Psalm 16:8 The Christogram

I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right, I shall not be July, 2021 shaken. Volume 59, Issue 7

VBS at Lutheran July 19 - 23, 2021

In this issue

Anniversaries 4

Birthdays 4 VBS 2021 From the Pastor 6 Save the Date: July 19 - 23, 2021 Mary Martha 7 6:00 - 8:30 PM LWML 7 Sign up on the Website: Outreach 9 See page 12 for details Youth 10

Stewardship 11 Youth Car Wash - Saturday, July 17th Christian Education 12 See page 16 for details Council 13

Central America Mission 16

Christ Lutheran Church 2715 Lakeland Hills Blvd Lakeland, FL 33805 863-682-7802 Page 2 The Christogram - July, 2021

CHRIST LUTHERAN STAFF Serving in July Pastor July 4 Rev. Christopher Hazzard Acolyte ...... (cell) 863-732-1322 Elder ......

Lector ...... Office Secretary Terry Krum Ushers ...... 863-682-7802 Greeters ...... Audio...... Kyle Welch Council Officers Video ...... Video TD: Levi Hazzard GFX: Kris Welch President ...... John Freer Stream: Joel Nelson Vice-President ...... Don Racer Secretary ...... Pam West Treasurer ...... Jon Lindstrom July 11 Finance Secretary ...... Diane Bickart Acolyte ...... Christian Ed ...... Robin Fox Elder ...... Andrea Sawyer Lector ...... Outreach & Missions ..... Rev. Jerry Munz Ushers ...... Stewardship ...... Diane Hill Greeters ...... Trustees ...... Rick Joost Audio...... Maria Hazzard Youth Group ...... Kris Welch Video ...... Video TD: Levi Hazzard

GFX: Kris Welch Board of Elders Stream: Joel Nelson

Steve West (Head) Lee Crapo July 18 P.J. Nunez Acolyte ...... Carlos Orellana Elder ...... Steve Rosane Lector ...... Fred Sterns Ushers ...... Greeters ...... Committee Chairpersons Audio...... Kyle Welch

Fellowship Coordinators Video ...... Video TD: Kris Welch Vi Zabel & Belinda Freer GFX: Levi Hazzard Stream: Jonathan Sawyer Jr./Joel Nelson Altar Guild Barbara and Alfred Miller July 25 Acolyte ...... Choir Director Elder ...... Connie Timmons Lector ...... Ushers ...... Endowment Fund Greeters ...... Paulette Nunez Audio...... Mariah Sawyer Video ...... Video TD: Kris Welch Mary-Martha Guild GFX: Levi Hazzard Belinda Freer Stream: Jonathan Sawyer Jr./ Joel Nelson

E-Mail Addresses

Pastor ALTAR GUILD SERVICES [email protected] Sandy Spanier and Deborah Spanier Office [email protected] SATURDAY EVENING WORSHIP @ 5:30 PM

Christ Lutheran Mission Statement Elder ...... Lee Crapo To proclaim Christ’s saving love, share Lector ...... Rick Smith/Gerie Slaten the Gospel, and serve God’s people. Audio...... Maria Hazzard/Robin Fox Christ Lutheran Church 2715 Lakeland Hills Blvd Phone: 863-682-7802

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

5:30p Worship

4 5 6 7 9 10 8 Quilters @ 10a Bible Study @ 9a Bible Study Noon 5:30p Worship 10a Worship Private Com. Trustee/ 1:30 - 2:30 Volunteer Work- day Youth Group @

6p Youth Lock In 7 PM - 9AM

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Bible Study @ Quilters @ 10a Noon 9a Bible Study Council Mtg @ 5:30p Worship Trustee/ Private Com. 6:30p 10a Worship Volunteer Work- 1:30 - 2:30

day Youth Car Wash Long Range 9-1 Beef’s North Planning Mtg

6p 18 24 20 21 9a Bible Study 19 22 23 Quilters @ 10a Bible Study @ 10a Worship 5:30p Worship 9 AM Deadline for Noon Trustee/ Newsletter items Private Com. Volunteer Work- 1:30 - 2:30 day Youth Group @ 6:30p

