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Kevin Mulligan PUBLICATIONS 2019 - 19891

Forthcoming & submitted

2018 “´Modes of Being` and the Mind”, Quo vadis, , a volume in honour of Peter van Inwagen, ed. M. Szatkowski, de Gruyter, forthcoming.

2018 “Interest, Questions & Knowledge”, The Moral Psychology of Curiosity, eds. Ilhan Inan, Dennis Whitcomb, Lani Watson, Safiye Yigit, Series: The Moral Psychology of the Emotions, Rowman & Littlefield, forthcoming.

2018 Costa, D & Mulligan, K. “The Connective View of Temporal Existence”, Categorial : From Realism to Eliminativism, ed. J. Cumpa, Routledge.

2018 “Correctness Makers vs Truth Makers”, Fundamental Truthmakers, Synthese, special number, eds. O. Bueno, J. Cumpa.

2019 “Logical Norms, Logical Truths & (Normative) Grounding”, Bolzano and Grounding, ed. B. Schnieder & St. Roski, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

2019 “Essence, Modality & Generality – Wittgenstein & Husserl”, Wittgenstein’s Notebooks 1914-1916, eds. M. Marion, J. Plourde


2019 “Comments on Seeing As”, Paolo Bozzi’s Experimental Phenomenology, eds. I. Bianchi, R. Davies, Routledge, 176-180.

2019 [translation of P. Bozzi, “Vedere come”], “Seeing As”, Paolo Bozzi’s Experimental Phenomenology, eds. I. Bianchi, R. Davies, Routledge, 168-175.

1 In 2011 Kevin Mulligan received three Festschriften: Reboul, Anne (ed.) 2011 Philosophical papers dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, http://www.philosophie.ch/kevin/festschrift/index.php, some eighty papers ; this has been published as : Reboul, Anne (ed.) 2014 Mind, Values and Metaphysics. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Kevin Mulligan, Volume 1, 536 p., Volume 2, 557 p., Springer A number of Philosophiques, dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, Fisette, D. (ed.) 2011 Philosophiques, 38, 2, http://www.erudit.org/revue/philoso/2011/v38/n1/ Papers by Fisette, Plourde, Marion, Tappolet, Smith & Simon, Künne, Johansson and Fréchette.

A book, in honour of Kevin Mulligan, Tappolet, C., Teroni, F., Konzelmann Ziv, A. (eds.) 2011 Les Ombres de l’Âme. Penser les émotions négatives, Geneva: éditions markus haller. Papers by Calabi, Deonna, Dokic, Keller, Konzelmann Ziv, Massin, Mizrahi, Reboul, Tappolet and Teroni; Italian tr. : 2013 Le ombre dell’anima. Pensare le emozioni negative, with an introduction by Roberto Casati, Milan : Raffaello Cortina ; English tr., with new papers: 2018 Shadows of the Soul: Philosophical Perspectives on Negative Emotions, Routledge.

In 2016 the philosophy students of the University of Geneva published a special number of iphilo (Spring, 2016) on Kevin Mulligan and his teaching, https://phileasunige.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/iphilo9-nouv_planches.pdf

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2018 “Misleading Pictures, Temptations & Meta-Philosophies: from Marty to Wittgenstein”, Marty and , eds. H. Leblanc, H. Taieb, Palgrave Macmillan.

2018 Mulligan K. 2018 “Early ’s Austrian Dimensions”, Coliva A., Leonardi P., Moruzzi S. (eds.) Eva Picardi on Language, Analysis and History. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 7-29

2018 Gerrans Ph., Mulligan K., “Intentional Imagination and Delusion”, Language, Evolution and Mind. Essays in Honour of Anne Reboul, ed. P. Saint-Germier, College Publications, 279- 310.

2018 “De l’infinitif, de l’essence neutre et de leurs rapports”, Sujet libre, (Festschrift de Libera), eds. J.-B. Brenet, L. Cesalli, Paris : Vrin, 227-232.

2018 “Des objets, des raisons et de la correction”, Qu’est-ce qu’un objet ? (dir.) Sondes Khamlia, Nirvana: Tunis, 9-30.

2018 “How to Marry Phenomenology and Pragmatism. Scheler’s Proposal”, (expanded version of a paper published in 2016), Pragmatism and the European Traditions: Encounters with Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology before the Great Divide, “Routledge Studies in American Philosophy”, eds. M. Baghramian & S. Marchetti, 37-64.

2017 “Thrills, Orgasms, Sadness & Hysteria: Austro-German Criticisms of William James”, Thinking about the Emotions: A Philosophical History, eds. A. Cohen & R. Stern, Oxford University Press, 223-252.

2017 “Incorrect Emotions in Ancient, Austrian & Contemporary Philosophy”, Revue de philosophie de la France et de l’étranger, special number on Brentano, ed. Guillaume Fréchette, 491-512.

2017 “Colours - Wittgenstein vs (Katz & Bühler), How Colours Matter for Philosophy" ed. M. Silva, Synthese Library, 388, Studies in Epistemology, , Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Springer, 125-136.

2017 “Intentionality, Reasons & Motives”, Intentionality and Action, eds. J. Padilla Gálvez, M. Gaffal, Aporia, 10, Berlin: de Gruyter,, 9-21. 2017 “The Origins of Emotivism, Expressivism and the Error Theory: Marty, Scheler, Russell, Ogden & Richards”, Fréchette, G. & Taieb, H. (eds.), Mind and Language. On the Philosophy of Anton Marty, Berlin: de Gruyter, 149-168.

