I, ARCHIBALD L. PO, Filipino, 56 vears o1cl, married and with office address at PADC Hangar V, Area, Maniia Domestlc Airport,

Pasav City, after being dulY sworn in accordarce with law, do hereby depose and state:

1. I am a businessman. I am engaged in aircraJt charter and sale of through my compan!' called Lionair Incorporated ("Lionair"), a domestic corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the , with officc address at PADc Hangar V, General Aviation Area, Manila Domestic

Airport, Pasay city. Mv compan]- is also the exclusive dealer in the Philippines of Robinson tlelicopter Companv of Torrance California, USA.

2. I have been into aircraft charter and sale of helicopters since 1983' through my earlier company' called Airsparl Corporation ("Airspan"). i organized Airspan in 1983, and sold it in 1997. i \,v'ant to mcntion that in 1996'

I organized alother company called Asian Spirit to engage in air transport services, which became a locator at Clark Export Processing Zone.

3. In 2003, I organized l,ionair, initially as a service providcr to helicopters and other aircrafts, and later, also as exclusive dealer of Robinson

Heiicopter Compa-ny lor its helicopters in the Philippines.

4. I first became exclusive dealer of Robinson helicopters in 1989 through my company Airspan. I got the exclu sive dealership when I went to

New Orieans that year for the triggest annual helicopters convention, vu'here I met the owner-designer of Robinson Company, Frank Robinson. He awarded ne the cxclusive dealership when l made w-hat he called the "fastest purchasc" ever made of his helicopters. I ciosed the purchase of one Robinson helicopter R22 in less than five mirlutes.

5. From that time on, F lank Robinson and I became close friends. I sold Airspan in 1997 w-ith the exclusive dealership of Robinson helicopters.

How-e.ver, Airspan closed down in 2001. When I organized mlr company Lionair in 2003, Robinson Flelicopter Company again gave me exclusive dealership ot its helicopters in the Philippines.

6. ln 2003, I was asked to meet rr,'ith then First Gentlemal Miguel

Arroyo ("F G"), and I did at his LTA office . FG inquired airout cha-rtering helicopters from me, and I toki him that there u'ere no longer any helicopters available as they had all becn loancd to Fernando Poc, Jr., rvho was running for President against his wil'e, former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

7 . I suggested to FG that the best thing for him was to buy his orvn helicopters. I oflered to him the Robinson R:*:1 Raven t helicopters. five units of which wouid be the price for just one f4uropean helicopter. FG then toid rne to go ahead, buy him five (5) Robinson helicopters.

8. I told FC the procedure involved in the importation oi the Roirinson

R44 Raven I hclicoptcrs, specifically that he had to dcposit thc initial payment of US Dollar q5,000.00 for each of the R44 Raven helicopters, or US Doilar'

475,000.00, which then would set in motion Robinson's processing the orders and assigning serial numbers to the helicopters ordered. Manufacturing, of the heiicopters usua1l-y took three (3) months at that time, and when done,

Robinson would give noticc for the remittance of the balance ot'the pnrchase price. 9. I.'G agreed to the procedure, and rernitted to me US Dollar +75,000.00 for: thc required deposit, which in turn, my compan,y Lionair remitted to Robinson. Accordingll', Robinson procceded to manuf:lcture the live

(5) R44 Raven t helicopters.

10. During the period that Robinson was rnanufacturing thc five (5)

R44 Raven t helicopters, FG asked me to assist in facilitating the ir importation. He suggested that the importation, if possible, be coursed through m1. other compzlny Asian Spirit because being a locator at the Clark Export

Processing Zote, the importation by Asian Spirit woukl be tax free and the only expense rvould be for the requisite bond.

11. I aSireed to FG's proposa.l, and the helicopters u'ere clelivered to

Asian Spirit at the Clark Export Processing Znne, as follorvs:

{al First batch delivered: two (2) helicopters on 12 March


tbi Second batch delivered: t$'o (2) helicopters on 17 March 2004; and,

ic) Third batch delivered: one {1) helicopter on 24 March


I'2. As requcstcd by FG, I signed for the five (5) helicopters ir.r the name of Asian Spirit under whose name they were registered. Attached and rlade integral parts hereof as Anne-xes

ATO Certificates of Registration for each of the Robinson R44 Raven helicopters in the name of Asian Spirit. llowever, FG asked rne to sign live (5) deeds of sale for ihe five (5) helicopters in hlank, rvhich he kept. I retaineri no cop-y of these rleeds, which I signed in bla.nk, meaning there was no indicated buyer. 13. Since their deliverv, registration and issuance of certificates of airworthiness, the five (5) helicopters were used and operated as directed by

IiG. Horvever. one helicooter crashed and rvas deciarecl total loss in 2OO7 .

14. Mv compan,y Lionair provided the rnaintenance services to thc five

[5) helicopters, and rve sent the bil1s to FG, r,vho paid for them in cash.

15. Sometirne in 2006, FG told me that he was selling the helicopters at US Do11ar 350,000.00 each. I commented that the price n'as on the high side for pre-ou.ned helicopters, but FC] said that was the price he was willing 1o seii the helicopters.

16. To facilitate the sale, l advised FG that we needed Asian Spirit to sell the helicopters to Lionair so that custom duties and taxes coulcl properl-v be paid before the helicopters u'ere sold to third parties. On F G's assent, u-e effected Asian Spirit's sale initially of tuo (2) of his helicopters to Lionair, as follou's:

Unit 1 Makc and Model ROBINSON R!T4 RAVEN I IIIILICOPIER Date oi Manufacturc 09 MAR. 2004 Registrat iolr Number RP-C 2783 Airframe Serial Number 1374 Engine Serial Number L-26286-40A 'l'y pe LYCOMING IO.54O.F185

Unit 2 Make and Model RI:)BINSON R44 RAVEN I }IELICOPIER L)ate of Manufacturc 04 MAR. 2004 Registration Numbt'r RP-C 2781 Airframe Scrial Numbcr 7372 Engine Serial Number L-26281-40A Tlpt LYCOMING IO-540-F185

Attached hereto and made integral parts hereof respectively as Annexes

"F" and "G" are copies of the Deed of Absolute Sale and of the oflicial receipt issued by the Bureau of Customs lor the duties and ta-xes pieid. I7. In thc middic of March 2009. a company named Manila Aerospace

Products Tracling {MAI}|RA) asked Lionair to tender proposal for their purchase of the lour (4) pre-orvned helicopters. When I feferred the mattef to FG, he told me to make the proposal.

18. Accordingly, we prepared the proposal taking into account the price FG wanted for the helicopters r.r'hich was at US Dollar 350,000.0O each or

US Doilar 1,400,000.00 lbr four (4| helicopters. We submitttxl the proposal to

MAP|RA on 24 Mar:ch 2009, advising them at the same time that the price did not yet include the duties, ta-xes and other costs. A copy of the proposal is attached hereto and made integral part hereof as Annex "i1".

19. Thereupon, MAPTRA asked that rve revise thc proposal to include the duties, taxcs and other costs, and for on1-y three (3) pre-oivned helicopters.

We subrnitted the proposal as revised the following da-v, 25 March 2009. As revised, the price as adjusted amounted to US Doliar 448,173.73 for each of the pre-owned helicopters, or a total of US l)ollar 1,344,5 12.20 for the tht'ee (3) pre-owned helicopters. A coplr of the revised proposal wc submitted to MAPTRA is attached hereto an

20. 'l'hereafter, MAPIRA requiretl revision of our proposal to oniy two

{2J pre-orvned units and one {1) trrand new helicopter. Lionair su}rmitted the proposal 1br a brand new- I'ully equipperi helicoptcr on 13 April 2009, r:"nd the fina1 revision of the proposal lor two {2} pre-orvned helicopters, we submitted on

3 June 2009. A copy of the final revised Jrroposzrl is al.tached and rnade intcgral parl hereof as Anner "J".

2I. In the latter part of Jul-y 2009, MAP|RA intimatecl to us th.rt the]- have some problem in participating in the invitations to bid by the Philippine

National Police (PNP), Philippine Narrr (PNJ and Philippine Air Irorce [PAF) 1br the supply and sale ol; among others, parts arrd materials, sen'ices, ,rnd helicopters becausc they are not authorized dea.ler of any helicopter company.

22. I flatly toid MAPTRA that lve prel'er not to do business with the go\rernment. Hou,ever, MAPIRA suggested that all they needed \ ras to be made to appear as our marketing arm on account ol Lionair's being the exclttsive dealer of Robinson llellcopte r C

23. Finding the request rcasonable, I acceded, and we issuerl a cerlification, dated 4 August 2009, to that effect, a copy of which is attached hereto and made integral part hereof as Annex "K'"

24. On 23 November 2009, Lionair and MAPTRA signed and excct-tted thc dced of absolute sale for tire trvo (2] "PRE-OWNED/USED' helicopters, as follou's:

Unit 1 Make and Model ROtsiNSON R4:I RAVEN I HELICOFINIi I)ate of Manulacture 09 MAR. 200+ Registrat ion Nu mher RP-C 2783 Airframe Serial Number 1374 Ilngine Serial Number L-26286-40A. 'ttp. LYCOMING IO.5:IO.FT85

Unit 2 Make and Model RORINSON R44 RAVEN ] TIELICCPTER l)ate of Manufacturc 04 MAR. 2004 Registlatjon Number RP-C 2781 Airframe Serial Number r372 Engine Serial Number L-2(;281-40A Type LYCOMING IO-540-F'1I]5

A cop-y of the Deed ol Absolule Saleis attached heret

'25. In the iast w-eek of llecembcr 2009, we delivered and turned over the two (2) pre-ownecl hclicopters to MAPTRA.

