
Issue 74 News Christmas - December 2020 Headteacher’s Letter Dear Parents/Carers, Firstly, I would like to thank parents, students, staff, and governors for their support this term in what has certainly been a challenging few weeks! To see the Beauchamps community pulling together in the face of such adversity has been heart-warming, and especially, I am incredibly proud of the way that the students have coped with all the upheaval. Their attitude in lessons, their contributions to sporting, artistic and musical activities when possible has been commendable! Events have been virtual this term, rather than within the school building. Open Evening went online for the first time and showed the warmth and enthusiasm of day to day school life here. Similarly, the Sixth Form Open Evening was a virtual event but again, we were able to showcase the strengths of our ever-growing Sixth Form. A big, extra special thanks must go to our very own Subject Leader for Music, Mr Byford, this Christmas, who devoted hours of his time to As with the Virtual Open Evening aimed at potential new Year 7 students, creating a virtual Christmas concert we have had to create a Sixth Form Virtual Open Evening aimed at which I know that many of you will potential new Year 12 students to showcase our wonderful school. have enjoyed. As you may know, he is We have set up a special page on the school website with a fantastic video which retiring this Christmas and will be very gives a 15 minutes insight into normal school life at Beauchamps, narrated by much missed by all of us; he has been Headteacher Mr Harper. For more on our Sixth Form Virtual Open Evening a wonderful inspiration to so many of please turn to Page 2. the students at the school for many, many years. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas Poppy Selling continues... and a Happy New Year; I sincerely Year 7 students Jack and Alfie hope that you all get the much needed were among the Poppy Sellers opportunity to spend times with loved raising funds for the Royal ones, and I look forward to welcoming British Legion during everyone back to Remembrance Week. school in 2021. Ryan D also made us Mr Harper, proud by laying wreaths on Remembrance Day which Headteacher was also reported by the local newspaper. Read more on Page 4. Miss Randall Sixth Form Virtual Open Evening As with the annual Open Evening for Prospective Parents of new students aimed at Year 6 pupils starting at Secondary School, the Sixth Form have also gone online and virtual this year to showcase the ever-growing and more popular Sixth Form to Year 11 students. As well as the introduction and a video involving the Headteacher and Mrs Gargrupe (the Pastoral Leader of the Sixth Form) and contributions from several current members of the Sixth From, each subject offered has an interactive Powerpoint presentation. There is also a dedicated Sixth Form Prospectus and an Information Booklet on the courses available and these are both on the Website display also. Mr Liddell

Virtual Christmas Music Concert We also have a Virtual Christmas Music Concert on the School Website at the present time. If you have not already watched it then we recommend you do before Christmas is over! Mr R Byford

Beauchamps News Issue 74 2 First Aid with Mrs Edwards I seem to have gone full circle, having started here at Beauchamps as a student in 1982 (which is clearly a typing error as there is no way I am that old) I became our First Aid Officer in 2017. In my past life, I was the Operations Manager for MK Electric, International Division - it was amazing. I had the opportunity to travel and develop working relationships with people from all sorts of different cultures and backgrounds. I left to have my children and had several years at home with them. Once I was ready to go back to work I found out that there was a part time position here at Beauchamps in the school kitchen and I soon got to work preparing and serving food for the teachers and staff. I will be honest; I have never worked so hard in my life and I have the utmost respect and admiration for my friends and colleagues who continue to do such an amazing job here at Beauchamps and to be fair, the food is much better since I stopped cooking it! In 2017 the First Aid Officer job became available and I successfully applied. Since then, I have held many students’ hair back while they have been sick, cleaned wounds, applied bandages and eye drops, and comforted many students when they have been in pain or unwell. Some days I will see a constant stream of patients for a range of different reasons that may require attention, in some instances it gives me the opportunity to work with the student to develop better resilience. The First Aid Room is well stocked to cover every eventuality and in 2018 we received a very generous donation for us to purchase our AED (Automatic External Defibrillator). During 2019 we participated in a national campaign to teach all of our year 7 Students CPR, and they all embraced the opportunity to do so. We had hoped to do the same again this year, but sadly, current circumstances mean that this is not yet possible although it remains firmly in my plans. Covid hasn’t put a stop to everything, I still hold hair back and dress wounds, only now there are visors, masks, gloves and aprons to protect both the student and I. I work closely with the NHS Vaccination Team to ensure that as many students as possible are protected against childhood illnesses and diseases and we conduct several sessions each year vaccinating students at various stages of their school career. There is never a dull day, and despite all the sick, the tears and runny noses, I love working with all of our students and hope that I make the days that they are hurt or unwell a little bit better! Now to think of something inspirational to leave you with….I guess…and I don’t swear to do this every day (but I try my best to) find the fun in everything you do, especially Maths! Mrs Edwards, First Aid Officer.

