Pregnancy Day By
Pregnancy An illustrated DAY BY DAY daily countdown to motherhood, from conception to childbirth and beyond Consultant Editor Paula Amato, MD Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Oregon Health & Science University Editor-In-Chief Maggie Blott, MB BS PregnancyDAY BY DAY An illustrated daily countdown to motherhood, from conception to childbirth and beyond PregnancyDAY BY DAY Consultant Editor Paula Amato, MD Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oregon Health & Science University Editor-In-Chief Maggie Blott, MB BS LONDON, NEW YORK, MUNICH, MELBOURNE, DELHI Project Editors Dawn Bates, Claire Cross Project Designers Emma Forge, Tom Forge, Peggy Sadler Senior Editors Andrea Bagg, Anne Yelland, Emma Woolf US Editors Shannon Beatty, Jane Perlmutter US Consultant Editors Lisa Fields, Patricia Bontekoe Senior Art Editors Sarah Ponder, Nicola Rodway, Liz Sephton Production Editor Ben Marcus Production Controller Alice Holloway Creative Technical Support Sonia Charbonnier Illustrators Debbie Maizels, Medi-Mation New Photography Ruth Jenkinson Art Direction for Photography Emma Forge Picture Researcher Sarah Smithies Managing Editors Esther Ripley, Penny Warren Managing Art Editors Glenda Fisher, Marianne Markham Publisher Peggy Vance Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this book is complete and accurate. However, neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this book are not intended as a substitute for consultng with your health-care provider. All matters regarding the health of you and your baby require medical supervision. Neither the publishers nor the author shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book.
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