26. On l6 Aplil 20 10, MAP|RA paid us thc prirchasc pricc in fu1l, :rnc.l

I then deiivered and turned over the full oavment of MAPIRAto FG. 27. I no longer have any persorral knowledge about what happencd the two i2) pre-ou'ned helicopters after w'e delivered them to MAPTRA.


SUBSCRIREII AND SWORN TO before me this &4 tut, 2c)11 at U,a!o{i Cit-v; alTiant exhibiting to me his LTO Non-Profe ssional Driver's License No.N i.1-76-00b26, expiring 9 April 20 l-t.

Doc. No. 13 City of Ma kati Page No. -; 8A, ; 2nd floor Rada St. Legaspi Vill. Ilook No. _.-l ..,.. . ..; Uniil 31. L)ecenber 2011 Series of 201 1. Roll No,5B'133 Lifttime IBP Nc. 09069/8 April 2010/ Makafi PTR No. Et+4ltb /\ tu Jo". tt Parahaque Cify 4tlttEx A

,fYPIi OF RESI$iNTA N;I,I: lEl on cn*n,- f-] *o*u* . I r*,u.ts.n r --i EIiG,IGEfJ IN: L.J ArR cuMMeRcE LIJ GENER AVIAJIoN


n,JlXt{ii{.'ii. jriij, I;C?tli-t 'lvt;iP&f ru*.jei79 iU j. :iaTeTr I loN trOTI}RCILi.FT J. ffROSS q tilctll' ihij i, "1. flj irLneornor rvRt(}jEf Plsl(]i.{ TUIIBTNE 1,o89


lrit. s. Registrair:n Fca,fJ:l!!"Shi"iut tteceipt No. -99Q.2- Daie.l -,1{*. ",'.i;. qr'JO0L OO -** E*er6y l-a*; I Ctit'rci;rl firr erpt iio.- -Q9: --iiatcd ** .--*. - Pe.alty r f- :-".*.Ofiici6i.Receipt f{o. ., ,- Deted "tmsir:r --l**-=..,* !

To bc ercr:ute,l il dtiplicare. a Al'flJEX

Al9l'orD llo, t06l Rliiied M&(h 1993 Rcp'.blic of thc Frrilippincs cNlg{Eg1"Lu-- I}EPARIi\TENT OT' TN,ANST'OKTATION AI\D COMMUNTCAI'IO]\5 AI TRANSpORI'{IION orA]rCE Pasry Ciry, Mctro Muile CENxlFIG,flTE OF TGGrcrln/TfiIOilT

,fYfE t;-.1 OF REG|f,TNAflON: LI ozuGrNAL fl **r*ot I t*.rr*rru* t;r IiNGACED IN: tf AJR CUMMIRLIi lli GE!,IERAI- AVIATION

r. Hl;lDN,\l !fi ,ti.ll) 2. IiANl.lprCTURIlR Ar,tD MAN U FnCI t"r REI( 5 3. ,{lRCtLtFT sERL{t RLGISIRAItON ivrARKs DLliGli,{r lrlr{ (lr.. AlRdriAirr NUMBI,R

,1o.iJ1Ngtri ltFx,I C0ii ?:lli ;irlif;lIY ;rL-O! i30 t4.r "ial,etr I .t. Pls];'ti TIJREL!'R{)P T!cik}llT ttol',Sircrl"ltr i, G r-rlJs wE lc I IT (tlc:l

PJSTOI..I l iJitBIl.;tl d 1, J9?

6. NrllvlE {JF OllNliP. : JSIii{ SFIitI I, Irii. 1, AL]DRESS } .:h.r. i..r. .rir iian6ar, i{ardia lom;siic

*. R.rgirtratiol P.e.e;1,r 10-gi9'l'j iec P- ?'-9!!SSeral P.e.eii,! i..io.i.:c,. 1O-!i9'10 ;fur..'t .::t-r-:.J:r-'::,:: 1 El!r,' rgy'lax:r;1' tix: i-'rr c'cq:!sircon.ig Reccipr p.rrcd -Oincrgl,gi6crrl tlo.*:iu:'-,..tlo.*:ju:..-,.. i l)vlalty:l)vllalty : P**;-.'.*_-{Lt'llci.rlP **;-.'.*_-{Lt'llci.rl RereiprRerei gr |,io.|,jo. --*:,-._.*___*L -=*_ D,*cdD?Jcd ****':.****_ :-_.-_*- '[i.rnrl,-r -lil-,-*.---ljl-,-*.--* i liror.';r Fee , P---"P--- :.*-Ot'i.;+l---Otli.i+l ReceiptP..,(cLnt No.."..-]-.--No. -....1--- llatec!I)at;J - j jlu j.rd Frt(c r;i Lrlg !!r,/f,,,r;!cellat Fi:e: P---:*.-* i )fiicll Rec,ri1,t No. ---.,i1". - . - !g.T't {"------.-I)a ,-11-'l-l{*.'.1,,-,.,,.:-,i -1"-:r*-c.J:,'c,:{-JlT9::ll1l:*--:-=='-,!l!1!,1f. ,rl,uve it it tirrcqv *rtrtirrl that rlre "rlruve Jrscribtd ,riir,rirti lias brct cntcrcd on litSt registcr of tt'rt['r I l"ill 1l'iAtiJI''Jl{,{|IO}i ClPIlli::rClPItli::r ;,-r,-lrdax':;,-r,-lrdal..l': r,ritlr,ritL t[. i..]lr,j*ti.r:ri..]lr,*rti.r:r rlrrn htrnui,rr:.li!*Errr.!,rr::!.: i CivilCr, rl AviauonAr,.rrrt n eirtedri.r*,1 7 Deterrrberl)e, errrbur 1944,19.14. arrd nrolisirursprorisions 'tof llepu!$;Jrgfl{dlftr7xl(cDobbetq(-l{6-.-?6.; arlrt-ndirlanrrnd,:ri i iiiil"'{' $,*'"-ol "'' Ii::i:::"'.'5Hililt'l"t#ii]'i1"'{'l.*'"-o: t. \ilrd Llp to : lrj. Zg:tr____ -ffi-.ffi' }t, $tart ____iiar,Qij {/t^s"ttrartt i THt c)&tcll.t-{l c!.lrTttrtc.$ [ sr-rAl.i. B[ c.{iiKltD IN tl-iE .rdRctuurr Ar ALL'I ltylttr. i 1b br crruriteLl ir ilul,licate. ,qNNEX t

llIO torn Nc 1063 Rcvi*cd Mrtc} 1993 Rtpublic of tle ?hilippines DEPATTMENTff OFoF TTLTIL{ITSPORI:{11ONAND \IIPORI:{IION4ND c0lrljC{)IIfi\IUI'{ICArION$ AIR'rRAN8P0Rll{fi{tN or-l- lcE Pesay CitS lvletnr Mrlila CDN|TIITC/TXE OF NDGIflItrITTIO1IT

'IYPE OF 8ECISII{AIIO N: El o",tr*^r. [j *n*o** iJ t*ttt*

ENCACED lNr fl ** .o"*,,or'u [-1 ArtAT'IoN "u*o*t I, TiII.IONALITT" .\HD ?. st...bi uErcTr-lRliR .{fiir i{,{ lr-$A(:1ul1E& r .t. ArF-cR.A Fr lERl-af IILGII IRAI ION lll{Itlts OT GN.{Ti(JN QF I]RCRAII' I.iLIhIDER :O?I]$C:l lftiliril:'''ft!'. Jir'i-tiil rli)-Oe i t l Lii,l il..,/ el] g'E1GHT 4, Pts tCrN :tlJ F. BC}PROP ruRB(llEl F,()loRcllel:r i. cB(rss tKdsl irr;TnN IdRB:NE I l rrAU

f,l- 5. TIAME ()r OV/NI,R 7- llDDFi*S ,. \1i:,.r.y J r i..y

i,rnalty : P*=J'*-*--Otlicial &€lript No. ---:- Datcd Irarrsier lee : P- * ,- Oificrai Rrctipt No --.--:----.- Dated !'ce./Caltcllation lerr P--:--t)tfici*l Reccipt Nc.

9. It rs hercl,v ctnilird that the :b{,r'e describ*J riic;rit has been enErrd orr tllc regrlttr oi lljt. AIR IF,AI{SPOH|ATION OFftCE ir aciordanre ivi'.h ihc iioil'*rlairla ctr latsrnaticn,r! Civit dviadon dated 7 December 19{4, ard protisionr of RcpubligA4{a{ff,9i an}cndcd bv lrcsidcntid Dcqce No. ti.i4, dated l? Dereurber 1975. Ilate c,f L5*rc L_" l4s+ch 2J, 2oD4 _* \aldUpro :.__ ,,arr-i:.22. j90t lI.lL (.)RIGTNAI CER'IIF'CATE SI LALL tsI, CARRIEIJ- IN TITE CRAF r A'1-AII- TlMiiS. To br creorted in duplicate, ,,lililgx&.

