Rules of Department of Natural Resources Division 60—Public Drinking Water Program Chapter 2—Definitions

Title Page

10 CSR 60-2.010 Installation, Extension, Testing and Operation of Public Water Supplies (Rescinded October 11, 1979) ...... 3 10 CSR 60-2.015 Definitions ...... 3 10 CSR 60-2.020 Grants for Public Water Supply Districts, Sewer Districts, Rural Community Water Supply and Sewer Systems and Certain Municipal Sewer Systems (Moved to 10 CSR-13.010)...... 7

Rebecca McDowell Cook (7/31/00) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 1 Secretary of State Chapter 2—Definitions 10 CSR 60-2

Title 10—DEPARTMENT OF liquids, gases or other substances into the ified operator classification of the certifica- NATURAL RESOURCES public water system from any source(s). tion program under the provisions of 10 CSR Division 60—Public Drinking 2. Backflow hazard. Any facility which, 60-14.020. Water Program because of the nature and extent of activities 2. Certificate of examination. A certifi- Chapter 2—Definitions on the premises or the materials used in con- cate issued to a person who passes a written nection with the activities or stored on the examination but does not meet the experience 10 CSR 60-2.010 Installation, Extension, premises, would present an actual or potential requirements for the classification of exami- Testing and Operation of Public Water health hazard to customers of the public water nation taken. Supplies system or would threaten to degrade the water 3. Chief operator. The person designat- (Rescinded October 11, 1979) quality of the public water system should ed by the owner of a public water system to backflow occur. have direct, on-site responsibility for the AUTHORITY: section 192.615, RSMo Supp. A. Class I backflow hazard. A back- operation of a water treatment plant or water 1973. Original rule filed Sept. 21, 1973, flow hazard which presents an actual or distribution system, or both. effective Oct. 1, 1973. Rescinded: Filed May potential health hazard to customers of the 4. Chloramines. All amino or imino 4, 1979, effective Oct. 11, 1979. public water system should backflow occur. groups in which the has been A list of customer facilities, not all inclusive, replaced totally or in part by . considered to be Class I backflow hazards is 10 CSR 60-2.015 Definitions 5. Class I backflow hazard. See back- included in 10 CSR 60-11.010. flow hazard. B. Class II backflow hazard. A back- PURPOSE: This rule defines terms used in 10 6. Class II backflow hazard. See back- flow hazard which would threaten to degrade CSR 60. flow hazard. the of the public water system 7. Coagulation. A process using coagu- (1) The terms used in 10 CSR 60 shall have should backflow occur. A list of customer lant chemicals and mixing by which colloidal the meanings as set forth in the Missouri Safe facilities, not all inclusive, considered to be and suspended materials are destabilized and Drinking Water Act, the federal Safe Class II backflow hazards is included in 10 agglomerated into flocs. Drinking Water Act and regulations, or this CSR 60-11.010. 8. Combined chlorine residual. That rule, unless the context of the term clearly 3. Backflow prevention assembly. An portion of the total chlorine residual which is assembly designed to prevent the reverse flow requires otherwise. not free available chlorine. of water or other substances from a customer 9. Community water system. A public facility back into the public water distribution (2) Definitions. water system which serves at least fifteen system. See also definitions of air-gap sepa- (A) Terms beginning with the letter A. (15) service connections and is operated on a ration, double check valve and reduced pres- 1. Action level. The concentration