42 Noe Street, Carteret, NJ 07008 ph 732.969.2497 // e [email protected]

A Message from Yaakov Mayer Rosh HaYeshiva

It is with a tremendous level of hakoras haTov that we stand here by Tenth Year Anniversary of Tiferes Yehuda Aryeh of Carteret. Hakoras haTov to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for enabling us to reach this point in the Yeshiva’s existence. Hakoras haTov for all those that were involved in making this dinner happen. And a special Hakoras haTov to the Honorees. Without them- this Dinner would still be a dream.

Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret was grown to epitomize the ideals and values of Ner Yisroel. On a personal level, Rabbi Brown shlit”a and myself were given the opportunity to develop by the Yeshiva. Our Rabbeim are the Hanhalas HaYeshiva.

The Yeshiva of Carteret was born in the koselei Bais HaMedrash in . From the very inception of the Yeshiva in Carteret, Ner Yisroel was involved. Every zman we discuss and receive direction from the Hanhallas haYeshiva. We are truly honored to have The Mashgiach, Rabbi Weisbord shlit”a joining us as we recognize Yeshivas Ner Yisroel’s role in building Torah in Carteret.

R’ Eli Lazarowitz grew up in Far Rockaway with Rabbi Brown and myself. I had the honor of being his Chavrusa for many years in Yeshiva of Far Rockaway. His beautiful middos and acumen in learning made, and continue to make, a roshem on me. The first year of the Yeshiva, we had the zechus to have Eli daven for us on Yom Kippur. He has always been a true supporter of the Yeshiva. As we watch him, together with his eizer kinegdo, Shira, raise a beautiful family, we know that they continue to imbibe klal Yisroel with these wonderful qualities.

Rabbi Natan Fink was from the founding members of the Yeshiva. Perhaps he would best be called The founder of the Yeshiva. From the moment that Natan walked through the doors, he looked at the Yeshiva as his project. He put all of his efforts, and there was much effort needed, into building this makom Torah. We will always reap the benefits of those first years. Together with his eizer kinegdo, Rebbecca, they continue remain close to our families and the Yeshiva.

The overwhelming response that we received in ads and donations makes it clear that everyone recognizes the unique honorees. It is with a heartfelt brocha that we are mispallel that they all should be continue to be zoche to be osek bitzarchei tzibbur for many years to come.

A Message from Rabbi Azriel Brown Rosh HaYeshiva

"התהלכנו עמו because ונעשה נשמע said כלל ישראל says that מסכת שבת )פח:( in רש"י We relied on the fact that Hashem loves us and we knew - בתום לב כדרך העושים מאהבה" is our קבלת התורה that we couldn’t handle. A prerequisite of תורה he wouldn’t give us a the מקבל loves us. We therefor respond to this relationship by being ה' knowledge that .תורה

should grow in תלמידים One of the goals we had in establishing the Yeshiva was that the They should think big, and .לימוד התורה through their רבש"ע their relationship with the .תלמידי חכמים and עובדי ה' become

in עולה מעלה that are being תלמידים we see many ב"ה ,As we look back on ten years from all the נחת should see only רבש"ע and the כלל ישראל that יה"ר .תורה ועבודה .both now and in the future תלמידים

A Message from R’ Yaakov Tzvi Biderman Executive Director

Over the past 10 years the Yeshiva has made big strides, overcame some very difficult obstacles, and is now growing in more ways than most know about. Student enrollment for this coming year is growing. Our debt from hurricane sandy is shrinking. As we acquire lots adjacent to our current properties, the Yeshiva campus is growing. We are also working our way toward becoming eligible for government grants and assistance.

The two most prominent projects - is the launch of our Dormitory Building Campaign, to be located in our current parking lot, and we are in the planning stages of in Carteret.

Both are huge undertakings, which will help the Yeshiva grow significantly.

It is with your chizuk and support, that we are able to make so much progress.

I would like to thank the Roshei Yeshiva and Hanalah for their commitment to each talmid's success, and for their patience with payroll, even though it is still well behind.

Thank you Yitzchok Levine, your continuous involvement in many aspects of Yeshiva is inspiring. Mrs. Esti Vago, thank you for all your work on behalf of Yeshiva, including this beautiful journal. Mrs. Michal Goldstein from MS Design, we greatly appreciate your design-work for many aspects of this dinner, and your commitment - even on Erev Pesach and Chol Hamoed – to working with Yeshiva. Rebbitzins Brown & Mayer and Malkie Mayer, thank you for all your help. Totty & Mommy, thank you for being the great role models you are.

Thank you Avigail for allowing me to dedicate days and nights to the Yeshiva, leaving you as a single parent of Esther Nechama and Rachel Yehudis for the duration of the the dinner preparations. You Are Amazing!

A Message from Rabbi Dr. Zev Brown Dinner Chairman

It has been my privilege for the past 10 years to watch the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret develop into a Mosod that has impacted hundreds of lives. Under the leadership of its venerable Roshei HaYeshiva - Rabbi Azriel Brown and Rabbi Yaakov Mayer - the Bochurim have been exposed to true Gadlus both in Ameilus Batorah and in Yedius Batorah.

The gemorah in Tanis, daf zayin, explains that Torah is compared to water. Just as water, due to the forces of gravity, flows from high locations to low locations, so too Torah only has a kiyum with someone who does not hold themselves above others. Our Roshei HaYeshiva optimize this midah. They live and breathe Gadlus in Ameilus Batorah and Yedius Batorah but at the same time develop true and lasting personal relationships with their talmidim. Relationships that are life altering and that continue to grow and develop long after their talmidim have moved on from the four walls of the Carteret Bais Medrash.

In its own quiet way, the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret has unassumingly been making an impact on Klal Yisroel and has developed a reputation where a serious bochur can grow in all areas of Yiddishkeit and Avodas Hashem.

May Hakados Boruch Hu give the Yeshiva Siatta Deshmaya to continue in its Avodas Hakodesh and may the Roshei HaYeshiva continue to see Hatzlocho in all areas.