2017 “Il tempo si fa in quattro. Ma forse è un’illusione”, Corrriere della Sera (supplement “La La Lettura”), 6. viii.2017, 10.

2017 “Brentano’s Knowledge, Austrian Verificationisms, and Epistemic Accounts of Truth and Value”, Monist, 100, I, special number on Brentano, Guest editor, U. Kriegel, 88-105.

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2017 Cesalli, L. & Mulligan, K. „Brentano and Marty: Correctness, Value, States of Affairs & Language“, ed. U. Kriegel, Routledge Handbook of Brentano and the Brentano School, Routledge, 251-263.

2017 “Valori” Pier Luigi Lecis, Giuseppe Lorini, Vinicio Busacchi, Pietro Salis e Olimpia G. Loddo (eds.), Verità, immagine, normatività: Truth, Image, and Normativity. Macerata, Quodlibet (Collana: Analisi filosofiche), Italian tr. of expanded version of“Values” (2009), 353- 368.

2017 “Les relations – envers et contre tout”, French tr. of “Relations – through thick and thin” (1998), Ontologie contemporaine: identité, structure et métaontologie, Collection 'Clés', Frédéric Nef, Yann Schmitt et Luc Schneider (éds.), Paris : Vrin.

2017 “Panentheistic Dualisms, Chaos and Values. The Metaphysics of Ehrenfels and Scheler”, Meinong Studies, 69-82.

2016 Anatomie della stoltezza (Anatomies of foolishness), Lezioni veneziane, Milan: Editoriale Jouvence.

2016 “Foolishness and the Value of Knowledge”, ed. L. Zaibert, The Theory and Practice of , a Festschrift for , Palgrave, Macmillan, 241-268.

2016, “Happiness, Luck and Satisfaction”, Argumenta 1, 2, 133-145, inaugural issue, journal of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, www.argumenta.org/

2016 “Anatomies of Foolishness 1927-1937”, expanded version of a paper published in 2014, (eds.) José María Ariso, A. Wagner Rationality Reconsidered: Knowledge, Belief and Practice in the Philosophy of Ortega and Wittgenstein, Band 9, Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research, Berlin: de Gruyter, 215-236.

2016 “How to Marry Phenomenology and Pragmatism. Scheler’s Proposal”, Papers dedicated to Anne Reboul. A Festschrift edited by L. Dupuy, A. Grabizna, N. Fondon & P. Saint-Germier.

2016 “Persons and Acts – Collective and Social. From Ontology to Politics”, The Phenomenological Approach to Social Reality. History, Concepts, Problems. Eds. Alessandro Salice, Hans Bernhard Schmid. Springer (Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, Volume 6), 17- 45, http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-27692-2

2016 “La preferenza è primitiva? », Italian tr. of expanded version of “Is Preference Primitive ?”, eds. T. Andina, C. Barbero, Ermeneutica, estetica, ontologia. A partire di Marizio Ferraris, Festschrift for M. Ferraris, Bologna: Il Mulino, 235-247.

2016 “Is the very idea of „living knowledge“ dead ?“ [Review of Gittel 2013 Lebendige Erkenntnis und ihre literarische Kommunikation. Robert Musil im Kontext der Lebensphilosophie], Musil-Forum. Studien zur Literatur der klassischen Moderne, 380-382.

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2015 “Précis de Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande”, Philosophiques, vol. 42, no 2, 359-365.

2015 “Réponse à Guillaume Fréchette”, Philosophiques, vol. 42, no 2, 401-404

2015 “Réponse à Jimmy Plourde”, Philosophiques, vol. 42, no 2, 404-406

2015 “Réponse à Denis Seron”, Philosophiques, vol. 42, no 2, 406-409

2015 “Réponse à Patrice Philie”, Philosophiques, vol. 42, no 2, 409-413

2015 “Is Preference Primitive ?”, Against boredom, 17 Essays presented to Nils-Eric Sahlin, eds. J. Persson, G. Hermerén, E. Sjöstrand, Lund: Fri tanke förlag, 169-180.

2015 „Annehmen, Phantasieren und Entertaining. Husserl und Meinong“, Themes from Ontology, Mind, and Logic. Present and Past, Essays in Honour of , ed. S. Lapointe, Grazer Philosophische Studien, 91, 245-283.

2015, "Secondary Meaning, Paraphraseability & Pictures", in L'expression des émotions: Mélanges dédiés à Patrizia Lombardo, Martin Rueff et Julien Zanetta (eds.), URL: http://www.unige.ch/lettres/framo/melangeslombardo.html

2015 " Despre istoria abordării analitice a istoriei filosofiei: de la Bolzano și Brentano la Bennett şi Barnes" (Romanian tr. by Oana Vasilescu of 1997 "Sur l'Histoire de l'approche analytique de l'histoire de la philosophie: de Bolzano et Brentano à Bennett et Barnes"), Revista de filosofie, LXII, 6, 727-758.

2015 Mulligan, K., Simons, P. & Smith, B., " Ce se întâmplă cu filosofia contemporană? " (Romanian tr. by Oana Vasilescu of 2006 “What’s Wrong with Contemporary Philosophy ?”), Revista de filosofie, LXII, 6, 759-765.

