B NDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 A Publication of New Ways Ministry Spring 2012

At New Ways Ministry Symposium Bishop Geoffrey Robinson urges change in 'church teaching concerning all sexual relationships'

By Jerry Filteau endum in November to revoke it, but to resolve those problems. himself in his divine plan for human The National Catholic Reporter several recent polls have indicated that a "Paradoxically, it was the effects of sexuality. March 16, 2012 slight but growing majority of the state's the sexual abuse of minors more than "For centuries the church has taught voting population favors legalization of anything else that convinced me that sex that every sexual sin is a mortal sin. The BALTIMORE -- At the Seventh same-sex marriages. is serious," he said. teaching may not be proclaimed as National Symposium on Catholicism and In his talk later that afternoon -- He began his talk with three basic loudly today as much as before, but it Homosexuality, retired Australian available along with other writings on his premises: was proclaimed by many popes, it has Bishop Geoffrey Robinson called Friday website: www.bishopgeoffrobinson.org "There is no possibility whatsoever never been retracted and it has affected for "a new study of everything to do with (Click ―Christian Basis for Teaching on of a change in the teaching of the Catho- countless people," Robinson said. sexuality" -- a kind of study that he pre- Sex‖) -- Robin- lic church on "The teaching fostered a belief in an dicted "would have a profound influence son did not the subject of incredibly angry God," he added, "for on church teaching concerning all sexual address the homosexual this God would condemn a person to an relationships, both heterosexual and ho- growing U.S. acts unless and eternity in hell for a single unrepented mosexual." question of until there is moment of deliberate pleasure arising "If [church] teaching on homosexual whether faithful first a change in from sexual desire. I simply do not be- acts is ever to change, the basic teaching same-sex un- its teaching on lieve in such a God. Indeed, I positively governing all sexual acts must change," ions should be he t e ro se xua l reject such a God." he said. blessed with the acts. Robinson has been a source of con- Robinson, a priest since 1960 and title and all "There is a seri- troversy in the church since at least 2002, auxiliary bishop of Sydney from 1984 legal rights of ous need for a when he called for Pope John Paul II to until his retirement for health reasons in "marriage." But change in the commission a church-wide study of cleri- 2004, told the Baltimore symposium, he argued that church's teach- cal sexual abuse of minors in the church. sponsored by New Ways Ministry, that the church's ing on hetero- His 2007 book, Confronting Power "because sex is so vital a way of express- moral appraisal sexual acts. and Sex in the : Re- ing love, sex is always serious." of such unions "If and when claiming the Spirit of Jesus, drew ire That view, espoused by the church, would change this change from his fellow bishops in Australia, who stands in contrast to the general percep- dramatically if occurs, it will objected to his 2008 lecture tour in the tion of modern society, which "appears it were to re- inevitably have United States to speak on some of the to be saying more and more that sex is evaluate its its effect on issues addressed in his book. not in itself serious," he said. traditional ap- teaching on His full text at the New Ways Minis- For the church to deal with sex seri- proach to all homosexual try symposium, as well as other writings ously, however, does not in itself mean human sexual acts." and references to controversies Robinson that the church must continue to accept activity. "If the starting has engaged in in his efforts to change uncritically its traditional understandings He said Bishop Geoffrey Robinson point [as in the way the church's approach to issues of sexual morality, he said. w h i l e t h e current church of sexual morality -- far too detailed to Robinson was a featured speaker at church's emphasis on the profound sig- teaching] is that every single sexual act be covered in a single news article -- can the March 15-17 symposium, which nificance of sex is correct, its natural law must be both unitive and procreative, b e fo und on his website : drew about 400 , , bisexual, approach to sexual morality and its inter- there is no possibility of approval of ho- www.bishopgeoffrobinson.org (Click and questioning Catholics pretation of ancient scriptural passages mosexual acts," Robinson said. ―Christian Basis for Teaching on Sex‖). and church personnel ministering to on homosexual and other sexual activity He proceeded, however, to question  them. The gathering's first day was de- are in need of correction. that natural law argument, especially as voted to a spiritual retreat guided by the Robinson -- whose activities before laid out by recent popes, and to suggest bishop. he became a bishop included teaching that a more nuanced reading of divine More At the symposium's lunch Friday, canon law and heading the Canon Law commandments in scripture and of Jesus' Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley ad- Society of Australia and New Zealand -- teaching would lead to a different set of Symposium dressed the group on a pending state law, said his own full realization of how seri- moral norms -- starting with a change in coverage on which he had signed just days earlier, ous sex was came when the Australian church teaching that every sexual act or legalizing same-sex marriage in the state. bishops called on him to head an investi- thought that falls outside a loving conju- pages 8, 9, 10. Opponents of the new law have gation into the causes of clerical sexual gal act open to procreation is a mortal sin launched a campaign for a popular refer- abuse of minors in his country and how because it is a direct offense against God Cdl. George apologizes for comparing gay rights movement to KKK

By Manya A. Brachear which was very inappropriate, for which comed the cardinal's apology. Tribune I'm sorry," George said. "I didn't realize ―This is not about power. This is not January 7, 2012 the impact of what I was saying. … about control. This is about a church and Sometimes fear is a bad motivation." its ministry and its shepherd," he said. Chicago's Cardinal Francis George In his comments, broadcast on Fox "We believe in reconciliation. It's not a apologized Friday for remarks aired on Chicago television on Christmas, George time to continue to draw battle lines and Christmas Day comparing the gay pride addressed what he perceives to be reli- go back to prior history. It's time to say parade to the . gious discrimination in the name of gay we're grateful for that gift for someone "I am truly sorry for the hurt my re- rights. While discussing the pride parade, realizing that he or she misspoke in a marks have caused," George said in an he cited the anti-Catholicism of the KKK way that caused some harm and seek interview with the Tribune. "Particularly in the early 1940s. forgiveness." because we all have friends or family You know, you don't want the gay George said although church teach- members who are gay and lesbian. This liberation movement to morph into ing does not judge same-sex relation- has evidently wounded a good number of something like the Ku Klux Klan, dem- ships as morally acceptable, it does en- people. I have family members myself onstrating in the streets against Catholi- courage the faithful to "respect every- who are gay and lesbian, so it's part of cism." George told the Fox Chicago re- one." our lives. So I'm sorry for the hurt." porters. "So I think if that's what's hap- "The question is, 'Does respect mean George's initial comments came in pening, and I don't know that it is, but I that we have to change our teaching?' response to questions about whether the would respect the local pastor's, you That's an ongoing discussion, of course. new route assigned to next summer's gay Cardinal Francis George know, position on that." … I still go back to the fact that these are pride parade would interrupt morning George said he didn't expect the people we know and love and are part of services at Our Lady of Mount Carmel change the start time of th event. public uproar over the comments. our families. That's the most important Church in the Lakeview neighborhood. When I was talking, I was speaking Chris Pett, president of Dignity Chi- point right now."  That dispute was resolved before Christ- out of fear that I have for the church's cago, an independent ministry for gay, mas, when parade organizers agreed to liberty and I was reaching for an analogy lesbian and transgender Catholics, wel- Page 2 BONDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 B NDINGS Maryland Catholic priest placed on leave Winter 2011-2012 Vol. 31, No. 4 for ‘intimidating behavior’

By Michelle Boorstein Guarnizo has refused to comment on what happened Francis DeBernardo, Editor The Post at the Mass. March 11, 2012 Johnson declined to comment Sunday beyond this Board of Directors statement: Mary Byers A Gaithersburg Catholic priest who triggered national ―The Johnson family continues to pray for the Arch- Matthew Myers debate late last month when he denied Communion to a diocese of Washington, Father Guarnizo, and all Catholics Ryan Sattler lesbian at her mother‘s funeral Mass has been placed on during this time of upheaval. While we understand this administrative leave from ministry in the Washington arch- letter does not pertain to the events that occurred at our diocese. mother's funeral, we are hopeful that Bishop Knestout's Board of Advisors Specific details about why the Rev. Marcel Guarnizo decision will ensure that no others will have to undergo the Cornelius Hubbuch, CFX was barred from ministry – a severe penalty – were not traumatic experiences brought upon our family. We urge Anna Koop, SL immediately available. The Post learned of the action from all Catholics to put aside political points of view, and pray Elizabeth Linehan, RSM a letter dated March 9 that is written to other archdiocesan that our Church will remain in Christ's love." Anthony LoGalbo, OFM priests. The interaction between Johnson and Guarnizo, who Patricia McDermott, RSM The letter from Bishop Barry Knestout, a top adminis- grew up in Northern Virginia and has spent much of his trator in the archdiocese, which covers Washington and the ministry in Russia and Eastern Europe, triggered intense Staff Maryland suburbs, says the punishment was for ―engaging debate and feelings among Catholics on the Web. Some Francis DeBernardo, Executive Director in intimidating behav- said being in a same- Dwayne Fernandes, Associate Director ior toward parish staff sex relationship and others that is in- makes someone auto- Co-Founders compatible with proper matically ineligible Sr. Jeannine Gramick priestly ministry.‖ for Communion, a Rev. Robert Nugent The archdiocese on moment that Catholi- Sunday confirmed cism teaches creates Guarnizo's removal, the actual presence Bondings is a seasonal publication designed and noted that of Jesus Christ and is to keep our subscribers informed of issues Knestout's letter was not for people out- that pertain to lesbian and gay people read at all Masses this side of a "state of and the Catholic Church. weekend at St. John grace." Others said Neumann. The pastor the process of deter- Founded in 1977, New Ways Ministry there, the Rev. Thomas mining a person‘s is an educational and bridge-building LaHood, added some ―state of grace‖ is a ministry of reconciliation between the additional comments, far more complex Catholic gay and lesbian community including noting -- and and personal, some- and the institutional structures repeating -- that the thing between a in the Roman Catholic Church. removal was not related Catholic and God. to the Communion In the days after the standoff, but "pertains funeral Mass, the New Ways Ministry seeks to eradicate Rev. Marcel Guarnizo Barbara Johnson prevalent myths and stereotypes to actions over the past archdiocese issued an week or two." He did apology to Johnson about homosexuality and supports civil not elaborate. and sent a letter stating that Guarnizo‘s refusal of Com- rights for lesbian and gay persons in society. In announcing the penalty on Sunday, LaHood spoke munion to her was against the policy of Archbishop Don- at some length about the disagreements that have unfolded ald Wuerl, who has said it is not the right time or place for in the parish because of the funeral Mass scene. a spiritual standoff. But in a public statement published by New Ways Ministry "As we know there‘s been disagreement within the the Post, the archdiocese seemed to imply that both sides 4012 29th Street parish over how and to whom Communion is distributed. were at fault: Mount Rainier, Maryland 20712 From my perspective this disagreement and related emo- ―We believe that to receive Communion, a person (301) 277-5674 tions flow from love. Love for Christ, really and truly pre- should be in the state of grace, which means that they are [email protected] sent in the Eucharist. However, how we live out this love not conscious of having committed a sin serious enough is important. The Scriptures tell us that we are known that it ruptures their relationship with God. As with any above all by how we love," he said before reading the let- relationship, it is not just a one-sided judgment that deter- ter. After, he said "I realize this letter is hard to hear. mines what hurts the relationship with God. This determi- Please keep mind that this is a first personnel issue, dealing nation is based on what the Church teaches objectively with issues of ministry in the church. Father Guarnizo will from sacred Scripture and tradition of Christian experi- TO SUBSCRIBE have every opportunity to present his position." ence. If a person is conscious of having committed a grave COMPLETE AND RETURN THE FORM An archdiocesan spokeswoman Sunday would not sin, he or she may not receive Communion until they have clarify if LaHood's comments meant that Guarnizo would received absolution in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A not be penalized for his handling of Barbara Johnson at the person who is conscious of grave sin but has no opportu- Enclosed is: funeral. nity to go to Confession may receive Communion for a While it was not clear what transpired within the par- serious reason, but first that person must pray to Christ _____ $25.00 in the US or Canada ish in the past week or so that triggered the penalty, several expressing their sorrow, also known as a perfect act of bloggers have defended Guarnizo and claimed, citing contrition, and have the intention of going to Confession as _____ $35.00 outside US or Canada anonymous witnesses, that Johnson's version of the story is soon as possible.‖ inaccurate. According to Johnson, this weekend's homily from St. _____ I wish to receive Bondings, Johnson, 51, a D.C. artist, has said that as she ap- John Neumann's pastor, the Rev. Thomas LaHood, re- but cannot donate at this time. proached Guarnizo in the Communion line that day, he peated that the suspension was unrelated to her case. Some covered the bread and told her that he could not give her local Catholic bloggers have reacted angrily, though, call- the sacrament ―because you live with a woman, and in the ing for a boycott of donations to the archdiocese.  Name ______eyes of the church, that is a sin.‖

