4ar* r * n r / - • • • fflatio, rapkt'flre denlopm eoti in Uad»T Act «t CoacnH. Uanb >. ttm ■bMTA «k« a ilt* M««AUaat « u » the wheel.''' My friend here w ill stay with you to keep you from GAILS came down and the an- Europe have discomfited Rooserelt the Third Row: j’iu S u T k i w J T s an d SecretAry Hull, while i ^ i n g FBANCE BEAL LOSEK •raMaumoit «4W , being lonely." •' chor was dropped. Clitte gave England and FJance pemllted Bf CuTMr lo Adnoe* t orders for the long boat to be low­ Into tbe hands of those who want to coaUntta this nation's lole in ia- things In Europe to drift to the jBT 'thf «Mk, IScj i Busth, tOc: 9 moaUa | }«: e mosUki | 3 ^ r i yMf. |(.00, CHAPTERXX TEAir CLITTE, sometimes ered awAy w ith his three passea- point where an ultlmAtum to the T E R RY and CabeU Banks w « it to J as ioha McOean. took gers, the dog and the trunk in I t ternAUonal pcditics to North and ‘ vnEbift UAho S d SkO' OootitT, Mmd* South America.' Fascist powen m eant At least an ' t BOBth 400{ t moaUw «100; flUi neatw llJQi. 1 m r «3-M. V the bov wheia tht maa with around his neck aa iron key that There was m great deal o f showy even chance of war. They failed to Outside The Immediate results over here two names and two w ayi of speak* hung on a chain and toned it to politeness on both sides, though are: .. . take stem measures in the face of . I nonth Ibe: s moat&i f l A : 6 moatlu O-S: l t*m N.00. Cabell Banks. He appeared not to the New Englanders’ eyes were Ing stood holding the w hetl, ( 1. A hard 'b lo w 'to prospecta.for Germany's R hiniland Invasion and notice that Jerry Whitfield’s pistol watchful, aai Jerry and Cabell JvilwUeUon to b« massive man with an lioolent face ■'co-operation'’ by the "democAtle today that failure appears as a still covered him as Banks moved still held tm n 'p is to ls caressingly. .1 thla p«p«r. pur< and shifting eyes. The bright scarf oountrtts’' against the dleUtorshlpe. turning point in European history. r Oluptv iK XKU 0 MctUfl 1 O. A. U03. WI IMklftf tlM tied about his head gav» • Latin quJckl/ off. The exigencies of ■ Even when shore was reached '‘2: Weakening of the opposlUon.ta The turning point is chiefly signi­ OX Idtbo smug^er’s life had no doubt and the dory had gone back to the cast to his crafty, baadiome fea> American naval expansion. '^ '' fied now by the fact th at FrAnce. tures, so that you .thought of a taught him that dangerous games ship there was no relaxing. The a. Official accentuation of the after seeking to m aintain an arti­ ficial balance of power In Europe pirate of the Mediterranean Sea. must be played quiet^. He wouM village, like Corly on the other Monroe doctrine as the key program Yet be was not entirelr Latin wait. . . . side, had the unwholesome air of in American foreign i^ c y . for 18 years, has now lost her hege­ either. There was in him the $1stub­ Dovm in the cabin Polly heard furtive life and lawlessness. Jerry mony. born cruel look of the A^o-s«xon a key grate id the lock. She hoped said, "We’d best get away from UNCLE 8AM, BAO QOLDEB European peace, according to sur­ It would be Jerry and feared it here before C lltte comes ashore face IndksUons. seenu to be assured ^jpiusions About tlie Next War w ho worships brute force. A ^ I f - Ttoe British govsmment's insist­ would be Clltte. Her quick wits and drinks • lot of cognsc. He’ll for an Indefinite period, during breed man, carrying in his vdns ence on seeking to Appease Hitler told her ta be thankful for this think he's Napoleoo, come sun­ which Germany will start gobbling IfSiJapanese invasion of China and the Spanish the worst traits o f tsra races. and UusMlini letting them hAve compromise. The wlrey, homely down." CzechoslovakiA and make a deal Jerry asked, “Are we your only what they ask for has left Roose­ young m an from Boston was bow­ Cabell, who spoke French al­ with England aa to her lost col­ civil war have left you any illusions about humani­ which 9a p*r cent Qf Ainerieuu passengers?” velt and HuU bolding the bag some- ing to her In his polished, imper­ most as easily as he spoke Eng­ onies,- meanwhile supporting furth­ banr tu U of one kind or Another. C litte’s eyes slid around, then what as Hoover and Secretary tarian rules In war, let recent, casually spoken re­ sonal way. lish, ergaged a rough cart to cany er Italian efforts In Spain. ^o n rp u s s focused again on a curve in the BUmsod were left when England “Put on your wig. Miss Chel- them to Calais, and when they had As to the permanency of peace marks from Russia blow those illusions sky-high. French shore line. "No." R e had refused to support strong Ameri­ .on such basis, perhaps that hope y , " he said, quite like a parent g alle d the cobbled streets o f that a A SPRY OLD GENT! read In Jerry’s face some know l­ can protests against Japanese In- telling a child to don Its bib. ancient and legitimate port city Is no more absurd than was the §aid Commissar of W ar Klementi E. Voroshilov, edge. --•m of ManchurU. dream of Roosevelt. an d HuU of a Pot<; "Then follow me on deck." they felt a vast relief. They were It this time the American neck united front of '‘democratic nations" explaining that the Red army was ready to ufe poison Say whaC you wUI In « poUUcal . “W ho else beside* us7" “ W ait till Z pJck up the dog. "safe in France” at last. They was not out as far as before. which would Include‘Tory-govern­ way about Our Btnllly Clark, but "A n old dame. . . . PYeocb." he Are you taking me to Jeny, Mr. were in a country that, like Amer­ Strong popular And congressional ed England, Oommuflist Russls. gas: there’s life in the old boy yet. added. Banks?” ica, was at w ar w ith the English. objections to foreign entanglements wobbly Prance and the Isolatlon- H« did more dancing at the mill- Jerry and Cabell exchanged “Because Fascist countries violated the 1925 con­ Cabell considered a moment. The cart driver was surprised, had defeated adm inlstratlm desires mlnded United States. t«ry affair last night than any gov­ swift glances. They were acting "Well, no, Miss Chelsey. He’a at vention on the use of gas in warfare, we were forced to when he turned around, to find to take a firmer position against (Copyright 19M, NEA Service, Inc.) ernor in any one night for the last without. t>Ian. Step by step must the wheel, standing his trick, you that the subdued old lady he had German, Italian and Japanese ag­ train chemical troops. ao years. By gum, the Ouv danced do it "We saw her at the cabin m ight say, w ith our brave aklpper. carrlcd had becomc a laughing gressiveness. This both weakened the "If the enemy spreads gas behind our frfiiitiers, we with dang near every gal the soldier port," Banks stated. “It m ay sur­ You come with me to the rope yoimg woman with cropped brown position of Sir Anthony Eden and boys had brought. prise you to knew that she>s not ladder. I w ant you to be the first curls. He was so Intrigued and strengthened that of Prime Minis­ DECLO of poi wn gas on the kegd^ of those ■ - ■ .hoir he to leave the lugger.. . . WouM you puzzled that he slopped his cart, ter Neville Chamberlain. Secretly, dances because ho didn't, dance with mind bending your pretty! back to stare. the at&nlnistratlon would much me—I'm not a bit of feminine grace M r. and Mrs. Aoyca Ingram from Jerry started to speak in the and looking a little more ancient? Polly said to CabeU, " I w ant to rather have seen Eden win. Balt Lake arrived Thursday for a The commissar didn’t raise his voice. He might have " '—but he even had an in- silence, but Banks lifted a warn­ . . That's itl Thank you. Z^an present him with this wig. Make terested eye on Big Apple proceed­ few days visit with friends and rela­ ing eyebrow. Jerry’s Impetuous n your stick very hard now and a proper speech for me, please.” CHOICE WAS BRITAIN'S tives. The Ingrams -were former been talking about pouring paris ^een on potato bugs. ings. Betcha he's practicing it today handling of the sltiuUon n ^ t be follow me.” At which Cabell gravely made the Actually, as every diplomat knows, residents of Declo. behind locked doors -at the O ur of­ fatal. "No doubt this newa sur­ Jerry, meanwhile, was taking a presentation and declared in Pa­ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Turner and fices. tilings had come to the point In prises you. Monsieur' Clltte," C a­ more direct course with Clltte tlian risian French: daughter Carol went to Grace Satur­ And that Ib the way war will be. Army flyers with —Soldier Boy Europe where England had to toss fine accuracy will bomb munition stations and ship­ beU repeated In French. have Cabell Banks would have advised. "From our Little Grandmother an ultimatum a t Hitler and Musso­ day where they were called to at­ spoken w ith the lady. S ie tells Strategy, was as unnatural w ith to yours. Monsieur, w ith the grati­ lin i or consent to deal on the basis tend the funeral of M r. Turner's yards. Recruited army flyers with less, accuracy will ALL ABOUT A WONDROUS m she la American, the same as Him as was diplomacy. He did not tude of three wayfaring heartsl" of an ultimatum which those two mother who died at Ida ho Falls. H0H6E NAMED GC81 iximb mdhition stations and shipyards—but will ourselves. She has asked us to aee find It in his nature to play chess T h ^ went to an hotel then, and dictators had thrown at England J. M. Tennant capje home Thurs­ One Tails, Idaho. her ashore.” for Polly w ith this rascal. Polly put on her prettiest dress an d France. day from Salt Lake where he has — ^apartments and hospitals and achoolr three blocks Dear Pot Shots: “She does?" said Clitte in He said, “Miss Cbelsey’s my for the dinner of celebration that Roosevelt and H ull had hoped spent the past three months with away, for three blocks'is a short distance when you’re Talking about horaes, never told French. His hand started to shift . yeetheart and we’re going to be Cabell Banlcs had ordered - for that the British government would his wife, who Is at the St. Mark's hos­ you about the one we owned in Mis* from the wheel to bis belt, where married. I'U kill anybody that them in the dining room which he be tough. pital, and he reports her condition — 4»mbing from 10,000 feet. sourl. He was « well bred horse, • pistol hung, then desisted. His makes » move to haim her." taught them to call the salle a They both hate and fear the as- very serious. They have amputated ■ f * - TherewiU-teflHesof "<»trip doubt that gas will be used in the next would never lay down, but would lieved that much more can be: a smuggler could appreciate. He day and talked of tomorrow, not lean up against tba bam and cross Hitler and Mussolini, in the pri­ Declo for three years. ': ^d e ^re ad war, for gas is a weapon, one of the dead- done with a man who has not lost desired nothing so much now as a knowing that the greatest danger Mrs. Annie •W illiams and alster. ils legs and shut 'his eyes and stand vate opinion of our highest offi­ face. .H e watched Clltte intently long drin k of liquor and a chance lay ahead. Mrs. J. 0. W . Bauer, have returned j liesVand gas is demoralizing, and that is reason that way and sleep all night. cials, will be Insatiable until they and saw his method almost work. to get his cargo ashore. (To Be ContloBed) to their homo from Grantsvllle, Utah, • ous would never kick at you but have humbled—or tried to humble ‘ enough.