AGENDA *denotes attachment A. Hold Circular Calling Meeting as Read

B. Apologies for Absence

C. Declarations of Interest

D. Approval of Minutes of Meeting – held on Tuesday 13th June 2017*

1. Matters Arising from Minutes

2. Police Report

3. Quarff Main Road – update on the campaign for a 50mph limit through Quarff

4. Financial Monitoring Report

5. Grant Applications and Funding – applications so far from: Gulberwick & Quarff Yoal Club – funds needed for yoal repairs Cunningsburgh Under 5s – funds for Christmas party

6. Planning – To comment on: 2017/250/PPF Erect house & temporary caravan, , Cunningsburgh. 2017/235/PPP Erect two storey house, Muggator, Quarff. 2017/216/PPF New dwelling house, adjacent to Lamnaberg, Wester Quarff. Others: 2017/215/PPF Site portable cabin to be used as temporary Sunday School room, United Free Church, Cunningsburgh. Erect 3 road signs, Podiatry , A970 Gulberwick & Hillside Brae: Site A, Site B, Site C 2017/225/APN Erect general purpose agricultural storage building, Aith, Cunningsburgh 2017/232/PPF Remove bog/peat, construct turning area (retrospective) Da Ness, Wester Quarff


8. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 26th September 2017

Funding Available: People’s Postcode Trust: for causes which focus on prevention of poverty. Heritage Lottery Fund – Parks for People: for conserving parks & cemeteries. Children in Need Curiosity Fund: for science projects for disadvantaged bairns. Lloyd’s TSB Foundation for : for increasing wellbeing of children affected by drug & alcohol use Climate Challenge Fund: for tackling climate change Croft House Grant Scheme 2017-18: grants for new house and renovation of existing croft houses Digital Participation Charter Fund: for groups who use digital skill development to help tackle social inequality GULBERWICK, QUARFF & CUNNINGSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL D MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 13th JUNE 2017 IN THE CUNNINGSBURGH SCHOOL AT 7.30PM


B. PRESENT Mr E MacPherson Mr D Shearer Mrs L Johnston

EX OFFICIO Mr R McGregor Mr G Smith Mrs B Wishart

IN ATTENDANCE Mrs K Geddes Gary Cape, PC Fraser Duncan Shetland Times PC Catherine Hannah


APOLOGIES Mr C Smith Mr S Smith Mrs P Christie Mr P Campbell Ms A Garrick-Wright Mr A Duncan

NOT PRESENT Ms A Westlake Mr B Halcrow


Clerk – hoping to be a member of the rowing club applying for the grant (Item 5) Cllr G Smith – member of SIC Planning Committee so will leave the room for Item 7.


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2 May 2017 were approved on the motion of Mrs L Johnston and seconded by Mr E MacPherson.


Kjurkhul Track

The application to the SIC Community Development Fund for Projects has been accepted and the extra information they requested – proof of who owns the land the track is on and confirmation that the landowner is happy for the work to go ahead – has also been accepted.

Letters and emails of support from community groups and residents are now being gathered to strengthen the application and if they are submitted in the next day or two then a decision can probably be made before the end of the week.

The Paths for All application has reached the next stage but the full application needs to be in on Friday. It is hoped that the SIC grant will be successful meaning that the more complicated process of applying for the Paths for All money will not need to happen.

Mossy Hill Windfarm

2017/104/SCO Proposed wind farm, Mossy Hill, Hill of Dale, Hill of Tagdale, Mainland Shetland

An email from Community Council was read and noted. It advised that the wind farm applicants have agreed to attend the LCC’s October meeting at which point they will be further down the line with the application and are able to answer questions. Members noted that Community Council meetings are open to the public so it would also be a good opportunity for people from within the Gulberwick area to be able to attend and find out more. The clerk can help advertise the event closer to October 2nd.

