9:10 a. na., stmt Arias. Smith. Seattle. »:_0 a. m.. barge 93. Kirkwood. Seattle, in tow strar Atlaa. 7 r.. ai., stmr Whittier. Z>lljng. Port San Luis. THE CITY BEAUTIFUL 5 a. m., stmr Tamnico. Scatty, Seattle. OFWORLD ! 7:4". Cottle, forgery was very crude," said Eiser.- SIERRA BRINGING MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS IN ALLPARTS a. m.. wbaiing stmr Belvedere. ! : whaling snd tradins via Seattle. --;schimm*]. 7:45 s. m.. schr Citr of Paf to the jury tomorrow. ;. BJ-, stmr F. S. Lop. Mattson. Paget Committees 1913 pany's Crack Liner Due 'sound. SPOKFN Are Announced PACIFIC O(E*iV TRAVEL Today From Honolulu Per Rr stmr Jnveran? Feb. 12. latitude 4 r»:'_-J ?'ourli. Ivogitude M:*M west. Or ship Oliva, fromi Weather Report IAntwerp for Tacopllla; ail we?:. Movements of Steamers I WIRELESS REPORTS TELEGRAPHIC The city beautiful convention has re- j POINT LOBOS, March 13, 10 p. m.?Weather j Prominent Local Department of Agriculture - rhazy: wind NW: velc-itv 22 milea an hoar. organised for 1913 and the election ot Persons TO ARKlVi: FROM SHIPS AT SEA Weattier Bureau. Saa Fraac_-Ba. March 13. ,1913. WEATHER REPORTS the following officers and appointment j BtCMMC Date POINT LOBOS. Match '."-. ? a. in-?Hazy; wind of is by Seej on Board and ' T«-r, committees announced Tourists MARCOM RAINFALL DATA 1 NW: v ;ty fl miies an hour. tary Joseph B. Duggan: San Diego &. I.o- Ang.. _>?\u25a0-?» Mar. WIRELESS TATOO6B. March 33. 0 a. m.?Clondy: wind |< ! *_14 OfSesra?Oaries Francis Ad_-r<«. prp«id°nt:; From All _>orts | Sai. Crur A San Diego.. Arrr.onan Mar. reporta are received directly !SE: veltxity 30 miles an hour. Yale ar POINT REYES. m.?-Clear: Emma W. Lii;ie. firs' rm president: Mis. Mnr- ! Los Angeles dr'-ecr 7* \, from the Pacific coaat atattoaa of the j March 13. 9 a. garet Hill, president: Angel Bassi. Manila A Honolulu U-jrsn ?«»'"\u25a0 j Iwtad NW: velocity 3* a_flea hour. second vice M«r- 14J* iTßeaeMarconi Wlreies* company: STATIONS an third m)ee presides*: Joseph Dcggaa. w\ Sierra i 33. 9 ?Clear; wind R. 14 7 5 i I-AKALLoXES.'March a. m. tary; Colonel Frartk*W. Maratoo, trvasurer; Dr. | Thai _JU. \u25a0*>team«hip company So?id Ports City of Puebia. ;Mar. \u25a0 H"iflnarnlajr. March 32. 7' _ N: velocity 28 __Qea an wmtr. s Mar.' 14 " k S Magcire. rcarsh.l. Diego Acg... . . *" POINT m.?Dear; wind C. i San & Los Governor S. PORTER -From San j LOBOS. March IS, 32 E "h. Captain 11. C. rtf Mar. 14 >STEAMER W. Port Luis \u25a0'?. : to NW; Telocity roi;«'< Advisory board?Mrs. James Rolph Raphael j \u25a0 Houdletre. Humboldt |Ci_jr Toi-eka. fcr Ereret;: p. St ! miles north j K» an bour. Weill, W-jlth; ii. .Tr.. Bertb and Meals Included in Far. ?isy ! r s m.. l I'OINT InBOS. 33. p. m.-Huy; wind Mr*. Love.l m. Robt.ins. rtiam- from Honolulu, and is ex- Grays Harbor ; 'irWMi »J» J* rranr \*cr.: atiafla n<>rfbw?«r hreeze; moderate Eureka *??< ?*?? tt.49 March I ber p _1 ? -\u25a0 Mar. la °-'~ »._?' velocity r.f Comroerc.-: WiUlam Kettlewe!:. Pacific I leave* niOM PICKS AMD £.ch > *rslia ; aea: barometer 30.10; temperatare 44. , Red Bluff ?'?'<\u25a0 **.8I 11.91 SW; 1* tulle? an hour. Coast M] port early this morn- Hanalei .M*r. lo Sacramento '-??<*> 5.M 19.te - 6.12 DOMESTIC PORTS society: Miss Ros*- San Frajaeisco Labor council; Olive \ Loa Angeles. San Dirti «sa«ta Marbara Lea A&geiea ..?Kea- _M". » STEAMER J. A CHAKSLOR?From Monterey for Tamalpais. 0.89 18.78 18.18 13.5.', 'JREEXWOOD?Arrived March 33 ? Stmr : Mrs. "» left Honolulu at noon ' 1 Portland; 1(K north of Mount | Native Daughters: Jung. Nat:ve 9tm*', and has heen in- Fort Bate? Brunswick 8 p. m.. San San Pran.-isc... 0.08 ft.25 , 17.99 ; 9.98 Whitestioro. hence March 32. lock. Fred :President or fJovernor.. Kvery Monday, 2 p. ra. wireless \ H*":. Je<>.r> Lriiemlia;. league: P. . San At.g.. Ha-vard M»r. Praaetcea; stronjf northwest wind; heavy sea. "02 p. I Mr*. A. nation both with _-an Fran- Diego A Los j» San Jos» 9-«* ??«? l»-W RAYMOND?SaiIed March 33. S m.?Stmr B-aek, club; ?State of ,K«.ery Thursday. 11 a. m. and Ent?prlse Mar. u BRITISH STEAMER PERSIA?Hence March Si ""?» ???** \u25a0??» *?«* Quiuenit. for San Francisco; 1 p. m , atmr Rai- I California Bofeart A. B California.. Honolulu ever since. : Hilo j Fresno % . League of Improvement Calllaan, j - 15 - Clubs: M*r. uier. ! ?Only steamer rslllaaj *: Barbara. The large | Talara Bay H \u25a0 Brea for (Tiina: 8 p. in.. 3,447 miles from Pan Fran- Independence 0.00 8.11 , 7.05 1.40 i for Ssn Fedre Rsstace Saata cargo is bringing a .. >»«'? 'SCO. o.("J 1.7o 13, m.?Stmr Mlaslen Promotion association: Florence Mu.-tr.. »na a mil complement Seattle & Tacoma. Buekman J* I < San Luis Obispo, 8.82 15.78 ABERDEEN?Arrived Man h 9 a. ? Co_ndl (Direct). Towasrai, of passengers. : is jCouncil of Women: Miss Ada OnlmHsllll. Seattle Tseoma, Among jPuget Sound Isthmian Mar. Angeles »»8» 12.12 12.18 9.07 Fair Oake. hence March 9. I the passengers are many who City M»r. STEAMER 6IES3A? From HonoliUu for San tm 6.8**, p. of Jewish Women: Lilllau Harris Osftn, New Vancouver, Vlaaka Portland A Am He .... Rose j. San I>iego ft.00 , 3.39 7.9? j Sailed March 33, 3 m.?Stmrs Sbowhone and Victoria. *went to the island port witness : Mar. 35lf> Francis- or I m., mrres from San Fran- Dollar, IKra leagce; Mrs. Jame= E3l_i Tucker. San Fran- to i Portland A Astoria Geo. W. BMC... wind; cloody; Stanley for San Pedro. | Uvry Saturday. 