Türk. mt. Kor. Derg. (1984) 8: 33-44

Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and impnrtanee of saecles in .Iurkey, XIII. Family Gicadellidae : ( Part i )


Summary Turkish fauna of Typhloeybini, excluding Eupteryx species, is represented by 19 species of 9 genera as a re su lt of this study. Seven newly recorded species are: Edwardsiana avellanae (Edw.), E. flavescens (F.), E. sallcioola (Edw.), Eupteryeyba jueunda (H.S.), Ficoeyba fiearia (Horv.) , Typhloeyba quereus (F.) and Aguriahana germart (Zett.). Distribution, abundanee and the plants on which the specimens were eolleeted of eaeh species are given.

Introduction Turkish T!yphlocilbini was not studied as a whole up to date. Howe­ ver, only 12 species of this group have been reported previouslv by se­ veral workers, The Hrst record made by Fahringer (1922) was Ed­ wardsiana Iethierryi (Edw.). Metcalf (1968) also Iisted this species from Turkeyaccording to Fahringer (1.c.). Dlabola (1957) reported Ribautiana ognevi (Zach.) trom Turkey tınder the name of 'Iyphlocyba horvathiana Dlab, Linnavuori (1965) also recorded such species as Linnavuoriana sexmaculata (Hardy), Youngiada tarsalis Linn. and Zygineı1la pulchra (Löw) from Turkey. Ural et al. (1973) recorded Edwardsiana spinigera (Edw.) during the taunistic study in hazel orchards in eastern Black Sea Coast. Dlabola (1971, 1981) reported Edwardsiana rosae (L,.) , E. tshlrıari Zach., Ribautiana alces (Rıb.), R. tenerrima (RS.) and Younglada pandellei (Leth.) addrtionally in his publicatdons, * University of Ege, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Bornova, İzmir-Turkey. ** Plant Proteetion Researeh Institute, Plant Protection Museum, Kalaba, Ankara­ Turkey. Almış (Received) : 16.9.1982

33 In this group of typhlocybids, especially E. rosae ls known to cause damage on cultıvated plants, Vereshchagina (19'62) reported that it canses much damage to truit trees in orchards and nurseries in Soviet Moldavia, and overwıntered exclusively on cultivated and wild roses. The females deposit their eggs in the balik alorıg the shoots. Nymphs teed on new leaves in sprirıg. Adults migrate to apple and quince in May. Baggfolini (1968) stated alsa that this species found on apple in 'I'icino and French Swi:tzerland. Simmak and Petrev (1975) repor­ ted this speeies a:s one of the most injurrous pest of oil- bearirıg rO;30 in Crimea. Wilde (1962) reported it beirıg tound commonly on sweet meTYY. it has beerı cbserved being destructrve on apples in Niğde (Bor) in Turkey during 19'81. Bibautiana tenurrima (H.'S.) has been repcr­ bed being a serious pest of various berrıes (Andison, 1950; Raine, 1960). Edwardsiana avellanae (Edw.) and E. spinigera (Edw.) on hazel and Ficocyba Iicarla (Horv.) on figs may cause damage when they build up large populaeions. The otner speeies are not observed to he serious pest of cııltdvated plants. Eupteryx species are not included in this paper, because the content will exceed the limits of this periodlc. Therefore Eupteryx Sp3­ cies will ibe given in the tollowlng ıssue. Synonym:s, distribution of species in Palaearctic region are takeri from Nast (1972). Additional countrres are given with literature cita­ tions at the erıd. The authors would like to express their thanks to Dr. J. Dlabola, of National Museurn (Nat. Hist.) Prague, Czechoslovakia, for the iden­ tification of same species. Most of the species were identified by the authors by usirıg keys of Ribaut (1936) and Emelyanov (1964) Edwardsiana avellana (Edwards, 1888) Synonymy: Typhlocyba bidentata Edw., 1914. General Distribution: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hurıgary, Netherlands, Poland, Swedcn,

Swrtzerland, USSR, Italia (Riibaut, 19152), Denmark (TrolIe, 1974), Czechoslovakia (Slovakia) (DIaıbola, 1977 h).