I Tt Form No. 1063 Ii6isrd Nfur.h 1t91 CN- ; f+n Rcputrlir.f thc t'!.ii L i,rnrs 't 'c, DEPARTI\IENT OF TRAI*qI€RTAl'I{lli ANI) (lOMfrlUMClIIlONS AIR TRAfisl'GRlltl'l{ lrd o}}'tcE (!ry, P;tsay Ir.lr.t r'. ' iri.,rrl.r cEf,iTIrICillS ()r f,Ecrsru,|rrcN

ryr,t,.oFR$cr$TnarrnN' f,l {.}p,rrir.r/ir. l-.-l oo^o*r.t. [f t* r.,rou* !,NCAGIiD IN; l-..1 a,n ,,.r"*t,,..,,u l]f, t,urno* ,; a't ,r'o'

L N.{14'N,{LITY I MiNLra.{'a1.,( lil riNrl \1-\l;!./ }.!C11.,rliliA S 3- AIRCF-AFT $ERIAL RI,C]J'I ]TA] ION N,IARKS^^*f, I)listri fiA" ' ) N il r,,!ltrrlfl' NIJN{IiER

i,r'il:';1.1i'.i :i,i., l, -' . ,; r.,l !1. !!!'Jey. lJtt 4 ?t51,JN IL'RAOIROP 'ru R.8ar.rEr I(aii I I RrjRAIT 5, GROSS WEIGT{T (KGSI l-lilON .I1'RBINF I rsJ a;i 6, NA}IF t)F OW NI]R : '.ll ;i :i '. ll;. 7. jg{,r:: ; : !i ! i.:r .. -re: i.lc ADDRESS , *_:l!l^jl:-jsi13s._ r.,. _ .'"lrlrort r :'''s' ;lj' ?l'1r' L Regisration rr*, p -11)'6*i.ial P.eceipt lt,:. *l:::}l Dated Eoergl.Tax: P 5raCO.r.xi Official- Rcceipt No. --:=Ll:..-*- fJated -',)- Penalty: P- - -*--Otljciai Reccipt Nl. - - --^i..- -.--- I)ared

9 It rs hcreby ceniiied that the above dacribed aircraft h.rs been entered on the register of the AIR Tfu{NSPORT,{t-lON OFFICE in ir(ord1,!(r' with rhe (-i ril Avirtion dated 7 l)ecember 114,1. :Liul pf ()!is i{rrs ol re75 ijj:":il::;:?"l"iHtu'q4t4,". fjn'remr"'r . J.L Yrlid Up to : 'f -I]J l{ D ORIG tNAL CEEnFIc.'1Tf SI-tAI.r. 6F. CAF F Il r'l; i tl,4.lRCRAI:f

To br crecuted in rlutr'Licate- iNilEX _E.

ATO for6 No. l06t Rcvircd M.rcf, 1993 Rcpublic of rhc Philippiaer cNj,i04gll_91__ DGPAIUMENT OTTIAI{SFOBTATTONAND COMMUNICAflONS AIR I'RANS} OB.TtrrION OFI|'ICE Pecey City, Mctro Meuile OEMIrIGllItr OT TN{flgIf,flIIOIT

TYPE Of REGTSTMTIONT L4J onrclNAr [ [ *r*r* ^unrew^L ENGAGED IN: n llrRcoMMERcf, El cuNu**^"r TIor*

I, NANONAiITY AND I. I{ANU&{CTUREII AND DTANUPACruf,JJ,R'S 3. iJR'CRAFT SERIAL RP.GISTR.|fION MAR(s DESiGNATION OF ATRCA-AFT NUMBEB ,id.i:il:3giiI i{&Iio!t:J:t Co;r)l y .d,-c27d) !i44 ;laverl 1il4 4. usToN 'IlJRbO!X,OP TUR.B('-JEl noToRclu.rT 5. GROSS wEIGI{r {KGS) PISTON TURBINE ti 1'69.

6. NAME OF OWNER , *3f rll{ gi)IPJt IllC. 7. ADDRESS

t$6;.;r1 '8. fugistrarion Fec; I 2' 5C0. Rrceip No. 306r?42 Datcd -iiar. lCr 2004 Energy Ta,r. 5 qlo- P '0O0.Cq Olficial Re*cipt No^ flated. -dr Pcn:lty : P - -*-*Or'ficiai Receipt No. Datcd 'liaorllr Fcc ; P--__:_____rofficial Rcccipt No.--1__* - Oatcrl fee/Canccllation Fcc; l'-I--_ilFrcial lteccipt l.lo- - Dared - r" r,s lt !1cbr a,nilicd that thc abovc dcscritrd airc*ti has been .nt...a-oo thc registcr of the 4{R TRANSPORTAION OtftCt) il acordance with thc Civil Ariarion datcd 7 Dc:ernber 1144, ar.d orovisions by lraidcntial Decrce No. E4{ dated f2 Dicember .tiyJ4 1975. l)ate of Issuc I .l'ial'cli ]i - lbld Up to : .I'iaxcii ]0. 20C5 _* THE OIJGINAL CEi{IIFICATE SI-IAIL BE CAITRIED IN fIIE ATA'-L TIMES. 1b br er,ccuted iri duplir:atc. DEED OF ABSOTUTE SAIE *F - KIIIOW AII. MEiI BY THEsE PRESENT ANiIEX

This Deed of Sale made and executed bv and between:

ASlAil SPIRIT ll{C, a domestic corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with office address at No. 7233 Civil Aviation Complex Clarkfield, Pampanga, Philippines, represented herein by its Director, MR. JOAQUIN ERNESTO L PO and hereinafter referred to as the 'Vendo/.'.


tlONAlR lNC., a domestic corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with office address at PADC Hangar V, Gen. Aviation Area, Manila Domestic Airport Pasa% Metro Manila, Philippines, and represented herein by its General Manager, MR. REI{ATO M. SIA and hereinafter referred to as the "Vendee".


That the Vendor is the registered and lawful owner of the following described "PRE- OWNED / USED4 helicopter units:

S!!! Make and Model ROBI]IsO'I R44 RAVEN I HETICOPTER Date of Manufacture ott MAR.2txt4 Registration Number RP-C 2783 Airframe Serial Number 1374 Engine Serial Number t-2528H{tA - Type LYCOMtItG tO.54&F185

$!!! Make and Model ROBINSOII R44 RAVEN I HELICOPTER Date of Manufacture 04MAR.2m4 Registration Number RP-C 2781 Airframe Serial Number tt72 Engine Serial Number ' L-26281-rt0A - Type LYCOMING IO-54GF1B5

S[!! Make and Model ROElilSOt{ Rtf4 RAVEN il HEUCOPTER Date of Manufacture 05 MANCH 2ff)4 Registration Number RP-C 2985 Airframe Serial Number 10369 Engine Serial Number t-29!t4:t-48A - Type LYCOMI|G tG54{t-AE1A5

DafD ot atloullf Sata al|A{ s}tir / t xtl{Ati- Nc i4r R vtn ul gtt l3tr, ttrtmo lqttg ?a6f 10F 3 That for and in consideration of the sum of U5 Dollars THREE HUIT|DRED EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (USD 3OEF0O.OOI for all three (3) units, broken down as follows:

1). "Pre{wned Unll" R44 narc . Price; US Dollarc, One Hundred Two Tho$and Five Hundred (US$ 1O2,5OO.0OI

2l,. "Pre-Owned Unit" R44 Raw . Price: US Dollars, One Hundred One Thousand (uss 101,m0.00)

3). 'Pldwned Unh" R44 Raven . Price: US Dollars, One Hundred Five fhousand (uss 105,{t0o.ool

In hand paid by the VEilDEE unto the VEIIDOR, the VEIIDOR hereby sells, transfers and conveys by way of absolute sale on an 'As|I' WHERE-|S" basis, unto the VElrlDEE, all three above described aircraft, and;

That the VENDOR further covenants that it has the right to sell and transfer the item described above and will defend the same against the claims of any and all person whatsoever. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VEIIDOR and VE DEE have hereunto caused these presents to be signed this Q{ day of AurusL 2fit6 in Pasay, Metro-Manila, Philippines.





oED OF AISOUJ'I SAlr lsursfix'I / Lntan ftc n44r vEr r sxs 1'rr, rra Axo ror59 P 6fIOfI AS(NOWLEDGMEiIT

REPUBLIC OF THE PHIUPPINES s. s. City of FraAiAiui 1:l i 36.11.

BEFORE ME, the undenigned Notary Public, in and for the city FARAnic./L cfi r .rr personally appeared, on this _ day of

Name Comm. Tar Cert, No. Date/Place lssued


JOAqUIN ERilESTO PO 01459161 07 Mar. 05 / Pasav. Metro-Manila



RENATO M. SIA 00985671 16 Feb, 06 / Pasav, Metro-Manila known to me to be the same person(s) who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge that they executed the same on their own free and voluntary act and deed.

2 7 lrii i.:!$ WITIIIESS MY HAND AllD SEAL in this _ day of 2006 at the City of

Doc. No. # "t*ffiffi.';* --@- ,3Pfto 6t!rt6.t.,.0. Page No. ? , n,r r,. r fllE CtW Book No. X Series of 2006

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Republic of the Philippines Department ofFinance BUREAU OF CUSTOMS COLLECTTOiI DISTRICT XTV Port of CIark

January 22,2010 CERTIFICATION

To Whom lt May Concern:

Ihis is to c€nify that l.,lONAtR lNC. paid rhe amount of One Million Nine llundred Seventy Three Thousand Five Hundred Sel'enty Four Pesos and Zero Centavos ( P 1.973,57400) under IEIRD No.l0l7042t5 dated t/22110 repreenting payment of Import Processing Fee (lPF), customs duties and ra.xes on its purchased of Three (3) Units ROBINSON R44 HELICOPTER with SN# t37211374110369 classified under Tariff Heading H.S 8802.11.00 and released under Formal Entry No.0009-10 dated I t22tro.