May 22, 2016 י"ד אייר תשע"ו

that we join with you in celebrating the 10th שמחה It is with enormous anniversary of Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret. The success of the Yeshiva ,ראשי הישיבה of your two כח התורה and מסירת נפש is due to the incredible הרב and שליט"א Brown הרב ר' עזריאל ,ישיבת נר ישראל ofתלמידים distinguished .שליט"א Mayer ר' יעקב

עצה ותושיע to us for all the הכרת הטוב They have chosen to express their הרב ר' ,מנהל רוחני has provided over the years. Our נר ישראל ישיבת that graciously agreed to represent the Yeshiva in ,שליט"א Weisbord בעריל .award מסורת התורה accepting the

to Yeshiva Gedola of תלמידים Over the years, we have provided senior ,תלמידים Those .בית המדרש in the רוח התורה Carteret to foster the משפיעים benefitted greatly from their experience in Carteret, both as ראשי of your outstanding הדרכה and תורה and as recipients from the .הישיבה

and pride to נחת Truly the success of the Yeshiva is a source of great תלמידי in producing outstanding עבודת הקודש of our המשך as a נר ישראל .מרביצי תורה who are successful חכמים

להגדיל ,הצלחה with great בני תורה May the Yeshiva continue to produce .תורה ולהאדירה

.בשם הנהלת הישיבה ובברכת תורה ולומדי'

Rabbi Sheftel Meir Neuberger מנהל

We salute the marvelous work of Harbotzas Hatorah being done by

Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret

and its Roshei Yeshiva שליט"א ,HaRav Yaakov Mayer and שליט"א HaRav Azriel Brown

They have established a new “fort” in the battle for haromas keren haTorah.

Mazel tov to עמו"ש Mr. & Mrs. Eli Lazarowitz Esteemed alumnus of our Yeshiva.

Rabbi Yechiel Yitzchok Perr Rosh Hayeshiva

Rabbi Aaron Brafman Menahel

Yeshiva of Far Rockaway

Sponsor In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva Shlit'a

HARAV AZRIEL BROWN SHLIT"A HARAV YAAKOV MAYER SHLIT"A of those ברכות May you both be recipients of all the מחזיק תורה who are

Honorable mention to our “10th man” – RABBI YAAKOV BIDERMAN Thanks for always coming thru in the clutch Tzvi Perl Tzvi Rosen Elchanan Hamada Yehuda Levine Avrohom Kopp

Sponsor In Honor of The Roshei HaYeshiva


Exceptional Talmidei Chachomim who are zoche to share from their wellsprings of Torah with the next generation.



May the Yeshiva continue to flourish for many years to come.

Zev and Brocho Nadine Brown

Pillar In honor of



We value our close friendship.

We are privileged to be a partner in all your Avodas Hakodesh.

Nachum and Henny Futersak and Family

Pillar In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva


RABBI BROWN May Hashem grant you the strength to continue all your wonderful work on behalf of our children.

May Hashem grant you Arichus Yamim to see Nachas from your Talmidim and Families.

May Hashem give you the zchus to be Oleh M’chayil el Chayil in your learning and Avodas Hakodesh.

Eli and Shira Lazarowitz

Pillar Mazel Tov to the Yeshivah on it's

10th Year Anniversary.

May the Yeshiva continue to grow, prosper, and serve Klal Yisroel.

My personal thanks to the Roshei Yeshiva,

RABBI BROWN and RABBI MAYER for their friendship since coming to Carteret.

Larry Weiss

Pillar 10 YEARS!

Mazal Tov to the ROSHEI HAYESHIVA and the entire CARTERET YESHIVA FAMILY upon reaching this tremendous milestone. It is such a fitting tribute on this momentous occasion to honor the organizations and Pioneering Talmidim who played such an instrumental role in getting things off the ground. May their dedication and mesiras nefesh as well as the Yeshiva's continued success serve as a zechus for them always. Natan and Rebecca Fink and Family

P.S. Special thanks to Yaakov Tzvi Biderman for making this event happen!

Pillar לעילוי נשמת

ר ' יצחק אייזיק בן ר' ישכר דוב ע"ה

Pillar Mazel Tov


on their well deserved tribute

May Hashem grant them the ability to continue their good works for many years to come.

Nachum and Henny Futersak and family

Pillar In memory of GARSON & SYLVIA GRUHIN A"H and their role in helping to establish this Yeshiva

In honor of their son

MR. MARK GRUHIN who has been the leading force in keeping the light of Torah burning in Carteret.

Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret

Pillar Thank You to the ROSHEI YESHIVA and RABBEIM

Much Hakaras Hatov to RAV WEISBORD SHLIT"A for learning with me many years ago in Ner Yisrael of Toronto.

Dani Diena and Family

Diamond Mazel tov to the Honorees and to the Roshei Hayeshiva


my close friends, on reaching this incredible milestone.

I have personally watched the Yeshiva grow from its infancy to become the awesome Makom Torah that it is today. I am in awe of the dedication & emunah that the Roshei Yeshiva possess that has led the Yeshiva down the path to achieve incredible success in such a short amount of time. May the Yeshiva continue to grow, flourish & inspire us for many years to come.

Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Bruckstein & family

Diamond In honor of the


and all of the Honorees

Rabbi and Mrs. David Merkin

Diamond to the הכרת הטוב With much ראשי ישיבה

ברכה והצלחה To all the Talmidim

Naftali and Rachel Leah Miller

Diamond הצלחה רבה!

,שכן טוב From your

Diamond !ON 10 YEARS מזל טוב

לכבוד ראשי הישיבה



Mr. and Mrs. David Alter

Gold אילן אילן במה אברכך ?

We have been blessed to have children .נחת who generate such an abundance of

It is with a special feeling of gratitude to the that we acknowledge this tribute to בורא עולם

NATAN & REBECCA by the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret

Thank you to the ROSHEI HAYESHIVA who helped to mold the fine traits that .נחת generate the

With much love, אבא & אמא

Gold In honor of


Daniel & Estie Wolfson

Gold to the הכרת הטוב With much ראשי ישיבה שליט"א & הנהלה for their tireless efforts to ensure each Talmid's hatzlacha.

Mazel Tov on reaching your 10 year milestone!

Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Berkowitz

Gold RABBI AND MRS. MAYER טוב לצדיק טוב לשכינו We are so fortunate to have you as neighbors, friends and role models. Thank you for always "being there" for us.

Has it really been 10 years?

Looking forward to many more!

עזריאל ודניה בראון

Gold In Honor of

RABBI BROWN AND RABBI MAYER for all the work they put into the Yeshiva over the past 10 years, and the care and devotion they show towards the bochurim, both while attending and after leaving the Yeshivah.

RABBI HEBER His hasmada knows no bounds, teaching me what it means to be so dedicated to learning.

