Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896
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Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 60 STORRS, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1964 Evidence Favoring Faculty Senate Lauds Sheehan Eligibility Tutorial Project Evidence mounted yesterday for Medieros took his most recent the position in the USA party that stand in an interview with the Ed- At its December 9, 1963 meeting tions of the University to provide. yesterday, "I applaud their effort a sophomore is eligible to run for itor - in - Chief of the paper, Miss the Faculty Senate unanimously Further, that the names of the stu- ... a fine thing. I am delighted that President of thai party. Dianne Rader, while he was on voted to commend the members of dents currently paticipating be spread the faculty took note of it." The first piece of material back- campus. the Hartford Tutorial project for on the minutes of this meeting and Terrific Job ing this point was a telegram re- «Dkty Eight their initiative and for their positive circulated to the faculty. Mr. Charles Owen, of the Student ceived by the Connecticut Daily Joel Hirschhorn, leader if the op- contribution to society. Starting last year with sixteen Welfare Committee and the maker Campus from Robert F. Bonitati, position to this stand, told the Daily Text of Motion students, the Project now involves of the motion, stated that the stu- Class of 1960, and one of the mak- Campus upon hearing of the tele- The complete text of the motion approximately 120 undergraduates, dents had done a "terrific job." He ers of the 1937 USA constitution. gram, said "I'm tired of this non- is as follows: who go in to Hartford every Thurs- called the work a "landmark of The telegram reads as follows: sense. As long as Mr. Calder and 'That the (Faculty) Senate day to tutor an equal number of what can be done in the way of "HAVE BEEN ASKED TO Mr. Twachtman are so interested in commend the Hartford Tutorial negro school children from the ages creative student efforts." CLEARIFY PRESIDENTIAL ferreting out the truth by having Project, its Director Vic Schachter of 6 to 16. The aim of the program Owen further remarked that this QUALIFICATION ISSUE DIS- telegrams, then they should tell the and the students who have given is to develop in the children the movement shows that "we are not TURBING U.S.A. PARTY, CON- campus about the 'dirty eight'." time, effort, and money to make it skills and the incentive they need sitting up on a mountain looking STITUTIONAL REVISION OF Hirschhorn did not say what the a success. The Project is an outstand- if they are to play a constructive down on the South." He further 1957 ALLOWED SOPHOMORE "dirty eight" was, but said that he ing example of what student initia- role in our society." commented that it was important JUNIORS AND SENIORS TO BE would tell the Campus soon. Calder tive can contribute to the University Babbidge Comments to students to realize that the North ELECTED TO PARTY OFFICE, said that it was "another one of and to the nealth of the society has its problems also. In this res- In reference to the Hartford tu- pect, he further commented that REVISION WAS MADE TO Hirschhorn's tricks, similar to the which the University serves; it re- torial project and the Faculty Se- FORCE "OLD GUARD" OUT OF constitution." presents the kind of leadership and nate motion. Dr. Homer D. Bab- the tutorial project is as benefi- cial for those participating as for POWER THUS UP - DATING concern which it is one of the func- bidge stated in a phone interview THE PARTY STRUCTURE." the negro students being tutored. Bonitati is currently assistant Faculty- Student When asked as to whether or not dean of men at the University of the faculty was interested in join- Arizona, where the telegram orig- Living Unit ing the tutorial project, Owen sta- nated from. ted that part of the impressiveness Medieros Reverses Position Approved of the program is that students are Al Medieros, former leader in The administration has approved doing it themselves. The faculty the party, reversed his previous the idea of an experimental liv- generally does not want to interfere, stand after reading the telegram. ing unit in which both faculty mem- but wants to keep the students run- Medieros said in a conference phone bers and students would live. ning it. The faculty has. however, call Sunday that he thought he re- In a meeting with Arwood North- contributed to the program financial- membered that only a Junior could by, John Dunlop, and Sumner Co- ly and will continue to do so. Owen further commented that run for the presidential position hen the Housing committee of the the tutorial project was first priori- of the party. However, he yester- Student Senate was told that' the ty of most of those students involved day admitted that he remembered administrators