Distribution in Turkey: This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. Material examirıed: Giresun, Trabzon (Akça:aıbat)-Dnly 7 spcci­ mens,

34 r Occurrenee: occssıonauv. it seems to be restricted in northeastern part of Turkey. Biologlcal note: Specimens were collected !İn Iate August, on Corylus avellana, as it ıs reported by the earlier authors. Markelova (1962) alsa reported iit in apple orchards in 'I'amoov region in USSR

Edwardsiana Ilavescens (Faoricius, 1794)

Synonymy: Typhlocyba Iraterculus Edw., 1908; T. sorüreula Oss., 1936. General Distribution: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Gerrnany, Hungary, Netherlarıds, Polarıd, Romania, Sweden, USSR., Denmark (Tıon8, ı.c.i, Switzerland (Günthart, 1974). Distribution in Turkey: Although Oshanin (1912), Bodenheimer (1958) and İrerı and Ahmet (1973) reported Empoasca flavescens F. from Turkey, these records were not taken 'İl"lıto conslderation as Edwardsiana flaveseens F., because of the confusion i!t with Empoasca vitis Göthe. Thesip~cies E. vitis in some earlier literatüre was given under the name of Empoasca flavescens F. 'I'heretore ıthe true Edward­ siana flavescens F. species is accepted to be recorded newly frem Turkey.

Material examined: Ankara (Çubuk, Elmadağ) IJ Van (Başkale­ Güzelsu, Beyüzümü, Edremit)-Totally 65 speclmens. Occurrence: Not very common, out sometimes round sornewhat in large nurrıoers. Biological note: Specimens were collected from mid-June through the beginning of Septemher, on Ulmus and Pyrus malus. Previously it was recorded on various trees such as Fagus, Carpinus, Juglans, Po­ pulus and Castanea (Rihaut, 1936; China, 1943; Emelyanov, 1964; Günthart, 1974; Trolle, 1974).

Edwardsiana lethierryi (Edwards, 1881)

Synonymy: Typhlocyba lethierryi chromata Hey, 1894; T. Iethierry plurispinosa Wagrıer, 1935. General Distribution: Algeria, Austria, Bulgarıa, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mo­ rocca, Netherlands, Poland, Romania,Sweden, SwLtz:erland, Turkey, USSR., Yugoslavla.

35 Distribution in Turkey: Fahrmger (1922) recorded this speeies from Istanbul (Polenezköy) , on Bosa obtisitolta. Authors have no representative of this species. Edwardsiana rosae (Linnaeus, 1758) Synonymy: 'I'yphloeyba rosae Iactltera Hey, 1894; T. rosae sub­ earnea Hey, 1894; T. rosae manca Riibaut, 1936. General Distribution: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czec­ hoslovakia, Denmark. England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (also Sicily) , Japan (Hakkaido, Honshu) , Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USSR., Yu­ goslavia; [Nearctic and Oriental regions]. Iran, Turkey (Dlabola, 1971) . Distribution in Turkey: Dlabola (1971, 19'81) recorded it from Hakkari (Esendere-Yüksekova) and Kayseri (Pınarbaşı). Material examlned: Adana (Hasanbeyli, Pozantı), Ankara (Çu­ buk, Kayaş, Lalahan) , Konya (Karaman, Central Province), Maraş ('Dekir), Nevşehir (ürgüp), Niğde (Bor) -Totally 202 specimens. Oecurrence: Common, sometimes is found in large numbers. Biological note: Specimens were mostly collected in September through mid-October, on Pyrus malus and Rubus trutlcosus. This spe­ des has been recorded on Rosa, Pyrus, Bubus, Alnus, Fragaria and Aspidium oculeatum by earlıer authors (Ribaut, 19'36; China, 1943; Dlabola, 19'71, 1974, 1981). Markelova (1962) stated tha,t it irıtests apple, currant, straw-berry and mostly on wild roses in Soviet Union. Vereshchagma (1962) reported that i,t causes damage on fruit trees especially apple and quince in orchards and nurseries. He has also studied the hiology of this species, Baggiolini (1968) rourıd iıt on apple in Swi1tzerland. Chnmak and Petray (1975) reported it being the most injurious pest of oil-bearing roses in Crimea. it was also tound causing injury to apple in Niğde (Bor) in 1981. Edwardsiana salicleola (Edward, 1885) General Distribution: Aııstria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark. England, Fin­ land, France, Germany, Hurıgary, Iran, Morıgolia, Netherlands, Po­ land, Romarıla, 8weden, Bwltzerland, USSR., Czeehoslovakia (Slavakia) (ülabola, 1977 b). Distribution in Turkey: This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. 36 Mateda1 examined: Ankara (Karagöl) , Bursa (Uludağ)-Totally 7 specimens. Occurrence: Occaeionally. Biologieal note: specimens were colleoted in Iate Julyand August on Salix arıd Abies. The host plant of thds species iıs Salrx as it is stated by the other authors. Edwardsiana spinigera (Edwards, 1924)

General Distribution: Austrıa, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, USSR, Yugoslavia. Turkey (Tuatay et al., 1967), Switzerland (Gürıthart, 1974). Distribution in Turkey: Tuatay et al. (1967, 1972) Iisted it from Giresun andaIso Umı et al, (1973) trom Eıa;stern Black Sea Coast Region.

