Monthly newsletter of the MARLBOROUGH BRANCH, Ulysses Club of NZ Inc. The Beavertown News MAY / JUNE 2020 BRANCH COORDINATOR Kelvin Watson Ph; 577 6822 143B Maxwell Road, Blenheim 7201 Email;
[email protected] VICE COORDINATOR Tim Wills Ph, 579 2363 SECRETARY Melissa Wills Ph. 579 2363 94 Howick Road, Blenheim 7201 Email:
[email protected] TREASURER John Laing Ph; 021 0828 8713 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jock Woodley Ph, 573 9139 Jane Laing Ph. 022 450 7042 John Sinclair Ph, 578 7110 Carol Spaulding Ph, 021 872 443 RIDES COORDINATOR (Sunday rides) Position vacant– volunteer needed CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER Tim Wills Ph, 579 2363 ABOVE; Tasmanian adventures with Sawbones, page 11 WELFARE OFFICER; BELOW; Life after Lockdown, bucket list with JBL, page 7 Chris Donaldson Ph; 027 8533670 Email;
[email protected] RETREADS RIDES (Thursday rides) John Sinclair Ph; 578 7110 Grant Johnson Ph; 578 0901 BRANCH SHERIFF Jock Woodley Ph; 573 9139 Email;
[email protected] BRANCH QUARTERMASTER (Ulysses Gear Orders) Evan Teale Ph. 03 972 0481 BRANCH HISTORIAN Jane Laing Ph. 577 6663 COMMUNITY NOTICES ORGANISER Evan Teale Ph. 03 972 0481 WEBMASTER Bob Marks Ph, 574 1177 Email;
[email protected] Branch Web Page: BRANCH RIDER MENTORS Chris de Wagt Ph. 577 7238 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Jane Laing Ph.577 6663 Email;
[email protected] Post; 75A Weld Street, Blenheim 7201 Refer all membership enquiries to the Coordinator or a Committee member 1 Ulysses Members Trades Directory Do you know someone who would like to adverse their business card here? Only $75 for 12 issues Email the card to me and I’ll organise it from there Janes email;
[email protected] You can advertise your business in this publication for $75 per year (12 Adverts - Business Card Size) Contact: Jane; Ph.