AGENDA *denotes attachment A. Hold Circular Calling Meeting as Read

B. Apologies for Absence

C. Declarations of Interest

D. Approval of Minutes of Meeting – held on Tuesday 24th October 2017*

1. Matters Arising from Minutes

2. Police Report

3. Financial Monitoring Report

4. Grant Applications and Funding – applications so far from: Gulberwick Hall – funds needed for heating system renewal

5. Planning – There are no planning applications in the area at the time of publishing the agenda

6. Gulberwick Sewer Pump Station Update on efforts to get it fixed.

7. Draft North Staney Hill Masterplan Supplementary Guidance Comments are being sought as part of a consultation prior to adoption.

8. Bus Issues in Quarff Concerns about unsafe waiting areas where buses stop.

9. Community Payback Unpaid Work Team (formerly Community Service) Information about the service and how to apply for a referral for a project.

10. AOCB

11. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 16th January 2018 (to be confirmed)

Funding Available: Cashback for Communities: for youths in deprived areas Architectural Heritage Fund: for developing building projects Children in Need: for disadvantaged children Weir Charitable Trust: for projects which improve people’s quality of life Community Trees Fund: funds up to four fruit trees National Churches Trust: for project development Grow Wild Community Project: for plant-based community projects GULBERWICK, QUARFF & CUNNINGSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL D MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 24th OCTOBER 2017 IN THE CUNNINGSBURGH SCHOOL AT 7.30PM


B. PRESENT Ms A Garrick-Wright Mr S Smith Mrs L Johnston Mr B Halcrow


IN ATTENDANCE Mrs K Geddes Mr G Cape (press)


APOLOGIES Mr C Smith Ms B Wishart Mrs P Christie Mr P Campbell Mr D Shearer Mr A Duncan Mr G Smith Mr E MacPherson Ms A Westlake



Clerk – hoping to be a member of the rowing club applying for the grant (Item 4) Cllr R McGregor – member of the Church applying for the grant (Item 4)


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 5 September 2017 were approved on the motion of Mr G Malcolmson and seconded by Mrs L Johnson.


Kjurkhul Track

The ditch clearing work on the track has been completed, all the paperwork is in order and the bill of £958.08 has been paid. The Project Grant from the SIC was for £660 but there was sufficient funds to pay the extra. The road is much improved but the contractor believes that further work may be needed to keep the road from degrading in the future. Quotes were given for this but were well over the funds the Community Council has. It is hoped to complete the works to the track using volunteers in order to save money and as the project has community backing.

Da Runnie

The road up to the waterworks above Henry’s Loch in Quarff is also an access for eight households and as the road is in poor condition, ways to improve the road are being explored. Scottish Water have been contacted to see if they can offer any help and emails from them were read and noted. They have indicated that they may be able to provide man and machine power to help clear the ditches and improve drainage and have also said they would be ‘more than happy to pay our share of any required maintenance’.

ACTION: The clerk is to email Scottish Water to pass on members’ thanks and to say that residents are only looking for everyone concerned to contribute an equal share and that any help with plant or man power would be much appreciated. Quarff members are to liaise with residents and the clerk will copy everyone concerned into the email.

Gord Road Pick-Up/Drop-Off Area

An area of hardstanding at the end of the Gord road used by many locals as a pick-up/drop-off point for the bus or for cars at the main road has been clogged with vehicles and a caravan parked there over the summer. With the bad weather approaching residents were keen to see if they could get the vehicles moved. The clerk contacted the Roads Department and discovered that the Sumburgh Company probably owned the land, meaning it was an unofficial drop- off/pick-up area. An email from a local resident was read and noted, in which he explained that the ownership of the area could not be determined when they had a planning application in nearby but that his cousins owned the caravan and would probably be putting it into winter storage soon. Members were pleased to hear this but noted that none of the vehicles had yet been moved.

ACTION: It is hoped that press coverage and the publication of the minutes will encourage the vehicle owners and anyone else planning to use the area for long term parking in the future to be more community-minded and leave the area free. The situation will be monitored.

Quarff Bus Stop

At the June meeting it was reported that there were no timetables in any of the Quarff bus shelters and there was no bin next to the one at the East Quarff Casho junction. The clerk has contacted the relevant departments several times but the matter has not been resolved.

ACTION: The clerk to email Cllr McGregor who will provide support.


One of the local halls was wondering who to contact for details on the defibrillator training and members were able to provide some contact details.


No police officers were present but the Clerk read out the Policing Report September 2017. Details for the public consultation Your View Counts were shared again and an update on the Police Youth Volunteers and Special Constable recruitment was given. It is hoped that if enough candidates can be recruited then Special Constable training sessions will be held in Shetland instead of the mainland.

There were fifteen incidents recorded in the Community Council area including one person reported missing who was traced safe and well, and one driver charger for having no MOT.


The bank balance on Tuesday 5th September 2017 was £10,665.01.

The builder who carried out the repairs and maintenance to the noticeboards has cashed his cheque for £395, the £100 grant to the Cunningsburgh Under 5s has been paid out and the £958.08 for the work on the Kjurkhul track has also been paid. All other transactions were of a routine nature.

The clerk has estimated the expenditure for 2017/8 at £6,484 meaning there will be in the region of £5,000 to go towards grants. Ten percent of the core grant is usually carried over each year.


