THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. FRIDAY. MARCH 14, 1913. 13 9:10 a. na., stmt Arias. Smith. Seattle. »:_0 a. m.. barge 93. Kirkwood. Seattle, in tow strar Atlaa. 7 r.. ai., stmr Whittier. Z>lljng. Port San Luis. THE CITY BEAUTIFUL 5 a. m., stmr Tamnico. Scatty, Seattle. OFWORLD ! 7:4". Cottle, forgery was very crude," said Eiser.- SIERRA BRINGING MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS IN ALLPARTS a. m.. wbaiing stmr Belvedere. ! : whaling snd tradins via Seattle. --;schimm*]. 7:45 s. m.. schr Citr of Paf<eete, Peterson, cod- "This new mi< roseope shows |fishing. ORGANIZED German CONVENTION the paper rot been I 4+5 n. m., stmr Del Norte. Sanford. Cnaeeai that could have | City. : altered," said Kytka. The jurors ex- MANYPASSENGERS *Bfl p. in., stmr Eureka. Ponlsen. Monterey, j pressed deep interest in both. I'eputy District] Attorney Manley 5:40 p. m.. stmr Helen P. Drew. Jobamisen. j !1Bsaaai I-anding. Election of Officers Held and r'r-rk arfgued for tb« prosecution. Th«* Oceanic Steamship Com- 7:15 ji. m.. stmr Albion. Jaeobsers. Stewarts I feefaxuM submitted it without argument. ;P'.'-it. for Year if will g.> to the jury tomorrow. ;. BJ-, stmr F. S. Lop. Mattson. Paget Committees 1913 pany's Crack Liner Due 'sound. SPOKFN Are Announced PACIFIC O(E*iV TRAVEL Today From Honolulu Per Rr stmr Jnveran? Feb. 12. latitude 4 r»:'_-J ?'ourli. Ivogitude M:*M west. Or ship Oliva, fromi Weather Report IAntwerp for Tacopllla; ail we?:. Movements of Steamers I WIRELESS REPORTS TELEGRAPHIC The city beautiful convention has re- j POINT LOBOS, March 13, 10 p. m.?Weather j Prominent Local United States Department of Agriculture - rhazy: wind NW: velc-itv 22 milea an hoar. organised for 1913 and the election ot Persons TO ARKlVi: FROM SHIPS AT SEA Weattier Bureau. Saa Fraac_-Ba. March 13. ,1913. WEATHER REPORTS the following officers and appointment j BtCMMC Date POINT LOBOS. Match '."-. ? a. in-?Hazy; wind of is by Seej on Board and ' T«-r, committees announced Tourists MARCOM RAINFALL DATA 1 NW: v ;ty fl miies an hour. tary Joseph B. Duggan: San Diego &. I.o- Ang.. _>?\u25a0-?» Mar. WIRELESS TATOO6B. March 33. 0 a. m.?Clondy: wind |< ! *_14 OfSesra?Oaries Francis Ad_-r<«. prp«id°nt:; From All _>orts | Sai. Crur A San Diego.. Arrr.onan Mar. reporta are received directly !SE: veltxity 30 miles an hour. Yale ar POINT REYES. m.?-Clear: Emma W. Lii;ie. firs' rm president: Mis. Mnr- ! Los Angeles dr'-ecr 7* \, from the Pacific coaat atattoaa of the j March 13. 9 a. garet Hill, president: Angel Bassi. Manila A Honolulu U-jrsn ?«»'"\u25a0 j Iwtad NW: velocity 3* a_flea hour. second vice M«r- 14J* iTßeaeMarconi Wlreies* company: STATIONS an third m)ee presides*: Joseph Dcggaa. w\ Sierra i 33. 9 ?Clear; wind R. 7 5 i I-AKALLoXES.'March a. m. tary; Colonel Frartk*W. trvasurer; Dr. | Thai _JU. \u25a0* So?id City of Puebia. ;Mar. 14 H"iflnarnlajr. March 32. 