7Th Marine Regiment - 1St Battalion - Command Diary - April 1953

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7Th Marine Regiment - 1St Battalion - Command Diary - April 1953 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - APRIL 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2383 CD: 23 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org Korean War Project USMC-08401590 DECLASSIFIED ,. • 0805/165 Al2 I Ser 0 80 5 3 - 5 3 ,.~' JUN 8 0 195.1 nr.• . ·~ ~.~ ... · ;·._,, ,I... THIRD ENDORSEMENT on CO 1stBn 7thMar 1 tr aer 0033 of 10 May 1953 From: CommancUH!! General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps Sub,1: Cotnllilllld Diar·y for April 1953 2. The r·eports contained in app()udix IV and the comments :ll!d recommendations contained in appendix VI and in the 2d oudor·som:mt have been noted. 3. The r· opor·t r·eferr·ed to iu paragraph 2d of the 2d endorse­ meut ·was roadclreased and for-vardcd to the Commandant of the Mar·iue Cor·ps on 14 May 1953. 4. TU.. c ot1dorsement is do~mgrad1~d to unclassified upon deL1cl:!ment from the basic document. Cony to: ~.L ST!WAAT CG l :>tM:lrDi v By direction MCS P.I\CFLT Evaluation Gr·oup ·"""·' . .... ~ ... ·~· ,, .,. ;,.~T SJ!:crJRTTY IN"FORMATION DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-08401591 t 231/Jwe Al2 ' Ser: 0_ 01 5 45" -~ J_UN 4 1953 SECRET SJOCJURITY INFORMATION SECOND ENOORSI!MEb!"T on 00 lstBn 7thMar ltr aer 0033 o:i 10 May 1953 From: Command. ing General.t lst Marine DiYilion, FMF To: CommAlldAnt of the Marine Corns Via: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific SubJ: Command Diary tor April 1953 1. Forwarded. 2. The following comments are m~Lde in reference to Appendix VI of the basic document: a. Covered fighting hol.es are being utilized on all out­ posts wherever practicable and t~Lctically feasible • . ·· b. The use of intersecting beams o:f' searchlights located on the MLR :f'or delineation of tal'etet s :f'or n1~~:ht cl.o se air support missions is being continued. Further tests or present procedures will be continued. c. The grenade, hand fragmentation, M-26 will enntually --!"!e.::ll""" ""'-~~~~.::11 .r-e,..awlll+&+4 ....,?'I 'M'-9 ,I."ICip.J.a.~'O"--- , --- ._1..._WJ.J.10il ~-""' ..._y_g I ,U,Q.UU. ...... ~..,.r,.&uQ.Y ... v•.r.l ..,-,. -..,. d. A report of te;ts conduc1;ed with the metasccpe was forwarded to Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pac1tic9 by Commanding General, 1st Marine Division letter serial 001317 dated 1 May 1963. ~/~k H. w. nu::m, Jr. ';;-J B:r direction."" Copy to: CMC (1) MCS ( 3} FMF Pac (1) 2d Marine Division (1) 3d Marine Division (1) Pacit'ic Fleet Evaluation Group ((!1n0Pac) (1) Marine Barracks, Camp Pendleton (1) let Prov Marine Air-Ground Task ii'orce (1) I S&C Files (1) · SECRET DECLASSTFttcD Korean War Project USMC-08401592 DECLASSIFIED l DBC:bdh',.., '"~ Ser: 003775 1[;. ;~ay 1953 3EC:.3T l'I'c:~T : :;'O:.''::i XI'J' Oi1 CC lstBn 7thhar lt:r ser 0033 of 10 Hay 1953 ?rom: Co•1ananding (;fficc:.:•, 7th l~L::.