“Empowers the Homophobic Bully” “If Gay Couple Lives with Faithfulness,Can

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“Empowers the Homophobic Bully” “If Gay Couple Lives with Faithfulness,Can B NDINGS Vol. 39 No. 3 A Publication of New Ways Ministry Summer 2020 Church “got to answer” for teaching that “empowers the homophobic bully” By Mada Jurado “the Church describes homosexual acts it wonderful when he said who am I to NovenaNews.com as intrinsically evil. I would regard the judge,'” McAleese observed of the pon- June 30, 2020 Church’s teaching as disorderly and in- tiff’s famous 2013 remark on gays who trinsically evil. Why is it intrinsically “seek God and [have] good will,” in The Church has “got to answer” for evil? Because it conduces to homopho- which he also referred to another teach- its teaching on gays that “empowers the bia.” ing in the Catechism that homosexuals homophobic bully,” a former Irish presi- “Look at the language that is used – should never be marginalised but instead dent has insisted. ‘the homosexuality is disordered.’ Who must be integrated into society. Mary McAleese, who served two wants to believe that their God-given “Well I was not at all impressed by terms as Irish president betwen 1997 and nature is disordered?” McAleese asked. that,” McAleese admitted, “I was an- 2011 and has since received a doctorate “That homosexual acts, how they gered by it because he does judge. He is in canon law from Rome’s Pontifical express their love in a loving relation- the supreme judge of the Church. He is Gregorian University, hit out at the ship, for example… that that is regarded the legislator, he is the judge.” Church’s doctrine on homosexuality in as intrinsically evil. I don’t think so,” she “If there is something wrong with a podcast to mark last weekend’s Dublin added. the law, the only way it can be changed Pride celebrations. The former politician and canon law in the Church is if he changes it,” “The Church’s teaching on homo- expert explained that the Church’s lan- McAleese pleaded with the Pope. sexuality is ignorant, it is unreconstruc- guage wounds not only gay people and “He is the person who presides over tive in the life of science, it’s sad to their families – especially gay believers Mary McAleese the law that uses these awful phrases say. It has never been looked at in the seeking acceptance in Catholicism – but ‘intrinisically evil, intrinsically disor- light of the new sciences and it’s not also provides further licence to demean been “champions” in terms of forging a dered,’ he presides over that. He cannot only a pity, it’s worse than that,” and discriminate against them as well. more positive outreach on the part of the have it both ways but there is a long tra- McAleese deplored. “That language of evil and disor- Church to the LGBT community, and in dition in the Church of having it both The now-Chancellor of Trinity Col- dered trickles down into the thinking and that sense have been “the green shoots of ways,” she lamented. lege Dublin took aim especially at the it empowers the homophobe, it empow- a future open debate” regarding Catholic McAleese has been involved in the language in the Catechism, which among ers the homophobic bully. It gives him or doctrine and homosexuality. gay rights movement ever since the other things describes homosexual acts her permission to be homophobic and I However, she added that there is 1970s, when she was a legal advisor for as “acts of grave depravity” that “do not think the Church has got to answer that,” only one man who can really make a the Campaign for Homosexual Law Re- proceed from a genuine affective and McAleese insisted. difference in terms of the Church’s ap- form that finally suceeded in having ho- sexual complementarity,” adding “under McAleese praised “certain bishops, proach to gays: Pope Francis, who more- mosexuality decriminalised in Ireland in no circumstances can they be approved.” particularly in Germany” as well as over is dragging his feet on the issue. 1993. But McAleese clapped back, arguing “certain cardinals” whom she said have “A lot of people will say ‘Oh wasn’t “If gay couple lives with faithfulness,can’t we say relationship is blessed by God?” By Robert Shine “On the first question – that of the have spoken favorably about church Bondings 2.0 Church’s concern for homosexuals – ‘for blessings for same-gender couples, in- NewWaysMinistry.org/blog a long time in moral theology we’ve said cluding the previous head of the coun- April 16, 2020 that, if it’s true love that lives commit- try’s episcopal conference, Cardinal ment and faithfulness, we must recognise Reinhard Marx who earlier this Another leading German bishop has it,’ the bishop explained, stressing that ‘if year reversed his 2018 position against endorsed church blessings for same- people decide for themselves how they such blessings. Bishop Franz-Josef Bode gender couples, suggesting that the live, can’t we tell them that their rela- of