Address ______Gay-marriage ban protest draws 100 at Cathedral City ______

State ______By Andy Greder through Palm Sunday. Pioneer Press "It's an attempt by Catholic people to stand up and say Telephone ______Saint Paul, Minnesota no to the priority the archbishop has set in spending last March 11, 2012 fiscal year, 2011, $650,000 of the diocese's money to pro- Email ______mote passage in November of the marriage amendment," SAINT PAUL, Minnesota—Here's a new Lenten said former priest Ed Flahavan of St. Paul. "It comes at a routine: More than 100 people are gathering on Sundays time when social agencies, including Catholic Charities, Please make check payable to ―New Ways outside Archbishop John Nienstedt's residence in St. Paul are hurting for adequate resources to feed the hungry and Ministry‖. Outside the US, please use only to oppose the constitutional amendment to define marriage give shelter to the homeless." checks drawn on a US bank in US dollars or as between a man and a woman. Some passers-by kept their heads down as they went go to www.newwaysministry.org. On Sunday across from the Cathedral of St. Paul, into Mass; others driving on Summit Avenue honked car about 100 people held signs and rainbow flags and horns in support. One man rolled down his van window to Mail to: marched on the sidewalk. On the first Sunday of Lent, shout, "Read the Bible!" New Ways Ministry about 80 attended, and about 120 came out March 4, said Meanwhile, inside the cathedral, the priest's homily 4012 29th Street organizer Michael Bayly of the Catholics for Marriage did not mention the issue or the protest. The homily in- Mount Rainier, MD 20712 Equality MN, which supports gay marriage. cluded this passage: "Jesus wants to purify us...so we are Bayly said organizers hope attendance will increase worthy vessels before the Lord."  Spring 2012 BONDINGS Page 3 Maryland Becomes Eighth State to Enact Marriage Equality O’Malley Is Fifth Catholic Governor to Sign Bill Into Law

By Francis DeBernardo the heart of religious freedom is the free- Bondings 2.0 dom of individual conscience. NewWaysMinistryBlog.wordpress.com ―If there is a thread that unites all of March 2, 2102 our work here together, it is the thread of human dignity, the dignity of work, the On March 1st, 2012, Maryland be- dignity of a job, the dignity of every came the eighth state (plus the District of child‘s home, the dignity of every indi- Columbia) to enact marriage equality vidual.‖ legislation for lesbian and gay cou- On behalf of Catholics, New Ways ples. Governor Martin O‘Malley became Ministry thanked Governor O‘Malley the fifth Catholic governor to sign a mar- and the Maryland legislature in ad ap- riage equality bill, joining Washington pearing in today‘s print edition of The State‘s Christine Gregoire, New York‘s Baltimore Sun: Andrew Cuomo, Maine‘s John Baldacci, Equally Blessed, the coalition of and New Hampshire‘s John Lynch. Catholic groups that support equality for Among the religious and civic lead- LGBT people in the church and wider ers attending the signing ceremony was society, released this statement today on New Ways Ministry‘s Co-Founder, Sis- the signing of marriage equality legisla- ter Jeannine tion in the state of Gramick. ―I was Maryland: so proud that our ―We are deeply At the signing ceremony: Governor Martin O'Malley (center) is flanked by Senate Presi- Catholic governor gratified that Gov- dent Mike Miller (left) and House Speaker Michael Busch (right). Lieutenant Governor relied on our ernor Martin Anthony Brown is behind O’Malley. Sister Jeannine Gramick’s face and veil are partially faith‘s tradition of O‘Malley has visible just behind Brown. Both O'Malley and Brown are Catholic, and Busch was raised Catholic, equality and justice joined fellow for all people, in- Catholic governors cluding lesbian and Andrew Cuomo of government, and we pray that some day National Symposium on Catholicism and gay people,‖ Sister New York and such an understanding will take root Homosexuality, March 15-17 in Balti- Jeannine said. ―It Christine Gregoire among the bishops of our church. more. was an honor to of Washington in ―As a coalition we were honored to ―It is fitting that Sister Jeannine, one participate in this signing marriage work of behalf of marriage equality in of the most effective advocates for moment, and I‘m equality legislation Maryland by placing an op-ed in The LGBT people in the church, will be par- glad I was there to into law. Washington Post making the Catholic ticipating in today‘s signing cere- show the strong ―These governors case for same-gender marriage. In addi- mony.‖ support that Catho- represent the senti- tion, three coalition lics have for mar- ments of Catholics members, Sister riage equality for in this country far Jeannine Gramick lesbian and gay better than the and Francis DeBer- couples.‖ church‘s hierarchy, nardo of New Ways O ‘ M a l l e y which has spent Ministry, and Allen prefaced his sign- millions of dollars Rose of DignityUSA ing of the bill with a At the signing ceremony: Sister in an increasingly testified before the statement which re- Jeannine Gramick poses with futile campaign to House of Delegates. verberated with Catholic couple Dave Kolesar and prolong the era in ―We are particu- Catholic social Patrick Wojahn. (Photo by Dan which secular gov- larly thankful to Gov- Furmansky) teaching: ernments actively ernor O‘Malley, who ―For a free and diverse people, for a discriminate against same-gender cou- distributed copies of people of many faiths, for a people com- ples and their families. Mr. DeBernardo‘s mitted to the principle of religious free- ―We applaud Governor O‘Malley booklet, Marriage dom, the way forward is always found and the state legislators who recognized Equality: A Positive through greater respect for the equal that every human being, regardless of Catholic Approach, A copy of the advertisement that New Ways Ministry rights of all, for the human dignity of all. sexual orientation, is created in God‘s and who will be at- placed in The Baltimore Sun on March 2, 2012, the ―Religious freedom was the very image, and must be treated with dignity tending New Ways day after Governomor O’Malley signed the marriage reason for our state‘s founding, and at and respect by their neighbors and their Ministry‘s Seventh equality bill into law. A Catholic case for same-sex marriage

By Jeannine Gramick and Francis riage equality and 69 percent support of St. Augustine of Hippo, who articu- necessarily challenge the church‘s teach- DeBernardo civil unions. lated what Christians have come to call ing on the nature of sacramental mar- The Washington Post Those numbers shouldn‘t surprise ―the goods of marriage.‖ These are enu- riage, but support civil marriage for same February 14 , 2012 people who are familiar with the Catho- merated in contemporary terms as part- -sex couples with a clear conscience. lic theological tradition. For example, nership, permanence, fidelity and fruit- Some are concerned that the chil- This month in Maryland and the Catholic thinking dictates that we should fulness. Same-sex couples demonstrate dren of gay and lesbian couples will suf- state of Washington, an extraordinary use the evidence we find in the natural all of these attributes just as opposite-sex fer if their parents‘ relationships are not dynamic is playing itself out: Two world to help us reach our conclusions. couples do, unless one defines legally recognized. Others have a gay or Catholic governors are prodding legisla- Many Catholics have reflected on the ―fruitfulness‖ narrowly as the ability to lesbian colleague, friend or family mem- tors to pass bills legalizing same-gender scientific evidence that homosexuality is procreate. But many heterosexual cou- ber whom they want to protect. And still marriage. Like Govs. Andrew Cuomo in a natural variant in human sexuality, and ples cannot or choose not to procreate, others realize that their own lives would New York and Pat Quinn in — understand that lesbian and gay love is as and the church marries them anyway. be very different if the bishops had the whose states recently legalized same-sex natural as heterosexual love. The deeper one looks into the power to make church law into state law civil unions — Govs. Martin O‘Malley In forming our consciences, Catho- church‘s core teachings, the more one — say by banning artificial contraception and Christine Gregoire are acting against lics also consult scripture and our theo- realizes that the bishops are not repre- or making it impossible to remarry after the strongly expressed opposition of their logical tradition. Here, again, there is senting the breadth of the Catholic tradi- a divorce. church‘s bishops. little firm reason to oppose marriage tion in their campaign against marriage The opposition to marriage equality As Catholics who are involved in equality. The Bible presents us with a equality. Nowhere is that more true than by the church‘s hierarchy is well known, lesbian and gay ministry and outreach, marital landscape that includes polyg- in the area of Catholic social justice but in the quiet of their own consciences, we are aware that many people, some of amy, concubinage, temple prostitution teaching. millions of Catholics are arriving at dif- them Catholics, believe that Catholics and Levirate marriages (in which a man Catholic social teaching requires that ferent conclusions rooted deeply in the cannot faithfully disobey the public poli- is bound to marry his brother‘s widow.) all people be treated with dignity, regard- teachings of our faith. We support mar- cies of the church‘s hierarchy. But this is Jesus disputed the Mosaic law on di- less of their state in life or their beliefs. It riage equality, and we won‘t forget the not the case. vorce, saying that what God has joined upholds the importance of access to Catholic legislators and governors who The Catholic Church is not a democ- man must not separate, but this dictum health-care benefits, the protection of have worked on behalf of justice for les- racy, but neither is it a dictatorship. Ide- was modified in the letters of St. Paul. children, dignity in end of life choices, bian and gay couples.  ally, our bishops should strive to pro- When we see the manifold changes and, most importantly, the promotion of claim the sensus fidelium , the faith as it that marriage has undergone throughout stable family units. Marriage equality Sister Jeannine Gramick is co- is understood by the whole church. At history, many Catholics wonder why our legislation would be an obvious boon to founder of New Ways Ministry in Mount the moment, however, the bishops and bishops believe that heterosexual mar- same-sex couples and their children in Rainier, Md. Francis DeBernardo is the majority of the church are at odds. A riage in its current 21st century state is a each of these areas, yet the bishops are executive director of New Ways Ministry, survey published in September by the matter of divine revelation. spending millions of dollars opposing it. which is a member of the Equally Public Religion Research Institute found Those who delve into the theology In our work within the church, we Blessed coalition. that 52 percent of Catholics support mar- of marriage will encounter the writings have met countless people who do not Page 4 BONDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 The Laramie Project Amid complaints, N.J. Catholic high school pulls plug on play

