~utnb. 48. 1827




RRATUM.-In tho heading to the Proclamation dated; Di.stricis reconstituted under the 1Jlarriage Act, 1908. E the 26th June, 1935, and published in the , Ga%etle No. 47 of the 27th day of the same month, at, [L.S.) GALWAY, Governor-General. page 1761, taking land for the purposes of a quarry in, A PROCLAMATIOR Block XIII, Tutamoe Survey District, read "Block XIII"; in lieu of "Block VIII." . N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority I vested in me by the Marriage Act, 1908, I, George (P.W.54/628.) Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor·General of the Do~on of New Zealand, do hereby abolish the existing marrIage districts known as the 1\fotupiko and Waimea South districts, and do proclaim and declare that the territory Crown Land set apart M a Provisional State Forest. heretofore comprised within the said districts is here6y divided anew into two marriage districts, the names and boundaries [L.S.) GALWAY, Governor-General. whereof shall be as follows ;-

A PROCLAlIIATION. . i.\:[OTUPIKO DISTRICT. y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities; ALL that area in the Nelson and Marlborough Land Districts B_ . conferred upon me h.v section eighteen of the Forests; bounded by a line commencing at the source of the Rive; Act, 1921-22, I. George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway,: Baton; thence down the middle of that river tp the Governor.General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby River; thence by a right line aero~s the Motueka River and set apart the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto; along the right bank of the Motueka River to the north­ as a provisional State forest. 1 eastern boundary·line of Section 104, Block IV, Wangapeka Survey District; thence south-easterly along the said, north_ eastern boundary-Hne of Section 104 to its north-eastern SCHEDULE. corner; thence north-easterly along a right line in the NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-AuCKLAND FOREST- direction of the south-western corner of Section 88, Block I CONSERVATION REGION_ Wai-iti Survey District, to the watershed between Stamey ALL that area of Crown land in the North Auckland Land Brook and the River Dove; thence southerly generally along District, containing approximately 1,576 acres, situated in tbatwatershed and the watershed between the Motueka and the Block I, Whangap~ Survey District, and Block I, Mangamuka Wai-iti Rivers to the northern boundary of Section 1 of Small Survey District, .and bounded generally as follows: Towards' Grazing-run 12, Block VI, Gordon Survey District; thence the north by n. permanent StatE.' forest (Gazette, 1904, page 310, ' westerly along that boundary to the right bank of the l\fotuek;a and GazeUe, 1903, page 2122); towards the east by Lot 51 River; thence up the right bank of the l\fotueka. Rive'r. to on pllln No. 7200, depo!li~d in the offi~~ of the District Land. the -road up Long Gully; thence across the Motueka River Registrar at Auckland, and Lot 51 on plan No. 7196, deposited and up Long Gully Road across the watershea near Kerr's as aforesaid; towards the south by a provisional State: Hill to the l\Iotupiko River; thence along the right bank forest (Gazette, 1935, TInge 655) and Sections 16, 11, 12, and I, ' of the Motupiko River to ; thence along a right Block I, Whangape Survey District; towards the south-west line running in the direction of Barefell Pass to the .River by Section 57 A, Block II; Whangape Survey District; and, Acheron; thence along the River Acheron to its confluence towards the west by Section 39, Block I, Whangape Survey with the River Severn; thence up the River Severn to its District. As the same is more particularly delineated on confluence wi'j;h the River Alma; thence by a spur to the plan No. 4/9. depo~dtcd in the Head Office of the State Forest watel'8hed knovm as Alma Heights; thence westerly- along Service at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. that watershed and the southern watershed of the Wairau River to Mount Mackay; thence along the watershed between Given under the hand of I-lis Excellency the Governor­ the D'Urville aneI Sabine Rivers to ; thence General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued along_the western shore of Lake Rotoroa to the River Gowan; under the Scal of that, Dominion, this 29th day of thence by that river to its confluence with the River Buller; June, 1235. thence along the watershed between the Rivers Hop-e and Owen E. A. RANSOM, and the -western. watershed of the l\fotueka River to a point C{)mmissioner of State Forests_ due west of the source of the River Baton; thence along a right line to the source of the River Baton, the place of GOD SA.VB THE KING : commencement. A THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No, 48