Osnabrück has affirmed such bless- church needs to work to change people’s tionship is blessed by God?’” ings at least three times, once in 2018, understanding that it only speaks in a Last year, the Diocese of Limburg once in 2019, and once last year. Also condemning way when it comes to sexu- under the bishop’s leadership began a offering an endorsement last year was ality. process to discuss such blessings. Bätz- Bishop Dieter Geerlings, auxiliary bish- Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg ing has repeatedly encouraged the church op emeritus for the Diocese of Münster, made his comments in a recent interview to “bridge the gap” between church who reaffirmed his existing support. That with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a teaching and people’s lived realities. At a country’s lay-run Central Committee of leading German daily newspaper. session of the German church’s Synodal German Catholics formally en- (Novena News reported about the inter- Way process earlier this year, the bish- dorsed such blessings last year, but had view in an English language news story.) Bishop Georg Bätzing op suggested that bridging this gap could informally done so regarding same- Asked about the church’s future, Bätzing include “widening, opening, and chang- gender blessings back in 2015. said it was problematic that many people More specifically, Bätzing, who ing this teaching” in conversation with The Catholic Church in Germany “regard the Church’s moral teachings as was recently elected head of the German science. Bätzing’s words carry additional continues to be the leader in finding a prohibitive morality,” and especially on Bishops’ Conference, identified church weight given he heads the Synodal ways to affirm LGBTQ people and rela- questions of sexuality. “I’d like to blessings for same-gender couples and Way’s working group on sexual morali- tionships. change that,” said the bishop, “without married priests as two areas where such ty. developing a completely new teaching.” changes could take place: A number of German church leaders Italian cardinal calls for better spiritual guidance for gays, lesbians By Claire Giangravé and lesbian relationships as “intrinsically “We mustn’t relativize the law,” he ReligionNews.com disordered” and does not recognize mar- said, “but make it relevant to the con- May 26, 2020 riage between two people of the same crete person, with their own peculiari- sex. But starting with his famous quote ties.” VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Now “Who am I to judge?” in 2013, Pope When asked about creating spiritual more than ever, the Catholic Church has Francis has promoted a more inclusive guidance programs tailored specifically begun to address how to minister to stance toward homosexuality in the to members of the LGBT community, members of the LGBT community, espe- Catholic Church. In his 2016 document Zuppi said it’s more important to have a cially when it comes to spiritual guid- on the family, “Amoris Laetitia” (the Joy “specific outlook on people,” regardless ance. Following in Pope Francis’ foot- of Love), Francis called for the need to of their characteristics. steps, an Italian archbishop invited Cath- come alongside members of the LGBT “As Christians we must look at the olics to look at gays and lesbians “as community, a position he has reiterated person as a child of God, meaning with God looks at them.” several times since. the full right to receive, feel and experi- “When communities will truly begin In the preface of his book, Moia ence the love of God just as any other to look at people as God looks at them, interviews the archbishop on how to best child of God,” he said. Cardinal Matteo Zuppi then homosexual people — and every- put in practice Pope Francis’ appeals to Regardless of the Catholic Church’s (Francis DeBernardo Photograph) body else — will begin to feel, naturally, offer spiritual guidance and welcome position on homosexuality, Zuppi speci- a part of the ecclesial community,” said members of the LGBT community. fied that the doctrine distinguishes be- Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, the arch- “The Pope, and the Church with tween sexual orientation and homosexual Church, this cannot mean that the person bishop of the northern Italian town of him, isn’t interested in leading people to acts. is not to be welcomed. At least, Jesus Bologna, in the preface of a newly re- follow external rules,” Zuppi said. “His “What we cannot ‘welcome’ is the didn’t think so. leased book. interest is in helping people do the will sin expressed in an act,” he said. “Sexual “If Jesus had this criterion, he would The book, “Church and Homosexu- of God; meaning to enter a personal rela- orientation – which nobody ‘chooses’ – have required the conversion of Zacchae- ality: An Inquiry in Light of Pope Fran- tionship with God and hear from him the isn’t necessarily an act.
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