VBS 6 -8:30 PM

25 27 28 29 30 31 9a Bible Study 26 Quilters @ 10a 10a Worship Bible Study @ Paper Pumpkin Book Study @ Noon Stewardship Trustee/ Club @ 6:30p 4:30p Meeting Volunteer Work- Private Com. day 1:30 - 2:30 5:30p Worship

Bulletin announcements are due each Tuesday by 9:00 a.m. Page 4 The Christogram—July, 2021

The Infirmed Jerry Swope ...... 7/2 and Arthur Walls ...... 7/2 The Homebound Gerald Frizzell ...... 7/7

Ruth Cassens ...... 7/13 Remember to keep these people in your daily Barbara Meyer ...... 7/15 prayers. Trevor Peterson ...... 7/15

Vi Bertsch Vi Bertsch ...... 7/17 Betty Blevins Caleb Hazzard ...... 7/18 Sen & Dale Campbell Allie Kaniecki ...... 7/20 Ken & Joanne Ditton Garrett Timmons ...... 7/22 Donita Duncan Donna Grant ...... 7/23 Marilyn Gillette Hazel Gust Elizabeth Blevins ...... 7/28 J.B. Hahn Cindy Cavanaugh ...... 7/28 Katherine Hamann Joyce Blackwell ...... 7/29 Sally Henning Carol Ceaglske ...... 7/30 Al Herman Andrea Sawyer ...... 7/30 Fran Klug Dorothy Lovelace Don & Nancy Matter Nell Morgan Fran Murphy Carol Petraszewski Harry Porch

George Reichart

Lois Smith Norma Tipton Amy Wilson Cheryl and Charles Erwin ...... 7/4 (43 yrs.) Emily and Richard Ravenscraft ...... 7/14 (9 yrs.) Christopher and Andrea Hazzard ...... 7/15 (26 yrs.) Carlos and Stacey Orellana ...... 7/15 (26 yrs.) Kent and Dawn Kahre ...... 7/22 (43 yrs.)

Thank you to Linda Poole and Gerie Slaten who served for the month of June. Sandy Spanier and Deborah Spanier will be serving for the month of July. Thank you for your service to the Lord and Christ Lutheran Church.

If you are a member or an associate member, and your information is missing or incorrect, please notify the church office. The Christogram - July, 2021 Page 5

Baptismal Birthday Blessing DON’T FORGET BAGS FOR (Leader reads:) TALBOT HOUSE —

Loving God, You created all the people of the world, and you know each of us by name. We thank you for (Name) who celebrates the an- Our monthly collections of gently used niversary of his/her . Bless him/her with your love, that he/she may grow in wisdom, knowledge, and grace. May clothing continue. Clothing can be for he/she love his/her always, and be ever faithful to God. Grant this through Christ our Lord. (All:) Amen either men or women. We ask that it be (Place your hands on the person’s head or shoulders.) clean, free of stains and with working May God, in whose presence our ancestors walked, bless you (All:) Amen buttons and zippers. We also collect

May God, who has been your shepherd from birth until now, canned food-meat, vegetables, fruit, keep you. (All :) Amen soups; pasta, rice, cereal, etc. Anything May God, who saves you from all harm, give you peace. (All:) Amen and Amen that you would use when cooking, they