W ADIEA SOUTH DISTRICT. Land proclaimed a8 a Street, and Street clqsed, in Block IV, All that area in the Nelson Land District, bounded oli the Waimea Survey District, Tahunanui Pown District. west by the Motupiko District hereinbefore described fro~ [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor·General. Topbouse to a point on the watershed between StaIiley Brook and the River Dove at its intersection with a right A PROCLAlI!ATION. line running from the north.easteru comer of Section 104, N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by Block IV, 'Vangapeka Survey D!s~r.ictf ~ the. s0l!th-westem I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, George Vere corner of Section 88, Block I, WIU-Itl Survey DIstrIct; thence Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion along the western boundary of said Section 88 to the Dove . of New ZealaiJ.d j do. hereby proclaim as a street the land in River' thence across that river and along its right bank td Tahunanui ToWn District described in the First Schedule the ro~d leading from the Village of T~orpe to the Montere; hereto; . and als6 do hereby proclaim as closed the street thence along the north side of that road to Section Hlj described in the Second Schedule hereto. Block II, Wai-iti Survey District; thence by that section and Sections 112 and 113, Block II aforesaid, to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence along a right FIRST SCHEDULE. line to the southernmost corner of Section 157, Block III, LAND PROCLAIMED AS A STREET. Wai-iti Survey District; thence along a right line to the westernmost corner of Section 20, Block rn aforesaid; APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a street: thence by that section and Scctions 127 and 126, Block VII, 1 acre 2 roods 15 perches. . Section 8, Block VIII, Wai-iti Survey District, and. the Being portion of part Sections 2 and 5, Suburban South; northern boundary-lines of Sections 7 and 188, Block yrn coloured red. aforesaid, to the north-eastern corner of the last-mentIOned section; Wende by a tight line to the south-western corner of SECOND. SCHEDULE. Section' 37; Block VIII aforesaid; thence by the western STREE~ CLOSED. boundary 6f the last-mentioned section, and by the western ~ROXDlATE atea. of the piece of street closed: 1 acre boundaries of Sections 38; 39, and 36, Block IV, Wai-iti Survey 2 roods 15 perches. District to Cut Hill; thence by a right line to the southern­ AdjOining or passing through part Sections 2, 4, 5, and 53, most co~er of Section 192, Block I, Waimea Survey District; Suburban South; coloured green. thence by that section and Section 194, Block I aforesaid, to the sea· thence by the sea to the mouth of the Waimea All situated in Block IV, Waimea Survey District (Nelson River; 'thence towards the east by the right bank of the R.D.), (Tahunanui Town District). (S.D. 786r.) Waimea River to its confluence with the Wairoa River; thence All in the Nelson Land District; as the same are mOrE­ by the right bank of the Wairoa River to its intersecti~n by particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W;D. 89214, ·80 right line running from the southernmost corner of SectIOn 9, deposited in the office, of the Minister of Public Works at Block IV, Gordon Survey District, to the southermi:J.ost Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. corner of Section 3, 'Block V, Rintoul Survey District; thence by that right line to the said southernmost corner of the Given under the hand of His Excellency t1,J.e Governor­ last.mentioned section; thence by. a right line running due General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued east· to the western bouiidarjr of the Marlborough Land under the Seal of that Doininion, this 27th day of District; thence by the Marlborough Land District to Top­ June, 1935. . house, the place of conimencement. JoliN BlTdHENElt, Minister of Piiblid Works. And I hereby declare _that this Proclamation shall come into ,9peration on the :fifteenth day of July, in the year of GOD BAVE THE KrnG I bur Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five. (P.W. iH/764.) Given\,uiider the ha.nd of IDs Excellency t~e Governor­ Gimeial of the Dominion pf New Zealand,.ahd issued Land proclaimed a8 a Road, _and Road closed, in Block III, under the seai of that DoininioIi, this 22iid day at Waimana Survey Di8irict, Whakatane Oounty. Jriiie; i935. [L.S.j GALwAy, Governdr·General. JOHN G. COBBE, Minister Of Justice. A PROCLAMATION. GOD SAVE THE KINo ! N pursuance and ex. ercise of the powers conferred by section I twelve .of the. Land Act, 1924, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor·General of the Do~on_ of New Zealand, do hereby proc1aibi as a road ,the land iii Waimana DistriCts reconstituted under the Births and Deaths Registration Survey DistI:ict described iii the First Schedule hereto; and . Act; 1924. also do hereby proclaim as closed the road. described iIi the Second Schedule hereto.

