9 Charlie Hebdo Case Study
Putri, et.al., Charlie Hebdo Case Study: Public Order as a Limit… 9 CHARLIE HEBDO CASE STUDY: PUBLIC ORDER AS LIMIT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION* Devita Kartika Putri** and Agam Subarkah*** Abstract Intisari The freedom of expression is not an Kebebasan berekspresi bukan merupakan absolute right. It comes with limited hak mutlak. Terdapat keterbatasan dari limitations set out in the ICCPR and ECHR— ICCPR dan ECHR— yang berlaku kepada applicable to France, taking into account Prancis, dengan mempertimbangkan public order, ensuring the rights of others, ketertiban umum, menjamin hak-hak orang and it needs to be prescribed by law. A lain, dan perlu ditentukan oleh hukum. state may give its full support to the Sebuah negara dapat memberikan dukungan freedom of expression, but when its penuh terhadap kebebasan berekspresi, exercise is no longer harmless, one must tetapi ketika implementasinya tidak lagi question the extent of such freedom; how it berbahaya, harus dipertanyakan sejauh must be compatible and in respect with mana kebebasan tersebut; bagaimana other rights that are as important as the kebebasannya kompatibel dan sehubungan freedom of expression. This article seeks to dengan hak-hak lain yang sama pentingnya see how the limitation to freedom of dengan kebebasan berekspresi. Naskah ini expression can be applied in relation to berusaha untuk melihat bagaimana post Charlie Hebdo event. pembatasan kebebasan berekspresi dapat diterapkan dalam kaitannya dengan kasus Charlie Hebdo. Keywords: Charlie Hebdo, freedom of expression, public order, respect for religion, responsibility to protect, human rights. Kata Kunci: Charlie Hebdo, kebebasan berekspresi, ketertiban umum, menghormati agama, tanggung jawab untuk melindungi, hak asasi manusia.
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