Abraham Lincoln papers

1 From to , April 26, 1862

1 In March 1862 Johnson was made a brigadier general and appointed the military governor of by Lincoln.

Time Received 1130 pm

Washington D. C., Apl 26 1862.

Nashville Tenn. Apl 26th

A few days since I despatched to you some of the reasons why I desired the sixty ninth Ohio volunteers Col Campbell commanding should be transferred to this place. I received a reply from Sec'y Stanton stating that it had been done immediately, upon arrival of that regiment here it was ordered to another point where it is not needed. I hope you will send an order at once being the commander in chief that the regiment remain at this place. Petty jealousies and contests between Generals wholly incompetent to discharge the duties assigned them have contributed more to the defeat and embarrassment of the Government than all other causes combined. If I can be sustained in carrying out the object of the administration in restoring Tennessee to her former status in the Union and in not being dependent upon staff officers and Brigadier Generals — it can 2 be accomplished in less than three months. I want a reply from the President. I hope that you will 3 send for Mr Maynerd and consult with him as to how matters have been managed since I reached this place in connection with the military.

2 Lincoln acknowledged Johnson's telegram the following day. See Collected Works, V, 200.

3 ID: Horace Maynard was a Unionist member of Congress from (1857-63) who remained in Congress after Tennessee seceded from the Union. In 1863 Maynard was appointed the Tennessee secretary of state and held that position until 1865. After the war Maynard returned to Congress and served as minister to Turkey.

Andw Johnson.

Abraham Lincoln papers http://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.1570300