Geochemicaljournal,Vol.28,Pp. 173To 184,1994 C H
GeochemicalJournal,Vol.28,pp. 173to 184,1994 C h em ic al c h a r acters of cr ater la k es in th e A z o res a n d Italy: th e a n o m aly o f L a k e A lb a n o M ARlNO M ARTlNl,1 L UCIANO GIANNINl,1 FRANCO PRATI,1 FRANCO TASSI,l B RUNO CAPACCIONl2 and PAOLO IOZZELL13 IDepartm ent ofEarth Sciences,U niversity ofFlorence, 50121 Florence,Italy 2lnstitute ofV olcanology and G eochemistry, University ofUrbino, 61029 Urbino,Italy 3Departm ent ofPharm aceutical Sciences, University ofFlorence,50121 Florence,Italy (Received April23, 1993,・Accepted January 10, 1994) Investigations have been carried out on craterlakesin areas ofrecent volcanism in the A zores and in Italy, with the aim of detecting possible evidence of residual anom alies associated with past volcanic activities;data from craterlakes ofCam eroon have been considered for com parison. A m ong the physical- chem ical ch aracters taken into account, the increases of tem perature, am m onium and dissolved carbon dioxide with depth are interp reted as providing inform ation aboutthe contribution of endogene fluidsto the lake w ater budgets. The greater extent of such evidence at Lakes M onoun and N yos (Cam eroon) appears associated withthe disastersthatoccurred there duringthe lastdecade;som e sim ilarities observed atLake Albano (Italy)suggesta potentialinstability also forthis craterlake. parison. W ith reference to the data collected so INTRODUCT ION far and considering the possibility that the actual Crater lakes in active volcanic system s have chem ical characters ofcrater lakes are influenced been investigated with reference to change s oc- by residualtherm al anom alies in the hosting vol- curing in w ater chem istry in response to different canic system s, an effort has been m ade to verify stages of activity, and interesting inform ation is w hether and to w hat extent these anom alies can available about R u apehu (Giggenbach, 1974), be revealed by sim ple observations.
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