By Erin Duffy But cast members and students at Catholic high school,‖ senior cast mem- NJ.com the Catholic high school said they‘ve ber Macklin Fitzpatrick said. March 23, 2012 been unfairly robbed of their ability to School president Barry Breen and put on a thought-provoking and power- principal Mary Ivins said in a statement LAWRENCE, NJ— Bowing to ful play, one whose message of tolerance the choice for the spring play was origi- pressure from parents and the school resonates powerfully in the wake of the nally seen as a ―powerful and appropri- community, Notre Dame High School Tyler Clementi cyberbullying verdict ate vehicle‖ to address issues of respect has canceled its spring production of and other anti-harassment efforts. and tolerance. But as calls questioning ―The Laramie Project,‖ a play based on ―I wanted to do a show that had the play‘s content rolled in, officials the violent 1998 murder of gay college meaning and purpose to it and when I worried that the controversy would be- student Matthew Shepard. found out we were doing ‗The Laramie come distracting, and the decision was The decision to shut down the pro- Project‘ I got really excited because this made Tuesday to cancel the show. duction has proved to be just as contro- show teaches the values I‘ve been taught ―The expression of these concerns versial as the play‘s edgy and dramatic my last 12 years of Catholic education,‖ opened our eyes to the realization that portrayal of a Wyoming town gripped in cast member and Notre Dame senior different eyes will see radically different the aftermath of a hate crime. Tessa Holtenrichs said. ―When I was messages than the ones we intended,‖ On one side, school administrators told we couldn‘t do it, I felt like it was they said. say parents worried that the choice for really hypocritical.‖ ―This has led the administration to the play was inappropriate for high While students described Notre conclude that we might inadvertently be schoolers, too loaded in its tale of the Dame as a high school with an unusually placing our school at the center of an production.‖ murder of a young gay man beaten and tolerant and friendly atmosphere, ―We undesired and potentially damaging con- Cast members — 32 students in left tied to a fence to die. felt it was breaking barriers being at a troversy by moving forward with the grades 9 through 12 — were informed Wednesday the show would be shut down, just days after rehearsals started. Some admitted they cried at the news. Gay-friendly Catholic ―If students can handle something like this, why can‘t the parents?‖ junior Colleges and Universities Kim Woodcock asked. The new pick for the spring play has Below is a list of known gay-friendly Catholic colleges and universities, that is, those Catholic institu- yet to be announced. In their statement, tions that have some type of gay/lesbian student group, support group, ally group, etc. If you are aware Breen and Ivins said, ―We are proud of of such a college that is known as welcoming to gay/lesbian people, please let us know. our students, and with the help of God and as a duty of our faith, we will continue to Alabama Massachusetts Syracuse: LeMoyne College find less controversial ways to help them Mobile: Spring Hill College Boston: Emmanuel College, Boston Col- Queens: St. John‘s University address hatred and intolerance.‖ lege A Facebook group started by Notre California Chestnut Hill: Boston College Ohio Dame alumnus and Rowan University Belmont: Notre Dame de Namur University Chicopee: Elms College Cincinnati: Xavier University freshman Dan Blazejewski opposing the Goleta: St. Mark‘s University Easton: Stonehill College Cleveland Heights: John Carroll University cancellation had more than 800 students, Los Angeles: Loyola Marymount Univer- North Andover: Merrimack College Dayton: University of Dayton cast members, parents and alumni weigh- sity, Mount Saint Mary‘s College Weston: Regis College Pepper Pike: Ursuline College ing in on the furor as of last night. Moraga: St. Mary‘s College Worcester: Assumption College, South Euclid: Notre Dame College ―I think the people had the assump- Ranchos Palos Verde: Marymount College College of the Holy Cross Sylvania: Lourdes College tion that the play was going to do some- San Diego: University of San Diego thing it never would have done, to encour- San Francisco: University of San Fran- Michigan Oregon age students to become homosexuals in- cisco Detroit: University of Detroit Mercy Marylhurst: stead of not killing homosexuals,‖ Diane Santa Clara: Santa Clara University Grand Rapids: Aquinas College Portland: Steinberg, a parent of a Notre Dame stu- dent and an alum, said during an inter- Colorado Minnesota Pennsylvania view. Denver: Regis University Collegeville: St. John‘s University Cresson: Mount Aloysius College She said the school missed the chance Duluth: College of St. Scholastica Dallas: Misericordia University to turn any controversy into a teachable Connecticut Minneapolis: College of St. Catherine Erie: Mercyhurst College moment. Fairfield: Fairfield University, St. Joseph: College of Saint Benedict Greensburg: Seton Hill University ―Allow the play to go forward, and Sacred Heart University St. Paul: St. Thomas University : Chestnut Hill College, also allow a nonartistic forum to discuss New Haven: Albertus Magnus College Winona: St. Mary‘s University of Minne- LaSalle University, St. Joseph‘s the Catholic Church and GLBT (Gay, West Hartford: Saint Joseph College sota University Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender) peo- Pittsburgh: Carlow University, ple,‖ Steinberg wrote to Breen and Ivins. District of Columbia Missouri Duquesne University ―Can the presentation of the play be ac- Georgetown University, Trinity University Kansas City: Avila University, Radnor: Cabrini College companied by a speaker or speakers that Rockhurst University Reading: Alvernia University present Catholic teaching on human sexu- Florida St. Louis: Fontbonne University, Scranton: Marywood University ality?‖ Miami Gardens: St. Thomas University St. Louis University Villanova: Villanova University Hundreds of high schools, colleges Miami Shores: Barry University and community theaters have put on Montana Rhode Island Moisés Kaufman‘s play, which became a Hawaii Helena: Carroll College Newport: Salve Regina University 2002 HBO film, with varying degrees of Honolulu: Chaminade University Providence: Providence College controversy. Nebraska In 2009, members of the extremist Illinois Omaha: Texas Westboro Baptist Church picketed a pro- Chicago: DePaul University, Austin: Saint Edward‘s University duction at an Indianapolis high school. Loyola University, St. Xavier University New Hampshire : University of the Incarnate Other shows, including several at Catholic Joliet: University of St. Francis Manchester: St. Anselm College Word, high schools, have drawn little in the way River Forest: Dominican University in Nashua: Rivier College Our Lady of the Lake University of fire. ―The Laramie Project‖ played for Illinois two nights at Robbinsville High School in Romeoville: New Jersey Vermont 2008. Caldwell: Caldwell College Colchester: Saint Michael‘s College Cast members and school officials Indiana Jersey City: St. Peter‘s College said the play had been edited slightly to Notre Dame: Holy Cross College, St. South Orange: Seton Hall Washington remove some language and one particu- Mary‘s Lacey: St. Martin‘s College larly intense scene. Few uttered surprise at College, University of Notre Dame New York Seattle: Seattle University the complaints the play drew at Notre Albany: College of Saint Rose Spokane: Gonzaga University Dame, but said the Catholic Church, Iowa Brooklyn and Patchogue: which opposes gay marriage, has main- Davenport: St. Ambrose University St. Joseph College West Virginia tained gays are still deserving of love and Dubuque: Loras College Bronx: Fordham University, Wheeling: Wheeling Jesuit University understanding. Manhattan College ―My director, Ms. (Diane) Wargo, Kentucky Buffalo: Canisius College Wisconsin said something pretty powerful,‖ Holten- Louisville: Spalding University, Loudonville: Sienna College De Pere: St. Norbert College richs said. ―She said Jesus didn‘t die on Bellarmine University New Rochelle: College of New Rochelle, Madison: Edgewood College the cross for us to have so many rules Iona College : Alverno College, about who to love and how to love. I Louisiana Poughkeepsie: Marist College Cardinal Stritch University, thought that was great.‖ : Loyola University Riverdale: College of Mount St. Vincent Marquette University The Diocese of Trenton didn‘t return Rochester: St. John Fisher College calls seeking comment on the play‘s can- Maryland St. Bonaventure: St. Bonaventure Univer- Canada cellation.  Baltimore: College of Notre Dame of sity Toronto: Regis College Maryland, Loyola College of Maryland Sparkill: St. Thomas Aquinas College Spring 2012 BONDINGS Page 5 University of Notre Dame gay rights allies renew effort Calls for adding sexual orientation to nondiscrimination policy, recognizing gay-straight alliance By Margaret Fosmoe tudes wrong. She said she knows four cil, a body that advises on the needs of The South Bend Tribune non-heterosexual students who left Notre GLBT students, and offers discussion March 8, 2012 Dame because of the unwelcoming at- sessions and educational programs, in- mosphere. cluding information about Catholic SOUTH BEND -- As debate about "This is definitely a civil rights is- teachings on issues of sexuality. same-sex marriage and related issues sue. There needs to be a solution," fresh- Neighboring Saint Mary's College grows on the national level, some Uni- man Nathan Lamp said. He got involved added sexual orientation to its non- versity of Notre Dame students and em- because he has LGBT friends. discrimination policy in 2003 and ap- ployees have renewed a long-standing It's not uncommon to hear deroga- proved a campus gay-straight alliance push to provide legal protection for gay, tory comments on campus about gays group in 2005. Holy Cross College does lesbian, bisexual and transgender indi- and , particularly from male stu- not include sexual orientation in its non- viduals on campus. dents, Lamp said. Such comments rarely discrimination policy and doesn't have a They are asking that Notre Dame are heard from women students, he said. gay-straight alliance. add sexual orientation to the university's He said a tenured professor last se- Peter Holland, a Notre Dame associ- non-discrimination policy and recognize mester made a joke stereotyping mem- ate dean and chair of the Shakespeare a gay-straight alliance club for the cam- bers of the gay community and some studies program, appeared in the recent pus. students laughed. "It was very inappro- video. "It is about time things changed," Rather than placards and protest priate and very offensive," Lamp said. he said. marches, some students and faculty last Although racial and ethics jokes are rare, Alex Coccia The university on Monday held a week released a video titled "It Needs to in some campus circles derogatory gay campus town hall meeting to address Get Better." It's received more than jokes seem to be acceptable, he said. I. Jenkins, university president, or the recent campus incidents of racial harass- 18,000 views so far on YouTube, and It's crucial that the university ad- Rev. Thomas Doyle, vice president for ment: two black student organizations other professors, students and alumni are dress this issue and overcome it, he said. student affairs, about the issue. found fried chicken parts placed in their now posting their own videos with same "Notre Dame is a great school and it's Efforts to add sexual orientation to mailboxes in the student center. message. supposed to be open to all people," he Notre Dame's non-discrimination clause Just as the university isn't hesitant to Gay marriage or same-sex domestic said. Graduates can't go off to help heal date back to the mid-1990s. The univer- address issues of racial injustice, it also partnerships are now legal in at least 15 and enlighten the world until they first sity in 1997 adopted a "statement of in- should address issues of discrimination states, and the U.S. military ended its deal with injustices on campus, he said. clusion" describing the university's re- based on sexual orientation, Holland "don't ask, don't tell" policy in 2011, "I can't in good conscience be work- gard for all people, with specific refer- said. "It is absolutely clear that type of allowing homosexuals to serve openly in ing at a place and teaching gender stud- ence to lesbians and gays. harassment is not limited to race," Hol- the nation's armed services. It's time for ies and not step up and get involved Notre Dame's Board of Fellows, the land said. Without protection, some em- Notre Dame to better serve its GLBT when there is an issue on campus," said highest tier of the board of trustees, in ployees live in a state of constant anxiety students and employees, advocates say. Pam Wojcik, a professor of film, TV and 1998 decided not to extend the policy. that they may be dismissed or denied They're calling this new effort the 4 theater and director of Notre Dame's The fellows concluded that the existing tenure because of their orientation, he to 5 Movement. The name is based on an gender studies program. She appeared in document -- called the Spirit of Inclusion said. estimate that about four of every five the video. -- recognizes that each person on campus "I think it's important that the poli- college-educated young adult Americans Students aren't required to be Catho- deserved dignity. The Fellows are cies of the university really match the today back the notion of equal rights for lic or heterosexual to attend Notre Dame, charged with maintaining the university's practices," English professor John Sitter all, regardless of sexual orientation. and it's part of the university's mission as Catholic character. said. Whenever members of a group are "It's clear to us that there is a major- a Catholic institution to promote social The inclusion policy isn't legally discriminated against, it affects every ity on campus that is supportive of these justice for all, she said. binding and doesn't hold the university other group, he said. changes," said Alex Coccia, a sophomore Wojcik said she knows gay and les- accountable, Coccia said. "It really di- "It's fundamentally a matter of fair- and co-president of the Progressive Stu- bian faculty members who feel they must minishes acceptance. It says, 'We won't ness," Sitter said. Adopting an inclusive dent Alliance. The student activists' stay in the closet, particularly if they legally protect you.' " policy isn't the same as advocating on group is leading the movement. don't have tenure. "There's a culture of Notre Dame's employment policy behalf of individuals one disagrees with, The Student Senate recently passed fear," she said. As long as sexual orienta- adheres to federal law, stating that the he said. "You need to be able to make a resolutions in favor of both changes, and tion isn't in the non-discrimination pol- university is an equal opportunity em- distinction between acceptance and en- the Faculty Senate on Tuesday adopted icy, many employees feel they can be ployer and doesn't discriminate on the dorsement," he said. resolutions supporting the measures. discriminated against with no recourse, basis of race, color, sex, age, national or Sitter said he knows some faculty Current campus policies permit she said. ethnic origin, disability or veteran status. who have left because of the lack of pro- GLBT students and faculty at Notre Wojcik said her main concern is Groups of students regularly file tection against discrimination. What no Dame, but provide no legal protection students, some of whom feel unwelcome requests to create a recognized gay- one knows, he said, is how many quality for them, sophomore Dani Gies said. She on campus because of the lack of protec- straight alliance on campus, but each professors and prospective students grew up in a Catholic household that was tion. request is turned down, according to ad- never come to Notre Dame because they accepting of people who aren't hetero- Notre Dame declined a Tribune re- vocates. feel they won't be welcome on campus. sexual, and considers condemning atti- quest for an interview with the Rev. John The university offers a Core Coun-  CUAllies Seeks Official University Recognition