Material examined: Giresun-Totally 17 specimens, Occurrence: Occasionally. Biologieal note: Specimens were collected in Iate August on ha­ zelnut trees as it was stated alsa by Ribaut (1936), China (1943) and Gürithart (1974). Injuriousness on hazelnut trees is not known exactly in Turkey, Edwardsiana tersa (Edwards, 1914) General Distribution: Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, US8R. Distribution in Turkey: Althonıgh Nast (1972) listed Turkey as its dıstrtoution area, the authors could not trace its presence in Turkey.

We have no representative of this species in OUT collection.

Edwardsiana tshinari Zachvatkirı, 1947

General Distribution: Israel, USSR (Georgia, Moldavia, Uzbekis­ tan). Turkey (Dlabola, 1971), Cyprus (Dlabola, 1977 c). Distribution in Turkey: Dlabola (1971), reported it from Izmit­ Düzce and Istanbul Üsküdar) on Platanus. The authors have no representative of thls species.

37 Eupterycyba [ucunda (Herrich-Schaffer, 1837)

Synonymy: Typhlocyba zetteestedti Boh., 1845. General Distribution: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark. England, Frarıce, Germarıy, Hungary, Italy (also Sardinia), Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, USiSR, Yugoslavia, Switzerland (Günthart, 1974). Distribution in Turkey: This species consitutesas new record for Turkey. Materisıl examined: Izmir (Ödemiş-Bozdağ), Muğla (Köyceğiz)­ Only 6 specimens,

Occurrence: Very occasional.

BiologicaI note: S'Pecimens were collected at the erıd of July, on Urtica sp., Alnus has been given as the main host plantand also found on Salix, Ulmus and Quercus in leeser numbers by earlier authors (Ribaut, 1936; China, 1943; Günthart, 1974; Trolle, 1974).

Lirınavuoriana sexmaculata (Hardy, 1850)

Synonymy: Cicada sexpunctata Fall., 1828 (Primary homonym); Typhlocyba agathina Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862; T. sexpunctata bipunctata Cerutti, 1939; Linnavuorianaquadripunctata Mitjaev, 1963. General Distributdon: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechcslovakia, Denmark. England, France, Gerrnany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (also Bardinia) , Japan (HOIkikaido, Honshu) , Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spadn, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USSR:., Yugoslavia, Czeohoslovakia (Blovakia) (Dlalbola, 1977 ı». [Nearctic region].

Distribution in Turkey: Linrıavuori (1965) has takeri one speci­ men near Ankara (Kızıjcahamam). Material examined: Ankara (Karagöl) , Erzincan (Kemaliye), Kon~ ya (Seydişehir)-Only 4 specirnens,

Occurrence: Very occasional.

Biological note: Specimens were collected in Iate April, eady July and Iate August, on Salix, Quercus and Py,l'US elaeagrltolia. Salix has been given as the main host plant of this species by the earlier authors


i (Ribaut, 1936; China, 1943; Lmnavuori, 1965; Günthart, 1974; Trolle, 1974) . Fteocyba ficaria (Horvath, 1,s97) General Distribution: Btrlgaria, France, Israel, Italy (alsa Sar­ dinia) Morocco, Bpain, Yugoslavia. Distribution in Turkey: This is the Iirst record of the species in Turkey. Material examined: Rize (Central provdnce) , Sinop (Kanlıçay), Trabzon (Central province) -ToıtaHy 25 specimens. Oecurrence: Oceasionally; but seems to be restricted in the Black Bea Coast in Turkey. Blological note: Bpecimens were collected in Iate August on Fieus cariea. Youngiada pandellei (Lethıerry, 1878) Synonymy: Typhlbcyba pandellei spoliata Horvath, 1'907. General Distribution: Bulgaria, England, France, Italy (alsa Sar­ dinia) , Spain, Yugoslavia, Turkey (Dlabola, 1981). Distribution in Turkey: DIalbala (Le.) reported one temale speci­ men from İzmit (Sapanca gölü).