--ines ·~o: Conmcmdant of the J:arine Corps Via: (1) Co,,nuJ.nding General, bt Harine Division (1\einfj KiF (2) Cor.u11mding General, }'lEtet, J.:arine Force, Pacific :;ubj: Conm1ocnd D:Lcry for ;curiod 1 ·~o JO April 19 53 I ... :CC.::..L:T , _LC;.~~~I':i."I :,~i.JJ.•·c::U ~.-.7IO:N DECLASSiFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-08401593 •• HG&dt;,uarii~rs , JP... A.R/etm 1st Battalion, 7th Harinee Al2 1st Harine Division FJ.!F~ c/o. FPC Ser: 0033 san''io'rancisco, Cf;lliforiua 10 l1ay 1953 SEC1JRITY From: Commanding Officer, 1!!t Battalioll; 7th II'Iarines To: Colllli.andant of the l•Iarine Corps Via; (1) Co:rur.anding Officer, 7th J.larines ( 2) Coron;anding General, 1st J.i.arine Division {Reinf), FHl<' (3) Commanding General, Fleet Madile Force, Pacific . Subj: CowH.and Diary for ~riod 1 to 30 April 1953 Ref: (a) DGO No. 90 of 13 Nov 1952 (b) h.rL ~. Chapter 11 (change 4), i·iCM, 1949 (c) l'EFl'ac General Order 21 (l~ov) of 11 l'iar 1952 (d) 1'~:;: Yorea, 1:25,000, AMSL L1~51, Sheet~ 652B2 SI-r, and 25271 ~r,.; -· ... "' ... ,. ......... .-.. • flt ,..,___ __ ..~._ 111 llr 1/.L 11'7 fld .11':t-.p: ~orea, J.:.J.v,uuu, ser2es ,/t.k, CIH'="~'-'"» Hlh it ...·, ,;v, 1rr 1 ;[•...> 01 to 011 A:•ril 1953 Du1"in~ this period the battalion continued :its mission e.s part of the diYision resm.. ~r~. Th~ CP locat:ton 1·1e.s v:tc:tni_t.y C:tl239f-!..3~ Dur:l .. n.~': this pertorl tra1.ni.ne; Wit~ conducted i.n ground 1·rarf'are a""· preparations ,,rhere made to return to posiV.ons on Line ,JAI'ESTO!·TN. T1fO (2) platoons (lMs one (1) squad) of KSC• s we1"e assi:=ne•' t.o maintain a.nd impr<lVe the a~signed battalion sector en L1.ne KA~T.'JA:-1 d1 1.ri ne: thE! reserve per'i.od. 04 to 2h .\;,rn 1953 I Th" bc.+,t.e.l ion relieved the 1st Battalion, 5th l'arlnes as the let't FLR bat,ti\lion in thP ri ·~\··~. revrnental sector during the period 04 to 05 April 1953. Company "A" (rein f) occupied, dEl! i~ended and improved the outpost. C>n Hill 1~.0A (AVA) and !JnsH.ions on L1.ne JAI"E.::Tfll•"f f1"om CT0/:30:50 to CT053053 as the left l!LR company. Com!1D.r,y !Pjlt (reinf) OCC,lpi<.:Jd, rJefended ~~.nd improved IJine JAtJm;ST~~rN from CT05305J to C:T066o6S as the center }JLR ·~ompany. Company 113" (rei.nf) occupied, defRn0wl an'l impt•oYed the mtt;1osts on 'l:llls 27 (CARSON) anr\ 47 (ELKO) ~tnd posUiono on Ll ne ,TM.W.ST(l'N from CTo6606S to CT07S067 as the ri.ght }I'LR company. flne (l) ;J etoon (rel.nf), Company "D" 2/'7 1<as attached to the battalion and mann~>r1 ''I.~ :'osHions on the rj?)lt flank attached to Company HBH. One (1) company of YSc• s, :cL1s one (1) platoon from 2/7 :were attached and e!'1Ployed for supply a.nd labor on Li nB JAf:':E:::'·TU;Ti'J. The battalion CP was located v'"icinit~~ CT076C4S. Du.ring the peri orl. 1~-23 .