The Tower CUAllies an official student organiza- tion of their students. Catholic University of America tion. When SAGA voted on the resolu- These results are an ―incredible vic- Washington, DC tion on February 22, CUAllies won the tory‖ for both campuses, said Fecteau. March 7, 2012 assembly‘s support 20 to 3. The CUA and Notre Dame coalition Opposing votes were due to conflict plans to continue its work in order to CUAllies, the current Lesbian, Gay, of politics and concerns why the organi- strengthen the gay-straight alliances on Bisexual, Transgender and Queer zation was previously denied official both campuses. (LGBTQ) and Allies group on campus, recognition. While waiting to hear the results submitted a proposal last week to the ―SAGA voted to support the crea- about their future from OCA, members Office of Campus Activities (OCA) to be tion of the student organization CUAllies of CUAllies continue their efforts on recognized as an official student organi- as they create and foster a safe, welcom- campus and across the nation. The group zation. ing, and affirming environment for all has issued a press release in order to As an unofficial student group, students on campus,‖ said Leslie Martin, spread the message of its efforts. CUAllies is currently not seen as legiti- SAGA speaker. In addition, CUAllies will host a mate and is unable to set up a table dur- CUAllies has formed a coalition social mixer, called ―The History of Al- ing club fairs, to advertise itself, and to with the University of Notre Dame ear- lies,‖ on March 22 at 8 pm, location to be rent rooms on campus for its events. lier in the year to promote gay-straight announced. The event is a way for the ―Some students don‘t feel comfort- alliances. The goal for these two united student body to be familiarized with the able, some students do, but CUA needs a campuses is simple: ―Let‘s make it offi- history of LGBTQ groups on campus, to support mechanism and we don‘t have cial,‖ according to a CUAllies press re- be introduced to CUAllies members, and it,‖ says Ryan Fecteau, who leads the Ryan Fecteau lease. to spread the message of a support sys- CUAllies. Unlike CUA, Notre Dame has never tem on campus. From 1988 to 2002, the Organiza- for students. had a recognized LGBTQ organization Fecteau will also present a speech tion for Gay and Lesbian Student Rights Members of the student body sup- on its campus. Notre Dame‘s proposal entitled ―Dorms, Lectures, and All- was recognized by Catholic University as port CUAllies in its efforts to become for their student government was met Nighters‖ at the 7th Annual National an advocacy group. When political opin- official. When Fecteau posted on the with a similar result: a 20-1 vote in favor Symposium on Catholicism and Homo- ions led to increased tension between the group‘s Facebook page about the pro- of a gay-straight alliance to be supported. sexuality in Baltimore, MD. This talk administration and the group, however, posal, the status received over 40 likes Across the country, Catholic schools will discuss the ties between homosexu- the organization was disbanded. within minutes. such as Fairfield University in Connecti- ality and faith, and how both can exist on CUAllies, formed in 2009, promises In addition, a resolution sponsored cut, Fordham University in New York, a Catholic campus. that the organization is not affiliated with by senior Robert Shine was brought be- and DePaul University in Illinois have ―CUAllies can be the bridge be- any political or religious opinion, but fore the Student Association General similar organizations on campus to sup- tween faith and sexuality,‖ said Fecteau. desires to create a safe haven on campus Assembly (SAGA) in support of making port the sexuality and gender identifica- ―They can intersect.‖ Page 6 BONDINGS Vol. 32, No. 2 Respect, Compassion and Sensitivity

By James Martin, SJ by God. As most of us know, bullying, be told, ―Show some respect.‖ You The Holy Spirit works not only from americamagazine.org/blog beatings and, in rare cases, murder, would scarcely say that you respected a the top-down, but also from the bottom- January 12, 2012 is often part of being a gay or lesbian person if you showed no real concern for up. It ―blows where it will,‖ as Jesus teen. As a result, the rate of suicides what they said, or, likewise, for their says in the Gospel of John. Each of us, The Catholic Church‘s stance on among gay teens is significantly higher personal experiences. So, to show real as St. Paul says, is a Temple of the Holy homosexual activity is well than it is for straight teens in our coun- respect Catholics need to listen carefully Spirit, wherein God dwells. Respect known. There probably isn‘t an intelli- try. In other parts of the world the situa- to the experiences of gays and lesbi- means not only loving each person as a gent Catholic in this country, perhaps tion is more dire: in some countries ho- ans. Indeed, I think one reason for the child of God, with a unique vocation, even in the Western world, who isn‘t mosexual activity can bring imprison- fraught nature of the church‘s relations called in baptism to the Body of aware of the church‘s clear teach- ment or execution. with gays and lesbians is an absence of Christ. It also means accepting the way ing. The Catechism teaches that homo- Finally, the Catechism says listening. (On both sides.) that the Spirit might be at work in that sexual activity is ―intrinsically disor- that every sign of unjust discrimination Also, out of respect for the church, person. As the dered,‖ that is, always and everywhere says, ―The holy People of God share also wrong. It also teaches that the inclina- in Christ's prophetic office.‖ The Spirit tion itself is an "objective disorder." blows where it will; it‘s up to us to listen More recently, the Vatican and to it. Or not. many local church leaders have commu- The prophetic office is often exer- nicated the church‘s strong opposition to cised in a powerful way by people on the same-sex marriage, as that issue has in- margins, by the ―unexpected‖ creasingly come to the fore in many ones. Think of people in the Old Testa- countries. Archbishop (soon Cardinal) ment, like Samuel, the young boy who Timothy Dolan of New York, who serves surprisingly hears God‘s call, or David, as the president of the U.S. Conference the last person imaginable thought wor- of Catholic Bishops, has spoken out thy to be a leader. The prophet who against same-sex marriage, calling it an speaks from the margins may give voice ―ominous threat‖ to society. The to experiences that are not well known, archbishop of Minneapolis-St. Paul, John or in some cases understood, but are Nienstedt, recently wrote to his priests nonetheless important. This is not to say about the ―gravity of this struggle, and that every gay Catholic is a prophet. But said he expected them to support his ef- can the church listen to the experiences forts opposing same-sex marriage or of gays and lesbians to discern where remain silent. (Last year Archbishop God might be at work in new Nienstedt sent out 400,000 DVDs ex- ways? Because the question ―How much plaining the church‘s position to Catho- does the church listen?‖ is the same as lics in his archdiocese.) And Charles J. ―How much does the church respect?‖ Chaput, the newly installed archbishop Compassion of Philadelphia, called it ―the issue of our When Jesus sees someone who is time.‖ struggling, the Gospels often say that he As I said, the church‘s stance on is moved with pity. But the original homosexual activity and its opposition to Greek word used is far more vivid: same-sex marriage are well known. The splagchnizomai. It means that his bow- excerpt from the Catechism that under- els were moved with compassion. In lies these teachings may now be one of other words, Jesus feels that emotion ―in the most well known of all church teach- his guts.‖ Catholics are called to treat ings. Line 2357 reads: ―Basing itself on gays and lesbians with that same kind of Sacred Scripture, which presents homo- visceral compassion. When we see them sexual acts as acts of grave depravity, suffering, we are called to be moved in tradition has always declared that the same profound and transformative ‗homosexual activity is intrinsically dis- way. ordered‘.‖ (The quote within the quote What about our use of the comes from a document from the Con- term? The English word ―compassion‖ gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.) comes from a Latin root meaning to I‘m not writing to contradict these ―suffer with‖ or ―experience teachings in any way, nor to contradict with.‖ What would that mean in this any of these church leaders. (Some of case? the men above are friends as must be avoided when it comes to gays gays and lesbians may themselves be To suffer with gays means to be well.) Rather, I‘d like to turn our atten- and lesbians. That‘s every sign. (And moved to share their experiences and with them, and to stand with them, in tion to another part of the church‘s offi- remember a ―sign‖ in Catholic theology thoughts. This should sound familiar to solidarity. It means to be, and to be seen cial teaching, something equally as is a broad term.) American Catholics in particular. In the to be, on their side, battling "every sign valid. It is contained in the very next But buried within #2358 are three first line of the Declaration of Independ- of unjust discrimination.‖ It means stick- line, and is an important aspect of our words that warrant further attention, par- ence, the writers state that they are set- ing up for them when others mock or tradition that is often overlooked. Line ticularly in these times, when tensions ting forth their grievances ―out of decent belittle them. It means reaching out in 2358 of the Catechism reads: "The num- flare, controversies arise and people feel respect to the opinions of mankind.‖ The ways that might move us beyond our ber of men and women who have deep- pitted against one another. Gays and signers respected the rest of humankind comfort zones. It might mean finding seated homosexual tendencies is not neg- lesbians, says the Catholic church‘s offi- enough to explain why they were tak- ourselves mocked as a result. It means ligible. This inclination, which is objec- cial teaching, are to be treated with ing a momentous step. Respect impelled aligning ourselves with them. That‘s tively disordered, constitutes for most of ―respect, compassion and sensitivity.‖ them to speak out. This is something of what Jesus did, after all. Even more than them a trial. They must be accepted with What might that mean? what I mean when it comes to gays and that, it means showing the kind of love respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Respect lesbians. No, I‘m not comparing them to that Jesus shows for those on the mar- Every sign of unjust discrimination in My old Merriam-Webster’s Diction- the Founding Fathers. But in a similar gins—a special kind of love. their regard should be avoided." (The ary defines ―respect‖ as a verb that way they respect the church by sharing Jesus made a special effort to reach original 1994 version included the means ―to consider someone worthy of their joys and hopes, their griefs and out to those on the margins. He could line "They do not choose their homosex- high regard.‖ The definition of the noun anxieties, and especially, the way that easily have ministered solely to those ual condition.") form includes words like ―honor,‖ God is at work in their lives. who were thought to be ―acceptable,‖ That line says much that is impor- ―deference‖ and ―esteem.‖ The word What would it mean for the church like observant Jews and the wealthy and tant, even though it is less well known derives from the Latin respectus, mean- to listen to the experiences of gays and the well. Over and over, though, Jesus than the previous line. ing to look back, or to ―regard.‖ Respect lesbians? First, it would mean willingly moves beyond those groups, and takes First, it says that gays and lesbians is a way of looking at someone, and and honestly listening to what it is like to his ministry to those who have been are not a negligible part of the popula- looking at them with ―high regard.‖ The grow up as a homosexual child and ado- shunned by polite society—the tion, Catholic or otherwise. They are not Catechism says that Catholics should lescent. It would mean paying attention ―unclean,‖ the lepers, the poor, the a minuscule minority that can be over- look at gays and lesbians in this way— to the voices of young people who feel sick, the tax collectors, prostitutes, looked or that should be ignored; as with respect. But what does that mean? persecuted or who are bullied. It would ―sinners.‖ It is an intentional ministry on such, they are a valid concern for the Certainly this means not denigrating mean taking seriously the height- the margins. church and its ministers. To use the lan- them in any way, not making sweeping ened threat of suicides among gay and For Jesus there is no ―other.‖ He guage of the Second Vatican Council, generalizations about them, not treating lesbian youth, which is, after all, a ―life works to bring all—through healing, their ―joys and hopes, and their griefs them as second-class citizens. But that‘s issue.‖ It would also mean listening to welcome and forgiveness of sins—into and anxieties,‖ matter. the minimum. Showing someone honor, what it is like to be an adult gay or les- the community. And often he does this Second, while some gays and lesbi- deference and esteem means going far bian, particularly within the before the sin is forgiven. For example, ans may not appreciate having their beyond that; it means treating them with church. That would mean another, more the Gospel of Luke tells the story of Zac- situation described as a ―trial,‖ the Cate- a special care. Respect is more than just difficult, kind of listening: trying to un- chaeus the tax collector (a hated role chism reminds Catholics that being a acceptance. derstand the widespread feeling among among the Jews in Roman-occupied Pal- homosexual in many modern cultures is One of the hallmarks of respecting a many gay and lesbian Catholics that their estine). Passing through the town still fraught with difficulty. It can be a person, for example, is listening to him own church doesn‘t ―respect‖ of Jericho, Jesus sees the short man painful struggle for a gay person to ac- or her. If a child interrupts an adult, or them. Then it would mean asking the climbing a sycamore tree and calls up, cept himself or herself as someone loved fails to listen to a teacher, the child may difficult question: ―Why is this?‖ (Continued on page 7) Spring 2012 BONDINGS Page 7 Remembering Fr. Howard Hall, Pioneer of CatholicLGBT Ministry By Francis DeBernardo comes from the summer of 2000 when I me, as I spent each day traveling and Lesbian/Gay Ministries Bondings 2.0 spent two weeks doing New Ways Min- doing a program for almost two weeks (NACDLGM). In 2005, when the Vati- NewWaysMinistryBlog.wordpress.com istry workshops in Louisiana, Missis- straight. To alleviate the stress, Howard can advised against accepting gay candi- February 7, 2012 sippi, and Ala- offered me use of his small dates to seminaries, Howard wrote to the bama. Howard was in- cabin in the countryside not directors of clergy formation and educa- Father Howard Hall, one of the pio- strumental in helping us far from Baton Rouge for tion in every U.S. diocese, urging them neers of LGBT ministry in the Catholic set up and promote the two days of solitude and to practice caution in applying this hurt- church, has passed away from pancreatic workshop I conducted in silence. It was a modest, ful directive. cancer. Fr. Hall was instrumental in de- his hometown of Baton cozy place, and I‘ll never A long list of his involvements and veloping diocesan ministry to LGBT Rouge. It is a testimony forget the peace that I experi- accomplishments can be read on his pro- people in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and to the great groundwork enced there or the generosity file on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and he was involved in the work of so many that he did there that this of the priest who provided it. Transgender Religious Archives Net- of the national Catholic organizations workshop was one of the Howard‘s accomplishments work website: www.lgbtran.org/ that work for justice and equality for best attended that I have in LGBT ministry are Profile.aspx?ID=313. LGBT people: Catholic Association for conducted in 18 years of many. He helped establish a .Howard will be greatly missed by Lesbian and Gay Ministry, New Ways this ministry. Dignity chapter in Baton all who have worked in LGBT ministry Ministry, Fortunate Families, and Dig- Like many people, I Rouge in 1973, one of the in the Catholic church. We are comforted nity. will remember Howard Father Howard Hall first chapters outside of Cali- knowing that we now have a new saint in I had the pleasure of meeting How- for his great kindness and fornia. He served on the heaven to whom we can pray for justice ard on several occasions over the years, generosity. While I was planning that board of CALGM in the early years of its and equality in our church.  and he was always a gentle and joy-filled trip to the Gulf Coast, Howard realized formation when it was known as the Na- presence. My greatest memory of him that it would be a grueling schedule for tional Association of Catholic Diocesan US Bishops, Religious Liberty and Gay Americans’ Tax Dollars by John Mattras intentioned initiatives. The bishops It is time for the bishops to own up ing in activities partly or wholly funded CathNewsUsa.com would have us believe it is an infringe- to the obvious reality that denying ser- by taxpayer dollars). If the church November 21, 2011 ment on church‘s ―religious liberty‖ to vices to a class of individuals is, in fact, wants to discriminate in providing ser- freely discriminate while providing these discrimination. Their new website to vices to the public, it should do so with The new buzz-phrase making the services with taxpayer dollars. Whether promote the exclusion from marriage of its own money (admittedly including rounds of US Catholic Bishops Confer- denying spousal benefits to spouses of same-gender couples goes to great government revenues that would other- ence in Baltimore last week was gay employees or refusing to place chil- lengths to underscore the church‘s adher- wise be collected on the money donated ―Religious Liberty.‖ It is not hard to dren in need of homes with gay couples, ence to what it believes are the teachings to the church), and not with the tax dol- imagine some behind-the-scenes PR wiz- the bishops argue ―religious liberty‖ enti- of Jesus Christ in regards to mar- lars of those it wishes to discriminate ard delivering the bad news to the bish- tles them to use taxpayer dollars for the riage. The site emphasizes that fidelity against or those who find their rationale ops — outright opposition to marriage benefit only of those taxpayers of whose to this conviction, and not discrimination for discrimination odious. equality is a losing proposition. But lives the church approves. against gays, is its purpose for denying Maybe it is time for the US Bishops characterize yourselves as the victims, Given the bishops‘ simultaneous spousal benefits to spouses of gay em- to offer a grand bargain. The church will rather than the perpetrators, of discrimi- opposition to health-care overhaul on the ployees and adoption services to gays forego taxpayer funds to provide services nation and maybe you have a shot at grounds that the church should not be and gay couples. it is unwilling to make available to all stalling what you cannot stop outright. compelled to expend resources on health At best, this attempted rationaliza- citizens in exchange for a mechanism to The vast Catholic social service net- plans that pay for birth control and abor- tion does nothing more than make a case ensure that church dollars will not be work encompasses schools from gram- tion, it is ironic that they would so cal- for what they view as justified discrimi- used to provide abortions and contracep- mar schools to top-ranking universities, lously overlook the plight of gay Ameri- nation. In reality, there are no valid rea- tives. In other words, do unto others private hospital networks, health and cans whose tax dollars they would accept sons for the government to bend to what you would have others do unto you. family services and numerous anti- while denying those same individuals the church teaching when the church is oper-  poverty initiatives, among other well- full benefit of their services. ating as an agent of the state (ie, engag- Respect, Compassion and Sensitivity