I Eileen Hanson ...... 7/1 can use either in the kitchens at Talbot n Manfred Yost ...... 7/1 s Daniel Zabel ...... 7/2 House or in their food pantry. Also, Pat Mangum ...... 7/3 paper goods like toilet paper, paper Judi Rudolph ...... 7/4 Donald Matter...... 7/10 towels, and napkins along with cleaning Joyce Munz ...... 7/10 supplies are most welcome. Cleaning Charlene Rosane ...... 7/10 Bill Siedenstrang ...... 7/10 supplies and paper goods and personal Jon Lindstrom...... 7/13 Natalie Thiele ...... 7/15 hygiene items like toothpaste are not Beverly Roberge ...... 7/16 covered by SNAP (food stamps). Dona- Jerry Munz ...... 7/22 Donald Rohrbach ...... 7/25 tions can be left in the mail room in the back of the church in the baskets marked Talbot House. Page 6 The Christogram—July, 2021 From the Pastor…… Freedom

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:13- 14). On July 2nd, 1776, the Second Continental Congress voted in favor of the Lee Resolution that the thirteen colonies were “free and independent states,” and would no longer be subjects of His Majesty King George III. The committee of five led by Thomas Jefferson drafted a Declaration of Independence, which the congress tweaked, and was ratified on July 4th, 1776. As a nation, we rightly take our freedoms seriously, which are codified in the Constitution (effective March 4th, 1789) with its Bill of Rights (ratified December 15th, 1791) and remaining amend- ments. As citizens of the United States, we have what is considered negative liberty, freedom from interference by other people. The Bible speaks of freedom differently. Routinely, we are called slaves of Christ. We live our lives with our wills bound to His. As , we live our lives free from sin, death, and the power of the devil. We also live lives for loving service of others at Christ’s command empowered by the Holy Spirit. Showing love and kindness toward all our neighbors is not optional in the Christian life. Every single human being on the planet was created by our Father who loves all His creatures and is one for whom Christ died. Thanks be to God that we have the freedom to live lives of loving service. Thanks be to God that our lives have profound meaning and purpose as we follow God’s will in making this world a better place. Thanks be to God that we have the freedom to share the Good News of ’ suffering, death, and resurrection.

Pastor Chris

The Christogram - July, 2021 Page 7

Mary Martha We are the women's group of CLC (Christ Lutheran Church). We are also associated with the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod . (See separate article for more about LWML.) We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 AM on the second Wednesday of the month from September to May. Right now, that means we are not having a meeting this month. As the name Mary-Martha says, we focus on learning God's word AND service. Mary-Martha ladies help to serve funeral luncheons when asked. They also help with other service projects and work with other groups in the church to put up decorations for Christmas, work with the Youth Group on the rummage sale, and conduct fund raisers for mission projects. Our meetings start with refresh- ments at 9:00 for a half hour, and then our business meeting lasts for about an hour. All ladies of the congregation are invited, so start to think about joining us in the fall!

LWML The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) was started in the midst of World War II-1942. Several ladies realized that mission work by just one church might not be possible, but thought of collecting "mites"- inspired by the widow in the Bible who gave all she had-a mite. As this newsletter is being printed, the National Convention is meeting in Lexington, KY. One of the things that will be decided upon is the new Mite Goal for 2021-2023. The last goal was exceeded by $104,000! How are the mites collected? Every month the ladies of Mary-Martha bring the offerings they have put into those little purple/white/gold boxes that you see in the narthex (entryway) of the church. Not a member of Mary-Martha, or a gentleman, who would like to support missions? Pick up a box and return it to the larger box. Every penny helps to support the grants to various mission projects in the United States and the world. Our mites are always to be given after meeting our pledges to our local congregations. Usually, each month, we have a calendar of suggested daily donations. It can be found in the mail room of the church on top of the cabinet on the right as you enter the room. The mites that Mary-Martha collect are forwarded to the FL-GA District of the LWML. Seventy-five percent of the mites are designated for the FL-GA District mission projects and 25% go to national projects. Visit the website of the National LWML or the to learn more-see what great resources are available!

