South Pasadena Water Efficient Plant List

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South Pasadena Water Efficient Plant List South Pasadena Water Efficient Plant List │ [email protected] This list of water efficient plants was created from the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS) Project for the purposes of the South Pasadena Water Conservation Rebate Program. For the more information on the WUCOLS project, visit This list was modified to only show plants in South Pasadena’s Sunset Climate Zone (Zone 21) that require Low (L) and Very Low (VL) water. Botanical Name Common Name Water 1 Abelmoschus manihot (Hibiscus manihot) sunset muskmallow L 2 Abutilon palmeri Indian mallow L 3 Acacia aneura mulga L 4 Acacia baileyana Bailey acacia L 5 Acacia boormanii Snowy River wattle L 6 Acacia constricta whitethorn acacia L 7 Acacia covenyi blue bush L 8 Acacia cultriformis knife acacia L 9 Acacia dealbata silver wattle L 10 Acacia decurrens green wattle L 11 Acacia glaucoptera clay wattle L 12 Acacia greggii catclaw acacia L 13 Acacia iteaphylla willow wattle L 14 Acacia longifolia Sydney golden wattle L 15 Acacia melanoxylon blackwood acacia L 16 Acacia redolens prostrate acacia L 17 Acacia saligna blue leaf wattle L 18 Acacia stenophylla eumong/shoestring acacia L 19 Acacia vestita hairy wattle L 20 Acacia willardiana palo blanco L 21 Acalypha californica copper leaf L 22 Achillea clavennae silvery yarrow L 23 Achillea filipendulina fern leaf yarrow L 24 Achillea millefolium (non-native hybrids) yarrow (non-native hybrids) L 25 Achillea millefolium (CA native cultivars) yarrow L 26 Acmispon glaber (Lotus scoparius) deer weed VL 27 Acmispon rigidus (Lotus rigidus) rock pea L 28 Adenanthos drummondii woolly bush L 29 Adenium obesum desert rose L 30 Adenostoma fasciculatum chamise VL 31 Adenostoma sparsifolium red shanks/ribbonwood VL 32 Aeonium spp. Canary Island rose L 33 Aesculus californica California buckeye L 34 Agave americana (and thick-leaved relatives) agave VL 35 Agave attenuata (and thin-leaved relatives) agave L 36 Agonis flexuosa and cvs. peppermint tree L 1 Updated May 2020 37 Ailanthus altissima tree of heaven L 38 Albizia julibrissin silk tree L 39 Allium spp. mostly from CA or Mediterranean allium VL 40 Allocasuarina verticillata (Casuarina stricta) coast beefwood L 41 Aloe spp. (CA native and non-native) aloe L 42 Aloysia triphylla lemon verbena L 43 Alstroemeria ligtu hybrids and cvs. alstroemeria (ligtu) L 44 Alstroemeria spp. hybrids and cvs. Peruvian lily L 45 Alyogyne hakeifolia red centered hibiscus L 46 Alyogyne huegelii blue hibiscus L 47 Amaryllis belladonna naked lady VL 48 Ambrosia monogyra (Hymenoclea monogyra) burrow bush VL 49 Ambrosia pumila San Diego ragweed VL 50 Amelanchier utahensis Utah service berry L 51 Amorpha californica (shade) California false indigo bush L 52 Amorpha fruticosa false indigobush L 53 Anacyclus pyrethrum depressus Mount Atlas daisy L 54 Anaphalis margaritacea pearly everlasting L 55 Anemone coronaria poppy-flowered anemone VL 56 Anigozanthos bicolor two-colored kangaroo paw L 57 Anigozanthos flavidus kangaroo paw L 58 Anigozanthos hybrids & cvs. kangaroo paw L 59 Anigozanthos manglesii red and green kangaroo paw L 60 Anigozanthos rufus red kangaroo paw L 61 Anigozanthos viridis green kangaroo paw L 62 Anisacanthus spp. desert honeysuckle L 63 Antigonon leptopus coral vine L 64 Antirrhinum hispanicum Spanish snapdragon L 65 Antirrhinum multiflorum multiflowered snapdragon L 66 Apocynum cannabinum Indian hemp L 67 Aptenia 'Red Apple' ice plant (Red Apple) L 68 Aptenia cordifolia ice plant (Aptenia) L 69 Arbutus andrachne Greek strawberry tree L 70 Arbutus unedo strawberry tree L 71 Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' Austin Griffiths manzanita L 72 Arctostaphylos 'John Dourley' John Dourley manzanita L 73 Arctostaphylos 'Lester Rowntree' Lester Rountree manzanita L 74 Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist' Pacific Mist manzanita L 75 Arctostaphylos 'Sunset' Sunset