of year-round basis or regularly serves at least sure principle backflow prevention assembly. lead or copper in water which determines, in twenty-five (25) residents on a year-round 4. Backflow prevention assembly tester. some cases, the treatment requirements, sys- basis. A person who utilizes recognized backflow tem modifications, public education or other 10. Compliance cycle. The nine (9)-year prevention assembly testing procedures to requirements as specified by the department calendar year cycle during which public water that a water system is required to complete. determine whether or not an assembly is systems must monitor. Each compliance cycle 2. Air-gap separation. A backflow pre- functioning properly. Requirements for back- consists of three (3), three (3)-year compli- vention assembly consisting of a physical sep- flow prevention assembly tester certification ance periods. The first calendar year cycle aration between the free-flowing discharge are in 10 CSR 60-11. begins January 1, 1993 and ends December end of a public water system pipeline and an 5. Best available technology. The best 31, 2001; the second begins January 1, 2002 open or nonpressurized receiving vessel. An technology, treatment or other means which and ends December 31, 2010; and the third approved air-gap separation shall be at least the department finds, after examination for twice the diameter of the system pipe mea- efficacy under field conditions and not solely begins January 1, 2011 and ends December sured vertically above the overflow rim of the under laboratory conditions, are available 31, 2019. vessel. In no case shall the distance be less (taking cost into consideration). For the pur- 11. Compliance period. A three (3)-year than one inch (1"). pose of setting maximum contaminant levels calendar year period within a compliance 3. Alpha particle. A particle identical for synthetic organic chemicals, any best cycle. Each compliance cycle has three (3), with a helium nucleus, emitted from the available technology must be at least as effec- three (3)-year compliance periods. Within the nucleus of a radioactive element. tive as granular activated carbon. first compliance cycle, the first compliance 4. Applicant. The legal name of the 6. Beta particle. A particle, identical period runs from January 1, 1993 to water supply district, sewer district, rural with an electron, emitted from the nucleus of December 31, 1995; the second from January community, city, town or village for purposes a radioactive element. 1, 1996 to December 31, 1998; and the third of 10 CSR 60-13.010. 7. Breakpoint chlorination. The point at from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2001. 5. Auxiliary intake. Any piping, connec- which sufficient chlorine has been applied to 12. Confluent growth. A continuous tion or device whereby water may be secured water to satisfy the chlorine demand which bacterial growth covering the entire filtration from a source other than the primary source. should result in a total chlorine residual of at area of a membrane filter, or a portion of the 6. Auxiliary water system. Any supply least seventy-five percent (75%) free avail- area, in which bacterial colonies are not dis- or source of water other than the approved able chlorine. crete. public water system. (C) Terms beginning with the letter C. 13. Consolidated formations. Earth (B) Terms beginning with the letter B. 1. Certificate. The certificate of compe- material which has been created by geologi- 1. Backflow. The undesirable reversal of tency issued by the department stating that a cal processes, cemented or compacted into a flow of water or mixtures of water and other person has met the requirements for the spec- coherent or firm mass.