-: ' ■ where they bad spent the vjeek via- had tba dam dast habit of atand> —France and England In, the dust. ■j • G fl Wfil be used with oauee, for cause can be found. log on ysur feet if he could. R m m ~ To tnaicw concessions to such men Itlng. ^ 4 l t inU:lw aa aiiaple false propaganda, aa simple ber otu Ufflib.he stood oa my. foot through sacrificing the last Aus­ for fire minutes before 1 could shove HISTORY The Family KTFI PROGRAM trian, the lASt 'Spaniard and the * ACEQUIA ' M'tbuchmg-a lever in an airplfine 10,000 feet up, as him off. He didn't drink like all last ctechpelbvak. In the opinion T • • horses, his Adam’s apple was'so large 1240 kc. 1.000 watU of our diplomatic high command, , simple as the wind which carries rolling clouds of Vem Jolley is slowly recovering that he drank like a bird—would O f Twin Falls Doctor (Clip for reference will only encourage them to fur* de«th through city streets and country lanes. Gas will mouthful and gargle hla .This will net be repeated) ther demands an d ultimate «ggrei< from a severe attack of inflamma­ throat and you would have to watch City County By Dr. HOBB18 FISBBEtN slon. tory rheumatism. & Prestige of England and France A recent meeting of the M. X. A. him or he would spit in your face. As Oleaned from Piles .of Editor, Jfownal of the American He was A ae a n devJJ. Aledlcal Aasoelatlon, and of TUURSDAY. MARCH } and of democracy as a political of the L. D. a . church honored The Times We could never pass a hamburger Hygela, tbe Health Magaslne ideal, under these clrcumtances. Washington's birthday. Those In «:00’ Parmer*’ Bre«kfut club cannot help but be Impaired In charge were the new officers In­ stand as be was a holy Urr^r oa This Is particularly the season of 8j1S flmllln' *d McConnell Save HoU a Billion middle' Europe, the Mediterranean cluding Mrs. Mary Allen, president; hamburgera, so we had to stop and the year for sore throats. They fl;JO K*rm Uia Home JlMh#* 15 YE A R S AG O S:4S Qcneral m»rkev quoution* area, Uie near east, the far east and Norma BuUer an d Maxine Parker, get him one. I rememter one tihie have many different cauMt. ItV a little old jMliioned, this Idea brought forward 7.C0 OT|tn iteuurM the rest of the world->lncludlng counsellors. Ophelia Hansen, secre- he ate a plUow that had dropped In MABOH S. im would b e ...... * 7;1J------: by A; B. Ellis, president of the Pittsburgh Testing the pasture and the dam feathers 1:40 Latin America. Conversely, our dip­ tary-treasurer. SPOKANE—The Idaho university tlflo to make a bacterlologlc study lA i Mrs. Ruben MoncQr entertained came out through his hide. He .. . lomats feel, prestige of the Fas­ ifatories, that " s a v l ^ of hundreds of millions quintet today u u acclaimed the of every aore throat and to treat S:00 Amons — ____ recently In honor of the birthday looked like a half picked goose or BUS L«wr«nc« Tlljbalt. vocUUk cist nations will rise. champion of the Pacific Northwest the condition accordinK to the of her daughter, Dorothy. uly would .'be: made if consumers generally had duck that had been caught in a 8:30 Tbe Swl&i Beren*N. Y, metket quotktloni to Hailey at Hailey, they never-the- 1:10 The Ne«i Advfiitiirera into the bam If you would wave a leas secuired the highest perc|Atag« of the throat, swelling, dlfticulty I:4S Blni Uro*l>r. vocUUl handkerchief at him. That Is in the.deoislons of the JudgaA f thi in swallowing and a coiuUlerable 3:00 WkUn rtrltllM It does seem, though, that Ellis’ appeal to take ad- we would catch him, Just wave four debateciWtnning the chaMplon' 2:IS Tlie eikluii m«tme« .1 *i« .i«» ^ ^ t ' I I am punt of fever, general weak­ a:M Orilit viilctin hmenta to something pink at him and stand ship of this seetlon of the stat« by ness And Ulness, and a depresnrd l:4S Victor Uihi Opera eompaoy in the barn door tnd then jump Into a good margin. Sometime within the oondlUon which may make tlin 3:00 Xvenlm Timee llejhea aave nearly half a billion dollars a year would fit the manger, Thit's how we got him next two weeks the local high school patient fee] more ill than the con­ 4:15 Klni'e IUw«H»iu ■ather easily into the present scheme o{ things. In the bam . wilt debate the winning Uam in the dition of the throat seems to wsr- 4:30 Th# Oonocrt CirKTftn Well I guess by now he U in horse dlvuion of eastern Idaho. r a n t __ WkUr.M Iiy llov It’s realiy simple. Wia could save that half billion and heaven, as he got disgusted wllh life Judges tn Friday's debates were 9:00 Once tin,., . -nm •lory: The In such cases It U of Ute utnimt UUIe lied Men then spend it for something else. That’s the way this day, for he leaned up against Superintendent Peerman of Han­ fanportAnoe to put the patient to 1:18 B«nd r/>ur«fl ... radiatoritor of______a car____ and_ scorched sen, Harrison of Kimberly and bed an d to protect him agalnnt S:30 Truu lUdIo newi ' country was built up in the first place. his tAU and tlien went around be* Thompson of Buhl. S:49 lloy ‘);U0 iUwalltii Mo arid the bureau will lop off the 6 and make the inch You May Not aoertet f*ver, ntAsles, dipiu iifiu wiird UM w «k of Uie birth of a , ^ ^ -A. rayer „ .taeuure exactly 2B.'l millimeters. Of course this still Bttd wtioopinf cough occur in rliu- grKiKliUiiKiitcr lo their son-in-law Know That— d rtn . For them every n re throkt •n<1 (ltii|liier. Mr, And Mrs. A. J. i V [jgoMn’t bring the inch exactly down to scale with the M AYBE HKXI. niUK TIIK should hAve serious coniUter>tiuu. BTAIR BANNINTgllBl MfiKlfliihdii, Rinhmond. Utah, inch, which measures only 25.89896 milli- ro t ahottUigs; Kuil DnvidHon, T w in Mfv W. f;, NeUon Is In Huiwrt *Ut presumably the difference of .00004 milli- Consider the stranie tcllona of Kalin, han tiluyod ttolf in Boys in Assembly ct\\n\ (iieie b y Ute serious Illness of tttolerable, whereas a difference of .00009 mllli- Mr. rlorlan Brick Tliompnn. flviiry month of the pM t A « p e ^ begn* assembly wa« hriii her loll,er, j, k Nslson. . ' H i w m l U «n .ualon ,uh two ypRM. • I tbe blah eohooi Tuesday mom. Mr Hint Mrs. P, F. Borup were n’t. those two stAl«rart ntsn of truth, bm AA of tb* Khool met In (iin to Burley by the serious Illness AB«wbAll Latham and !«« MllUr, of iiirir Aoi), Carl, who entered the (days of iravail this is something different H i A O i ^ M o a i9 Beforo they got i>irou|ii urging ^^^ff^^AMetnbly was called to ortlor hoipitsi for medical treat- . Play Repeated innii. JM lM D IN O U R R ^ Wt. Nothing is stable, nothing dependable, Brick, tie walked away from thi A m w u r AlMterson who Inuodiu - Plsy glvtn for EnilUh students oo pfMOM P»OtuR*. gm m ktn, Art T »n m er and Frsnk 'llir l’>rinuiuilratlon.olub nMmbari ___ But BrJsga loyi Aot to fret. Won’t AueUcn with * ladtta ana a bridle. FrJdsy la otmnrTinoii of good jS n t g r . Ftap*r ears of uio biuid- «t M>o homo of Mrs. Hon^ W ind rpu. j « l ' » ’»ddle speech WNk was repeated yester* sally lilers .vUlted the Mack SmumU sUMUo to hAT* luneh wV(h her a>bit,hedtoltniB. tojt an d ttw growito around tm OUyviiifl kiid apeiit ute UnM auUi- day Afternoon for itudsnts not tAk> ehum, OAroil UKnbard. one day. aful h u been In movieg aver slno*. . . •w o o l «M,^00WWJ^*2', the two Uiyti. In« f o r (lie pfMidenl, Mrs. Vao W ji. In i An l ^ l l s h course. A I'ovri rd iiiAit luncheon « m served. pasaing up an early Ambition to be a sUnographer. Was a WampM sUr t r ln ^ a t l X . D . B ^h tn e r then told "«»Mce lot the Goalings." dlroot- At ttir grange meeting on Thurs- In 1038 . . . married and divigved Hook Gibson . . . mArrled now lo Dl- ■ rA H O U S LADT I.IN I ed by Miss JoMphtne Throokmorto#, pUne tor the t»sketball |tnie irector Harry Joe Brown . . . has pUyed every pert from fast women to the jjilvW price from 77 to • n d the nmAlnder of the time w«» diy f o u r new memben were received. . . Hm-m. JuM betauM (he was given by the Toir ' - flappers . . . wai bom In New Y e d in IMO . . . U five feet three, weighs liuid^ that $1.80 per ouhce geTemer danced wllh her, aha mUSlCAUy. The epecm boy,' A »hon progrsm was flte n durtni Fred U tham , Jans Douglas, Fran' 110 M d has bnwn eyee . . . often talks to herself. Isn't very modest. , . ptttol -1 ** tlw lecturer's hour. „ from the trewury ces Thompeoo. O^e JsoUns, Made^ 3S!w. .if Mr. and Mrs. B. o. Oak have been lovee Deep . . . eooks and sews . , . favorite color u blue . . . which ^ THIs’ flEN T U M A N IN jto^rtcken, Dea I?wrpe And O w tf grou^i vW(<>rt by friends from Det«J», tfosen'l become her . . . Is very supersUtloui . . . Has » l«year>old son TUB n U U BOW s s s r Midi. who u rSontuoky oolonii. , ■ \ I Wednesday, March 2, 1938, IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pag*B>eV

    Calendar Dad Sues Star Rupert Church Has Mumc Department ■ MUSIC CLUB Presbyterlaii Ladies' Aid soci­ Membership Event BERLY Presents Program ety wlU meet Thursday »t 3:30 p. RUPERT. M arch 3 (Special)— RUPERT, March 2 (Sp«cUl)— ^ e r c L e i i ^ m. in the church parlors. Tho members, of tlio Metliodi?t Tho Pioneer P.-T. A., under the ACCEPTS 19 ¥ « « leaderslilp of the president, Mrs. Epl.v:opol church observed Uielr an­ Try-outs for m embenhlp la Methodist Genera] Ladles' Aid nual Indoor winter picnic In the Dale FUk. met Thursday evening Bocle^ will meet Thursday after" ROLlANiiCED In tho auditorium of th « Pioneer Muslo unlrd by Shirley Hollinger; Mary Howard, Doris Tlley. OFFICERS FOB YEAB Ascension Episcopal guild will in the Paul schools, played a a guitar duet by Ha Fenton and SOPHOMORES Bells Exhibited at James C. Long, Shoshone, as Mrs. W . O. Sampson was elecUd meet Thursday at 3;3^p. m. at trumpet solo; George Catmull, head Flora Attlesoe, accompanied by Mar- Nodene Storm. Dcon Halverson, principal- speakers. president of Chapter D, P. E. O. the homo of Mrs. B. L.iPrlce. 263 of tho music department of the ^Hailey Civic Club gnn-i Moser; vocol solo, Miss Mar­ Loh Olln. Charlotte Ullg, Dean . ThB-8pcakers.,^ejc.introduced by Slsterbood, last evening at the busi­ Ninth avenue north. Rupert schools, gave a vocal solo. -HAILEY. M arch 3 (Special)-A Col. H. a. Lautcrbach. toaatraaster, ness meeUng held at tho home ¥ ^ V garet acholcr, accompanied by Miss Drake, Francis Carol. Mndona Bul- At tills meeUng It was announced talk on hobbles and the showing Maser; ^axophone solo. Sammie cher, Betty Bowycr, Mary Dunks, • h o also presented Mayor Lem A. Mrs. T. L. Cartney. Miss Jessie Maroa Woman's club will meet that through tho efforts of the of his collection of bells by Supt, Toevcs with Miss Moser accom­ Jaunita Poe, Chapin, anoU)cr speaker. Re aod Fraser Is vice president; Mrs. H . L. Thursday at the home of Mrs. W ill P.-T. A. and tho cooperation of the Burton Drlggs of the stato school panying at the piano; a vocol duet, JVNIORS aovem or Clark and Mrs. Clark and Hogsett, recording secretary; Mrs Reed. The club quilt wlU be given Rupert physicians plans have been at Gooding featured the meeting of Shirley and L«ls Hollister witli Miss Barbara Tlley, Betty OI5011, Or- Mrs. Chapin were special guesls. C. D. Irwin, corresponding secre­ away a t that session. perfected whereby every child of the Hallcy cirlQ club last week. During tho dinner hour ‘musical tary; Mrs. L. W . Voorhees, treasur­ Moser at the piano; a comic skit letto Coiner. school ago in Uie district may have Mrs. F. S. Moore was hostess as­ ¥ ¥ ¥ read by Miss Scholer and acted by numbers were presented by a smaU er; Mt3. DcEtn Affleck, guard, and Division No. 3, Methodist Ladies' SENIORS a Uiorough physical examinaUon by sisted by Mrs. Leah Walker and Maurlne Flak. Shirley Hollinger, Margaret Potter, June Fonley, Lo­ orchestm led by Will Wright. Ser­ Mrs. Bruce McMillan, chaplain. Aid society, has postponed Its Uio family doctor. The work will Mrs. O. C. SulUvan. John Mitchell and Chester Talley. in Poe, Virginia Durk. geant. Walter B. Swopo was In A t the close of tlie evening re­ party untU the fourth Thursday In filart early la March. ' Other numbers introduced by the charee of comipunlty alnglng. freshments rcHecting the Irish Mr. Roseberry gave a report of h b GRADE STUDENTS program committee beaded by Mrs. March. reccnt trip to Chicago to attend Members or the guard and their theme were served by hostesses, Mrs. ¥ ¥ ¥ Eighth — Carl Norris. Paul W at­ UCEN8ED AT BURLEY Charles Daugherty were: A {taper a nallonal gotherlng of delegoles kins, Dale Schoth, Louise Barr, Kuests were seated at four long ta­ Cartney arid Mrs. DeWltt Young. Pythian 61st«r8 will entertain BURLEY, March i (Special)— on February by'M rs. B. O . Totter, of Methodist churches, Tlie meeting Lloyd Standlce, Evelyn Mason. bles with red, white and blue tapers Ouests were Mrs. Quy Shearer, Mrs. Friday at 2 p. m. at the Idaho James Lovelle Smith an d Maty J. two vocal numbers by Mrs. FIossIb closed with community singing. Seventh—ftosa Lea Boward, Le- arranged down their lengths and Cora Harris and Miss LucUlo Nor- Power auditorium where a card Frost, both of Declo, applied for a Lang, readings by Jan et SocUegh- Roy Olmsted, Ruth Smith, Camilla cluatcra of nags alternating. The rell. party will be held for members marriage license hero Saturday., . : ter, and Betty Berry. Freestone. Eleftnor Parkes. covers for the 'ladles were marked H- >t- >t- ' and friends. Mrs. S. 2. Thayer was welcomed Declo W ard Stages Slxtli—Ruth Baty, Marjorie Bow- by roses. The speakers’ table was BUSINESS SESSION ¥ ¥ ¥ . Canada ond tho United States as a new member and guests for centered with a candelabrum of lor. Anton Britt, Thelma Bush, HELD BY REBEKAH LODGE Christian Missionary society Reunion Program combined have more than 13,660 dl> Uie day were M rs. L. 7 . Jones, Mrs. tojwrs on blue mirror base. Over­ win meet TTiursday at,2;30 p. m. Doris Poe, Lorriftno Sudweeks.Oeno dected playgrounds in I0J3 cities. Cococh, and Mrs. le a g . Fifty members and several guests DECLO. March 2 (8pcclal)-Tlie head the' celling was covercd with at the home of Mrs. Mark Cron- Graves, Mary Hones, Carl Hardin, of Primrose Rebekah lodge attend­ Declo ward of the L. D. s. church . blue and whlto streamers. cnljcrger, 137 Seventh avenue east. Harold Heldeman, Gordon Roberts, ed tho business meeting of the or­ held lt.s ward reunion Friday in the Preceding tlio dinner the officers All women of tho church are In­ Charles Urban, Jewel Jbnes. Don ganization last evening at Odd Fel­ recratlonnl hall wlUi Bishop Wini- and their wives were entertained at vited, it Is stated. Legg. Lola Magnuson, Q l i i ^ Mc- a cocktaU party for 40 In tho aux­ lows hall. Mrs. Moude Seal, noble flcld Hurst In chorge and 3Wh pres­ Ewen-, Donna Staley, W llll^ Wle_den- grand, presided. ¥ ¥ ¥ ent. - iliary room and among the others Past Presidents club. Ladles of m a n ...... At the close of the session refresh­ The progrom Included pommuhlty given was one for non-commlsslon- tho o; A. R., will meet Friday for Fiftli — David Bayless, Shirley ments were served by a committee singing tmder the direction of Mar­ cd officers ond their gue.sts by Bgt. a I p. m . luncheon at the homo of Baylffc!, Barboro Bower. Barbara headed by Mrs. Nellie Bickford and lon Simmons, invocation by John C. Aaron B. Miunpower for over 20. Mrs, J. N. Clyde. 