2 p. m. annual floral festival which, this [Phoenix i<. cisco: moderate rorth-northessr BEACH?Arrived March 13, 6 a. m. cisco center: Mrs. L. P. S-sr>!e*. Hvpachra club; President or Governor. jHumboldt _~". barometer -tccr): temperature 56: all well. PACIFIC COAST STATIONS RKDOXDO Mr*. J. Jessup. Tuesday, p.m. isuaP.y elaborate i Lo, Angele* Northland Mar. lb Stmr Yosemite, heme March 11. I Corona club: Mr*. QemrtJW T. iCity of Puebia or I'Hsstiila. Every 2 s Marsh. Outdoor M_rtiu. "aie 'hp Sierra's passengers F. A. Kiib.rn. Mar. lb STEAMER VEKTTJRA?Fr.»m San Franct«c« for In fMW following tables tbe maximum and mini- Sailed March 13. 5 p. tw.? -Stmr Yoaemite. for Art league: Mrs. Norma Sydney; _\u25a0"(.) rainfall g Wom«n'« Press assorlsTk.tir Miss S Humboldt Bay* are some well known local people. .Yansruard Mar. lo Sp. m rail-s from San Francisco; mum temperatures aud are ven: Saa Pedro: atmr Thomas |_ Wand, for San rran- M. Louise Eureka < . Mar. *h ell well. clsco. lan. Daughters of California Pioneer*: Eustaie Topeka. .Manh IS, St, 24. 29. Apl. 12 nooa. linent of Honolulu, LBaOaJo 2. residents and Mar. 16 . Peixotto. Columbia Park boys; Prof. W. H. de Seattle STEAMER San PORT SAX Ll'lS?Arrived 13. 11 a. m. tourists from all parts of the world. direct 1* WILHELMIIfA?From Francisco j March Association The passengers Mendocino &. She!. rove Sea Foam M»r. for Honolulu: S p. m., 60 miles from San Fren- Iff *7: i Stmr Santa Clara, hence March 32. Bell. ©f Teachers' Councils; Mr. John Nome?St. Michael include: Barbara.. Mar. 1 risco; lfl Clara, A. McLaren, superintendent of parks and land- I os Angeles , Santa fresh northwest wind; heaTy sea; clear; | I | | Sailed March 33. 4 p. m.?Stmr Santa engineer exposition: Steamer will leavo about June 1. i scape of i - at?M, F. M. Averr, Mt*, China & Japan .Siberia Mar- 1.< all well. I J j for San Pedro. the Panama-Pacific --J. 11. Ashdowp. Mrs. X.. ? Mar. g 9 tt STATIONS C Mr. W. H. Metaon, park commissioner; Alfred Bnchl'v .1. | Norfolk i Punta Arenas Georgian 1^ STEAMER "STATIONS U r I L j FORT BRAGG? Arrived March 13?Stmr Alaska Cruises, 1913. leare Seattle Y. Bis-. Mr?. Bias. Mr*. M E ; Diego of Oal... Mar. ENTERPRISE?Fr->tn Hilo for San I Brunswick, Roneovieri. superintendent of schools; M. M. £\u25a0 ?y, San A Los Aug..(State 1,1^ Francisco: R p. 422 i I hence March 12. 30 A::;. 10 Beery. fc H Br'ttsn, Dr. A « Way Pts. Santa Clara M«r. m.. mile* from San rran- * March 13?Bkta Charles O'Shaugbnessy. board of public works. Spokane. June 18: July 2. 16. A p.ta. :- ABtteirM clsco; cloodv; centle northerly / Ti"»WXSEND?SaiIed Brandon. Mrs. Brandon. J. Beaird. Mrs! :San Diego & Los Ang. .A'ale *;»r bree*e: moder- '3 2 F. Crocker, for Adelaide. CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES Right reserved to change this schedule. rd. John BoaiM Jr.. l>r. C. Banning. H. 1 * IParaiso Mar. 18J* ate norttierly sea and swell: all wetl. \u25a0 e. ff I £r « m.?Jap tVays and means--«Mr. Bugene Pfaeffle. r. [PortUad i a I : SEATTLE?Arrived March 12. 32 Pr«<=* ? Bwtk*. Mra C %V. Clark. Mia* K. Clark. I.o< Angple* r 'V_ ThunHlaT, March. IS. stmr Inaba Maru. from Victoria: II a. m., atmr and publicity?Miss Rose Myears. TICKET OFFICES*?Palace Hotel. 605 Market ?'?n*"** [~ \u25a0 w* School gardens?Miss McOermott. CLinkerakill M «s Clin- lialbo* A Acapulco :Acapu»co PEKKSYLVAKIA etc., Tiverton, hence March 9; 6 a. m., atmr Bertha, Louisa Broadway ; Mar.V. 'i.IS STEAMER -From Ancon. 0.04 R*d Bluff... 581 38|O.O0* Co-operation with Panama Pacific international atreet, 18 Market street and Wharf. ttaek. M?. Comatoek. Miss Portland t Astoria. P. Stetson.. for Sin Franf-Sr-c: mrtD arrive 10 p. m. B«k»r 34 2ft from Skagwav. M. B. Carpenter, 8. B. Cannell. Mrs. ! Mar. 19 Boise 3* 2S 0.02 Reiio 42 Sailed March 33. 11:30 a. Catania, expo«itii>n?Miss Anna Laeey. jdrVlephone Kearny 492. cauneli. Mss p. ISesttla iSalatis M»r. STEAMER CIT2CO?Prom San 58f 3420f0.000.22 m.?Stmr planting?Mr. John McLaren. - ? 5 P Connor. Angeles direct Harrard - w JfORWE?IAJN Del Monte.. AOtO.OO Koseburg ..46 for Port San Litis: S:3O a. nt.. sehr James H. Tree I W. F «r ton, it. F. Cook, J. B. Carey. Mrs. jFort~ Bragg Arctic Mar- ? for Pueet 10 a. tn.. otf Point Eureka 48 36!0 12 Sacramento ,j58 JSO.OO Bruce, for San Pedro. March 12?Stmr Jim But- Plants and flowers?Mrs. George T. Marsb. OAKLAND?1226 Broadway; tel. Oakland stBo. c i» I Arena. 32 Bait Lake...32 ler, Vines?-Miss Catherine ICttell. J R Darsie. s. Delc?aae, C W. I Seattle & Tacoma .... Watson \9Ur. Flagstaff ... 18Tr. 24JO-74 for San Pedro; stmr Humboldt, for Skagway. ay.; Purling. Mrs. J I<- H Tvansaa City Mar. 13 SAN March 13. Fresno 62 40 ft.00 San Diego.. , 58 52 0 OO Win/low boxes?John F. M'Gowsn. BERKELEY?2I2S Shattnr. tel. Berke. 44. Mr*. :S :kr. TV. 'Portland A AstoHa.... ASTORIA?SaiIed March 34. 2 p. m.?Stmr >'r<- i 58 Work DL'NANN. Passenger Manager. Par:. A. t. Pari-. W. A. Paris. Miss Fair- \rena 4. Albion..,Porno **"; m., Helena 14 ld«.'< > Francisco 44JO.O0 Raac City, for Kan Francisco; 5 p. in., rtmr G. eml*>U!«bmout?William Kettlewell. C. 0. Trafflc rnfi;' ,,r STEAMER PEhTJSTLVAKIA?S p. 49 milea San .