j GALWAY, -Qovernot·General. tt .•. FIRST SCHEDULE. A PROCLAMATION. LAND PROOLAIMED AS A ROAD. , 'N pursuance and exerci.!;Je of the ,power ~nd authority APPROXIMATE area. of, the piece of land proclaimed liB a road: I, vested in me by tbe Births and Deaths Registration 1 acre 0 roods 15·2 perche~ . .Act, 1924, I, George Vere Arundell, Yiscount Galway, Being portion of Section 1; Waimana Settlement; coloured Gcrvefnor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby red, a.bolish the eXisting registration districts known as the SECOND SCHEDULE. Motupiko imd Waliriea South districts, arid do proclaim and ROAD OLOSED. aeclar~ that the territory heretofore comprised within the sa.id districts is hereby diVided anew into two registration APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed: 3 roods dismcts the names whereof shall be the 1t:[otupiko and Waimea 21·8 perches. South ·districts, and the boundaries whereof shall be conter­ Adjoining or passing through part Section 1, Wa~ana minous With the boundaries of the marriage. districts bearing Settlement; coloured green. the same names as, are set forth in a .Proclamation of even All situated in Block III; Waimana. Survey Distri(\t date herewith, inade Under the provisions of the Marriage (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 27576.) Act, HIOS , All in the Auckland Land District; as the same are more , And i ~ereby deciare that _this Proclamation shall come particularly delineated on the plah marked P.W.D. 89546, into _ope~ation on the fifteenth day of July, in the year of depbsited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five. Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor. General of the, Dominion of New Zealand, and issued General of the_ DO.minion of New Zealand, and Issued '!lnder . the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of under the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of 'June, 1935. June, 1935. JOHN G. COBBE, Minister of Justice. JOHN BITCHENER, lI!inister of Public Worb. GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE THE KiNG j (P.W. 35/524.) JPLY 4.] 'fHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 182.9

Land pT.Q~lai~ 0/1 a Road, and Road cWaed, in Rleck VII, hereby proclaim and declare that th.e land described in the . Egmont Survey Di8trict, Taranaki County.' Schedule ;hereto iB 4erepy t;a~~n f9r ~he p:uro.os~ qf §o fQad • and I do also declare that this ProclamapiQp'-" ~hall- Fa~ ~nect [L.~.] ,G.ALWAY, Governor·General. on !ID4 after tp.e ~ft~,enth ,day Qf July, on,~ t-hoJ,lSl,!-nd nine hundred and thirt:y-p.ve.' - "'. . >,. , ..-.', A PROCLAMATION. ~ pur.suance and exercise of the powers conferred by I sec~.ion twelve of the Lan~ Act, 1924, I, Ge.orge Vere SCHEDULE. Ar~deU, Yj,scount Galway, Govcrnor-Geperal ofth!=, Dominion of :New ~ealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in AFp~OXIM.ATE ar,cas of the pieces of land taJ;:cn:-=- Egplont S~rv~y District describe~ in the First Scheq.ule A. ~. p. B,eing Portion of' . 0 34 Allotment 257, Komakorau Parish; ,coloured hereto; and also do hereby proclaim as closed t4e road o red. . '.. ' . des,criged ~ the Second Schedule her~to. o 0 22 Allotment 2~9, E-om$korau P~rish .