'l"his Certifrcation is heing issued upon the legal purpose it may serve. B(X' IYPORT $TTRY & ITI I]RNAL REVf,NT:E PI;CI,AR,ATI(N

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CUD 1"50,119. O0 VAT r,422,455.OO IIL------*------L999:99 TO|IAI, Pr{P 1 ,97 3,574. O0 v v vvl/w,l' v-yv-vv\nrv PROPOSAL TO SELL H - ^*r*" PRtr:OWA{trD FOrUR (1) UIIIITS OF


LAI€ALES/1 01 5/2009/rms 032409 SUMMARY

l. Overvaew of Robinson R44 Raven I Helicopter

Definition of "Prc-Owned Unit". (SN 1370 / RPC2779}

) Description

F Overview (Photos)

F StandardConfiguration

F Optional Equipment

> Interior and Exterior Layout

lll. Definition of the "PrcOwned Unit" (SN 1374, RP-C27831

F Descriolion

F Overview (Photos)

) StandardConfiguration

F Optional Equipment

D Interior and Exterior Layout

lV. Definition of the "PrcOwned Unit" (SN 1371 , RP-C2780)

> Description'

> Overview (Photos)

> Standard Configuration

> Optional Equipment

> Interior and Exterior Layout

'CUSTOMIZED" PRE{'WIIIED RAVEN I PreE 2 OF 21 l-Al€AlEglolbIloog/rms 032,{}t V. Definition of the "Pre4wned Unit" (SN 1372 / RP-C2781)

F Description

F Overview (Photos)

> Standard Configuration

> Optional Equipment

> Interior and Exterior Layout

Vl. Equipped Price

> Each Unit

> Four (4) Units

Vll. Deliverv Schedule

Vlll. TechnicalAssistance

lX. Validitv of Proposal



For those who expect excellence and appreciate value, at last lhere's the R44 Raven. Quite simply, the Raven delivers the performance of an expensive turbine helicopter at an affordable piston price. Its sleek design, impressive speed, and unparalleled reliability give it the competitive edge in today's fast paced, changing environment.

Affordable luxury defines the Raven. Standard features indude a precision engineered RPM govemor, a durable rotor brake, and auxiliary fuel system for added versatility and longer range, a powerful heater / defogger, and hydraulic power controls that completely eliminate stick shake and control forces for a smooth, and relaxing ride. The Raven's distinctive aerodynamic design allows a high-speed cruise up to 130 mph and an average fuel consumption of only 12 to 16 gallons per hour. The cabin offers a comfortable, "two plus two" seating with removable dual controls and no bulkhead or post between the front and rear seats, assuring exceptional visibility and panoramic views for all passengers.

Robinson's engineering emphasis on quality, reliability and perfiormance has made the R44 Raven the world's top-selling helicopter. lt has fewer accidents due to aircraft or engine failure than other light h€licopters, and best of all, the Raven has the lowest cost per seat- mile of helicopter anywhere.


Rellable Englne. The depenclable Lycoming 0-540 engine is derated from 260 to 205 l-lp (225 Hp take-ofD for long life and unmatched reliability.

Patented Rotor Design. Robinson's patented tri-hinge rotor eliminates I?g hinges, dampers, and hydraulic struts. Stainless steel main rotor blades resist conosion and have thick leading edges to minimize erosion.

Inspections. No scheduled maintenance, other than oil changes, required between 100- hour inspec{ions.

"CUATOMIZED'' PREOWNED RAVEI{ I PAGE 5 OF 21 LAI-SALES/1016f2009r1ms 032/Og Lubrication. Teflon-lined elastomeric, and sealed bearings eliminate most lubrication requirements.

Couplings. Maintenance.free flexible couplings are used in place of universal joints or gear couplings in the main and tail drive systems.

Controls. Primary controls are actuated by maintenance-free bellcranks and push-pull tubes, eliminating the need for control c€bles and pulleys.

Tirne-Between0verhauls. 2200 hours or twelve years approved time-between-overhaul period for the R44 engine and airfmme. All life-limitecl components have approved service lives of at least 2200 hours.

Worldwide Service. Factory-trained technicians at morc than 200 service centers throughout the world use certified Robinson parb and tools to provide quality service for R44 helicopters.


Hydraulic Power Controls. Completely eliminate cyclic stick shake and mntrol forc€s in flight.

Balanced Pistol Grip Cyclic Controls. Ergonomic grips incorporate two-position trigger switches for intercom and transmit. Grips also have buttons for convenient storing and switching of COMM frequencies.

RPM Govemor. No more throttle twisting; precision- engineered govemor automatically controls engine RPM during all normal operations.

Rotor Brake. Allovrrs the pilot to stop the rotor quickly, greatly reducing shutdown time and the risk of injury to gmund personnel.

Advanced Waming Devices. The instrument panel includes low fuel waming light, main gearbox temperature and chip lights, tail geafuox chip liglrt, lovy oil pressure light, engine fire light, low voltage altemator light, low RPM waming light and hom, plus rotor brake and starter engaged waming lights.

Automatic Clutch Engagemont Simplifies stan-up pDcedure and reduces the possibility of an overspeed.

Carburctor Heat Assist. Enhances safety and reduces pilot workload by automatically adding carb heat when the collective is lorvered and reducing carb heat when the collective is raised.


Adjustable Pedals. Right side pilot pedals sllow two inches of fors and aft adjustment. .two Visibility. Comfortable plus two" s€ating provides front and rear passengers with wide, unobstructed views. No center bulkhead or post impedes visibility. Large windows in each door allow clear sideward vision from all seats.

Low Noise Level. Heavy-duty muffler, lolrv tail rotor tip speed, and a large, cambered fin to offJoad the tail rotor makes the R44 a "community friendlf quiet helicopter. Thick acoustical foam achieves surprisingly low cabin noise levels.

T-Bar Cyclic. Robinson's patented cyclic design eliminates uncomfortiable stick between knees and eases cabin entry and exit.

Ample Baggage Compartments. All four seats hinge up for access to concealed storage areas for carry-on-bags, briefcase, supplies, and other belongings. A custom Robinson travel bag is standard equipment for ne\rv R44s.

Heating and Ventilation. An adjustable heater distributes heat to all four seats. Fresh air vents in the cabin nose and eacft door provides generous ventilation for all passengers.

Off Airport Landings. High-mounted tail rotor and raised oihaust provide an added margin of safety at off-airport destinations.

Two Bladed Main Rotor. Requires less than one-third the hangar space of a multi-bladed rotor.

Voice Ac-tivated Intercom Standard. A high quality voice-aclivated intercom eliminates the need to use intercom switches during doors-on flights. Fbor and hand intercom switches are included for doors-off ooerations.

'crrsToMtzEo" PREowt{ED RAvEit I PAG]E 7 OF 2'I LA|SALESrl0lStloogfrns 032109 il. DEFINITION OF "PRE.OWNED UNIT", SN 1370 I RP.C2779

Rtl4 Raven 1 Helicooter


P Type R44 Raven 1

F Date Manufactured. Airframe 03 Mar.2004

> Aircraft Serial Number 1370

P Aircraft Time to Date (24 Mar- 09) 367H36M

F EngineType Lycoming 0-540-F1B5

F Engine Serial Number L-26275404

> Date Manufac{ured, Engine 27 Sep. 2003

> Engine Time Sine New (24 Mar. 09) 367H36M

> Certificate of Registration Gurrent, till 15 Mar, 2010

> Certificate of Airworthiness Current till 16 Mar. 2010

> Radio Station License Current, till 15 Mar. 2011 > (Photos)

PREOWNED RAVEI{ "CUSTOMIZET}" PAGE 8 OF 2t LAI€ALES/l0tsr2lxrg/rrB 032'O9 .CT'STOMIZEIY PREOWI{ED RAVEI{ I PAOE 9 OF 21 LAI-SALESrl0 t 5f200g/nns 032/Og Standard Conflsuratlon. SN 1370 , RP-C2779

RHC Oil Filter Door Opener, Gas Spring, All Four Doors * Hydraulic Power Controls Tinted Wndshield and Door Windows Auxiliary Fuel System Fonn-Fifted Fabric Seats RPM Throftle Govemor lnertia Reel Shoulder Hamess Cabin Heater and Defogger Adjustable Pedals on Pilot Side Removable Dual Controls Carpeting and Acoustic lnterior Throttle Conelator Muffler and Soundproofi ng Rotor Brake Baggage Compartments Engine Oil Quick-Drain Door Locks Hard Point on Belly VSI Rate-of-Climb Indicator Airspeed Indicator Low Voltage Light Rotor and Engine Dual Tachometer Low Oil Pressure Light Sensitive Altimeter In-Hg Low Fuel Light Manifold Pressure Gauge Low RPM Light and Hom Main Gearbox Temp Light King KY196A COM with 9 Memory Main Gearbox Chip Light Channels on Cyclic Grip Tail Gearbox Chip Light Rotor Brake Engaged Light King KT76C Transponder with Starter Engaged Light Mode C Alt Encoder Dual Landing Lights Navigation, Panel and Map Lights Intercom System with VOX, NAT AA83 Anti-Collision Light Floor and Hand lntercom Switches Tow-Cart Adapter Clock (Quartz) Ground Handling Wheels Magnetic Compass Windshield Cover Digital OAT Gauge Custom Fabric Travel Bag Carb Air Temp Gauge Rotor Blade Tie Downs Hourmeter Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Oil Temperature and Pressure Gauges Ammeter