636 M ain avenue Ha]l,‘ Elaine Jolmson^ Henry Slev- including Mrs. Florence Chrlatoph- Dorrlngton, weicomo address by Dancing was enjoyed dutlng the north. The department president erp.' Janice Scott. crson, Mrs. Ooldle Chapman and Bishop Hurst, reading by Florenn remainder of the evening at Radlo- will be present and members are .Fourth—Lola Mao Britt, Perry Mrs. Dorothy Custer. Penrod, ladles' quartet imder the di­ land where 200 couples gathered for asked to attend. Dodd^, Frances Doughty,, Helen ¥ » rection of Donna Eames, reodlng by tho yearly event. The Troubadours ¥ ¥ ¥ Hall, . Arthur Rathbun, Neva SPECIAL TALK Miss Donna Eames, duet, Welton played. Filer and KnuU Baptist Mission­ Teague, Leonard Jones, Jordan HEARD AT SESSION Allen and Joe Frederlckson, hlstor? Lieut. Ralph Leighton ^ ary societies are to meet together S ^m ore , Winifred Tyler,. Bobby charge of all arrangcmonta, Mrs. Lloyd E. Oaks presented ft of the Declo word by CaUlo Ward, o P e rso n , Eleanor StcaoSTm. study of the Bible yesterday after­ Friday at 11 a. m. at the homo of one-Bct play by Ha and Vivian Dar- * * Mrs. L. L. Holloway for observance ■nilrd—Alma Dopjon, Hal W alk­ noon for the theme. ‘T he Club Pleading that he was broke, nn- rlngton, LovelTum er, Lloyd Blake NEW STAFF of the World day of prayer. Those er, Richard Irwin, Vivian Senecal. W oman Appreciates tho Bible" at employed and unable to go on and Harry Darrington. benediction, NAMED BY CnAFTER Second—Dorreno Anderson, Joyce tho luncheon sesslon-of the Twen­ attending are asked to bring table rtlief. Alien Whitney, lower photo, H. T. Jacobs, service for the pot-luck luncheon. Fisher, Barbara Peterson, Elsio Mrs. Harry Benoit was electcd to tieth Century club. The talk has fUed cult In Los Angeles to Special guests wore Pres, and hin. SmlUt, RuUile Bbwmor. Joan H a­ serve aa prwldent of Chapter AI. P. heard by over 100 members, tho lor- ¥ ¥ ¥ force lUk film star d a^b te r, D, R. Ijuiglols from - Burley, and Scribblers club will meet Thius- worth, Jessie Posey, Shirley Tho­ ge.^t t o . attend tlie meetings this Eleanors Whitney, top photo, to Counselor H. T. Jacobs. £ . O. Sisterhood, at the meeting day at 7:30 p. m . with Mrs. Iva K. mas, Lillian Dojighty, Patty O'Con- year. contrlbnte $25 a week to his sup­ On Soturday afternoon ^ e chil­ held last evening at tho home of Dr. WUsoD and members are to answer ?r, Joe Savage. The historical background of the port. Miss Whitney, who earns dren were entertained with a dance. Valdl Puendellng. roll call with current writers' con­ Flnst-Doyel Elkins, Helen Me- Bible. Its various translations ap­ $500 a week. Is living with and Ewen, Nancy Shipley, Earl Storm, Youth and Vigor ar* . Others on the new staff are Mrs. tests and submit an ^ I g n l a for supporting her mother, who is pearing recently, an explanation of Mary Lou Gill, jflnmy Pldcook, added to your tt«p » Kenyon Orcen, vice president; Mrs. tho 24th Psalm an Interpretation of the club. Mrs. Nan H itt will lead divorced, and a sister. Jelrome Mortician Miles Browning, recording secretary; prose study, "Steps in the'Crea­ Ernest Simpson, Dorothy Mason, and certalnl7 to jrour "Solomon's Song" and her experi­ David Rayborn, Gall Staley. Mrs. Frank J. Haj-ncs. correspond­ ences I n the Holy Land were also tion of a story." Buys Burley Firm appearance,, wbea you ing secretary; Mrs, T. C. Bacon, ¥ ¥ ¥ given by the speaker. BURLEY, March 2 (Special)— near-these snvut ihees. ! treasurer; Mrs. Margaret W. Pock, The psalm she discussed was sung ELECTION FOLLOWS SAUSAGES Yoiing People’s Groups CHAPTER’S DINNER Tho Johnson mortuary has been chaplain, and Mrs. T. P. Warner, by tlie Cleff quartet which Here'S a new recipe that will show guard. The new officers were In- President of Chapter AO, P. E. O. sold to D. A, L ’Herlsson of Jerome, was led by Mrs. E. A. Henderson you how delicious sausage cai according to Mrs. Mary E. John­ Attend Joint Meeting “ Btalled. ' Sisterhood, Is Mrs. L. V. Morgan, and accompanlcd by Miss Lola made. son. former proprietor. Mr, L'Herls- KIM BERLY, March 2 (Special)— Before the business session n buf­ Peay. Those ip the group are Mrs. succeeding Mrs. C. H. Krengel fol­ A union meeting of young people's fet supper was arranged at the home lowing last evening's sc.ulon held son In turn sold an interest to Vem Claude Brown, Mrs. Call. Miss Bev­ McCulloch, who was associated in societies of the Christian, Nozareno of Mrs. Orcen on Seventli avenue erly Richlns, Mrs. Utahana Ander- at the home of Mrs. W. H. Eldrldge and Methodist churches wos held north. Tlic service table was cen­ after a dinner for the chapter. The Six uncooked potatoes,'IH cup# tho business with the late D. E. . Miss Carol'Lee, Miss Helen Bai­ Johnson for 10 years. Sunday evening' at the ChrlsUon tered with yellow and white frcesias three tables were lighted by tapers. pork sausage moat, 1 cup'thlnly sllc* ley, Wyland Lind, Tom Wilkins, Bob : Tlie firm name has been changed church, R<;v. Herbert Anderson, .who and white stocks and lighted by Klrkman, BiU Lee and Dr. O. T. Other officers are Mrs. J . M. cd-onions, 1 teaspoon salt, H tea­ Is^muslclan for the revival being con­ Ivory tapers to carry out the P. E. O. Sha;nlc, vice president; Mrs, Clarence spoon pepper. 2 toble.spooas butter, 3 to tho Burley funeral home, but Luke. policy will remain unchanged. Tlie ducted at Uie Methodist church, con­ colors, yellow and white. Flowers In 'On,Uie Road to Peace" was the Wagner, recording secretary; Mrs. cups milk,.parsley. ducted two contests won by Nadine tho samo shades trimmed the R . L. Roberts, corresponding sec­ Slice potatoes very thin. Arrange management Is. however, contem­ topic of tho International relations plating remodeling tlie offices and Storm and Mlko Kelly. Fuendellng home. talk given by Mrs. J. H. Bames retary; Mrs. J . S. Diffendarfer, trea­ alternate layers of s a ^ g e l. onions Tho regulor Chrlstlon Endeavor HUDSON-CLARK if »(■ surer; Mrs. £iarl Felt, chaplain, and and potatoes In buttend casscrolo.. tho chapel. Paul Jesson of Jerotne Mrs. w iuiam Baker conducted the is a new employe of tJio firm. ' society meeting was held before the ST. EDWAHU’8 business session. Mrs. Frederick Sanger, guard. Mrs. Season. Cover with milk. Dot with joint meeting and Charles Grayb^al TWIN FALLS ONLY SHOE STORE P.-T. A. ELECTS Tables were trimmed with pussy Morgan and Mrs. Roberts were butter. Bake (375 degrees F.) fo? lU presided. chosen delegates to tlie state con hours. At last evening's meeting of St, willows and spring flowers arranged Eden Band Members Edward's Parent-Teaclier associa­ by Mrs. J. B. Waihof and Mrs.^ack venUon to be held Uie last of May In Wallace. tion held In tho parish hall Will Lyncs. To Have Uniforms Malberg was re-elected president of ♦ ¥ ¥ ¥ WENDELL LUNCHEON GIVEN CLUB PBESENTS the organization. OUier officers axe ents of the members of BY HOSTESS AT HOME GIFTS TO MEMBERS Mrs. Rose Onndlago, first v4ce pres­ and decldcd on new costumes for Eight guests were entertained by Mrs. L. C. Jones and Mrs. Glen The Co-Ed girls party was held ident; Mrs. ClRUdo Dctweller, sec­ the band members. Tho new suits Mrs. W. O. Sm ith at luncheon and Jones, whose home was destroyed In Friday at Uie gym with the pro­ retary. and Art Mingo, trcosurer. will be novy blue with orange stripes kciwlngton on Monday afternoon at a recent fire, were presented with ceeds going towards equipment for Tl>o Bcaslon was opened with on the slacks. prayer by Mr., Malberg. Tlie pro­ her homo on Main avenue north. Tlio gifts by members of the Waysldo tho sewing class of tho high school. UP IN club yesterday afternoon a t the Ooodlng county Pomona Orango Tlio parents will furnish the sweat­ Slip OiUinT-SiB>liM gram opened w'lUi community sing­ table wos attricUve with lighted home of Mrs. E. R. Dougherty. will meet Saturday at Gooding, ers and slocks and the shirts and ing accompanied by Mrs. Frank green 'tapern and miniature white Ues will be purchnsed with bond Kleffner, Jr., and also Included candles In small green Holders for Twcnty-clght members wero present. George Schwancr, Richfield dis­ trict deputy grand master, visited funds. , reading by Mary Alice Buclmnan, tho favors. After tho business meeting re­ W I T H T H E S E song and danco by Muriel Piigllano. Tlio afternoon was si)cnt at ken- freshments were served with the St. Uio local Masonic lodge Monday Principal speaker was Judge J, O. Rlngton. Patrick theme observed. Tl>e hostess when 0 Fellow Croft degreo was Pumphrcy. who dlscus.ied traffic V « « was osslsted by Mrs. Carl Maxwell conferred. —Furniture Upholstcrlnif—| safely. Jiianlt* Sclayii. accompanied JOHN WYATT and Mrs; O. P. Jones. The well being drilled for village Guests were Mrs. William Robln- water has struck a stratum of sand .EK pert F urniture by Margaret Ellen Delweller, play­ WEDH IN KANSAS U ph olsterin g ed a violin noto, John Wyatt, son of Dr. S. 0 , >n. Scottsblutf. Neb., Mrs, R. H. which delays tlio work. < •nin'fldg wnn awardrd to tlie pri­ Wyntt, W0.1 married today In Dodge Diamond and Mrs. Umphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Webb have THOMETZ TOP AND ¥ ¥ ¥ moved to the Deck house recenUy mary room for the largest number City, Kan., to Mlsa Lillian Martin, DOI)Y WOHKS BRIDGE CLUB vacated by tho Darrel Dorman fam­ of parents present, llelre.ihmentfl according to word reqelved here. m M ain Ave. N. Phone 119 were served by rooin mothers qf the Mr, and Mrs, Wyatt will make MEETS FOR GAMES ily. USED CAR BARGAINS firht and second griide witii Mrs. tlielr homo In Kansas City where the Contract was played a t the meet­ Andy Carter und Mrs. Albert He- brldrgroom is asAOclatcd with Uie ing of the T, A. C. club Monday nnlt In chiirKi', floutliwcatcm Greyhound temilnal. mlng at tho homo of Mrs. Dud Wadsworth and prizes wero won by Partial List—Many Others To Choose From Mrs. Al Russell and Mrs. Walter Doss. At the oloee of the gamea refresh- im FOBD V-8 rOBDOR IIM c m v . COACH. Ortgtiul for a CAREER SEDAN, Air Wheels. Oood riBiah. Good mefits were served at a single table with decornUona following a spring Robber ...... motif. Oucstn vere Mrs, Herb Mc- $Z75 19» OIIKV. COACDKB. 8 to Cubr, Jerome. Mrs. Russell and MIas IN BEAUTY IDJt CIIEV. HPEC. SEDAN, F lorence WhUlng. ' 1910 CIIEV, BEDAN, 4 Door. Hide Hosnta, Tm nk. New cbooM rrom. im dbM jg ' 'FASHION LIFT" Hero Is the highest paid Low MUsage, Oood Uubbcr, FinUh, Tboronghly ValBca. Cbetee --- 7 / 9 PATTERN D634 profession oi>cn to tho dive your splrlta a ‘'Jiff* with Rupert L. D. 8. Ward Uilfl guy yoiing frock, Rovel tn Its modern womnn. A luiw S - L T l...... $ 4 6 5 $ 1 7 5 1931 rO B D v - i BPOBT Bllin, curved I’rincess lines and Ita Holds All-Day Bazaar clann in b ein g COUPE, leiMO TIrea Nearly demure "llttlo-glrl" collar. Lot tlie RUi*i;ur, March 3 w New, 1938 Lie., Hlcevr,H pult i>rrtly at Uio shoulders Over 21H1 pprnons took part In tho oll- proiiaro yoiitHolf for nn HEDAN, Thoroufhlr Krron- Mileage, K i(ra Solid. Nearly Good C o n d m o n . . . . V ^ ~ 9 and Uien button close or flare dUloned, Good Itu b b e New doy Imznnr given Friday by the Re-, e n v i n b l f t enrcer in gracefully. Every minute In this lief norlety of the third ward L. D. Drown Tirea .... $50 19ST CilKVBOLET MASTER dress will seetp bright and happy, S, chiirrli. bea uty, ,, FInlih .. $395 TOWN BEDAN, Low MUt- so order I’attcrn D034 today and I,imrhry Mrs. Andy An- on Y O llll ajnillcntloti, liivrs- SEDAN. A Finish, Good Rubber, Oood 1930 CIIBVROLET COUPS, loo, In solid color cotton with collar derixiii. tlgate tills low rost ClMd Buy .... $75 mid belt smnrUy contmsllnB, Oom- ■nir rvniliiK closed wlUt dancing at tunlty to lirroiuH n pmlr'- lir':.,..... $135 Nrw PInUh, plrte Marlnn M artin Diagrammed wlilrli Iiiunlc was furnished by tho ilonol llEAtn-Y O l'jaiA lD It 1014 HTUDKR/IKKR t'OACH, Good Rnbber. . $150 Chart Included will a«rve m$ Hii|i|iy llvn nrchestra. New rtn iib. Molur Itrbulll, i m rORDR, m- COIII'E, SE­ lui efdclrnt guide Uiroughout tlie TEUM8 TO HIIIT Theroagbly Reeondlll » n e <1, DAN. TUDOR. Thrifl Cart I9t9 roRD o o* Vu Tr U,I. making of this dress. • hkkkh h u r l e y d i v o r c e are worth IIOO Pair I'uttflrii 0034 may be ordered only mmi.l'IV. March a (Special)— Phone, (’nil or Write R ^ b e r ...... $ 3 6 5 each. Obolee ....- Condllloo $50 mliwfv' nlr,rs ja, 14, 10, la and $65 I n Florrnrn Mi>rlon flird auii tot dl- For Full rnrllciilnr/i "0, 61r4> in requires 4S yards VDii n ...... I Mortoii Mon- I n c h fnbrlr. dny, •ill" I'lalnUff gives mental Hctid riri'K K N OBNTS In coins for r.riielty i»''d esccaslve drinking as TRUCKS PICK-UPS IIACII MAKIAN MARTIN palleri). grmimiR J«r divorce and asks only Beauty Arts Academy 1931 CIIEV. TRUCK, l»i-Ton, Good 10-Ply Iln suie to wrlto plainly your HIKE for ir«lniatlon of her single sUte, t m PORD v-8 riOK-UP. Low Twin Falh. Idaho Tirea Hear, Good f t < ‘V f NAMK, ADDIIKHN, and NTYLR 'I'herr me nr. fliUdren or property 1«5 We«t Mnln Mileage, Good Robber, Real Bay.... 7 3 1 ^ 9 Grain llody ...... NUMIIKK. liivolvni. 