Trinity Tripod, 2001-10-02
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Crtnttp VOL. C NO. 3 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 OCTOBER 2,2001 Faculty Teach-in Students RaSSy for Peace Proves Interesting beauty still exists. BY JONATHAN Professor Ronald Kiener, of CHESNEY the Religion department, began News Writer the Middle East panel by shar- ing his knowledge and exper- Grief, anger, and fear filled tise on the history of Islam. the days following September Kiener explained that Islam is 11. Prayer services, healing vig- truly a religion of peace, and ils, and discussions began in or- that those who use it as an ex- der to start the healing process cuse to kill are perverting its of such a grievous wound. high ideals. He described how Now, nearly two weeks later, some small groups of Moslems hopefully those emotions have became convinced that the lessoned enough that we as an West was decadent and godless. academic community can be- Most of those who use such RISHIPOPAT gin to try to understand what rhetoric to back violence are The members of VOID solicit signatures for their anti-violence campaign. happened and why. And so a using it for their own purpose. faculty "teach-in" began Sunday History Professor Heather evening, September 11 in Sharkey then gave a brief his- Mather. Two panels of faculty tory of the Middle East and how Students Witness Robbery members discussed aspects of this tied in to the events of Sept. the terrorist attacks, their back- 11. There has been a strong Cocchiaro was not facing the "I'm not an expert on guns, BY ABIGAIL THOMAS door when she heard someone but it definitely looked like a ground and their aftermath. Western presence there since News Editor One focused on the Middle East, the nineteenth century. The come in. She presumed it was gun. Someone pointed a gun at the other on America's response. West sought to make money off the RA with whom she was my face," said Cocchiaro. Thursday September 27 working. She heard someone She didn't move while the Dean of Faculty Miller this rich area and introduce modern ways of life. Nicole Cocchiaro, the Residen- put a hand on her desk, but no boy continued to point the gun Brown, the main organizer of tial Fellow in Area 5 one spoke. at her. He slowly backed up to- Though some benefits were this event, opened by simply (Doonesbury, Highrise, North ward the door, saying "shut the gleaned from interaction with "That's when Hooked up,"she stating the purpose of the pan- Campus) was threatened at f*** up." He put the gun away the Weil, u .v j.b also a situation commented. "1 knew then that els, "There is a need to under- gunpoint, after having a. wa],l£|. as he ran out the door. that lead to frustration. The it was xxoi my Resident Assis- stand the terrorist attacks of stolen off her desk. tant. Someone else was in my While he was running out of September 11. lower and middle class knew of the opportunities in the West, Cocchiaro was in her office office." the building, he passed the RA There was a moment of si- between 11:30 and noon, work- She was right. Standing in and another resident of North. lence, before Acting President but couldn't get jobs they felt qualified for, even with univer- ing with a Residential Assistant her office was an African- "1 saw him dart out of the Ron Thomas took at the po- The RA was coming in and out American male about fifteen building and into the parking dium and began the event. He sity degrees. One thing profiled Middle Eastern terrorists seem of Cocchiaro's office, retrieving years old. As she was looking at lot," explained the RA, who im- praised this panel, saying that paperwork and other informa- him, he pulled something out of mediately went into the office we, as an institution of learning to have in common is that they are fairly well-educated, but are tion from her own room. Be- his pocket and held it in her to check on Cocchiaro. must be determined to learn cause the RA was coming in face. She described this object from what happened. the most alienated of the Together they called Campus middle class. and out, the office door was to the police as the barrel of a Safety, just around noon, to re- "Tonight is an attempt to kept slightly ajar. gun. see ROBBERY on page ten come to terms with these ter- The last speaker for the first rible events," he said. panel, Professor Janet Bauer Dean Brown then took the po- from the Women's Studies De- dium and read a letter from Pill partment talked the impact of Search for New President is Shultz, director of Amnesty In- the event on refugees and immi- ternational. Professor Hugh grants. Many Americans tend Ogden, poet Laureate, and stu- to characterize Islam by the Making Steady Progress dent Molly Roach '02 followed most conservative views gin the interview process. As of ity presidential searches, in- by reading three poems in order