Fellowship Hour Volunteers are needed for Fellowship Hour. We will be starting Fellowship Hour again in October if we get enough volunteers to sign up. Please consider signing up to help. There is a signup sheet located on the bulletin board in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please contact Belinda Freer at 863-602-5159 or Violet Zabel at 863-815-1514. Page 8 The Christogram - July, 2021

LWML Fall Retreat

It seems odd to think of "fall" in July in Florida! Our fall is not the fall that northerners have! The FL-GA Dis- trict LWML is offering us an opportunity to join our fellow sisters for a retreat to reflect, rejoice, and re- new. The theme is "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you." Isaiah 43:2. The Crown Plaza Oceanfront Hotel in Melbourne, FL is the meeting place from Friday, September 24-Sunday, September 26. Registration and more information is available at: Hotel reservations are to be made directly with the hotel by calling 1-877-701-9252 and using the group code LWM or online at http:// Joyce Munz will be attending and can share a ride and room. Contact her at 863-937-6756.

Mary-Martha Undy Sunday

Mary-Martha has designated April and September as months of "Undy Sundays." During these two months, we collect underwear for the Honduras orphanage and Talbot House Ministries. In April, we collected the following: 17 pairs of women's underwear, 49 pairs of children's underwear, 1 bra, 1 gift card for a bra at Beall's, 1 package of men's handkerchiefs, 6 pairs of women's socks, 2 pairs of men's socks, 1 bag of women's hosiery, 3 little boy undershirts, and 5 men's t-shirts. We also donated several Thrivent t-shirts leftover from various mission projects. This collection was divided according to size and placed in the correct donation boxes. Our next collection will be in September. However, there are usually specials in August with the back to school sales. Please consider picking up something for our next collection! New underwear is such a good way to start to brighten someone's day.

Talbot House

Thank you for your continued generous giving! Our donation boxes-located in the mail room in the church- have been over flowing. The need is always great! Food hunger or assistance is still very real. Canned items of all kinds-meat, vegetables, fruit, soups, etc. are always needed. Paper goods-paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, etc.- and personal care items are needed, too. Clothing in good condition-no stains, zippers working, etc. are welcomed. Any size is welcome in clothing. PLEASE NOTE: There are two boxes for Talbot House to the left of the table. The donation box for the Honduras Mission is under the table. Smaller sizes-children's and adult to size large are welcome for Honduras. Remember both of these mission programs in your prayers! The Christogram—July, 2021 Page 9

OUTREACH ------July 4------The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. Two hundred forty-five years ago. We honor the patriots who felt the need to establish a new nation and issued an announcement that they wanted to cre- ate a new nation founded under God. The dream of a nation where everyone is free to vote and to hold citi- zenship was a novel idea. The dream continues and is now a desire shared by millions of people the world over. World Wars have been fought to preserve this ideal. People have migrated to this country for various reasons. The forefathers of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod left the lands of their birth to come to a place where they could worship without interference from the government. They migrated in 1839 and estab- lished the LCMS in 1847. On July 4, 2021, we will have an opportunity to share that hope of the freedom of worship. After Sunday worship in the courtyard, you will have the opportunity to share the joy. Each person will receive a special bookmark and a miniature American flag.

______Sunday --- September 12______On your calendars, circle September 12. September 12 is the second Sunday of September. Our church will have a “Homecoming Sunday Rally” on that day. That day will be the Kick-off Day for the Sunday School. You can help. Invite your neighbors to Sunday school. Or volunteer to pick up your neighbor’s children and bring them to Sunday school. Or volunteer to pick up your grandchildren and bring them to Sunday School. On September 12, after the worship service we will have a Pitch-in (an Indiana term). A Potluck. A Pot- blessing. The church will provide the entrée. You bring a dish or two to share. On September 12, we will highlight several groups within our congregation. They are little known groups. CLC has changed a lot since September 12 a year ago. If you have not been here recently, you will be pleasantly surprised to see the changes. A lot has happened this past year. Board for Christian Outreach and Missions ______Volunteers______Several Lakeland groups are seeking volunteers. Perhaps you can be of assistance. Talbot House (863) 687-8475 814 N. Kentucky Ave. Light House Ministries (863) 687-4076 215 Magnolia St. V.I.S.T.E. Volunteers in Service to the Elderly (863) 210-5592 1232 E. Magnolia St. One More Child -- Florida Baptist Children’s Home (863) 687-8811 1015 Sikes Blvd. Board for Christian Outreach and Missions Page 10 The Christogram—July, 2021

