Pope Says God Made Gay People Just As We Should Be – Here’S Why His Comments Matter by Ruth Hunt to Reconcile with Their Identity

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Pope Says God Made Gay People Just As We Should Be – Here’S Why His Comments Matter by Ruth Hunt to Reconcile with Their Identity B NDINGS Vol. 37 No. 3 A Publication of New Ways Ministry Summer 2018 Pope says God made gay people just as we should be – Here’s why his comments matter By Ruth Hunt to reconcile with their identity. Some The Guardian people will say that LGBT people can’t London, England exist in faith communities; that faith May 21, 2018 communities don’t accept same-sex relationships or those whose gender It is immensely powerful to hear that doesn’t match the one that they were Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman assigned at birth. Some believe that Catholic church, reportedly told Juan LGBT people can and should be “cured.” Carlos Cruz, a gay man: “God made you As a result of these beliefs, LGBT people like this and loves you like this.” often need to find a way to God despite Cruz is a survivor of clerical abuse their leaders, rather than because of who spoke privately with the pope a few them. But the pope’s reported words are weeks ago, and has since reported his a striking affirmation that LGBT people conversation to of faith belong in church and Spanish in religious communities. newspapers. His I have never felt excluded abuser, Fernando from the church and have al- Karadima, was ways been made to feel wel- found guilty of come. But I have met many abuse by the people who have had different Juan Carlos Cruz Vatican in 2011. experiences; people who have As a practising been damaged by being told Catholic, I find it to deny their sexuality or who church and LGBT people who have felt apparent openness mirrored by others in deeply moving to feel rejected by God. rejected and excluded from it. Many the Roman Catholic church. I want to have Pope Fran- Churches can be unifying religious communities, groups and places live in a world where all people will be cis appear to con- spaces. Religions teach that of worship already include LGBT peo- accepted – for their beliefs, their faith, firm what many God is love, so it should be ple. The church accepts that LGBT peo- their sexual orientation, their gender Cath-olics already Ruth Hunt integral that all members of ple exist, but I want us to get to a point identity and everything else – without know to be true: God the community and their rela- where our love is recognised as being as exception. The words of Pope Francis to made us just as we should be, there are tion-hips are respected. Just as LGBT valid as any other. While we have a way Juan Carlos Cruz give me hope that we no mistakes. people need respect and acceptance in of celebrating our love through civil are moving in that direction. Lesbian, gay, bi and trans people wider society, they also need to be partnerships and same-sex marriage, we exist in every community, from every included in their faith communities. also need to keep working to allow Ruth Hunt is the chief executive of ethnic background and in every religion. Francis’s reported words can help to LGBT people of faith to marry in church Stonewall UK , the leading LGBT However, religion can often be the area build bridges between the Catholic and declare their love in the eyes of God. equality organization, in the UK. of life that people find the most difficult I would like to see the pope’s Youth Synod Document Shows Vatican Evolution on LGBT Topics By Francis DeBernardo have a desire to be part of the church. In known to the Vatican online. In The National Catholic Reporter has Bondings 2.0 one section, the document states: “some the Instrumentum Laboris, the Vatican noted that at the press conference releas- NewWaysMinistry.org/blog LGBT youth … wish to benefit from acknowledges that many youth ing the Instrumentum Laboris, Cardinal June 20, 2018 greater closeness and experience greater expressed disagreement with the Lorenzo Baldisseri “said his office de- care from the Church.” church’s teaching on a range of cided to make the Vatican’s first use of The Vatican has reached three new This acknowlegement is a welcome sexuality topics, including homo- the LGBT acronym to refer to gay peo- milestones in its evolution toward a change from the hierarchy’s traditional sexuality. This acknowledgement ple because the March pre-synodal greater dialogue with the LGBT com- rhetoric that suggests LGBT people are indicates a realistic perspective on the meeting of young people used the term munity. opposed to religion. As New Ways Vatican’s part, unlike at the 2015 Synod and his office was ‘diligent’ about In the Instrumentum Laboris, a Ministry knows from over 40 years of on the Family where