known. Americans of Middle BY EAMONN BROWN to show that even in tragedy, see TEACH-IN on page ten yet, we are still receiving appli- cluding that which selected News Writer cations and resumes." most recent former Trinity The Presidential Search President Evan Dobelle, have Despite the cancellation of Committee is comprised of directly included an adminis- the Presidential Search seven trustees, five faculty trator. .According to Reynolds, Committee's last meeting, members, two students, and the change was made as a result members say that the group's one administrator. The addi- of student and faculty senti- work is on schedule. The Sep- tion of an administrator to the ment expressed at an open tember 12 meeting of the com- committee is a new practice meeting this summer that mittee was postponed as a this year. Because it could be showed many members of the result of the September 11 ter- considered a conflict of interest Trinity Community wanted to rorist attacks, and the next to help select the person who see an administrator on the se- meeting was scheduled for will essentially be his or her lection committee, Wednesday, September 26. new boss, none of the past Trin- see SEARCH on page nine According to Trinity College Secretary Scott Reynolds, com- mittee members will be review- ing and discussing the resumes INSIDE THIS WEEK' S of the first group of applicants. "The goal of the committee is If you and your parents A cappella all the time. to elect a new president of Trin- skipped all the weekend Lindsay Schneider of the ity College at the last Trustees' events, see what you missed Trinitones tells all to the meeting on January 19," says Reynolds. this year ...seep. 7 Tripod.... seep. 19 The new president will take office on July 1,2002. Reynolds A familiar face on News page 6 also explains that the commit- Opinion page 2 tee is not yet at the interview Campus finally gets his due. Features. page II stage. The Post Offices' own Arts...... .' .page 17 "We want to narrow the Dennis gets fifteen minutes 16 MICOLSABBADINl number of applicants down to Sports page 24 Miller Brown introduces the panels and of fame .seep, II about ten finalists before we be- gives a brief PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - OCTOBER 2,2001 Apathy on Its Way Out Intellectual Atmosphere on Campus trinity Sprouting with the First Year Students as the majority is concerned, Amy E. Buchner '02 Kristin B. Powell BY LISSY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF :';•; : MANAGING EDITOR involve deep philosophical dis- WOODHAMS cussions over dinner in Mather. Opinions Editor NE\VS;]EpiTOll •;••}:•••• ••:.•;:•;':: OPINION EDITORS I am not saying that we are ;' BrianPiNanos-'03 Lissy Woodhams '03 not smart, obviously we are. We Trinity students, I have were all accepted to this presti- : found, have a fair amount of gious private liberal arts col- FEATyftES:EDiTOR: ••L' ;; ' - ARTSEDITOR discontent. The food is never lege, we work to stay here, and good enough, the previously many of us achieve phenom- elusive T-card has proved to enal accomplishments. But that SPORTSEDITORS ;: • ANNOUNCEMENT EDITOR continue to be elusive, and the does not mean that it's "cool" to Shane Early '03 Patrick Marinaro '03 Marcie Yoselevsky '04 social scene will never be the talk about the Battle of same since the Barn more or Gallipoly after you have left JpHOTOGRAPHyEpiTdR&pRODUCTION MANNER less shut down. Among all your World War I freshmen these disgruntlements that seminar. This is what concerns never seem to vanish (no mat- the faculty, administration, and ter how many times we change a fair proportion of our stu- our food service), I have found dents. .<;•:•. SENIOR- EDIT&RS; Kate fiiifc/imson 'OZ^athanielSilver'OZ :. that there is also a massive I am here to say "have faith." I COPY EDITORS: Davis ^bohm'02, LindsflpBorrance 'OirMtson Hunt'04,Eamorm Brown '05, / have overheard first-year students arguing Jonathan Chesney'05r^lex^ about capital punishment, gender roles, and the theme of Bosch's "Garden of Delights." BUSINESS MANAGER fiypGET DIRECTOR push towards uncovering what dreaded living in a first year William Jenkins '03 has been called the "lost intel- residence hall, as most first lectual atmosphere" of Trinity time mentors do. I have, how- College. ever, been pleasantly surprised In April of last year I decided on more than one occasion. I to become a First Year mentor. had forgotten how close first In every orientation project or years halls are (remember Campus Safety: A Campus-Wide Affair 'meeting we have had since when you knew the name of then, the idea of expanding the every single person on your floor, in addition to their home Last week, the safe tranquility of our campus was once again shattered by a academic atmosphere on cam- pus has been discussed at town and their shoe size?), and frightening armed robbery.