Biologıcal note: Quercus, Alnus, Rubus and Acer were glven as host of this species by Ribaut (1936), China (1943) and Dlabola (ı .c.). The authors have no representattve of the species.

YIGungiada tarsalis Linnavuori, 1962 General Distribution: Israel, Turkey (Linnavuori, 1965). Dlstributlon in Turkey: Linnavuori (Lc.) collected one specimen from Hatay (Yayladağ) on Quercus calliprinos. The authors have no representative of thiıs species,

Rtbautiana alces (Ribaut, 1931) Synonymy: ?Anomia dubla Fieber (Nomen oblitum). General Distribution: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Italy (also Sardinia}, Switzerland, USSR, Turkey (Dlabola, 1981) . 39 Distribution in Turkey: Dlabola (1.e.) reporteel two specimens f110m 30 km southeast of Kütahya. Biological note:Dlahola stated that the specimens found in Tur­ key were collected on Juniperus-Ouercus forest and it lives on trees, especially Carpinus. Rihaut (1936) has given Ouereus as a host of this specles, Theauthors have no representative of this species,

Ribautiana ognevi (Zachvatkin, 194:8) Synonymy: 'I'yphloeyba horvathiana Dlabola, 1954. General Distribution: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, USSR. Distribution in Turkey: Dlabola (1957) reported one mak speci­ men collected in Ankara by Bodenheimer in 194'0. Biological note: Emelyarıov (1964) has given Ulmus laevis as a host planet of this species. The authors have no representative of this species,

Ribautiana tenerrima (Herrich-Schaffer, 1834) Synonynıy: Typhlocyba ruhi Hardy, 185,0; T. misella Bon., 1952; Ribautiana tenerrima disjuncta Zach., 1947. General Distr-ibution: Austria, Belgiurn, Czechoslovakia, Denmark. England, France, Germany, Hııngary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy (also Bardinia and 8ieily), Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Bwitzerland, USSR, Yugoslavia; [Aııstralian and Nearctic regions]. Turkey (Dlabola, 1971). Distribution in Turkey: Dlabola (Lc.) made the first record of th~s species from Istanbul (Üsküdar) , İzmit, Bolu (Düzce) , Samsun (Terme), Ordu and Tra!bzon (Maçka). Biologtcal note: Dlabola (Lc.) reported Quercus, Rubus and Prunus as host plants of this species, Ribaut (1936) has gtven Ouercus Alnus, Corylus avellana, Acer, Prunus, Betula, Salix, Carpinus, Buxus and Emelyanov (1964) Rubus idaeus and R. caesius as host plants of this species, it has beerı reported being serıous pest of raspberry, blackoerry and related cane Iruits (Andison, 1950; Raine, 19,60). The authors have no representative of this species.


i 'I'yphlocyba quercus (Fabricius, 1777) Synonymy: T. fasciata Tollin, 18M. General Distribution: Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechos­ lovakia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlarıds, Morıgolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Bweden, Switzerland, USSR, Yugostavıa: [Nearctic regton]. Distribution in Turkey: This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. Material examined: Zonguldak (Ereğli}. Only 2 specirnens. Oceurrence: Very occasional, Biological noterThe specimens were collected iby light trap, Riibaut (1936) haıs given Quercus and Prunus as main host plants and rarely found on Prunus avium, Betula, Salix caprea, China (1943) stated Quercus and Prunus domestica as madn host plants and he rarely found it on Prunus cerasus, Betula and Salix. iDlaıbola (1967) faund i't on Crataegus in Morıgolla. Trelle (1974) added Alnus as host plant besides of Qu€rcus.

Agurialıana germari (Zetterstedt, 1840) General Distribution: Algeria, Austria, Belgiurn, Bulgaria, Czechos­ lovakia, Denmark. England, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Mon­ golia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, USSR. Distribution in Turkey: This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. Material examined: Amasya (Borabay), Artvin (Murgul) , Kars (Sarıkamış}, Çorum (Iskihp) and Çankırı.-Totally 9 specimens, Occurrence: Very occasıonally. Biological note: Specimens were collected at -the Hrst half of July and Iate August on Quercus and Pinus. Same specimens were collec­ ted also by light trap, Rıbaut (1936), Emelyanov (1964), Günthart (1974), Trolle (1974) have given Pinus silvestris as a host plant of this species. ZygineUa pulchra Löw, 1885 Synonymy: Z. graertfei Melichar, 1901; Z.quercus Kusnezov, 1930. General Distribution: Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia,