Ootional Equipment

Artificial Horizon BFG 11OO with Slip Skid Indicator Vertical Compass PAI-700 Two (2) David Clark H1G13H Headsets lnterior and Exterior Lavout

> Interior Finish : Form Fabric Seats, Gray > Exterior Finish : Standard White Base IMRON L0774 with Light Blue Trim


R44 Raven I Helicopter


F Type R44 Raven 1

F Date Manufactued, Airframe 09 Mar.2004

> Aircraft Serial Number 1374

> Aircraft Time to Date (24 Mar. 09) 503H12M

> EngineType Lycoming 0-540-FlB5

F Engine Serial Number L-2628640A

Date Manufactured, Engine 19 Nov. 2003

Engine Time Sine Nev\r (24 Mar. 09) 503H12M

Certifi cate of Registration Cuner*, till 30 Mar. 2010

Certificate of Ainrvorthiness Current, till 18 May 2009

Radio Station License Current, till 14 Sep.2009


PREOWNEO RAVEN I "CUSTOMIZED'' PAGE11OF2.1 LAISALEs/I0 ltr200e/nns 032,O9 "CUSTOI'IZED" PREOWNED RAVEiI I PAGE 12 OF 21 LA|SALES,i0 tS,2000rtrns 03209 S-tandard Confisuration. SN 1374 / RP4278':l

RHC Oil Filter Door Opener, Gas Spring, All Four Doors * Hydraulic Power Controls Tinted Wndshield and Doo. Windows Auxiliary Fuel System Fon|} Fitted Fabric Seats RPM Throttle Govemor lnertia Reel Shoulder Hamess Cabin Heater and Defogger Adjustable Pedals on Pilot Side Removable Dual Controls Carpeting and Acoustic Interior Throttle Conelator Mufiler snd Soundproofing Rotor Brake Baggage Compartments Engine Oil Quick-Drain Door Locks Hard Point on Belly VSI Rate-of-Climb lndicabr Airspeed Indicator Low Voltage Light Rotor and Engine Dual Tachometer Low Oil Pressure Light Sensitive Altimeter In-Hg Low Fuel Light M€nifold PressuE Gauge Low RPM Light and Hom Main Gearbox Temp Light King l{Y19€A COM with I Memory Main G6arbox Chip Light Channels on Cyclic Grip Tail Gearbox Chip Light Rotor Brake Engaged Light King KT76C Transponder with Starter Engaged Light Mode C Alt Encoder Dual Landing Lights Navigation, Panel and Map Lights Intercom System with VOX, NATAAS3 Anti-Collision Light Floor and Hand Intercom Switches To\ry-Cart AdaDter Clock (QuarE) Ground Handling Wheels Magnetic Compass Wndshield Cover Digital OAT Gauge Cuslom Fabric Travel Bag Carb Air Temp Gauge Rotor Blade Tie-Downs Hourmet€r Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Oil Temperature and Pressurc Gauges Ammeter

Optional Equioment

> Artificial Horizon BFG 11OO with Sip Skid Indicator > Vertical Compass PAI-700 > Two (2) David Clark H10-13H Headsets

Interior and Exterior Lavout

> lnterior Finish : Form Fabric Seats. Brown > Exterior Finish : Standard \Mrite Base IMRON L0Z/4 with Brown Trim


Rr|4 Raven 1 Helicopter


> Type R44 Raven 1

> Date Manufactured, Airframe 03 Mar.2004 ts Aircraft Serial Number 1371

> Aircraft Time to Date (24 Mar. 09) 481H06M

Engine Type Lycoming 0-540-F185

Engine Serial Number L-26282404

Date Manufactured, Engine 13 Nov. 2003

Engine Time Sine New (24 Mar. G)) 481H06M

Certificate of Registration Current, till 15 Mar. 2010

Certifi cate of AiMorthiness Cunent, till 16 Mar. 2010

Radio Stiation License Current, till 15 Mar.2011


PREOWNEO RAVEN I "CUSTOMIZED' PAGE 14 OF 21 LA|.SALES/l0lS/2009rrms 0324O9 f ,"|. 'gt-: ' rr! ,,{;i:,

"CUSTOMIZED" PRE{)WITIED RAVEiI I LATSALES/Io l5,looormE 03e,O0 PAGE 15 OF 21 Standard Connquration. SN 1371 / RP-C27EO

RHC Oil Filter Door Opener, Gas Spring, All Four Doors Hydraulic Power Controls Tinted \Mndshield and Door Windows * Auxiliary Fuel System Form-Fitted Fabric Seats RPM Throtde Govemor lnertia Reel Shoulder Hamess Cabin Heater and Defogger Adjustable Pedals on Pilot Side Removable Dual Controls Carpeting and Acoustic Interior Throftle Conelator Muffl er and Soundproofing Rotor Brake Baggage Compartments Engin€ Oil Quick-Drain Door Locks Hard Point on Belly VSI Rate-of-Climb lndic€br Airspeed Indicator Low Voltage Light Rotor €nd Engine Dual Tachometer Low Oil Pressure Light Sensitiv€ Altimeter In-Hg Low Fuel Light Manifold Pressure Gauge Lon RPM Light and Hom Main Gearbox Temp Light King 1ff1964 COM with 9 Memory Main Gearbox Chip Light Channels on Cydic Grip Tail Gearbox Chip Light Rotor Brake Engaged Light King KT76C Transponder with StarEr Engaged Light Mode C Alt Encoder Dual Landing Lights Navigation, Panel and Map Lights Int€rcom System with VOX, NAT AA83 Anti-Collision Light Floor and Hand Intercom Switches Tow-Cart Adapter Clock (QuarE) Ground Handling \lvheels Magnetic Compass \r'Vindshield Cover Digital OAT Gauge Custom Fabric Travel Bag Carb Air Temp Gauge Rotor Blade Tie-Downs Hourmeter Cylinder Head Temperatum Gauge Oil Temperafure and Pressure Gauges Ammeter

Optional Equipment

Artificial Horizon BFG 1100 with Siip Skid Indicator Vertical Compass PAI-700 Two (2) David Clark H1G13H Headsets

lnterior and Exterior Lavout

F Interior Finish : Form Fabric Seats, Gray > Exterior Finish : Standard White Base IMRON L0774 with Blue Trim


R44 Raven 1 Helicopter


F Type R44 Raven 1

l Date Manrrfaciured. Airframe lH Mar.20lH

F Aircraft Serial Number 1372

Aircraft Time to Date (24 Mar. 09) .|4'gH18M

Engine Type Lycoming 0-540-FlBs

Engine Serial Number L-2628140A

Date Manufactured, Engine 22 Oct. 2003

Engine Time Sine New (24 Mar. 09) .f49Hl8M

Certificate of Registration Current, till 22 Mar, 2010

Certificate of AiMorthiness Current, till 27 Mar. 2010

Radio Station Licens€ Cun€nt, till 14 Sep. 2009


"CT'STOMIZEIY' PREOW{ED RAVEH I LAI-SALES/10llr20o9rrm3 ct?i||'o PAGE 17 OF 21 .CUATOiIrZED- PRE{)WI{ED RAVEI{ t LAI.SALES/i0 t5/2009/tms 03209 PAOE 18 OF 21 Standard Conflquradon. SN 1372 / RP-C2ZE1

RHC Oil Filter Door Opener, Gas Spring, All Four Doors Hydraulic Pouer Controls Tinted Windshield and Door Windo\,vs * Auxiliary Fuel Sysbm Form-Fitt€d Fabric seats RPM Throftle Govemor Inertia Reel Shoulder Hamess Cabin Heater and Defogger Adjustable Pedals on Pilot Side Removable Dual Controls Carpeting and Acoustic Interior Throttle Conelator Muffler and Soundproofi ng Rotor Brake Baggage Compartments Engine Oil Quick-Drain Door Locks Hard Point on Belly VSI Rate-of-Climb Indicabr Airspeed Indicator Low Voltage Light Rotor and Engine Dual Tacfiometer Low Oil Pressure Light Sensitive Altimeter In-Hg Low Fuel Light Manifold Pressure Gauge Lo$, RPM Ught and Hom Main Gearbox Temp Light King fi196A COM with 9 Memory Main Gearbox Chip Light Channels on Cyclic Grip Tail Gearbox Chip Light Rotor Brake Engaged Light King KT76C Transponder with Starter Engaged Light Mode C Alt Encoder Dual Landing Lights Navigation, Panel and Map Lights Intermm System with VOX, NATAA83 Anti-Collision Light Floor and Hand Intercom Switches Tow-CartAdapter Clock (Quartz) Ground Handling Wheels Magnetic Compass lflindshield Cover Digital OAT Gauge Custom Fabric Travel Bag Carb AirTemp Gauge Rotor Blade Tie-Downs Hourmeter Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Oil Temperature and Pressure Gauges Ammeter

Optional Eouioment

> Artificial Horizon BFG 1100 with Slip Skid Indicator F Vertical Compass PAI-700 > Two (2) David Clark H10-13H Headsets

Interior and Exterior Lavoul

> Interior Finish : Form Fabric Seats, Efown F Exterior Finish : Stanclard White Base IMRON L0774 with Oranoe Trim




Or its equivalent amount in Philippine Pesos at closing


LANDED US DOLLARS, ONE MILLION MANILA FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND PRICE, FOUR (us$ 1,4oo,ooo.oo) (4) UN|TS Or its equivalent amount in Philippine Pesos at closing


> lmmediab - Msnila > Location : Lionair Hangar, PADC 5, lllanila Domestic Airport Pasa% f,letro-Manila


Lionair, Incor?orated, being a customer support facility of Robinson Helicopter Company, shall provid€ technic€l assistance and spare parts support to all Robinson helicopter series operating in the Philippines.


