42 Noe Street, Carteret, NJ 07008 ph 732.969.2497 // e [email protected] A Message from Rabbi Yaakov Mayer Rosh HaYeshiva It is with a tremendous level of hakoras haTov that we stand here by Tenth Year Anniversary of Yeshiva Tiferes Yehuda Aryeh of Carteret. Hakoras haTov to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for enabling us to reach this point in the Yeshiva’s existence. Hakoras haTov for all those that were involved in making this dinner happen. And a special Hakoras haTov to the Honorees. Without them- this Dinner would still be a dream. Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret was grown to epitomize the ideals and values of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel. On a personal level, Rabbi Brown shlit”a and myself were given the opportunity to develop by the Yeshiva. Our Rabbeim are the Hanhalas HaYeshiva. The Yeshiva of Carteret was born in the koselei Bais HaMedrash in Baltimore. From the very inception of the Yeshiva in Carteret, Ner Yisroel was involved. Every zman we discuss and receive direction from the Hanhallas haYeshiva. We are truly honored to have The Mashgiach, Rabbi Weisbord shlit”a joining us as we recognize Yeshivas Ner Yisroel’s role in building Torah in Carteret. R’ Eli Lazarowitz grew up in Far Rockaway with Rabbi Brown and myself. I had the honor of being his Chavrusa for many years in Yeshiva of Far Rockaway. His beautiful middos and acumen in learning made, and continue to make, a roshem on me. The first year of the Yeshiva, we had the zechus to have Eli daven for us on Yom Kippur. He has always been a true supporter of the Yeshiva. As we watch him, together with his eizer kinegdo, Shira, raise a beautiful family, we know that they continue to imbibe klal Yisroel with these wonderful qualities. Rabbi Natan Fink was from the founding members of the Yeshiva. Perhaps he would best be called The founder of the Yeshiva. From the moment that Natan walked through the doors, he looked at the Yeshiva as his project. He put all of his efforts, and there was much effort needed, into building this makom Torah. We will always reap the benefits of those first years. Together with his eizer kinegdo, Rebbecca, they continue remain close to our families and the Yeshiva. The overwhelming response that we received in ads and donations makes it clear that everyone recognizes the unique honorees. It is with a heartfelt brocha that we are mispallel that they all should be continue to be zoche to be osek bitzarchei tzibbur for many years to come. A Message from Rabbi Azriel Brown Rosh HaYeshiva "התהלכנו עמו because ונעשה נשמע said כלל ישראל says that מסכת שבת )פח:( in רש"י We relied on the fact that Hashem loves us and we knew - בתום לב כדרך העושים מאהבה" is our קבלת התורה that we couldn’t handle. A prerequisite of תורה he wouldn’t give us a the מקבל loves us. We therefor respond to this relationship by being ה' knowledge that .תורה should grow in תלמידים One of the goals we had in establishing the Yeshiva was that the They should think big, and .לימוד התורה through their רבש"ע their relationship with the .תלמידי חכמים and עובדי ה' become in עולה מעלה that are being תלמידים we see many ב"ה ,As we look back on ten years from all the נחת should see only רבש"ע and the כלל ישראל that יה"ר .תורה ועבודה .both now and in the future תלמידים A Message from R’ Yaakov Tzvi Biderman Executive Director Over the past 10 years the Yeshiva has made big strides, overcame some very difficult obstacles, and is now growing in more ways than most know about. Student enrollment for this coming year is growing. Our debt from hurricane sandy is shrinking. As we acquire lots adjacent to our current properties, the Yeshiva campus is growing. We are also working our way toward becoming eligible for government grants and assistance. The two most prominent projects - is the launch of our Dormitory Building Campaign, to be located in our current parking lot, and we are in the planning stages of Mesivta in Carteret. Both are huge undertakings, which will help the Yeshiva grow significantly. It is with your chizuk and support, that we are able to make so much progress. I would like to thank the Roshei Yeshiva and Hanalah for their commitment to each talmid's success, and for their patience with payroll, even though it is still well behind. Thank you Yitzchok Levine, your continuous involvement in many aspects of Yeshiva is inspiring. Mrs. Esti Vago, thank you for all your work on behalf of Yeshiva, including this beautiful journal. Mrs. Michal Goldstein from MS Design, we greatly appreciate your design-work for many aspects of this dinner, and your commitment - even on Erev Pesach and Chol