2014 Wittgenstein e la filosofia austro-tedesca, Italian tr. of 2012 Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande, (Paris: Vrin), collana di studi filosofici "La scala e l'album", Milan: Mimesis. http://www.ibs.it/code/9788857523071/mulligan-kevin/wittgenstein-filosofia- austro.html

2014 Wittgenstein y la filosofía austro-alemana, Spanish tr. of 2012 Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande, (Paris: Vrin), Madrid: Editorial Tecnos http://www.amazon.de/Wittgenstein-filosof%C3%ADa-austro-alemana-Filosof%C3%ADa- Ensayo/dp/8430962786

2014 “Anatomies of Foolishness 1927-1937”, Yearbook, Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien (KVHAA), Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities: Stockholm, 109-129. http://www.vitterhetsakad.se/ckeditor_assets/attachments/362/a14mulligan.pdf

2014 “Mikä nykyfilosofiassa on vialla?”, Finnish tr. of 2006 Mulligan, Simons & Smith, “What’s Wrong with Contemporary Philosophy ?”, with replies by Susanna Lindberg, Pauliina Remes & Tuomas E. Tahko, Niin & Näin, 1/2014, 69-74.

2014 [Review of 2011 T. Rønnow-Rasmussen, Personal Value, OUP], Vol. 26, 2 (June 2014), Utilitas, 221-223.

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2014 “Knowledge First – A German Folly ?”, in Dutant, J., Fassio D. and Meylan A. (eds.) Liber Amicorum Pascal Engel, University of Geneva, 380-400. URL http://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/publications/engel/liberamicorum

2014 “Foolishness, Stupidity and Cognitive Values”, The Monist, The Philosophy of Robert Musil, Guest ed. B. Nanay, 97:1, January 2014, 66-85 https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/3414/2644/0947/mulligan_Foolishness_Stupidity_and_C ognitive_Values.pdf

2013 “Formal Concepts”, eds. Mulligan, K., Kijania-Placek, K. & Placek, T., Studies in the History and Philosophy of Polish Logic. Essays in Honour of Jan Woleński, Palgrave Macmillan, 205-223.

2013 Mulligan, K., Kijania-Placek, K. & Placek, T “Introduction. The History and Philosophy of Polish Logic: some basic thoughts”, eds. Mulligan, K., K. Kijania-Placek, K. & Placek, T., Studies in the History and Philosophy of Polish Logic. Essays in Honour of Jan Woleński, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-10.

2013 Mulligan, K., Kijania-Placek, K. & Placek, T., (eds.) Studies in the History and Philosophy of Polish Logic. Essays in Honour of Jan Woleński, Palgrave Macmillan.

2013 “How to Destroy a European Faculty of Letters. Twenty Five Easy Steps”, Trust and Confidence in Scientific Research, G. Hermerén, K. Sahlin and N-E. Sahlin, (eds.) Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien (KVHAA), Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities: Stockholm, 23-36. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/3214/2644/4404/mulligan_HowToDestroy.pdf

2013 “Novel Questions, Poetic Answers” [Review of A. W. Moore, The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things], Times Literary Supplement, September 27, 22-23, http://www.the-tls.co.uk/tls/public/article1321316.ece

2013 Gerrans Ph., Mulligan K., "Immaginazione, default thinking e incorporamento", (Italian translation of “Intentional Imagination and Delusion”) in D. Tagliafico (ed.), "Nuove teorie dell'immaginazione", monograph number, Rivista di Estetica, n.s., 53, LIII, 55-87.

2013 “Czesław Miłosz, la liberté intérieure et la sottise”, Littérature et connaissance, special number, Philosophiques, ed. P. Engel, 40/1, 107-20.

2013 Baldwin, B. T. (pseudonym) „Egos and Selves – from Husserl to Nagel“, C. Svennerlind, J. Almäng, R. Ingthorsson (eds.) Johanssonian Investigations. Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday, ontos-verlag, 53-79.

2013 “Acceptance, Acknowledgment, Affirmation, Agreement, Assertion, Belief, Certainty, Conviction, Denial, Judgment, Refusal & Rejection”, ed. Textor, M. Judgement and Truth in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology, (History of Analytic Philosophy Series), London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 97-137.

2012 Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande, Collection Problèmes et Controverses, Paris: Vrin, 250 pp..

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2012 Mulligan, K. & Scherer, K. R. “Toward a Working Definition of Emotion“, Emotion Review, with peer commentary (Deigh, LeDoux, Majid, Schweder, Wassmann), 4, 345-357 http://emr.sagepub.com/content/4/4/345

2012 Mulligan, K. & Scherer, K. R. “Definitions Come in Many Kinds: Reply to Comments“, Emotion Review, 4, 389-90. http://emr.sagepub.com/content/4/4/345

2012 Hastings, J., Ceusters, W., Smith, B.,& Mulligan, K. « Dispositions and processes in the emotion ontology », in CEUR-WS Volume 833, Pages 71--78. Proceedings of ICBO 2012, edited by Olivier Bodenreider, Maryann Martone and Alan Ruttenberg. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-833/paper10.pdf