Rebecca McDowell Cook (7/31/00) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 3 Secretary of State 10 CSR 60-2—NATURAL RESOURCES Division 60—Public Drinking Water Program

14. Containment. Protection of the pub- 21. Customer service line. The pipeline to form a protective film on the interior walls lic water system by installation of a depart- from the public water system to the first tap, of a pipe. ment-approved backflow prevention assembly fixture, receptacle or other point of customer 2. Engineer. An individual registered as or air-gap separation at the user connection water use or to the first auxiliary water sys- a professional engineer in Missouri. from the main service line(s). tem or pipeline branch in a building. 3. Enhanced coagulation. The addition 15. Contaminant. Any physical, chemi- 22. Customer water system. All piping, of sufficient coagulant for improved removal cal, biological or radiological substances or fixtures and appurtenances, including auxil- of disinfection byproduct precursors by con- matter in water including, but not limited to, iary water systems, used by a customer to ventional filtration treatment. those substances for which maximum convey water on his/her premises. 4. Enhanced softening. The improved contaminant levels are established by the (D) Terms beginning with the letter D. removal of disinfection byproduct precursors department. 1. Department. The Missouri by precipitative softening. 16. Conventional filtration treatment. A Department of Natural Resources. (F) Terms beginning with the letter F. series of treatment processes including coag- 2. Department of Health. The Missouri 1. Facility. A single tract or contiguous ulation, flocculation, sedimentation and fil- Department of Health. tracts of land and any improvements on them, tration resulting in substantial particulate 3. Director. The director of the Missouri upon which one (1) or more service connec- removal. Department of Natural Resources. tions are located, and which, except for ease- A. Required treatment for groundwa- 4. Disinfectant. Includes, but is not lim- ments and public right-of-way, are wholly ter systems under the direct influence of sur- ited to, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chlo- owned, leased or otherwise subject to the face water. One (1) stage of treatment must be ramines and added to water in any part control of the customer. provided as follows: rapid mix, flocculation of the treatment or distribution process, that 2. Filter profile. A graphical represen- and sedimentation followed by filtration. is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic tation of individual filter performance, based Disinfection also shall be provided. Raw microorganisms. on continuous measurements or water quality characteristics may require 5. Disinfectant contact time. The “T” in total particle counts versus time for an entire additional treatment. the equation CT. The time in minutes that it filter run, from startup to backwash inclu- B. Required treatment for surface takes for water to move from the point of dis- sively, that includes an assessment of filter water systems. Two (2) stages of treatment infectant application or the previous point of performance while another filter is being must be provided as follows: primary rapid disinfectant residual measurement to a point backwashed. mix, flocculation and sedimentation followed before or at the point where residual disin- 3. Filtration. A process for removing by secondary rapid mix, flocculation and sed- fectant concentration (C) is measured as particulate matter from water by passage imentation, operated in series, followed by determined by a department-approved study through porous media. filtration and disinfection contact storage. as outlined in the Missouri Guidance Manual 4. Finished water storage facility. A Raw water quality characteristics may require for Surface Water System Treatment tank, reservoir, or other man-made facility additional treatment. Requirements, 1992. used to store potable water that will undergo 17. Corrosion inhibitor. A substance 6. Disinfection. A process which inacti- no further treatment except residual disinfec- capable of reducing the corrosivity of water vates pathogenic organisms in water by chem- tion. toward metal plumbing materials, especially lead and copper, by forming a protective film ical oxidants or equivalent agents. 5. First draw sample. A one (1) liter on the interior surface of those materials. 7. Domestic or other nondistribution sample of tap water, collected in accordance 18. Cross-connection. Any actual or system plumbing problem. A coliform con- with the lead and copper provisions of these potential connection or structural arrange- tamination problem in a public water system rules only, that has been standing in plumb- ment between a public water system and any with more than one (1) service connection ing pipes at least six (6) hours and is collect- other source or system through which it is that is limited to the specific service connec- ed without flushing the tap. possible to introduce into any part of the pub- tion from which the coliform-positive sample 6. Flocculation. A process to enhance lic water system any used water, industrial was taken. the collection of smaller floc particles into fluid, gas or substance other than the intend- 8. Dose equivalent. The product of the larger, more easily settleable particles ed potable water with which the system is absorbed dose from ionizing radiation and through gentle stirring by hydraulic or supplied. By-pass arrangements, jumper con- factors that account for difference in biologi- mechanical means. nections, removable sections, swivel or cal effectiveness due to the type of radiation (G) Terms beginning with the letter G. change-over devices and other temporary or and its distribution in the body as specified by 1. GAC10. Granular activated carbon permanent devices through which or because the International Commission of Radiological filter beds with an empty-bed contact time of of which, backflow can or may occur are Units and Measurements (ICRU). ten (10) minutes based on average daily flow considered to be cross-connections. 9. Double check valve assembly. A and a carbon reactivation frequency of every 19. CT. The product of the residual dis- backflow prevention assembly composed of one hundred eighty (180) days. infectant concentration (C) in milligrams per two (2) single, independently acting, internal- 2. Gross alpha particle activity. The liter (mg/l) determined before or at the first ly spring loaded, approved check valves total radioactivity due to alpha particle emis- customer and the corresponding disinfectant including tightly closing resilient-seated shut- sion as inferred from measurements on a dry contact time (T) in minutes (that is, C multi- off valves located at each end of the assembly sample. plied by T (C × T)). (See also residual dis- and fitted with properly located test cocks. 3. Gross beta particle activity. The total infectant concentration and disinfectant con- (E) Terms beginning with the letter E. radioactivity due to beta particle emission as tact time.) 1. Effective corrosion inhibitor residual. inferred from measurements on a dry sample. 20. Customer. Any person who receives For the purpose of the lead and copper provi- 4. Groundwater under the direct influ- water from a public water system. sions of these rules, a concentration sufficient ence of surface water (GWUDISW). Any

4 CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS (7/31/00) Rebecca McDowell Cook Secretary of State Chapter 2—Definitions 10 CSR 60-2

