^L E A G U E ? >p«ii>ihl vUk MeMtoitl n lw Th0 St. U c ii O w dlM k ' -ttftlrf-wii i t m S T a w w bmck »a onaaM . alp«r I t w iS tS ? r a I$ !^ Hodrnte tarn- baM )»n (earn in Twtn FaB* y w i e n U y St, turn S5' B«a4 tbe Bveiiliic T l M ifM l 34, M , tjfw O h pftf« todir for fiQ detaOa. Six Irrigated Countlra In Idaho VOL. X X. NO. 276~« CENTS.. nU i '• Hour U ue d WIr* ‘r«ltiF*pWo TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. 19?8 OFFICIAL COUNTY NEW SPAPEB^ •m lM Of th> t?Blfd P r « w ____ TWA PLANE MISSING WITH 9 ABOARD « * « * « « « «. * * • ,*** «««« «•«« ,,,, >««. , ' ^ ^ 1 ^ Clark Reveals Plans to Seek Office Again Chief Executive lAPAlSE MAKE MANYWIINESSES Craft Unreported During Will Enter N ame R f 10 GAINS IN CAILEOINPROGE Flight from Los Angeles In Primary List SHENSI P H N C E eOAO eUREA To Trisco in Rainstorm Bt j o s s r . m o r r i s BOISE, Ida., M arch 3 (UJtu-TJie SHANGHAI, M arch 3 (U.PJ—Jnpa- Ada county grand Jury today called E ffort for Second Term ..eso military forces, advancing rap­ score of witnesses as It continued Seeks Pact LINER FEARED LOST idly westward through Sharul prov­ its invc.<itlgation of the state high­ ince, were reported today to have way department and inquired Into Announced in Twin Falls moved beyond the west bank of the counly criminal affairs. IN COAST MOUNTAINS Yellow river into Shensi province, One of the county cases concerned By O. A. K ELKER stronghold of the Chinese elghUi n alleged ca-se of ra|«, aald to have BAN FRANCISCO. M arth t (U.R»-TraiiKontlnent«I u i< Western route army. Air' ' * Id U b a d reeclved a i Gov. Barzilla W. Clark will enter his name in the August been committed during daylight The Japanese, unable to crash an outlying Boise street. fr«m United Alrtlnet at Fretno n y lo r the tnlsslng TWA pUaa had primaries and will seek his sccond term as chief executive through the Chinese Lunghal line Tlic grand jury was entering Its beca found but' that InvestlgaUon diielMed the netaace was “one e( of Idaho. defending the cost-west railway of second month of Investigation ot the emeleft hoaxes ever perpetrated.” The plane was atUl m la a iu , W ith the primaries but five months away, Governor that name but successful In routing state government and it was indl* TWA aald. Clark made the announcement he would seek a sccond term provincial troops In Shansi, appar­ caled that completion of a survey United Airlines otfleea In Ban PranelKo and Fnano denied wur at ently were determined to enter of the highway audit and resultant their men had sent the metaage. TWA offleUils aald the n e s n (« waa after he was guest of honor last night at the annual military Shensi In a duni drive against the action would finish the general in­ telephoned from Freano by aomeooe who aald be was a United Airlines ball given by Company E, 116th engineers, Twin Falls^ n it eighth route army, former Com­ quiry. employe. The false meaaare aald Ibe plane waa foond U nUlei from munist troops under Gen. Chu Teh, REV. NIEHOELLER Freano with ''several paaaeortra lajnred bat everybody alive." of the Idaho national guard. Tailor Goes Home and the western terminus- of the . Sentenced to Mven 'nonths In an exclusive interview with this reporter, Governor Meanwhile It was revealed Uiat Lunghai In Slan-Pu. imprisonment for defying Gerinan By JOHN DUNLAP Clark for the first time revealed his intentions of running The advance Into Shensi brings (ovemment. Ir.i J. Taylor, director of the depart­ again. to eight the number of provinces in ment of public woriu and former FRESNO, Calif., March 2 (U.R)—A pelting rainstorm to* "I have to stay around Boise and the governor’s office so which tlie Japanese have campaign' warden of the state penitentiary h'ad day handicapped search for a Transcontinental and Western ed since outbreak of hostilities. left St. Alphonsus hospital and wai much that it is hard for me to sum up the situation at a now resting at his home. Air transport plane with nine aboard which disMpeared last glance,” he said. “However,' Defenses Near Collapse Taylor was Indicted on four counts night in the snow-covered mountains east of Fresno. you can announce that I will The Ciiinese defenses In western alleging embezzlement and misuse Fears increased hourly that the sWp had crushed. ■ seek a second term as gover­ Rhansi apparently were near col­ GERMAN PASTOR of prison funds by the grand Jury. TWA officials, however, said