liked the idea, but in it. Those students involved in the "that a Sophomore is eligible" to that the ground work would have program are as follows: Leona An- run for that office. to be done entirely by the com- nicelli. Malcolm Barlow. Julie Bell- mittee. more. Phillip Benevento. Larry Ber- LBJ Responds Men's Unit cowitz. Barbara Bialecki. Saralie Bis- The dorm would probably be a novitch. Norman Bloom. Ann Bra- men's living unit, and placement mier. Elaine Butlein. Joan Carter. To Confidence in this dorm would be on a volun- Paulette Clark. Kathy Clemens, tary basis. In order for the pro- Margie Cohen. Shirley Crawford, At UConn ject to be successful there must be Judi Crotty. and Honora Curran. Following is the text of a letter enough interested students to fill Others involved in the program from President and Mrs. Lyndon a dorm. are: Maureen Delaney, Madeline B. Johnson which was sent to the The dorm would be ready for DeLucia. Dianne Dimitn. Cathy President of the Associated Student the fall '64 semester, the admin- PART OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY Hartford tutorial Dolan. Allan Dougall. Mary Lou Government, Victor Schachter, in istrators said\ and the faculty must group members board the bus on a past Thursday night to journey to Duquette. Mary-Carol Dyer. Mary response to a letter from Schachter. be approached on an individual Hartford to meet with their students. (Photo by Photopool) Eager. Patricia Edgar. Arlene Ep- Schachter's letter expressed the basis. stein. Ann Feir. Gail Fineberg. confidence of the Student Senate of It has not yet been decided to Brooks Fitch. Janet Fitzsimons, the University of Connecticut in what extent the professors will Marjorie Fried, Janet Galuska, Mr. Johnson in the face of the great have diciplinary control over the UConn Receives $106,000 Elaine Gilbert. Sandra Gillander, tasks which lie ahead of him. students. Ellen Glasset. Georgette Giroux. Text of Letter Bachelors Only Jeanette Goldschmidt, Jeffrey Gold- "Mrs. Johnson and I acknowledge The requirements of the faculty For Space Scientist stein. Deidra Grayson. Susan with deep appreciation your thought- members will be simply that he Greaves. Ron Greene, and Allan be single as there would be no ade- The National Aeronautics and According to NASA officials, ful expression of personal interest Space Administration has awarded Gregory. quate housing facilities for his wife. this program, which was initiated and confidence during the hours of the University of Connecticut some by the space agency two years ago, Other members of the program sorrow after the death of President All single faculty will be can- $106,000 to expand its program of are Joan Halpin. Dorothy Hanna. vassed to learn if they would de- is intended to help achieve the long- John Fitzgerald Kennedy. We will graduate education for space- ori- range goals of the national space Laurel Heald. Merri Hinds, Patricia cherish your prayers and support sire to live in close contact with ented scientists. Hixton. Barbara Holmes. S. W. their students. effort and meet the nation's future in the days ahead. Terms requirements for highly trained Howland, Judy Hutensky. Barbara Most likely he would be selected Under terms of the training scientists and engineers. Irland. Patricia Jackson. Janet Jen- Lyndon B. Johnson from the School of Arts and Sci- grant, which roughly approximates Needed Skills kins. Inta Jeremics. Maryanne The White House ences for he would have the widest the value of an initial NASA "These skills are in short supply Johnson. Robin Jones. Barbara President's Report: background of interest. award issued to the State Univer- today and will be needed in in- Karpe. Doris Karpe. Carol Keating. Branchfer Committee In last spring's election the ISO sity last winter, the UConn Grad- creasing numbers over the next Karen Korineck, Donna Korvell, Correspondence from President party campaigned on promoting an uate School is authorized to select decade," the space agency com- John Kouhia. Barbara Lampard. experiment in educational living, Johnson and Martin Luther King. six students for advanced degree mented when the program was Nanette Levin. Carol Lewis. Gerri Student Union Relations Com- and it would appear they kept their work in the fields of enginterin;:. launched. 1 ippman. and Sandy Lucas. promise. mittee physical and life sciences 89 COLLEGES Other participants in the tutorial BOG Affiliation It is urged that anyone interested Three Year Stipend UConn and some 88 other col- project include Sandy MacDougal. in taking part in the project please Constitution action by Board of Each of the students will receive leges and universities were choen Teddie Marotte. Patricia McGraw. Trustees contact the Student Senate office, to participate in the training pro- or attend the next meeting of th.- three - year Fellowships providing Mary McNeil.