ROCKETEER Friday, November 24, 19611 ' 'United TEMI'emtuie$ Max
Page Four THE ROCKETEER Friday, November 24, 19611 ' 'United TEMI'EMTUIE$ Max. MIn. Know Your College Faculty Dr. 8ujes to Attend fund Max. Min. Drive Lags Nov. 17_ 57 36 A series of background sketches on the four full-time Natl ARS Confab Nov. 18._ 55 27 instructors at Bakersfield College, China Lake, are sched ROCKETEER Nov. 19._ 57 25 Dr. Bujes, Radiological Consult~ let's Get Nov. 20__ 52 .048 uled for publication during the coming weeks. ant for the Propulsion Develop Nov. 21_ 58 .042- First in the series is Jacques P. Thiroux, English in ment Department, will attend the With It! . ...;;;.:.. .. •To: . Nov. 22- 60 30 Rocket Solid Propellant Conference structor, a-native Californian originally from Santa Mon to be held in Waco, Texas, cal'1y ica. next year. The American Rocket lIudd Go", EdItor OHice, Houllng Bldg., Top Deck Phon •• 7.1354, 7-2082, 7·1655 He attended University Hi g h their three boys, Mark, 7, Stephen, Society, sponsors of this annual School in West Los Angeles and 15, and Paul, 2 and one-half, al conference, have asked Dr. Bujes Vol. XVII, No. 46 U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California friday, November 24, 1961 later Pomona College in Clare though new to desert living, seem to preside as chairman for the se::! mont where he received his bach to be adjusting very nicely. sian relating to nondestructive elor of arts degree in English in testing. June, 1949. While at Pomona, he His research in the radiological NOTS Skytop Dedi~ation Marks also minored in drama, romance field have produced significant ad languages and music.
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