Hamoed – to working with Yeshiva. Rebbitzins Brown & Mayer and Malkie Mayer, thank you for all your help. Totty & Mommy, thank you for being the great role models you are. Thank you Avigail for allowing me to dedicate days and nights to the Yeshiva, leaving you as a single parent of Esther Nechama and Rachel Yehudis for the duration of the the dinner preparations. You Are Amazing! A Message from Rabbi Dr. Zev Brown Dinner Chairman It has been my privilege for the past 10 years to watch the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret develop into a Mosod that has impacted hundreds of lives. Under the leadership of its venerable Roshei HaYeshiva - Rabbi Azriel Brown and Rabbi Yaakov Mayer - the Bochurim have been exposed to true Gadlus both in Ameilus Batorah and in Yedius Batorah. The gemorah in Tanis, daf zayin, explains that Torah is compared to water. Just as water, due to the forces of gravity, flows from high locations to low locations, so too Torah only has a kiyum with someone who does not hold themselves above others. Our Roshei HaYeshiva optimize this midah. They live and breathe Gadlus in Ameilus Batorah and Yedius Batorah but at the same time develop true and lasting personal relationships with their talmidim. Relationships that are life altering and that continue to grow and develop long after their talmidim have moved on from the four walls of the Carteret Bais Medrash. In its own quiet way, the Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret has unassumingly been making an impact on Klal Yisroel and has developed a reputation where a serious bochur can grow in all areas of Yiddishkeit and Avodas Hashem. May Hakados Boruch Hu give the Yeshiva Siatta Deshmaya to continue in its Avodas Hakodesh and may the Roshei HaYeshiva continue to see Hatzlocho in all areas. May 22, 2016 י"ד אייר תשע"ו that we join with you in celebrating the 10th שמחה It is with enormous anniversary of Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret. The success of the Yeshiva ,ראשי הישיבה of your two כח התורה and מסירת נפש is due to the incredible הרב and שליט"א Brown הרב ר' עזריאל ,ישיבת נר ישראל ofתלמידים distinguished .שליט"א Mayer ר' יעקב עצה ותושיע to us for all the הכרת הטוב They have chosen to express their הרב ר' ,מנהל רוחני has provided over the years. Our נר ישראל ישיבת that graciously agreed to represent the Yeshiva in ,שליט"א Weisbord בעריל .award מסורת התורה accepting the to Yeshiva Gedola of תלמידים Over the years, we have provided senior ,תלמידים Those .בית המדרש in the רוח התורה Carteret to foster the משפיעים benefitted greatly from their experience in Carteret, both as ראשי of your outstanding הדרכה and תורה and as recipients from the .הישיבה and pride to נחת Truly the success of the Yeshiva is a source of great תלמידי in producing outstanding עבודת הקודש of our המשך as a נר ישראל .מרביצי תורה who are successful חכמים להגדיל ,הצלחה with great בני תורה May the Yeshiva continue to produce .תורה ולהאדירה .בשם הנהלת הישיבה ובברכת תורה ולומדי' Rabbi Sheftel Meir Neuberger מנהל We salute the marvelous work of Harbotzas Hatorah being done by Yeshiva Gedola of Carteret and its Roshei Yeshiva שליט"א ,HaRav Yaakov Mayer and שליט"א HaRav Azriel Brown They have established a new “fort” in the battle for haromas keren haTorah. Mazel tov to עמו"ש Mr. & Mrs. Eli Lazarowitz Esteemed alumnus of our Yeshiva. Rabbi Yechiel Yitzchok Perr Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Aaron Brafman Menahel Yeshiva of Far Rockaway Sponsor In honor of the Roshei HaYeshiva Shlit'a HARAV AZRIEL BROWN SHLIT"A HARAV YAAKOV MAYER SHLIT"A of those ברכות May you both be recipients of all the מחזיק תורה who are Honorable mention to our “10th man” – RABBI YAAKOV BIDERMAN Thanks for always coming thru in the clutch Tzvi Perl Tzvi Rosen Elchanan Hamada Yehuda Levine Avrohom Kopp Sponsor In Honor of The Roshei HaYeshiva RABBI AZRIEL BROWN and RABBI YAAKOV MAYER Exceptional Talmidei Chachomim who are zoche to share from their wellsprings of Torah with the next generation. Mazel Tov to RABBI BERYL WEISBORD Mazel Tov to MR. AND MRS. ELI LAZAROWITZ May the Yeshiva continue to flourish for many years to come. Zev and Brocho Nadine Brown Pillar In honor of RABBI AZRIEL BROWN RABBI YAAKOV MAYER We value our close friendship. We are privileged to be a partner in all your Avodas Hakodesh. Nachum and Henny Futersak and Family Pillar In honor of the Roshei Yeshiva RABBI MAYER and RABBI BROWN May Hashem grant you the strength to continue all your wonderful work on behalf of our children. May Hashem grant you Arichus Yamim to see Nachas from your Talmidim and Families.
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