water beneath the surface of the ground with to the building inlet and any lead pigtail, measured by water transport time within the either of the following: gooseneck or other fitting which is connected distribution system. A. Significant and relatively rapid to that lead line. 2. Nontransient noncommunity water shifts in water characteristics such as turbidi- 2. Legionella. A genus of bacteria some system. A public water system that is not a ty, temperature, conductivity or pH which species of which have caused a type of pneu- community water system and that regularly closely correlate to climatological or surface monia called Legionnaires disease. serves at least twenty-five (25) of the same water conditions. Direct influence must be 3. Lime softening. The application of persons over six (6) months per year. determined for individual sources in accor- lime to reduce the concentrations of calcium (O) Terms beginning with the letter O. dance with criteria established by the depart- and magnesium and, to a lesser extent, iron, 1. On-site inspection. An on-site review ment. The department’s determination of manganese or radionuclides from source of the water source, facilities, equipment, direct influence may be used on site-specific water. operation and maintenance of a public water measurements of water quality or documenta- (M) Terms beginning with the letter M. system for the purpose of evaluating the ade- tion of well construction characteristics, or 1. Man-made beta particle and photon quacy of that source, facilities, equipment, both, and geology with field evaluation; or emitters. All radionuclides emitting beta par- operation and maintenance for producing and B. Significant occurrence of insects or ticles, photons, or both, except the daughter distributing safe drinking water. other macroorganisms, algae or large-diame- products of thorium 232, uranium 235 and 2. Operator. Any individual who oper- ter pathogens such as Giardia lamblia or, for uranium 238, listed in Maximum Permissible ates or determines the methods of operating a systems using surface water or groundwater Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible water system, either directly or by order. under the direct influence of surface water Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air or 3. Optimal corrosion control treatment. and serving at least 10,000 people, Water for Occupational Exposure, National For the purpose of the lead and copper provi- Cryptosporidium. Bureau of Standards Handbook 69. sions of these rules only, means the corrosion (H) Terms beginning with the letter H. 2. Maximum contaminant level (MCL). control treatment that minimizes the lead and 1. Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5). The The maximum permissible level, as estab- copper concentrations at users’ taps while sum of the concentrations in milligrams per lished in 10 CSR 60-4, of a contaminant in insuring that the treatment does not cause the liter of the haloacetic acid compounds any water which is delivered to any user of a water system to violate any other drinking (monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, public water system. water regulations. trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, 3. Maximum contaminant level goal (P) Terms beginning with the letter P. and dibromoacetic acid), rounded to two (2) (MCLG). A level of a contaminant in drink- 1. Person. Any individual, partnership, significant figures after addition. ing water at which no known or anticipated co-partnership, firm, company, public or pri- (I) Terms beginning with the letter I. adverse effect on the health of persons would vate corporation, association, homeowners’ 1. Initial Compliance Period. occur and which allows an adequate margin association, joint stock company, trust, A. That period beginning January 1, of safety. MCLGs are nonenforceable health estate, political subdivision or any agency, 1993, for existing sources. For new water goals. board, department or bureau of the state or supply sources, the first full three (3)-year 4. Maximum residual disinfectant level federal government, or any other legal entity compliance period which begins no more (MRDL). A level of a disinfectant that may whatever, which is recognized by law as the than eighteen (18) months after the source is not be exceeded at the consumer’s tap with- subject of rights and duties. placed in service. out an unacceptable possibility of adverse 2. Picocurie (pCi). The quantity of B. For contaminants listed in 10 CSR health effects. radioactive material producing 2.22 nuclear 60-4.030(1)1., 5., 9., 13. and 18.; 10 CSR 5. Maximum residual disinfectant level transformations per minute. 60-4.040(1)3., 6., 7., 9., 10., 11., 12., 16., goal (MRDLG). The maximum level of a 3. Primary public water system. A pub- 19., 20., 23., 24., 27. and 29.; 10 CSR 60- disinfectant added for water treatment at lic water system which obtains its source of 4.100(1)(B)2., 10., and 11., for systems which no known or anticipated adverse effect water directly from a well, infiltration serving less than one hundred fifty (<150) on the health of persons would occur, and gallery, lake, reservoir, river, spring or service connections, that period beginning which allows an adequate margin of safety. stream. January 1, 1996, for existing sources, and MRDLGs are nonenforceable health goals 4. Public water system. A system for the for new sources, the first full three (3)-year and do not reflect the benefit of the addition provision to the public of piped water for compliance period after January 1, 1996, of the chemical for control of waterborne human consumption, if the system has at least which begins no more than eighteen (18) microbial contaminants. fifteen (15) service connections or regularly months after the water supply source is 6. Maximum total poten- serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) placed in service. tial (MTTHMP). The maximum concentra- individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of 2. Iron removal. The removal of iron tion of total produced in a the year. The system includes any collection, and manganese from a groundwater source given water containing a disinfectant residual treatment, storage or distribution facilities with the treated water being exposed to aera- after seven (7) days at a temperature of twen- used in connection with the system. A public tion and chemical oxidation, pH adjustment, ty-five degrees Celsius (25°C) or above. water system is either a community water sys- sedimentation and filtration. 7. Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law. tem or a noncommunity water system. (J) Terms beginning with the letter J. The Revised Statutes of Missouri, sections (Q) Terms beginning with the letter Q. (Reserved) 640.100 through 640.140. 1. Quarterly. Unless otherwise specified (K) Terms beginning with the letter K. (N) Terms beginning with the letter N. in 10 CSR 60, quarterly refers to the calen- (Reserved) 1. Near the first service connection. At dar quarters, January through March, April (L) Terms beginning with the letter L. one (1) of the twenty percent (20%) of all ser- through June, July through September and 1. Lead service line. A service line vice connections in the entire system that are October through December. made of lead which connects the water main nearest the water supply treatment facility, as (R) Terms beginning with the letter R.