7' N: velocity 28 __Qea an Maratoo, >team«hip company s Ports Mar.' 14 \u25a0 " k _ wmtr. S Magcire. rcarsh.l. Diego Acg... *" POINT m.?Dear; wind C. i San & Los Governor S. PORTER -From San j LOBOS. March IS, 32 E "h. Captain 11. C. rtf Mar. 14 >STEAMER W. Port Luis \u25a0'?. : to NW; Telocity roi;«'< Advisory board?Mrs. James Rolph Raphael j \u25a0 Houdletre. Humboldt |Ci_jr Toi-eka. fcr Ereret;: p. St ! miles north j K» an bour. Weill, W-jlth; ii. .Tr.. Bertb and Meals Included in Far. ?isy ! r s m.. l I'OINT InBOS. 33. p. m.-Huy; wind Mr*. Love.l m. Robt.ins. rtiam- from Honolulu, and is ex- Grays Harbor ; 'irWMi »J» J* rranr \*cr.: atiafla n<>rfbw?«r hreeze; moderate Eureka *??< ?*?? tt.49 March I ber p _1 ? -\u25a0 Mar. la °-'~ »._?' velocity r.f Comroerc.-: WiUlam Kettlewe!:. Pacific I leave* niOM PICKS AMD £.ch > *rslia ; aea: barometer 30.10; temperatare 44. , Red Bluff ?'?'<\u25a0 **.8I 11.91 SW; 1* tulle? an hour. Coast M] port early this morn- Hanalei .M*r. lo Sacramento '-??<*> 5.M 19.te - 6.12 DOMESTIC PORTS society: Miss Ros*- San Frajaeisco Labor council; Olive \ Loa Angeles. San Dirti «sa«ta Marbara Lea A&geiea ..?Kea- _M". » STEAMER J. A CHAKSLOR?From Monterey for Tamalpais. 0.89 18.78 18.18 13.5.', 'JREEXWOOD?Arrived March 33 ? Stmr : Mrs. "» left Honolulu at noon ' 1 Portland; 1(K north of Mount | Native Daughters: Jung. Nat:ve 9tm*', and has heen in- Fort Bate? Brunswick 8 p. m.. San San Pran.-isc... 0.08 ft.25 , 17.99 ; 9.98 Whitestioro. hence March 32. lock. Fred :President or fJovernor.. Kvery Monday, 2 p. ra. wireless \ H*":. Je<>.r> Lriiemlia;. league: P. San At.g.. Ha-vard M»r. Praaetcea; stronjf northwest wind; heavy sea. "02 p. I Mr*. A. nation both with _-an Fran- Diego A Los j» San Jos» 9-«* ??«? l»-W RAYMOND?SaiIed March 33. S m.?Stmr B-aek, club; ?State of ,K«.ery Thursday. 11 a. m. and Ent?prlse Mar. u BRITISH STEAMER PERSIA?Hence March Si ""?» ???** \u25a0??» *?«* Quiuenit. for San Francisco; 1 p. m , atmr Rai- I California Bofeart A. B California.. Honolulu ever since. : Hilo j Fresno % . League of Improvement Calllaan, j - 15 - Clubs: M*r. uier. ! ?Only steamer rslllaaj *: Barbara. The large | Talara Bay H \u25a0 Brea for (Tiina: 8 p. in.. 3,447 miles from Pan Fran- Independence 0.00 8.11 , 7.05 1.40 i for Ssn Fedre Rsstace Saata cargo is bringing a .. >»«'? 'SCO. o.("J 1.7o 13, m.?Stmr Mlaslen Promotion association: Florence Mu.-tr.. »na a mil complement Seattle & Tacoma. Buekman J* I < San Luis Obispo, 8.82 15.78 ABERDEEN?Arrived Man h 9 a. ? Co_ndl (Direct). Towasrai, of passengers. : is jCouncil of Women: Miss Ada OnlmHsllll. Seattle Tseoma, Among jPuget Sound Isthmian Mar. Angeles »»8» 12.12 12.18 9.07 Fair Oake. hence March 9. I the passengers are many who City M»r. STEAMER 6IES3A? From HonoliUu for San tm 6.8**, p. of Jewish Women: Lilllau Harris Osftn, New Vancouver, Vlaaka Portland A Am He .... Rose j. San I>iego ft.00 , 3.39 7.9? j Sailed March 33, 3 m.?Stmrs Sbowhone and Victoria. *went to the island port witness : Mar. 35lf> Francis- or I m., r.li mrres from San Fran- Dollar, IKra leagce; Mrs. Jame= E3l_i Tucker. San Fran- to i Portland A Astoria Geo. W. BMC... wind; cloody; Stanley for San Pedro. | Uvry Saturday. 