Submission Policies Map Technical Paper
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Submission Policies Map Technical Paper Proposed changes to the policies map Part 1 of 2 Page 1 - 65 Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Section 1: Overview of changes to spatial designations ............................................................................................. 2 Section 2: Detailed changes to spatial designations ..................................................................................................... 8 Metropolitan Green Belt .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Metropolitan Open Land ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Urban Open Space ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 South East London Green Chain ................................................................................................................................... 63 Town Centres, Neighbourhood Centres and Small Parades ..................................................................................... 66 Thames Policy Area ................................................................................................................................................................ 104 Education Land ........................................................................................................................................................................ 111 Employment Land ................................................................................................................................................................... 137 Note: All maps in this document are reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office© Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings (Bexley Council 10001769). Submission policies map technical paper Introduction Regulation 9 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 states that local planning authorities must “illustrate geographically the application of the policies in the adopted development plan”. This must take the form of a “Policies Map” (formerly known as a “Proposals Map”) which is adopted alongside a Local Plan. The London Borough of Bexley (“the Council”)’s previous proposals map was adopted alongside the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) in 2004 and designations have remained unchanged since this date. The Council has prepared a new Local Plan, and as such must produce a new policies map (which will update and replace the UDP proposals map). The preparation of a new Local Plan is the only opportunity for the Council to amend its land-use designations. This technical paper summarises the changes made to the Council’s land use designations and the reasons for these changes. Key pieces of evidence have been highlighted where further detailed information may be found regarding the proposed changes. The boundaries which appear on the Council’s UDP proposals map were originally hand drawn, without the benefit of GIS (Geographical Information System) software. These have since been digitised for development management purposes but remain inaccurate in places and have previously been reproduced at too large a scale for many modern requirements. Therefore, all designations have been accurately reproduced based on the most recent OS base map to ensure that all boundaries are strong and defensible. This has led to many small, factual alterations which would be impractical to detail individually. All draft designations can be viewed on the Regulation 19 submission policies map. This technical paper should be read alongside the submission policies map and the Draft Local Plan. Section 1: Overview of changes to spatial designations This section presents an overview of the changes to all spatial land use designations between the UDP proposals map (2004) and the Regulation 19 submission policies map (2021), including where designations have been removed, new designations added, or boundaries changed. All draft boundaries can be viewed on the submission policies map. Where a designation appeared on the UDP proposals map but does not appear on the submission policies map, it is considered that all previous policy requirements applying to these areas are covered by new policy requirements and designations, or are no longer required or relevant Table 1 - Overview of changes to spatial designations UDP proposals Submission Proposed Reason for change map policies map change designation designation Allotments Allotments Change Removed allotments no longer in use and those in private ownership as they do not contribute towards the Council’s statutory responsibility to provide allotment plots. Based on the Council’s most up to date list of allotment sites. Removed sites have instead been designated as Urban Open Space where appropriate, to ensure they are protected for their openness, amenity value, and/or value to nature conservation. Draft boundaries can be viewed on the submission policies map. 2 Submission policies map technical paper UDP proposals Submission Proposed Reason for change map policies map change designation designation Conservation Conservation Minor Minor boundary amendments to align with most up-to-date Areas Areas change OS base map. Draft boundaries can be viewed on the submission policies map. Conservation areas and their associated CAAMPs will be reviewed separately from the Local Plan process at a later date. Thames-side Crossness Sewage New A new designation covering the operational land of Crossness Special Policy Treatment Works designation Sewage Treatment Works, a similar area to that which was Area B/Special Operational Land previously designated as Thames-side Special Policy Area B Industrial Zone and a Special Industrial Zone on the UDP proposals map. These policies were not carried over from the UDP. Boundaries have been amended to reflect the current extent of the operational land. See map of changes on page Error! Bookmark not defined.. Educational Education Land Change See section 2 of this technical paper. Buildings and Playing Fields Green Belt Green Belt Change See section 2 of this technical paper. Strategic Views Local Strategic Change Newly designated views replacing the previously designated Views strategic views. Includes local panoramic views. Assessed and described within the ‘Locally significant views within London Borough of Bexley’ document. Draft boundaries can be viewed on the submission policies map. Secondary Locally Significant Change See section 2 of this technical paper. Employment Industrial Sites Land Metropolitan Metropolitan Change See section 2 of this technical paper. Open Land Open Land Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Change See section 2 of this technical paper. Centres Centres Primarily Primarily Change Boundaries amended to reflect changes to other Residential Use Residential Areas designations, development that has occurred since adoption of the UDP proposals map, and to align with the most up-to- date OS base map. Draft boundaries can be viewed on the submission policies map. Road Hierarchy Road Hierarchy Change Reviewed and updated by transport and development and highways officers to reflect changes in road layouts and usage. Draft boundaries can be viewed on the submission policies map. Sites of Sites of Change The extent of SINC within Bexley are detailed in the Council’s Importance to Importance to SINC report. These sites have been included on the Nature Nature submission policies map and minor factual amendments have Conservation Conservation been made to boundaries to reflect the most up-to-date OS (SINC) base map and to correct historical errors. 3 Submission policies map technical paper UDP proposals Submission Proposed Reason for change map policies map change designation designation (SINC)/Proposed Additionally, a partial review of SINC was publicly consulted changes to SINC upon in March 2021 proposing new sites and boundary changes to existing SINC. These are currently shown separately on the submission policies map as “Proposed changes to SINC”. Following the Regulation 19 consultation and examination of the Local Plan, and subject to being reviewed by the London Wildlife Sites Board, the proposals will be formally adopted and the SINC designation on the policies map will be updated accordingly. Sites of Special Sites of Special No change Boundaries remain as designated by Natural England and can Scientific Scientific Interest be viewed on the submission policies map. Interest (SSSI) (SSSI) South East South East London Change See section 2 of this technical paper. London Green Green Chain Chain Proposed New Thames Road Change One remaining road proposal has been carried over from the Road / Major Dualling UDP. Renamed to reflect this. Draft boundaries can be Road Safeguarding viewed on the submission policies map. Improvement Town Centres Town Centres Change See section 2 of this technical paper. Urban Open Urban Open Space Change See section 2 of this technical paper. Space Primary Strategic