2012 Hastings, J., Novère, N. le, Ceusters, W., Mulligan, K., Smith, B. „Wanting what we don’t want to want: Representing addiction in interoperable bio-ontologies“, KR-MED: ICBO 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Ontology 2012, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012), KR-MED Series, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-897/

2011 Wittgenstein et ses prédecesseurs austro-allemands, Conférences Hugues Leblanc, Montreal, I "De l’esprit et de l’âme", II "Eprouver vs Vouloir Dire, Vouloir, Se Souvenir", III "Significations primaires et secondaires", Philosophiques, 38, 2, pp. 5-69. http://www.erudit.org/revue/philoso/2011/v38/n1/

2011 “Vérifacteurs”, French tr. of Mulligan, K., Simons, P. & Smith, B. 1984 “Truth-Makers”, Études de philosophie, no. 9-10, 2008-2011, translated by B. Langlet & J.-Fr. Rosecchi, pp. 104- 138.

2011 “On Meaning Something and Meanings”, Themes from Early Analytic Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Künne, special number Grazer Philosophische Studien, ed. B. Schnieder et al., 82, 255-284.

2011 “Quibbles & Grumbles from Mitteleuropa”, part of a symposium on Hans-Johann Glock’s What is Analytic Philosophy?, with replies by Glock, Teorema, XXX/1, 103-113.

2010 “The Truth Connective vs the Truth Predicate. On Taking Connectives Seriously”, part of a symposium on Wolfgang Künne’s Conceptions of Truth, with replies by Künne, Dialectica, 64, 4, 565-584. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1746-8361.2010.01247.x/pdf

2010 “Emotions and Values”, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion, ed. P. Goldie, Oxford University Press, 475-500.

2010 "Husserls Herz", Husserl und die Philosophie des Geistes, eds. Manfred Frank & Niels Weidtmann, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 209-238.

2010 Romanian tr. of 2001 B. Baertschi & Mulligan, K., eds., Les nationalismes, ("Ethique et philosophie morale", Paris: Presses Universitaires de France) : Nationalismele, Bucharest : Nemira.

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2010 Romanian tr. of Introduction to 2001 B. Baertschi & Mulligan, K., eds., Les nationalismes, ("Ethique et philosophie morale", Paris: Presses Universitaires de France) : « Introducere », Nationalismele, Bucharest : Nemira, 8-14.

2009 “Tractarian Beginnings and Endings. Worlds, Values, Facts and Subjects”, in: G. Primiero, S. Rahman (eds), Acts of Knowledge: History, Philosophy and Logic. Essays Dedicated to Göran Sundholm, College Publications, Tribute series, 151-168.

2009 “Von angemessenen Gefühlen zu Werten” (German tr. of 1998 "From Appropriate Emotions to Values“), ed. Sabine Döring, Philosophie der Gefühle, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 462-495.

2009 “Torheit, Vernünftigkeit und der Wert des Wissens”, Wissen und Werte, ed. G. Schönrich, Paderborn: mentis Verlag, 27-44. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/5614/2644/1560/mulligan_TORHEIT_VERNUNFTIGK EIT....pdf

2009 “Values”, The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics, eds. R. Poidevin, P. Simons, A. McGonigal & R. Cameron, London: Routledge, 401-411.

2009 „On Being Struck by Value – Exclamations, Motivations and Vocations“, Leben mit Gefühlen. Emotionen, Werte und ihre Kritik, ed. Barbara Merkel, Paderborn: mentis-Verlag, 141-161.

2009 “Moral Emotions”, in eds. Sander, D. & Scherer, K., The Oxford Companion to Emotions and the Affective Sciences, Oxford University Press, 262-265.

2009 “Gestalt (and feeling)”, in eds. Sander, D. & Scherer, K., The Oxford Companion to Emotions and the Affective Sciences, Oxford University Press, 195-196.

2009 "Was sind und was sollen die unechten Gefühlen?", Hgb. Ursula Amrein, Das Authentische. Referenzen und Repräsentationen, Zürich: Chronos Verlag (www.chronos- verlag.ch), 225-242.

2009 ed. with Wlodek Rabinowicz, proceedings of the 2008 Cracow workshop on value theory, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, http://www.springerlink.com/content/1572-8447/

2009 with Wlodek Rabinowicz, Editorial, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 327-8.

2009 “Selbstliebe, Sympathie und Egoismus”, Robert Musil – Ironie, Satire und falsche Gefühle, eds, K. Mulligan & A. Westerhoff, 55-73 https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/9914/2644/1179/mulligan_SELBSTLIEBE_SYMPATHI E_UND_EGOISMUS.pdf

2009 ed. with A. Westerhoff, Robert Musil – Ironie, Satire, falsche Gefühle, Paderborn: mentis Verlag

2009 with Armin Westerhoff: "Statt einer Einleitung: Drei Stichworte und zwei Kontexte zu Robert Musil", Robert Musil – Ironie, Satire und falsche Gefühle, eds, K. Mulligan & A. Westerhoff, 7-11.

