B NDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 A Publication of New Ways Ministry Spring 2012 At New Ways Ministry Symposium Bishop Geoffrey Robinson urges change in 'church teaching concerning all sexual relationships' By Jerry Filteau endum in November to revoke it, but to resolve those problems. himself in his divine plan for human The National Catholic Reporter several recent polls have indicated that a "Paradoxically, it was the effects of sexuality. March 16, 2012 slight but growing majority of the state's the sexual abuse of minors more than "For centuries the church has taught voting population favors legalization of anything else that convinced me that sex that every sexual sin is a mortal sin. The BALTIMORE -- At the Seventh same-sex marriages. is serious," he said. teaching may not be proclaimed as National Symposium on Catholicism and In his talk later that afternoon -- He began his talk with three basic loudly today as much as before, but it Homosexuality, retired Australian available along with other writings on his premises: was proclaimed by many popes, it has Bishop Geoffrey Robinson called Friday website: www.bishopgeoffrobinson.org "There is no possibility whatsoever never been retracted and it has affected for "a new study of everything to do with (Click ―Christian Basis for Teaching on of a change in the teaching of the Catho- countless people," Robinson said. sexuality" -- a kind of study that he pre- Sex‖) -- Robin- lic church on "The teaching fostered a belief in an dicted "would have a profound influence son did not the subject of incredibly angry God," he added, "for on church teaching concerning all sexual address the homosexual this God would condemn a person to an relationships, both heterosexual and ho- growing U.S. acts unless and eternity in hell for a single unrepented mosexual." question of until there is moment of deliberate pleasure arising "If [church] teaching on homosexual whether faithful first a change in from sexual desire. I simply do not be- acts is ever to change, the basic teaching same-sex un- its teaching on lieve in such a God. Indeed, I positively governing all sexual acts must change," ions should be he t e ro se xua l reject such a God." he said. blessed with the acts. Robinson has been a source of con- Robinson, a priest since 1960 and title and all "There is a seri- troversy in the church since at least 2002, auxiliary bishop of Sydney from 1984 legal rights of ous need for a when he called for Pope John Paul II to until his retirement for health reasons in "marriage." But change in the commission a church-wide study of cleri- 2004, told the Baltimore symposium, he argued that church's teach- cal sexual abuse of minors in the church. sponsored by New Ways Ministry, that the church's ing on hetero- His 2007 book, Confronting Power "because sex is so vital a way of express- moral appraisal sexual acts. and Sex in the Catholic Church: Re- ing love, sex is always serious." of such unions "If and when claiming the Spirit of Jesus, drew ire That view, espoused by the church, would change this change from his fellow bishops in Australia, who stands in contrast to the general percep- dramatically if occurs, it will objected to his 2008 lecture tour in the tion of modern society, which "appears it were to re- inevitably have United States to speak on some of the to be saying more and more that sex is evaluate its its effect on issues addressed in his book. not in itself serious," he said. traditional ap- teaching on His full text at the New Ways Minis- For the church to deal with sex seri- proach to all homosexual try symposium, as well as other writings ously, however, does not in itself mean human sexual acts." and references to controversies Robinson that the church must continue to accept activity. "If the starting has engaged in in his efforts to change uncritically its traditional understandings He said Bishop Geoffrey Robinson point [as in the way the church's approach to issues of sexual morality, he said. w h i l e t h e current church of sexual morality -- far too detailed to Robinson was a featured speaker at church's emphasis on the profound sig- teaching] is that every single sexual act be covered in a single news article -- can the March 15-17 symposium, which nificance of sex is correct, its natural law must be both unitive and procreative, b e fo und on his website : drew about 400 gay, lesbian, bisexual, approach to sexual morality and its inter- there is no possibility of approval of ho- www.bishopgeoffrobinson.org (Click transgender and questioning Catholics pretation of ancient scriptural passages mosexual acts," Robinson said. ―Christian Basis for Teaching on Sex‖). and church personnel ministering to on homosexual and other sexual activity He proceeded, however, to