Heat Capacity Ratio of Gases Carson Hasselbrink
[email protected] Office Hours: Mon 10-11am, Beaupre 360 1 Purpose • To determine the heat capacity ratio for a monatomic and a diatomic gas. • To understand and mathematically model reversible & irreversible adiabatic processes for ideal gases. • To practice error propagation for complex functions. 2 Key Physical Concepts • Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of an object or substance one degree 풅풒 푪 = 풅푻 • Heat Capacity Ratio is the ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume 퐶푝 훾 = 퐶푣 휕퐻 휕퐸 Where 퐶 = ( ) and 퐶 = ( ) 푝 휕푇 푝 푣 휕푇 푣 • An adiabatic process occurs when no heat is exchanged between the system and the surroundings 3 Theory: Heat Capacity 휕퐸 • Heat Capacity (Const. Volume): 퐶 = ( ) /푛 푣,푚 휕푇 푣 3푅푇 3푅 – Monatomic: 퐸 = , so 퐶 = 푚표푛푎푡표푚푖푐 2 푣,푚 2 5푅푇 5푅 – Diatomic: 퐸 = , so 퐶 = 푑푖푎푡표푚푖푐 2 푣,푚 2 • Heat Capacity Ratio: 퐶푝,푚 = 퐶푣,푚 + 푅 퐶푝,푚 푅 훾 = = 1 + 퐶푣,푚 퐶푣,푚 푃 [ln 1 ] 푃2 – Reversible: 훾 = 푃 [ln 1 ] 푃3 푃 [ 1 −1] 푃2 – Irreversible: 훾 = 푃 [ 1 −1] 푃3 • Diatomic heat capacity > Monatomic Heat Capacity 4 Theory: Determination of Heat Capacity Ratio • We will subject a gas to an adiabatic expansion and then allow the gas to return to its original temperature via an isochoric process, during which time it will cool. • This expansion and warming can be modeled in two different ways. 5 Reversible Expansion (Textbook) • Assume that pressure in carboy (P1) and exterior pressure (P2) are always close enough that entire process is always in equilibrium • Since system is in equilibrium, each step must be reversible 6 Irreversible Expansion (Lab Syllabus) • Assume that pressure in carboy (P1) and exterior pressure (P2) are not close enough; there is sudden deviation in pressure; the system is not in equilibrium • Since system is not in equilibrium, the process becomes irreversible.