(Continued from page 6) Sensitivity the time of the parade. Initially the car- ity.‖ Or if they raised their collective ―Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I What would it mean to treat gays dinal issued a statement that repeated the voices against gay suicide. must stay at your house today.‖ This and lesbians with ―sensitivity‖ in the analogy of the KKK, which caused fur- This way of proceeding has always was a public sign of acceptance, and it church? The word connotes that you are ther hurt. Later on, though, he issued an struck me as surprising. It would be as if must have seemed shocking to those for dealing with something that is itself outright apology. ―I am truly sorry for the first thing that a priest said to a group whom Zacchaeus was supposed to be ―sensitive.‖ And that‘s true. This is not the hurt my remarks have caused,‖ he of married Catholic couples at a retreat hated. After he climbs down from his to say that gays and lesbians are not said. ―Particularly because we all have was not ―Welcome,‖ but ―No extramari- branch, Zacchaeus offers to pay back strong people; rather, their experiences friends or family members who are gay tal sex!‖ Or if a group of Catholic busi- anyone that he has cheated four times growing up often leaves them hurt and and lesbian. This has evidently wounded ness leaders was greeted at a luncheon by over and give his money to the poor. But scarred. (Yes, other groups are also hurt a good number of people. I have family a bishop who said, ―No unfair Jesus offers to go to his house before and scarred but we‘re talking about one members myself who are gay and les- wages!‖ Or if a group of Catholic physi- Zacchaeus does any of that. group that often feels bian, so it‘s part of cians was told at the beginning of a con- Jesus is not afraid to stand with that the church has For Jesus there is our lives. So I‘m sorry ference, ―No abortions!‖ Gay people those on the margins. He always calls not been ―sensitive‖ for the hurt.‖ His sometimes feel as if the ―thou shalt nots‖ people to conversion, but most of all he to them.) Can Catho- no “other.” apology, to me, are the entirety of the church‘s teaching ―suffers with,‖ and ―experiences lics treat gays and seemed an example of on who they are. Because sometimes with.‖ This is one of the meanings of lesbians with the He works sensitivity. that‘s all they hear. compassion. same sensitivity that to bring all Another area of sensi- An old scholastic dictum is helpful There are many examples of such they would treat an- tivity is the way that here. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote in the compassion in the Catholic church. Gay other victim or —through healing, the church‘s overall Summa Theologiae, "Quidquid recipi- and lesbian ministry is more widespread wounded soul? welcome and teaching on gays and tur secundum modum recipientis recipi- than most observers (and most Catholics) What do you do lesbians (not just tur." Loosely translated: That which is may think. On the local level, in par- with someone who forgiveness about activity but received is received according to the ishes, gays and lesbians are ministered to has been hurt? You about individuals as mode of the receiver. So when trying to in quiet and private ways by pastors and treat them with great of sins— well) is presented. Or communicate something, one needs to be pastoral associates. More publicly, the attention and a spe- into the not presented. Some sensitive not only to how it Archdiocese of Los Angeles, to take one cial care. This would Catholic leaders lead is communicated, but how it is received. of many examples, runs a successful and mean going out of community. off with the ―thou Part of sensitivity, in other words, is long-lasting (founded in 1986) ministry our way to be loving shalt nots‖ and never knowing how your message is coming to gays and lesbians, a sign of their re- and listening. get to the ―thou across. And presenting the whole mes- spect for these men and women. ―The Another thing shalts.‖ If all gays sage, not just part of it. Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics for Catholics to remember: Words mat- and lesbians hear about is the church‘s As I said, none of what I say contra- (MLGC) recognizes that all persons with ter. Words can hurt. Words can also opposition to same-sex marriage (to the dicts Catholic teaching. Quite the con- a homosexual orientation are capable of heal. Not long ago, Francis Cardinal exclusion of anything else about gays trary. Treating gays and lesbians with living a full Catholic life in union with George, the archbishop of Chicago, com- and lesbians), then it‘s perhaps not sur- ―respect, compassion and sensitivity‖ is all the members of the Church,‖ says its pared certain gays and lesbians activists prising that many would report feeling Catholic teaching. It may sound odd to website, quoting the former archbishop, to the KKK--out of fear that a gay pride rejected. Some of this may be the result hear these things discussed, which are all Roger Cardinal Mahony. ―MLGC has as parade could possibly turn anti- of the media coverage focusing on one perfectly in line with church teaching, its primary goal "to foster a spirit of Catholic. The cardinal‘s original fear issue—but not all. What a difference it because Catholics don‘t hear it all that community and fellowship among gay was that a scheduled pride parade would would make if Catholic leaders could much. And that is a great loss to gay and Catholics so that they can offer and re- interfere with people entering a Sunday speak as often about the great contribu- lesbian Catholics, to all Catholics for that ceive mutual support in living their lives Mass along the parade route. The re- tions of gays and lesbians in the church, matter; indeed, to all people of good will. of faith with the Church." mark stung many in the gay commu- for example. Or about treating gays with  nity. In response, the organizers changed ―respect, compassion and sensitiv- Page 8 BONDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 Catholic conference confronts marriage By Chuck Colbert A high point of the March 15-17 "love" and to "life." sity of California at San Diego. The Windy City Times, Chicago conference came when O'Malley, who "Great sex is wholehearted," she "I am caught in the middle and don't March 21, 2012 weeks earlier signed a same-sex marriage said. "This is what makes it graceful and know what is actually right, and I am still bill into law, briefly addressed the faith- us vulnerable and vicious. These prom- figuring this out," he said. "While I ap- BALTIMORE—A Catholic case for ful—but without ever saying the words ises give us the time and focus to learn preciate Catholic moral teaching, I also same-sex marriage took center stage over "gay" or "lesbian." how to love." know it has been wrong, especially on the weekend during a national confer- "I am not here as a Catholic, I'm "Can fidelity serve same-sex lovers the gay issue." ence when a church theologian advo- here as the governor of all Maryland," he the same way?" asked Jung, who taught "Open relationships, with lots of cated marriage equality from faith-based said. "Each of us in the public arena for 13 years at Loyola University Chi- rules. It's playing with fire," Dowling perspective and a bishop called for a brings with us our own perspectives, our cago from 1995 to 2008. She was ten- said. "I just wanted her to know that "new study of everything to do with own traditions, our own faith traditions, ured there in 1998. some people, including Catholics, do not sexuality," which he suggested, "would and our own perspectives. We hope and "Yes!" Jung said. rule out sexual openness and emotional have a profound influence of church what we should expect of all our leaders "Fidelity in service to life," she said, fidelity and are exploring it." teaching concerning sexual relationships, is when they look at the Constitution is means "marriage is good for the life of In her reply, Jung said sexual exclu- both heterosexual and homosexual." to protect equality among all people." spouses, children, and elders bonded sivity is "not just an issue in the gay Martin O'Malley, the governor of O'Malley received a sustained, together as kin by marriage." community." Maryland, addressed the gathering at standing ovation at symposium, held at "I truly believe because of human New Ways Ministry's Seventh National the Renaissance Inner Harbor Hotel. finitude and limits, we really don't have Symposium on Catholicism and Homo- "At the end of the day, all of us want the time and energy to give people what sexuality. A niece of President John F. the same thing for our kids—we want they deserve," she explained. Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, our children to grow up in caring, com- "I understand the appeal and attrac- also spoke, providing additional star mitted, and loving homes, protected tion to other people and know that would power. equally under the law," said O'Malley, energize my life," Jung said, adding, "I Barbara Johnson, the lesbian re- who went on to say success in the state don't think I can be fair to my spouse in cently denied communion at her mother's legislature, rested on a "belief in the dig- terms of loving." funeral, addressed the closing session, nity of every individual." It's an "important question," she rounding out the event headliners. In advocating equal marriage rights, said. "Why would anyone promise to be New Ways Ministry—based in Mt. O'Malley has framed the issue as a bal- exclusive? Steadfast maybe, but exclu- Rainier, Md.—is a gay-positive advo- ancing of protections for religious liber- sive—that's a question for gay and cacy organization of justice, healing and ties and provisions for equal rights. He is straight alike." reconciliation for LGBT Catholics and not alone among other Catholic gover- The New Ways Ministry symposium the church. nors, including New York's Andrew drew attendees from 35 states, including If [ church ] teaching on homosexual Cuomo and Washington's Christine Gre- a dozen from Illinois and Chicago, the acts is ever going to change, the basic goire, both of whom have recently signed District of Columbia, Canada, England teaching governing all sexual acts must same-sex marriage into law. and Scotland, said Francis DeBernardo, change," retired Auxiliary Bishop Geof- However Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn Patricia Beattie Jung the organization's executive director. frey Robinson told the gathering of ( also Catholic ) , while favoring civil For these reasons, "The state pro- About 10 percent, he added, were nearly 400 Catholics at the Seventh Na- unions, which he signed into law, falls motes marriage by linking to it a broad under the age of 30. tional Symposium on Catholicism and short in his support of full marriage array of economic and legal benefits and In addition to plenary speakers, the Homosexuality. equality. rights that cannot be accessed any other event included workshops dealing with "For centuries the church has taught New Ways Ministry advocated equal way," said Jung, who also said that same lesbian nuns, gay priests, Catholic mar- that every sexual sin is mortal sin," said -marriage rights in Maryland, with repre- -sex marriage does not harm children or riages through gender change, LGBTQs Robinson, an auxiliary bishop of Sydney, sentatives of the group testifying on their opposite-sex marriage. Nor will it unduly among Latinos and African Americans, Australia. behalf in Annapolis, the state capital, violate religious liberty. and coalition-building among gay- "The teaching may not be pro- during legislative hearings. Jung's talk generated a variety of affirming advocacy organizations. claimed as loudly as today as much as The new law in Maryland does not responses during a question and answer Chicagoans Karen Allen and her before, but it was proclaimed by many take effect until 2013 and is almost cer- session following her presentation. partner, Mary Jo Hoag, attended the popes, it has never been retracted, and it tain to face a referendum drive, a roll- One gay man, Arthur Fitzmaurice, gathering, this their second one. has affected countless people," Robinson back fight. 31, of Los Angeles, Calif., who attends "What brings me here is the chance said. For now, Maryland is among eight St. Monica parish, asked her about same- to be rooted in my faith and with the "There is a serious need for a change states and the District of Columbia that sex divorce, wondering if same-sex and people of God and to be sent forth to in the church's teaching on heterosexual have legalized marriage for gay couples. opposite sex couples break up for the create loving communities," said Allen, acts," he said, adding, "If and when this Meanwhile, Patricia Beattie Jung, a same or different reasons. who leads a gay and lesbian family-and- change occurs, it will inevitable have its professor of Christian ethics at the St. Another gay man asked about emo- friends ministry at St. Nicholas parish in effect on teaching on homosexual acts." Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, tional fidelity or steadfastness in same- Evanston. "The teaching fostered a belief in an Mo., presented a theological argument sex marriages, but not necessarily sexual Allen said the parish group grew out incredibly angry God," explained Robin- for same-sex marriage, which relied on exclusivity. the idea she and others got 10 years ago son, "for this God would condemn a per- the Catholic tradition and church teach- "I asked the question because there at the Louisville, Ky., New Ways sympo- son to eternity in hell for a single unre- ing. is an acceptance, at least among my sium. pentant moment of deliberate pleasure While a Catholic argument for same young gay male community, mostly In proposing the idea, she explained, arising from sexual desire. I simply do -sex sacramental marriage has yet to be secular, of open relationships that are "We were welcomed to do so by our pas- not believe in such a God. Indeed, I posi- fully developed, Beattie Jung makes a emotionally committed but sexually tor at the time, who said, 'Where have tively reject such a God." strong case for embracing at least same- open," with "a variety of rules about you been?'" Robinson is the author of the 2007 sex civil marriage. threesomes or whatever," said Kenneth The ministry is about education and book,Confronting Power in the Catholic "Sexuality is ambiguous," she said. Dowling, a member of Dignity Washing- prayer and not so much advocacy, Allen Church: Reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus, "It can be dangerous and a grace. So we ton, D.C. said, but "more about how can we as gay which addressed the clerical sex-abuse channel it in marriage. Monogamy en- "And that's pretty well accepted," he and lesbian Catholics live fully inte- crisis and was controversial among his tails promises to be steadfast and sexu- said afterwards in a short interview. grated, authentic lives in our tradition." fellow bishops in Australia who faulted ally exclusive." "I think it comes from an attitude "Many have walked away [ from the him for a 2008 lecture tour in the United I'm pretty conservative," explained that fidelity is for straight people, for church ] but returned in mid-life," she States to speak about the issues his book Jung, who said her main reason for pro- women, for lesbians," said Dowling, 22, explained, while readily acknowledging, addressed. moting sexual fidelity is its service to who recently graduated from the Univer- "struggling mightily" with "clericalism and the hierarchy." "The church is our church," said Hoag, ex- plaining why she stays. "Many of us are cradle Catholics who grew up with the rituals, sacra- ments, and the teachings and feel comfortable. We are gifts to the church and shouldn't go away, as we provide those gifts of love and understanding and outreach." New Ways Ministry, Allen added, provides us "a shot in the arm" to keep up our work in min- istry. 