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2009 "Truth and the truth-maker principle in 1921", in: Lowe, E. J. and Rami, A. (eds.): Truth and Truth-Making, Chesham: Acumen, 39-58. http://www.acumenpublishing.co.uk/display.asp?K=e2008020112552008&sf1=editor&st1=E%2 0J%20Lowe%20and%20A%20Rami&sort=sort_title&m=1&dc=1

2009 Reprint of "Truth-Makers", in: Lowe, E. J. and Rami, A. (eds.): Truth and Truth-Making, Chesham: Acumen, 59-86.

2008 “Ironie, valeurs cognitives et bêtise”, Philosophiques, Vol. 35, No. 1, Les valeurs de l’ironie, ed. Pascal Engel, 89-107. http://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/1814/2644/1477/mulligan_Ironie_valeurs_cognitives_et_ betise.pdf

2008 “Scheler: Die Anatomie des Herzens oder was man alles fühlen kann”, Klassische Emotionstheorien von Platon bis Wittgenstein (Classic Theories of Emotions from Plato to Wittgenstein), eds. H. Landweer & U. Renz, Berlin: de Gruyter, 589-612. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/2714/2644/1524/mulligan_SchelerHerzRenz.pdf

2008 “Propriétés, Processus et Priorités”, Compléments de substance. Etudes sur les propriétés accidentelles offertes à Alain de Libera, eds. Ch. Erismann & A. Schniewind, Paris: Vrin, 231-247.

2007 “Intentionality, Knowledge and Formal Objects”, Hommage à Wlodek, electronic Festschrift for Wlodek Rabinowiz, eds. Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen et al. http://www.fil.lu.se/HommageaWlodek/site/papper/MulliganKevin.pdf

Expanded print version, 2007 “Intentionality, Knowledge and Formal Objects”, Disputatio, Vol. II, No. 23, November 2007, 205-228, http://disputatio.com/index.php

2007 "Two Dogmas of Truthmaking", J-M. Monnoyer (ed.) Metaphysics and Truthmakers, Frankfurt: ontos, 51-66. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/4614/2643/9886/mulligan_TMTwoDogmas.pdf

2007 with Fabrice Correia “Facts”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/facts/

2007 ed. The Philosophy of Kit Fine, Special issue of Dialectica, 61, 1.

2007 Reprint « Truth-Makers », J-M. Monnoyer (ed.) Metaphysics and Truthmakers, Frankfurt: ontos, 9-50.

2006 "Soil, Sediment and Certainty", The Austrian Contribution to Analytic Philosophy, ed. Mark Textor, London: Routledge (London Studies in the History of Philosophy), 89-129

2006 "Wahrheit und das Wahrmacher-Prinzip im Jahr 1921", Untersuchungen zur Ontologie, (eds.) G. Imaguire & C. Schneider, Munich: Philosophia, Festschrift for Hans Burkhardt, 55-78.

2006 “Facts, Formal Objects and Ontology, Modes of Existence. Papers in Ontology and

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Philosophical Logic, eds. Andrea Bottani & Richard Davies, Frankfurt: ontos verlag, 31-46. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/3714/2643/9673/mulligan_FactsBergamo4.pdf

2006 with Peter Simons & Barry Smith, “What’s Wrong with Contemporary Philosophy ?”, special number of Topoi, Philosophy: What is to be done ?, 25, 63-67 http://www.springerlink.com/content/e6hl522358431760/

2006 “Geist (and Gemüt) vs Life – Max Scheler and Robert Musil", Le Ragioni del Conoscere e dell’Agire. Scritti in onore di Rosaria Egidi, ed. R. Calcaterra, Milan: Franco Angeli, 366- 378. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/1114/2644/3618/mulligan_Geist_and_Gemut_vs_Life_- _Robert_Musil_and_Max_Scheler.pdf

2006 “Ascent, Propositions and other Formal Objects”, Grazer Philosophische Studien, 72, 29- 48. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/1214/2643/9648/mulligan_AscentPropositionsGPS_72_ K_MULLIGAN.pdf

2005 Reprint "The Essence of Language: Wittgenstein’s Builders and Bühler’s Bricks", Kodikas/Code. Ars Semeiotica, Special Issue, Karl Bühler, Vol. 28, 71-86.

2005 “Mach si Ehrenfels. Fundamentele teoriei gestaltiste”, in Constantin Stoenescu, Ion Tanasescu (eds.), Filosofia Austriaca, Bucharest: Pelican, 262-298.

2004 “Brentano on the Mind, The Cambridge Companion to Brentano, ed. D. Jacquette, Cambridge University Press, 66-97.

2004 “Essence and Modality. The Quintessence of Husserl’s Theory”, in M. Siebel & M. Textor (eds.) Semantik und Ontologie. Beiträge zur philosophischen Forschung, Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 387-418.

2004 "Husserl on the "" of valuing, values and norms", Fenomenologia della Ragion Pratica. L’Etica di Edmund Husserl, (eds.) B. Centi & G. Gigliotti, 177-225, Naples: Bibliopolis

French tr. : 2006 “Husserl sur les ‘Logiques`de la valorisation, des valeurs et des norms”, Philosophia Scientiae, 10, I, 71-107.

2004 ed. with H. Hochberg, Relations and Predicates, Philosophical Analysis, Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, http://www.science-digital.com/Ontos/O-Mulligan-R.htm

2004 "L’essence du langage, les maçons de Wittgenstein et les briques de Bühler", French tr. of 1997 "The Essence of Language: Wittgenstein's Builders and Bühler's Bricks", http://htl.linguist.jussieu.fr/num2/num2.htm

2003 "Seeing, Certainty and Apprehension", eds. Hallvard Fossheim, Tarjei Mandt Larsen, and John Rickard Sageng (eds.), Non-Conceptual Aspects of Experience. Oslo: Unipub forlag.