41 Frarıce, Greece, Israel, Italy (also Sardiniıa), Poland, Turkey, USSR (Critnea) , Yugoslavia, Switzerland (Oünthart, 1974), Crete (Dlabola, 1977 a). Dlstrfbutibn in 'I'urkey: Linnavuori (1965) collected some speci­ mens from Hatay (Yayladağ-Belen) and Adana (Gülek). Material examined: Diyarbakır (Central province) , Izmir (Kara­ burun, Kemalpaşa, Tire), Konya (Tuz gölü), Niğde (Aksaray), Sam­ sun (Central province) -Totally 13 specirnens. Occurrence: Somewhat comman Dut tound in small numbers. Biological note: Specimens were collected starting from Iate April through August on Castanea, Vitds vinifera and mostIy alsa from light traps. Linnavuori (Lc.) collected it on Platanus orientalis in Turkey. This species has been collected from Acer campestris, A. pseudoplata­ nus, Quercus, cultivated Prunus, Cyprus, Buxus, Pistacia terentnthus and Platanus orientalis, Picea by previous authors (Ribaut, 1936; Lin­ navuori, 1965; Günthart, 1974).

Öze t Türkiye Auchenorrhvncha türleri nin yayilışı ve önemlerine ait ön listesi. Xiii. Fami lva Cicadell idae: Tvphlccvbinae: Typhlocybini (ı. Kısım)

Bu çalışma sonunda Türkiye Typhlocybini faunası, Eupteryx türleri hariç, 9 cinse ait 19 türle temsil edilmektedir. Yenlı olarak kaydedilen yedi tür: Edwardsiana avellanae (Edw.), E. flavescens (F.). E. salieleola (Edw.), Eupterycyba juctmda (H.S.), Ftcocyba ticarta (Horv.), TyphIocyba quercus (F.) ve Aguriahana germari (Zett.) 'dir. Herbir türün yayıhşı, ekonomik önemi ve üzerinde toplandığı bitkiler verilmeye çalışılmıştır.

l.iterature cited Anclison, H., 1950. The. Bramble 'Pyphloeyba ,tenenima H.S. (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) a destructive European new to the Pasific N orthwest, Carıad. Ent., 82 (3) : 68-70.

Baggiolini, :M., 1968. AI,terati'ons foliaires provoqueas par la eleadelle Empomıca tlavescens F. (Ham. Typhlocybidae) elevee sur pommiers. Mitt. Schweiz, ent, Ges., 40 (3-4): 257-262.

Bodenheimer, F.S., 1958. Türkiye'de Ztraa.te Zararlı OL:m Böcekler ve Bunlarla Sa­ vaş Hakkında Bir Etüd. (Çeviren: N. Kenter). Bayur Matbaası, Ankara. 347 pp.


i Chirıa, W.E., 1943. New and little-known species of British 'I'yphüocybidae wifh keys to the genera Typlocyba, Erythroneura, Dicraneura, Notus, Empoasca and Alebra. Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent., 8 (4) : ııl~153. Chumak, V.O. and A.S. Petrov, 1975. On the effectiveness of a combination of chemical measures for the control of pests and diseases of oil-be.aring rose. Zakhist Bosltn, 21: 73-77.

Dlabola, J., 1957. Results of the Zoological Expediti'onof the National Museum in Pragae to Turkey. 20. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha. Acta Ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae, 31 (469) : 19-68.

---_~, 1967. Ergebnisse der Mongolish-Tschechoslowakischen entomologisch­ botanisehen Expedition in der Mongolei, Nr. 3. Homoptera-Auchenorrhyucha (Erganzung). Acta faun. ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae, 12: 51-102.

-----, 1971. Taxonomische und Chorologische ergünzungen der Zikadenfauna von Anatolien, Iran, Afganistan und Pakistan (Homoptera, Auchenorryhyncha) , Acta Ent. Bohemoslovaca, 68 (6): 377-396.

-----., H)74. Ergebnisse der Tschechoslowakiısch-Iranischen Entomologischen Expedition nach dem Iran 1970. Nr. 3. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha (1. Teil). Aeta Ent. Mus. N3Jt. Pragae, Suppl. 6: 29-73.

,1977a. Neue Zikaden-taxone von Mycterodus, Erythria, Selenocephalus und Goldeus (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Zool. Acad. Seien, Hunga­ ricae, 23 (3-4) : 279-292.