Close to 400 Symposium participants listen to a plenary session speaker. Spring 2012 BONDINGS Page 9 Lesbian denied communion addresses Catholic symposium

By: Chuck Colbert Catholic school- response was to pat ―For there is no more amazing state The Rainbow Times teacher, Johnson Ruth on the leg as she of grace than the one I was honored to Northampton, Massachusetts lives in Washing- looked her in the eye receive as my mother allowed me to wit- March 20, 2012 ton, D.C., with her with the most beautiful ness her passing from this life and into partner of many smile and said, ‗I the dancing arms of my dad.‖ BALTIMORE — A Catholic sym- years. wouldn‘t have it any Afterwards, Johnson said several posium dealing with gay and lesbian ―What I want other way — right?‘‖ priests approached her, apologizing on relationships in the Church concluded on to share with you As Johnson spoke, any behalf of the church for the painful inci- an affective note here when the woman today is the story of number of symposium dent and the priest‘s pastoral insensitiv- who was denied communion at her a daughter, a les- attendees fought back ity. mother‘s funeral spoke poignantly about bian daughter, who tears. For his part, Father Guarnizo insists, the experience. felt her mother‘s ―You see Midge and ―I did the only thing a faithful Catholic ―It‘s my mother‘s love and compas- love and acceptance Dick Johnson‘s young- priest could do,‖ in refusing communion sion, and willingness to stand up for deeply,‖ Johnson est daughter who is to Johnson, he said, according to a writ- At the Symposium: Barbara Johnson what is right that you see standing before told several hundred (right) and her partner, Ruth. deeply heartbroken her ten statement that he issued on March 14 you today,‖ Barbara Johnson told confer- people during the parents are no longer and was first published by Catholic ence attendees. closing session of New Ways Ministry‘s here on this earth with her and her fam- News Service. ―And not ‗Barbara Johnson, lesbian Seventh National Symposium on Ca- ily,‖ said Johnson. On March 9, the Archdiocese of denied communion‘ or ‗Barbara Johnson, tholicism and Homosexuality (March 15 ―You see this daughter who wound Washington, D.C. removed Guarnizo Buddhist Catholic,‘‖ she added. – 17). up in a whirlwind of media spectacle,‖ from ministry and placed him on admin- During the funeral Mass on Satur- ―I remember when I first came out, she continued. ―You see this daughter istrative leave pending an investigation day, Feb. 25, in Gaithersburg, Md., Rev. and my mom was not happy,‖ said John- who was placed in a state of grace by of allegations of ―intimidating behavior.‖ Marcel Guarnizo refused the Eucharist to son. ―Each year at the Gay Pride parade, none other than her beloved mother.‖  Johnson, telling her, ―I cannot give you I would stand and applaud those P- communion because you live with a FLAG moms and dads for their courage woman, and in the eyes of the church and their compassion. And I would pray To read an excerpted transcript of Barbara that is a sin.‖ that one day mom and dad would walk The communion incident caused a beside me in that contingent.‖ Johnson’s Symposium remarks, visit: media stir and dismayed Catholics na- ―As I got older, I stopped needing tionwide and around the world. parades,‖ Johnson continued. ―And what www.newwaysministryblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/20/barbara- In the several weeks since, detrac- I got was even better. I got a life where johnson-all-that-matters-is-love/ tors have attempted to discredit Johnson, my mother and father adored my life a 51-year-old artist, labeling her an activ- partner. I got a life where my parents To read the Symposium blessing offered to ist, Buddhist, communist, and even athe- walked me down the aisle at our (not so Barbara Johnson and her family, visit: ist. legal) wedding. I got a life where, on our But Johnson would have none of it last happy time together, I thanked my www.newwaysministryblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/barbara- on St. Patrick‘s Day. mom for accepting and embracing me A lifelong Catholic and former and for loving my partner so much. Her johnsons-symposium-appearance-is-highlight-of-the-closing-day/

At New Ways Ministry Symposium O’Malley confident Maryland voters will uphold marriage