\T)d«"-- M 32 lots ?H. D. Mrs. Gardner. i'ort San Luis Coos Buy aouJh Honolulu 78 64 0.00 *> 0.00 W. Eider, for San Francisco. Vacant n T '?" Gardner. I 8r- »J ! of San Frac-is^o. Indep'dence... L. OM«po GO' 42 0.00 t'lean streets?M rr TiMjen. », J- IT. Ctwii. Mrs. Svdn.-v i War Port*. Moans \u25a0.'\u25a0?? *S 54 38:0.00 8. Sailed March 33. 4 p. ra?Stmr Nehalem. for «»rec». MiM ?;. STEAMER MAVERICK?B p. va.. passing Dux- KHliarell ... 28 184O.0O SE. "arallon 48 460.ftO Redondo Beach; 6 p. m., atmr San Jacinto, for T'nnecessary Miief-_n. Mnrgaret Hill. turr.r huoy. lyvs 3* 28 0.00 Plant exchange day?Mrs.. - tra. Raaaoa, Diego.T-yr* Mar. -. Angeles. 62 §6'0.00 Spokane San Georg» Wale. _laaterr. C. S. Ma- ?-r. M!«s B. Hal!. Mr*. <. W. A San North Head. 42O.0S ... of Topeka. for San Francisco; 12 ra., stmr Au- »"-B_. H *!-. $15; second class. *«. Hall. Har- from Freneiseo. 44 gi) ire. .vey, MrK j jj Holmes, G. <_. Grays Harbor 2 pm 16 Phoenix 64 42 ft.00 Walla Walla M{0.01 relia. for Aatorla. Mm. jflfl Berth snd meals iocinded. S. G. Hinde*. Lieuter.- Mar. 14 Lindauer . 1 m., 4ft 20;Tr. Speakers, meetings B. P. -Tacksor,. f s. A.: K. Jemr-rs. i. 9. Mar. 14 Yal» San Diego.. 4 pm ! STEAMER VEXTURA?S p. 612 miles from Poeateilo ::o. 24 Winn'mucca Barbound Inside March 13?Stmra Lakme, Ra- and lectures ?Muts Gene- .la'-kraac.. E. g, Portland ...10 am 13< San Francisco. Pt Reves I.t is 42,0.00 Yum* 72; 440.00 valli. vieve Raker. laekaaa, Mrs. Jacknian. C. Mar. 14 Koanokc Necanicum and Bowdo'r.. LOS ANGELES Kastcn. 3 10 Portland . . 5ft 38 0.00 1 Afflliatioo and co-operation?Mrs. Emma W. - Miss Sound. pm S. Arrived March 13, ?Stmr Yangnard. M. Kimberlv. Mrs. Henrr KoUar, Mar. 14 Adra. Farragut. Pvget . 'STEAMER v. PORTER?S p. m.. 440 miles ... 8 p. m. Lillie. BbAR B Kansas City sails 11 a. m , S. KrafT'. Mrs. Krsffr. F.H. Kesap, Mrs Kfrr:. ' 33 Norwood bo* Angele*.. 2 pm Mrtfe of San Francisco. hence March 32. Saturday. March 22. 1" --? Mar. .... p. Grays -.1 *Snow on ground. 43 inches. James, Pnblle buildings?Fred 1.. Harsen. 1 DCAUCnI G. B. K'.asey. p. K*n*. F. 8. ralia Harbor 10 am STEAMER T. SCOTT?S p. m., S miles TACOMA?Arrived March 33?Barge St. DLMYCK \u25a0 "lass. $7.35. $8.85; second M,ss 12 m It HEKRT EASTERN' STATIONS stmr Hornet, Development of social center;-?Miss EHrabath I J*"Op. Mrs. Loop. V. Loop. Mrs. C. P. Lnd ! Msr. ISX'itr of Topeka. Humboldt ... I south of point Reyes. ifrom Skagway: from Mukilteo. K"lly. 1DACC rtTVB class, $5.35. B.rth and and soc, j. y. lawraa, Mrs. i_?eni*. A R. jMar. 15 North Fork Humboldt ...12 m 38 I Sailed March 12?Bktn Charles F. Crocker, for | RV-lbVlllß meals Included. Jin. Ivoniis.'James Bay Pt. San I.rr's. 4 pa XI ! STEAMER ATLAS? With barffe 9?. In tew; 8 Abilene .... 68 #6 >.06 Knovvil> .. 58 52 1.16 Adelaide. Archlteetve?Norman Mohr. M'Neelev. Mrs. Mar. 13 Cooa p. north 54 j W. Molkenbufcr. \u25a0-** OFFICES T Mlsa I, Mr-. K. Moore. I Mar. 15 Harvard Los Angeles.. 4 pm m.. 43 miles of San Francisco. Mian. Citv. 5ft, 42 Tr. IjX-jetartUa .64 ft.96 Arrived March 13? Stmr Bertha, from Seattle. TICKET "> K. 1 pnv 4- ..*. 30.Tr. Memphis ... 70 52(0.86 Pedro; __^~ \u25a0 722 Market; tel. Sutter 2544. Dr. T. H. MscKinnon. P.. Milburn. .T. I) Math- Mar. 15 Korea .Hongkong ... iSTEAMER 3. A .CHANSLOR? S p. in.. 526 miles .54 I Sailed March 13?Stmr Tallac, for San The convention will hr.hl n meeting' st.; 2482. Mr*. Mrs. Pnget Souc<*. 2 pm . t Buffalo 80] 48]Tr. .Montgomery 80 58*1.74 jstmr Hornet, for Everett. *- East tel. Sutter F. L. Packar-i. _m* I Mar. 15 Gwreraor J> south of Columbia rirer. evening- in Judge Van )_2S Matbe-O*. : pal Charleston... 74 ©OjO.Of ...42 30:Tr. this Nostrand's ! Oakland office, Broad- Maa E. H portigre--. Jo Mar. 1". F. H. Legg-tt. Puget Sound. 6 51 p. . Montreal I.CDLOW?Arrived March 13?Schr Jamee H. Patteraaa Mra i 7 pm lo STEAMER GEO. W. FEKWICK?» m., 35 9m 48 0.12 Moorhead ., 32 8210.14 Bruce, court in the city hall at 8 o'clock. II way; tel. Oakland 1314. Pa ttsi sua. Mr>. M. J. B. Princ. E»ig-r jMar. 15 Geo. W. Elder. San I>iego I miles south (ar>e I from Seattle. _ I'etr:e. 12 «»???\u25a0 of Mendocino. Denver .. 44 3210.12 New Orleans **t 68:1.44 SAX PEDRO?Arrived March 33?Br atmr fl I Berkeley office. 2105 Shat- '. PainteT. J. I_ Richards. Mrs. Mar. 15 Thomas Manila ! tuck; -rds. P. 16 Hanaiei Ism Angelea. 1 pm ; STEAMER CAPTAIN A. F. LTJCAS? S p. m.. 12| I>es Moines. 54 44 i.OO New York.. 50 42 Tr. | Haze; Doilar. from Otaru. |l tel. Berk. 331. J. M. Richards. Mrs. H. Ramspcr ! Mar. PJ 44 0.(4 ?> ft.26 I Sacramento, Jas. Warrack, gT. 8 Mar. If- Vanguard Angeles 4 pm *. miles north of Point Arena. Dodge C!tv. 62 North Platte 34 Arrived March* 13?Stmr Bee. from Astoria: WHO SHALL DETERMINE X EL Mrs. Smith. Miss Margaret ! ..... 40 06 48 0.24 - "L-s. Everett P. Smith. Mr-. ? Mar. It*. Bear Portland ...12 m ;STEAMER WASHTENAW?S p. m.. 35 milea Duitith ...'.. 30! 2»:0.00 Oklahoma .. I*tmr James S. Hicgins. from Fort Brags: stmr 14 Pittsburg 64j WHEN DISAGREE F. J. Stiles, Mra. W. C. St.-krnan. Mrs. Fn iMar. ISiArrtic Fort Bragg.. 3 pm.... south of San Francisco. Durango ...'32 0.24 .. MttO.01 Wtn. Chatham, from Everett; stmr Hanalei. EXPERTS i Mar. 16 ' Arena. « pro 8 Eastport ... 4ft 32 ft.01 Roswel! MI.... bence March 13: stmr Governor, from San Dieg«j; ff \u25a0«« JAN h and daughter. F. J. Schnater. E. P. Sie*- ; STEAMER HILONIAN?7 p. m.. 22 miles north! 