1U33 INTKItNATIONAt. l)(-Toa PICK-VTt <1KT INTO TilR SPIRIT OP 1934 CIIEV. lltllC K , Ixiiif Wheel Ro m , Uual>, SPIIINCI . . . pul your wardrobe in Kacellcnl Thoroughly tlecondltloned. ^haiM without delay. W RITK TO- Condition ...... l>AY for Mnrlan Martin's NSW $»75 New VInUh ...... — $295 dook of H I 'K I N G PATTERNM, PhotoKraphg I9M CIIEV, IH-Ton l/ong Wheel n*M. Dual. Ililrty-lwo pngivi of.stunnlng clothes Business Opportunity 1034 CIIEV. riCK-UP, New to carry you smartly Uirough every CoHt I>C8S Than $235 rin lih . Good Rabber______-$275 nour of the lUy . . . whether you go H fc r I ’m lo r tioiiig Kootl b|i»lnc'Hn ;o «n office, school or party or it«y Kodak Pictures iHwlly a t home, llevel in the chamt mlnUtnre photorraphs for Stock niid Kixtiiren For Siilo nt HcnB(>nnl)l» Trico of these easy-to-sew M iUant jonr Raby'a a lb ^ Easy G.M.A.C. Terms Also Save You Many Dollars negutar Prlea ' (►RDKR NOW ! PRICE OP BOOK Tcrnifi to HfNponnible Fnrty rirTKKN CKNTM. PRH;k OP PAT­ n r (fla r« for ...... 2 8 * TERN PIPTEKN CENTH. BOOK S p,,.ri or qmmMr saltakUlw AND PATTRRN TOarrHKR ONLY rn U r g ln f . TV/KNTY-PIVK CENTS. V()(IN(J'H STUDIO F. C. Graves 6t Sons Bend your order to Idaho Bvening GLEN G. JENKINS rimrs, 1‘attem Department. Twin (llowniUIr* l«ab* r«ww Udg.) PHONE 31H IBO m a i n NO. i'allfl, Idaho, IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Wednwhy, Much 2 ,19S8 CARDINALS OFFER TO BACK BALL GLUB HERE Start Annual Jaunt to Spring Training Camp Twin Falls Included in Tiger Rookie The First Size-Up Pitchers Lead Looms as Way to W o rt ~ Proposed Loop with Base Stealer On West Coast ST. LODIS, March S.(U{^Base- PITTSBURGH, March 2 ball experts here look to Mark .PORT Pittsburgh base- Christman, 33-year-old tlilrd base­ ball -brig began another Salt Lake, Boise, Ogden man who wlU play hla first year jaunt in cearch of a National in the majors next season with the (q u ib s ’ gairti.e pennant today as the Detroit Tigers, to.show hla heels to other base-stealers In the American (B yB . aiTBt g^oup of players left for Junior Chamber Works Savages Win ieague. ttairangcamp at San Bernar­ Christman, who learned baaeball ALL-BTAR PERBONALITY— dino,''Calif; on the St. Louis sandlots, stole 47 Those of you who h^ve' the time I*realdepW-.5Vllllam E. Benswan- For Park Completion bases in 60 attempts last season with ger was itr charge of the party Over College the Beaumont Exporter^ to lead the and tadlriatlon to journey to M ur­ taugh tonight wlU havj^ the oppor­ which .Included Pitchers Russ Bau- Br RABOU) J. WOOD • OOODIN O, M arch 3 (BpccUl) — Texas league in that department. tunity of meetWif one oTUft finest and Uaco^rown; tJoach John- E v e o ^ Tlmea Sport* Edllor The Murtaugh SavsBcs proved once Except for jui angry gesture, he ... aooeh, two rookie pitchers. more to the populace of Oooding explained. It would have been 48 out personalities In the-wortd of sports. A plot was under Mnslderation here today whereby Twin We mean, of course, Jesse Owens, Howard Peckman and Eddie M axi­ that they are the "champs," by of 50. The hicldent occumd when the colored Olympic jtrack cham­ movich, who are tmder contract to Palis would be included in an organized baseball league— trtmmtuB the aoodlng college Bob­ the tried to steal second base.' pion. We know, because we'vetspent the Knoxville, Tenn.,- and Hutch­ a circuit that would be made up of Salt Lake City, Ogden, cats here last night by a score of Bad Kick inson, Kan., minor league clubs. Pocatello, Boise, Twin Falls and Lewiston—and the plot . .— suro I was out," Christman an hour or two In th«,company of 28-30. the sprinter and o ! all the apbrta When the train stops at Chicago . Alter trailing most of the way, said, "and tried to kick the ball out was not just taUc—it had foundation. celebrities wo have met, he.'sppeara tonight, the group wlU be augment*?l the Savages, champions of the Bur­ of the second baseman’s hand. Later The proposition, as presented to the Twin Falls Junior the Icust affected. . by Ray Berres, Pitchers ley Oooding outlaw tournaments, the umpire told mo I'd have been and Ovi’ens will sign your autograph, Red Lucas and Ralph Williams. Chamber of Commerce, would be the installation of a came back strong In the final stan- safe if I hadn’t Jlfted my loot off shake your hand, J»e,.-show you Coach Jewel Etis, Pitchers Joe Bow­ franchise here—with the backinif of Branch Rickey and his ta to annex the victory. The col­ the bag to kick at the ball." how he croiicliea when he Is get­ man, Bob Klingar and Kennetii S t Liouls Cardinals,, the entire venture to be financed "by legians had held an lfi*n lead at Christman said he could o o t ac­ HelntxeJmfln, will be picked up at the sUrt of the last quarter when count for the, fapt he stole only 13 ting ready.for the sprtnt, or just the big league club with the pass the time of dajf. He’s what Omaha. the visitors started hitting the bas­ bases hi 1936 against the 47 last could ,be called- a "regular .fellow" exception of a place to play. year. Co Direct to Camp ket. and even If you don't'care for bas­ The lack of an adequate park Both teams scored 11 field goals, •'I guess I watched the pitchers Other members of the pitching Offers Aid ketball, the pleasure . pf meeting with stands was the only pos­ but the winners were more accuratc more closely," he, said. "B ut maybe and catching staff will go dl^ctly, such a personality as Jesse Owew sible stumbling block to the from the free-throw line and that It was because I was on base more to training camp from their homes' often. Then, too, we had some slid­ Is something to tell ,Vour grand­ whole plan—rand the Junior resulted In the victory. Sundqulst, children about.,- The fln t ^orlcout is scheduled for who made the Oooding Outlaw a l^ ing practice last spring and I learn- next Saturday, under d h ^ tlo n ot Chamber is working on that tournament team, was high polnV - e flj^ lld e on both sides ot the base, Manager Pie Traynor. Inflelders ana SOPHOMORE FLASHES— end of the deal today. myp for the evening with 11 count­ whIcTrmlght have helped some.' outfielders are duo In camp one week tOHni U lk befo:^ o f m - ers, whUe Powers, Savage center, was Started in 19S4 The longer wc stay in'the business later. Manager Charley Grimm tqoata down for m cfOM-np view of Itob- UbUiblng ^ b t U In tops for his club with eight. Christman began tils professional of writing sports, the more we real­ W ith tho Pirates agahi rated po­ crt Logan'i form, t* the Chicago Cabs swing into spring training i^i- this Tldnltr. but th e n has Dsver Tomorrow night the college club baseball career in 1934 with the Al­ ize what a troublesome character tential pennant winners. Manager medlately aftef their arrival at Catalina iiland.'Logan, a sootbpaw, been the Unanclftl buklug. Now, Is scheduled to take on the touring exandria, Va., club of the Evangel­ the average 8ophomore>lhlete 1s. Pie Traynor has indicated ho would iprnt most of last year with Indianapolis at- the American Assoclar «lU i the major loops apparently In Olympians, Jesse Owens' traveling ine league. He played shortstop that Every year, the coimtry over, glva his young pitchers a chance to tloD, before joUiing' the Cabs a t the fag end ot the season. dire need of additional young tal­ ball club, In a game that Is expected season, batted and fielded .034. thcr6 are-sophomore'.flashes that prove tliemselvcs. Failure of veteran ent, the big league outfits hare come to draw a record crowd. In 1S35 he played with the Hen­ appear on th e ’ horizon—some to members of the staff the past three ^forward with a plan of their own stay, others to fall back Into the Uneopa: . derson. Ky., club of the West Dixie years has prevented the Pirates frcni for the orgahlsaUan. ranks of the unknowns. And one G O ODIN G MUETAUQH league and most of the time covered ,Ilnlslilng in first or second place.' Reds Would Back B , .The following year he was sent to ketball player for instance; He.hap- since’ 3537 when Ow tn (DonjiJey- & Prince, g. (4) ...... MarUo. g. ID nadjr offend to finance the league Beaumont, where an Infected toe pcns to bo playing forward, Is'wlth Bush was manager. Tlie closcsfl Spidanirt. g - tm .,.-. Green. g. 01 venture In Boise. OiUee as large as hampered him. He played In 135 a good team, end his veteran mates, they’ve come to winning was In 1933 > SobsUtations: Ooodiog: G. Prince, Next After Win FwatellOk ^ d « n s a lt o uy eager for a win and not at all par­ and IB33 when they flntohed In th« f, (0). Mmriangb: lAUmer, g (•). games, however, but iiie h it only ff« «i99CtM> to have no trouble In .354 and fielded .946, whUe his stolen ticular who scores the .baskets, pass runner-up spot. ‘ seooring (h« proper backing. to la. He him the ball, and ha scores—and The PiraUs wiU depend mostlyt ton, a member of tbs Western in- covered last season and batted ^ 1 . Over Filer Wildcats scores and scores some more. Kext on Russ Bauers, cy Blanton. Joo temational last year, but with a sev­ Montana Youth His fielding average was second high­ day the newspapers .headline his Bowman and Jim Tob'ln to do th s enth place club, attracted over 70,* est In the Texas league. Coach R. V. Jones’ Bruins cast a wary eye toward Goodihg name forjbeing a "sensation." You regular hurling w ith help frbmj ' 000 custcmera last season and Is Stars on today with a certain amount of uncertainty regarding the can't blame the papers, because Rookies Oen Helntzelman, a south­ known as on* ot the ‘Oxottesf base­ they are anxious to b'uUd up any paw, Truett Sewell and Marvim outcome of Friday’s tilt set for the local floor. Last night Duke, and veterans Red Lucas, B ill ball towns in the far west. I t was the Twin Falls club licked the'Filer Wildcats here by a score sort of a star, and jMs^bly give the dropped from the loop Missouri Track Pail’ings Set in youngster a boost, > Swift, Mace Brown and Ed Brandt, due to geogz^iblcal nascos, the of 31-19 after Jim m y O’Brien’s team had defeated Gooding But what usually happens is that The out'flcia may have ‘ i 'hcwj franchise being moved to Belling* the previous night by a 27-26 the youth gets the - "big head," face when the season opens, if John­ COLUMBIA. MO.. March 3 (IW Shoshone Meet ny Rizzo, high priced rookie proven '' ham. —tniiverslty of Missouri track en- count. thinks ho is THE team, falls to W ith the Junler Chamber here al­ take the game seriously, thln lu the his worth during the training grind, thtisiasts are advttacing John SHOSHONE. March 3 fSpeclal)— Comparative scores on the&c two ready staging a ooapalgn to make a B nuwh Uekey, manager of the coach can't get along without him. Rizzo will be given a chaiWiUn icftf Munski, sophomore from Lewls- Drawings had been completed today games would give the Twin Palls 8 t iM ia C a rd in a l rar-nBiig Blackfoot field, and should he fall. Woody Jen­ huge reerwloDSl center a t Har« for the annual C la s s U district team the edge, but the Bruhis were As a result, hla teammates find ' fer«d town, Mont., as a potential sen and Johnny Dlckshot will btf •8UA paik..tto ...... Olympic stair in 1040 and the tournament, set to be held here so badly off form in shooting last him hard to get aldhg with and ttatnre w oda faU right h i Une in » the first thUig you know, people waiting to fill th e ^to . greatest dist4mce runner ever de« M arch 10, 1! and 13 and some 25 night, just as they were at Oood- ...... minor league that Boxers at say "Who was that sophomore sen­ With their program. It was eirtinuited veloped hero. teams in the south central Idaho hig Friday, that Coach Jones is today 6y Stan Hale, >*h«, Brutus Hamilton and Bob superlntend^t, present, the various will take on the Ulented Black­ have to count for an opponent to run central. Idaho. We're not referring chase of additional lights. lo any athlete In parUcular, bUt Olympians, touring Negro biwket-( Simpson, aU Olympic performers. sub'dbtricta were paired and times foot crew In the third match of up a score on them. The Chamber ah«ady has half ratlicr to the general run of fh-st ball quintet, hit south ccntral Idahoj Munski holds the Big Six two- set for the first day gamea. the season here tonight. enough lights for a baseball field., Ac Laundry Poor Shootinr year men who are successful on for the second time In less than foutj mlle tlUe and is expected this year Two clubs from the South Side, The visitors, with a veteran since the Twin Fails SofibaU aaso- In last night's contest the Brulna sports teams. months tonight when they take on< to show his heels to the mllers. King HUl and Mlnl-Cassla sub-dls- crew that has taken part In the eiatioo and the Jtyceta cooperated Trims Elks hit the back-board with everything Of course, this doesn't apply to the champion Murtaugh Savogcs Inl Sports followers fn this section see tricCs are eligible to compete, with boxing sport In eastern Idaho for on the big lights paid for through but the water-bucket, but a very ■ther^ are excep- an exhibition game on the Murtaugt^ ticorts slumped to the cellar in him as the successor to Olenn the winner o l the Wood River region several years. Is expected to offer every i . Mftbail in the last two yean. small percentage of the shots rang tlons to all rules—but It Is just a court. Oommerclal bowling league last Cunningham.' and Palrfleld, champion of the North the Denton team Its toughest op­ true. Pller, after playing a “hot' warning. In otlier words: If the The world-famoun sprinter will be( SohedaU night as National Laundry eked out Last year the tall Montana boy Side, and Shoshone, the host team, position of the year. Tlie .Bull­ game against