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From: Gerry Sent: 30 September 2009 10:24 To: Richard Subject: MDC: The Changing Times Online - FOR SITE

Tuesday 29 September World’s youngest ‘terrorist’ awarded 2009 Major Highlights

10th Anniversary Celebratory rallies

Matebeleland North province

Manjolo B/C Binga North Tinde B/C South- 3 October 2009

Sipepa B/C Tsholotsho South

Tsholotsho growth point Tsholotsho North on 4 October 2009

Theme: “Celebrating a decade of courage, conviction and Leadership!” Nigel Mutemagawo holding his medal after receiving the Democracy and Governance Award in Harare Three‐year old Nigel Mutemagawo was awarded the Democracy and Governance award by the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition at a colourful ceremony held in Harare on Friday.

Nigel was abducted in Banket, last year together with his parents. His parents are MDC Zvimba South district officials.

He spent 72 days at Chikurubi Maximum Prison as his parents and over 20 MDC and civil society activists were illegally arrested, detained and tortured on trumped‐up charges of banditry and terrorism.

The event on Friday was meant to award people who have contributed to the fight for democracy in Zimbabwe.

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Speaking at the occasion, the guest of honour, Harare West MP and deputy Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs, Hon. said nearly three decades after independence; Zimbabweans were still fighting for the restoration of dignity, security, hope, democracy and freedom.

She said all perpetrators of human rights abuses should be brought to book so that justice prevails in society.

“I want to congratulate all of you, esteemed agents for a better Zimbabwe for heaving and pushing until the fortress of oppression and human rights, has given way. In your individual and collective capacities, you have contributed to the rolling back of a despotic and totalitarian regime. You have also seen this and continue advancing inside the fortress walls, to do away with the despotic totalitarian rule”.

Crisis Coalition outgoing chairperson, Irene Petras, said her organisation had decided to have these awards as a way of celebrating democratic heroes.

“There are a number of organisations that get international recognition but are not recognised here at home so as a coalition we decided to honour our own heroes by having this Democracy and Governance award”

Also present at the awards was, Eleanor Sisulu from Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, South African office, Woza chairperson, Jenni Williams, and Jonah Gokova, the incoming chairperson for Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition.

MDC Vice President Hon Khupe calls on people to participate in Constitution‐making process

Vice President Khupe addressing a rally

Bulawayo ‐ MDC Vice President Hon. Thokozani Khupe has called on the people to take advantage of the Constitution forums in order to participate in the Constitution‐making process.

Hon. Khupe made the remarks while addressing participants at a one‐day workshop held in Makokoba, Bulawayo.

She said the Constitution was important as it would bring real change to the people of Zimbabwe adding that there was an urgent need for the people to be educated and constantly reminded about the documentation of national laws and guidelines.

“The law of Zimbabwe and human rights have in the past 10 years been abused because Zimbabwe does not have a Constitution that was crafted by the people,” she said.

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However, Hon. Khupe reassured the people of Makokoba about the MDC leadership’s commitment to bring real change.

The workshop was attended by Entumbane Ward 10 councillor, Prince Dube, MDC Bulawayo provincial youth chairperson, Thamsanqa Ncube, provincial Member, Dorcas Nyoni, Bulawayo Central MP, Hon. Dorcas Sibanda and members from various stakeholder organisations.


Victims of violence suffer while assailants roam free in Gwanda

Gwanda ‐ MDC supporters in Ward 9, Gwanda South, Matebeleland South are finding it hard to understand why their assailants are still walking scot free.

Speaking to The Changing Times in Gwanda at the weekend, the MDC activists said they are worried whether the national healing and reconciliation process, will bring peace to the people of Zimbabwe in light of the assaults, kidnappings, theft of livestock and property and displacement of people in the post‐29 March period.

Christine Moyo, 41 who was assaulted by known Zanu PF youths said it was difficult for her to watch their assailants walking freely.

She said her husband Charles Maphosa, 46 who is the Ward 9 MDC organising secretary, was also assaulted by men who are known as ‘Omanuqonde’, and are known Zanu PF thugs.

Moyo said on 20 June 2008, three men entered and searched their homestead and assaulted them before leaving with her husband’s I.D among other household property, which included nine goats.

She identified the three Zanu PF thugs as Fanuel Siziba, Nkosana Ncube and Doba Manugo.

However, the national chairman of the MDC, Hon. urged MDC supporters to desist from taking the law into their own hands.

“Revenging is a crime but we are aware that perpetrators of injustice, murder and kidnappings among other crimes are out there but we are working together to ensure that peace and healing prevail,” said the chairman.

A New Constitution is key to bringing democracy

Gutu – Villagers should take the Constitution‐making process seriously since it is the key to bringing democratic and free elections, top MDC officials have said.

Speaking at a victory celebration rally for Gutu East MP, Hon. Ransome Makamure at Basera Business Centre on Saturday, Chisipite Senator, Obert Gutu described the Constitution‐making process as a lifetime chance for the people of Zimbabwe to speak out their minds and bring to finality of the issue of the Constitution.

“The people of Zimbabwe have been given an opportunity to end the reign of terror. A new Constitution is vital because it will pave way for democratic elections. I urge you to fully participate in the process.

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“I would like to salute the people of Gutu East for their resilience in times of persecution at the hands of the Zanu PF regime,” said Senator Gutu.

Speaking at the same rally, Masvingo provincial secretary, Hon. Tongai Matutu, said the new people driven Constitution was the vehicle that would drive the people towards their final destination of achieving a total democratic process.