0.06 St. 60 rr«#m. F. B. Taylor, p. Chi. Mrs. Phi. Dr. JMar. 17Santa Barbara.Wiilapa Har..T> am .... Umyem. Galveston .. 7<5 64 Louia 500.30 stmra Harvard and Bear, bence March 12; stmr Photographs va. Microscope In Alleged Mm. of i'oi-; +>; 40,Tt. p»r. J Navajo Portland ... 10 am 8 - Green Bar.. 38)0.14 St. Paul 18 Wel'eeley. from Eureka. Van R It D. Wall. Mrs. Wall. F I Mar. 17 M 70)0.00 - Mrs. Wmtwem. P.. M. Walk.-. Wet Mar. 17 .Fuse Bened. 5 pm ??*\u2666 STEAMER COLCMBIA?S p. m.. 10 miles south' Hatteras.. - ? Tampa Sailed March 33?Stmrs Governor, Yale. Jame« ( Forgery Case at Variance?Jary \; Msr. City Ix* Angelca. 11 am 4<> of Pigeoa point. Havre is 1<*><».24 Toledo 04 48)0.09 S. Blggtes, Centralis. Shna Yalj, and General par*y, M Marin Wilhelm. G. H. WUitivr, 44 ft. i Views 1. WoifskßJ, ?Mar. 17Northland Portland 4 pm -< March IS. Huron 42 3* ft. 26 Washington. 54! 46 Hubbard, for San Francisco: atmr Harvard, for With Interest Allan Wheel' ?ier. ... pm Winnipeg 22 12 0.00 Weber, Mr*. Meier. W. s. Wood. Miss M. Mar. 17 President S*n Diego.. 1 9 STEAMER CATANIA?Seattle Port San Luis: off Jacksonville 82! ORjO.OO . San Dieeo. OAKLAND, March 13.?Photographic Los Angeles. 4 pm. at ti p. Kansas City..".'; 50 0.72 TATOOSH?Passed March 8:50 a. m.? Stmr It?wr. P J. BcTnsrc ;n. J. K. MoCornack. JJri. Mar. 17 Yale loi Port Crescent tn. 1 33. ! enlargements of an alleged forged re- Mc( Mar. l« F. A. Kilbnrn. Humboldt ..12 m Jim Butler, from Seattle for San Francisco: 7 j M-H llfM-o McCornack. _ pm 51 ; STEAMER WATSON?WTO arrlre Seattle March ?ALASKAN STATIONS. m., ceipt versus a high power microscopic Mar. 18 Yosemite Portland ...| a. stmr Westerner, from Everett for San Aaotker Dollar Liner In Trouble Mar. IRParaJa* [Los ?\u25a0?_?_. 1 P? K 14. 0 a. m. ' Francisco. examination of the subject, methods Tanana 'I s -18 9.00 j Mar. IS Hoaoiulan Honolulu ... 3« ASTORIA. March in. Pag.'e 2S 8"0.00 Passed March 13, 3:40 p. m.?Br war stmr,' backed by Robert Dollar Steamship com- 2 9 Nome ?> 22*0.00 Valdez KM or».oo rival handwriting experts, _«B having- more than one vt»r. WClty of PueMa. Pugrt Sound. paaj STEAMER CORDOVA?Crossing Queen Charlotte Dutch _**0.04 ibound In; 4:30 p. m.. stmr Watson, hence March jwere offered as aids to a jury today to -Pugvt SoeadL 3 pm *? 2t a p. in. tit.a |48| 28ft.Oft Harhr.44.. .. 10 Seattle. fair share of trouble of late, i Mar. IS Buck man for guilt IS J. B. gt_0?,._-\u25a0 Angeles.'lft MB 51 ?Reports wt yesterday. POINT-REYES?Passed March 13. 9:35 a. m.? determine the or Innocence of E. steamer Ma< with 4 pm STEAMER UMATILLA?San Francisco-Seattle: kinaw. Mar. It* Sea Foam Folnt Arena., 4 81 iiiileg p. Schr Ida A. for San Francisco. L. B. Zimmer. on trial in Judge Wells' Robert Dollar on board, had a collision Fort Bragg. .' I nonh ot (a;* Btaara at S m. SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER CONDITIONS Mar. 19 Brunswick pm, Rocky mountain section EVERETT?SaUed March 12?Stmr Westerner. court for alleged raising of a receipt MAIL in San Pedro harbor ar Santa Clara tjom Angeles.. 2 pm 1 p. m. COOS BAY?Arrived March 13. 9 a. ns.?Stmr "Korea." "Stbe- the T'nion Iron works. Then the Bes- Mar. lOPtaealx Humboldt .'lOam 27. STEAMER ROBERT DOLLAR?Northbound; 96 rain throughout tbe Mia-las tap! valley, tha Ohio Breakwater, from Astoria. Expert Carl Eisensehimmel offered "Mongolia.'? "Manchuria." m 1 valley and the north Atlantic states. Thunder- r:s." A!»o "China." "Persia" and "Nila" ? v c Dollar struck a submerged ro;k Mar. 20 Solatia 'Hamburg ...12 wantn at Cmatilla lightship in tow tnj Memphis and Arrived March 33. 2 p. m.?Stmr Speedwell, the photographic enlargements. Manila. Pennsylvania . 12 m 42 j storms have occurred at St. Lou's. 10; Alliance, for Honolulu. Japan. China. 'he coast of Asia. Now comes word i Mar. 2f> ..Balboa ? m. Ihence March atmr from Eureka for Expert Theodore Piece.. 11 am 9 Shre-eport. Tbe following heavy rains are re- Kytka offered the Next Sailing r is plight of the freighter i Mar. 2v State of Cal... San STEAMER NORWOOD?Barboand In Grays Har- ported: Montgomery. 1 74; N'-w Orleans. 1.44; iPortland. "KOREA" March M Robert Dollar, which left the Co| 9mt at S p. m. Knotv;;>, 1.11 and Dea Motnev Sailed March 33. 5 p. m.?Stmr A. It Simp- To KAIL FROM SEATTLE ' Shrevsport. i.SO: soti. for PANAMA LINE bia river March 11 for the far east.! is failing throughout tbe Missouri San Francisco. blew away foresail part of vnyaee; In STEAMER ROSE ClTY?Portlaud-San Francisco: 1 Inch. Snow SOUTH BEND? Arrived March 12. 1 p. na.? Use had far Mexico. Central America. Panama. Coa- crossing out over the bar the Rob- j Destination Steamer : Date ; off t'sseade head at 8 p. valley and a cold wave is moving rapidly ov*r . strong NE gale lis isaalia. to hsnrrleaaa; vessel Europe South m. nectfrig for and America. crt Dollar stru- It was supposed by Wyoming, Tbe iStmr Raymond, hence March 8. on her beam days; k. i Kodiak JtTwa'y P. rts... Bertha 7. Mar. 15 STEAMER BUCKMAN?SeattIe-Fan Francisco: 34 tbe Dakota*- and Nebraska. Siiled March 12. 1:20 p. m.?Strar Claremont. ends for 12 sea* drove ia fare. Next Sailing iPassenger and Freight *: the captain that the vessel had suf- j Kodiak A Way Ports... Ynkon Mar. 20 wearber is unusually warm east of the Missis bou*e. carried away railing, skjlighta Bad eoaa- March 2- "miles south of Yaquina head at 8 p. m. valley and western New :for San Pedro. panionway: biew away two foresail, "ACAPTTLCO" "fered no damage, for he proceeded to j BaMaria & Way Parts.