This proposal is firm and valid until the end of August 2009.



LAI-SALES/1 01 5A/2009/rms ool500 V. Equipped Price

> Each Unit

> Three (3) Units

Vl. Deliverv Sch€dule

Vll. TechnicalAssistancs

Vlll. Validitv of Piboosal


For those who expect excellence and appreciab value, at last there's the R44 Raven. Quite simply, the Raven delivers the perfomance of an expensive tJrbine helicopter at an affordable piston price. Its slL.ek design, impressive speed, and unparalleled reliability give it the competitive edge in todafs fast paced, changing environment.

Affordable luxury defines the Raven. Standard features include a precision engineered RPM govemor, a durable rotor brake, and auxiliary fuel system for added versatility and longer range, a powerful heater / defogger, and hydraulic power controls that completely eliminate silck shake and control forces fur a smooth, and relaxing ride. The Raven's distinctive aerodynamic design allows a high-speed cruise up to 130 mph and an average fuel consumption of only 12 b 16 gallons per hour. The cabin offers a comfortable, 'two plus two" seating with removable dual controls and no bulkhead or post betw€en lhe front and rear seats, assuring exceptional visibility and panoramic views for all passengers.

Robinson's engine€ring emphasis on quality, reliability and performance has made the R44 Raven the world's bp-selling helicopter. lt has fer/ter accilents due to aircraft or engine failure lhan other light helicopters, and best of all, the Raven has the lowest cost per seal- mile of helicopter anyvyhere.


Reliable Engine. The dependable Lycoming 0-540 engine is derated from 260 to 205 Hp (225 Hp take-ofi) for long lifre and unmatched reliability.

Patented Rotor Design. Robinson's patented tri.hinge rotor eliminates lbg hinges, dampers, and hydraulic struts. Stainless st€€l main rotor blades resist conosion and have thick leading edges to minimize erosion.

Inspections. No scheduled maintenance, other than oil changes, required between 10& hour inspections.

PREOWNED RAVEN I 'CUSTOMIZED' PAGE 5 OF 18 LAI-SALES/1015n000/rms 0t2509 Lubrication. Teflon-lined elastomeric, and sealed bearings eliminab most lubricatim requirements.

Couplings. Maintenance-fGe flexible couplings are used in place of universal joints or gear couplings in the main and tail drive systems.

Gontrols. Primary controls are acluated by mainbnanae-fr€€ bellcranks and push-pull tubes, eliminating the need for control cables and pulleys.

Time-Between0verhauls. 2200 hours or twelve yearc approved time-between-overhaul period for the R44 engine and airframe. All lifelimited components have approved service lives of at least 2200 hours.

Woddwide Service. Factory-trained technicians at more than 200 service centers throughout the u/orld use certifted Robinson parb and tools to provide quality service ior R44 helicopters.


Hydraulic Power Controls. Completely eliminate cyclic stick shske and control forces in flight.

Balanced Pistol Grip Cyclic Controls. Ergonomic grips incorporate twG position tdgger switch€s for int€rcom and transmit. Grips also have buttons for convenient storing and $ritcfiing of COMM frequencies.

RPM Govemor. No more throttle twisting; precision- engin€€r€d govomor autofiratically controls engine RPM during all normal operations.

Rotor Brake. Allows the pilot to stop the rotor quickly, greatly reducing shutdown time and the risk of injury to ground personnel.

Advanced Waming E evicgs. The instrument panel includes low fuel warning light, main g€arbox temperature and chip lights, tail gearbox chip light, low oil pressure light, engine fire light, low voltage altemator light, lo$r RPM waming light and hom, plus rdor brake and starter engaged waming lights.

Automatic Clutch Engagement. Simplifies start-up procedure and reduces the possibility of an overspeed.

Carburetor Heat Assist. Enhances safety and reduces pilot workload by automatically adding carb heat when the collec{ive is lowered and reducing carb heat when the collective is raised.


Adjustable Pedals. Right sids pilot p€dels allow two inches of fore and afi adjustment.

Visibility. Comfortable "tvro plus two' seating provides front and rear passengers with wide, unobstruc{ed views. No center bulkhead or post impedes visibility. Large windows in eadl door allow clear sidevvard vision from all seats.

Low Noise Level. Heavy-duty muffbr, loly tail rotor tip speed, and a large, cambered fin to off-load the tail rotor makes lhe R44 a "community friendlts qubt helicopter. Thick acoustical foam achieves surprisingly low cabin noise levels.

T-Bar Gyclic. Robinson's patented cyclic design eliminates uncomfortable stick bet\ een knees and eases cabin entry and exit

Ample Baggage Compartments. All four seats hinge up for access to concealsd storage areas for carry-on-bags, briefcase, supplies, and other belongings. A custom Robinson tfavel bag is standard equipment for new R44s.

Heating and Ventilation. An adjustable heater distributes heat to all four seats. Fresh air vents in the cabin nose and eacfi door provides generous ventilation for all passengers.

Ofr Airport Landings. High-mounted tail rotor and raised exhaust provide an added margin of safety at off-airport destinations.

Two Bladed Main Rotor. Requires less than one-third the hangar space of a multi-bladed rotor.

Voice Ac-tivated lntercom Standard. A high quality voice'aciivated intercom eliminates the n€ed to use intercom savitches during doors-on flights. Fbor and hand intercom switches are included for doors-off operations.

"ct STOltllZED" PREoWIED RAvEIrl I PAGE 7 OF 18 LAl-sALEs,l0ll1200g/nlts 0325lrg ff .;',gff lNf f,.,tgt{OF. j,"P..RE-O!4FiE"Dj-g}llgd.;,$$1anc4RP..Ga7,I5,+:i,,

R44 Raven 1 Helicopter


F Type R44 Raven I

> Date Manufactured, Airframe 03 Mar.2(X)4

> Aircraft Serial Number 1370

Aircraft Time to Date (24 Mar. 09) 367H36M

Engine Type Lycoming 0-540-Fl 85

Engine Serial Number L-2627540A

Date Manufactured, Engine 27 Sep. 2003

Engine Time Sine New (24 Mar. O€t) 367H36M

Certif icab of Registration Current, til] l5 Mar. 2010

Certifi cate of Ainrvorlhiness Cunent, till 16 Mar. 2010

Radio Station License Cunent, till 15 Mar. 2011


.CUSTOMIZED" PREOWNED I RAVEI{ PAGE 8 OF 18 LAISALES/I0lfi:l000rrms 032d09 "CUSTOMIZED" PREOWNED RAVEN I LAI.sALES/l0t5i:t00Umr 03250t PAGE 12 OF 18 Standard Confiquration. SN 1371 / RP'C27dl

Door Opener, Gas Spring, All Four Doors RHC Oil Filter * Hydraulic Power Controls Tinted Windshield and Door Windows Auxiliary Fuel System Form-Fitted Fabric Seats RPM Throttle Gov€rnor lnertia Reel Shoulder Hamess Cabin Heater and Defogger Adjustable Pedals on Pilot Side Romovable Dual Controls Carpeting and Acoustic Intorior Throftle Conelator Muffler and Soundproofing Rotor Brake Baggage Compartments Engine Oil Quick-Drain Door Locks Hard Point on BellY VSI Rate-of-Climb Indicator Airspeed Indicator Low Voltage Light Rotor and Engine Dual Tachometer Low Oil Pressure Light Sensitive Altimeter In-Hg Low Fuel Light Manifold Pressure Gauge Low RPM Light and Hom Main Gearbox TemP Light King KY196A COM with 9 Memory Main Gearbox ChiP Light Channels on Cyclic Grip Tail Gearbox ChiP Light Rotor Brake Engaged Light King KT76C Transpondet with Starter Engaged Light Mode C Alt Encoder Dual Landing Lights Navigation, Panel and MaP Lights Intercom System with VOX, NAT AA83 Anti-Collision Light Floor and Hand Intercom Switches Tow4art Adapter Clock (QuarE) Ground Handling Wheels Magnetic Compass Wndshield Cover Digital OAT Gauge Custom Fabric Travel Bag Carb AirTemp Gauge Rotor Blade Ti+ Downs Hourmeter Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Oil Temperafure and Pressure Gauges Ammeter

Optional Equipment

F Artificial Horizon BFG 1100 with'dfip Skid Indicabr > Vertical Compass PAI-7OO F Two (2) David Clark H1G.13H Headsets

lnterior and Exterior Lavout

F Interior Finish : Form Fabric Seats, Gray > Exlerior Finish : Standard \fvhite Base IMRON L0774 with Blue Trim



Or iE equivalent amount in PhiliPPine Pesos at closing


"CUATOMIZEI}- PREOVYI{ED RAVEI{ I PAGE 17 OF 18 LAI€ALEsrl0i6/2009/rrE 0il250t lmmediate - Manila Location ; Lionair Hangar, PADC 5, Manila Domestic Airport Pasay, l$etro-Manila

Lionair, Incorporated, being a custorner support facility of Robinson Helicopter Company, shall provide technical assistance and spare parb support to all Robinson helicopter series operating in the Philippines.