July Youth Newsletter

It may be summer, but CLC Youth isn’t taking any time off! We are still meeting regularly on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. The only change is the meetings will start at 6pm, and run until 7:30. We’re still learning about our relationship with Christ, having fun, making friends, and of course snacks!

CLC Youth is having a LOCK-IN!!! For the first time since 2019, on Friday, July 9th, the youth are getting together for a night of games and movies and music, and an all-nighter! Meet at the Fellowship Hall at 7pm, bring a sleeping bag and pillow and a snack to share. All high school and middle school youth are welcome. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

On Saturday, July 17th, CLC Youth is kicking off our fund-raising efforts for the 2022 LCMS National Youth Gathering. We will be at Beef O’Brady’s on the north side, near Best Buy, starting at 9am. Tickets are $5 and all the money raised will help with our expenses.

The Class of ’22 is a big one for our youth group. We have four graduation seniors, Levi Hazzard, Sarah Sicheri, Hunter Stranger-Thorsen, and Kirsten Vogt. Throughout the next year, we will be spotlighting each senior and helping you learn a little bit more about who they are, and were they want to go.

July Calendar 7/7/21 – Youth Group Meeting – 6:00p – 7:30p (Youth Room) 7/9/21 – Youth Group Lock-In 7p (Fellowship Hall) 7/17/21 – Youth Group Car Wash 9a – 1p (Beef O’Brady’s North)

Kris Welch 863-398-5937 [email protected]

The Christogram—July, 2021 Page 11

Receiving a Total Makeover

In recent years, the reference to “makeovers” has been a fashionable and popular term. In the area of personal finance, Dave Ramsey titled his best-selling book Total Money Makeover. A television show titled “Extreme Makeover” followed the stories of fortunate individuals who were chosen for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to have beauty experts change and update their appearance. Another television show called “Extreme Home Makeover” focused on remodeling and modernizing people’s homes.

However in a much more profound and meaningful way, Christians experience a life-changing “makeover” when the Holy Spirit transforms us into new people of faith who desire to live in and for Jesus. This is a total “makeover” because the Holy Spirit, through the Sacrament of Baptism, brings us to faith, and we die to our sinful selves and our old, earthly way of living. We enter upon a whole new way of life in Christ. Our new present life is hidden with Christ in God. When the Holy Spirit brings us to faith in Jesus through the Gospel, we become more Christ-like. Unfortunately, our sinful nature still clings to us, so we live with this constant tension between our new lives in Jesus and our old nature. This new inner nature is a spiritual change, and we are filled with the peace of God and the blessing of knowing that we are forgiven.

Our new lives in Christ are also reflected in our outward actions. To the world our actions aren’t always visi- ble, but through faith we desire to live lives that please God. God gives us strength to resist the world’s standards and values. He opens our eyes so we can see how self-centered, greedy, selfish, and dishonest we are. As new creatures in Christ, we have power to put sin to death in our lives (2 Corinthians 5:16-21). We are encouraged to strive daily to use the spiritual power that we have been given to refuse to devote our bodies and minds to the service of sin.

Our new lives in Jesus need to be continually nourished. Like a growing plant that needs water, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil, our faith needs to be filled with God’s Word and the opportunity to receive Je- sus’ body and blood in Holy Communion. Through faithful reading and studying of the Bible, we grow in faith and knowledge. The more our faith grows, the more others will see the total “makeover” that God has given to us and, by God’s grace, desire the same for themselves. May all of us be nourished constantly by the Gospel and continually growing in our faith.