2003 with Pascal Engel, "Normes éthiques et normes cognitives", Cités, N°15, 2003, PUF, Paris, pp. 171-186.

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2003 "Searle, Derrida and the Ends of Phenomenology", John Searle, ed. B. Smith, Contemporary philosophy in Focus, Cambridge University Press, 261-286.

2003 "Dispositions, their Bases and Correlates – Meinong's Analysis", Philosophy and Logic. In Search of the Polish Tradition, ed. Katarzyna Kijania-Placek, Synthese Series, FS for Jan Wolenski, Kluwer, 193-211.

2003 "Stati di cose, verità e fattori di verità", special number of Sistemi intelligenti, on Ontology, ed. R. Casati, XV, 3, (translated by Alessandro Dell'Anna), 539-556

2003 "La filosofia analitica: che cosa è stata e che cosa ha da essere", Iride, 40, 631-634.

2003 "Forms of Life or Ways of Life ?", Rivista di estetica, 24, 3/2003, XLIII, “Bozetti. In Memoria di Paolo Bozzi”, eds. C. Barbero, R. Casati, M. Ferraris, A. Varzi, 103-105.

2002 (appeared 2001) "A History of Early Analytic Metaphysics", Analytic Philosophy : Classic Readings, ed. Steven Hales, Wadsworth : Belmont, California, 83-92.

2002 "Getting Geist - Certainty, Rules and Us", Cinquantenaire , Proceedings of the 2001 Tunis Wittgenstein conference, ed. M. Ouelbani, University of Tunis, 35-62.

2001 ed. with J.-P. Cometti, La Philosophie autrichienne de Bolzano à Musil. Histoire et Actualité, Proceedings of the 1997 Cerisy colloquium, Paris: Vrin

2001 with J.-P. Cometti, « Introduction » in K. Mulligan & J.-P. Cometti, eds. La Philosophie autrichienne

2001 ed. with B. Baertschi, Les nationalismes, "Ethique et philosophie morale", Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

2001 "Logical Positivism and Logical Empiricism", N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (editors), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Pergamon, Oxford, 9036- 9038

2001 "Phenomenology: Philosophical Aspects", N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (editors) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Pergamon, Oxford, 11363-11369.

Catalan tr.: 2002 "Actes socials i objectes socials", Comprendre. Revista catalana de filosofia, Any IV, 2002/2, 193-204.

2001 "Actes i objectes. Una anàlisi de la fenomenologia realista", Anuari de la societat catalana de filosofia, XIII, Institut d'estudis catalans, 241-262

2001 "Kevin Mulligan. Subversão e filosofia", Interview (Desidério Murcho), Livros,18 April, 54-55, http://critica.no.sapo.pt/entr_kmulligan.html

2001 "Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy", Television Interview, RAI Educational - Multimedia Encyclopaedia.

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2001 with B. Baertschi, "Avant-propos", Baertschi & Mulligan, eds., Les nationalismes, "Ethique et philosophie morale", Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1-2.

2001 with B. Baertschi, "Introduction", Baertschi & Mulligan, eds., Les nationalismes, "Ethique et philosophie morale", Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 3-8.

2000 "Predication", Concise Routledge Enyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. E. Craig, Routledge, 708.

2000 "Métaphysique et Ontologie", (dir.) P. Engel, Précis de Philosophie analytique, Collection Thémis, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 5-33.

Italian tr., 2002, "Metafisica e ontologia", Aut Aut, 310-311, 116-143.

2000 "La Philosophie autrichienne – quelques variations constantes", Ouelbani, M (dir.) La Philosophie autrichienne – spécificités et influences, Université de Tunis 1, 9-26.

Expanded version: 2001 "De la philosophie autrichienne et de sa place", J.-P. Cometti & K. Mulligan eds., La Philosophie autrichienne de Bolzano à Musil. Histoire et Actualité, Paris: Vrin, 8-25.

2000 [Review of Busino, G 1998 Sociologie des sciences et des techniques, Paris : PUF, Que sais-je ?], European Societies, 2 (1), 101-103.

2000 "C'était quoi la philosophie dite 'continentale`? ", K. O. Apel, J. Barnes et al. Un siècle de philosophie 1900-2000, Folio Essais, Paris: Gallimard, 332-366.

2000 "Promesse ed altri atti sociali : costituenti e struttura", eds. S. Besoli & L. Guidetti Il Realismo fenomenologico. Sulla filosofia dei circoli di Monaco e Gottinga, Macerata : Quodlibet, 309-384, (Italian tr. of 1987 "Promisings and other Social Acts: their Constituents and Structures

1999 "Justification, Rule-Breaking and the Mind", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, London, Vol. XCIX, 123-139.

1999 with Patrizia Lombardo, eds. special number of Critique, Penser les émotions, 3/1999

1999 with Patrizia Lombardo, ´´Avant-propos``, Critique, Penser les émotions, 3, 481-486

1999 "Perception, Predicates and Particulars", ed. Denis Fisette, Consciousness and Intentionality: Models and Modalities of Attribution, The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, Kluwer, 163-194.