Oooding the night be­ shoe fltd, put it on. present and Is cxpected to give anI a a-1 verdict over Elks. stepped the two-mlle in 9.44.1, also entered. dog battlers boast a rccord of Present plans call fo a es*game fore, was also under par and the exhibition on sprinting and brond Twin Palls Plour MUl wiled three which Is far short of a naUona) pairings for the tin t round, which three straight wins this season- sebedule, half at home, with the Tis- game turned into a sprint to see FILER IMPROVEMENT— Jumping—as only he can perform, conslstant games in City league to mark, but Munski has never been starts on Thursday, are; two over the Boise VJ4.C.A. (esm iting team taking part in a three- which team could gel the ball down Tlie coloiful Olympic chomplon. ona wallop Plreatont, 3-0, wlUi only pressed In competition. Coach Jack a p. m . K ing H ill winner vs. Wood and one over a Oooding high For tho most lmprov«Kl team of game series. All contests WQUld be to the other end of the gym for of the greatest track athletes of all night games, with the cootesU to eight p h u marking the margin of Matthews la certain his protege River winner. school club. the 103B Class A conference we short at the backboard—and miss. time. In ckpccted to perform before^ start at 8 o'clock. That way, it is victory in the opening game. can clip many second! off his time 3 p. m , Mlni'Cassla winner vs. The bouts are scheduled to would like to nominate Coach Jim ­ Wayne Gentry, who scored 18 another record-breoking crowd. He( O«org« Hof topped the night's this spring. sUrt A 7 o'clock and many my O'Brien’s Pller outfit. We stated, they would not interfere with Palrfletd. points against Oooding Monday, doesn't play basketball, but he doce^ the local softball schedule, which Scoring with U4. Only one other Munsk] was horn at Lewlstown, p. m. eouth Side winner .sportsmen over the Country sldb Uiem curly In the season—and then 4 caino bark last night wltn 10 for the do (he and sprint. <^ommerclal leaguer went above the Mlnl-Oaasla runners-up. are expccted to pack the local aKBln lit a couple of games the broad }ump oould go ahead unhampered on the Mont.. in 1817, the ninth son of Pller club to take the scoring hon­ ' The Olympians themselves ar« Hannon field-where it 1« set to be 600 mark, and only one In City Mr. and Mrs. Adam Munski. His 7 p. m.—Shoshone vs. King Hill gym flgnln—paulbly break the fore part of this week. ors for the day. rated os one ot the top-notch court! played this year. league cleared the hump, Hof's 3M high school grades won him a ninners-iip. attendance r e c o r d net at the Before the Oooding game Mon­ Brulnli HUrt Fast Uama In the nation. In a recent' was high game. Roy Garber's MM 8 p. m , SouUi Side (first round Oooding bouts la.tt week. day night, we believed, wltljout any It was not definitely aUted wheth­ ncliolomhlp n l Ihe university here Twin Palln starUd fast and held a inatch.plnyed In I.o% Angeles agalnstl er the league would be ct O lau O led City loop, as did hU 103 single bye) vs. winner game 1. attempt at belltUIng the Pller boys, where he plans lo enter the Khool 17-a score at the half time. Third the New York flhanir»x:kfl. workl'n! or C lau D calibre. Balaries proposed, game, of Jouniallsm. that Ihry vsvre about the only team ■Scores: Btansa saw ihe Invaders take things professional chnmplon outfit, thrt which would be backed by the ei. Ills ambition, alter reiirtsenllng In thn OlasA A tournament tliat under control and bring the count Negroes sre rejwrted to have ekritl Louis organiutlon, would amount to COM M IBCIAL LEAGUE the United Stales In the Olympics. didn't have a chance'to cop the Idaho Selects to 18-18 midway in the period for out a ono-polnt victory. Whenj a monthly payroll of ||.eoo for ELKR Is to be a sports columnist. tlllr. Twin Palls. IJut that wns as cloee an traveling went early this winter Ihrl team of 14 inetnbero—excUislve of H. Bo«ni ...... IM lit IIS 4tl COURT Hlgtit now, we'd Just as soon bet they ever got. Prohi them on In It Olymplatw performed at Hhoshonr* the msDSger. Ilis t, we belleyr, would ■lot ...... - ...... - i»j let on the O ’Orlrn boys as liny of tlin To««n ------HIiJ* 111 i n Star Players was all the Bruins, with the invaders and at U)n time Imd a record of make it a Claas D organlaallon. uummj - IM 1*1 HS 4U Munii Takes Joli as tilJtcr quinta In tile race. 'Hw ed the win­ he happens to foul out. It would cents for adults and 30 crnls for greatest boons to young athUte^. Melntlr* ...... i:i in 14S 410 U. of Michigan Waahbum 4S, prake io ners In worlng w ^h cluht jwlnts, students. ever to h it this connti7."~Mr-nsle I.. lh»s«*no . Ml 147 Mr 44t night and were unanimous In thrlr npiMar (he rhanres of Uie Wildcat - ru«ltano ...... in 111 IH Kanaaa Wealeyan <0, M crhrnon while Art Traniner and HHI Polsofii 'me OJyniplatts and Otvciis will ■ sUted in dU«uaslon of the propo«d aYRACUBB. N. Y,. March a tum- choice of Uriiel *Hllm> Wlnterniute, I'liib wlll be nil, Gentry, a star all- . ..ihUUi 111 1)1 Ul each connected for sevrn. bo lit Qikxllng ThurMluy u IkIiI. circuit. "And on top of that it looks nummr no Olaronce M unn, Byrscuse university Oregon, as critlcr of U.ielr m ythlcil iiiound atiilete. In a good defensive U. rorortsinunUkn crowds, and UnlversUy Skaters’ Shoes Stolen lAwlston school board, which con­ ColUc« of Kmpotik M, llukril 10 Almqulst ...... F...... «entry Arbor, was Munn> mentor when the of Oregon drew the black mark for PlTTSnunail, March J lURi— structed the field and stands there, Ht. Loula U , Wa*hln(ton U Folsom ...... F ...... Conihe, OLKVEI.AND (U.PJ — The vllllana IvaliMd « return on t)ietr ijivMtment HaundMi latter won all-Amerlran honorti at Uie moiit discourteous and unsi>orts- H artruft...... -..0...... Ilurlberi who "siral a feller'a clothes while llonus Wagner, PltUburgli Plrat# TImmoni Nocf(h«m 37, Teiaa iMseball concJi, today announced hln Of M.000. MlnnesoU. manllke. Tranmer ...... Q ...... lUrdiOf iio'n In (he swimming iiole In Uie ChrU lU n M rMlgnstloii as high cmnmlnnloner of ‘T he return of baseball In the OharUe (Dud) Wilkinson, Another Tlie rin t team nnlected by the Turner ...... O ...... Hobnail siininier-time" iiave round some- lx>yola « ( Loa A n irln SO. Tmsi the National semi-pro banebnll con­ far west has showed a remarkable TWIN rALI.B Minneaota priKliul sud asnlnlnnt VnnduU: Hubstllutlonii Twin Kslls-Walte, lliliitf lo do In the winter, A doton (!Urh ...... coach here lor otie (leBHfin, will ad­ MIrtea 19.. gress. turn for the betUr hi recent years, Okmand ...... M eako btata 44. Th«t. lirr m il lAtetlch, M onUna. right for­ CarUiey, Welle, Cryder, Peters. Wa okttters In Rockefeller Park had to vance to the head line rotkih's Job. Thn PlratM' famous former nlioit- and it appears IhU is ju it la line n»h*r - ...... IS. ward. Ur. Flier—t^reamer. Htuliman. wnik homn on tli«lr Iro skatea when tttlUf ...... stop Slid he forwarded hln mnlgna- with the general (rend," ifala con- I 19, Knox 17 Ijiiiren (Ladrlle) Onle. Oregon, left Ihrli' i>lioe« were slolui.’ forward. tlon to ftaymond Dumont, (irrnldent eluded. GERM AN VlCTOniOUB Coo 17. Cornell (lows) 3S HELOIUB HELD TO DBAW Is There Bnpporlt Urgel (Bllm) Wlntermute, Ote- of tlw congress, at Wichita. Ksn.. NEW Y O RK. Mmrh 3 (UR)-»ol)by gliard. The Question Is: covered in 1030, was i)otei[ n iere Is no compelltWo sport they get to town and nomewliere No cha»pitm, ever haa defended honors In the Florida east coast tilcago White Klmbcrfy. ament and the d(kes In front of her nearest ■verag* no bigger than the Mse of low itayi litavUy. Rougltly, two- lU 40 alleye cost »M,000. iiins agslii In iBia, PAUVMVILLB, O;, (U.ft-n.levo. hU h at Dan get hot during the rltln. Odds of ia to I agsln« • rival,, Mrs. Charles Newbold of thirds of the record entry cam* totaled aimost $00,000 more. AllO Uut the m tu guy lan'i worried. •nterad tli« home of Mrs. Catlierlnn "sudden deatlV thres.gMne series prise fighun- - r«n»oniber WloJillB, K a n , who took »0. along juit for the fide and that expense will hit •78;Ooo, reiiUI for Psid his money and he'll Lilly, r*n»aek«d drawers and closets, of tho ABO and the big gum know Patty me«U Mrs. Jane Cothran but took only a tounlain iwti and'a long olianoe of getttni hot. Thera the fortreas-llke Coliseum is |3A.. have hln („rn on the alleyi. May- Jameion of West Palm Be^ch. lit waa no quaUfyhii round, nothing Bouthorgab. 000 and the «rhola works will run hlih as 1,000 to 1, bill ‘’'1^: Im tlilnyPB, or the next he'll have thn feature match of the first riiuud, lie aleps out thira on tit« but a n Mitry fee which liappened up to approaimaUly MiO.000. timers have only one favorlt* W w • hicky iireak. Mrs. Jameson qualified with an fti. WednMd*y, Mwch 2, 108S IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO' You Can Solve Your Heating Problems by Using the Business Directory

    WANT AD RATES SALESMEN WANTED FOR S A L E - SEED AND FEED MISCELLANEOUS MEN wmnUd. Good nearby Rawlelgh HAY for sale. Ph. 0197-J4. JEROME ‘TT HOLLrS'TER T Rout« now open. Sales way up this 3-WHEEL timUer. Ph. 749-W. year. If wUllns to conduct Home M n . Burton Melser aod Mrs. Em ­ E&TES FEB UNB FEB DAY: Senrlce business while eamiog «30 TRAILER houses. Gem Trailer Oo. JUtr^^ad Mrs. Dale Mejrer u d MO Hold Everything! ory Potter entertained at a three and up weekly, write Immediately. have moved onto a (arm hear Rogcpe S li a«7S. per line per day----.U. 15 TON of (eed spuds. L. O. Meyer. table bridge luncheon Saturday at Tliree tBLyi, per Une per - ml. S.E of B»ihl. the home of Mre. Melser. Prlzea were One day, per line______awarded to M n. J. Kennedy Btuart Hollister chapter, O. B . 0 , f a n • VERY good used vacuum cleaner and 20 TON hay. Lloyd S. Jones. 4 ml. E. and to Mrs. Paul McIntyre. play Friday at the school hou«e which S3 1-3% Discount STEAM BATHS ek-ctric washer, 138 Walnut. 4 So. Ph. 23J3, Kimberly. Mrs. R, E. Shawver enl«rtalned was enUUed "Those H u ib u td i a t . at her home Friday a t bridge a f­ Ours." For Cash APPLES and w ple wood. Fred Hag- RESTORE health and vitality wltlr ter a pot-luck luncheon. ta­ Mrs. I. A. Standlee has reto nu d gardt. I ml. ^ Bo. Park. Five Cash discount allowed U adver­ baths and massage. Id a Bdallory. bles were in play with prices going from Modesto, Calif., where she cus- tisement Is paid (or within leveo Ulned fin injury to her hip. A t p m * Anna Johnston. Rm . 6,190 M ain N. LINOLEUM for less at Moon's. Let to Mrs. Lovell McCla&fthaa, Mrs. days o l ftn t Insertion. Ardeth Shlmmln and Mrs. R . E. ent she Is at the home of her datigh* cover your work table. Ph. 6. ter, Mrs. M aiy Soreo, Twin TUIs. No classUied lid tftken (or less BOARD AND ROOM Shawver. than 80c, including dlscouoi.' FOR SALE-Wool blankeU, qullU, The Women's Missionary society RM. With 3 meals. Rates for two. underwear and raincoats. Idaho of the Presbyterian church met a t Ltn* of claitlfle4 315 Second No. Junk House. 153 2nd Ave. the home of Mrs. George GlUaiple puted on basis ' tnedlnm- F O R SALE: Hay by load or sUok. Thursday for an election o( offlcert. length words per line. EI-EC. jwlato chip outfit complete. First house east o( cemet«y. officers for the new year are: A-i ronrtltion. Reasonable terms. 40 TONS hay and cull spuds. 1 ml. Mrs. William N, Hardwick, presi­ COMPLETE COVERAGE Pli. 1751. W . Tipperary conier, Tattersall. dent; Mrs. R. S. Shawver, vice- AT ONE COST president, and Mre. John Mlzns, sec- REAL estate contract. Well secured. F O R 8ALE-Good Bliss Triumph retary-treasurer. Mrs. Hardwick had PHONE 33 or 38 rOB ADTAKER Dlicoutii and Interest. Mirror Bar­ BOARD and room. Good meals. $7 seed potatoes, 1 yr. from Montana. cliarge of Uie program and gave a ber Shop. 350 Main Avc, So. ■ per week. 120 6th Ave. No. Blue Ug. Ph. 0398-Jl. t»per on Stewardship. Mrs. W illiam Peters had charge of the devotion- . : : - M ‘;U ? J E R S 0 N A L S FURNITURE-New and used furol- FOR SALE—Onion seed! tested and FOR RENT— ROOMS ture of all kinds, coal ranges, et£c- als. Refreshments were served at reliable stock. All varieties. Dlngel trie ranges, coal stoves, circulaton tho close of the afternoon. MODERN bedroom. 313 6Ui Ave. E. & Sm ith Seed Co. SUNSET Memorial Park. Watch and other household tum lahlngi. Mr. and Mrs. Val W alsh have re­ turned this week from an extended progress. See artldclal lake. Phone ROOM, stoker heat. Ph. 125. Moon’s, Phono 5. Stor# No. 1: FEDERA-nON seed wheat, 1 block 216-J. Phone 318, store No. 3. No. Clover store. Ph. 74J-14, Fl- trip to Texas, and Old MeJdco. They ROOAi, close In. sulUble for one or plan to remain here for a visit with two. 512 2nd Ave. No. Ph. 1607. Mrs. Maude Knobel. Kenneth Kno- EXTRA fine Swedish select seed bcl accompanied them on the trip. Best (or Less FOR SALE ofttii. First year from certldcatlon, Mr, and Mrs, W illiam Peters have AUTO DOOR GLASS which may bo continued. Phone returned from a trip Co SaJt C. E. 8TANDLEE. giving mngneUc WINDSHIELD AND City and Ogden. They also stopped treatments.. 304 5th Avc. E. Free 1506 T. P., or 38-Rll, Kimberly. WINDOW GLASS on their way to Lava Hot Springs consultation. Phone 1568. No charge for labor setting AGGLER Musser. Riverside, Certi­ where Mr. Peters attended a board I AM not rc.sponslble for bills con­ gla,s.? l{ you will bring your fied Yellow and W hlta Sweet meeting of tho Lava Hot Springs tracted by Mrs. Darrell Koch, nee so:>li or drive your car in. Spanish Onion Seed In sealed foundation. Irene K loujh.