May all the Rabbeim, past and current, and all the honorees, continue to go M'chayil El Chayil! Zev Yona and Tzipora Gelernter

Gold In honor of the ראשי ישיבה

הרבצת התורה Keep up the good work in

Tzvi & Perl Keilson

Gold In appreciation of our 10 year relationship with the esteemed


Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Mondrow

Gold In Honor of

שליט"א THE RAV

and the ראשי הישיבה שליט"א

Dovid Goldfarb

Gold In honor of my dear Aishes Chayil, שתחי ' AVIGAIL

who so dedicatedly gives up so much from herself allowing me to expend an exorbitant amount of time and energy to show my Hakoras Hatov to the Roshei Yeshiva,


and this great Yeshiva.

May HKB"H continue to shower our beautiful family with blessing in her special merit! Yaakov Tzvi

Gold לזכות רפואה שלימה


Avrohom Fruchthandler

Gold מזל טוב to our wonderful children

ELI AND SHIRA On this well-deserved honor. to נחת May you continue to be a source of our entire family.

May you continue to be a shining example .כלל ישראל of dedication to the needs of

We are proud of you!

You loving family, The Frankels

Silver In honor of our father,


May Hashem grant you strength and wisdom to continue your Avodas Hakodesh for many many healthy years to come!

Love, Yehuda and Yael Ayala and Pinny Sholom Meir and Lia Dvora Meira and Jonny Yoseif Aryeh and Zippy Noson Zvi and Rochel Feige Miryam and Yaakov Akiva And all your grandchildren

Silver In honor of


Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Listhaus Mr. & Mrs. Mordy Listhaus

Silver In honor of our neighbors Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret

Silver לכבוד




Dr. Joel Baum In honor of הרב יעקב שליט"א ומרת חנה שתחי ' of the past 10 מסירת נפש of your זכות In the

הולך אחרי במדבר בארץ לא זרוע years and being to זוכה may you be ,בני תורה in order to build in all your endeavors ברכה עד בלי די see

באהבה ליאורה ואברמי בלייווייס In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva



In honor of


RABBI & MRS. NATAN FINK and all the Pioneering Talmidim

Nachi and Raquel Bondar מזל טוב ראשי הישיבה to the

R' YAAKOV & R' AZRIEL On their amazing accomplishments over the past 10 years.

!נחת You give us so much

Moshe and Leah Brown Mazel Tov to All the Honorees!

Special thanks to

RABBI BROWN AND RABBI MAYER for creating such a special makom Torah in Carteret NJ.

Also – in loving memory of Avi Citer’s grandfathers who would be so proud of his learning & growing in Torah:


With tremendous hakaras ha-tov and admiration – David & Judy Citer In honor of the


Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel Dalfin לכבוד הרבנים הגאונים מייסדי דהאי בית אולפנא רבתא המסורים בכל נימי נפשם לטובת הישיבה ותלמידיהם המרביצים תורה לעדרים בשיעורים נפלאים מאירים כסנפירים ושיחי מוסר להשיב נפש ה"ה ראשי הישיבה

הרה"ג יעקב מאייער שליט"א

והרה"ג עזריאל בראון שליט"א


והחונים עליו הרה"ג רבי ישראל צבי פיירוורקר שליט"א המשגיח בעינא פקיחא על התלמידים למסלול מסילה ישרה הראויה להוציא לאור כוחתם המיוחדים הנעלים והנעלמים הטמונים ומעורפל בפנימיות נפשם

ושותפו המשרת בקודש הרה"ג רבי אברהם ישעיה ראטה שליט"א אי"ש אשר רוח בו המשמח אלקים ואנשים . אשר התלמידים מתחממים לאורו להאיר חשכת הלילה

יהא רעווא מן שמיא שיזכו להמשיך להנחיל לתלמידים אורחות יושר ודרכי אמת בנתיבי התורה והיראה לאורך ימים ושנים .מתוך ביראות הגוף והרחבת הדעת

,מנאי זעירא דמן חבריא ישראל אלי' דסקל With deep appreciation and Hakoras HaTov to the Chusheva Roshai Yeshiva and Mashgiach



Thank you for providing our son, Eliyahu, with a love for Torah and Yiddishkeit.

In recognition of our fellow Scrantonians NATAN AND REBECCA FINK We appreciate your involvement in this outstanding Yeshiva Eliezer and Malka L. Deutsch Mrs. Z. Rachelle Sorscher Mazel Tov to the


on this momentous occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Freimark לכבוד הר ' יעקב מאייער שליט"א

Mr. and Mrs. Tzvi Gerstein In honor of the

ROSHEI YESHIVA who do so much for each one of their Talmidim

Don & Susan Gertler to the הכרת הטוב With much ראשי ישיבה who do so much !תלמידים for all their

Chesky and Shira Kramer In Honor of


Mazal Tov for 10 years of a real makom Torah in Carteret NJ!!

Dani and Yali Lapidus In honor of our parents


Last year's Guests of Honor

The Schorr Family The Mayer Family(Brooklyn) The Flegman Family The Knobel Family The Mayer Family (Kiryat Sefer) TheMayer Family (Carteret) To our favorite ROSH HAYESHIVA AND HIS WONDERFUL FAMILY May you and the Yeshiva continue to grow and flourish

Love you all, Mommy and Daddy Mayer In honor of the esteemed


CHANI AND FAMILY, This wonderful milestone is testament to your toil and effort on behalf of the Yeshiva.

You are truly an inspiration to all of us, and should enjoy continued success.

Yair and Perrie In appreciation to the


and in honor of


Thanks for making my time in Carteret so enjoyable and memorable.

Special mention for Yoni Zahler, a wonderful pioneering student!

Mordechai and Chavie Nulman הכרת הטוב With much

לכבוד ראשי הישיבה

Stanley and Nancy Rosenfeld לכבוד ראשי הישיבה הרב עזריאל בראון שליט"א והרב יעקב בנימין מאייער שליט"א ולכבוד המשגיח הר"ר ישראל צבי פיירוורקר שליט"א

בהוקרה והכרה על עבודתכם ומסירתכם הנפלאה בעדינו ובעד כל תלמידי הישיבה

מאת אברהם ישעי' ראטה ורעיתו Congratulations to all the worthy


With appreciation to the


REBBEIM AND THEIR FAMILIES for their dedication to teaching and encouraging their talmidim

Betzalel and Iris Stern In honor of the


Yaakov Stitzer לכבוד שנת העשירי ... איזהו היא עיר הגדולה, כל שיש בה עשרה בטלנים.. תנא עשרה בטלנים שבבית הכנסת. ( רש"י: שהן בטלנים ממלאכתן וניזונים משל ציבור.) עיר קרטערעט שהיא האכסנייה להישיבה גדולה ... בנשיאות שני גדולי תורה הרב יעקב מאייער שליט"א וחתני כבני - הרב עזריאל בראון שליט"א שבהחזקת תורתם אנו מקיימים " להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה ."

