Global Diaspora Strategies Toolkit
Diaspora Toolkit Folder_Diaspora Toolkit Folder 14/04/2011 18:01 Page 2 Additional Tools Global Diaspora Strategies Toolkit G l o Kingsley Aikins Sponsored by Diaspora Diaspora ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— b matters Nicola White matters a l D the global Irish i making a difference a together s p o r a S t Global Diaspora r a t e g Strategies Toolkit i e s T o o Harnessing l k the power i t of global Valuable support was received from N K diasporas i i n c g ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— o l s a l e W Mike and Lou Ann Corboy, Dallas Ken Gorman, New York y h A i i t k Joseph Corcoran, Boston Michael and Pepper Jackson, San Francisco e i n Kevin M. Curley, Dallas Deirdre and Thomas Lynch, Dublin s Patty Disney, Los Angeles Charles P. Reagan, Connecticut Stan Gold, Los Angeles John and Helen Sharkey, New York ‘Around the world, even as we pursue a Luanne Tierney, Dallas new era of engagement with other nations, D m we’re embracing a broader engagement – a i a t new partnerships between societies and t s e p citizens, community organizations, r o s business, faith based groups.’ Diaspora Diaspora Matters, Gateway House, E r a matters 133 Capel Street, Dublin 1, Ireland W President Barack Obama Project1 29/04/2011 12:43 Page 1 Diaspora matters ‘Around the world, even as we pursue a new era of engagement with other nations, we’re embracing a broader engagement – new partnerships between societies and citizens, community organizations, business, faith based groups.’ President Barack Obama Diaspora Toolkit Dividers_Philanthropy Toolkit Dividers 29/04/2011 11:42 Page 1 Diaspora matters Global Diaspora Strategies Toolkit Diaspora Toolkit Dividers_Philanthropy Toolkit Dividers 29/04/2011 11:42 Page 2 Contents Foreword i Introduction iii Acknowledgements vii The Authors xi First published 2011 Design by Identikit Design Consultants, Dublin Printed by Impress Printing Works, Dublin Diaspora Matters Gateway House, 133 Capel Street, All rights reserved.
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