—Darrell Koch, An- . Phone a packages. K . H . McDavltt. Ph. 365. Mrs. a, S. Robbins Is very much LARGE (ront room. Stoker heat. 104 , ilgo. Wise. Improved after the recent attack of 7th Ave. E. ^ MOON’S FO R SALE: Recleaned grain Dick- sciatica rheumatism which kept her W c are now giving free pcacli and low Federation wheat, oats and In t>ed two weeks. CLAUD C. PRATT- apple trees, and also roses on orders barley. We do custom cleaning and treating. Twin F alb Feed & placed now (or Stark trees, shrulu Here's some good news for you •'Joe'.s havin' a little trouble with th‘ hiccups." Ice Co. Phone 191. * RUSSELL LA N E * nnd roses. Free catalog. Jim Young, STEAM heated room. 511 2nd Avc. 15-30 McCormick Deerlng trac­ dear farmers. I know you'll be tick­ local Stark Bros., rep. P .O . box 561. tor and Oliver 3 bottom plow. FO R SALE: High purity sUte test­ Mr. and Mrs. Donald W hite are led to hear It. Whenever we get • Phone 653. Complete, $225!00. ed alfalfa and clover seeds free good thing we're always glad to APARTMENTS FOR RENT AUTOS FOR SALE FARM LAND VALUES here (rom Santa Ana, Calif, to McCohnlck Deerlng 20, Farmall from noxious weeds. Also lawn, make their home. pass It on to you. We have ordered SELL or lease 15 A. Ph. 028B-R3. with 7 fU mower and rubber tires, pasture, garden and flower seeds. another large carload of high pres­ BEAUTY SHOPS 2 RM. Apt. 229 2nd Ave. No. Mrs. Tom McDonald, who is se­ SPECIAL $585.00. , Twin Falls Feed & Ice Company. riously ill, was Uken to the Wen­ sure gtm ana enp grease. O ur pries has been 13 for a 38 lb. salvtnlzed DANDV 3-rm. apt. The Oxford. 193B Hudson Six Coupe. Hot wnter 1 Rumely Duall tractor with Phone 191. dell hospital for treatment. M ARCILLE’S. 735 M ain E. We spec­ pail for the last year. Now we are heater, radio, electric hand, bcnn nnd spud cultivator. Com­ ialize in permanents, »1.75 to *7.50. 3 RM, (urn. Apt. 243 5th Ave. E. able to reduce the price to tl-87. low mileage. 39 A, 7S ml. N.W. Gooding, (enced. plete. $235,00. Evenings by appt. Ph. 1001-W. SEED GRAINS That should save you about 11.35 AUTO M ART lOO^V water. 9 A c)over, n s t bruaJi. 1 Allh Chalmers Crawber trac­ TIME TABLE tor. $200.00. a paU from tfie old h lg h ip r i^ PERMANENTS $1.50 up. $3,00 and 3rd and M ain West $350 cash, Roy L. Boyer, Gooding. W pEAT, OATS AND Schodules of passenger trains and 1 New Idea Hay Loader, new way of selling gira and enp greaae. $4-00, two (or price of one.. Over motor stages passing through Twla type, $125.00. ^A RLEY Another thing I want to tell you Ind. Meat Market. Mrs. Beamer. NORTH side 130 A, (arm, 60 ''ills dally are foUows: certified Grimm, $90 per A. Hugh 1 Power Hay Bailer. Good con­ Cerlified'’and Uncertified OBEOON SHOUT LINE Is that every drop of this grease Is 54.00 AROMA oil permanent wave, Reed, 302 Highland Ave. Ph. 687'J. dition. $95.00. Eastboanfl manufactured from the tfe> this week >2.60. Penuaneuts S1.50 TRUCKS WILLIAMS TRACTOR CO. CLEANING & TREATING No.5«4, leaves_____ ;____ e :M « .m pendabie Aitonsas motor oU B r the \ip. Idaho Barber jn. little old 3 X 4 Arkansawyer Uko boniii. Write Mills, 1601 Poplar. we offer will be hard to find. Uie day of March, 1938, at ten Arrives Twin Falls______«:30p,m. Claud Pratt and lOo looks pretty Oakland, Cal. FOR RENT— HOUSES n th big to iiim and whenever he «an o’clock A. M.. on that day, at the Sebedole No. jl Btarllag Bonlhbetmd see he can make a dime and make W A N l’ED —Young, clean, ambitious 5-nOOM house, $20. , Phone 775-W. Business and Professional court room of tiie County court FOR BALE Leaves K e te h u m _..™ ___ fl:BOa.m. It quick he Just drops everyUiing ' tml-dware clerk. M ust have had house In and for the Coimty of Twin CAUIN for rent. 429 4th Ave. W. 5-ROOM honse and bath, gar­ FnlLs, State of Idaho, be set ai Arrives Twin Falla______13:08p.m. and makes a high dive for the ^ e . exp. In modem display and Belling. Leaves Twin Falls______3:60 p.m. age, east part. tlOOO.OO. Tennn. time and place for the hearUig of Someone asked Claud Pratt to Here Is a real opportunity for a S-ACRE tract, c|o»* In, $ISOO.OO. Arrives Ketc*jum______> 0:18 p.m. fellow that can and will do things. said application, punctuate a sentence for them. Old DIRECTORY Terms. Claud waa awfully poorly educated Others will not do'. Save your lime WITNESS My iiand and the seal Good aiitl mine. P. O, Box 439, EUko, of Uie said District Court, thU 1st but he said he try anyway. “All ed $350.00 t right," the party aald, “Here's the Nev. ■ ^______day of February. 1B3S. nitUding Cofitracting' Insurance J. E. nOIlKUTS, F lU N K J, SM I’TH, sentence: A M bill flew around the nealior Clerk. WANTED comer." Old Claud said, •’! would SITUATIONS WANTHD MontooUl St Sons Planing Mill Peavey-Taber Co.. Inc. Ph. 301. Phone 663 By: LEW IS P, JONES. make a dash after It.” and Building Contractors. Ph. 879-W Deputy. HOUSE on Heyburn Ave. East Fred Farm Equipment Well, things are sure popping Moving (SEAL) around here. Just aa I'm phoning C O M PrrE N T woman wants work Snmillght. by the hour. Phono 713-J. Cyelery Chapman it Chapman, this ad In at 1:M Tuesday, a car­ LIVESTOCK nnd POULTRY Lionel T. Campbell, NOW! load of cedar shingle* Just arrived JEXI*. Bin wuiiU houBflWork. Call or liUlYCI.K nnd nervice. Blnslun TEAM of 3-yr, old rolh, wt. 1400. Attorneys (or Petitioner, W ill Bay for CABII. or Bell It and wn have a lower price than write m il Illai{cnl?4 Ho. K.mt rtxl Maht. Ilesldfnce: ’Pwln Falls, Maho. I S Mllrs F:«s( of W ashinfton load goes out like a connecting rod n)U iMLB-Oiilld'a bnl. Ph. 1181. when you're uaing poor motor oil. Hehftol on Addison OARPXNTKR: Saperlenced. liiUr- FAUMrn*’’ -Why pay more than 4 HOOtllElt rat)liiet. Tables. 389 Ram- NOTICE TO CIlEniTORII lor (Inlahlni a ipeolalty. Phone iirr x'lit I'll your mortgage, (leo Tailorini/ EsUte of William Miy, de.rased. age. rilO N R OSMIU 1413,, J'nliial I'*""* office. Bank Notice Is hereby given by tlm un­ T RY PRATT F O R F IN E tallnrliiu, alterutlni ’niB R B U no neoesaliy for uimted- u,„i ’riu«i iititg. dersigned Administrator wllh the YOUNO m an will exchange work Babbel. Ph. 84a. l,AKCiE brotixe turkeys. Mrs. O. F. SALES COMPANY ed exUa (uniiture to Ue the Ueniiey, 1'4 ml. No. on Blue will annexed' of Uie estate of W il­ John L. Peters Dti (arm (or share oruji. Write liam Liiy, deceased, to Uie creditors It'a M, (Im IUU I. th, box 37. News-Ttmes. atlhi when a few centa InvMted IM.;k,S()NAL liOANS l,al(rs. in the Classified Section will aell TypvwrlicrH of and all persojis having claims it for you. *10 AND UP I'OU fiAI.K: Wu(k horses, colts, agaUiit Uie said deceased, to exhibit , rentals nml i'Cfvlryed nian ot woman nKiiilh old, tilietland iKiiiy. George MONEY TO LOAN Wlliioiil Jic '-'irlly or Endorsers, wlthtn six luonuis alter thn first WANTKD-Ineubator. Ph. 1J3, V phalntering P. Iliiml)let COWB ^ SHEEP aisd BOOa Yrnir rHKii"*'*’’" Money. Oo. Phone 66a. ni> lleronO Ut. Kast County of 'I'win Falls. Htate of Ida­ Hpalo Hates. ho, this being'Uie place fixed for aimply Phone Twin Falls 3 1i-Z lp Serrloe-We H r 1 « ItM C M W A N T E D — MlBccHnneoua Uie traniacUon of Uie business of w n .l. pay pn*h (or saddles and I .^1,11 ri|ilAln our service OFIUNO filled nwtircMes iiiads cowbcv rfiulpjnent, 348 Malu tl. VOUNO lady n n. ntalo. Ph. nsS] from your old oneal M attrrw i said estate. wllKont to yow Dated January 3$Ut. 1038. IDAHO. HIDE and TALLCiy CO. ‘ ' lK.fl,ir yi>u elsewhere. renovated ami reroveml. VVoul MoCOllMiOK-DeerlnK iraolor, TYPlCWRrii;H. cheap, or rrnl. P WAN’rm - C a ttlo to pasture on old oardlog. Twin Fslls Mattress Kae- cellent condition, will trade for MARSHAUi CHAPMAN. Manufacturers of V P93-W. Ormsby place. 3Vt ml. Bo. of Hag- Hffl u« linli'vt tory. Phone oi-w. hoif.es. J». (IKivln, Ph. W97-R1 AdmlnUUator Oeldaa Bnuii Inprere* Meal leiagi m t erman on highway. Wllh tfie Wlli Annesed. QcU$a Bnai poot Meal u r r OAflH for ymir wool, pelta. ‘ CASH CREDIT COMPANY Wttaher Service ' LOHT ANI) FOUND Chapman Bt Chapman, BlgtMl Prieee hides. Junk and mUed m aUl of all firtiA. i-’i niiit>i'oir, ond Ave. 0. CANARIES a t saorUlce. Ph. lU l- J 1-wln rails, Idaho. eon-Batea Appllancs. I'h. si-J. Itesliience: I'win Falls. Idaho. Wednesday, March 2,1938 iS ith t IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO MAliKETS AND FINANCE CASSIA A P IIV E S By United Press . ______- 6EEIS CONTRACT BURLEY, March 3 (Special) ■ Matrimonial 'shoals claimed four Agreement on the 1838 beet con­ romances today as three new divorce I UVESTOCK I N. Y. STOCKS tract WM reached here today by petitions were filed in district court DyilESIIMG directors of the Cassia Count? Beet on the heels of a fourth suit begun lE A ID R O P S i Growers’ association and officials of late yesterday. One of the actions NIW TOWC. March a {UP»—The mar­ ket cloeed Irregularly lower. the Amalgamated Sugar company. was filed by a man. The agreement cleared the way for ts |tr cowi Alaska Juoeau —i.—______Wesley Crabtree sought legal free­ ______«.73: c4lm Allied cjieroical ------slgn-up In this area. Negotiations dom from Qoldy Crabtree, whom he j; fswlm ta d atoeken to AUU Cbalmeta ------LOWEIIS STOCKS had bMn tmderuay at conferences F O i G N l l E I married Aug. 13, 1034, at Platt City, ...... M ^ $9M ’ MKW TORK. Uarch 3 (UP)—Stocks here since Monday. iw lte i top » l5 j , OHICAOO. M »«b a (DT) — Mo. He charges desertion June 30, weakoeM et Wlaoipegr usd brlfbCer rased nanowly In moat aectlona today Statement 0! the aw cJation board American Tclei ne of the dullest aeaalona of the tor tbe wtoter cnUn crop A few higher-priced Usuea mored said: Cites Violence- ______- : fMdtn u^M dpn M ure on wbtet tuturee oo American 'n>bBl ______Anaoooda Copper ...... ______33’ up moderately ou selectlva ' •The local board and the Amalga- Mrs. Cordelle Halverson 'fUc'd suit . It toT8.«: ewei_$3_t^|3.13, tbe Cblcuo board of tnde today. while ibe malnllst ahowed ' At tteTooee wheat wa. Wo to J.ic Atchison, Topek* «i Sanu Fe-- 3B moted Sugar company were Buccesa- against L. R. Haverson bn grounds Auburp itotora ...... No saU loiaea. lo l^ . Mns imebaoged to. il« blgbtf. ful in reaching ajreements on the of cruel and Inhuman treatment, and oata- off \lo to i'«c. . Bonds were Irregular and quiet. Com- OffetUia . were n o t' larve but de* modltlea were featurtleas. Wheat at 1S38 contract so that Cassia county citing physical violence on Nov. 15 nmtiv at«*cbr: Ktwd to cbolcc ll£bt>ll«b( "■ icaio cloeed with loaaea of Jio to ?ic growers may now sign contracts with a iv.iS; hMvtM m 2 d ~ ll ^ l. fi«*tln« Ordere ba'--' _ aiuhel. 'Cotton futurea rallfed from last. The pair married June 1, 1030. ItbU «is»; packlDS Use decline, ^e r e wae iome atop tlic company. aeUlni. at tbe opening. . r. r. Case Oo. — early easlaeas to galas of about SOc at American Falls. Mrs. Halverson cbolc® 1««1« pip . UlU-St. Paul A Pacifli - bale. "President Clayton Beck states qnot*bl» to tS. The range of oom ^oea wai i Uost trading attention was centered asks return, of her maiden Tiame. row. HouMe w it h ...... connectlonj...... No ealea that becausc of the none too favor­ Cordelle Sorensen, and seeks $15 re oo tbe b ujli^ »l and tbne -were .a the revised tax. bill. While It prO' able outlook of agricultural pro­ ueee of wbeat. vided for downward adjustmeata Ir. weekly alimony. commercial BoUenU .. undistributed .profiu and capital galas ducts In 1838, 'it would be to the Mrs. Leana Steele asked divorce lerlea. some quartets believed tbe ad- farmer’s advantage to grow os many ' . ’ ORAtN TAUK lustmeou were dlsappolntlog. from E. F. Steele on grounds of de­ » to'ia!Sr*r^b^*Suu* Coatlnental Oil of D ^w a re .— sugar beets as he can practically Com Producu ...... Chemical sharca met fair demand. sertion and non-support. They mar­ to «i; madium T«ol«n «(: ebolM tip Ou Pont de -Nemoun------Dow pushed up 3 points to a new 1038 work Into his rotation.” ried Ju ly 3, 1933 at Yankton, S. D , high at tU. while Monsanto has Inc --- Curb stock sales were 88.000 sbarta, or Include Mr. Beck; James Bodily, .....Wi .74% .74li W% In Twin Falls and.have a son,’ IB Ktlvlnator...... the same at In tbe previous seaslon secretary-trcasurer: Ezra BIngh«m. National Dairy Product* _ when Tolume was tba smallest aloce vice-president: William L. W alt and months old. Mrs. Lyda claimed her _____ 18'i April I. lOOi,- New York central .....,. Olcen Lewis, directors. husband on Monday of this week 10. l . « IM Packard Wotors ...... __ _ >; M ttMr* - nount PietUTM --- took their household supplies and u d m uiuaa lob to l5o hliber; ,Jn- Ulf . ____ !.«?<, 1.03li 1.0S\i 1.0Sli bedding from their home and left "■taneM Uo upl i&«rket «etlv« i t td- tu m : tttMt otber kUiint cunw i«t* CA8II GRA1K Penna. n. ft,, -..... — . — — 23 Local Markets only a blanket, sheet and pillow. CHICAOO-WbMt; No. 3 bkrd VtVit: Pure OU ...... —------11 Flashing a typical boosevelt grin—and proving what a versatile fel­ She said he now refuses to surren­ Mo. 5 h*rd *4c; No. 4 mued BOe. Radio Corp...... ------0 Com: No. 3 mUed S7c; No. 4 mixed ) Keith Orpheum----- 1.