manzanita L 76 Arctostaphylos bakeri 'Louis Edmunds' Louis Edmunds manzanita L 77 Arctostaphylos catalinae Catalina manzanita VL 78 Arctostaphylos densiflora cvs. manzanita cvs. e.g. Howard McMinn, Sentinel L 79 Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Big Sur' Big Sur manzanita L 80 Arctostaphylos edmundsii cvs manzanita Carmel Sur etc. L 81 Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastwood's manzanita L 82 Arctostaphylos glauca big berry manzanita VL 83 Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Buxifolia' Buxifolia manzanita L 84 Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Ken Taylor' Ken Taylor manzanita L 85 Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Monterey Carpet' Monterey carpet manzanita L 2 Updated May 2020 86 Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Wayside' Wayside manzanita L 87 Arctostaphylos hookeri (shrub cvs.) manzanita (shrub cvs.) L 88 Arctostaphylos insularis island manzanita L 89 Arctostaphylos manzanita common manzanita L 90 Arctostaphylos manzanita cvs. manzanita cvs. e.g.Dr Hurd, St. Helena L 91 Arctostaphylos morroensis Morro manzanita L 92 Arctostaphylos otayensis Otay manzanita VL 93 Arctostaphylos pajaroensis cvs. Pajaro manzanita L 94 Arctostaphylos pungens Mexican manzanita VL 95 Arctostaphylos refugioensis Refugio manzanita L 96 Arctostaphylos rudis cvs. shagbark manzanita L 97 Arctostaphylos silvicola ghostly manzanita L 98 Arctostaphylos viridissima 'White Cloud' White Cloud manzanita L 99 Arctotis hybrids African daisy L 100 Argemone corymbosa prickly poppy L 101 Argemone munita prickly poppy L 102 Aristida purpurea purple three-awn L 103 Aristolochia californica (SHADE) California Dutchman's pipe L 104 Artemisia 'Powis Castle' Powis Castle sagebrush L 105 Artemisia arborescens large wormwood L 106 Artemisia californica California sagebrush VL 107 Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray' Canyon Gray sagebrush VL 108 Artemisia californica 'Montara' Montara sagebrush VL 109 Artemisia douglasiana California mugwort L 110 Artemisia spp. (herbaceous) angel's hair L 111 Artemisia spp. (shrubby) sagebrush L 112 Artemisia tridentata big sagebrush VL 113 Arum italicum Italian arum VL 114 Asarina antirrhiniflora snapdragon vine L 115 Asclepias (CA native species) milk/silk weed L 116 Asclepias curassavica scarlet milkweed L 117 Asclepias subulata desert milkweed L 118 Atriplex CA native species saltbush VL 119 Atriplex semibaccata Australian saltbush VL 120 Babiana spp. and hybrids baboon flower VL 121 Baccharis 'Centennial' Centennial baccharis L 122 Baccharis 'Starn' Starn coyote brush L 123 Baccharis pilularis consanguinea coyote brush L 124 Baccharis pilularis cvs. dwarf coyote brush L 125 Baccharis sarothroides desert broom L 126 Baileya multiradiata desert marigold L 127 Bauhinia lunarioides Texas plume L 128 Beaucarnea guatemalensis (Nolina guatemalensis) red ponytail palm L 129 Beaucarnea recurvata (Nolina recurvata) ponytail palm L 130 Beaucarnea stricta (Nolina stricta) bottle palm L 131 Bebbia juncea sweet bush L 132 Berberis aquifolium 'Compacta' (partial shade) compact Oregon grape holly L 133 Berberis aquifolium var. repens (shade) creeping mahonia L 134 Berberis haematocarpa (Mahonia haematocarpa) red barberry L 3 Updated May 2020 135 Berberis nevinii Nevin mahonia L 136 Berberis trifoliata (Mahonia trifoliata) currant of Texas L 137 Bloomeria crocea golden stars VL 138 Bothriochloa barbinodis cane bluestem L 139 Bougainvillea spp. bougainvillea L 140 Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama L 141 Bouteloua gracilis and cvs. blue grama L 142 Brachychiton populneus bottle tree L 143 Brachychiton rupestris Queensland bottle tree L 144 Brahea armata blue hesper palm L 145 Brahea brandegeei San Jose hesper palm L 146 Brahea edulis Guadalupe palm L 147 Brickellia californica brickellbush L 148 Briza media quaking grass L 149 Brodiaea spp. brodiaea L 150 Buddleja marrubiifolia woolly butterfly bush L 151 Bulbine frutescens stalked bulbine L 152 