3 Beauchamps News Issue 74 Remembrance Ryan D Year 11 is a member of the Young Twins Association - the youth section of the Twinning Association which is supported by Beauchamps High School. Ryan kindly agreed to lay two wreaths during Remembrance Week - one at the “Empty Chair” at Wat Tyler Park, Pitsea and the other at The Memorial. Ryan has a Great, great Uncle Stan Everitt who died in World War Two who is named on the Wickford Memorial. He did a wonderful job. His parents, nan, grandad and all of the Twinning Members present were very proud of him. Bob Sheridan of the Basildon Twinning Association

Well Done Ryan

We are all proud of you!

Beauchamps News Issue 74 4 Inter-Faith Day Celebration

The ERP department were very excited to hold our annual Inter-Faith day in November. The students that were lucky enough to have a faith visitor (pictured above) in their lesson were both enlightened and amazed when they listened to how faith had a profound impact on communities, and learnt in-depth knowledge of Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. Students had the opportunity to both ask and answer questions throughout the visit, and left the lesson having learnt a lot more about how religion has an impact on many people’s lives in our society. Students were particularly interested in why our faith visitors follow a religion and why they believe in a God. Our visitors spoke a lot about their relationship with God and how their experiences of travelling around the world impacted their view on religion. I feel that this experience has helped students to appreciate the positive impact that faith can have on religious believers lives. The ERP department were unfortunately not able to hold the Year 7 Christmas Event this year. Our Church Representatives were kind enough to create a Virtual Christmas Event that is being presented to Year 7 students during the last week of the Autumn Term. A beautifully narrated Christmas Story will be shown to students that will give them an insight into the significance of Jesus’ birth and a lovely Christmas Presentation that gives students the opportunity to think in more depth about the Nativity Play, and to have an interactive question and answer session at the end narrated by our Church Representatives. I am very grateful that our Church Representatives took the time to create this event for our students. This will be an excellent way for students to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Miss Hopping Christmas Jumper Competition Thank you to all the year 7 students who took part in our design a Christmas jumper competition. The judging committee had a really hard job deciding on just one winner, so the following students will all be receiving a prize when we return to school in January - Sophie M 7MO, George M 7ST, Olivia K and 7GB Alfie R 7AS.Mrs Perkins

5 Beauchamps News Issue 74 The SEND Page

Our Year 8 New Horizons group have been busy indeed during this term. Learning key life skills with also lots of fun activities such as carving pumpkins for Halloween. Miss Clarkson

We recently said farewell to a much loved member of our group, Liam. Pictured on the left in our Sensory Garden

Liam has moved schools and we will miss him but send him all our best for his future! Miss Clarkson

Huge congratulations to Erin L for gaining a Grade 9 in her recent English Mock exam. Erin is one of our SEND ambassadors and we are so proud of her!