“The tide has shifted and we can say the pendulum has swayed in favour of the MDC. The MDC will not rest until there is total change. This is why we are fighting for a new Constitution,” said Hon. Matutu.

Hon Muchauraya trial postponed to 26 October

Hon Pishayi Muchauraya

The trial of Makoni South MP, Hon. Pishai Muchauraya who is facing trumped-up charges of assault has been postponed to 26 October 2009 by a Mutare Magistrate, Fabion Feshete.

The trial commenced yesterday with cross examination being carried out by both the State and the Hon. Muchauraya’s lawyer, Chris Ndlovu.

It was established during cross examination that the complainant gave two different conflicting statements to the police and as a result has two medical reports.

In one of the statements, the complainant Precious Zinyembe alleges that she was assaulted by a stick at a police station and in front of police officers.

In another statement that she gave to the police, Zinyembe said she was assaulted by a plank, a scenario which is totally confusing.

The whole situation is made more confusing by Detective Sergeant Mukwati who in his report said Zinyembe was assaulted by a diary.

What is strange is that the police officers present when the incident took place did not arrest the MP at the scene and that the complainant only made a report two weeks latter.

The two police officers have been charged under the Police Act.

Row over special councillors in Banket

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Clrs Fani Tembo and Clr Emmanuel Chinanzvavana of Banket

In an apparent breach of the Rural District Councils (RDC) Act, Chombo‐elected special interest councilor in Banket, Peter Nizira, has been appointed chairperson of the Banket Area Committee which falls under the MDC led council.

According to Section 56 subsection 4 of the Rural District Councils Act, the Chairman of an area committee is supposed to be chosen by members of the area committee from among the councilors appointed to the committee provided there is only one such councilor, that councilor shall be the chairman.

MDC councilors for the two wards under which the two areas fall were surprised to see ballots with the Zanu PF aspiring candidates without the process of going to nomination first.

The MDC councillors have since petitioned the Minister of Local Government Hon Ignatius Chombo but only to receive threats from Joseph Imedi, a member of the area committee saying he had been sent by Peter Nizira and Zvirongwe to warn them over their petition.

MDC councillor Emmanuel Chinanzvavana said Imedi had been asked to pay a fine.

Clr Chinanzvavana says he continues to live in fear. He and his wife, Concilia, were among the 20 MDC activists who were illegally detained and brutally tortured by State security agents last year.

The MDC Secretary for local government Hon Sesel Zvidzai said that there was the abuse of law across the board for the benefit of partisan interest and Zanu‐Pf was abusing Ministerial roles to gain what they lost in March 2008.

“This is a cocky way of getting into council. The abuse is so rampant and partisanship is glaring that the people down there including the CEO are allowed to break the law, for example in Banket, to have a special interest councillor to be chairperson is against the law and this has to stop”, he said

Magistrate forced to recuse from trial of CIO operatives

A Bindura magistrate has been forced to step down from presiding over a trial in which a Central Intelligence Organisation operative and four brothers who are Zanu PF supporters are facing charges of assaulting five MDC activists in Chiweshe for “wearing MDC T‐shirts in a forbidden area.”

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Last Friday, an emotionally charged Zanu PF defence lawyer, identified only as Gumbo, started name‐calling the MDC’s complainants describing them as “useless” and “criminals.”

However, State prosecutor, Mataranyika objected to the hostility shown by the lawyer and the magistrate concurred.

It was at this point that the magistrate adjourned the trial and summoned the defence lawyer to his chambers.

However, after the adjournment, Magistrate Marowe stunned the packed court room when he announced that he was recusing himself from the case.

Investigations by The Changing Times revealed that there had been strong external pressure for Magistrate Marowe to step down as he was being accused of being sympathetic to MDC supporters.

It is the State case that a CIO operative, Chamunorwa Shutu and four notorious Kanengoni brothers assaulted Dzingai, Ekem and Zorodzai Musonza for wearing MDC regalia in May this year.

Dzingai sustained a broken arm as a result of the assault.

Interferences in the judiciary by Zanu PF operatives in Bindura has seen the trials of several MDC activists being fast tracked in court while those involving Zanu PF suspects are either postponed or delayed.


Part of the people that attended the victory celebrations at Hwedza Centre on Saturday

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MDC Women’s Assembly Chairperson and Minister of Public works, Hon addressing the gathering at Hwedza Center

Mai Theresa Makone greets supporters at Mt St Mary’s in Hwedza North constituency

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Mai Makone tells the people to participate in the Constitution‐making process

Deputy Minister of Information and Publicity Hon Jameson Timba addressing a rally at Nyika Primary School in Mutare North constituency

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Hon Timba leads a song at Nyika Primary school in Mutare North

Deputy Organizing Secretary, Sen Morgan Komichi stresses a point at a rally in Sanyati in Midlands North province.

Hon Editor Matamisa addresses the gathering in Sanyati – Gambiza, Midlands North Province

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“The tide has shifted and we can say the pendulum has swayed in favour of the MDC. The MDC will not rest until there is total change. This is why we are fighting for a new Constitution,” said Masvingo central MP, Hon. Matutu.

-- For more information please call MDC (Zimbabwe) Hon. Mr. 0912940489 National Spokesperson or Mr. Luke Tamborinyoka 0912104416 or [email protected] or Nqobizitha Mlilo (Zimbabwe) 00263913294724 or (South Africa) 0835274650 or 0731539555 or [email protected] or [email protected]

"At each point in our proud history we have looked forward not backwards, we have stood for hope not fear, we have believed in love not hate, and we have never lost touch with our democratic values or sight of our democratic goals." ~ His Execellency, Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai

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