Rebecca McDowell Cook (7/31/00) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 5 Secretary of State 10 CSR 60-2—NATURAL RESOURCES Division 60—Public Drinking Water Program

1. Radioactivity. The spontaneous, 4. Sedimentation. A process for removal 3. Total trihalomethanes (TTHM). The uncontrollable disintegration of the nucleus of of solids before filtration by gravity separa- sum of the concentration in mg/l of the tri- an atom with the emission of particles and tion. halomethane compounds, trichloromethane rays. 5. Service connection. Any water line or (), , bro- 2. Rapid mix. The rapid dispersion of pipe connected to a water distribution main modichloromethane and tribromomethane chemicals throughout the water to be treated or pipe for the purpose of conveying water to (), rounded to two (2) significant by violent agitation. a point of use. figures. 3. Reduced pressure principle backflow 6. Service line sample. A one (1) liter 4. Transient noncommunity water sys- prevention assembly. A device containing two sample of water, collected in accordance with tem. A public water system that is not a com- (2) independently acting, internally spring the lead and copper provisions of these rules munity water system, which has at least fif- loaded, approved check valves, together with only, that has been standing for at least six (6) teen (15) service connections or regularly a hydraulically operating, mechanically inde- hours in a service line. serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) pendent pressure differential relief valve 7. Single family structure. For the pur- individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of located between the check valves and below the year. pose of the lead and copper provisions of the first check valve. The unit shall include 5. Treated water. Water which is han- these rules only, a building constructed as a properly located test cocks and tightly clos- dled or processed in any manner to change single family residence that is currently used ing, resilient-seated shut-off valves at each the physical, chemical, biological or radio- as either a residence or a place of business. end of the assembly. logical content and includes water exposed to 4. Rem. The unit of dose equivalent 8. Subdivision. Any land which is divid- the atmosphere by aeration. from ionizing radiation to the total body or ed or proposed to be divided into fifteen (15) 6. Trihalomethane (THM). One (1) of any internal organ or organ system. A mil- or more lots or tracts, whether contiguous or the family of organic compounds, named as lirem (mrem) is one one-thousandth (1/1000) not, for the purpose of sale, lease, rental or derivatives of , where three (3) of the of a rem. construction of permanent structures on lots four (4) hydrogen atoms in methane are each 5. Repeat compliance period. Any sub- or tracts as part of a common plan; or where substituted by a atom in the molecu- sequent compliance period after the initial subdivided land is offered for sale or lease, or lar structure. compliance period. where structures are constructed by a single (U) Terms beginning with the letter U. 6. Residual disinfectant concentration. developer or a group of developers acting in 1. Unconsolidated formations. Earth The “C” in the equation CT. The concentra- concert and where the lots or land or struc- material (sand, gravel, silt, clay) which is tion of disinfectant measured in milligrams tures are contiguous or known, designated or uncemented and uncompacted and which has per liter (mg/l) in a representative sample of advertised as a common unit or by a common been deposited by a natural process. This water. name. The lots or land tracts and structures material retains loose or relatively soft phys- 7. Rural. Shall not include any area in shall be presumed, without regard to the ical characteristics. any city or town which has a population in number of lots or dwellings covered by each (V) Terms beginning with the letter V. excess of ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants individual offering, as being offered for sale 1. Virus. A virus of fecal origin which according to the latest reliable population or lease as part of a common plan. is infectious to humans by waterborne trans- estimate for purposes of 10 CSR 60-13.010. 9. Supplier of water. Any person who mission. (S) Terms beginning with the letter S. owns, controls or operates a public water sys- (W) Terms beginning with the letter W. 1. Sanitary survey. An on-site engineer- tem. 1. Water distribution system. All piping, ing inspection and review of a public water 10. Surface water. All water which is conduits, valves, hydrants, storage facilities, system—its supply source(s), treatment of open to the atmosphere and subject to surface pumps and other appurtenances, excluding supply source(s), treatment facilities and dis- runoff; this includes all tributary streams and service connections, which serve to deliver tribution system(s), for the purpose of evalu- drainage basins, natural lakes and artificial water from a water treatment plant or water ating their adequacy, reliability and safety for reservoirs above the point of the water supply supply source to the public. producing and distributing drinking water. 2. Water system. All sources from intake. 2. Secondary contaminant levels. Those which water is derived for drinking or 11. System with a single service con- contaminant levels established by the depart- domestic use by the public, also all struc- nection. A system which supplies drinking ment for contaminants which may affect the tures, conduits and appurtenances by means water to consumers via a single service line. taste, odor, color, staining and scale-forming of which water for use is treated, stored or tendencies of water. (T) Terms beginning with the letter T. delivered to consumers, except service con- 3. Secondary public water system. A 1. Too numerous to count (TNTC). The nections from water distribution systems to public water system which obtains all its total number of bacterial colonies exceeds buildings and plumbing within or in connec- water from an approved public water sys- two hundred (200) on a forty-seven millime- tion with buildings served. tem(s), consists of a water distribution system ter (47 mm) diameter membrane filter used 3. Water supply source. All sources of and resells the water or is a carrier which for coliform detection. water supply including wells, infiltration gal- conveys passengers in interstate commerce. 2. Total organic carbon (TOC). Total leries, springs, reservoirs, lakes, streams or Parts of a primary public water system may organic carbon in milligrams per liter (mg/l) rivers from which water is derived for public be classified as being a secondary public measured using heat, oxygen, irra- water systems, including the structures, con- water system if they meet this definition and diation, chemical oxidants, or combinations duits, pumps and appurtenances used to with- are physically separated from those parts of these oxidants that convert organic carbon draw water from the source or to store or served by the source for the primary public to , rounded to two (2) signif- transport water to the water treatment facility water system. icant figures. or water distribution system.

