Three-Dimensional Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Dissolved Oxygen Transport in Tone River Estuary
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Journal of JSCE, Vol. 1, 194-213, 2013 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODELING OF HYDRODYNAMICS AND DISSOLVED OXYGEN TRANSPORT IN TONE RIVER ESTUARY Xiaofei XU1, Tadaharu ISHIKAWA2 and Takashi NAKAMURA3 1 School of Chemical Machinery, Dalian University of Technology (No.2 Linggong Road, Gangjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, 116024, China) E-mail: [email protected] 2Fellow Member of JSCE, Professor, Dept. Environmental Science & Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Nagatsuta 4259, Midori-ku, Yokohama, 226-8502, Japan) E-mail: [email protected] 3Member of JSCE, Associate Professor, Dept. Environmental Science & Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Nagatsuta 4259, Midori-ku, Yokohama, 226-8502, Japan) E-mail: [email protected] A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for simulating estuarine dynamics has been developed. The model, called CIP-Soroban flow solver, has been specifically designed for reproducing the current and salinity fields in density-stratified water bodies with a free surface. It is based on the Constrained Inter- polation Profile (CIP) scheme and the Soroban computational grid system. Simulations of the time-dependent current and salinity fields of the Tone River Estuary have been performed using this model. Two periods are used to examine the predictive capability of the model. The first was in August 1997, which produced extensive field data related to vertical profiles of salinity, which showed evident changes in salinity intrusion processes between spring and neap tides; and the second in August 2001, which pro- duced sufficient data associated with continuous measurements of vertical profiles of velocity, which showed characteristic residual flows averaged over ten tidal cycles. The model is examined in detail to reveal its inherent capability of simulating the dynamic behavior of density flow in the Tone River Estuary. In these two periods, the measured salinity and velocity data are reproduced well by the 3-D model. After investigating the capability of the hydrodynamic model, the dissolved oxygen (DO) transport model is incorporated into the hydrodynamic model to study the role of density stratification and residence time of seawater at the onset and development of hypoxia. The results of a long-term simulation of 100 days show good agreement with the field data. Key Words: 3-D model, CIP-Soroban scheme, Tone River Estuary, estuarine flow, DO transport 1. INTRODUCTION taining salinity stratification1). The vertical salinity gradient, which is a major reason for density strati- Estuaries, the transition zones between river en- fication, has significant effects on the vertical mixing. vironments and ocean environments, are valuable The spatial distributions of salinity are also influen- natural resources. The exhaustible nature of estuarine tial in the distribution and transport of dissolved resources requires that they be afforded a high level oxygen (DO) and suspended sediment. Hypoxia can of environmental protection. Environmental impact often be generated in the saline bottom water layer at assessments usually depend on a good understanding the head of the salt wedge because the vertical den- of the physical processes of water circulation and sity stratification reduces the vertical mixing between mixing. However, these physical processes in estua- the oxygen-rich surface water layer and the oxy- rine environments are often very complicated be- gen-deficient bottom water layer2). Furthermore, cause of the presence of the salinity gradient in both when suspended sediment, to which organic matter the horizontal and vertical directions. The horizontal and nutrients attach, meets the saline water, it tends to salinity gradient is the key driving force for estuarine deposit after flocculation, which results in deteriora- circulation, which in turn plays a key role in main- tion of bottom sediment3). Therefore, effective utili- 194 zation and management of estuaries work on the can be represented well by gathering more grid points premise that the physical processes of water circula- around it. As a result of this excellent numerical tion and mixing closely related to the salinity gradi- feature, the proposed numerical model is expected to ent are fully understood. simulate the estuarine dynamics even if a relatively Numerical modeling is an effective way of stud- coarse mesh is employed. Furthermore, since spatial ying the circulation and mixing processes in estuaries interpolations and approximations of spatial deriva- and can compensate for the spatial and temporal tives are estimated in the Cartesian coordinate system limitations of field measurements. In the early nu- in the CIP-Soroban scheme, it is expected that this merical models, because of the high cost of compu- scheme can avoid the severe artificial numerical error tation, simplification of governing equations by a