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Tikal & Flores,

Includes  Why Go? ...... 234 The glory and splendors of the ancient Maya world await Yaxhá ...... 240 you, just over the border in the lush rainforests of Eastern ...... 241 Guatemala. The region is especially important to the Maya people, being home to many temples, pyramids and ruins El Remate ...... 241 with significance to the alignment of 12/21/2012, which re- Flores & cently completed a major cycle of the and Santa Elena...... 243 began another. The most fabled (and easiest to reach) of Guatemala’s slice of La Ruta Maya is Tikal. Larger and more complete- ly restored than any of the Maya sites in , Tikal of- Best Places to Eat fers visitors the unique opportunity to spend the night at the ruins, waking up in the middle of the jungle, thanks ¨ ¨Las Orquideas (p243) to its in-park campground and lodges. Alternatively, the ¨¨Las Mesitas (p249) nearby lakeside villages of Flores and El Remate are ¨¨Terrazzo (p249) peaceful, picturesque places to recover from some inten- sive archaeological exploration. ¨¨Cool Beans (p249)

When to Go Best Places to ¨¨Jan–Mar Few bugs and little rain make for optimum jungle Sleep travel conditions. ¨¨Tikal Inn (p239) ¨¨Dec The Unificación Maya Festival takes place at Maya ¨¨Alice Guesthouse (p242) sites throughout the area. ¨¨Posada del Cerro (p242) ¨¨Hotel Santa Barbara (p247) ¨¨Hotel Isla de Flores (p248)

. - - - 17ºN 40 km Creek 20 miles Roaring The road from from road The BELIZE ) . BELMOPAN da Silva Douglas Millionario 243 (Cayo) (p San Ignacio Jug Gallon 90ºW acional Tikal acional Chan Park Chich Benque Viejo del Carmen Flores

National Chiquibul 4 Wandering the cobblestone the cobblestone Wandering streets . 0 0 Mencos Melchor de El

) Laguna Sacnab Orientation

8 Azul

Río . Tikal is a popular day trip from Flores orTikal is a popular day Mopán Río 241 Ixcún Dolores overnight stay an attractive option. an attractive stay overnight 8 The archaeological site is at the center of the N Parque 212-sq-mile Flores enters the park 12 miles south of the ruins strolling the broad causeways, originallystrolling the broad causeways, limestone accommodateto packed of built stepcomplexes.By temple between traffic mon spot to likely more softlyping you’re turkeys. and ocellated foxes keys, agoutis, so is much quieterEl Remate, af in the late ternoon and early morning, an which makes (p Yaxhá

- San Clemente

3 Lagunas Dos visited city visited

1 2367- Yaxhá Laguna % ( Tikal El Remate Parque

6am-6pm) Nacional Macanché Ixpanpajul h at night in the ancient, at night in the ancient, seldom- 3 over the sun set Watching . Itzá de Petén Lago

Parque Nacional

quilá Tikal GUATEMALA

El Remate

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El Mirador


Río Río San ) Camping Flores Pedro Santa Elena Lago de Petén Itzá Nakbé 240 Dos Aguadas El Cruce de (p (below) Climbing (below) San José Palotada . .parque-tikal Miguel La 91ºW Biotopo San Parque Nacional Parque Mirador–Río Azul Mirador–Río .

Tikal Yaxhá Carmelita

www San Benito

Ceibal San Andrés

2 1 a 360-degree for lV Temple the jungle-shrouded of view ruins Tikal & Flores, GuatemalaHighlights Reserva de La Libertad Biósfera Maya El Perú Sayaxché (20mi) (18mi) the delight of touring the site comes from canopy of rainforest amid the rich, loamycanopy of rainforest of aromas of earth Much and vegetation. restored, but as you walk from one build restored, but as you densethe beneath pass you another to ing distinguishes setting. it is its jungle Its been cleared of trees and plazas have many and partiallyvines, its temples uncovered is its towering,its is steep-sided risingtemples, feet,what but to heights of more than 144 The most of striking feature 2837; Tikal

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Tikal & Flores, Gua 234