Looking for Christ Lutheran in social media? Check us out at our website: Feel free to leave comments! We are also on Facebook at: Christ Lutheran Church Lakeland-LCMS. Please like, follow, and share on your Facebook page. You may also leave comments on our Facebook page. Page 12 The Christogram—July, 2021 Christian Education Welcome to Andrea Sawyer as Co-Director for Christian Education. Sunday School is still on hold for the summer, The Saturday afternoon book study, God is in the Laundry Room, is on vacation until July 31.

VBS is the week of July 19-23, 2021 from 6-8:30 PM. Please encourage all of the children in your lives to come have a blast with us for "God's Wonder Lab: Jesus Does the Impossible." It is a science based curriculum where the children will see how God does the impossible. Science experiments with each lesson where hands-on learning is the norm. Please register your children at the church's website. See below for details.

VBS 2021 Save the Date: July 19 - 23, 2021 6:00 - 8:30 PM Sign up on the Website: For ages that have just completed Kindergarten to those who have completed 5th grade. Volunteers of all ages needed. A Volunteer sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the narthex. The Christogram—July, 2021 Page 13

Christ Lutheran Church Council in a Nutshell By Pam West, Secretary May 10, 2021 In an effort to keep members informed as to what the council committees are addressing, I offer the following short synopsis: Those absent from the meeting was Rick Joost. President: John Freer Don Racer and myself will be attending active shooter training at the Sheriff’s Office on June 15th. If anyone is interested in participating please contact me. The class will last two hours. The congregational meeting was held this past Sunday, members were updated on council activities The Sexual Harassment policy and plans to add a new Board to Council member- ship, (the Board of Communication) are still in the planning phases and will be brought back to the next meeting to presented for approval. Also, Andrea Sawyer is the Co-leader of Christian Education Committee with Robin Fox. Vice President: Don Racer Long Range Planning Committee is in the midst of the process of selecting a mission state- ment. We met on June 10th to continue the process. We will seek the Council Vote of approval for the revised Sexual Harassment and Abuse policy and then post it on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board. The Ad hoc committee drafted a Board of Communications amendment to the CLC Constitu- tion, by laws and Operating Procedures. Amendments submitted to council for review and approval . The Council voted for approval at the June meeting. Congregation has been ap- prised of these amendments and these will be formally published to all congregational members two weeks prior to the next voters meeting by placement in each members mail box. The last procedure is the presentation of the amendments, after approval, to the District for LCMS approval of additions to CLC Constitution and by laws. Treasurer: Jon Lindstrom For the month of May our actual income performance was $19,525 and our YTD is $115,175. Our May expenses were $20,434 and YTD is $132,073. Our total assets are $359,124 with dedicated funds of $191,381 and undedicated assets of $17,293. Stewardship shows our total church income is only down slightly (1.1%) compared to last year. There are no noteworthy income or expense items. Continued on page 14 Page 14 The Christogram—July, 2021

Continued from page 13 Financial Secretary: Diane Bickart For the month of May 2021 offerings were $23,727.15 compared to May 2020 of $22,949.00 The five months for 2021 equaled $114,177.97 and the five months for 2020 equaled $127,421.16. Pastoral Report: Pastor Chris Hazzard Pastor has been working with members regarding negative comments to others and build- ing up our members instead. We discussed flag etiquette in regards to a request to include a small flag with our scanable brochure in the near future as a handout to members. We have a baptism in the near future. We verified for Pastor that August 15, 2021, will be the next congregational meeting. Christian Education: Robin Fox Since Sunday School is cancelled for the summer she is concentrating on making Vacation Bible School successful. There are cards on the right front window at the Narthex exit to ask for assistance for this endeavor to succeed. Board of Elders: Steve West Elders will be submitting a request for some upgrades at the Altar Area. As stated in the last congregational meeting concerning the wearing of masks, we will be following the CDC guidelines for those who are two weeks out from full vaccination. No mask will be required but if you feel more comfortable wearing one please do so. Those who are not fully vaccinated are asked to please wear a mask and be thoughtful of others. We also ask that you continue social distancing Board of Stewardship: Diane Hill The Board is continuing to send postcards to first time visitors. There was a reception for new members on May 23rd , however quite a few were unable to attend. Diane Bickart has assigned offering envelope numbers to all new members and given them a mailbox . They have made new name tags for all the new members and placed them in their mailboxes. The next Stewardship meeting is after worship on June 27th.