Bulbine latifolia rooiwortel L 153 Bulbinella elegans cat's tail lily L 154 Bulbinella floribunda yellow cat tail L 155 Bulbinella hookeri Maori onion L 156 Bulbinella nutans bulbinella L 157 Bulbinella robusta bulbinella L 158 Bupleurum fruticosum shrubby hare's ear L 159 Butia odorata (B. capitata) pindo palm L 160 Caesalpinia gilliesii desert bird of paradise L 161 Caesalpinia mexicana Mexican bird of paradise L 162 Calandrinia spp. & cvs. (some spp. changed to Cistanthe sp.) rock purslane L 163 Calibanus hookeri calibanus VL 164 Calliandra 'Sierra Star' fairy duster hybrid L 165 Calliandra californica Baja fairy duster L 166 Calliandra eriophylla fairy duster VL 167 Calliandra peninsularis Baja fairy duster L 168 Calliandra surinamensis Surinam flame bush L 169 Calliandra tweedii Trinidad flame bush L 170 Callirhoe involucrata wine cups L 171 Callistemon 'Cane's hybrid' Cane's hybrid bottlebrush L 172 Callistemon 'Jeffers' Jeffer's bottlebrush L 173 Callistemon 'Little John' Little John bottlebrush L 174 Callistemon 'Violaceus' purple bottle brush L 175 Callistemon citrinus bottle brush L 176 Callistemon pinifolius pine-leafed bottlebrush L 177 Callistemon rigidus erect bottlebrush L 178 Calochortus spp. Mariposa lily VL 179 Calylophus berlandieri sundrops L 180 Calylophus drummondiana Texas primrose L 181 Calylophus hartwegii Sierra sundrop L 182 Capparis spinosa caper bush L 183 Carex divulsa (sold as C. tumulicola) European gray sedge L 4 Updated May 2020 184 Carex spissa San Diego sedge L 185 Carex tumulicola Berkeley sedge L 186 Carnegiea gigantea saguaro L 187 Carpobrotus spp. ice plant (Carpobrotus) L 188 Casuarina cunninghamiana river she-oak L 189 Ceanothus 'Blue Jeans' Blue Jeans ceanothus L 190 Ceanothus 'Concha' Concha ceanothus L 191 Ceanothus 'Cynthia Postan' Cynthia Postan ceanothus
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    A PPENDIX M B IOLOGICAL F IELD S URVEYS ........................................................................................................................ CITY OF NATIONAL CITY - GENERAL PLAN UPDATE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND CEQA ANALYSIS BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES INTRODUCTION The City of National City is currently in the process of preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to analyze the environmental impacts associated with the City’s proposed Comprehensive Land Use Update project (see project description, below). In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the EIR will provide a programmatic analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the adoption and implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Update. In order to adequately analyze these environmental impacts, the existing conditions within National City have been identified and described. This document summarizes the existing conditions of the biological resources of National City. The Comprehensive Land Use Update includes all incorporated areas of National City, as well as the unincorporated portion of San Diego County known as Lincoln Acres, which lies within the southeastern part of the City. This unincorporated portion is not under the jurisdiction of National City, but it has been included within for the General Plan Planning Area for planning purposes. This area will be referred to as “National City” in this document and the EIR. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Comprehensive Land Use Update project includes National City’s draft General Plan update, a draft Land Use Code (Municipal Code Title 18) update, and a Climate Action Plan; amendments to the Downtown Specific Plan and Housing Element as necessary to ensure consistency with the updated General Plan; and five specific development projects as follows: Street Conversions/Community Corridors, Senior Village Expansion, Las Palmas Park and Facilities Vision Concept Plan, Kimball Park Master Plan, and El Toyon Park Master Plan.
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