question them. The gathering's first day was de- are in need of correction. that natural law argument, especially as voted to a spiritual retreat guided by the Robinson -- whose activities before laid out by recent popes, and to suggest bishop. he became a bishop included teaching that a more nuanced reading of divine More At the symposium's lunch Friday, canon law and heading the Canon Law commandments in scripture and of Jesus' Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley ad- Society of Australia and New Zealand -- teaching would lead to a different set of Symposium dressed the group on a pending state law, said his own full realization of how seri- moral norms -- starting with a change in coverage on which he had signed just days earlier, ous sex was came when the Australian church teaching that every sexual act or legalizing same-sex marriage in the state. bishops called on him to head an investi- thought that falls outside a loving conju- pages 8, 9, 10. Opponents of the new law have gation into the causes of clerical sexual gal act open to procreation is a mortal sin launched a campaign for a popular refer- abuse of minors in his country and how because it is a direct offense against God Cdl. George apologizes for comparing gay rights movement to KKK By Manya A. Brachear which was very inappropriate, for which comed the cardinal's apology. Chicago Tribune I'm sorry," George said. "I didn't realize ―This is not about power. This is not January 7, 2012 the impact of what I was saying. … about control. This is about a church and Sometimes fear is a bad motivation." its ministry and its shepherd," he said. Chicago's Cardinal Francis George In his comments, broadcast on Fox "We believe in reconciliation. It's not a apologized Friday for remarks aired on Chicago television on Christmas, George time to continue to draw battle lines and Christmas Day comparing the gay pride addressed what he perceives to be reli- go back to prior history. It's time to say parade to the Ku Klux Klan. gious discrimination in the name of gay we're grateful for that gift for someone "I am truly sorry for the hurt my re- rights. While discussing the pride parade, realizing that he or she misspoke in a marks have caused," George said in an he cited the anti-Catholicism of the KKK way that caused some harm and seek interview with the Tribune. "Particularly in the early 1940s. forgiveness." because we all have friends or family You know, you don't want the gay George said although church teach- members who are gay and lesbian. This liberation movement to morph into ing does not judge same-sex relation- has evidently wounded a good number of something like the Ku Klux Klan, dem- ships as morally acceptable, it does en- people. I have family members myself onstrating in the streets against Catholi- courage the faithful to "respect every- who are gay and lesbian, so it's part of cism." George told the Fox Chicago re- one." our lives. So I'm sorry for the hurt." porters. "So I think if that's what's hap- "The question is, 'Does respect mean George's initial comments came in pening, and I don't know that it is, but I that we have to change our teaching?' response to questions about whether the would respect the local pastor's, you That's an ongoing discussion, of course. new route assigned to next summer's gay Cardinal Francis George know, position on that." … I still go back to the fact that these are pride parade would interrupt morning George said he didn't expect the people we know and love and are part of services at Our Lady of Mount Carmel change the start time of th event. public uproar over the comments. our families. That's the most important Church in the Lakeview neighborhood. When I was talking, I was speaking Chris Pett, president of Dignity Chi- point right now." That dispute was resolved before Christ- out of fear that I have for the church's cago, an independent ministry for gay, mas, when parade organizers agreed to liberty and I was reaching for an analogy lesbian and transgender Catholics, wel- Page 2 BONDINGS Vol. 32, No. 1 B NDINGS Maryland Catholic priest placed on leave Winter 2011-2012 Vol. 31, No. 4 for ‘intimidating behavior’ By Michelle Boorstein Guarnizo has refused to comment on what happened Francis DeBernardo, Editor The Washington Post at the Mass. March 11, 2012 Johnson declined to comment Sunday beyond this Board of Directors statement: Mary Byers A Gaithersburg Catholic priest who triggered national ―The Johnson family continues to pray for the Arch- Matthew Myers debate late last month when he denied Communion to a diocese of Washington, Father Guarnizo, and all Catholics Ryan Sattler lesbian at her mother‘s funeral Mass has been placed on during this time of upheaval.
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