Beauchamps News Issue 74 6 The SEND Page Jesse joined us in Year 7 and is currently studying in Year 8. Jesse has Cerebral Palsy and as a result of this has certain mobility issues which have meant he has had to wear leg braces and can at times become so fatigued he finds it too difficult to walk up the stairs. Despite this you will never hear Jesse complain. He has the most positive attitude I have ever known. He is also the politest young man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He will stick up for what he believes in and will always lend a caring ear to his friends if they need him. In school he works exceptionally hard. You will never see Jesse give anything less than 100% in all lessons. Since coming back from the summer Jesse has been using a wheelchair after an operation on his leg. Again, not one negative comment has come from his mouth, indeed he was itching to come back and couldn’t wait to get stuck back into his studies. Jesse has had difficult times due to his condition but is a true example to all of us about what positivity looks like. He is a credit to his family and our school and we are so lucky we get to work with him in our SEND department. It is a pleasure watching him grow into the fine young man he is becoming and we all think he deserves such a big pat on the back for all his achievements. Well done Jesse, you make us proud every day! Miss Clarkson Congratulations! to James and Alfie Mr Harper and Mrs Tippler were delighted to be able to catch up with James L and Alfie A both of Year 10 and both SEND Ambassadors

And Finally...... a huge well done from me! This term has been a difficult one, especially for children with additional needs. You are working in completely different way than normal and sometimes at home which is really hard. When in school lots of rules have changed and you have had to adapt quickly. I cannot tell you how proud I am of each and every one of you. The resilience you have shown is incredible. Your continued determination to overcome whatever obstacle comes your way is the reason I come to work every day, because I want to help you and feel very privileged I get to see your journey. Things will get better I promise and when they do, we will have a big party with lots of cake and chocolate to celebrate just how much you have all achieved this year! Keep working hard and remember to smile! Miss Clarkson

7 Beauchamps News Issue 74 Careers It has most certainly been a challenging start to the term but we have managed to secure a couple of exciting careers related events, booked in for this term and next year. I am so looking forward to the students being able to participate safely and start to focus on their career journey of exploration into the world of work and employability skills. A number of Year 9 students took part in a LEGO STEM day in which they built a robot and programmed it to travel around a number of obstacles (pictured below). Year 9 will also enjoy a fun but informative workshop called “I Am Amazing” delivered by Fix Up in partnership with Make Happen, who we work closely with throughout the year.

National Apprenticeship Week looks to go ahead in February 2021 (fingers crossed!) and this is currently being planned and prepared for to ensure that all year groups gain knowledge and understanding on the wide range of Apprenticeship options. Year 8 have already become familiar with the programme KUDOS that helps students to explore, develop and maximise their potential. The students have used this programme in their IT lessons to explore the connection between what they are studying in school and their future career options. They can continue to use the programme at home to search for live job and apprenticeship vacancies and real time labour market information, increasing their knowledge about the world of work. Year 11 have continued to engage with their statutory 1-1 careers guidance meetings and appointments are running smoothly. All year 11 are offered a 1-1 careers guidance meeting with myself, but are chosen at random, so if you or your child feel that you urgently need support please do contact [email protected] and I will get you booked in. Year 7 will be participating in some invaluable First Aid sessions in the YOUR CAREERS ADVISOR IS summer term next year with a careers MRS EMMERSON related spin! We are very excited for this opportunity and will provide more information nearer the time. Book an appointment for Careers Guidance There is lots to look forward to and we are working as hard as we can to [email protected] ensure that students are gaining all the careers information that they need OR find me in my office to make those important informed Top of Z staircase - History Block decisions about the journey ahead of them. Mrs Emmerson

Beauchamps News Issue 74 8 Geography We set homework for year 7 to complete contour models to show height in a 3D-way over half term. We got some fantastic models with the following all gaining Geography Badges for their efforts: Sam D, Samuel C, Layla M, George E, Jack D, Finally C, Olivia D, Cameron C and George K. Mr Ambrose

Sam D (above) with his excellent coutour map.