they had not glvea up hope. Runs Again lapse. Chinese reports odmltUng Tony Phelan, chief clerk during nor of Idaho arW I will not Taylor's regime, was named In four The plane, with six paaaengera and three crew, l 5 t San deny it.” m ajor JapaneW advances Indicated Francisco airport at 6:30 (7:30 MST) last night for Uic resistance offered by the pro­ counts, two of them Joinlly with Thus Clark became the vincial troops under guidance of the GIVEN SENIENCE Taylor. Winslow, Arir., but later was ordered to Los A h ^ e s ' first major office holder to former Communist forces was weak. News of Taylor’s transfer front ■ cause of stormy weather. BERU N , March 2 OI.fi>—The Rmr. the hospital, where he w o n t the announce his candidacy in Several Japanese units are advanc­ Martin Nlemoeller, World war hero JOSEPH P. KENNEDY The storm became so in­ ing more than 20 miles a day. night of his Indictment to recuper* the primaries. and militant leader ot the opposition . Arrives In England to take* tense over the Tehachapi Japanese said that 100,000 CtUr ate from a mUd nervous collapse Father Fears AlUiough Cong. D. worth Clark, movement in the E^'angcllca] church post as 8. ambassador.' nese troops were trapped in the and an attack of slnua trouble, was V. mountains, . separating cen­ the governor’s nephew; Senator was sentenced to seven months Im ­ snow-blanketed Shansi mountains kept from the public unlU today. He tral and southern California, James P. Pope and also Cong. prisonment in a fortress and fined, left the hospital Sunday, it waa re­ For Safety of Compton I. White, all three in the and were being subjected to heavy that Captain John D. Graves, twice'today for defying the govern­ vealed. national limelight, are expected to bombing. ment. chief pilot, was. forced back. Twenty mixed Chinese divisions M ight Appear Saturday run for the same olflcc tiiey now - One fine was of 500 marks ($200). between Liogshlh and the Yellow Kidnaped Son He radioed a t '8:88 he waa hold or try for a step higher, none The other was 1,500 marks «e00>. When he is able to leave his bed. heading for Fresno.. He never of the three has made definite com- river fled west following the fall he wUl oppear before Judge Charles KEiEO Y ARRIVES NEW RO O H BLLa N. Y.. Uarch 3 As Nlemoeller waa credited with the of the termparary Shansi provin­ (UJ»-.Murray Xevin«, h a n a rd and ralttAls. Coogressman Clark b ex* months he had already served, i( Koelsch lor arraignment on the dlstreaaed, today for_' M>a *^Urt^iiiit« news' m pect«d to run against cial capital a t Llnfen and Japanese was conceded that ho h ^ glYBn sat* ^ a r iM . It voa not expected t ^ t < prim ar/ 'Mth ?ope and co liu n u were-aald to be pursuing In Isfactlon as to the prison aehtance K y i a wouIdTje able to B p ^ r ^ Ing to luccoed'Qierasel' an attempt to halt aa many as pos­ and the amoller fine. But ha will not JIT BRIW POST %ho was ^ t d n n - G . O. P. In Doubt sible before'they can escape Into be released until he h u paid the Phelan yesterday filed a request LONDON, Uarch 3 alilWOMPll The p ro s M rm ditwney kept con­ east oTp.___ _____ ________ Shensi. larger fine. with Willlfl Moffatt. proaeculing at­ Governor Clark’s announcement P. Kennedy arrived today to as­ stant viffll two telephones In the plane i t •;ao p. tn. flylnc a t MO Deny Attack Nlemoeller went on trial before a torney, for detailed Information U ia t' he wUl seek a second term sume hla duties as United 6t«tea his 131,000 home In this suburb of feet down the Ban Joatiula river. A Japanese naval spokesman here secret court Feb. 7 on four charges concerning the charges of embezzle­ comes at a time when ambassador to Great Britain. New 'york Oity. avaSllnK an opportu­ Because of UiU report th« M u d i of defying the government In its ment and misuse. Phelan sought the yet has been agreed upon as the said in answer to allegations that One of the first things he wished nity to contaot the abductors. waa ccni^trated In the Sierra campaign for Nazltlcatlon ot the dates and circumstances surround­ Republican candidate. Henry Dwor- Japanese had made aerial attacks to conclude, waa an Anglo-United Reporta th ^t he had received « mountains east of rra o o . Evangelical church. He had been In ing the misappropriations ho as- shak, Burley publisher, has been against BrttLnh passenger planes, States trade pact, he said.
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