(AA. Sampwrr. Mar. 27 slppi. In the Ohio Sailed 13?Stmrs Doris and Rainier, for Jibs, main- EXPRESS, yesterday, yes- STEAMER MARlPOSA?Northbound, reft Ketchi- temperatures are degree* or mote above March sail and flooded cabin: damaged cargo w_>hed \EV9 PASSENGER AND sea. At noon when the ; York 30 San Pedro: stmr Quinault. for San Francisco. and DIRECT FOR was about out the PIER DIRECTORY kan at midnight, March i2. the normal. I overboard 3 empty drums. FREIGHT SERVICE 76 miles from . WILLAPA HARBOR?Barbound March 32? which YORK. Pacific there have been no Nor stmr Jason, was on Are at this pari PANAMA AND NEW - ?'olrimbia river, and j HAST SAN PEDRO. March IS. On tbe coast IK-Tis, San the stern frame changes of importance. jStmr for Pedro. yesterday, March 12, was surveyed this morning, Next Sailing: rudder post opened about two feet be- \ STEAMER GENERAL HTBBARD? 8 p. m.. 8 EASTERN PORTS 29 3 17 Union 1 FORECAST March 13; reported damage slight; expects to "PENNSYLVANIA" March 'ow the rudder coupling. The lower , W-afeiaftaafPler mile- wect &f Pd_l Vincent. NEW YORK?Arrived March 13?Stmr Ore- at 5 19 Union 2 Following is the forecast for the 30 hours end- sail about 5 p. in. today tor Giiavui«s. Full Information \u25a0t of the stern frame, the rudder: JackeonTter va., igonian. from Puerto Mexico. March 7 Pacific,Pier 21 rilbert STEAMER HAKALEI?9 p. off Point Vin- ing at midnight Friday, March 14. 1913: Sailed March 12?Stmr Alllanca. for Colon. PORTLAND. 13.?8r stmr Robert Hol- st and rudder fell off, leaving the: t cent. Tor San Francisco and vicinity?Fair Friday: lar, from Columbia river for Yokohama. ship in a helpless J< Broadway 1 Pier 23 Greenwich XORFOLK March 32?Br stmr Pacific MailSteamship Co. pretty condition. , 11 Greenwich 2 STEAMER CENTRAEIA?7:4O m., moderate north winds. Cotoaihia river bar while leaving port on March ?rding Bn*dwar 2 Pier 2S p. 3 miles , Chipana. for Coronel. 354 Flood Building. to the wireless message re- valley?Fair Friday; moderate II: March 12. 12 ia 4G:3y j 12 Vaiiejo Pier 27 Lombard north of Point Vincent. For Santa Clara Arrived March 32?Br stmr Harpalyce, from at m.. was latitude ed from the vessel, the tug Goliah 15 Pier II Poweli north winds. north, longitude li".:7A west, 76 miles from Co- Phone ZC<2->. ?'- Green |STEAMER GOVERNOR?B p. m, 33 miles sooth iLiverpool. stern was in sight and hastening to the as- | For Sacramento valley?Fair Friday; light DELAWARE BREAKWATER?Passed March lombia river; frame and rudder post h.e crippled steamer, "which j SOCTH OF MARKET BTBJEET i of Point ("oncepcion. frost ln tbe morning; light north wind. broken 2 feet belcw rudder coupling: lower part STEAMER. Friday; light ! 12?Stmr Oregoniac. from Philadelphia for Xew of stern frame, post v>e towed to Seattle for repairs, j HARVARD?7:3O p. m.. 33 miles For San Joaquin valley?Fair jYork. rudder and rudder entirely will be easy job for Goliah, Pier 2 Misakm 1 Pier 24 Spear iiorth mt Po:ct Lonia. troat in tbe morning: light north mind. gone; vessel can use own engine; tug C.ollab is in s an the i pier 4 Mission 2 Pier 28 Main ISLAND PORTS 'as Robert Dollar, although STEAMER YALE?C:4O p. Vet California sooth of the Tehachapi?Fair Hyades. Right to render assistance; vessel will be towed the unable j 6 Howard 1 Pier 34 Beal« j m.. off Huenem*. HONOLPLU?Arrived March 12?Stmr to TOYO KISEN KAISHA Friday; temperature: light north wind. Seattle for repairs. will to use its Pier moderate Seattle; David Evans, from Vancouver, steer, be able own Howard 2 PW 36 Fremont STEAMER ROANOKE?B p. m. 30 miles soutb- A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. [from schr SEATTLE. March I*"*.?l*. 8. submarine T4 ran ! ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPAXY engines. Pier First | (asi of Piedras E'.aness. 18. C. for Osaka (pot in for water*. S, S. Shinvo Maru (sew;, via Manila direct.. Pier 1» Beward | 38 and Pat- ashore at West point: reported hard and fast: Jason Damage Slight Ptet 12 Folwom 1 Pier 40 } March 33. Sailed March 32? V. S. stmrs Cnalga with tide seems in bad way. Saturday. March 1911 ET'REKA. DAILY RIVER BULLETIN ebb April ... Jebsen, operates the freight- Vi»r 14 rolsorn 2 net 42 P. M. S. S. Co. ; STEAMER CITY OF miles of terson, for Port Townsend. S. S. Chlyo Maru Saturday, 19. IBU F. who \ PTJEBLA?IO north FOREIGN PORTS 8. Nippon Mam (Intermediate aervlcs aaiooa er between here and Mexican Pier 16 Harrison Pier 44 j Mendociur. j 13.?Observations S. Jason Pier 20 Stenarf Pier 54 Tonrth SACRAMENTO, March taken NEW PLYMOUTH (». Z.t? Arrived March 13 accommodations at redoeed rates) ;.. ports, is famous in the shipping world I STEAMER CITY OF TOPEKA?Passed out at at 7 a. m. today. ?Schr H. D. Bendix«en. from Ijwlow. Saturday, May 10. 1913 for his good luck It looked as if his Sub. Moon and Tide -:tf P- n;. TALTAL?SaiIed March 13? Br atmr Cordelia, jjli___S_l__^P S. S. Tenyo Maru. via Manila direct k had changed Wednesday, when and survey?Time STEAMER p. for San Francisco. Saturday, May 17, 1913 ready United States coast geodetic VANGUARD?Fassed in at 8 m. company's pier. the Jason, loaded and for sea. heights at Fort Point. For city 7_-f A rf ANTWERP?SaiIed March 33?Dan stmr Kina. Steamers sail from No. 84. D and of tides LANSING?