Outstanding Work Sam and Archie

Antarctica Flag Competition Year 7 and 8 were invited to create a flag for the Polar Network UK. Each year we send the wining flag to Antarctica to be photographed with a scientist working in Antarctica. Third place went to Jack D and second place to Lilia D. A big well done to Archie B (pictured right) for the winning entry which will be sent to Antarctica! Well done to all the entries. A Level We invited in Charlie from the Field Studies Centre for a day with our year 12 students to introduce their Non-Examined Assessment, which is a piece of coursework worth 20% of their grade. Students spent a day outside collecting data both on the field and by the shops gaining an insight into the best human and physical ways in which to collect data as well as being able to pose Charlie lots of questions to help them begin to plan their individual investigation. All the students gained a valuable insight into what they now need to work on in regards to their individual investigation. Miss N Bailey

9 Beauchamps News Issue 74 Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge Congratulations to the winners and highly commended students from this year’s Year 10 Jack Petchey Speakout workshops. From these students, two will emerge to represent the school at the Regional Final in May 2021. More details will follow in the next Newsletter. The quarter finals have been delayed until Monday 11th January 2021. The semi-final assemblies should take part the following week we hope! The students are: Leila A, Grace C, Aaliyah R, Nathan R, Alfie H, Ruby A, Angel C, Emma F, Jenna J, Madison O, Emily R, Charlee T and Archie R., pictured with specialist presentations tutor and long-time friend of the school Ore Ogungbayi and Mrs Collier-Brown. Mrs Collier-Brown.

Year 7 Merit Award Leaders Jack D and Alfie R were the leading Merit Award Winners at the end of half term. Congratulations boys! I am so very pleased with the excellent way so many of our new students have coped during the most testing of times this term. Wishing you all a good rest now and Merry Christmas. Mrs Hampton

Beauchamps News Issue 74 10 History Book of the Month In History we are lucky that there are so many resources our students can access to help enrich their understanding of the people, events and key developments we learn about in class. Our library is stocked with an amazing range of historical based fiction but this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is available. The wealth of material can be admittedly bewildering. To help, we are recommending a book each month. It will always be linked to a subject being taught to one or more of our year groups. Mrs Perkins has made sure that she has multiple copies available. This runs alongside the amazing work she already does, creating displays linked to key events such as Black History Month and Remembrance Day. Why not check out this month’s suggestion! If reading isn’t your thing then you could consider watching one of the many amazing films that have been made based on historical stories. In the last year alone there have been many film releases linked to our curriculum, Midway, 1917 and Harriet. These, and many others feature on our “Exploring history...” lists. Mrs Tweedie NOVEMBER DECEMBER

Art - Halloween Competition Over the October half-term break the Art department encouraged pupils to take part in our...

SPOOKTACULAR Pumpkin Carving Competition

Thank you! everyone that took part in this Halloween event. We love seeing you get creative and as you can see we had some fantastic entries. Well done to our winners and runners up for sending in your Pumpkin photos they were the spookiest of them all! Miss Mallows & Mrs Birkumshaw

11 Beauchamps News Issue 74 Staff Focus - New Trainee Teachers Mr Harris My name is Mr Harris and I am at trainee teacher in the Maths department. I can teach Maths or Further Maths for those at A-Level. Before becoming a teacher here, I studied Maths at the University of Essex, and I was also a student at this school from Year 7 all the way through to Year 13. I often helped fellow students while I was in A level in Maths and Further Maths, and I realised that I really enjoyed doing this and helping people to improve, so I have wanted to be a teacher for a few years now. I really enjoyed my time here and it was made clear that some teachers wanted me to return, so I came back. For me, if I enjoy my job and feel happy and secure, then that’s the most important thing. I am currently completing the BEC SCITT, which are the same provider that I did a 4-week internship for last summer. I chose this provider because I enjoyed the internship. In the BEC SCITT, I spend 4 days a week at Beauchamps, with the other day (Thursday) requiring me to go to Bromfords which is the SCITT centre in the morning to learn about the teaching theories, and then to St John Payne in Chelmsford for my afternoon session which is subject specific. These are now being held online due to the national lockdown. In the first term, I was required to attend zoom calls on the Friday also for the PGCE side of things, which is the university side that I also have to pass to obtain NQT status. I am assessed by two PGCE essays, and also assessed by 5 teacher theory essays (GPS tasks) and some subject-specific tasks (SPS tasks). These form the curriculum of the SCITT, and means that I do not have to collect any extra evidence as I am assessed against the Teachers’ Standards by the curriculum. I should hopefully become an NQT at the end of this academic year, and be a fully qualified teacher a further two years in the future. The SCITT is what I expected it to be at this point, although it is more work than I thought. I’ve enjoyed every moment I have been in school, but I enjoy the teaching side more than anything else. I like being in control of the class and delivering the content, more so than observing a class, especially with how many lessons I’ve observed! I’d like to thank the whole Maths department for their support. Each and every one of them has been brilliant and picked me up when I have bad days. I’d also like to thank Mr Harper and Mrs Pepper. Mr Harper really showed confidence in me and faith to bring me back, and Mrs Pepper was always supportive of me as a student; I may not have been in this position without her. Once the virus is restricted and we can go back to ‘normal’ lives, I would like to be much more involved in extra-curricular activities around the Maths Department. In 10 years time, I would like my focus to be more on A Level teaching. I enjoy the content taught here more than I do the GCSE content, and maybe one day I will be the Head of Department. I would never want to go as far as being a Headteacher, however. I’ve seen how much work and stress is involved in that job first-hand and wouldn’t want that for myself. I would like to get involved in the Staff vs Students football again. This was always a nice end to the week where we could build relationships through a common shared interest. Are you thinking about teaching as a career?