1999 ´´La varietà e l’unità dell’immaginazione``, Rivista di Estetica, Percezione, 53-67.

1999 with J.-P.Cometti (dirs.) La Critique de la raison en Europe centrale, Philosophiques (Canada), 26/2.

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1999 with J.-P.Cometti (dirs.) "Introduction", "La Critique de la raison en Europe centrale", Philosophiques (Canada), 26/2.

1999 "Exactitude et bavardage. Gloses pour une opposition paradigmatique dans la philosophie autrichienne, "La Critique de la raison en Europe centrale", Philosophiques (Canada), 26/2, 177- 201

1999 [Review of Austrian Philosophy Past and Present. Essays in Honour of Rudolf Haller, eds K. Lehrer & J. C. Marek, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 190, Kluwer, 1997], Institute Vienna Circle Yearbook, Greenberger-Reiter-Zeilinger (eds.): Epistemological and Experimental Problems in Quantum Physics, 350-353.

1998 "Valeurs et Normes Cognitives", Les nouvelles morales - éthique et philosophie, ed. Monique Canto-Sperber, Magazine Littéraire, 78-79.

1998 (with R. Mulligan & A.-C. Juillerat,) "La Mémoire affective: le cas de la douleur, Cahiers de psychiatrie, Genève, 157-161.

1998 "From Appropriate Emotions to Values", Secondary Qualities Generalized, ed. P. Menzies, The Monist, vol. 84, no. 1, January, 161-188.

1998 "The Spectre of Inverted Emotions and the Space of Emotions", Acta Analytica, revised English version of 1995 "Le spectre de l'affect inverti et l'espace des émotions", 89-105.

1998 "The symptoms of Gödel-mania. Parisian abuses of science and postmodernist discourse", Times Literary Supplement, review of A. Sokal & J. Bricmont Les Impostures Intellectuelles, 1.5.98, 13-14; reproduced in naturalSCIENCE, May 23, 1998, http://naturalscience.com/ns/books/book04.html

1998 "The great divide", Times Literary Supplement, (Title page: "The battle of the two schools") review of books by Engel, d'Agostini and others, 26.6.98, 6-8.

1998 "Predication", Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, (ed.) E. Craig, Routledge: London, Vol 7, 665-667.

1998 "Continental and analytic philosophy", Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 24.07.98, p. 17.

1998 "Relations - through thick and thin", Erkenntnis, Analytical Ontology, 325-353.

1997 "Konstanz und Kriterien: Brunswiks Beitrag", Hrsg. K. Fischer, F. Stadler, Wahrnehmung und Gegenstandswelt. Zum Lebenswerk von Egon Brunswik, Springer, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis, Bd. 4, (Proceedings of the 1994 Vienna Brunswik Colloquium), 137-150.

1997 "The Essence of Language: Wittgenstein's Builders and Bühler's Bricks", Revue de Métaphysique et Morale, 2, 193-216. 1997 "Sur l'Histoire de l'approche analytique de l'histoire de la philosophie: de Bolzano et Brentano à Bennett et Barnes", (éd.) J.-M. Vienne, Philosophie analytique et Histoire de la philosophie (Proceedings of 1991 Nantes conference), Paris: Vrin, 61-103.

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1997 "How Perception Fixes Reference", in: Alex Burri (ed.),Sprache und Denken / Language and Thought, Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 122-138.

1997 "Lo stato di cose nelle Ricerche Logiche di Husserl", Italian translation of revised version of 1990 "Husserl on States of Affairs in the Logical Investigations", Discipline filosofiche, special number on La nozione di "stato di cose" (The notion of "state of affairs), 2, 127-158.

1997 "Analitici e continentali; il pluralismo in filosofia": "1. Mulligan: la filosofia continentale dal punto di vista analitico", "2. La storia", "3. Fattori sociali", "4. Alle origini della filosofia continentale", F. D'Agostini, Filosofia Analitica. Analizzare, tradurre, interpretare, Turin: Paravia Scriptorium, 172-177, partial reprint of (51).

1997 "Das Wesen der Sprache: Wittgensteins Maurer und Bühlers Bausteine", Brentano Studien, 7, (German tr. of 1997 "The Essence of Language: Wittgenstein's Builders and Bühler's Bricks"), 267-290.

1996 "Constancy, Content and Sense", Penser l'Esprit. Des sciences de la cognition à une philosophie cognitive, sous la dir. de V. Rialle et D. Fisette, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 141-150.

1996 "Percepción, Particulares y Predicados", Revista de Filosofia, III epoca, 9, 105-120.

1995 "Inherence" in A Companion to Metaphysics, eds. E. Sosa & J. Kim, Oxford: Blackwell, 242-243.

1995 "Internal Relations" in A Companion to Metaphysics, eds. E. Sosa & J. Kim, Oxford: Blackwell, 245-246.

1995 "Mach" in A Companion to Metaphysics, eds. E. Sosa & J. Kim, Oxford: Blackwell, 87-288.

1995 "Relation", in A Companion to Metaphysics, eds. E. Sosa & J. Kim, Oxford: Blackwell, 445-446.

1995 "Perception", The Cambridge Companion to Husserl, eds. B. Smith & D. Smith, Cambridge, 168-238, https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/1715/2567/7668/1995PerceptionHusserl.pdf

1995 "Musils Analyse des Gefühls", in Hgb. B. Böschenstein & M.-L. Roth, Hommage à Robert Musil, (Proceedings of 1992 Geneva Musil conference), Berne: Lang, 87-110.