דוד ולאה טרענק Our sincerest Hakoras Hatov to the Roshei HaYeshiva


May the Yeshiva continue to grow and prosper. Shaya & Aliza Weinberg Avraham Menachem Weinberg

In Honor of



for 10 years of leadership of Yeshiva Gedolah of Carteret

Wishing You Continued Hatzlachah!

Yossie Weinberg In honor of RABBI MAYER and RABBI BROWN and the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret.

It is truly an honor to work with you.

Benny and Miriam Weinstein Weinstein Law Office PC In appreciation of the Mashgiach RABBI WEISBORD for his encouragement and commitment

In honor of NATAN FINK a man of responsibility

In recognition of my esteemed FELLOW PIONEERS for their investment and geshmakeit.

With admiration for, and gratitude to, THE ROSHEI YESHIVA!

Simcha and Sari Willig Mazel tov to the esteemed Roshei Yeshiva


With much Hakoras Hatov and Birchas Hatzlacha

Aaron Winkler ראשי הישיבה In honor of the הרב הגאון רבי יעקב בנימין מאייער שליט"א והרב הגאון רבי עזריאל בראון שליט"א משגיח The הרב הגאון רבי ישראל צבי פיירוורקר שליט"א רביים And the הרב רבי ישראל דאסקל שליט"א הרב רבי אברהם ישעי' ראטה שליט"א Whose love and devotion for each one of us, inspires us to do better each day, and whose Torah, Avodah, and Hashkafa influence each step we take.

With much gratitude, we are proud to be your Talmidim,

Levy Berkowitz Eliyahu Deutsch Eli Diena Akiva Shalom Fordonski Shloimy Freimark Beinish Gavert Menachem Gavert Menachem Mendel Greenberg Mayer Hershkowitz Azriel Jablin Shalom Miller Michel Silberstein Boruch Steier Yisroel Tzvi Weinreb Menachem Zellermaier We would like to express our hakaras hatov to the ROSHEI HAYESHIVA and to RABBI FIREWORKER for the hadracha we received from them. We also truly appreciate their dedication to all of us. We would also like express our hakaras hatov to RABBI HEBER for his devotion to us, and for showing us the way to true ahavas haTorah and avodas Hashem.

Solomon Dweck Reuven Kirshenbaum Moshe Gershon Kramer Yonatan Resnicoff Shmuel Sitorsky Yoni Tesser Avraham Menachem Boruch Zucker Weinberg לכבוד גיסי הרב ר ' עזריאל שליט"א אנו מאחלים ברכתנו מעומקא דלבנו שתמשיך להרביץ תורה ולגדל תלמידים במסגרת הישיבה הקדושה שב"ה קנה שם לתפארת ועולה ומצליח להוציא בחורים יראים ושלמים עוסקים בתורה ובמצות

כה יתן וכה יוסיף ה' כח ללמוד וללמד ושתראה רוב נחת מתלמידך וממשפחתך הדגולה

שמאול וגאלדה ענגלסאן Mazel Tov to

RABBI AZRIEL BROWN on another successful dinner and bringing more Torah to NJ.

Best wishes for continued growth...

Moshe and Renee Glick In honor of the

BROWN FAMILY for all they have done for us

Mordy and Elisheva Hanover To our dearest neighbors and other half of the Carteret Community,

Watching the Yeshiva develop and grow over the pasts 10 years has been so exciting!

May we share in the growth of the Yeshiva, and of the Carteret families, עד מאה ועשרים!

The Mayers Thank you


for all that you did for me in such a formative year of my growth and learning. I wish you and the Yeshiva much hatzlacha.

Yitzi and Shani Safier In Honor Of our dear brother הגאון רבי עזריאל שליט"א ראש הישיבה Who dedicates his entire life to The learning, teaching and Kovod of Torah. give of ,תליט"א Who, along with his wife Donya themselves wholeheartedly for their many Talmidim, and guide them on the pathway of Torah and Yiras Shamayim. They provide inspiration to all that are privileged to know them. We are so proud to be related to you! May you continue to be Marbeh Kavod Shamayim and have much Hatzlacha!

יתן ה' ויזכהו להשקות העדרים ולהרוות הצמאים ויזכה הוא ונו"ב לרוות רב נחת דקדושה מכל הבנים הבנות והתלמידים תמיד מתוך מנוחת הנפש והרחבת הדעת

באהבה Zeev and Brocho Nadine, Shmuel and Yehudis, Mordechai and Sara Liba, Shuie and Rayna, Yitzchok and Avigayil, Refael and Chaya Basya, Yitzy and Tzeri All of us at מנחה מנין Thunderball Marketing and the would like to thank

RABBI AZRIEL BROWN for having the strength to run a Yeshiva in this town. in מרביץ תורה he will continue to be בעזרת ה ' this town and always help us in strenthing and it would be ,מצות and תורה in אמונה our all the מנחה an honor to have him speak by .on fast days ספר תורה time and come with a

Thank You! חזק וברוך

מנין From all of us at the Thunderball From the very inception of the YESHIVA GEDOLA OF CARTERET the entire HANHOLLAS YESHIVAS NER YISROEL was involved.

Without their planning, inspiration, guidance and direction, there would be no Yeshiva in Carteret New Jersey today.

The hundreds of Talmidim that have passed through our doors are Talmidim of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel as well.

It is our hope and aspiration to follow in the path set forward by our Rebbeim in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel.

We hope that we can continue to reach the high standards that Yeshivas Ner Yisroel has set for all of its talmidim.

תבהכרת הטוב בלתי מוגבל תלמידיך, יעקב בנימין מאייער עזריאל בראון מזל טוב to


!ישיבת נר ישראל upon this honor on behalf of

תלמידי Your devotion and dedication to the in general, makes הרבצת התורה and to הישיבה us proud to say that we are your friends. May you continue to serve as an example of .תלמידים is for his רבי what a

Moshe and Leah Brown In honor of


Mazel Tov on a very well-deserved honor.