_«.". B? ?« H _ STEAMER miles of San : y street, 1 p. m. for Yoke- was found to be on fire in the lower front i Mission atreet wharfi. add 23 minutes. nofth I -< for San Francisco March 32?Br stmr Crown of near foot of Brannan at lucky, Francisco. ~ v. 2 ~-o Gaifcia. for San Francisco. bama and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu. Kobo hold. If he hadn't been how- FRIDAY. MABi'H :4 STATIONS " Sac and Shanghai, snd ever, might 6:23 'STEAMER CAMINO?C p. m., 20 miles south of ? 3 j T* PCNTA ARENAS?Passed March 30?Ger stmr (Hiogo i aud Nagasaki cob the fire have broken out S'rn rises Hamburg. necting at Hongkong with steamers for at sea. If he hadn't been lucky it Sun sets 0:37 j Cape Bianco. Sakkaralt. hence Dec. 30 for Manila. ST. VlNCENT?Arrived March 33?Br stmr India, etc No cargo received on board oa day .aye been necessary, anyway. Moon set' , 12a*.* n. m. STEAMER OLEUM?224 miles north of San F.-bb- sailing. trip tickets reduced rates. quarter 3f>. at p. : nil M BeUgrano. hence Dec. 27 for Swansea. 9 Via Northern of KouDd st extinguish March 12:49 m. ml tc. sink the ship to the fire. First moon - For freight and passage apply at offlee, Full moon March S'-. fct .'::47 a. m. PISAGUA?SaiIed March 13?Br stmr AshU- fourth l;as happened many ? Metropolis boildiag, This times in simi- STEAMER ASUNCION?7 p. tn.. off Blnnta reef. Sacramento Watershed j bn3a. for San Francisco. Kd jKainirio fc___i floor Western National Bank lar ases. Tiie Jason's fire, however, KenDett, 25.ft' 2.5? i?0.2 (Ans. "?? IN:-/ 623 Market street. W. H. AVERT, 7-ime Time, iTtmei ITttne' | STEAMER CHEHALIS?Off Eureka. Sacramento river..' NEWCASTLE Sailed March 13?Schr m ; Assistant General Masagar. responded to first aid treatment. It Mm j Ft Ft j Ft Ft Red Bluff. river 23.0 4.2? ?0.1 Rosamond, for San Francisco. To sail March 18 k3?HKp Ectry Mite a Picture \ - prompt attention and was n w lIw n w1 Ii. w! Saint John. Stony creek 12,ft ft.O ! ?0.0 ?Bark Hecla. for Sac Francisco. __pi quickly extinguished, in spite of the SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Jacinto. Sacramento river... 21.0 3.1* j "0.2 CALLAO?Arrived March 13?Schr Espada. SSI ;.' CYhrough trains de luxe to Minne- p." *?, fact that it originated in the most in- 34.. 2.21 f 4 10:2'J V.-.3 6:<> 3.7 9:,5 S.4 Colon, Sacramento river... 2».0 7..T» "0.2 1from Aberdeen. Prior to March 12?Per ahlp I ape lis, St. Paul, Chicago, Kansas I accessible part of the ship. *A survey ;-... 3:5? 6.4 11:3l! 0.3 7:26 3 $> 10:t| 36 Knlgbt Landing, Sac. river. ||.e I «.*? j *0.2 iG. Maa-inl. from . roa ray showed that the dam- SSI 5.3:12:381 0.0 8:21 4.2 Items of Interest to Mariners of OrovUl*. Feather river 25.ft 3.3? ?0.3 CALETA BUENA?Sailed March 32?Ger stmr Qs3^______) w w i, w ' bL a w h MarysTille. Yuba river ?"»'< ft 7.2? ?0.3 ; for San Francisco; expect to arrive March Natl - age by and Sisak. ParkSl both fire water was s' \u25a0 9.4 1 :40 ?0 2 :? 60 4 A r'p-Yellowstone§§9 Season to Sept. put 1r_« the Pacific NicoUns. Feather river 25.0 4.9* "OJ SO. June 15 JS lfl IJm was to have to 6.5 2:34?0.3 9:37 ? IS.. 3.2 7:2fc 4.9 Folsom, American river. ...j .... 4.0 ?0.3 ?Sailed March s?Jap stmr Can- MM Get ourillustratedliterature _X aau. last nig? l_.. 2:13 2.7 _.;3t. 3.7 ;;:22 lOrl 1* 5.1 (Special Dispatch to Tbe Call) I HONGKONG ' ' -rO.S Sacramento, Saeto. river 29.0 '1ft.7* »0.3 ada Marti, for Pnget aonnd. March B?Br stmr - an< about Mater Front Xotea "? B 4:"rt ?0.1 10:44 5.4 EUREKA, March {3. ?Steamer Aurelia. which Rio Yista. Sacramento river 13.0 6.0" ?0.4 jMonteagle. for Puget sound. SgLemak Particulars low ? -si- y_B_ lares. lumber yesterday by sea Time Ball put in here yesterday for boiler repair* after a San Joaquin Watershed SYDNEY?SaiIed March 10?Br atmr Marama. i * J*^'' - of Tuolumne river 20.0 1.8? ?0.4 ifor Vancouver. to 1,218,886 feet. United States Branch Hydrographi** Office. Mer- rough trip up tbe coast from San Francisco, de- Metaoea, Stanlslaua river... ft.4?j ?0.1 prior ?;'?;;**: *>1;. B|f'^JKfl^^^_^J_rV////^V^ Steamship com- chants' Exchange, Francisco, .... TALCAHUANO?Arrived March?Br stmr Pacific Coast Saa March jparted this afternoon for Portland. Lathrop. San Joaquin river. 17.0 ' l.o» j «0.2 ! Ccraca, from New York. pary-r State "f Palifornia sailed yes- 33. 3P13. Jenny Ca!ave"ras river :o.o o.i? ? 4>.J OCEAN STEAMERS Tbe tim«> of the Steamer City of Topeka departed this after- Liad. tarday for southern California with ball on the roof Fairmont hotel Electra. Mokelamne rtrer... 12.0 | 0.7?j ?0.1 NEW YORK?Arrived March 13?Stmr Barba- id a full cargo. was dropped today exactly at aoon, Pacific stand- | noon with malls and passengers for San Fran- Bcrrsona Ferry. Mokelumne..' 12.0 ; 1.6?' ?0.5 !rossa. from Bremen. Aiaska Pacific Steamship com- ard time (12C»th meridian i. or at Bb. 00m. 00s. Railed March 13?Stmr La Touralne. for Havre: Greenwich mean time. ?Indicates a rise. a fall. Bremen; _J FarragJt. Captain J. Vanguard, ?Indicates stmr Kiic-t, for stmr Helllg Olav, for B O. BARTHALOW. Steamer which was expected this N. R. TAYLOR. Local Forecaster. Copenhagen. fTith. will leave Howard street T.