By Steve Charing The Washington Blade March 19, 2012

BALTIMORE — Maryland Gov. Martin O‘Malley received a warm recep- tion as he addressed an audience of nearly 400 Catholics who attended the New Ways Ministry‘s Seventh National Sym- posium of Catholicism and Homosexual- ity at Baltimore‘s Renaissance Inner Har- bor Hotel on March 16. New Ways Min- istry, based in Mount Rainier, Md., is a national Catholic organization that fo- cuses on LGBT issues. O‘Malley, a practicing Catholic, opened his brief remarks by stating, ―I did not come here as a Catholic. I came here as the governor of all of Maryland.‖ Acknowledging that Maryland is comprised of citizens who represent a variety of backgrounds including different ethnicities, perspectives, traditions and faith traditions, O‘Malley said, ―we should expect and demand from all our At the Seventh National Symposium: Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (center) is flanked by New Ways Ministry’s Francis DeBer- leaders … to protect rights equally among nardo and Sister Jeannine Gramick. all people.‖ O‘Malley discussed Baltimore‘s im- vidual conscience.‖ creator of creation … these are deep, equality,‖ said Francis DeBernardo, ex- portant place in history especially during The governor indicated the passage deep mysteries. Every person must ecutive director of New Ways Ministry. the War of 1812 and its connection to the of the marriage equality bill in the Gen- search for the truth that is at the center of ―His support is in the best tradition of Star-Spangled Banner. ―The flag had been eral Assembly was ―based on the funda- that mystery. This search requires indi- Catholicism‘s legacy of social justice for stitched together by black and white hands mental beliefs, the fundamental princi- vidual freedom. And it also requires reli- all. We are happy to have this opportu- here in Baltimore. And the thread that ples we share, foremost among them is gious freedom.‖ nity to thank him for his work and to stitched those stars and stripes together our belief in the dignity of every individ- The symposium was titled, ―From show how faithful Catholics support full was the thread of human dignity.‖ ual.‖ Water to Wine: Lesbian/Gay Catholics equality for LGBT people.‖ He added that we all want the same O‘Malley acknowledged the refer- & Relationships‖ and was held March 15 The organization came under fire by things for our kids: we want them to live endum battle ahead. ―In Maryland, we -17. It received the endorsement of 45 Cardinal Edmund F. O‘Brien who said, in a loving, caring, committed and stable were able to find a way to protect indi- national Catholic organizations. Many ―In no manner is the position proposed home protected equally under the law. vidual civil marriage rights and religious of the nearly 400 attendees were priests by New Ways Ministry in conformity ―For a people of many different faiths, for freedom. And while it is likely to be and nuns and all of them active leaders with Catholic teaching.‖ a people committed to the principle of challenged on the ballot, I believe that in their church communities. In response, DeBernardo told the religious freedom, the way forward is ultimately the voters…will come down Other speakers included former Lt. Blade, ―Thousands of Catholic people always to be found through greater respect on the side of human dignity.‖ Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, re- and hundreds of Catholic institutions for the equal rights of all; for the human Appropriately, O‘Malley concluded tired Bishop Geoffrey Robinson from from across the country continue to sup- dignity of all.‖ his address on a religious note. Australia and Barbara Johnson, the les- port our programs and attend our events. He added, ―The very reason for ―The mystery of human existence; bian denied communion at her mother‘s They recognize that what we are doing is Maryland‘s founding was for religious the mystery of our own relationships funeral in Gaithersburg. authentically Catholic.‖  freedom. And at the heart of religious with one another; the mystery of our ―As Catholics, we are proud of Gov. freedom is respect for the freedom of indi- own individual relationships with the O‘Malley‘s ardent support of marriage Page 10 BONDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 NCR endorses Bishop Robinson’s call for a new sexual ethic Editorial gests three areas to reexamine Catholic Bible as the unfolding story of a journey, sexuality, because what he proposes is The National Catholic Reporter teaching. the spiritual journey of the people of rooted in genuine personal responsibility. March 27, 2012 Rather than seeing sexual sin as an God. No single verse or collection of He writes: ―Many would object that what offense against God because it is a viola- verses can be seen as the final word of I have proposed would not give a clear Unlike sex centered on ―me,‖ our tion of the divine and natural order estab- God on a subject, Robinson writes. and simple rule to people. But God never new Christian sexuality, centered on the lished by God, look at sexual morality in Robinson is not the first to articulate promised us that everything in the moral other, would respond to the deepest long- terms of the good or harm done to per- the need for a responsible reexamination life would be clear and simple. Morality ings of the humaWe wholeheartedly sec- sons and the relationships between them. of sexual ethics, one that takes seriously is not just about doing right things; it is ond the invitation by Australian Bishop Robinson says he thinks God is ―not eas- the radical call to selfless love, but the also about struggling to know what is the Geoffrey Robinson for a thorough and ily offended.‖ He continues, ―All the addition of a bishop‘s voice adds new right thing to do. ... It is about taking a honest reexamination of the church‘s evidence tells us that God cares greatly dimension to the conversation. By re- genuine personal responsibility for eve- teaching on sexuality. Robinson‘s invita- about human beings and takes a very building Christian morality in the area of rything I do.‖ tion, coming in a paper delivered in Bal- serious view of any harm done to them, sexuality in the way Robinson suggests, It is important to note that Robinson timore at a conference sponsored by New through sexual desire or any other we will achieve a teaching that can better issued his challenge at the Seventh Na- Ways Ministry, is a gentle but elegant cause.‖ challenge the message about sexuality tional Symposium on Catholicism and plea that offers hope for Catholics who Rather than trying to discern good or trumpeted by the dominant culture in Homosexuality, sponsored by New Ways want to stop the church‘s headlong bad in objective acts -- was this act uni- television, music and advertising, a sexu- Ministry, an organization for gay, les- plunge into irrelevancy as a moral voice tive and open to procreation? -- look at ality that idolizes self-gratification and bian, bisexual, transgender and question- in our culture. how the intentions and circumstances that puts ―me‖ before ―you.‖ By placing ing Catholics and church personnel min- Robinson says that a careful study of surrounding what a person does or does- the needs of the other first, our sexual istering to them. As Robinson so clearly the long arc of church teaching on sexu- n‘t do lead toward or away from loving ethic would reject sexual violence -- points out, this new way of looking at ality comes to this foundational state- deeply. ―Sexual acts are pleasing to God physical and psychological, the idolatry heterosexual acts ―will inevitably have ment: ―The church is saying that love is when they help to build persons and rela- of self-gratification, the objectification of its effect on teaching on homosexual the very deepest longing of the human tionships, displeasing to God when they people, and the trivializing of sex when it acts.‖ That is a change long overdue. heart, and sex is a most important ex- harm persons and relationships,‖ he is separated from love.n heart, promote Robinson‘s take on sexuality -- that pression of love, so people should do all writes. commitment between people, cherish the it deserves deeper consideration than the in their power to ensure that sex retains Rather than narrowly focused atten- long process of relationship-building and narrow, rule-bound approach that has its ability to express love as deeply as tion on a few explicit Bible verses de- foster community. evolved in Christian circles -- takes us to possible.‖ voted to sexual morality, use the best of In the end, Robinson is making a the heart of the radical approach Jesus From this foundation, Robinson sug- scripture scholarship to understand the profoundly traditional suggestion about took toward human relationships.  Bishops Say Rules on Gay Parents Limit Freedom of Religion By Laurie Goodstein They have asked the Obama administra- in the same-sex marriage bill. But bish- ther,‖ he said. The New York Times tion to lift a new requirement that Catho- ops in Illinois did not negotiate, Bishop Catholic Charities in the Diocese of December 28, 2011 lic and other religiously affiliated hospi- Paprocki said. Rockford decided at that point to get out tals, universities and charity groups ―It would have been seen as, ‗We‘re of the foster care business. But the bish- Roman Catholic bishops in Illinois cover contraception in their employees‘ going to compromise on the principle as ops in Springfield, Peoria, Joliet and have shuttered most of the Catholic health plans. A decision has been ex- long as we get our exception.‘ We didn‘t Belleville decided to fight, filing a law- Charities affiliates in the state rather than pected for weeks now. want it to be seen as buying our support,‖ suit against the state. comply with a new requirement that says At the same time, the bishops are he said. Taking a completely different tack they must consider same-sex couples as protesting the recent denial of a federal Catholic Charities is one of the na- was the agency affiliated with the con- potential foster-care and adoptive parents contract to provide care for victims of tion‘s most extensive social service net- servative Lutheran Church Missouri if they want to receive state money. The sex trafficking, saying the decision was works, serving more than 10 million poor Synod, which, like the Catholic Church, charities have served for more than 40 anti-Catholic. An official with the De- adults and children of many faiths across does not sanction same-sex relationships. years as a major link in the state‘s social partment of Health and Human Services the country. It is made up of local affili- Gene Svebakken, president and chief service network for poor and neglected recently told a ates that answer to executive of the agency, Lutheran Child children. hearing on local bishops and and Family Services of Illinois, visited The bishops have followed col- Capitol Hill that dioceses, but much all seven pastoral conferences in his state leagues in Washington, D.C., and Massa- the bishops‘ of its revenue and explained that the best option was to chusetts who had jettisoned their adop- program was comes from the compromise and continue caring for the tion services rather than comply with rejected because government. Catho- children. nondiscrimination laws. it did not pro- lic Charities affili- ―We‘ve been around 140 years, and For the nation‘s Catholic bishops, vide the survi- ates received a total if we didn‘t follow the law we‘d go out the Illinois requirement is a prime exam- vors of sex traf- of nearly $2.9 bil- of business,‖ Mr. Svebakken said. ―We ple of what they see as an escalating ficking, some of lion a year from the believe it‘s God-pleasing to serve these campaign by the government to trample whom are rape government in kids, and we know we do a good job.‖ on their religious freedom while expand- victims, with 2010, about 62 per- In August, Judge John Schmidt, a ing the rights of gay people. The idea referrals for cent of its annual circuit judge in Sangamon County, ruled that religious Americans are the victims abortions or revenue of $4.67 against Catholic Charities, saying, ―No of government-backed persecution is contraceptives. billion. Only 3 per- citizen has a recognized legal right to a now a frequent theme not just for Catho- Critics of cent came from contract with the government.‖ He did lic bishops, but also for Republican the church ar- churches in the not address the religious liberty claims, presidential candidates and conservative gue that no diocese (the rest ruling only that the state did not violate evangelicals. group has a came from in-kind the church‘s property rights. ―In the name of tolerance, we‘re not constitutional contributions, in- Three of the dioceses filed an ap- being tolerated,‖ said Bishop Thomas J. right to a gov- vestments, program peal, but in November filed a motion to Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield, ernment con- fees and commu- dismiss their lawsuit. The Dioceses of Ill., a civil and canon lawyer who helped tract, especially nity donations). Peoria and Belleville are spinning off drive the church‘s losing battle to retain if it refuses to In Illinois, Catholic their state-financed social services, with its state contracts for foster care and provide required services. Charities in five of the six state dioceses the caseworkers, top executives and fos- adoption services. But Anthony R. Picarello Jr., general had grown dependent on foster care con- ter children all moving to new nonprofits The Illinois experience indicates that counsel and associate general secretary tracts, receiving 60 percent to 92 percent that will no longer be affiliated with ei- the bishops face formidable opponents of the United States Conference of of their revenues from the state, accord- ther diocese. who also claim to have justice and the Catholic Bishops, disagreed. ―It‘s true ing to affidavits by the charities‘ direc- Gary Huelsmann, executive director Constitution on their side. They include that the church doesn‘t have a First tors. (Catholic Charities in the Archdio- of Catholic Social Services of Southern not only gay rights advocates, but also Amendment right to have a government cese of Chicago pulled out of foster care Illinois, in the Belleville Diocese, said many religious believers and churches contract,‖ he said, ―but it does have a services in 2007 because of problems the decision was excruciating for every- that support gay equality (some Catholic First Amendment right not to be ex- with its insurance provider.) one. legislators among them). They frame the cluded from a contract based on its reli- When the contracts came up for re- ―We have 600 children abused and issue as a matter of civil rights, saying gious beliefs.‖ newal in June, the state attorney general, neglected in an area where there are that Catholic Charities was using tax- The controversy in Illinois began along with the legal staff in the gover- hardly any providers,‖ he said. ―Us going payer money to discriminate against when the state legislature voted in No- nor‘s office and the Department of Chil- out of business would have been detri- same-sex couples. vember 2010 to legalize civil unions for dren and Family Services, decided that mental to these children, and that‘s a sin, Tim Kee, a teacher in Marion, Ill., same-sex couples, which the state‘s the religious providers on state contracts too.‖ who was turned away by Catholic Chari- Catholic bishops lobbied against. The would no longer be able to reject same- The work will be carried on, but the ties three years ago when he and his legislation was titled ―The Illinois Reli- sex couples, said Kendall Marlowe, a Catholic Church‘s seminal, historic con- longtime partner, Rick Wade, tried to gious Freedom Protection and Civil Un- spokesman for the department. nection with it has been severed, noted adopt a child, said: ―We‘re both Catho- ions Act,‖ and Bishop Paprocki said he The Catholic providers offered to Mr. Marlowe, the spokesman for the lic, we love our church, but Catholic was given the impression that it would refer same-sex couples to other agencies state‘s child welfare agency. ―The child Charities closed the door to us. To add not affect state contracts for Catholic (as they had been doing for unmarried welfare system that Catholic Charities insult to injury, my tax dollars went to Charities and other religious social ser- couples), but that was not acceptable to helped build,‖ he said, ―is now strong provide discrimination against me.‖ vices. the state, Mr. Marlowe said. ―Separate enough to survive their departure.‖  The bishops are engaged in the reli- In New York State, religious groups but equal was not a sufficient solution on gious liberty battle on several fronts. lobbied for specific exemption language other civil rights issues in the past ei- Spring 2012 BONDINGS Page 11 Gay-friendly Catholic Parishes & Communities Below is a list of known ―gay-friendly‖ Catholic parishes and intentional Eucharistic communities. Thank you for helping us add to this growing list! If you are aware of a parish or community that is known as welcoming to lesbian/gay Catholics, please let us know. Tell us if this welcome is because of a support program, spirituality group, mission statement, participation in gay community events, or involvement with parents. Parishes are listed first and intentional Eucharistic communities follow. For links to many of these parishes‘ websites, go to www.NewWaysMinistry.org/