With much admiration and Hakaras HaTov for all that the Rav and his esteemed Rebbetzen do for our community,

Yisroel and Avigail Gelber In Honor of

שליט"א RABBI AND REBBITZEN WEISBORD Throughout the years, while we were living in Baltimore and Carteret, you have been a constant source of warmth and wisdom for our family.

We cannot describe how much we have benefited from the relationship.

We wish you much strength as you continue to touch the lives of thousands.

Your Carteret “family”,

The Mayers With Endless Hakoras Hatov to our Beloved Rebbie


Who exemplifies the true meaning of Mesoras Hatorah

The Masgiach’s sincere Ahavas Yisroel is immediately felt by every Bachor the Rebbie meets.

May your Mesoras Hatorah continue for generations to come, and be felt by generations to follow. Meir and Rochel Pfeffer and Family Lakewood / Pittsburgh In honor of the founding pillars of YESHIVA GEDOLA OF CARTERET,


Many more have helped the Yeshiva in significant ways, yet NATAN FINK has done what far and few would do or even could do. He created a path, paved it, finished it, and made way for all of us to enjoy, grow, prosper!

צאו וראו איזוהי דרך ישרה... רבי אלעזר אומר לב טוב. אמר להם, רואה .אני את דברי אלעזר... שבכלל דבריו דבריכם

R' ELI & R' ZEV .with all that it includes לב טוב You exemplify Since the beginning days, your relationship with the Yeshiva has been instrumental. אשרי חלקכם! Yaakov Tzvi Biderman and Family מזל טוב and best wishes to

MR. AND MRS. ELI LAZAROWITZ upon this well-deserved honor!

When we recollect your character, מידות טובות dedication to Torah values , and that we saw in Far Rockaway years ago, we are not surprised at all that you are now a as you serve as ,רביים source of pride to your .קידוש שם שמים ambassadors for

Moshe and Leah Brown In admiration of

ELI AND SHIRA for being such amazing neighbors, friends, model parents, and pillars of our neighborhood! The Brand Family The Braun Family The Brilleman Family The Buchen Family The Cohen Family The Erez Family The Feinberg Family The Kranz Family The Kurtz Family The Ochs Family The Rokowsky Family The Schulgasser Family The Tuchman Family The Wolf Family לכבוד ר ' עלי שליט"א ,

Throughout the years that we have spent together, you have always been a paradigm of excellent middos and chashivus of learning.

From the inception of the Yeshiva you have been a pillar of support. Your friendship means so much to us.

May you, together with your wife Shira and your adorable children, continue to affect us all with your sterling qualities.

בידידות עזה , יעקב מאייער ועזריאל בראון Mazel Tov to


You rose to the occasion along with the .נחשון בן עמינדב entire first year group to be the should serve as מסירת נפש This זכות a source of pride, satisfaction, and a for your entire life.

Keep up the good work!

Moshe and Leah Brown IN HONOR OF NATAN & REBECCA of the family we’ve always looked up to you in more בכור As the ways than one, Following your example, so we’d know how things should be done.

We’ve benefitted from your wisdom and clarity of thinking, As you made complicated matters seem simple by honing in on – just doing the right thing.

Whenever the need arises, you rise to answer the call, Getting things done efficiently with no fanfare at all. under the care of , בע"ה,It’s a joy to watch as your family blossoms you and your devoted wife - You really have a gem - a sweet, insightful, & positive partner for life. dedication to ,חשיבת התורה Together you carry on the family values of .and ehrlichkeit in all that you do ,כלל the .הקדוש ברוך הוא & to our parents נחת May you continue to be a source of

Yehuda & Chaya Bracha Dworkin Yehuda Leib & Deena Leah Pfeffer Dovid Yehudah Fink Yitzhak Eliyahu Fink Congratulations to Our Nephew and Niece


Yasher Koach on receiving the Alumnus Of The Year Award

Love From Shlomo and Deborah Fink Mazel tov


There would be no Yeshiva in Carteret without Natan. Just imagining those early years without a Fink is an exercise in futility.

Dov and Rachel Gertler R’ NATAN, As we watch you family grow, we cannot help but reminisce about the first few years in Carteret. While everyone will mention the tremendous impact that you had made on the founding of the Yeshiva, it deserves a special mention the profound impact that you had on our family. The warm loving community that we left to come to Carteret, was replaced by your friendship and concern. Our family expanded to include the bachurim of the Yeshiva. You were and still continue to be the first and foremost amongst that group. We wish you and Rebbecca much nachas from your family- and we are included amongst your family as well. The Mayers Mazel Tov Meir on this wonderful and well-deserved recognition. The way you helped build the Yeshiva from the ground up is an inspiration to us all.

NATAN, how does the Yeshiva physically stand and operate without you? A truly befitting honor to the best tall roommate one could ask to have in a very small room.

And to Mtt Rosenberg, for kindly donating one of NaTaN's short "a"s. He wouldn't be the same without you (instead he'd be more like NTaN, or NaTN). {We know you're in CaLifornia, but we'll gladly FedEx some of the dinner food straight to your doorstep!} In honor of


You were the "Backbone" of Yeshiva for so many years. Thank you for all that you did to help the Yeshiva run so well. It wouldn't .מסירת נפש be what it is today without your

In Honor of all those who helped build a מקום תורה beautiful שכרם הרבה מאוד Yehoshua Rosenfeld Naftali Katz MAZEL TOV to our wonderful Son-in-law and Brother- in- law

NATAN and our dear Daughter and Sister

REBECCA on this special award.

May you continue to bring much Nachas to our family.

All our love, Mom and Dad Weisfogel Ari and Dvora Weisfogel and family Miriam and Dovie Becker and family Leah and Natan Starkman and family Mazel tov


Hatzlacha in everything!

