Barry Smith PUBLICATIONS June 11, 2021
Barry Smith PUBLICATIONS June 11, 2021 Google scholar PubMed PhilPapers Researchgate Semantic Scholar ORCID / Scopus / dblp / ResearcherID / Microsoft Academic Books Edited Conference Proceedings Journal Special Issues Refereed Articles in Scholarly Journals Non-Refereed Articles in Scholarly Journals Chapters in Books Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings Preprints Reports Posters and Abstracts Databases and Ontologies Letters to the Editor Articles in Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Translations Bibliographies Reviews and Review Articles BOOKS 1. Barry Smith (ed.), Structure and Gestalt: Philosophy and Literature in Austria- Hungary and Her Successor States, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1981, x + 348pp. Reviews: P. M. Simons, Conceptus, 17 (1983), 131–134. J. Shearmur, Free Life, 3/2 (1983), 16–17. W. Stock, “Österreichische Philosophie”, Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 37 (1984), 93–96. R. Cardinal, Explorations in Knowledge, 2 (1985), 68–69. 2. Barry Smith (ed.), Parts and Moments. Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology, Munich: Philosophia, 1982, reprinted 2001, 564pp. Reviews: V. Muñoz Delgado, Estudios Filosoficos, (1982) 38, 611–613. I. Niiniluoto, Zentralblatt für Mathematik, (1983) 489, 15–16. D. P. Henry, History and Philosophy of Logic, (1983) 4, 228–229. F. G. Asenjo, Rivista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, (1983) 9, 174–177. U. Charpa, “Neues zur Lehre von den Ganzen und Teilen”, Philosophische Rundschau, 1/2 (1984), 52–59. J.M. Salanskis, “Parties, Moments et Modalités”, Critique, 443 (1984), 290–296. BARRY SMITH - LIST OF PUBLICATIONS PAGE 2 R. Sokolowski, Review of Metaphysics, 38 (1984), 140–142. B. Schuwey, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 45 (1985), 474–476. G. Berger, Noûs, (1986) 20, 115–121. J. Woleński, “Czeski i momenty”, Studia Filozoficzne, 1–2/242–243 (1986), 191–195.
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