— 3' Oddities low he la—James Ri Wd Aircraft ...... — a hat for every occasion. Miirtaugh Housing VIENNA, M arch 2 (U.FO-Antl-Nazl OMAHA UVBSTOCK Boybf The styles were displayed today 3.900; lOo town __tod Corp...... (Quoted from Buu deieni'f Austrlans today armounced plans to U. a steel, com ---- POTATOES In the 19th annual style show of m con WATER Survey Completed hold 3,000 mass meetings within the ■ Warner Broa...... No. Is bulk to growers---- 37)|,c-40o the New York Custom Cutters proTUIona: U n i |8.nH} looae Weetem U nion------• * bulk to growers_____ 17\ic-20c Completion of a housing survey in next three weeks to organize ha- •8.C1N; leaf‘ W.aN: beUlea :SU club. tlonol support for the government. POULTRY AT RANCH Murtaugh, listing Inadequate dwell­ American Bolling Mills — . Colored hens, under e iba. ______13e DKRS I t was reported that as part of Colored bens, under 4 Iba. _____;_10C ings, was announced here this aft- their campaign, storm troops of tho ArnKmr ... : | Le^orn hens ______1 0 C STOBACEiONTS POTATOES f AUautlc Beflolng ...... TRENTON. N. J.. M arch 3 CUJO— emoon by Thomas McDougall, Ida­ pro-govemment fatherland front Boeing___ Storage at Lake Wafcott today had Colore Deer arc Jumping over barriers H ho low cost housing administrator. would be ready after each meeting Old cocks . reached 66,550 acre feet, up 3,390 feet high, overrunning farms In The results show, he said, that 43 to challenge any vlslfile N ad to a FD Tim E POTATO TRADES Dectric Auto L ite ______street fight. Houston Oil ______(^Mre prices for A grada, B such great numbers that farmers feet Over the same date last dwellings were termed Inadequate. gr^e, cent lea grade, halt prtca). The first mass meetings were ar­ (Q oeU U ou Cornlahcd hj MaUonal DistUlen...... 1 and berry growers have protested year, a report on water conditions Living In the, dwellings are B5 adults ■ Sndler, WeKMier * Co.) • . North-Amerlcan Aviation ..... PRODIlUCE to the state fish and game com­ ranged for Sunday. Safeway Storea------butlrr/at Issued by Lynn Crandall, wn^rmas- and 48 children. Estimated popula­ ' ICareii deUfenri so ealea; cloalog bid Schenley DUUllera ______butUrfst mission. TTid complainants, repre­ tion of M urtaugh Is 230. and aak. I1.2S to tl.40. senting land owners In Atlantic, ter, showed this afternoon. A similar survey at Hansen will Burlington and Ocean counties, Decreases in storage was noted at 8UOAK rUTUBBS White Uotora . Whiles, medium . get underway Thursday while the Jamtarr -Proper- ice show a depth of 60 Inches a t Te­ RINU AND MARHIA SWING ITi ty owners In this, the safest city In ton pass; 41 inches on the state line "HAPPy.. LANDING" Cirartesrof the nation, pay only about four (Trail creek) above Victor and 41 with Stock feed, 100 poui._ centB a year lor protecUon on the **A»5 • 8Bdler*Wefener A Cotapmy Inches on Camp creek (Mud lake Jean Hcrsholt Elki Bldf^Pbone 910 Btoek 500 pounds . street*, a breakdown of city govern­ drainage). Ethel Merman ONIONB ment costa shows. Practically no markeu Cesar Eomero Richard Krug, m unicipal refer­ rfVMIMKNT TBU8T8 , I vary alow, market weak; Fund. ln»...... ♦17J3 ence librarian. In a survey of the Milner Directors aalea; local per bushel c___ E ilra Oddity b Bllia Trlumpba No. l. few aalea Fund. Truat A. i - -- four departments In which the city Corp. T ru s t__ has been awarded national ranking, Complete Studies Latest News ------111.70 determined the cost per month for w o n A! PAGO safety as 3 cents per taxpayer and Directors of the Milner Low Lift the annual cost as 4,1 cents. Irrigation district this afternoon — STARTS FRIDAY! — DENVER BEANS I were expccted to "wind up” the MYSTERY STALKS MATRIMONYt ------« Olt* Cons Cost for ranking In health was Bllrerr KingL._, C :::;:.*7.7 $2,766 per year or 33 cents a month. (ask of fixing apportionments of DINVaa-Plntoa U.U to 13.49; Oraat Sunshinehine Mini ...... —*13.«2 E iE D SAFEST Fire prevenUon cost B7.100 a year benefits against land acreages for Nonbani* 53.19 to g jo . TInUo Standard . ------*5.35 and C93 cents a month, while po­ the I2BO.OOO bond Issuo approved SAN DIEOO, lice protection cost M cenU a monUi, ‘at a special election last December. safest seaplane bg The board met yesterday and Markets at a Glance Pacific ocean 1s the harbor of Pago 110.317 a year. changed to^y. Property Owners.Carry Load' tlien adjourned, continuing delib­ Slooka Irravulatiy lower and quiets Pago, In American Samoa, near Bonda irregular and quiel; U. 8. gov« It Is the owners of real property erations tills afternoon. BAR SILVER' which the Pan-American Samoan ammenu irrefularly lower. tfKW TORK-Bar sllvsr waa quoi In the city who foot the bill for these Chairman of the board Is Edgar :et nrmerj re- Curb itocka Inegular and quiet...... fine ouDca today, i Clipper recently exploded and was — ______I cntded nref "keys'' to healtli, safety apd secur­ Moorman with Loyd C. Davis tind Fortlfn exchange allgblly easier. lost «lth all hands. -- — . iM than oarlota le^ko; e.- Cotton up about 908. cents .. a b*>* ity, Krug polnta out. They pay M Al Egbert as the two other mem­ t n nnta, oh* n u o : leee tban cu i Thomas Kirkpatrick, Wbaat «o t - ' per cent of the cost. The rest Is bers, 37(K^tMM^l»e: e u rm t reoelpu Ito; U. B. N., who recently returned here borne by refunds from state and HORSE & MULE SALE unchanged for the third aucc«MlTe day after a tour of duty on the South nitMr: l l u M etMdy; reoelpu 734.- at 30 1/ie M c e an ounce. Based on county taxes. CONDEMNATION HUIT m praw ^ u * ^ t e , MUo; starling .at *501U. the American equiv­ Sea possession of Uie United StaUs, Filer Fairgronnds alent WM 45.33 cenu a flos ounce, Allied services which placed Mll- Suit brought by Uio Twin Falls said the little Island of Tutulla also waultee high, usuoliy first, among o m p a m with 45 37 oenU yMterday. Is nlrategetlcally Important front highway district against Josnpli ’ FRIDAY, MARCH 4 — 1 o’clock forward all»er was quoted at ID 13/18 a the otlier cities of the country, like­ penca an ounce, off i/w penny, military standpobit. FroeUch and Mrs. Froellch ove wise are Inexpensive, Krug points underway FAMILY B U U . He pointed out It Is equl-dlstant MBTAI.8 out. la dUtrlct court today. E. M, and 29 HEAD OF HORSES from Yokohama and Munlla, and Supportbig the "key” of safety are 4,000 miles from Ban Diego. M. J. Sweeley represented tlie dis­ 2 Bmoolh mouth bay marcs, matched team, wt. 3500; street construction and repair which trict; B. T. Hamilton and Stephan 1 sorrel mare, 4 yrs. old, wt. 1550; 1 gray horse, 4 yrs. People W ltbM t Country cost 3ft.l cenU a month; street light­ and Blandford were counsel for the old, wt. 1500; 2 spotted horses, matched, 3 and 4 yrs. Kirkpatrick, who In addition to ing and traffla signals, 314S cents a defendants. RO O K H lU i. N. T. OJ,B-When other duties, served as superintend­ month; plonnlng and ronlng, 1.8 «Id, wt. 2800; 1 wpan MoJIle miilcH, coming 7 nnd 8 yr«. TO Ur. tnd k n . A. T. W«Uon, Edwin 9eople without a country. Helping to prevent an d wipe out black mares, 3 and 6, wt. 2700; 1 bay marc, 7 yrs. even had to construct a complete ^PlaUnum, dollar« ] They are not oltlaens of the Unit­ crime were Uie courts, whlclt coat 2 railroad. ed States, and, as a result, cannot 3.3 cents j)er month; forestry and WE DO CUSTOM old, enfonl, wt. 1400; 1 brown horHc, 8 ym. old, wt. dollm 1 Funerals More than a year a«o they enrl- Ib ^ 7350 io‘ 7i'. n~mii5!rri ^ obtain pauportA permlttliiK thrm to playgroumis, 0 0 cents a month and IfiOO; 1 wirrel I^orse, 7 yrH. old, wt. 1400; 2 black sloned a "llshlng paradUe" on a ^ h p t e n . powdered. OoUars per .lb.; visit other lands. However, (hn na­ the library and museum at 14.1 and K ILLIN G AND horscH, 4 yrH. old, wt. 2fi00; 1 Horrel horHo, 3 yrH. old, site, then an Impenelrabte bog. val officer added, tlih nltuatlon 7 J ccnln a month each. EOOVKR-6«rvicea for Mrs. Myr* CURING wt. 1300; 1 liluck mnre, 8 yrH. old, wt. 1300; 1 black Today, with only alight outside causes no concern In thn Intnnds, Health CoiU lU m lied mure, (i yrs. old, wt. 1400; bliick horHCH, 3 yrH. old. tl« Boovor, who died Bundaiy, will aid, they are ready to Hood the 60 where he pictured a race so con­ Street sanlUvtlon at 44.0 cents n 2 " b t beld TtMirvdajr at 1:S0 p. m. at acres ot land they cleared and put tented with their existence Uiey monUi, sewers and sewage disposal Brln» Your Cnlllo* wt. 2700; 2 bay mares, 8 yrs. old, wt. 3001); 4 Hmooth ttM Drak* otupel. Her. Oharleg Into operation Uia 400-root dam. Im­ Claim for Flooded have no desire to gn to oUier places. 34.0 cents, and garbage collection and mnuth hornes. M atbtw i wU) offleUte and inter- possible ekcept for the "home-made” U waa not unUl lOJO, Kirkpat­ Incineration, 13.0 cents helped bring and Hoga to th" TKUMS: CASH noB t will In In Rook Creek ceme* railroad, Marble Land Denied rick satd, that flamna wnn plured U)0 city Into first place In iiealtli. r by the irave or her husband. The elder Benson was boaa of op­ KNOXVILLE. ■I'eiin. March a (UPJ officially under the Jurlndlrlloii of Fire prevention was aided by Cunningham & Ryan, O w n^H erations. — A three-man federal commlsalon the United States, althmigh this building and plumbing lnst>ectlon at ID A H O ». K. HOPKINS & W. J. HOlXlONJJECK, AuctlonccrH Their 1,000-foot railroad runs over determlfwd today t h a t flooded count<7 baa carried on administra­ B.B cents and amoko and boiler In­ PA C K IN G CO. K. K. JIAAfi. Clerk rock foundation, and Uacks are marble depoMta l„ the Norrla basin tive and protective work Ihrrn al* spection at .7 cents a month. firmly and accurately laid. The “lo- were wprthleaa, refiuiiig a valuation most from tiie time of Um first ek- 'llie figures are representative ot Aeroas rrom Siifar Planl 6ocm>thre” 1» a amall. ronyerted au­ of W,000,000 pl«Vrt .,n them by Ben, ploratlon by a U. H, navy imrty In taxes paid on an average house and tomobile, origin of which Is Inat In Oeorge U Derry, d.. TVnn . and 30 1890. lot assessed at »5,00o valuation, Tlin Phone i antiquity, Drake dnimA serve a« aosoclatea, Baae Ret Up In 1872 tax on such a home would be 1133^9, 960 flanged wheels. Tlio Berry gnwp charged U.at Tlie first American conniilar of­ Including the school levy. Twin Falls floodin* of leaae<; u„rt In (he Ten- Eat More Titree car8. recruited from a near­ fice waa established In tiin hlanda by abandoned lead mine, make up b x -o k l b b a n d m e a t neasee valley avitliorlly'a "yard- In 1803, and In 1873 the navy es­ Rend for new I I U ostaloff. K im ­ the train. Most of Ute narrow-gauge atlck" project had roblwd the clalm- rSODTICTH tablished a derinlto imsn at Pago berly Nuraerica, KImberiy, Idaho.— rail also wan foynd at tlie mine, Av­ antA of mlllloiui nf dnllara Pago. Adv. erage speed for the train la B miles T J» report said the value of Uie EX-CEL fib hour. land was "highly nnd 'llie governor of the i,iiRn(1, with Ita iKipulation of 1,100 nullvr» In The dam. built on meager foun­ Branded dations left by bcavtrs. la p feet r .a r.r.;.r'‘"’ on area rtpproxlinalely 7(1 «.|uare high, 400 feet long, and waa c,go Mr. Farmer BEEF le rallrood earn, llie acrai>er alao been asked to aearrU for two l*ngo has reiuiaiininl ll.i ImiK.rUnce pulled Uee atiunpa. Oaatlefonl ymmin. mlMlng from M It Is to play n liry ml,. u,8 Spring upproachoH; your iiiHn}ratlon and our». * A third pleCB of home-made ..._ their homes In u,at Incallly alitrn From dilnery. a loaa automobile engine last night, 'llie two are iMllnved trans-weanlQ air mull and pi.iwien- till und Hood tiio noil that InNplred Promoters atjd drova a biiia-saw used to cut trees tA be ninawaya. , ger service Iwlwern dm United glnears have given uh and Rent on tho Results. after being rtllod, Lo«s were used n ie two ara Hill 'nmrnshury Htstes and Now Zenii\nrt and Aus­ 'fradors (Commerce) and TrapperH, Proflpcctprs, CHOICE GRAIN FED HEREFORD tralia, Klrkpatrlrk nnl-r*r4 Oollonawd Mea) U waa fourth sticceoslve home which l^r^ Protein, utobo Herd A Fe«l Co. ' qillNN WIUION. Mgr. U»o family liad lost by fire. W«dnMd*T. M«rch 2.1888 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Nine ...... IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Wednesday, MarcK.2,1938