>'it»rant. V. S. N.. in Obara-e. art at U o'clock p. m. today for Se- afternoon from Pan Francisco, did not arrive. A Arrived March 13?Stmr President Lincoln, attle. wireicsa received from the steamer at f> o'clock from Hamburg. Mail liner Korea, Cap- Shipping Intelligence TRlESTE?Arrived March 10?Stmr Argentina, For Folders, Tickets, etc., apply Pacific HY OROGRAPHIC OFFICE stated that It was ofT the blunts reef lightship from New York. will sail tomorrow for at mean water, entrance ' cargo a and might cross into port late tonight. NAPLES?Arrived March 10?Stmr Stampalia. Pacific Navigation Co. 680 Market St.. S. F. far east with a full and \u25a0 ! :. i SAX PEDRO, March 1,1.-?Pacific ARRIVED ! from Philadelphia and New York. \u25a0?yd of passengers. Navigation MESSINA?SaiIed March 12?Stmr Ultonla, army Logan, due to- 8 \u25a08 company** steamer Harvard Wednesday. March 12. transport crly. arrived from San 11:10 p. m.. atmr Columbia. Ah! in. 54 hoars ! from Naples for Xew York. j:-. - >m Manila, is not expected to wirh a good passenger and freight list <;ENoA?Sailed March 13?Stmr Cretie, for fSvij^'Y "iij ?&\u25a0'\u25a0'' I and proceeded this afternoon for San Diego. from Grays Harbor; bound south, put in to land too late to pass quaran- ..! south. passengers. ;Boston. Tha steamer Vale of the same company cleared 11?Stmr Niagara, for 0"?" r. 110 Best water over bar, today for San Francisco 11:10 p. m.. schr Defender. Eriekson, 22 days HAVRE?Sailed March with inner bar P. S. witti passengers and bags Xew York. SYDNEY*" t banae of Master* freight. from Hana; 10,874 sugar to Hind. Rolph §1 T. K. STA £§ 1 can buoy bearing NE. A PALERMO?SaiIed Marcta 31?Stmr Verona, TELER. General Atent , NeponseC No. ". G- A. -j Feb. 4 Channel stralrht. Aidi Astoria and San Francisco with passengers and hours from Eureka: feet lumber to tHamlHirg direct. 2d cabin only. ski? Pact Caledonia te> under char- ' in good order. 1,400 tons of miscellaneous cargo. The Bear will Charles Nelson company. tae Cnlted Klng- clear Friday, northbound. 9 a. m., stmr Santa Rita. Yon Heggendofter. 2 AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN _l ra?. out. days from Port San Luis; oil to Union Oil com- WSaa+mW >l. canceling datt Juoe British steamer Haael Dollar arrived this morn- First Cimaa Seeoad Claaa MEDITERRANEAN ing from Shanghai. China, via Mororan, Japan, pany. STEAMSHIP COMPANY I carrying cargo ?;t9 a. m. star Helen P. Drew. Johnson. C 4 Algiers, ward. of hardwood lumber aad timbers -Pedro; Madeira, Gibraltar, Naples ; and Genoa and general freight for Lou Angeles boors from San ballast to L. E. WhUe ? Tehuantepec Route Whaler Tfike>a consignees. Lumber company. S 6. tons) 77.April 6, 0 a. m. j .. The Hazel Dollar win discharge several thou- HAMBURG '11.000 19, Hecnlnr Fast Freight Servlee nteaaser Belvedere, which was cleared for Channel 400 feet wide. ri. m.. <=tmr Eureka. Panlsen. 15 hocrs SeatUc-Tacoma, Etc. SS JIOLTKE 12.500 tonal.. April 8:30 a. ::ge Tuesday, ' sands tons here and eipecta to proceed for Saa ";:.ii.~...... May m. aw had 2C.- i ."." f*»et deep nearly to Francisco Sunday night. from Port Wataonville: passengers and merchan- ?6 S. HAMBURG.. SO, 9 a. m. Nb/W YORK TO PACIFIC COAST Ibs sugar. ralmad at '1.413. consigned to . turning basin. Monterey Bay Steamship company. ?as/MOLTKE..*_2__s____E__S June S. 8:30 a. at. AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Chatham, dise to c William PORTS ;a. and small lots of supplies | Steamer recently built for City. July 1, 3 p. every days, San ,1 H the Loop Lumber company, arrived on her 1 a. tn.. stmr National Boatrom, 18 hours S. S. Co. *S.S HAM8TTRG.'.'...... -.... m. sailing from New York six :: S stations. liere from .Me_d<«Mno: 300,000 feet to Union Alaska-Pacific ;: \u25a0 maiden trip from Everett with 27.000 poles and lumber making direct connections with pilings, consigned to the Western Electric Lumber company. Sailings 3 p. m.. Howard St. AVharf TO THE steamers sailing; from Saiinas Cruz, yigtWi*! nel. com- Lilleland, C P C LAND OF every The> Carjco pany. 3:20 a- m.. stmr Porno. 14 hours from Farragut, Mch.l4 I O tJ THE Mex.. six days for San Francisco. laser Ventura sailed for Sydney and tiannel sti Knappton All.ion. via Point Arena; 263,000 feet lumber to S.S.Admiral COflf MIDNIGHT SDN. , - ? Steamer Bee arrived from carrying .*V* and Iceland, PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW way ;>\u25a0 rt* vi_ Honolulu Tuesday with cargo ami- 1 good width. 700.000 feet of lumber for the Consolidated Lum- Swayne A Hoyt. Mch.lB Scotland, "'Orkney *"* ? Faroe' Island*. to Mexican and all prin- S.S.Buckman ~*yt\u25a0>;.-i Spitsbergen,-- North Cape. Norway. ir ;A iYORK. Also CLEARED r ; ; be distributed as follows: ber company at Wilmington. July ? cipal European ports under through A rstralrs looolala. 5K4.911; Sa- ~ Wednesday. March 12. S.S.Watson Mch.22 ~.. From Hamburg during June. !and August j lading. Sail- Branch Hydroajraphle OHlc* ASTORIA. March 13.?The steamer Daisy Gada Tampieo. Scoby, Seattle; F'aci_c Coast -S. 8. VICTORIA LUISE, E. S. BISMARCK !rates and through hills of A, 11.425: 1. S. by morning San Stmr >- v"\u25a0:;\u25a0? Francisco every 12 days. SO. ihe hydrograpbl sailed this for Pedro with a Steamship company. a.? S. S. METEOR. ::: .. ings from San islands. The foi- A branch r>f T nlted States cargo of 1.100.000 feet of luml-»r. '77. and further particulars ap- Ipal ahipoM office located in the Merchants' Exchange. Is Thursday, March 13. ALASKA EXCURSION RATES BOOK. vHOT.V:7' For rates primes, 53.000 lbs San FraDciaeo for tbe benefit o BteameT Row City sailed today for San Fran- Bark Star of Holland, Ounderson, Port Angeles; OFFICES: ply to DEARBORN A LAPHAM, Gen- - as- maintained in cisco and San Pedro with cargo and passengers. TICKET Bridge street. ? s. k?s paints. 