E of Support in Equipment, to Arrive
■ ? ■ •• • ■J A- ■ ■ I.. TUESDAY, JULY M , 1960 lounBEiN Atwrafj JNdiy Ntt PtcN '- .T 'r ^T ke_yten % r u a ateHri|igBter liti2ttUt9 l|9raUi ' r w Oiw^iPVijk B M M ' af V . A Wa -ftnw 1988 Industry,’* McNally said. "The i$g boys went through the nniaeum, $3,000 Loss 13,125 tampsnatoffc' Isnr mVt A b o u tT o w n Group Today bought souvenirs, and wandered Ths loim ooeunsd ovamtght, and Hmtatey' lUr, w so o m ti. again thsrs wars no marks on r at BwAnjia around for three nours.'' : at Obeolotloa mM. ngk IB 8ia. The next 24 hours was spent dh ths building fatdleating a forced FUNERAL HOME ManehatUr—^A City of VUlago Charm ItM wayi and nwana opmmittaa Will Discuss tbs train again, with Denver the Reported by entrance., « f Our Lady's ChiUd o f S t Bar^ destination. They reached Denver Patrolman Lso Grover Is Invss- FUNERAL thtdomew'e dniroh will maet to- on the morning of July 20, and tlgatlng. _________ (OtoaalfUd AdvarMstag am Paga 92) PRICE m om nr at 8 p-m. In the tMUMmeot Brook Issue then trained to CoIoraSo iSprings, Hanci VOL. LXXR. NO. « 8 (TWEiNTY-POUR PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1960 e t the rectoiy. stuns 90 miles south, arriving at SERVICE J The problem of Lydall Brook 1:16 p.m. Nearly , $8,000 In cash and Sheas Surprised WAUTER N. Officers and members of the was to be discussed toda^. by "Twelve buses awaited our ar checks has been reported miMlng IaBjCXjEjROi UaachestOT Lodge o f Blks will Town, SUte, Eighth District, and rival and took the Charter Oak from the John Hancock Insur Director Impasse on R B 4 7 maet at the John F.
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