There were three grant applications to consider this month.

The Gulberwick and Quarff Rowing Club has been restarted and needs funds to repair the yoal. Members had previously postponed any grant award as all the paperwork from the old committee had not yet been received, but all grant conditions had now been met.

DECISION: Members decided to award £500 to the club.

The second grant application was from Sandwick, Cunningsburgh and Quarff Church of looking for money to go towards the Remembrance Day Wreaths.

DECISION: Members decided to award £61.20 – the full amount asked for.

The final grant application was from Cunningsburgh Football Club who are modifying their changing room building to allow the space to be used as a small gym during the winter months. Members were impressed that they have secured £10,000 from a national funding body.

DECISION: Members decided to award £1000 to the club.


There were six planning applications on the council website in the Community Council area since the last meeting, only two of which the Community Council is required to comment on:

2017/303/PPF Erect 1 and ¾ dwelling house with air source heat pump, septic tank and soakaway, , Cunningsburgh, Shetland.

DECISION: Members had no objection or comments to submit on this application.

2017/321/PPF To erect dwelling house, site adjacent to Greentoon, Blett, Cunningsburgh, Shetland, ZE2 9HF.

DECISION: Members had no objection or comments to submit on this application.

The following planning applications did not require any response from the Community Council:

2017/300/PPF Erect 1 and ¾ storey split level extension to existing house plus single storey garage extension, Oppdal, Ellangowan, Gulberwick, Shetland, ZE2 9JX.

2017/323/APN To erect general purpose agricultural shed and access track, Greenmow, Cunningsburgh, Shetland, ZE2 9HG.

2017/320/PPF Agricultural shed, Tow, Cunningsburgh, Shetland, ZE2 9HB.

2017/318/APN General purpose agricultural shed and hard standing area, Aith, Cunningsburgh, Shetland, ZE2 9HG.


No new candidates put themselves forward for the by-election but Ms Garrick-Wright was successful in becoming an elected member instead of a co-opted one. There are now three vacancies, two of which members can co-opt someone on. The other vacancy would need to go through another by-election before it can be co-opted to. 7. COMMUNITY ASSET TRANSFER

An email from Michael Duncan and the link he included in it were read and noted. He was sharing information about Community Asset Transfer as he says it could potentially become more relevant to the Community Council in the future. Members noted that they already follow some of the procedures and ideas outlined in the link – for example setting up and running a working group in partnership with local people, though they have not used this for asset transfer.


An email from Neil Grant, SIC Director of Development Services, was read and noted. Following a meeting of the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee, it was agreed that administrative support to the ASCC will be provided by the Community Planning and Development Service. The Council has also agreed that the Community Council Liaison Officer (CCLO) role will be delivered by the Council. The CCLO role has been designated to Michael Duncan, External Funding Officer, who becomes the first point of contact for Community Councils. Both changes commence with immediate effect. Michael will liaise with Voluntary Action Shetland soon to arrange handover of the ASCC file.


Members read through the Scottish Fire and Rescue Local Draft Plan and agreed that it was a very generic document with very little information about Shetland and it would be difficult for them to comment on anything specific. Apart from the section detailing the local context, the exact same plan could have been sent to any area in Scotland with just the place names changed. There was no mention of issues which are of concern to Shetlanders, such as cover and time to respond to incidents, recent reports of stations closing and/or being combined with ambulance services, or the issues surrounding the centralised switchboard.

DECISION: The clerk to respond with members comments using the online submission.

10. AOCB

PB Champions Update

The clerk has been away to for the first day of training and found it very positive. No action has come as a direct result of the training yet, but she has made contacts and is now in the loop to hear about any new projects or extra funding available. A second day of training is scheduled for the end of November in and she is hopeful of attending if it can be worked out with her other job. There was discussion about the possibility of holding another PB Event and everyone agreed that it had been an excellent experience and had helped to engage the community but that it had taken some work to get set up.

ACTION: The clerk is to contact the other Community Councils about holding another joint PB Project – doing it every second year is more feasible. She is also to speak to Michael Duncan and the PB Champion network about the possibility of extra funding, and if this is not looking promising then contacting local MPs and MSPs may be next in the agenda. The clerk is also to follow up the possibility of recruiting youth members from local schools – their links with their peers and local groups as well as their help running an event could be very helpful.

Consultation Launched on Building Scotland’s Low Emission Zones

The email detailing this was read and noted.

Community Council Constitution

The clerk has received back the signed and adopted Constitution.

DECISION: Clerk and Ms Garrick-Wright to add the Constitution to the website.

Meeting Dates

Dates for next year were discussed and members agreed to keep them as similar as possible to 2017. They are likely to be:

16 January 20 February 20 March 1 May 5 June 21 August 25 September 23 October 4 December

DECISION: Clerk to contact Cunningsburgh School to check that proposed dates are available and if so meeting dates to be set at the December meeting.


The next meeting will be held on TUESDAY 5 DECEMBER 2017. The meeting will be held at 7.30pm in the Cunningsburgh School.


Bad Weather Contingency Plan – awaiting draft plan (January 2014) Speed Limit at North Gulberwick Junction – awaiting traffic count results (January 2014, May 2016, February 2017) Shetland Refugee Project – awaiting update on project (May 2017)