1995 "Le spectre de l'affect inverti et l'espace des émotions", La Couleur des pensées, eds. P. Paperman & R. Ogien, Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Raisons pratiques, 6, 65-83.

1995 "Psychologism and its History Revalued" (Review of Martin Kusch, Psychologism: A Case Study in the Sociology of Knowledge), Metascience, 8, 17-26, with reply by Kusch.

1993 "Wittgenstein analysé", Preface to Wittgenstein analysé, 5-12

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1993 "Internal Relations", Working Papers in Philosophy, 2, RSSS, Australian National University, Canberra, Proceedings of the 1992 Canberra metaphysics conference, (eds.) Brian Garrett & Peter Menzies, 1-22.

1993 "Proposizione, stato di cose e altri concetti formali nel pensiero di Wittgenstein e Husserl", L'uomo, un segno, Fascicolo speciale: Wittgenstein contemporaneo, a cura di A. Gargani, (Proceedings of the 1989 Milan Wittgenstein Conference, 41-65.

1993 (with R. Roth) "Présentation", Regards sur Bentham et l'utilitarisme (Actes du colloque organisé à Genève les 23 et 24 novembre 1990), Genève: Droz, 7-9.

1993 (ed. with Brian Garrett), Themes from Wittgenstein, Working Papers in Philosophy, 4, RSSS, Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra.

1993 (with B. Garrett), "Preface", eds. B. Garrett & K. Mulligan, Themes from Wittgenstein, Working Papers in Philosophy, 4, RSSS, Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, i-ii.

1993 "Description's Objects: Austrian Variations", eds. B. Garrett & K. Mulligan,Themes from Wittgenstein, Working Papers in Philosophy, 4, RSSS, Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, 62-85, https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/1614/2644/2820/mulligan_DESCRIPTIONS_OBJECTS __AUSTRIAN_VARIATIONS.pdf

1993 "Post-Continental Philosophy: Nosological Notes", in Stanford French Review, Special number: Philosophy and the Analytic-Continental Divide, 17.2-3, ed. Pascal Engel, 133-150 (appeared 1994).

1992 "Sulla Storia e l'Analisi della Filosofia Continentale", Iride, 8, 183-190, (Italian translation of part of 1991 "Introduction: On the History of Continental Philosophy").

1992 "Gardies, Jean-Louis...Esquisse d’une grammaire pure", Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, III, Les Oeuvres Philosophiques, Tome 2, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, p. 3252.

1991 "De la nécessité vitale de la transparence", Campus, (Geneva), 9, 8-9

1991 Guest ed., issue of Topoi, Continental Philosophy Analysed, Vol. 10, No. 2

1991 "Introduction: On the History of Continental Philosophy", in Continental Philosophy Analysed, 115-20

1991 "How not to read: Derrida on Husserl", in Continental Philosophy Analysed, 199-208

1991 "Preface", in (ed. K. Mulligan) Language, Truth and Ontology, ix-x.

1991 "Colours, Corners and Complexity: Meinong and Wittgenstein on some Internal Relations", in (eds.) B. C. van Fraassen, B. Skyrms & W. Spohn, Existence and Explanation: Essays in Honor of Karel Lambert, The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of

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Science, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 77-101

1990 "Genauigkeit und Geschwätz - Glossen zu einem paradigmatischen Gegensatz in der Philosophie" in Hgb. H. Bachmaier Wien - Paradigmen der Moderne, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 209-236.

1990 "Las situaciones objetivas en las Investigaciones Logicas de Edmundo Husserl", Revista de Filosofia, III/3, 23-49.

1990 "Husserl on States of Affairs in the Logical Investigations", Epistemologia, special number on Logica e Ontologia, XII, 207-234, (Proceedings of 1987 Genoa conference on Logic and Ontology).

1990 "Amore della perspicuità", Indice, review of Wittgenstein's Osservazioni sulla filosofia della psicologia (= Italian translation of Bemerkungen über die Philosophie der Psychologie), p. 4, June.

1990 "Marty's Philosophical Grammar" in ed. K. Mulligan Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics: the Philosophy and Theory of Language of Anton Marty, 11-28.

1990 "Preface" in ed. K. Mulligan Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics: the Philosophy and Theory of Language of Anton Marty, xi.

1990 (with Karl Schuhmann) "Two Letters from Marty to Husserl", in ed. K. Mulligan Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics: the Philosophy and Theory of Language of Anton Marty, 225-236.

1990 "Criteria and Indication", Wittgenstein - Towards a Reevaluation, Proceedings of the Kirchberg Wittgenstein Centenary Celebration, 1989, Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, (appeared 1991), 94-105

1989 “Judgings: their Parts and Counterparts” in Topoi Supplement, 2, La Scuola di Brentano, (Bologna Brentano Conference 1984), 117-148, https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/files/6815/3960/0523/KM-1989Judgings.pdf

1989 “The Expression of Exactness: Ernst Mach, the Brentanists and the Ideal of Clarity”, in (ed.) Robert Pynsent, Decadence and Innovation. Austro-Hungarian Life and Art at the Turn of the Century, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 33-42.