Thank you for…

Helping the yeshiva in many ways…

working together…

plus more…

and of course…Sanhedrin

Aaron Winkler ר ' נתן פינק Although 10 years have passed since the Yeshiva's inception, we will always remember your dedication and perseverance in helping set up the kitchen, and the needs of the entire building and campus. Your ה כנסת ספר attention to detail, whether at the or assisting with the cooking and תורה serving, you set an example for everyone around you at the time, and for the future of Yeshiva as well. You truly personify וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה ברכות May you reap the הקב"ה שלם שכרם ,from you, your wife נחת Like we have such and the beautiful family you are raising, from נחת may you have the Yeshiva that you helped set up! The Browns & Mayers In tribute to the ROSHEI YESHIVA, SHLITA who have turned an impossible dream into an incredible reality, who, with vision, have established a thriving makom Torah, who, with devotion, have inspired countless bnei Torah, and who, with dedication, have nurtured hundreds of talmidim. We salute them and wish that Hashem bestow upon them and their families abundant nachas, berachah and hatzlachah in every way.

We also take great pride in the commitment YAAKOV TZVI has made to be part of this Yeshivah's success. May Hashem grant him and Avigail the same berachos. Avrohom and Chaye Biderman In honor of our dear husband and father


Your dedication to the success of the Yeshiva is much to be admired and respected. We are so proud of all that you do for the Yeshiva, the Alumni Association, and your many other chesed undertakings.

May Hkb"h give you continued success on all your endeavors, giving you the strength and ability to continue along the wonderful path of Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chasodim!

May our children follow in your footsteps, showering us with continued nachas, and may we all continue to learn from your example!

Lovingly, Avigail Esther Nechama & Rachel Yehudis ברכות והודאות למרנן ראשי הישיבה הרה"ג ר' יעקב בנימין מאייער שליט"א והרה"ג ר' עזריאל בראון שליט"א אשר במסירות עילאה נושאים דגלה של תורה בבית הגדול והקדוש הזה ומתוך רגשי אחריות עמוקים וטובת לב, מקריבים עצמם עבור הצלחת כל אחד ואחד מבני הישיבה הקדושה ><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> תודת עומק לב למוהר"ר בעריל ווייסבארד שליט"א אשר הרבה לימדני בתורת היראה ובעבודה שבלב זו תפילה ><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> אות הוקרה לכבוד ידידי וחביבי מאז ר' נתן פינק שיחי ' שחלקו הרב בהקמת הישיבה הקדושה עומד לנצח נצחים ><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> ברכה מיוחדת לידידי ר' יעקב צבי בידערמאן שיחי ' שבפעולותיו התמידיות עומד בפרץ ומיישר הדרך לקיום הישיבה הקדושה ולהצלחתה ישראל צבי פיירוורקר ומשפחתו In honor of my esteemed Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbeim הרב יעקב מאייער שליט״א הרב עזריאל בראון שליט״א הרב ישראל צבי פיירוורקר שליט״א AND THEIR FAMILIES and to me בני הישיבה For their tireless devotion to the personally. I will forever be indebted to you.

In honor of רב נתן פינק שליט״א and his family .מחיל אל חיל You should continue to go

And in honor of my dear friend ר׳ יעקב צבי בידערמאן שיחי׳ AND HIS FAMILY For all the dedication and extra effort you put into all .and especially for this dinner ,ישיבה projects for the I treasure your friendship and greatly appreciate all that you have done for me personally. וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה הקב"ה ישלם שכרם Yitzchok Levine Mazel tov to the Yeshiva and the Rebbeim on reaching this choshuve milestone!

We are tremendously grateful for the warm kesher we are zoche to have with RABBI MAYER SHLITA

RABBI BROWN SHLITA AND RABBI FIREWORKER SHLITA and their wonderful families, whom we feel like we are part of. Although it has been over 6 years since I was in Yeshiva, Carteret still feels like a second home.

Mazel Tov to MR. & MRS. NATE THE GREAT AND FAMILY on this very befitting honor! We really miss you down in Baltimore but we wish you much continued hatzlacha in Scanton with the cows and geesen. Thank you for always being there for me, and being a great friend, advisor, and role model.

A big yasher koach to BEEDS for all your hard work on behalf of the Yeshiva! Zecharya & Tamar Michelsohn and family ברגשי כבוד והוקרה למורינו ורבינו הראשי הישיבה שליט"א ושאר צוות ההנהלה שנמסר נפש באופן נפלאה להישיבה לרגל חגיגת שנת ה"עשור" להקמת הישיבה במדבר

A small sapling, planted where there was nothing, a building that hadn't been used in years, and we see what became of it... Trees; mighty, sturdy, oak! .across the globe תלמידים Producing

So tonight the pride and recognition is of the sapling, where everything started from. כל אחד בשמם יבורך (ומהם כמה מידידיי ) בכל הברכות הכתובות התורה. יה"ר מלפני אבינו שבשמים שיזכור לראות נחת מכל התלמידים הקרובים והרחוקים ולראות כולנו במהרה שהבנין הישיבה נטועה בהרי ציון בביאת המשיח בימינו בימינו אמן יחיא-ל שטרן נ.ב - ישר כח לידידי ר ' יעקב צבי בכל שאתה עושה להישיבה ימים, ולילות כימים REB YAAKOV TZVI,

Without your tireless efforts on behalf of the Yeshiva, this dinner would not be possible. While we watch your commitment and expertise in all of your work for the Yeshiva, we are awed.

May the zechus of your hakomas haTorah stand for you and your eizer kinegdo, Avigail, to be zoche to all of the brachos that Hashem prepares for the makimei haTorah.

Rabbi Azriel Brown Rabbi Yaakov Mayer In appreciation of the Hanhala!

Rabbi & Mrs. H. Hershkowitz מזל טוב

Upon celebrating 10 years of the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret

Danny and Helen Laufer In Admiration of


Hashem should grant them the strength to continue tending to their beautiful family until 120.

Moshe Mandel

מזל טוב Hatzlacha to the entire Yeshiva,



and the


From your talmid, Yehonathan M. Resnicoff רפואה שלמה Wishing a to our dear friend יצחק בן רחל מאייער

and our daughter רוחמה חוה ביאלא בת חי'

Michael and Harriet Tepler Mazel Tov to the Honorees! to הכרת הטוב A tremendous the Roshei Yeshiva


Shimshon and Aviva Baum

Wishing the Roshei Yeshiva RABBI AZRIEL BROWN AND RABBI YAAKOV MAYER much hatzlacha in the years to come!

A special Yasher Koach to the esteemed Dinner Chairman RABBI DR. ZEV BROWN for all his work on behalf of Klal Yisroel!