    Trotsky Called BritUh, Nazi Spy PENNEY’S M OPENS FOII' Military Banquet Hears ENT FOR G IG A N TIC U. S. Defense Emphasis 8 A - SELLING O F Stressing the importance of strong as th a t of any other naUon 2 I F 0 M E I i n tlonal preparedness In the United in the world and wlU conscript SERVICE M NAVy wealth as well'aa manpower in Ume BUtes today and pointing to the W . W. Moore. United Stfftes re­ conditions which existed when the of war, I see no danger that any Dnltrd States entered the World war power will attack us." cruiting officer, arrived In Twin MEN OF y. S. y. as conclusive proof that such a pro­ Following the same theme, Falls this morning to interview in ­ 2000 Fresh New Spring gram Is necessary, two of three CoJ. Long pointed out t h a t the terested applicants In this section. MOSCOW, M arch J (UJiW-eon present national defense prognun cxUed war lord, was de> speakers at the 15th annual mlli- Moore can oe contactcd at the city VmUky, “wiii not leave us 1q the pc«Jtlon in aouoced a< « i ally over a number tijy dinner of Company E. Ilffth En- hall, the Rogerson hotel or the post glneers last night followed this line which we were found when the of years 0/ the German and Bri­ World war started.’! offlco and will remain here through at thought in their talks. Saturday. tish secret services today aa 31 Bol­ Experienced Hen Now shevik leaders, latest of thousands The speakers Included Gor. Bar- slUa W. Clark, Mayor Lem A. Chapin "The national defense program, as to bo callcd traitors In (I terrible .. b now operating, will not make three-year purge, went on trial In of Twin Falls and U . Col. James 0. It necessary for Inexperienced men Idaho Cows Earn the hall o( columns of the one Long, Shoshone. Lt. Col. H. O. Lauterbach, Hansen, presWed. to lead other men into battle. time nobles' club. ‘Rather, it w ill give us a trained Over 812,550,000 It was alleged that Trotsky and m Uset Company Gov. Clark, In a brief address, ex­ group In ease of war with any na­ BOISE. March 3 OJ-PJ—The cow the defendants conspired not only tion. You men of this company with Germany and Great Britain pressed his satisfaction at being —the gentle cow—made a gross guest of honor and also his “high should be happy that this military earning of -$12550.384 for Idaho but with Poland and Japan to dts* training has been made available to member the Soviet union, selso pow­ regard” for the company. As gover- dairymen during 1037, the state you. ‘Tlio people should also fed that er and return the countxy to capl* sr he is commander-in-chlef. department of agriculture showed Mayor Chapin and Lt. CoL Long your training will result In your today in iU annual dairy report. tallCTi. being ready and competent to pro­ Twenty of the 21 confessed their both stressed • national defense in In fact, bossy took a four m il­ tect their hbmes and lives," JLt. Col. g uilt Only Nicholas KresUnsky, am ­ their talks to the more than 200 of­ lion dollar leap as compared with said. bassador to Germany for nine ficers, company monbers and their Jjong 8 Ilvc-year average o t $8325090. ladies who were present. Dinner music was fumlshM by a and outstripped 1036 earnings by years, former finance commissar and gnjup of musicians under the direc­ former foreign vice commissar, re­ • Preparedness is the greatest pres- almost a million dollars. ervaUon of perpetual peace.” Mayor tion of WUI Wright. Sgt. Walter Total production of butterfat fused to plead guilty. Swope led those attending in special At the outset of the trial, befgro Chapin said. " If the United States produced In 1937 was 33,289,406 songs. the dreaded mUIUry coleglum of will maintain an alrmy and navy as pounds, compared to 31.949,383 In the supreme court, the prosecution J036. Prlccs received last year were alleged that Trotsky, now In Mex­ better. . . ico. had been connected with the Dairymen took In 38J cents per Every one a brand new 193a Spring perman secret police slnce isai and No Dictator.s pound In 1037, compared with 37.5 with the British intelligence serv­ in 1936 and 28.7 as the flve-yeor style! Another dress if yours fades— ice sbtee 19M. SNOW DECLINES; average. regardless of price! Here are a few of Linked W ith Trotsky Can Get U. S., It was Alleged that aU of the de­ A. A. Boston. M. D , announces the these amazing values! Come early! fendants were linked with each openiag of otfleet as physician and other and with Trotsky in a gigantic SlllLABOVE’3] Clark Thinks snrgeoh in the Eldridge balldlng at conspiracy, extending back for 20 108 M ain Ave. North. Phones: Office Sqow depths In the re­ The United States “will never years, to assassinate Russian lead­ 488; Eesfdence 412.—Adv. You’ll Want Several of These! gion continued to diminish last Week submit to a dictator." ers, to murder men who came un* ; That was Gov. Barzllla Clark's der medical care, to partition the but held substantially above 1937 levels. It was shown today In the re­ emphatic reaction today to the country In league wittf foreign ever-widening sphere of European powers and to seize power them­ port issued by F. 6 . Moore, Sawtooth 582 Glorious CoUons dictatorial m ie n . selves under a new capitalist reg­ national forest supervisor. "lilke all good Americans we ime. Ketchum, site of Sun Valley and A l l r i s k • Daytime Frocks! don’t approve of that word ‘I ’ as It was alleged' that Krestinsky the forthcoming international open it is used in some other nations • Coquettes (with apron)! bad been a German spy since 1923. ski tourney, showed SB inches aver­ INSURANCE age as of Monday—fully 15 Inches today. I am of the opinion that a • Wondercttes! I t was charged that A. F. IMfcn- dictator would never survive here." J o h n B. RoaeRTSON golt% farmer foreign trade commis­ more than last'year. Hailey had 33 He spoke of the war clouds, as • Hooverettcs! sar, bad been a German spy since hiches, three above last season. they now appear on the horizon IRRIGATED LANDS CO. i m and a British epy since 1939. Galena, which had 72 Inchcs last but was of the opinion that the Long Indictment Bead week, reigistered average depth of 57 Extra fine quality prints, printed chintz, piquo, United States would not be in ­ ' Oharge after charge, denunciation Monday. Other figures in Mr. crasiies, broadcloth, pippin-poplin, printed linene volved. After denunciation poured Uke add Moore’s report for the Big Wood "1 m ight say, however, that we and other popular fabrics! Florals, geometries, pic­ ftorn the Ups o f Andrew Vlsblnsky, river d r a l n ^ area were 02 Inches at Oraham^s ranch, 53 at Mascot should not be caught napping,” ture prints! All sizes— 12 to 52! Miracles of value attorney general o f the Borlet un- the governor said. loo,-th« chief proiacutOT, as he mine, and from 80 to 44 a tth e three He left here this morning, ac­ read the lont indletnent to the Old Baldy stations. All are well Judgdt dtttng abore him en their above 1937. companied by Mrs. Clark, and re­ ...... , Wtth Field Mar- Williams* ranch in the Sahnon turned to Boise. _ river watershed had 90 Inches of 300 Avenue Vat Print snow Monday, five more than in Burley Odd Fellows Par E u t. presiding. 1937. Stanley showed 18 Inches. Vadng the proeeeutor In their Fairfield, with IB Inches Monday, Move to New Hall little square box to the Judges' was (me of the few reporting points BURLEY. March 2 (Speclal)- WASH FROCKS ri«ht. the ai defendants heard the showing less than the 1937 depth. Odd Fellows began moving lodge Remarkable quality and style! Tailored, seml-tallored and frilly charges that everyone thought must That figure represented a drop of ...... Into the ■ityles—bright spring prints—flared an d pleated sklrtsi Oct first mfgn . their doom—41 firing scjuad four inches from Feb. 21. new h all on Oakley avenue Monday. :holceI Another dress if yours fadesl 14 to 52. ; twfate • blank wall of the Lublan- cumulative snowfall from Oct. 1 The new I. O. O. p. bUildig, con­ ka priaon within 72 hours of their in the entire Hailey country Is still structed of brick and concrete, is convletlan. more than seven Inches greater than not quite complete inside, but fin ­ N lk c ^ Ivanoviteh ■ Bukharin, for one year ago. As of Monday it ishing will coitinue after the lodge- 'lie lr Lenta.- had inarched at was Inches; last year. 86Xe men move in so that the building Quality Deluxe! their head as they entered the Inchea; a v t ^ , 74M. will be ready for official dedica­ '^oourt n m . lA file,'*-guards tory servlees on April 25, anniver­ ■ with bijoiieted rifles on each side sary date of the lodge's founding. 150 BETTER COTTONS I of (hem. All were meh of aational SHOSHONE H ie two-story structure, built un­ prominence. H alf ^ domn at one der the direction of A. C. Foutz. The kind you’ll wear day In and day out—all day—almost any- time or another had been of world will cost an estimated $13,000. It is wherel Newest style fea^resl Expert workmanshlpl Comparel renown. Ttaoy Coker, representative from located on the comer next to the r e a g h t.M Tears Lincoln county, will be engaged for new Elks home. ' Now, their former comrades said, the next two months as director of lA st meetings of Odd Fellows and New! Just 48 Monte Carlo thcT were murderen, traitors. Some ■tudeht activities of the Wesley foun­ Ruth Rebekahs were held last week c t them bad fought for Bolsberlsn dation at Stanford university, and In the old I. O. O. P. h a ir on Main HOUSE COATS for 40 years, llie y had Uved In lot' wQl return to Shoshone upon c«n- street. Smart large floral prlntsl Flared sklrtl Itary cells of Ctarist prisons, in pletlon of that duty. Button stylel Extra smart styllngl Past the bleak wastes of far Siberia, they The D. L. M. O. Bridge club met colorl bad struggled In exile, hungry and Friday with Mrs. Ben E. Weeks. First • iU clad. They had selied power In trophies were Uken by Mrs. Roes WHAT CAUSES EPILEPSY? 30 Women’s Zipper Front « • 0US&7 that oom^vlsM one-sixth Borden and Mrs. T. H. Ooodlng, Jr.. IS THERE A CURE? ’ of the world, they had enjoyed pow- while Mrs. J. M. Henklns took the HOUSE COATS kr and prestige. A eenUlalni ih» optnioni at Colorful vat prints In pleated skirt stylc.nl S J .4 9 guest prlM. (amoui docton on InterMtlnc inb- Now ihey had reached the end Miss Grayce Pease entertained at fKl will !>• lent rBBR, KbIU (h«jr Isit, Floor length. 81ws M to 30, of a road where the revolution was a dinner party in honor of Mrs. Ruth i« soy r«aeer wrUlof to the Edacatlonal ROMAWINTirOMPANY.INC. D lib iB n , Ml riftb Avcaut, Naw : lO P I, CALIFOWHI* dtrouring Its own children. Some Moon of PocateUo and David Lee M. y., M-m. ^ X20 FnHt Color IM O men and women had preceded of Rigby, who are here auditing the thsm down that road to the firing county books. Twelve were present TEA APRONS aquad In a purge, unprecedented tn and pinochle followed- the dinner, modem history, that started In De- the prltea being uken by Mrs. 1 5 C oeniber, 19S4. when Serge Kirov, one Grace BroWn, Mrs. Moon, Mr. Lee of- the Ooomunist “Dig 10" and and Charles Giles, olo n friend of Josef s u lln , was as- HllUard Hicks, one of the three COTTON SHOP, BASEMENT easslnated by an obscure young caught in the snowsllde at the Tri­ man-eome said ft* personal rea­ um ph mine, near ■lialiey, a few sons, at his office In Leningrad. weeks ago, returned to his work at SEE ThE EXCITING NEW SPRING STYLES ON OUR BALCONY the pi\>perty,- thU time being em­ Soil Conservation ployed a t the lower trnni terminal. ehdshone Rebekahs won the first New Shipments Almost Every Day! prise for attendance at the Qooding Kxcluslvc With Sessiou Arranged district meeting, IB itebckalu and liarKainN in Htyle! They’re Tnklnj; the Town rcnnoy’n! JEROME, U.tth 3 (6pmW)-II nine Odd Fellows being in the lo­ By Slorm! has been announced here by J. H. cal delegation. 108 New Rayon Tlie county llvcAtock jwol loaded Select From ;I5 Smart Handy, president or the Jerome as- New aoclaUon of the soil cpnservatlon three decks ot hogs twit week, from Now 170 New • program, that proviaions of the 1938 Shoshone and RlchrieUl, the price Dresses •oU conservation program will be beinf M.5S per hundrmlwelght. MIRRA-LINE discussed a t county ahd rommimity meetings to be lieia in the nen ' Fvittured a t Only GLEN ROW ture. SCREEN Dresses , Oommitteemen will begin soon to ' establish goals under this program which is separate from the new pro- QFFEUI1N(;S ■fram recently approved by congress. $ 1 .9 8 Frocks oR V im m t $ 4 .9 8 . ConditloM Are Found Wed. throimli Land­ S ni II r t lu w wuHhablo ing," Sonja lleiilc. ’ fiiyou pi'iiitH and color­ Iiidiviiliia! Hly](!H for din- Favorable to Farmere IDAHO America's Greatest BHOSHONC, March 2 (S|>eclal)- ful ac(^talo cropfH, St*o linctlvo HinarLneHH. MohI ■ Wed. and ’niino,-"Double Water and range conditions are NotlJlng,” Ulng Crwiiy, tlieni t(j a pp rue in to of tlioHO Jtrii ])uro nilkl pleaslnf to stockmen and farmers Dress Value! FrI. sand aul.-'TiiB Weitland llieinl alike and the open ooimtry Is «le»- Case,” Preston FiMtei'. . • tlned to show a fine growth of grass tMa aeaaon, the first time in several n . eprlngn are certnln to come Sentenced in Hurley life again. HURLEY, Mnrcli a (8i>eclal)- Our FincHt DreKNcnl rThere has been con-nlderalile dis­ W illlam H. Phllllpi w»» given a cussion as to tlie feasibility of plant­ sentence of from ikki to l i years Alturlnif Stylo Appeal I ing Uie opeii simccn to wheat grass In Uie stale penUmiiury Haturrtay 17 Austelle or toms oUier suitable grnss in the when he appeared belorn Judge T. ■ future. Bailey I « of the district court. 71 Jean Nedra Phinipa entered a |i(e< or to Dresses HNOW DEPTH MKAHURKI) chargee of forgery. BURLEY, March a itfjwcUl)- Dresses A. K . Wogensoo ami Oray D. Key- China, with lie huge i>o|h noids, Minidoka forest service men. has only 80,000 aiitoimibllci. InspeotMl government property at BostetUr and took.anow measure- $ 6 . 9 0 menta Baturday and Sunday. Ile- Slylti and quality you’d expect aulta 9l ‘tbe snoyr survey have not $ 3 .9 8 to find oidy in much hlRher Suloct from IhlH group • been M ^ed yet. prici'il drcHrtert. KoloroH, hwIiik for tho utmoHt In stylo Hco theno In our win­ and Dalrynei»-Ye« Htyl'-n; erejini, taffctaa; printn, and value. DiHtlnctivol a n t I t l A M M wliea feeding Olebe dow I Compart! Htyle and Dil'fonuitl co1oi-h1 Vkeia. O liW U m t A I M Oe^A dv, quality I britfht milid Murvelotiti UHHortniontl Sco them I

    Bttrtlia E* Campbell's Store ni MAIN A v r. r.