(N,{Alpha}) Cross Sections in the 14 Mev Region
XA9744740 International Atomic Energy Agency INDC(HUN)-031 Distr. L I N DC INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR DATA COMMITTEE INVESTIGATIONS ON (n,a) CROSS SECTIONS IN THE 14 MeV REGION A.D. Majdeddin 1, V. Semkova 2, R. Doczi3, Cs.M. Buczko 3 and J. Csikai3 'Faculty of Nuclear and Electronic Engineering, Al-Fateh University, P.O. Box 13292 Tripoli, Libya institute of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Tzarigradsko 72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria institute of Experimental Physics, Kossuth University, 4001 Debrecen, Pf. 105, Hungary July 1997 IAEA NUCLEAR DATA SECTION, WAGRAMERSTRASSE 5, A-1400 VIENNA Reproduced by the IAEA in Austria July 1997 INDC(HUN)-031 Distr. L INVESTIGATIONS ON (n,a) CROSS SECTIONS IN THE 14 MeV REGION A.D. Majdeddin 1, V. Semkova 2, R. Doczi3, Cs.M. Buczko 3 and J. Csikai3 'Faculty of Nuclear and Electronic Engineering, Al-Fateh University, P.O. Box 13292 Tripoli, Libya institute of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Tzarigradsko 72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria institute ofExperimental Physics, Kossuth University, 4001 Debrecen, Pf. 105, Hungary July 1997 INVESTIGATIONS ON (n,a) CROSS SECTIONS IN THE 14 MeV REGION A.D.Majdeddin 1, V.Semkova 2, R.Doczi3, Cs.M.Buczkd 3 and J.Csikai3 'Faculty of Nuclear and Electronic Engineering, Al-Fateh University, P.O.Boxl3292 Tripoli,Libya ^ Institute of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Tzarigradsko 72,1784 Sofia,Bulgaria ^Institute of Experimental Physics, Kossuth University, 4001 Debrecen, Pf.105, Hungary Cross sections have been measured, deduced and adopted for 183 (n,a) reactions at (14.7+0.1) MeV incident neutron energy.
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