Chaim and Rivky Bernstein Waterbury, CT In recognition for all of the mesiras nefesh of our nephew and niece and their family

RABBI AND REB. MAYER and their family

Shammai and Nechama Beinenstock

הכרת הטוב להראשי ישיבה ולרביים שליט"א הצלחה ונחת רבה

צבי ועלקא בלעק In honor of the



Sheya Ellenberg

to the הכרת הטוב With the utmost ראשי ישיבה and the חשובה הנהלה in all your efforts in הצלחה We wish you continued to greater heights בחורים and the ישיבה bringing the .לימוד התורה in The Fordonski Family In honor of the


סעיתא דשמיא and continued הצלחה Much הרבצת תורה on this special

בכבוד רב Aaron Dov Friedman and Family

ברכה והצלחה Wishes of to הכרת הטוב with much RABBI MAYER Mr. and Mrs. Gelernter In appreciation of the Roshei Yeshiva ROSHEI HAYESHIVA


and in honor of our deserving friends


Shalom Aryeh & Rochela

With heartfelt appreciation to the Roshei Yeshiva, shlit"a


Outstanding Mechanchim- Devoted Mashpiyim

Who have created an exceptional Makom Torah !

Rabbi Moshe and Chashie Krupka נ גיל ונשיש בזאת התורה ברוך שהחיינו וקימנו לזמן הזה מה נכבד היום הזה של 10 שנים של הרבצת התורה מתוך יגיע ועמלות על ידי הקברנטים החשובים הרי הוא כמר הרה"ג ר' יעקב מאייער שליט"א והרה"ג ר' עזריאל בראון שליט"א כה יוסיף ד' וכה יתן ד' הרחבת הדעת ומנוחת הנפש לאוי"ט מ את דוד מענעס ומשפ'


And to our esteemed yedidim, RABBI BERYL WEISBORD, SHLIT'A and RABBI DR. ZEV BROWN, SHLIT'A Shaya and Vivian Ostrov We are forever grateful to the Yeshiva and the Rabbonim for the sincere dedication to our son, Mendy, during his time there and smooth transition to his new Yeshiva. In his words: "There's that special moment when one realizes where their values and principles truly originate from. Rabbi Brown, Rabbi Mayer, Rabbi Fireworker and Rabbi Atlas helped form some of the greatest characteristics a Yeshiva boy could wish for. It's not a just lesson, , or a vort. It's who you will become, it's who you will be, and it's what you will carry for the rest of your life." !עבודת הקדוש give you hatzlocha in your הקב״ה Thank you! May Rabbi Hillel and Yael Simon London,UK



Thank you for the amazing dedication .תלמידים to your Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Steier Mazel tov to all of the honorees!

Thank you very much to The Mashgiach for his patience, wisdom, and guidance (and the motzei Shabbos chaburah).

Mazel tov to the Roshei Yeshiva on the 10th anniversary and thank you and your families (and R’ Natan) for all of the effort in reaching this milestone.

Shlomo Stern & Family

A warm mazal tov to the Yeshiva for 10 beautiful years of harbatzas hatorah. With heartfelt hakoras hatov to the Roshei Yeshiva, R’ Brown and R’Mayer both for their relationships with my family and for their many contributions to this Yeshiva and to the klal. Similarly, we would like to extend a sincere mazal tov to our mashgiach, R’ Weisbord who gives of himself in all areas to benefit his talmidim as well as the broader community. We would also like to extend a sincere mazal tov to all of the honorees for their contributions to the Yeshiva and to the klal. May haKadosh Baruch Hu grant the Yeshiva continued siyata dishmaya. Yashir Kochachem. Miri and Shimmy Yarmak and Family Mazel Tov on 10 Years!

Thank you to RABBI BROWN and RABBI FIREWORKER for all they have done for our son Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zellermaier

Thank you very much to


Mazel tov to NATAN and all the founding talmidim

Yehoshua and Miriam Heber and family to הכרת הטוב With שליט"א ,RAV WEISBORD for all that they have הנהלת ישיבת נר ישראל and the entire done for me and on behalf of the YESHIVA GEDOLA of CARTERET

Mazel tov to RABBI AND MRS. NATAN FINK on this well-deserved honor. May you and the YGOC continue in your .מרביץ ומחזיק תורה to be עבודת הקודש Ephraim & Tova Polakoff



Eric Rhodes Our best wishes to a wonderful couple


Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Dov Fine Scranton, PA

In honor of


May you continue in your wonderful ways! Uncle Josh & Aunt Regina To our cousin NATAN Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor. You come from a legacy of helping build Torah institutions. We are sure the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret benefited greatly from all you did and do for it.

May you and Rebecca and family continue to go meichayil el chayil.

Love, The "Up-the-Hill" Finks

In honor of

NATAN FINK AND FAMILY Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor! Being your chavrusah for a year, I got to see some of the many many things you did for the Yeshiva, both known and behind the scenes. It is truly an honor to have such a caring and considerate person as a good friend.

All the best to you and your family,

Shua, Ilana, and Yonah Lowenthal In Honor of a truly special couple

R' NATAN AND REBECCA FINK to know Natan since his birth as the B'chor of our זוכה I have been dear friends, Moshe and Etty Fink. in his childhood years as we "רבי מובהק " to be his זוכה I was also learned together for ten years straight from age 7-17!!! Now, you can appreciate the "Mega-Nachas" I am feeling by seeing his .גשמיות and רוחניות and Rebecca's accomplishments in all areas of ברכה May the Ribbono Shel Olam continue to bentch them both with from נחת "in all aspects of their lives and may they "shep הצלחה and their children as they have given to their families and communities Dovid and Leah Rosenberg

In appreciation of the ROSHEI YESHIVA and R' ZEV BROWN



In honor of our dear grandson


May you continue to bring nachas to us and all of Klal Yisroel!

Babi and Zaide Kasten to הכרת הטוב With much הקדוש ברוך הוא MY PARENTS & FAMILY ראשי הישיבה והנהלה MY CHVRUSAS - PAST & PRESENT and all those who help the Yeshiva.

Thank you! אליהו דייטש In honor of the esteemed ROSH HAYESHIVA I count myself as one of your first talmidim and have only the fondest memories of the early AM time that we spent learning together. May you be zoche to be omeid many many talmidim and produce future doros of talmidei chachomim and marbitzei Torah. Have much Hatzlocha and Brocha! Mr. And Mrs. Daniel Ely - Baltimore In honor of


May all their children continue to have mazel and brachah and may they also have continued hatzlacha in their avodas hakodesh on behalf of the klal. Evan and Chaya Sara Genack


Moshe Hillel and Goldie Glazer In Recognition and Appreciation to

In appreciation RABBI MAYER of the hard work of the AND

RABBI BROWN ראשי ישיבה and for everything they gave me, NATAN FINK together with the entire YGOC Family!