only people who respecting the young people’s work.” preparatory document released on June pastoral work with the LGBT com- agreed with church teaching were Yet, we also have to wonder if this th 19 which lays out the direction for the munity, LGBT Catholics have a deep invited to address the bishops. development may possibly be traced to New Ways Ministry wel- the effect that Fr. James Martin’s comes these developments and book Building a Bridge: How the Cath- prays that the Vatican will make olic Church and the LGBT Community real its intriguing acknowledge- Can Enter into a Relationship of Re- ments of youth and LGBT real- spect, Compassion, and Sensitivity has ity by having an open and free had on church discussions. In that text, discussion of these issues at the which is based on a talk Fr. Martin gave synod. at a New Ways Ministry event, the Jes- While these three develop- uit priest asks church leaders, as a sign ments are welcome changes in of respect, to use the LGBT commun- the church’s style of discourse, ity’s vocabulary for self-identification: it must be noted that there is “. [R]espect means calling a noth-ing in the new document group what it asks to be called. which indicates that the Vatican Names are important. Thus, church is, as yet, willing to entertain leaders are invited to be attentive to how changes in church policy on they name the L.G.B.T. community and LGBT is-sues. The furthest lay to rest phrases like ‘afflicted with they have gone is to indicate a same-sex attraction,’ which no L.G.B.T. willingness to work towards person I know uses, and even ‘homo- being a “community open and sexual person,’ which seems overly welcoming towards all.” This clinical to many. I’m not prescribing pastoral approach is important, what names to use, though ‘gay and but the Church’s outreach lesbian, ‘L.G.B.T.’ and ‘L.G.B.T.Q.’ are cannot end there. the most common. I’m saying that The proof of the Vatican’s October 2018 Synod on Youth in Rome, spirituality, often forged by remarkable people have a right to name themselves. openness to LGBT issues will be how Using those names is part of respect.” the Vatican for the first time used the journeys overcoming rejection, aliena- these topics are addressed at the Synod acronym “LGBT” to describe individuals tion, and marginalization. LGBT Cath- Martin’s book has been praised by itself: Will LGBT youths be repre- church leaders around the globe, with diverse sexualities and gender ident- olics have stayed a part of the church, sented as speakers to the assembly? Will ities. Similar to 2013 when Pope Fran- despite statements and actions which including Cardinal Kevin Farrell, the voices expressing dissent on LGBT is- head of the Vatican’s Dicastery for cis became the first pope to use the word have offended and hurt them. sues be allowed by speakers who ad- “gay,” this change in language signals A third development is that the Laity, Family and Life which plays a dress the bishops? If the Vatican does significant role in the Synod on that church officials are beginning to document shows that Vatican officials not enact such changes at the upcoming understand that they have to treat LGBT paid attention to concerns about LGBT Youth. In fact, Farrell wrote a blurb for synod, the language of the Instrumentum people with simple respect by referring issues which were raised by youth at the book’s jacket cover. Laboris will go down in history as lip- to them with more accurate terms. a pre-synod meeting in Rome during Another significant development is March of this year, and also from youth service—which youth are keenly adept the acknowledgement that LGBT people around the world who made their views at recognizing. Page 2 BONDINGS Vol. 37, No. 3 “Intrinsically Disordered”: How We Got There, B NDINGS Why It Matters, and What To Do About It Summer 2018 Vol. 37, No. 3 By Cristina Traina Of course, there are gradations of sin-as-disorder. On Bondings 2.0 this logic, sex that can produce offspring (opposite-sex Francis DeBernardo, Editor NewWaysMinistry.org/blog vaginal fornication, adultery, rape, etc.) may at least May 9, 2018 achieve procreation imperfectly, outside marriage. So it Board of Directors does not disrespect God’s created order as gravely as sex Jeannine Gramick, SL, Chair Geek alert: theological history ahead! that by definition cannot reproduce: masturbation, contra- Ryan Sattler A while ago, I wrote about an English translation ceptive sex, bestiality, and same-sex unions. Scholastic problem in the 1986 Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic moral theology sees these acts and desires as intrinsically Board of Advisors Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons that disordered because they don’t aim even implicitly at pro- Dr.
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