COMPILATION OF CANAL TRADE ARTICLES FROM THE CUMBERLAND CIVILIAN and THE DAILY TIMES two Cumberland, Md. newspapers and THE NEWS a Frederick, Md. newspaper and THE HEARLD AND TORCH LIGHT a Hagerstown, Md., newspaper and THE BALTIMORE SUN a Baltimore, Md. newspaper and EVENING STAR a Washington, D. C. newspaper and ALEXANDRIS GAZETTE an Alexandria, Va. newspaper 1887 Compiled by William Bauman C & O Canal Association Volunteer
[email protected] Revision 1 OCTOBER 2017 Revision 2 JANUARY 2018 Revision 3 JUNE 2019 Canal Trade 1887 A. PREFACE This compilation of newspaper articles about the C. & O. Canal is one of a series. The Cumberland Civilian and The Daily Times, newspapers were found on microfilm at Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD. The News, a Frederick, Md. newspaper, The Herald and Torch Light, a Hagerstown, Md., newspaper, The Baltimore Sun, a Baltimore, Md. newspaper, Evening Star, a Washington, D. C. newspaper and Alexandria Gazette, an Alexandria, Va. newspaper, were found on-line. Articles from The Daily Times are preceded by DT, those from The News are preceded by News, those from The Herald and Torch Light, are preceded by H&TL, those from The Baltimore Sun are preceded by Sun, those from the Evening Star are preceded by ES, and those from the Alexandria Gazette are preceded by AG. There will be some duplication in articles due to the several sources. I have included the grain receipts by schooner, whenever found, to contrast with the grain receipts by canal boat. I have included the editorial articles from The Daily Times to illustrate to political atmosphere.