The Adler Family Shmuel Tzvi & Nechama Adler

In honor of and appreciation for to the the הצלחה Wishing much

ROSHEI YESHIVA ראשי ישיבה שליט"א

Akiva and Malia Bergman Fondly, Zvi and Sarelle Calko We are grateful to the Roshei Yeshiva to the RABBI BROWN & RABBI MAYER הכרת הטוב With as well as all the Rabbeim, OSHEI ESHIVA R Y RABBI FIREWORKER, RABBI DASKEL AND RABBI ROTH & who put tremendous efforts into each and every bochur, who care about RABBI FIREWORKER each individual as though he is their own. Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Gavert You can take credit in Benzion being the wonderful Ben Torah he is today. Hillel & Frady Goldstein

With feelings of great Hakaras Hatov and wishes for In honor of our dear continued Hatzlacha to the Mechutanim ROSHEI YESHIVA SHLIT"A IZZY AND BARBARA MAYER and the Mashgiach and the entire Mayer Family RABBI FIREWORKER SHLIT"A

From Mordechai and Chani Gershon and Tzippy Greenes Greenberg In recognition of the esteemed Roshei Yeshiva, In honor of our Aunt and Uncle שליט״א,RABBI AZRIEL BROWN HANI AND AAKOV AYER C Y M שליט״א,RABBI YAAKOV MAYER

For 10 years of tireless efforts on for all of their outstanding work behalf of in building the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret

Mazel tov to all of tonight’s Meir and Elisheva Kasnett honorees. and Family The Jablin Family

In honor of the In honor of the ROSHEI YESHIVA ROSHEI YESHIVA

Evan Kletsik Bruce Miller With much appreciation to the In honor of the


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satt Eliyahu & Dinah Ungar

In Honor of

R' AZRIEL & R' YAAKOV In honor of the and the founding Bochurim of the ROSHEI HAYESHIVA Yeshiva of Greater Universal Carteret! Meir Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. David Weinberg לכבוד In honor of the ראשי הישיבה שליט"א ,Rosh Yeshiva יפוצו מעינותיך חוצה Rav Yaakov Mayer ותזכה להעמיד תלמידים הרבה

Eli and Sury Weinstock Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Zucker

L'chvod לכבוד ראש הישיבה RABBI BROWN הר"ר עזריאל שליט"א My Rebbe and בברכת הצלחה רבה Outstanding Chavrusa

אהרן קאהן From an Evergrateful Talmid and his Parents In honor of In honor of Rabbi Brown and RABBI WEISBORD ALL THE HONOREES and all the Honorees

RIVKA AND MOSHE From MAJESKI Joe and Helaine Bondar



AND Tizku L'mitzvos!

ALL OF THE HONOREES Shlomo & Rena Mayer Dr. and Mrs. Yizhak Bushwick In Honor of In honor of the revered RABBI BERYL WEISBORD Mashgiach, a very dear friend of our family. Harav Beryl Weisbord, Shlita. Wishing the Yeshiva continued hatzlocha. Rabbi and Mrs. Jonathan Aryeh Ira J. and Shunamit C. Seidemann Perlmuter

To honor the memory of my ,childhood friend לכבוד הרב ווייסבורד Mother of שליט"א

ELI LAZAROWITZ בהוקרה , Zichrah L'Bracha שלמה שלום הכהן קאהן JUDY ISAACS LAZAROWITZ ישיבת מאיר התורה דשיקאגו Jeanette Karmel Baruch Mazel Tov & Warm Wishes to Mazel Tov


on this well deserved honor. On this well-deserved honor. You contributed so much Wishing you continued to the Yeshiva. ! הצלחה וברכה in the future הצלחה Much Dovid and Estee Farkas Eli Calm

In honor of


The Alumni Association Dovid and Hennie Bender Committee In honor of

In honor of RABBI BROWN

R' ZEV BROWN RABBI MAYER RABBI BIDERMAN for all that you do for the Tzibur

Rabbi Shaya Kohn

In Honor of the excellent Hanhalas HaYeshiva including two distinguished Torah Teachers Rabbi Avrohom Yeshaya Roth and With much appreciation Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Brog May Hashem crown their efforts From together with the efforts of the Roshei HaYeshiva to bring forth from Chaim and Chana Rivka their wonderful talmidim a great light Black that will illuminate the world with the Honor of Hashem and raise the Glory of the Torah and its students. With warmth and appreciation, Yehuda and Blima Brog May you have In recognition of a unique Yeshiva that treats every Talmid as a continued success unique individual.

in helping your talmidim Shimshy & Shaindy Fireworker Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Dwek and Family

In honor of


ברכת הצלחה for all of your outstanding dedication to the klal. יוסף מאיר גלמן May Hakadosh Baruch hu repay ומשפחתו you with continued nachas from your beautiful family

Yitzchok and Devori Fuchs With appreciation, BEST WISHES FOR hakaros hatov, CONTINUED HATZLACHA! and bracha for continued hatzlocha. Mr. & Mrs. Yitzchok Grossman The Kahn family

Mazel Tov on this In Honor of momentous occasion.

RABBI DR. ZEV BROWN, PHD Much continued hatzlacha.

Yechiel & Esther Rochel Mr. and Mrs. Avi Keilson Posen With much hakoras hatov to the hanhalos of With gratitude to the YESHIVA GEDOLA OF CARTERET ROSHEI YESHIVA and YESHIVAS NER YISROEL The Silberman Family

Elli & Sarah Rochel Schwarcz

In appreciation of RABBI BROWN With much RABBI MAYER appreciation and and YESHIVA GEDOLA OF CARTERET הכרת הטוב Wishing continued Hatzlacha to Esther Thaler this wonderful institution Natan Thaler Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Weinberger Mr. and Mrs. Sheya Weinberger Greetings & Hatzlochoh Rabbah to the Congratulations ESTEEMED ROSHEI YESHIVA & MR. & MRS. ELI ALL THE HONOREES LAZAROWITZ

May H"Y Continue to Support Your Worthy Endeavors Jeremiah DeNonno


Thank you

CHEF MATT We have not forgotten what you have done for our son for your dedication! Moshe and Lisa Zucker Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret