DRAFT PROGRAMME (11.06.2015)

Friday 10th July

12.30 – 1.50pm Registration open at The Bull Hotel for collection of badges and conference packs.

1.00 – 1.50pm Sandwich lunch provided at The Bull Hotel. Please note that it is an approximately 5-7 minute walk from the hotel to the Theatre.

2.00 – 2.15pm John Clare Theatre: Welcome from the BAA President and Introductions

Session 1 Chaired by Richard Halsey

2.15 – 2.45pm Charles O’Brien Revising Pevsner

2.45 – 3.15pm Stephen Upex The Roman Occupation of the Lower Nene Valley

3.15 – 3.45pm Tea at the John Clare Theatre

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Session 2 Chaired by David Stocker

3.45 – 4.15pm Rosemary Cramp The Pre-Conquest Sculpture of Peterborough and Its Surrounding Area

4.15 – 4.45pm Richard Gem Peterborough – : A Review of the Evidence for the Anglo-Saxon Church

4.45 – 5.15pm T. A. Heslop The Missal of Robert of Jumièges and Manuscript Production in Peterborough c.1015–35

5.15 – 5.30pm Coach pickup at the John Clare Theatre

5.30 – 7.15pm Visit to where the President’s reception is held.

7.15 – 8.00pm Checking in at The Bull Hotel

8.00pm Dinner at The Bull Hotel A two-course buffet dinner. Please ensure that you have signed up for one of the four groups for the site visits and put the appropriate coloured sticky label on your badge. The lists will be at the entrance of the dinner venue at the Bull.

Saturday 11th July

Session 3 Chaired by Jenny Alexander

9.15 – 9.45am Alexandrina Buchanan Expertise and Authority in Nineteenth-Century Archaeology

9.45 – 10.15am Eric Fernie Peterborough Abbey: The Norman Church

10.15 – 10.45am Francis Woodman The New Building at Peterborough

10.45 – 11.15am Coffee at the John Clare Theatre

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Session 4 Chaired by Jackie Hall

11.15 – 11.45am Julian Luxford The West Front Sculpture

11.45am – 12.15pm Lisa Reilly The Trinity Chapel at

12.15 – 12.45pm Claudia Marx The Victorian Restoration of the West Front

12.45 – 1.00pm Walk to the Cathedral

1.00 – 2.00pm Sandwich lunch in Becket Chapel Stalls from a number of publishers will be open for purchases of books and conference transactions.

Site visits Afternoon group visits to Cathedral and town.

2.00 – 4.00pm Site visits to Cathedral with site talks as indicated: Three of the following before tea, one after. The visits will be conducted in groups as indicated on the group timetable in your conference pack. • West Front and roofs (Julian Limentani) • Galleries (Claudia Marx) • Anglo-Saxon foundations (Jackie Hall) • Individual visit of Cathedral

4.00 – 4.30pm Tea in Becket Chapel The book stalls will also be open during tea.

4.30 – 5.10pm Site visits to Cathedral continued The remaining of the four visits - in your groups.

5.10 - 5.30pm Cloister (Jackie Hall and/or Ron Baxter) This visit will be conducted in a single group.

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5.30 – 6.00pm Visit to Guildhall and Market Square. This visit will be conducted in 2 groups as indicated on the group timetable in your conference pack. • Market Square (Rebecca Casa-Hatton) • Guildhall (Jim Daley)

6.00 – 7.00pm Reception at St John the Baptist with site talks by Jackie Hall, Ron Baxter and Claudia Marx, followed by a musical interlude and a talk by Zachary Taylor on the re-creation of some of the medieval instruments depicted on the Cathedral nave ceiling.

7.00pm Dinner at St John the Baptist. A two-course buffet supper is provided.

Sunday 12th July

Site visits All-day site visits to the Soke of Peterborough.

9.00 – 9.15am Coaches at the Broadway entrance of the Bull Hotel for a prompt 9.15am departure. Timings thereafter will be subject to traffic.

9.30 – 11.00am Thorpe Hall and Site talks by Jenny Alexander and Colin Prosser Please note that this visit will be conducted in 4 groups, with 2 groups starting at Thorpe Hall at 10.30am and 2 groups at Longthorpe Tower.

11.30 – 12.30pm Castor Church Site talks by Ron Baxter, Stephen Upex and John McNeill

12.30 – 1.30pm Lunch at Castor Church

1.45 – 3.00pm Hills and Holes and Church Site talk by Colin Prosser

3.15 – 4.00pm Church Site talk by Ron Baxter

4.00 - 4.30pm Tea at Peakirk Village Hall

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4.45 – 5.45pm Northborough Church and Manor Site talks Nick Hill and Ron Baxter

6.00 – 7.00pm Reception at Towers

7.30pm Approximate arrival at The Bull Hotel. Free evening.

Monday 13th July

Session 5 Chaired by John McNeill

9.15 – 9.45am Cathy Oakes The Sculpture on the Trumeau of the West Portal

9.45 – 10.15am Ron Baxter A Few Ancient Recumbent Effigies of , not one of which occupies its original position

10.15 – 10.45am Stuart Harrison The Lost High Altar Screen of Peterborough

10.45 – 11.15am Coffee at the John Clare Theatre

Session 6 Chaired by Eric Fernie

11.15 – 11.45am Peter Fergusson Benedict’s Building

11.45am – 12.15pm Jackie Hall and Tim Halliday Peterborough Abbey Precincts and the town

12.15 – 12.45pm Harriet Mahood Coming and Going: The Great Gate of Peterborough as a Zone of Interaction

12.45 – 1.15pm John Goodall The Bishop’s Palace at Peterborough

1.15 – 1.30pm Walk to the Cathedral

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1.30 – 2.30pm Sandwich lunch in Almoner’s Hall

Site visits Afternoon group visits to Cathedral precincts.

2.30 – 4.15pm Group visits with site talks as indicated: Three of the following before tea, one after. The visits will be conducted in groups as indicated on the group timetable in your conference pack. • Cemetery, Lady Chapel, New Building and Infirmarer’s Hall (Claudia Marx) • Infirmary, Table Hall, Hostry Passage, Almoner’s Hall (Mansell Duckett) • Bishop’s Garden, Bishop’s Palace, Little Dorter and covered way, Secret Garden, Refectory (Jackie Hall) • Abbot’s Gateway, Knight’s Chamber, Abbot Godfrey’s Range and Gateway, Norman Gateway (Ron Baxter)

4.15 – 4.45pm Tea at Almoner’s Hall

4.45 – 5.20pm Site visits to Cathedral precincts continued The remaining of the four visits - in your groups.

5.30 – 6.30pm Evensong at the Cathedral

6.30 – 7.20pm Reception at the Deanery. There will be an opportunity to look at the 11th-century moat in the Deanery garden. The reception will include the book launch for ‘Conservation and Discovery: Peterborough nave ceiling and related structures’.

7.30pm Conference Dinner, Cathedral New Building. Three courses with wine.

Tuesday 14th July

Session 7 Chaired by Rosemary Cramp

9.15 – 9.45am Jeffrey West The Tower of St John’s, Barnack: Iconographical Reflections

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9.45 – 10.15am David Stocker and Paul Everson Potestas Petri: Barnack in the 10th and 11th Centuries

10.15 – 10.45am Tim Tatton-Brown Marble at Peterborough in the 12th and 13th Centuries

10.45 – 11.15am Coffee at the John Clare Theatre

Session 8 Chaired by Kate Davey

11.15 – 11.45am Richard Halsey Romanesque Decoration in the Vicinity of Peterborough

11.45am – 12.15pm Edward Impey Longthorpe Tower and Its Medieval Wall Paintings

12.15 – 12.30pm Closing words by the BAA President

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