If so, then Beauchamps High School runs a high quality, successful ITT programme as part of the Schools Direct and SCITT Programme in collaboration with Billericay Educational Consortium -

Beauchamps High School has been a graduate trainer for many years and so far has a 100% success record that has enabled over 50 candidates to successfully complete the ITT programme. Seventy-five percent of these trainees have been employed by the school and have gone on to start our Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) programme.

Applications are made through the UCAS web portal

ALL references MUST be uploaded to UCAS before any applications can be seen.Candidates are required to have a degree in the subject they wish to teach or at least 50% of that subject. In addition you must pass your English and Maths skills test before the start of the course in July.

If you are interested in the Schools Direct Programme then please contact Miss Farrar at [email protected] for advice on how to apply and which course would be suitable.

Beauchamps News Issue 74 12 Staff Focus - New Trainee Teachers Miss Windeatt I am in my first year of training to be a Maths teacher. I’m involved with GCSE Psychology at the school too. I have just graduated earlier this year from the University of Exeter. I have always wanted to be a teacher, so I planned to start my training as soon as I left university. I am passionate about Maths and about playing a part in shaping the futures of young people. There are many reasons why I chose Beauchamps High School; alongside the school’s outstanding reputation, family ethos and long-standing presence in the local community, I have a strong family connection with the school and I have been familiar with Beauchamps from a young age. My first experience here was drawing on the wall of C1 with green whiteboard pen at age 3! Coming from a family of teachers, I have grown up seeing first-hand how rewarding and worthwhile a career in teaching can be. I have always imagined completing my teacher training here at Beauchamps, and I am thrilled to have been given the opportunity to do so. I have chosen the 1-year SCITT pathway through which I will achieve QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) and a PGCE. I chose this pathway because I wanted to get straight into the classroom and spend most of my training year in school. I spend 4 days in school and 1 day out of school in lectures by the Billericay Education Consortium, my training provider, over at Bromfords. I achieve my Qualified Teacher Status through experience and teaching in school. I’ll have many observations over the year by my school mentors and mentors from the BEC, to monitor how I’m getting on with my teaching and hopefully be awarded the QTS at the end! The PGCE involves completing 2 assignments for the University of Suffolk - 1 of these is on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and the other is a piece of research that I carry out in school and report on in an essay. Hard work but high reward! Despite the pandemic, I am thoroughly enjoying my first term and getting to know the fantastic students at the school. I am teaching more and more lessons as the year goes on. I am particularly enjoying getting to know my Year 7 class and sharing “lightbulb” moments with them during our lessons. They will always be my very first class which is a strange thought! I would like to thank Miss Pitts for her support and encouragement as my mentor since I joined the school, as well as the Maths department for their welcome. Also, thank you to my Dad (Mr Windeatt) who has always inspired me to become a teacher and teach here at Beauchamps. Looking to the future, I aim to fully embrace teaching Maths across all key stages and then look to move towards a pastoral leadership role. I care hugely for the wellbeing of young people and helping them to achieve their best. I recognise the immense importance of wellbeing in its fundamentality in enabling young people to learn efficiently and achieve their best. I look forward to supporting wellbeing events in the future and using what I have learnt in my Psychology degree to support students in a pastoral role. I am looking forward to getting involved with some of the many extra-curricular activities on offer at Beauchamps. I am interested to find out more about being involved with the Duke of Edinburgh Award, having thoroughly enjoyed