This proposal is firm ard valid until the end of August 2009.


PRE*@WWtrD TW@ (2) I$NETS @F

.r:1 ,i* 1 il.



ll. Definition of "PrEoyvned Unit". (SN 1372, RPC2781I

> Description

F Overview (Photos) .''

> Standard Configuration

> Optional Equipment

> Interior and Exterior Layout

lll. Definitlon of the "Pr€Owned Unit" (SN 1374 / RP-C2783)

> Description

F Overview (Photos)

) StandardConfiguration

F Optional Equiprnent

F Interior and Exterior Layout

lV. Equipped Price

F Each Unit

> Two (2) Units

V. Deliverv Schedule

Vl. TechnicalAssistance

Vll. Validitv of Proposal

.1oUSTOM|:Z EI}" PREOWNED RAVEI'I I PAGE 2 OF 14 LAI-SALES/10l5Br:loogrrE 060309 "CUSTOMIZEIY' PREoWNED RAVET'I I PAGE 3 OF 14 U\|-9ALES/1016812000/rms 080309 ,l


For those lvho expect excellence and appreciate value, at last there's the R44 Raven. Quite simply, the Raven delivers the performance of an epensive turbine helicopter at an affordable piston price. Its sleek design, impressive speed, and unparalleled reliability give it the competitive edge in today's fast paced, changing environment.

Affordable luxury defines fte Raven. Standard freatures include a precision engineered RPM govemor, a durable rotor brake, and auxiliary fuel system for added versatility and longer range, a powerful heater / defogger, and hydraulic power controls that completely eliminate stick shake and control forces for a smooth, and relaxing ride. The Raven's distinctive aerodynamic design allows a higtr-speed cruise up to 130 mph and an average fuel consumption of only 12 to 16 gallons per hour. The cabin offers a comfortable, "two plus two" seating with removable dual controls and no bulkhead or post between the front and rear seats, assuring exceptional visibility and panoramic views for all passengers.

Robinson's engineering emphasis on quality, reliability and performance has made the R44 Raven the world's topselling helicopter. lt has fewer accidents due to aircraft or engine failure than other light helicopters, and best of all, the Raven has the lowest cost per seal- mile of helicopter anywhere.


Reliable Engine. The dependable Lycoming 0-540 engine is derated from 260 to 205 Hp (225 Hp take-off) for long life and unmatched reliability.

Patented Rotor Elesign. Robinson's patented tri-hinge rotor eliminates lag hinges, dampers, and hydraulic struts. Stainless steel main rotor blades resist conosion and have thick leading edges to minimize erosion.

lnspectlons. No scheduled maintenance, other than oil changes, required between 100- hour insoections.

PREOWNED R,AVEN I "CUSTOMIZED" PAGE 4 OF 14 LAISALES/I015Bnoogrrms 0G0309 Lubrication. Teflonjined elastomeric, and sealed bearings eliminate most lubrieeiion reouirements.

Couplings. Maintenance-free flexible couplings are used in place of universal joints or gear couplings in the main and tail drive systems.

Controls. Primary controls are actuated by maintenance-fr€e bellcranks and push-pull tubes, eliminating the need for control c€bles and pulleys.

Time-Between-Overhauls. 2200 hours or trvelve years approved time-between-overhaul period for the Rtt4 engine and airframe. All life-limited components have approved service lives of at least 2200 hours.

Worldwide Service. Factory-trained technicians at more than 200 service centers throughout the world use certified Robinson parts and tools to provide quality service for R44 helicopters.


Hydraulic Power Controls. Completely eliminaie cyclic stick shake and control forces in flight.

Balanced Pistol Grip Cyclic Controls. Ergonomic grips incorporate two-position trigger switches for intercom and fansmit. Grips also have buttons for convenient storing and switching of COMM frequencies.

RPM Govemor. No more throttle twisting; precision- engineered govemor automatically controls engine RPM du.ing all normal operations.

Rotor Brake. Allows the pilot to stop the rotor quickly, greatly reduoing shutdown time and the risk of injury to ground personnel.

Advanced Waming Devices, The instrument panel includes low fuel waming light, main gearbox temperaturE and chip lights, tail gcarbox chip light, low oil pressure light, enginc firE light, lo\rv voltage altemator light, low RPM waming light and hom, plus rotor brake and starter engaged waming lights.

Automatic Clutch Engagement Simplifies shrt-up procedure and r€rduces the possibility of an overspeed.

Garburetor Heat Assist. Enhances safety and reduces pilot workload by automatically adding carb heat when the collective is lowered and reducing carb heat when the collective is raised.


Adjustable Pedals. Right side pilot pedals allow two inches of fore and aft adjustment.

Visibility, Comfortable 'two plus two' seating provides front and rear passengers with wide, unobstructed views. No center bulkhead or post impedes visibility. Large windows in eacfr door allornr clear sideward vision from all seatrs.

Low Nois€ Level. Heavy-duty mufiler, low tail rotor tip speed, and a large, cambered fin to off-load the tail rotor makes the Rrl4 a "community friendl}/ quiet helicopter. Thick acoustical foam achieves surprisingly low cabin noise levels.

T-Bar Cyclic, Robinson's patented cyclic design eliminates uncornfortable stick between knees and eases cabin entry and exit

Ample Baggage Compartments. All four seats hinge up for access to concealed storage areas for carry-on-bags, bdefcase, supplies, and other belongings- A custom Robinson travel bag is standard equipment for new R44s.

Heating and Ventilation. An a-djustable heater distributes heat to all four seats. Fresh air v€nts in the cabin nose and eacfi door provides genercus ventilation for all passengers.

O,ff Airport Landings. High-mounted tail otor and raised e*taust provide an added margin of safety at off-airport destinations.

Two Bladed Main Rotor. Requires less than one-thid the hangar space of a multi-bladed roIor.

Voice Activated lntercom Standard. A high quality voice-activated intermm eliminates the ne€d to use intercom switches during doors-on flights. Floor and hand intercom switches are included for doors-off opeEltions.

.CUSTOMIZED" PRE{'W{ED RAVEN I PAGE 6 OF LAISALES/l0ltB/2009/nnr 08031t9 '4 R44 Raven I Helicopter


) Type R44 Raven I

> Date Manufactured, Airframe 04 Mar.20()4

> Aircraft Serial Number 1372

Aircraft Time to Date (24 Sep. 09) 498H36M

Engine Type Lycoming 0-540-Fl85

Engine Serial Number L-262814{J4

Date Manufactured, Engine 220eL20fl.3

Engine Time Sine New (24 Sep. 09) 498H36M

Certif icate of Registration Current, till 22 Mar. 2010

Certificate of Airworthin€ss Current, till 27 Mar. 2010

Radio Station License Current, till 14 S€p. 2012


.CI.|STOMIZED'' PREOWNED RAVEI{ I PAGE 7 OF 14 l,Al€ALESrl0l58/2009/]ms 06030s .SUSTOMIZED" PREOWNED RAVEN I LAI-SALES/l0 l5E/2000/m6 060309 PAGE 8 OF 14 Standard Confiouration. SN 1372 / RP-C2781

RHC Oil Filter Door Opener, Gas Spring, All Four Doors * Hydraulic Pov\rer Controls Tinted Windshield and Door Windows Auxiliary Fuel System Form-Fitted Fabric Seats RPM Throttle Govemor lnertia Reel Shoulder Hamess Cabin Heater and Defogger Adiustable Pedals on Pilot Side Removable Dual Controls Carpeting and Acoustic Interior Throttle Conelator Muffler and Soundproofing Rotor Brake Baggage Compartments Engine Oil Quick-Drain Door Locks Hard Point on Belly VSI Rate-of-Climb Indicator Airsoeed Indicator Low Voltage Light Rotor and Engine Dual Tachometer Low Oil Pressure Light Sensitive Altimeter In-Hg Low Fuel Light Manifold Pressure Gauge Low RPM Light and Hom Main Gearbox Temp Light King KY196A COM with I Memory Main Geadrox Chip Light Channels on Cyclic Grip Tail Gearbox Chip Light Rotor Brake Engaged Light King KT76C Transponder with Starter Engaged Light Mode C Alt Encoder Dual Landing Lights Navigation, Panel and Map Lights lntercom System wifr VOX, NAT AA83 Anti-Collision Light Floor and Hand lntercom Switches Tow-Cart Adapter Clock (Quartz) Ground Handling Wheels Magnetic Compass Wndshield Cover Digital OAT Gauge Custom Fabric Travel Bag Carb Air Temp Gauge Rotor Blade Tie-Downs Hourmeter Cylinder Head Temperatute Gauge Oil Temperafure and Pressure Gauges Ammeter

Optional Equipment

Artificial Horizon BFG 1100 with Stip St*iO lndicator Vertical Compass PAF700 Two (2) David Clark H10-13H Headsets

Interior and Exterior Lavoul

> lnterior Finish : Form Fabric Seats, Gray > Exterior Finish : Standard Vvhite Base IMRON L0774 with Light Blue Trim