-----, 1977b. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha. Acta faun. Ent. Mus, Nat. Pragae. Suppl. 4: 83-96.

-----, 1977c. Chorologische Erganzungen zur Zikadenfauna des Mittelmeerge.• bietes (Homopt.era, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Ent. Mus. Nat. pragae, 33B (1-2) : 21-31.

-----, 1981. Ergebnisse der TscheCıoslowakisch-Iranischen Entomologischen Expeditionen nach dem Iran (1970 und 1973) (Mlı; Augaben über einige Sam­ melresultate in Anatolicn) Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha (II. Teil). Acta Ent.

l\Ius. Nat. Pragae, 40: 127~311.

Emelyanov, A.F., 1964. Suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha). Keys to the of the European USSR. Vol. ı. Apterygota, Palaeoptera, Hemimetobola. Ed.: Ga. Ya. Bei-Bienko. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Zoological Keys to the Fauna of USSR. 84: 421·551.

Fahringer, J., 1922. Eine Rbyuchotenausbeute aus der Türkei, Kleinasien, und den benachbarten Gebreten. Konowia, 1: 296-307.

Günthart, H., 1974. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kleinzikaden (Typhlocybinae, Homop­ tera, Auchenorrhyncha) der Schweiz. Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol, Ges., 47: 15-27.

Iren, Z.and M.K. Ahmed, 1973. Insect Pests of Turkey found on Decidious Fruits (Meyve Zararlıları). Bitki Koruma Bültemi, Suppl. 1, Part II : 35·96.

43 Linnavuori, R., 1965. Studies of the South and East-Mediterranean Hemlpterous Fauna. Acta Ent. F'ennlea, Helslnlci, 21: 1-70.

Markclova. E.M., 1962. Auchenorrhyncha of the genus Edwardsiana (Homoptera) pe st of apple in the Soviet Union. Rev. Eıııt. USSR, 41 (4) : 737-40.

MeteaIf, Z.P., 1968. General Catalogue ,of the Homoptera. Fas. VI. Cicadelloidea. Pt. 17 Cicadellidae. ARS, USDA. Washington, D.G., 1513 pp.

Nast, J., 1972. Palaearctic Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). An Annotated Check List. Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Zoology. Polish Scientific Publis­ hers, Warszawa, 551 pp.

Oshanin, B., 1912. Katalog der Palaarkttschen Hemipteren Heteroptera; Homoptera (Auchenorrhyncha und Psylloidea). Verlag von R. Friedlander und Sohn, Ber­ lin. 187 pp.

Raine, J., 1960. Life historyand behavior of the bramble leafhopper Ribautiana tenerrima (H.S.). Canad. Ent. 92 (1) : 10-20.

Ribaut, H., 1936. Faune de France. 31. Hornopteres Auchenorrhynques. 1. (Typhloc­ ybidae). Federation Française des Societes de Sciences Naturelles. Office Central de Faunistique. 228 pp.

~-~--, 1952. Faune de France. 57. Homoptares Auchenorrhyncha II (Jassidae). Federaltion Française des Societes de Sciences Naturelles. Office Central de Faunistique, 474 pp.

Trolle, L., 1974. Danske Typhlocybiner (Auchenorrhyncha, Gicadellidae, 'I'yphlocybi-, nae). Entomol. Meddr. Kjobenhaven, 42: 53--62.

Tuatay, N., S. GÜı, A. Demirtola, A. Kalkandelen ve N. çağatay, 1967. Nebat Ko­ ruma Müzesi Böcek Kataloğu (1961-1966). Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları. Mesleki Kitaplar Serisi. 66 pp.

----.--+---, A. Kalkandelen ve N. (Çağatay) Aysev, 1972. Nebat Koruma Müzesi' Böcek Kataloğu (1961-1971). Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina GeneıI Mü• dürlüğü Yayınları. Mesleki Kitaplar Serisi. 119 pp. Ural, 1., M. Işık ve A. Kurt, 1973. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi Fındık Bahçelerinde Tesbit Edilen Böcekler Üzerinde Bazı İncelemeler. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, ıa (2): 55-66.

Vereshchagi1na, V.V., 1962. Typhlocyba rosae L. in the orchards and nurseries of Moldavia (Homoptera: Typhlocybinae). 2:001. zn., 41 (11): 1637-45.

Wilde, 'W.H.A., 1962. Incedence of in habiting sweet cherry orchards in the Kootency Valley of British Columbia. Pr'oc, Ent. Soc. B.C., 59: 15-17.