DofE myself at school. I’d even like to explore the possibility of organising some cheerleading sessions... Watch this space! Mr Tuhill ITT last year, NQT this year. This time last year, I was starting to take lessons on my own, either as full lessons or part teaching them with another teacher. At the start of 2020 I went away on my B placement to which was a brilliant experience. I was able to teach more lessons and was able to see how another school worked, picking up new methods and tips from new teachers. Then Covid-19 happened! Despite the schools having to shut back in March, I was still able to continue my teacher training and gained my Qualified Teaching Status in July this year. Although we couldn’t get the experience in schools, we moved everything onto Zoom and continued our training looking at the theory behind teaching. What a year to do my training in! Thankfully, I have been able to stay at Beauchamps beyond my training year and am now an NQT in the History Department. I feel I have grown a lot more as a teacher now in this first term since we’ve been back. I have had new opportunities, one being a form tutor to the new year 7s. It’s been challenging helping them through this first term with so much disruption this year but the amazing support from the Head of Year 7 Mrs Hampton has really helped. I’ve been given my own GCSE class so I am really enjoying having the opportunity to work with Year 10, something I did not really get the opportunity in my training year. It has been a challenging first term as an NQT with Covid but I think this has helped with my experience more. It’s helped to make sure that everything is planned, ensuring that those students isolating at home still have accessible work. I am currently trying to make lessons more creative and engaging for the final two weeks before Christmas with live lessons. Adapting work and finding knew ways of teaching is certainly what I am learning the most this term. I’ve continued to run history club but due to Covid we have had to adapt it. We have created a Teams folder for it and have added year 7 and 8 students who were keen to take part. We pick a time period that we will travel to and I will add website links and video clips for students to use and research the time period. The following week they will then get the opportunity to teach me a fact that they have found about the period in way they want to.

13 Beauchamps News Issue 74 Sixth Form PE BTEC BTEC Sport Year 12 lesson where students are currently working on a Sports Leadership Unit and in that lesson, we were looking at External Psychological factors that affect leadership. Personality and Motivation - Students working in groups, the task was to see who could build the highest tower and then the strongest bridge. Miss Stibbs

PE Extra-Curricular Clubs It’s been a very difficult term with PE Extra-Curricular Clubs being delayed, and then allowed, and then cancelled again! But thank you to everyone who did turn up to the clubs whilst we were allowed to run them. Mr T Byford The real standout example of this was at Fitness Club where over 70 boys and girls had been regularly attending across years 7 and 8. Well done to you all. Mr Hunter

PE Extra- Curricular Rewards Cards This year we have introduced extra-curricular rewards cards for all year groups. When you attend a club, you need to get the member of staff running it to sign your card. Once you have reached 25 signatures, you will be entered into a prize draw at the end of each term, with your cards accumulating across the year. You are responsible for looking after your card and remembering to get them signed. The more clubs you attend throughout the year, the more times you will be entered into the draw! Miss Waite

Beauchamps News Issue 74 14 Learning Resource Centre Children in Need – 2020 I would like to say a huge thanks to everyone who supported our pared-down fundraising activities in aid of Children In Need back in November. Beauchamps High School prides itself on being in the Top 50 School Fundraisers list for this very worthy cause, and despite the restrictions, we were still able to raise £331 this year. Mrs Abdul in Learning Support was thrilled to win the Pudsey Bear in our raffle; her children loved the addition to the family. Here’s to the appeal for 2021, which will take place in November. Let’s make sure that we make it the biggest and best ever! Mrs Perkins