.CUSTOMIZED" PRE4W ED RAVE}I I PAGE 9 OF 14 LAI-SALES/10168n0{rg/]rDs 0G030t STOMlzEo" PREoWNED RAVElrl I 'Ct PAGE 8 OF 14 l-AI.sALES/1015 grl00g/rms 080309 R44 Raven I Helicopter


F Type R44 Raven 1

> Date Manufactured, Airframe 09 Mar.2004

> Aircraft Serial Number 1374

> Aircraft Time to Date (24 Sep. 09) 536H00M

Engine Type Lycoming o-ilo-Fl85

Engine Serial Number L-26286.40A

Date Manufactured, Engine 19 Nov. 2003

Engine Time Sine New (24 Sep. 09) 536H00M

Certif icate of Registration Cunent, till 30 Mar. 2010

Certiflcate of AiMorthiness Current, till 18 May 2010

Radio Station License Gurrent, till 14 Sep. 2012


"CITSTOMIZED" PREOWTIED RAVEN I PAGE 1O OF 14 LA!€ALES/l0l5gt?009/rll3 0503lro .CUSTOMIZED" PREOWNED RAVEN I ,I PAGE 1 OF 14 LAI-SALES/10 l5Bn009/rms 051t309 Standard Confiquration. SN 1374 / RP€2763

RHC Oil Filter Door Opener, Gas Spring, All Four Doors * Hydraulic Power Controls Tinted Windshield and Door Windows Auxiliary Fuel System Form-Fitted Fabric Seats RPM Throttle Govemor lnertia Reel Shoulder Hamess Cabin Heater and D€fogger Adjustable Pedals on Pilot Side Removable Dual Controls Carpeting and Acoustic lnterior Throftle Conelator Muffler and Soundproofing Rotor Brake Baggage Compartm€nts Engine Oil Quick-Drain Door Locks Hard Point on Belly VSI Rate-of-Climb lndicator Airspeed Indicator Low Voltage Light Rotor and Engine Dual Tachometer Low Oil Pressure Light Sensitive Altimeter In-Hg Low Fuel Light Manifold Pressure Gauge Low RPM Light and Hom Main Gearbox Temp Light King KY196A COM with g Memory Main Gearbox Chip Light Channels on Cyclic Grip Tail Gearbox Chip Light Rotor Brake Engaged Light King KT76C Transponder with Stailer Engaged Light Mode C Alt Encoder Dual Landing Lights Navigation, Panel and Map Lights lntercom System wih VOX, NATAA83 Anti-Collision Light Floor and Hand Intermm Switches Tow-Cart Adapter Clock (Quartz) Ground Handling Wheels Magnetic Compass Windshield Cover Digital OAT Gauge Custom Fabric Travel Bag Carb Air Temp Gauge Rotor Blade Tie-Downs Hourmeter Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Oil Temperature and Pressure Gauges Ammeter

Optional Eouipment

Artificial Horizon BFG 1100 with SliD Skid lndicator Vertical Compass PA|-7OO Two (2) David Clark H10-13H Headsets

Interior and Exterior Lavout

> Interior Finish : Form Fabric Seats, Brown P Exterior Finish : Standard Vvhite Base IMRON L0774 with Brown Trim



Or iE equivalent amount in Philippine Pesos at closing

cosr.TWo {2} uNrTs

.CIJSTOMIZED" PREOWNEO RAVET{ I PAGE 13 OF 14 l,Al-SALES/i0158n00g/]ms 080309 lmmediate - Manila

Location : Lionair Hangar, PADC 5, Manila Domestic Airport Pasay, Metro-f,lanila

Lionair, lncorporated, beirE a customer support facility of Robinson Helicopter Gompany, shall provide technical assistran@ and spare paats support to all Robinson helicopter series operating in the Philippines.

This proposal is firm and valid until the end of August 2009.



To Whorn It May Ccncern;

This is to authorize MANILA AEROSPACE PRODUCTS TRADING as our Marketing Arm to represent LIONAIR INCORPORATED for matters relating but not

limited to Ore sale of Parts and Moterials. Ser.'ic'es, and to sale and R'14 including Philippine Nar'1' Helicopter series with the Philippine Government '"tt' Philippine Air Force/Philippinc National Police.

Itsuerl this {'h dsy of August 2009 n Manila Domeslic Airport' Pasay Ci1:.

m pAr) H.'y'r.V (t.'|d.d lvtrflnn A'r Mrn|h ndtr. c Al.trrt. Pelsv cflv I Tc. l{.r.:e52-29-&3. R51-5o-19 F,l Na 851.a3-q7 t onnr*' L .'


This Deed of Sale made ard executed bry ard betrveen:

UOHAIR l||OOnpORA'ttO, a domestlc corporation, organired and ex{sting under and by virtue of the laws of thc Rcpublk ofthe philippines, with office address at pADC Hangar V, Gen, Avirtlon Ar.a, Manila Dormsttc Airport, p.3ay, Mctfo Manlla, philippincs, and representrd herein by tu Presiden! ilR. ARclffEALD L FO and harelnafter rcfured to as the 'Vrndof.


MAtlll.A AEROSpiCE PRODUCrS IRAIXITG., a domestic corpoGtion, organired and existlng under and by virtrl€ of tl|e laws of the Reg.rblh of the philipFines., with office address rt HafEar 10, Manita Dorrestic Airport, pasay, MetFo MBnlta, phillppin€s, and rapnar€ntod heruin by its Pr€sident, uft' HilAn() a DE \lEgA and hereinafter reierr€d to as the "ltod€e-.


That the Vendor is the regist€red and hurful owrcr of the following de$cribed epRE- OlilngED / USEO' h€ltcoptcr units;

!{gllt Make and Model noeilfof* R44 nArrEil HCLICOnEfi ' Dat6 of Manufa.turu {I9MAR.zmf ' Registntbn Number RP-C2783 Airframe Serial Number ilrt4 Entlne Serial umb€r L-zfi'HIA TYPe tYco{vtilGK}5{}flBt

Make llgffi ard Model ROgt{SOt{ R''f4 RAVE { I tffUCOpTER Dete sf Manufactufe ofruAR. an0f Reaistrat&cn t{umber Rp{ 27t1. Airfrarn€ Serial lVumber ttT2 Engine Sorial Number t-2628r.$A - Tvpe LYCOMIIIG tG5t{}FtBs

D@D t,' t&E u(,lya ^Lo|lrfttE, / Irrn ia. |Antt I e6 !m rro l.ta ktof! t ,

That for and in con5id€ratircn of the sum of US Ddlaf3 TWO HU'{OR€O THREE IHtruSAt|D FIVE HUfiDnED {USD 2IB.5O0.ffi} for the two {2} snits, bmken down as follo*,s:

U. "Pf€-Oyrned Unit1n44 nrv€n t (Sfi 137? ' Price: U$ Odlars, One Hwtdred Tx.o Thousand Five Hud*ed {U$$ 102,5m.00}

ll. "Pre-Owned Unit" n44_ffarten US|l| ffZ* I . P.icei Ut Oollars. One Hrrndred One Thousnd {us$ 10r.000.001

ln hand paid by the VFflOfE ufrto th€ VEllOOfi, th€ VEIIfOOR hereby sells, transfers and rA$.$, conveys by way of absolute sale on an lffilEnf''s' basis, unto the VEIIOEE, all three above dascrib€d aircraft , and;

That the VeilOOR furth€r ccvenants that it has the riehi to sell and tranEfur the item described above and will defend the same against the cbims of arry and all person whatsoever.

It{ WITNESS WHEAEOF, rh. VEt{DOfi and VEIIOEI hrve herEu*to caused these smrents to be 5igned this I!: day of Hove4ber. t{X}9 in pasay, Metr*.Manila, philippines.


llo{art {fc / rltir aa4 qrr/Eirst6 ltr r|fF $t4 ,Arit ?.x 1 i-1


REPUEI.IC OF THE PHITIPPIT{ES I ls.s. crwot qtBqFAf$ flrr I rrlf,lf,lgtr 8gFOfiE ME, the undersigrnd HofarV Public, in asd for the ciW flr' parsonally appeared, on this _ day d*q_1yfffi_- 2ooo.

4amg Comm,. Tar CFiL [tp! D{le/Plae€ lssucd


ABCHTEAIDi.PO 0so69s63 1q U!?y 091 Pasay, MetreManila



l{lrARfo B. D8 VERA t252W7A 19 Jan. qgl Pasa% Metro-Manila

known to m€ to be th€ same porson{s} rgho executed tho for€going instrum€nt and actnowl€dg€ ihat they executed th€ same on their own free and voluntary act end deed.

I,MTI{ESS 1 I ?t10 MY}tAtrDAttOS€Ar, tothir-asy6 JIil , 2009 at the cityof rdtjlFir€f€ tllr

NOTARY PUBTIC unl\ J ------,-----n-,,-a- H ffii/4,,ftrffi Doc. No. r/cYfitr{Av.rffrsAv. $ALCEo0SALcro0 Page t{o. a* TY 6f, ErPrREs lrc. 3l-?or)llrlc Book No, -w-; lro *-lBTEl? l*5-200st10 Sqries of 2ffi940 t8P NO ?04.54?-l-5.2009.ftt ATTY ROLL NO 28325 Pffi'nfrlfhE CfTv or€o {frrro 5atl irorlArq rac I rilnrir't rarl twltai ltd trz|iDr3t{