6 CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS (7/31/00) Rebecca McDowell Cook Secretary of State Chapter 2—Definitions 10 CSR 60-2

4. Water treatment facility. A facility which uses specific processes such as sedi- mentation, coagulation, filtration, disinfec- tion, aeration, oxidation, ion exchange, fluo- ridation or other processes which serve to add components or to alter or remove con- taminants from a water supply source. 5. Waterborne disease outbreak. The significant occurrence of acute infectious ill- ness associated with the ingestion of water as declared by the Department of Health.

AUTHORITY: section 640.100, RSMo Supp. 1999.* Original rule filed May 4, 1979, effective Sept. 14, 1979. Amended: Filed April 14, 1981, effective Oct. 11, 1981. Amended: Filed July 11, 1986, effective Jan. 1, 1987. Amended: Filed June 2, 1988, effec- tive Aug. 31, 1988. Amended: Filed Dec. 4, 1990, effective July 8, 1991. Amended: Filed July 12, 1991, effective Feb. 6, 1992. Amended: Filed March 31, 1992, effective Dec. 3, 1992. Amended: Filed Aug. 4, 1992, effective May 6, 1993. Amended: Filed Dec. 14, 1992, effective Aug. 9, 1993. Amended: Filed May 4, 1993, effective Jan. 13, 1994. Amended: Filed Feb. 1, 1996, effective Oct. 30, 1996. Amended: Filed Jan. 2, 1997, effective Dec. 29, 1997. Amended: Filed Dec. 15, 1999, effective Sept 1, 2000.

*Original authority: 640.100, RSMo 1939, amended 1978, 1981, 1982, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999.

10 CSR 60-2.020 Grants for Public Water Supply Districts, Sewer Districts, Rural Community Water Supply and Sewer Systems and Certain Municipal Sewer Systems (Moved to 10 CSR 60-13.010)

Rebecca McDowell Cook (7/31/00) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 7 Secretary of State