2 p. m. annual floral festival which, this [Phoenix i<. cisco: moderate rorth-northessr BEACH?Arrived March 13, 6 a. m. cisco center: Mrs. L. P. S-sr>!e*. Hvpachra club; President or Governor. jHumboldt _~". barometer -tccr): temperature 56: all well. PACIFIC COAST STATIONS RKDOXDO Mr*. J. Jessup. Tuesday, p.m. isuaP.y elaborate i Lo, Angele* Northland Mar. lb Stmr Yosemite, heme March 11. I Corona club: Mr*. QemrtJW T. iCity of Puebia or I'Hsstiila. Every 2 s Marsh. Outdoor M_rtiu. "aie 'hp Sierra's passengers F. A. Kiib.rn. Mar. lb STEAMER VEKTTJRA?Fr.»m San Franct«c« for In fMW following tables tbe maximum and mini- Sailed March 13. 5 p. tw.? -Stmr Yoaemite. for Art league: Mrs. Norma Sydney; _\u25a0"(.) rainfall g Wom«n'« Press assorlsTk.tir Miss S Humboldt Bay* are some well known local people. .Yansruard Mar. lo Sp. m rail-s from San Francisco; mum temperatures aud are ven: Saa Pedro: atmr Thomas |_ Wand, for San rran- M. Louise Eureka < . Mar. *h ell well. clsco. lan. Daughters of California Pioneer*: Eustaie Topeka. .Manh IS, St, 24. 29. Apl. 12 nooa. linent of Honolulu, Shanghai LBaOaJo 2. residents and Mar. 16 . Peixotto. Columbia Park boys; Prof. W. H. de Seattle STEAMER San PORT SAX Ll'lS?Arrived 13. 11 a. m. tourists from all parts of the world. direct 1* WILHELMIIfA?From Francisco j March Association The passengers Mendocino &. She!. rove Sea Foam M»r. for Honolulu: S p. m., 60 miles from San Fren- Iff *7: i Stmr Santa Clara, hence March 32. Bell. ©f Teachers' Councils; Mr. John Nome?St. Michael include: Barbara.. Mar. 1 risco; lfl Clara, A. McLaren, superintendent of parks and land- I os Angeles , Santa fresh northwest wind; heaTy sea; clear; | I | | Sailed March 33. 4 p. m.?Stmr Santa engineer exposition: Steamer will leavo about June 1. i scape of i - at?M, F. M. Averr, Mt*, China & Japan .Siberia Mar- 1.< all well. I J j for San Pedro. the Panama-Pacific --J. 11. Ashdowp. Mrs. X.. ? Mar. g 9 tt STATIONS C Mr. W. H. Metaon, park commissioner; Alfred Bnchl'v .1. | Norfolk i Punta Arenas Georgian 1^ STEAMER "STATIONS U r I L j FORT BRAGG? Arrived March 13?Stmr Alaska Cruises, 1913. leare Seattle Y. Bis-. Mr?. Bias. Mr*. M E ; Diego of Oal... Mar. ENTERPRISE?Fr->tn Hilo for San I Brunswick, Roneovieri. superintendent of schools; M. M. £\u25a0 ?y, San A Los Aug..(State 1,1^ Francisco: R p. 422 i I hence March 12. 30 A::;. 10 Beery. fc H Br'ttsn, Dr. A « Way Pts. Santa Clara M«r. m.. mile* from San rran- * March 13?Bkta Charles O'Shaugbnessy. board of public works. Spokane. June 18: July 2. 16. A p.ta. :- ABtteirM clsco; cloodv; centle northerly / Ti"»WXSEND?SaiIed Brandon. Mrs. Brandon. J. Beaird. Mrs! :San Diego & Los Ang. .A'ale *;»r bree*e: moder- '3 2 F. Crocker, for Adelaide. CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES Right reserved to change this schedule.
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