[ 24 AUG. 1962 ] to Questions 3H2 Tithe PRIME MINISTER ANI
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3111 Written Answers [ 24 AUG. 1962 ] to Questions 3H2 THE MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI MANUBHAI SHAH): Yes, Sir. There is 2 general shortage of copper due to the difficult foreign exchange situation. More quota can be given only when the foreign exchange position improves. 684. [Transferred to the 30th August, 1962.] STEEL QUOTAS FOR SMALL-SCALE AND STEEL PROCESSING INDUSTRIES 685. SHRI V. M. CHORDIA: Will the tITHE PRIME MINISTER ANI MINISTER Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI pleased to state: JAWAHARLAL NEHRU) : (a) Sc far 26 (a) the quota of indigenous steel motorable, jeepable and bridle roads have (category-wise) allotted to small- been under construction under the General scale industries and steel processing Aid Programme of India for the development industries during 1960-61 and 1961-62 of Sikkim. Out of this, construction on eight in various States; roads has been completed. The rest of them are in various stages of construction. The total (b) what was the actual supply of expenditure incurred so far on the the steel material against the quota construction of these roads (up to financial allotted for the above two years; and year 1961-62) is Rs. 1,61,90,316. (c) what steps Government propose to take to improve the supply posi (b) Under the Second Five Year Plan of tion? Sikkim, which will last till 1966 (and which coincides with the Third Five Year Plan of THE MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL India) 25 more roads would be constructed. A TRADE IN THE MINISTRY OF total outlay of approximately rupees three COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI crores for road works has been provided in MANUBHAI SHAH): (a) to (c) A statement is Sikkim's Second Plan. This amount includes attached. expenditure on construction of bridges, purchase of machinery and establishment and training charges.] INCREASE IN COPPER QUOTAS 683. SHRI V. M. CHORDIA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state whether the Government of Madhya Pradesh have requested Government to increase its quota of copper and if so, what action Government have taken or propose to take in the matter? f[ ] English translation. 3113 Written Answers [ RAJYA SABHA ] to Questions 3114 Steel for processing Industries has to come out of the States 'pooled' quota for which bulk allotment is made. (b) Information is not available. (c) The following steps have been taken to improve the supply position— f [PAKISTANI FIRING ON INDIAN FISHING (i) A quantity equal to one-third of the BOAT IN PADMA RIVER allotment under the SSI quota in each half year is planned and 686. SHRI B. N. BHARGAVA: Will the despatched on first priority basis PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state whether it and the rest are planned on second is a fact that on the 28th July, 1962, the priority basis; Pakistan Border Police opened fire on an (ii) To supplement indigenous supply, Indian fishing boat plying in Padma River in import of 48,400 tons of steel was the area under the jurisdiction of Ragu- arranged through the State Trading nathganj Police Station of Murshida-bad Corporation during 1961-62 for dis- District; if so, what are the details of the tribution by the Development incident and what steps have been taken by Commissioner Small Scale Government in this connection?] Industries, to small scale units exclusively. Further import of 20,000 tons is being arranged; (iii) Separate foreign exchange is allotted every half-year, according to availability, for issue of import licences to small scale units for steel items; and (iv) Efforts are also made to release steel from barter and commercial imports to small scale industries against Essentiality Certificates to the ex- tent import licences could not be issued on account of shortage of foreign exchange. t[THE PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI JAWAHARLAL NEHRU): Yes, Sir. On 28th July, 1962, when some Indian fishermen were fishing in a boat in the river Padma near Khandua, P. S. Raghunathganj, District tf ] English translation. .