Board of Outreach: Pastor Jerry Munz Outreach assisted the Mary Martha Guild with the “Month of Undies” campaign. Many of these went to Talbot House and the Central American orphanage mission. We continue to support Talbot House with clothing, medical supplies and food donations. CLC also supports

Continued on page 15 The Christogram—July, 2021 Page 15

Continued from page 14 Light House Ministries with clothing donations. At the last outreach meeting we thought our congregation would benefit from a Fall Home Coming on September th12 . Council will be asked for approval. More information will be in the next Christogram and on our Website in the months to come. Board of Trustees: John Freer for Rick Joost A security camera has been installed to view the sanctuary main entrance door. Approval will be sought from council to move forward with the installation of the security system in the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary. Termite inspection will be completed this month with an esti- mate to exterminate termites. Our Tuesday morning 9AM group of volunteers meet to do general repairs and maintenance around the church. Please join us when you can. The quote has been secured for our upgraded security system and monthly monitoring. This was voted on by council and approved. Board of Youth: Kris Welch The Youth Group went to Island H20 Live waterpark in Kissimmee on June 6th. We had a group of 18, 13 youths and 5 adults. We have scheduled a car wash for Saturday, July 17th at Beef O’Brady’s in North Lakeland. We will be going to Kids Pack some time this summer to volun- teer, date TBD. Available youth will be helping at VBS. Sunday June 13th is the next Parent & Youth meeting for the 2022 NYG. We will discuss fund raising projects, deadlines for the gathering and answer any other questions that may come up. New Business: Vote of approval on security system and monitoring. Long Range Planning Committee will be headed by Sandy Spanier, Pres. and Robin Fox, Vice Pres. Sidewalks in front of the church need to be repaired and have been address with the city, drive-way repairs are the church’s expense. Council voted to adopt the new Sexual Harassment policy. Date for congregational review and vote set for new Communication Board. Board voted to approve the changes and additions to the By-Laws, Constitution and Operating procedures. August 1st all the amendments and changes will be placed in congregants mail boxes for re- view by the Communication Board. Youth proposal for a July 9th Lock-in at the church was approved as was a motion to re-open social activities at the church beginning in July. God bless and keep all of you safe, Pam West, Council Secretary. Page 16 The Christogram—July, 2021

Youth Car Wash CLC Youth is having a car wash! On Saturday, July 17th, come see the youth at Beef O’Brady’s North, near Best Buy, and help us kick off our fund-raising efforts for the 2022 National Youth Gathering. We will be there from 9am until 1pm, ready to make your car, truck, or even your bicycle, shine! Starting June 27th, watch for CLC Youth handing out flyers after church and collecting ticket money in the courtyard. All of the proceeds will go to help with our expenses for the NYG in Houston, TX. Thank you in advance for your sup- port!

CAM Christogram July 2021 I am pleased to announce that the surgical missions to San Benito José, Comayagua, will restart this coming November. A medical group based in Virginia will do the first surgical mission. I will be going with another group in January next year. I will follow up on the mission in November, to see what kind of road blocks they may find. The Virginia group has close to a hundred volunteers in their operation. Lots of moving parts. Under normal conditions, the need in Honduras is great. We are grateful to be able to go back and help those who cannot help themselves. I am planning to send a shipment this coming November. I will continue to collect donations for the or- phanage and medical supplies. I am assuming that I will be back home by the end of October. Thank you Christ Lutheran, and keep this mission in your prayers.