An email from a Gulberwick resident was read and noted. He strongly objects to the development and says that the 12/14 giant windmills will be seen out his front window and the subsequent devaluation of his house and neighbouring houses is inacceptable. The clerk has already replied stating that the Community Council has already responded to the application and shared what the response was. She also advised that his email would be discussed at tonight’s meeting and will be taken into consideration when members are asked to comment at the next stage. Cllr Wishart was able to share that she had replied on behalf of the SIC councillors and had further explained the planning application process to him.

DECISION: Clerk to advertise the Lerwick Community Council meeting closer to October. The email from the objector to be kept on file and revisited when the next stage of the planning application goes through.

Wind Mills and Housing/Planning Advice

Mr MacPherson requested guidance notes on the regulations surrounding wind turbines and housing/planning following a presentation by the Director of Development Services, Neil Grant, at the latest Association of Community Councils meeting. The guidance notes have been emailed to the clerk and she has passed them on to all members.


PC Duncan began by sharing information about a roadshow which is coming up to Shetland called Scambusters. It is aimed to raise awareness about nuisance/scam phone calls such as those from people claiming to be from banks, and should help vulnerable adults in particular. The problem of junk mail will also be covered. The South End roadshow will be on Friday:

1015-1045 - Cunningsburgh Under 5's 1100-1130 - Kindergym 1200-1300 - South Mainland Leisure Centre 1300-1400 - Overtonlea Care Centre Dementia café 1400-1500 - Levenwick Health Centre.

It is also Counter Terrorism Awareness Week so although luckily it is not as much of a concern up here, Shetland is still taking part.

The Shetland Policing Report for May had already been supplied to Community Council but the officers gave extra detail on two of the twelve cases for the area. One person is to be charged with speeding through the 20mph limit outside Cunningsburgh School and one driver is likely to be charged with drink driving.

Members asked whether the main road through Quarff is still a priority for officers out with the speed gun and PC Hannah assured everyone that it still was. Each area gets allocated a certain amount of time and Quarff is also regularly mentioned as a place to bear in mind for random checks with both the marked and unmarked police cars.

----- PC Hannah and PC Duncan left the meeting 7:50pm -----


An email from Dave Coupe, SIC Executive Manager for Roads, was read and noted. He is unable to provide a more accurate date when the red hatching and other road markings are to be painted due to the contract currently being out for tender. The request for new speed tests sited in different places so that cars slowing for the junctions do not have an effect was also rejected as Roads feel it would provide no additional data of any benefit.

Members asked that the SIC councillors follow up the question about timing of the line painting as it is taking longer than originally promised.

DECISION: Clerk to forward the email to SIC Councillors


The bank balance on June 13 2017 was £13,971.94.

A £50 Voar Redd Up cheque to the Aald Rock Ministries Skill Centre has been cashed as well as the Cunningsburgh Hall’s £50 cheque from the money given by the Rotary Club to go towards their senior citizens Christmas party.

The only other transaction not of a routine nature was the £3,000 for the Community Development Fund.

The clerk has estimated the expenditure for 2017/8 at £6,484 meaning there will be in the region of £5,000 to go towards grants. Ten percent of the core grant is usually carried over each year.


There were two grant applications to consider this month.

The Gulberwick and Quarff Rowing Club has been restarted and needs funds to repair the yoal. Members looked favourably on the application but postponed a decision until the next meeting so that the club can get all the paperwork in order.

DECISION: Clerk to contact the club asking for the last set of accounts – if available, the latest bank statement, a written quote from the boat builder, and confirmation that they have a constitution and other relevant paperwork. The application will be considered at the August meeting if all of those conditions have been satisfactorily met.

The second grant application was from Cunningsburgh Football Club looking for money to go towards renewing rabbit proof meshing on half of the external pitch fence.

DECISION: Members decided to award £250 to the club. Clerk to post out a letter and cheque advising them of the decision.