10*-* aud sailing directions of the world are kept a 10:15 p. m.. Olsen. Eureka. Market 8t Phone Sutter 310 310 Sansome St.. San Francisco. f> ABERDEEN. p. m., mails*, Iverson, 680 ? 48 pkgs Ink. 63 pkgs elet-trieal hand for comparison and letettaee, and the latest Matt* 13.?Steamer Fair Oaks 10:15 stmr Eureka. Howard St. Wharf Phone Kearny 30*0 -. ea. 1 autom<*ile and 24 ?ion can always be obtained regarding arrived. 11:45 p. m., stmr Charles Nelson. Olsen. Se- kgs agricultural implements. 7,2 lights, dangers to navigation aad matters of la Steamers Bhoah«ne. Norwood and Stanley attle. R. J. RING WOOD, - : a<-hoo_er Dollar HoQßiam, Manager, teres: to ocean commerce. and R. C. siade were delayed yesterday li:."."> fi __-, atmr Relnertsen. Astoria Traffic FRENCH LINE| AUSTRALIA '-»sh meat. 11.257 la getting over the bar. but got away today. and Portland. Howard St. Wharf. Phone Kearny 5040. CIE. GLE- TRANEATLANTIQDE \u25a0\u25a0 1 ? 7 lb« lard. 18.4 MIds The schooeer R. C. Slade. which is bound for Thursday. March 13. DIRECT \u25a0 LINE TO HAVREPARISH il6 cs eggs. pkp* Santa Rosalia, carries 650.000 fee; of 3:46 w. ww., «fmr Henry T. Scott, PiHjlseu. Port i . Hailing* Every Tbnr*d»v and Saturday. AND NEW ZEALAND LM lumber. ' \u25a0.. r B*f atoes. 313 cs canned goads, March 13 ?Bringing aa -nusoallt Ludlow* Welling!** _gt PORTLAND. SEATTLE. March 13.?Arrived? Japanese Columbia, ;» in-w vorkTto Sydney via Tahiti aad :n. 41G pkgs fru: large cargo ot Aii.erk-ar-Hawslisn freight this 2 M p. m , f-tnir Ablin. San Pedro. rttuM HAVRETrfR n>., steamer Inaba Maru. from Yokohama; ateamer Every Thursday jS. S- MOANA (10.000 "-\u25a0::>> sails 11 a. Aprila ?.,... gals Arrow line steamer Captain Mayfalr. WUlapa. * % at 10 a. m. --V.-'7H| -- ' MS etls barley. 1.550 wi:i*. trip, the Camian. Bertha, from southwestern Alaska; steamer Tlv- mm Paulsen. ? :.'.r..:Apr. g. 8. AOKANGI sails 11 a. m..Ap*. 3© and 2 c* tot>a< Ahlin. is due to arrive fr«:;i Saa Francii-co Jo- 1:53 p m.. stmr Marsbfieid. Ham Fort Iji Provence-.Mar. 20 1: fFrance 17 Wk ? _a ertoa. from San Francisco. mar. «;* .Mar. 27. La Provence..Apr. 24 !S. S- TAHITI(l-.WO torn) *a!!s 11 a. m.. May pKg> sad.. leather. 46 pkgs machinery, morrow. She has aboard 1.536 tons of freight Sailed ?Steamer Spokane, for Skagway; Nor- .BIBCIE. France I : Kg OF Z., . - Tooraloe.Apr. 8 .May IMON S. S. CO. if. Ltd. York, tons la 1:10 stmr , La Touraine. 1,Wk -. 03 pkgs drags. 11 automobiles aud I from New if which TOO steel and wegian steamer Solveig. for Australia, p- ro-. Hilonian. Petersoß. Honolulu *La HIND, A CO., General Agsats. freight Europe Del Mar I_a Apr. 19 7 *La Lorraine. .May ROLPH carts. general from in bond. and Tacoma. Vista Lorraine.. £8;H N 200 tons \u25a0a via Seattle ? Tel. Doug. 3100. Ticket Offlrr-e, 679 Marhst si. Sanu meat. 1.320 On her outward voyage tbe Camlno will take 12:50 p. ni., stmr Ran .Tose. Jones. Ancoo, etc. 7 FROM "BW TORK TO HAVRE M . . its hams arid bacon, 1 ««00 lbs a cargo of salmon, prunes sod miscellaneous Jewelry store Robbed ? Burglars 12 25 p. «n.. stmr F. A. Kilburn. McLellaa. En- Every Saturday at 3p. at. .. EI jewejry («\u25a0 .r.ned goods. 2.102 lb# cotter. 450 f-'lgbt for New York and 3.000 tans of grain broke into the store of Frank reka. Niagara -'rtV.Mar. 22 Niagara .....Apr. 26 IS ' UflUfll 111 II \u25a0 v. lIOXOLVLAS sail. 1)\ 6 bbls flour. «t> Fontana. 2S2*s_ Columbus avenue, early 2:5 stmr State of California. Alexan- .Apr. 5 May 3Eg >I» \u25a0'-\u25a0'* ?*?' s *. I URSINE) fruits. Berkeley's Bungalow Park Ilwbambeau. Bocbamheau. nURIILULU I- 48 cs and 12 half With passengers and freight the steamer Kan- K-rday morning and stole $500 Worth der. g«i Dttga. Chicago Apr. 12 Chicago May 10 sails April S. S. WH .! .U. S. stmr McCul'o-h. cruise. !HELMINA sail* April 9. New steamers, 13.00<> gals win-. ; of watches, lockets and chains. 1! a. m.. Hcttel. - .Apr. 38 Niagara ;.;... May .4 - ;;L". :Caroline IW 9 eOs, 4 pkg? ataektescy, and Ss;.' Fran - \u25a0 ring. ? p. \u25a0 atmr "Nat Bragg. E'latm. Grays ' i ljeave per No. 3s. 'Soaau -Unagers, 79 fi lumber. 440 sks cement. 11 os Mmath left toda: Barbae THE REALTY SYNDICATE FUGA-rll BROS.V Pacific Caast «30 jtrip. $110 sod uy. Direct service to tha Vol- Jesrelry ni., George IxwMais, Phillips, Montgomery... Street, Stolen ?-several valuable .\u25a0-"?\u25a0.*? Saa Wet . f icm *. J autom.. 2 a. atmr. Saa 'Francisco. ../ cano. pieces jewelry were Broadway. Oakland. .; * ?, St «\u25a0 caaattd \u25a0 of stolen from tbe Pedro. 1444 CABIM OFFICE. 673 MARKET BTBEET. J MVTSOY NAVIGATION COMPANY go.«!» ! home of -Mrs. If. Malhiot, 1071 McAllis- 10:3.*. s. m.. Mci schr Salvador. Viorteason. - _'.i.a?loo 20 ter street, yeaterday by thieves. A.cidvea. ' _?*_ Market Street, Saa To Bt»th roll* and cs roofi-g. I . .? .' -v .- V "\u25a0- -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -...._ - . - ? -