-_._ . Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies by Venerable Sayadaw U STlananda (Volumel) S abb adinam dhammadanam j inati TineGiftofDhammaexcelsallgifts Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies Venerable Sayadaw U S]15handa Transcription by Sarah E Marks PprilitedForFreeDistributionbv: Selangor Buddhist Vipassana Meditation Society (SBVMS) 23, Jalan SS3rs7, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, West Malaysia Tel/fax: 03-7873 9168 email:
[email protected] SBVMS would like to express its gratitude to Sister Sarah E Maces for her tireless effort in single handedly transcribing this book with many rounds of editing and proof reading, making it into a handbook for the benefit of many. SBVMS is indeed honored to be given this rare opportunity of putting into print the works of the late Venerable Sayadaw U Silananda [1927-2005], a reknowned Buddhist scholar and expounder of the Abhidhamma in recent times. Sadhn! Sanii! adhti! PELtingRecord Piibhihed -Dec 2012 -1,000 sets Reprint -April 2014 - 1,000 sets Printed and Bound in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia By Majujaya hdah Sdn Bhd Tel: 03-42916001 / 6002 Fax: 03-4292 2053 Namo tassa Bhagavat:o Arahato Sammasambuddhassa Veneration to the Exalted One, the Homage-Worthy, the Perfectly Self-Enlightened. The Buddha is an Arahat and He is worthy of the highest veneration. All beings including devas and brahmas venerate the Buddha becau-se t:he Buddha is the Supreme One, who has extinguished all defilements, who has become perfectly self- enlightened I:hrough the realization of the Four Ariya Truths, and who is endowed with t:he six great qualities of glory, namely, Issariya (supremacy), Dhamma (knowledge of the path to Nibbana), Yasa (fame and following), Siri (noble appearance), Kama (power of accomplishment) and Payatta (diligent mindfulness)I Preface Editorial Preface Handbook of Abhidhamma Studies .is a seriies Of lectures given by the late Venerable U STlananda on the sub].ect of Abhidhamma.