Scholastic Book Fair Another regular calendar fixture for the Library that was affected by our response to Covid19, was the Scholastic Book Fair. Despite losing many of our student customers to isolation or year group closures, we managed to earn over £150 in FREE books for the School Library, which is very welcome. Thank you to everyone who supported the Fair; we hope you enjoy your purchases. The Fair will not be collected until the week after we return, so if anyone would still like to make an order, please email library@ for an order form and details of how to pay by telephone. We will pick the orders from the shelves as soon as we return to school and get them to students as soon as possible. Mrs Perkins

Accelerated Reading Success Our year 7s have settled in brilliantly to the Accelerated Reading programme. Since September, they have read and quizzed on an incredible 634 books, and I am really pleased to see how many students have continued to use the programme to quiz during various periods of isolation. Our top achievers are as follows: Highest Points – Tutor Group Award – 7CC with an amazing 311.1 points Top Individual Performers Alfie R with 12 quizzes, 85 points and an average % correct of 100% - wow! Ben T with 10 quizzes, 26.6 points and an average % correct of 91%. Prizes and certificates will be awarded to the boys and 7CC in the NewYear. Merits have also been awarded to the following students who have completed multiple quizzes without getting a single question wrong: Abigail C, Lucy C, Evie H, Demi I, Isabelle K and Addi O. Well done everyone. Mrs Perkins

15 Beauchamps News Issue 74 Students Geography Xmas Quiz! Take the first letter of each answer and rearrange them Do Good Deeds to create the surname of a famous Geographer! Have the answer? Email Miss N Bailey nbailey@beauchamps. for a chance to win a Geography badge! 1. The tallest mountain in the world is? 2. China and which other country border 14 countries? 3.Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit is the 21 word name for a city. What is it’s nick name that it goes by more commonly? 4. There is enough ______in the core of the planet to cover the whole world with a 1.5 ft layer of the mineral 5.Name the lake that used to have the floating city of Puno? Mr Harper was delighted to present Georgia H Year 8 with a 6. Name the volcano on Maui that receives snow each Beauchamps High School pen for finding and handing in a year in Hawaii? mobile phone, which has since been returned to its grateful 7. Which country has the smallest church in the world, owner. Mr Harper also has a Year 7 student to thank for a fitting 3 people located on Biku Hill? similar deed this term, but unfortunately owing to the early 8. Which city has 42 buildings so large they each have closure of the school this will have to wait until next term!!! their own zip code? A Final Farewell from Mr Robin Byford As you probably know, I’m retiring at Christmas and I just wanted to say a few words. It has been an absolute pleasure to deliver my subject, Music, in this fantastic school. Beauchamps students and staff are truly amazing people. They care, they work hard and they achieve incredible results. It has been a joy to see the Music Department flourish the way it has, and become a vibrant and exciting learning atmosphere. From the moment you step into the classroom in the mornings, right the way through each day, you can see and hear students playing, composing and participating in all sorts of rehearsals and musical activities - so inspiring! Beauchamps has a very special way to keep your spirits up – I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much and had so much fun teaching the subject I adore. I leave Beauchamps feeling incredibly proud of our achievements and confident that music will continue to go from strength to strength, producing fine young musicians, the next generation to keep us all smiling with the sound of music! Remember, music stays with you all of your life. Will miss you all, but remember, be kind, respect others, word hard and just do your best. Take care everybody. Mr Robin Byford

MONDAY 4 JANUARY 2021 is a NON-STUDENT, Beauchamps High School DAY. Students will be Remote Learning. Beauchamps Drive Wickford Contact Information SS11 8LY Could parents/guardians please ensure that the school Phone: 01268 735466 is informed by letter of any change to contact phone Fax: 01268 570981 numbers, home addresses or email details via Student Email: [email protected] Reception. Web: Twitter: @Beauchampssch We aim to respond to any queries and/or complaints Facebook: Beauchamps High School Official within three working days and respond to telephone calls within five rings during the normal school day.

Beauchamps News Issue 74 16