Littleton: Light of the World, St Frances Missouri Philadelphia: Old St. Joseph, Cabrini Kansas City: Guardian Angels, Old St. Mary, St. John the St. Francis Xavier, St. James Evangelist, St. Vincent DePaul Connecticut St. Joseph: St. Francis Xavier Hartford: St. Patrick-St. Anthony St. Louis: St. Cronan, St. Margaret of Rhode Island Scotland, St. Pius V Providence: St. Francis Chapel, PARISHES Delaware St. Mary‘s North Wilmington: Holy Child Montana Wickford: St. Bernard Alabama Wilmington: St. Joseph Billings: Holy Rosary, St. Pius X Decatur: Annunciation of the Lord Tennessee Montgomery: St. Bede District of Columbia Nebraska Memphis: Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, St. Aloysius, Omaha: Holy Family, Sacred Heart Immaculate Conception Arizona St. Matthew Cathedral Chandler: St. Andrew Nevada Texas Glendale: St. Thomas More Florida Las Vegas: Christ the King, Colleyville: Good Shepherd Mesa: St. Bridget Cocoa Beach: Our Savior Guardian Angel Cathedral Dallas: Holy Trinity Phoenix: St. Matthew Daytona Beach: Our Lady of Lourdes El Paso: All Saints Scottsdale: St. Patrick Ft. Lauderdale: St. Anthony, New Hampshire Houston: St. Anne Tucson: St. Cyril of Alexandria, St. Maurice Merrimack: St. John Neumann Plano: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton SS. Peter and Paul, St. Pius X, Naples: St. John the Evangelist Pelham: St. Patrick Our Mother of Sorrows, St. Odilia St. Petersburg: Holy Cross Virginia Tampa: Sacred Heart, Christ the King New Jersey Arlington: Our Lady Queen of Peace California Lawrenceville: St. Ann Richmond: Cathedral of the Sacred Berkeley: Holy Spirit Parish Georgia Long Beach Island: St. Francis of Heart, Sacred Heart Parish Burney: St Francis of Assisi Atlanta: Shrine of the Immaculate Assisi Roanoke: St. Gerard Carlsbad: St. Patrick Conception Maplewood: St. Joseph Triangle: St. Francis Claremont: Our Lady of the Tinton Falls: St. Anselm Virginia Beach: St. Nicholas Assumption Idaho El Cajon: St. Luke Boise: St. Mary New Mexico Washington Encino: Our Lady of Grace Albuquerque: Holy Family, Seattle: St. Benedict, Prince of Peace Escondido: St. Timothy Illinois Shrine of St. Bernadette Newman Center Fremont: St. Joseph - Mission San Berwyn: St. Mary of the Celle Espanola: Sacred Heart of Jesus Tacoma: St. Leo Jose Chicago: Immaculate Conception, Goleta: St. Mark Univ. Parish St. Clement, St. Gertrude, New York Wisconsin Hawthorne: St. Joseph (Spanish) St. Gregory, St. Peter, St. Sylvester, Albany: St. Vincent DePaul Madison: Our Lady Queen of Peace, Hayward: All Saints St. Teresa of Avila, St. Thomas the Baldwinsville: St. Augustine Menomonee Falls: Good Shepherd LaPuente: St. Martha Apostle, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Bellmore: St. Barnabas the Apostle Milwaukee: Good Shepherd, Lemon Grove: St. John of the Cross Old St. Patrick Bellport: Mary Immaculate Prince of Peace, Trinity-Guadalupe Long Beach: St. Matthew Clarendon Hills: Notre Dame Binghamton: St. Francis of Assisi Los Angeles: Blessed Sacrament, Country Club Hills: St. Emeric Brooklyn: St. Andrew the Apostle, Canada Christ the King, Mother of Good Evanston: St. Nicholas St. Boniface, St. Athanasius, Montreal: Holy Cross Counsel, St. Camillus Center-LA Johnston City: St. Paul St. Augustine, Immaculate Heart of Ottawa: St. Joseph USC Medical Center (Spanish), Morton Grove: St. Martha Mary Toronto: Our Lady of Lourdes St. Agatha, St. Paul the Apostle Oak Park: Ascension, St. Catherine of Deer Park: Ss. Cyril and Methodius North Hollywood: St. Jane Frances de Sienna-St. Lucy East Islip: St. Mary England Chantal, Schaumburg: St. Marcelline Elmira: St. Mary London: Our Lady of the St. Patrick Fairport: Church of the Assumption Assumption & St. Gregory Oakland: Our Lady of Lourdes Indiana Henrietta: Good Shepherd Oceanside: St. Thomas More Evansville: St. Mary Manhattan: Holy Name of Jesus, Orange: Holy Family Cathedral Indianapolis: St. Thomas Aquinas St. Francis Xavier, St. Paul the INTENTIONAL EUCHARISTIC Pasadena: Assumption of the B.V.M. Apostle, Church of the Ascension, COMMUNITIES Ross: St. Anselm Iowa St. Francis of Assisi Arizona Sacramento: St. Francis of Assisi Coralville: St. Thomas More Pittsford: Church of the Scottsdale: Franciscan Renewal San Carlos: St. Charles Transfiguration Center San Diego: Ascension, San Rafael, Kentucky Rochester: Blessed Sacrament, St. Jude Shrine Louisville: Epiphany, Cathedral of the St. Mary (Downtown), St. Monica California San Francisco: Most Holy Redeemer, Assumption, St. William Syracuse: St. Lucy, All Saints Orange: Koinonia Old St. Mary Cathedral, St. Agnes, Utica: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pleasanton: Catholic Community of St. Dominic Louisiana Historic Old St. John‘s Pleasanton San Jose: St. Julie Billiart, New Orleans: St. Augustine Wading River: St. John the Baptist St. Martin of Tours (Emmaus Wantaugh: St. Frances de Chantal District of Columbia Community) Maine Westbury: St. Brigid Communitas San Luis Obispo: Old Mission of Portland: Sacred Heart-St. Dominic San Luis Obispo Saco: Most Holy Trinity North Carolina Florida San Raphael: Church of San Raphael & Charlotte: St. Peter Tampa: Franciscan Center Mission San Raphael Arcangel Maryland Durham: Immaculate Conception Santa Barbara: OL of Guadalupe Baltimore: Corpus Christi, Fayetteville: St. Patrick Maryland Santa Cruz: Holy Cross St. Francis of Assisi, Raleigh: St. Francis of Assisi9.6 Greenbelt: Greenbelt Catholic Santa Monica: St. Monica St. Matthew, St. Vincent dePaul Community Simi Valley: St. Rose of Lima Columbia: St. John the Evangelist Ohio Spring Valley: Santa Sophia Gaithersburg: St. Rose of Lima Akron: St. Bernard Michigan Stanford: Catholic Community at Stanford Hagerstown: St. Ann Cincinnati: St. George-St. Monica, Grand Rapids: Marywood University Severn: St. Bernadette St. Robert Bellarmine Kalamazoo: Lambda Catholics South Pasadena: Holy Familhy Cleveland: Ascension of Our Lord, Valinda: St. Martha Massachusetts St. Malachi, St. Martha Minnesota Vernon: Holy Angels Catholic Church of Boston: Paulist Center, St. Anthony Columbus: St. Thomas More Minneapolis: Spirit of St. Stephen's Catho- the Deaf Shrine, St. Cecilia Newman Center lic Community Walnut Creek: St. John Vianney East Longmeadow: St. Michael Fairlawn: St. Hilary West Hollywood: St. Ambrose, Newton: St. Ignatius Mentor: St. John Vianney Oregon St. Victor Provincetown: St. Peter University Heights: Church of the Portland: Journey and Koinonia Whittier: St. Mary of the Assumption Sharon: Our Lady of Sorrows Gesu Catholic Community Springfield: Sacred Heart Westlake: St. Ladislas Colorado Wooster: St. Mary of the Immaculate Washington Arvada: Spirit of Christ Michigan Conception Olympia: Holy Wisdom Inclusive Avon: St. Edward Ann Arbor: St. Mary Student Parish Catholic Community Colorado Springs: Our Lady of Detroit: St. Leo, Christ the King Oregon Guadalupe, Sacred Heart St. Ignace: St. Ignatius Loyola Beaverton: Mission of the Atonement Wisconsin Denver: St. Dominic, Christ the King, Westland: Ss. Simon and Jude Portland: St. Andrew, St. Francis of As- Madison: Holy Wisdom Monastery Mount Carmel sisi, St. Phillip Neri, Downtown Fort Collins: Blessed John XXIII Minnesota Chapel (St. Vincent de Paul) To add your faith community to our list, Genessee: St. Frances Cabrini Shrine Minneapolis: St. Frances Cabrini, please contact New Ways Ministry at Highlands Ranch: Pax Christi St. Joan of Arc Pennsylvania [email protected] or call 301- Huntingdon: Most Holy Trinity Page 12 BONDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 When Love Conquers All, Even the Loss of Two Jobs By John Leland riage last year, has uprooted their lives, I‘d have to leave my job after the wed- work, he said, declining to name the cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com and created a firestorm of controversy in ding.‖ As part of his employment, he had school or the churches. He has kept his March 9, 2012 which church doctrine, employment, signed a witness statement that he would other two part-time jobs, as artistic direc- love, law and the passions of school par- not take a public stand against the tenets tor of a gay men‘s chorus and musical For two men in St. Louis, it seemed ents have all come into heated conflict. of the church, ―and this was considered a director at a Reform synagogue. like a romantic way to spend their 20th The marriage had been in the works public stand,‖ he said. Both men say they remain commit- anniversary: a weekend in New York, since last March 9, the couple‘s 19th When parents mounted a spirited e- ted to the Catholic Church, though they with a marriage ceremony in Central anniversary, when Mr. Robin, who is mail campaign opposing his dismissal, plan to look for a new church to attend. Park on Friday and a Broadway show, executive director at the Edison Theater he said, the school told him the decision ―I‘ve been Catholic all my life,‖ Mr. ―Priscilla: Queen of the Desert,‖ on Sat- at Washington University in St. Louis, was effective not after the wedding, but Robin said. ―It‘s the way I know how to urday. interrupted their television viewing to immediately. worship.‖ But for one of the men, Al Fischer, propose. ―He got down on one knee, put The Archdiocese of St. Louis ex- Mr. Fischer said that even with his 46, a teacher at a Catholic school, there the show on pause and said, ‗Just to plained in a statement on Friday, ―When firings, he received nothing but support were unforeseen consequences. make it official, will you marry me?‘‖ he publicly demonstrated a life inconsis- from the pews. Even of the people who On Feb. 15, Mr. Fischer announced Mr. Fischer said. tent with Catholic teaching, Al Fischer fired him, he said: ―These are good peo- his joyful plans to ple in a tough situa- colleagues at a staff tion, having to toe a meeting. His col- particular line. If leagues applauded, they supported me he said. He did not they‘d be making a realize that an offi- statement against the cial from the Arch- tenets of the church. diocese of St. Louis They signed the was in attendance. same witness state- The next day, Mr. ment that I did.‖ Fischer was in- Shortly after 4 on formed that he was Friday afternoon, fired. before a crowd of T wo we e ks about 40 friends and later, after news of strangers in Central his firing made Park, the Rev. headlines, he was Robert Hagel led the terminated from his couple in a religious second, part-time job ceremony that in- as music director for cluded two prayers, a the Roman Catholic passage from Scrip- church where he and ture and a singing of his partner, Charlie the Lord‘s Prayer. Robin, have wor- The reading, from shiped for more than Paul‘s letter to the six years. Romans, was about ―I didn‘t expect forgiveness. any of this,‖ said Mr. ―Usually we want to Fischer, who said get back at people, that he and Mr. we want to take Robin had been open shots,‖ Mr. Hagel about their relation- said. ―And it‘s easy ship, both at St. Ann to do that. Al and Catholic School, Charlie are taking a where Mr. Fischer different way.‖ taught music, and at At 4:24, he called the St. Rose Philippine Al Fischer, left, and Charlie Robin marry at the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park on Friday. couple to kiss. Mr. Duchesne Church in Robin, who called Florissant, Mo. The himself the angrier pastors at both parishes knew the men Missouri does not recognize mar- was relieved of his duties as part-time partner, cried during his vows. were gay, Mr. Fischer said. ―I didn‘t un- riage between partners of the same sex, choir director at St. Rose Philippine For Joan Lipkin, a friend, the cere- derstand it would be, ‗click, you‘re so the couple considered marrying in Duchesne Parish and as music teacher at mony was bittersweet. ―They‘ll go back done,‘ but it was.‖ neighboring Iowa, which does, but then St. Ann Parish School.‖ to Missouri and it still won‘t be legal,‖ The couple went ahead with their decided instead on a weekend in New Mr. Fischer said that in more than she said. plans. They arrived in New York on York. They asked a neighbor, a Presbyte- two decades as an openly gay man, The couple said they were looking Thursday and, after getting their paper- rian minister, to fly east with them to working in the theater, in churches and in forward to their weekend in New York – work in order Friday morning, were mar- perform the ceremony. schools, this was the first time he had including a very rare luxury, an opportu- ried in the afternoon at Bethesda Foun- They did not expect any problems, encountered open discrimination for his nity to sleep late on Sunday morning, tain in Central Park. Mr. Robin said. After all, everyone knew sexual orientation. with no 8 a.m. Mass. For the couple, the small ceremony, they were gay. He has since accepted a job offer ―That‘s going to be awesome,‖ Mr. a commonplace occurrence in New York But the day after the announcement, from a secular private school for next fall Fischer said.  since the state legalized same-sex mar- Mr. Fischer said, ―I was informed that and has received ―solid offers‖ of church Church Music Director Fired For Marrying His Partner of 23 Years By Francis DeBernardo ―Bates-Congdon, who has pro- tirement. What changed from Oct. 14 to Oct. NewWaysMinistryBlog.wordpress.com duced music for Catholic churches ― ‗This was never about activism 15?‘ February 12, 2012 for some 30 years, says he told or forcing the church to make a stand ― ‗And then there‘s the fact that this O‘Rourke about his wedding plans – or even Bill and me making a stand. has absolutely no bearing on his abil- In another case which illustrates that within days of his June proposal to It was for the sheer joy of celebrating ity to do a fabulous job.‘ ‖ Catholics in the pews are much more Bill ‗because I didn‘t want him blind- the fact that we could get married that John Gresham, a Charlotte attorney accepting of LGBT issues than some sided.‘ we decided we would.‘ ‖ who specializes in workplace issues, Catholic leaders are, The Charlotte Ob- ―He recalls O‘Rourke‘s response: Though parishioners have varied noted a cruel irony in the decision: server reports that a North Carolina par- Congratulations, I‘m very happy for opinions about the firing, many support ― ‗It is interesting that it was all right ish music director was fired from his job you. But I can‘t give you my bless- Bates-Congdon. According to the Ob- for him to ―live in sin,‖ ‗ he says. because he married his long-time partner ing. server: ‗But when he got married it became a in New York State. ― ‗I wouldn‘t ask you to,‘ Bates- ―Cate Stadelman, a church member firing offense.‘ ― Steav Bates-Congdon, 61, led the Congdon says he replied. and choir singer for almost 25 years, One long-time parishioner, Bill music ministry at St. Gabriel parish, ―More than six months passed says she has been back to St. Gabe‘s Collins, who is angry with the decision, Charlotte, one of the largest Catholic before he was fired. once since Bates-Congdon‘s firing – made a comment that expresses the de- parishes in the state. He and his partner, ―Now, Bates-Congdon wonders to help him pack. She says she does- sire of many in the Catholic church when Bill Bates-Congdon have been together why his boss and friend didn‘t warn n‘t know if she‘ll return. it comes to LGBT issues: for over 23 years. They were married him of any problems, ‗why (he) did- ― ‗It‘s the injustice of it,‘ says Stadel- ― ‗I need a community that‘s compas- October 15, 2011, in New York, with n‘t pull me aside and say, ―Dude, this man, who was on the search commit- sionate beyond its rules,‘ he says. ‗I several St. Gabriel‘s parishioners pre- is a really bad idea.‖ tee that recommended Bates- need a leadership with compassion, sent. The pastor, Rev. Frank O‘Rourke, ―Had O‘Rourke raised any con- Congdon and, with her husband Tom, not a leadership that simply talks had been informed of their plans, and no cerns, Bates-Congdon says, ‗Bill and was a member of his wedding party. about it, then acts otherwise.‘ ‖  repercussions were mentioned, according I would have pulled the plug and ― ‗The church doesn‘t recognize this to Steav Bates-Congdon. The Observer postponed it until some time when it marriage. The state of North Carolina story states: wouldn‘t have mattered, like in re- doesn‘t recognize this marriage.