present in the σ-level model. laterally-averaged approach4)-6) has been widely used In the following sections, the basic idea of the in stratified water bodies. This approach supposes CIP-Soroban scheme is introduced and the governing that the detailed flow in the transverse direction is equations and numerical procedures are described. relatively unimportant, and the effect of vertical ve- Next, the present model is applied to the Tone River locity and salinity variation cannot be neglected. Estuary with realistic topography and controlled by However, when the lateral flows driven by the bal- tides, winds and river discharges. Through compar- ance of Coriolis acceleration, flow curvature and isons of the computed results with the field data, the cross-channel baroclinic pressure gradients1) cannot capability of the 3-D model to reproduce the salinity be ignored, a 3-D model may be required. field and flow structure is studied. Furthermore, to Meanwhile, in recent years, improvements in reveal the unique features of the 3-D model, the 3-D computer performance and advances in numerical computed results are compared with the results of a methods have also stimulated an increase in the de- laterally-averaged 2-D model which is also based on velopment of 3-D models. One of the major differ- the CIP-Soroban scheme and was developed by ences among the numerical models is the type of Nakamura et al.6). Finally, the DO transport model is vertical coordinate system. The common way to incorporated into the hydrodynamic model to study discretize the water depth is either with an untrans- the role of the salinity stratification and residence formed z coordinate (z-level) system or a transformed time of seawater at the onset and development of coordinate (σ-level) system. Both have their draw- hypoxia. backs. The biggest problem for the z-level model with horizontal layers is that it cannot fit the topog- raphy properly7). Although the σ-level model does 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE MODEL not have the topography-fitting problem and it can map the surface and bottom into horizontal coordi- The essential feature of this hydrodynamic model nate surfaces, the σ transformation can lead to severe is the application of the CIP-Soroban scheme to numerical errors in regions of rapidly changing depth, model the flow and mixing processes in estuarine which is common in estuaries8). Meanwhile, to re- environments. The CIP-Soroban scheme is a com- duce the numerical diffusion errors around the bination of the CIP technique developed by Yabe et fresh-saline water interface, the σ coordinate model al.10)-12) for solving hyperbolic problems and the needs to employ a large number of vertical grid lay- Soroban grid system, an adaptive grid system13)-14) ers, which often leads to “over-resolution” in the that allows the CIP scheme to be applied to it. In this shallow regions and unnecessarily increases com- section, the characteristics of the CIP scheme and putational costs9). Soroban grid system are described, and then the To overcome the shortages of the two governing equations and the numerical procedure of above-mentioned conventional grid systems but also the model are introduced. draw upon the best features of each, a new 3-D nu- merical model, called CIP-Soroban estuary solver, is (1) Basic concept of the CIP scheme developed in this work. In the solver, to suppress The CIP scheme is a kind of semi-Lagrangian numerical diffusion errors, advection terms are scheme which has been developed to solve advection solved by the Constrained Interpolation Profile (CIP) equations with few numerical errors. It is character- scheme with third-order accuracy; and to achieve a ized by employing the cubic polynomial as an in- precise description of fresh-saline water interface, the terpolation function to achieve third-order accuracy water depth is discretized with a new adoptive grid in space. To show the basic concept of the CIP system called the Soroban grid system. In the So- scheme, here we briefly describe the numerical pro- roban grid system, grid points can be moved freely cedures of the CIP scheme by using a 1-D advection and gathered around an arbitrary region. Thus the equation: sharp discontinuity at the fresh-saline water interface 195 points is interpolated by a cubic polynomial F(x) = F(x) ax3 + bx2 + cx + d (Fig. 1). The coefficients a, b, c and fi, gi fiup, giup d can be determined explicitly according to the value of f and its spatial derivative g on each grid point. Thus, the value and spatial derivative at time step n + 1 can be obtained by transporting the profile by uiΔt as follows: xi xiup n1 3 2 n n fi Fxi uit ai bi gi fi (4a) Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of CIP interpolation. n1 dF 2 n gi (xi uit) 3ai 2bi gi (4b) 1.5 exact solution dx CIP scheme g g 2f f Lax-Wendroff scheme i iup i iup 1 ai 2 3 upwind scheme D D (5) 3fiup fi 2gi giup 0.5 b i D2 D where ξ ≡-u Δt. The variables iup and D represent the 0 i 0 20406080100upstream grid point and the distance from i to iup: (i -1, -Δx) for u>0 -0.5 iup, D (i+1, Δx) otherwise (6) Fig.