An email regarding the report, which had already been circulated to members for consideration, was read and noted. Members discussed how reports such as this come with reams of documents to read through which can be difficult when you have taken on the role of Community Councillor as a volunteer. A summary of any changes could be written in bullet points to make it easier for people to see if there are any changes which they would like to read more about. Members did note that there was a one page summary on the last page of the report detailing the main issues which was welcomed, but this does not often happen and it could be condensed further and detailed in the email itself.

DECISION: Clerk to send email containing report to Cllr MacGregor as he is on the relevant SIC Committees to take this suggestion further.


----- Having declared an interest Cllr Smith left the meeting at 8.10. -----

There were three planning applications on the council website in the Community Council area since the last meeting, only one of which the Community Council is required to comment on:

2016/300/PPF To construct 16 dwelling house, access road and associated parking, Heathery Park, Gulberwick, Shetland.

DECISION: Members recognised that there were small changes to the layout and the drainage and sewage systems but considering no residents had been in touch with any concerns then members had no objection to the application.

The following planning applications did not require any response from the Community Council:

2017/177/PPF Proposed change of use of former Moor Park Golf Driving Range to new dwelling. Moor Park, Gulberwick, Shetland, ZE2 9JX.

2017/166/CLEUD Removal of redundant chimney, recover roof and replace kitchen windows with like for like (retrospective application) Heatherbraes, Gulberwick, Shetland, ZE2 9JX.


The email containing the report, which had already been circulated to members for consideration, was read and noted.

DECISION: Clerk to reply asking what the status of the long outstanding Bad Weather Contingency Plan is, and ask if it appears in the strategy review. It relates to all bus services – for public and school pupils.


The proposal to adopt the updated Community Council Constitution 2017 was unanimously approved.

DECISION: Clerk to send the signed copy to Anne Cogle, Team Leader – Administration, for signature.


SIC and Community Councillor Information Poster for Noticeboards

The clerk wanted to check what information members and SIC councillors would like to have on the poster for display in the noticeboards. It was agreed that the poster would contain the name, phone number and email address of all the SIC councillors and Community Councillors.

DECISION: Clerk to make up and laminate posters and send them out with the Meeting Roundup Posters.

Community Council Chairs Meeting - Attendance

An email from Charity Johnson, ASCC Administration Assistant was read and noted. As many chairs have had to put their apologies in for the next meeting, she has asked if vice chairs or other members could attend instead. No one at the meeting was available to attend so the clerk is to contact the other members.

DECISION: The clerk is to reply, indicating that all present (chair and vice chair included) were unable to attend but that other members may be able to be there. She will add all members in to the email so they can respond themselves.

Need for New Community Councillors – Especially from Gulberwick

Cllr MacGregor asked that considering the recent difficulties trying to get a quorum, efforts should be renewed to attract new members. The lack of Gulberwick members was discussed and everyone agreed that it was not an ideal situation. Various methods of recruitment were discussed and it was decided that everyone should keep talking to possible members, and a more focussed and perhaps public campaign should be started nearer election time.

DECISION: Everyone to continue efforts to recruit, focusing on Gulberwick.

Road Surface between Greenmow and Longwell

Mrs Johnston advised that the road surface between Greenmow and Longwell has been left only part way through the resurfacing process and as a result is very bumpy and uneven. As well as not being well signposted, it is proving dangerous for cyclists – especially children – and has been left like that for quite some time.

DECISION: Clerk to contact SIC Roads.

Quarff Bus Stop

Mr Malcolmson advised that there are no timetables in any of the Quarff bus shelters and there is no bin next to the one at the East Quarff Casho junction resulting in littering.

DECISION: Clerk to contact SIC Environment and Transport.


The next meeting will be held on TUESDAY 22 AUGUST 2017. The meeting will be held at 7.30pm in the Cunningsburgh School.


Bad Weather Contingency Plan – awaiting draft plan (January 2014) Speed Limit at North Gulberwick Junction – awaiting traffic count results (January 2014, May 2016, February 2017) Shetland Refugee Project – awaiting update on project (February 2017)