~pril 1953, an expari.m.ent on close night air support 1>1as con- ducted in the bat,t.. a11on sector. Thi.r=ty... f:_ve (35) effective were conducted. (See enclosure 2). SJ!;W&r 1. DECLASSTFttcD Korean War Project USMC-08401594 DECLASSIFIED ·~· SECFJ;;'J' 2'EC:URJTY I'T'.'nRFATION • ' 24 to 30 Durin:? this ;oeriod the bettalioh assuned the mission of regimental reserve·. Com::>e.ry "C" (reil'lf) attached to 3/7 manned positions on Line JAMEST0'11N. H&S Company prov:i.siom1 ple.toon and one (1) platoon (r•~inf), Company "C" attached to 2/7, manned I'Ositions or>. Line JAHE:>TCJi·:N. C6mpany "A". (rein f) was in a forward assembly area t•rith CP :Cn v:i.c:.nity CT079065. the battali•on (-) was located vicinity CT089034. 2. CERCI·:OLOCICAL IU,.RP.ATIVE. lf"-i cte: .Duil:y·· periods irom 2400I to 24001) 01 J,prH 1953 The bett~l:i.on str8n~;th this date was US!1C officers 43, USMC enlisted 1070, t'SN o!'f:tcers 2, an~ US~! enli.sted 39. li7 units were all located in battalion CP vicinity CS1239il3. At 010730I, one (1) of:ficer and eighteen (1fl) en;Usted men .3~""""r+Prl "'::· t'"'ol"' l..C"".i.-"-'- ''"lOffi\'"nv U./\'H '-- -~ __.., .... /.~'" J\.L ,....,,1'\,.,.,r'r --..-. ,,, .-..4!'-f"'.; .... o.,.. "''~"'~.:! .;rorh+ ~,., -•~--- \..I .. - ·- v ,.''-'-.; ' \,reJ.!li) .l. ~· ,HI,t,.. V..LV(_;;J,}J..IJ VUt;; \,.J-/ '-'.!...<...._.., ........ ,;;,: ..u" 6 .... t.:r~ .... e .... - .. (18) enlis·teC: men from :::omnany ~C" (rein:!') departed CP for Compa.llJ' "B" (reinf) 1/5. ~;.+.. OlOPC'Jtii, ~d.c.:,htee:n (13) e11listed men from. ~-iYpns Compa.r.y (=) departed CP for l/5= At 010~15:':, one (1) officer and eighteen (18) enlist.ed men, Compa:1y "B" (reinf) (leparted CP for Com.pany '~C" 1/5• These pe:rsc:rl.'.lel were. advance pe.rt1 es in prepar­ ations for thr. battalion's movement, to relieve 1/5 on Line J.ANEST<l1JIJ. At Oll500I, m1e (l) firetenJ~, C:ompn.:n~r 11 C11 (reinf) depa.rted -en re~r area patrol, returned 01.1700I -,r:t t- 11 ne:::ative resPlts. 02 April 1953 I At 02.13nCF, one ( 1) fi.retaa.m., H&S Com:pany departed en rear area patrol t.c \ticj.nity 88111""1,, returned 021UOI with neza.tive results, H&S Company furnished battalion ruard anc~. 8~' sr:curi1:.y~ At 020100!, one (1) squad, Company wgu (reinf) l/7 departed llR to eff'ect 50;Z r•~li.ef of COP (CARSON), At 020400I, one (1) s<:uad, Company "R" (rdnf) 1/7 dr.rarted HR to effect 5c(, relief of COP 40A (AVA). 03 April. 1953 At 030100:::, one (1) sc.:uad (reinf), Cornpe.ny "Il" (reinf) departed l'LR to complete reli~f of cnl' 27 ( CAR~m:) vicinity CT064076 and at 030510I, relief -was coiiti'::.e ted. Ai:. 0304lOJ, one ( l) SY,Uad ( re.i.nf),- Co:nfany 11 A" ( reinf) departed ::LR to co:~tplete reliui' o.c· u::' ;.;:," (A\iA) vicinity CT045052 a.nJ.

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