(D.P. Ig076) ; FIRST SCHEDUI;E. coloured yeij.ow.. . o 0 24 Stopped road j. colollI'ed purple.. LAND l.'ROCLAIMED AS A ROAD. Situated in Block IV, Newcastle Survey District (A¥ckland Mf'ROX1l'U4.TE a~-ea of the piece of land procl$iwcd as .a ~~d: R.D.). (S.O. 27836.) . .34'7 percQes. J3~ing p0rt~O!l of /?e.ction 1~~, Hu£l., .and W.aiwakaiho Hundred; In the Auckland Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 89,624, colo~d pink: dcposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at SECOl)lD SCHEDULE. Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. E.O~D CL,OSED. Given under ~he hand of His Ex,cellency the Goyernor­ AI'rp,oXI¥ATE area of the piece of road closed: .38·4 perches. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and isSued Adjommg or passing :through paq. Section 122, Hua and under the Seal .of that Dominiop, this 27th c!.ay of 'Waiwakaiho' H~dred; colo~.re,q. gre,en. June, 1935. ' All situated in BIQck VII, ~ID.ont Survey District. JOHN BITCHENER, Minister of Public Works. (S.O. 7348.) GOD SAVE THE KING ! All in the Taranaki Land District; as the same are more (P.W.34/3486.) particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 89548, deposited in the office of the Minister 'of Public Works at Wellin.:.aion, and thereon coloured a.s above mentioned. Land taken for Street Purposes in the Borough of Tima.ro. ,~Jv.en Wlode1= *e lu;l,nd .of .Ri,s ~~~Q.cy ·the ,Goyernor­ ~enera~ 0'£ t~e Dominion of New Z,ealand, ,and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 27th day of [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. June, 1935. A PROCLAMATION. JO!IN BITCH~NE~. Minister ,of Public W0r1<8. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities GOD SAVE THE KINa ! I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of (P.W.3S/J69/!.) every other power and authorjty in an~e enabling me in this beh~lf,' I, George Vere Arun4elJ, Vjscount Ga~way, Gove:rp.or-Oeneral of the Dominion of New Zealand, .Ilo hereby POI'lion oj Bvad closed in Block V, TVairoa S,urpey District, proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule Plltca COllnl!!. hcreto is hereby taken for street purlloses, and shall vest in ~e Mayor, Councillors, ~nd ;Bt;lrgesses of the ;Sor9,ugh of [L.S.] GALWAY, Goyernor-General. TIm.aru $8 from the date here.inafk;r m,entiop,ed; ~p'-d' I do A PROCLAMATION. also declare. that this Proclamation shalJ. tI;L}re .~ffMt pp. and after t~e eIghth day of July, one :t;l.101,l.sand piI;l,e Aundred N pursuauce B,nd ,exercise of the powers ,conferred by and thIrty-five. I.. sect.ion twelve of the Land Act, 19f!-.i. I, George Vere Arundell, Viscoll.Q,t Galway, Governor-Gene):sl of the Dominion of ~~W Z,eala.nd, do hereby proclll.im as closed t.he portion of SCHEDPLE. road in Wairoa ,S1,l!vey District described in the S.checJule her!'lt!>. : APFROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken: 1·7 perches. I B~ing portio,l;l pf Rural ~ction 2~82 (D.P. 1347). SCHEDULE. Situated in the Borough of Timaru. (S.P. 2386.) In the Canterbury Land District; as tAe same is more .4P;p!tP~'F.F. ~}'e{Io 9f ,~~e piece of road c~osed: l.acre ,0 ,0,oQ,.s particularly delineated' 'On' the pla~ marke'if P.W.D. ~ 89634. 26 perches. Adjoining or passing through Crown lund and Section 224. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wel~gtonJ aud there~n colo~ed :red. Situatc4 i~ Blo{·.~ V, ''lairoa Survey District (O.kotuku R.D.). (S.O. 2876.) Given under the hand of His Excellency t~e \.Goyernor­ General of the Doniinion ,of New Zealand: and In the Wellington Land District; as the same is more ~ed under t1,le ~eal of tliat P~~oii~' ~.~-1~t!L·~.~Y~:9f particularly del~ep.ted on ~h.e plan ml}:r.ked P.W,D, 89374, deposited in the office of the Minister.of Public Works at June, l~~p. . Welliugton, and the~,eo~ colg),Ued ~~e.n. ,J.o~ ~IT.~J:{~lh ~~r &! .~¥!>>>c ~Qt:~. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ .GOD '::;AV.l? ~ JfP..'G ,! General of the Dominion of New Zealand. and issued (P.W.. 51/1~~2.) under the Sewl or-thai Dominion, tbls 27th day of J),1!le, ),9,39.• •JOHN BJTCHE~.2r.. Minister of Public Works. Land taken for Defenoe Pwposes in the City of :w..el{i'IYD.ton. ,GOD SAVE T~ ]{rna ! (P.W. ilMl86/I.) [L.S.. ) ~J;!.Wh-Y, !19ve~9r-,Rene,.~.. A ·PROCLAcMATI0N. ..f.q,Jld t{Lken for JIJ,e furpo!J!-!I .of a ft.9a!!, i1} }}.lp_cl; JY, P~wca!4"{e: ~u:r~e!l pi$tri4, Waj(ctli9 !Jpp..7JW..

.[1.,.S'.] ,~#"W::4¥, ,?.oy,~r;n9F·§;~~!aJ.. A ·P;&0CL~!;A'rmN. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I ves,t.ed .it}. lJl6 by t.be J?ublic Works Act, 1928, and of every other power a1,1d authority in anywise .enab.ling ·me in. this behalf, I. George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, GovQI:nor.-Gen!ll"a,l .01 ~he :Uo.m.inion ,of New Zealand, do 1830 'FHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE.

SCHEDULE. boundary of. Section 5, and the northern boundaries of

Sections 0 10 and 11, all of Block VI aforesaid, the APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken: 117 acres northern and western boundaries of Section 7 of Block . i'rood 31 perches. V, \Vllarepapa Survey District, the 0 western boundaries in Being portion of the land D.P. 9192, and being part of Sections 1 and 2, Block IX, \Vharepapa Survey Sections 14, 15, and 18, Watts Peninsula R.D. District, the northern boundary of Section 15, Block IX Situated ~ Block XI, Port Nicholson Survey District aforesaid, the northern boundary of Wharepuhunga Re­ (City of Wellington). (S.0.3032.) serve No.1, and again the northern boundary of In the Wel1~ngton Land District; as the same is more Section 15 aforesaid, the Mangatutu River, the northern particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 89469, and western boundaries of Rangitoto A No. 20 Block, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at the western boundary of a metal reserve, and again the Wellington, and thereon edged red. western boundary of Rangitoto A. No. 20 Block, the northern side of the Tauraroa Road, the north-western ., Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ and south-western boundaries of Rangitoto A part General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and No. 27B Block, the northern boundaries of Rangitoto A issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 2nd part No. 24A, part No. 24B, and No. 19 Blocks j thence day of July, 1935. in a north-westerly direction generally along the north· JOHN BITCHENER, Minister of Public Works. eastern boundaries of Rangitoto A No. 4GB 1 and No. 46B 3 Blocks, the northern boundary of Rangitoto "GOD SAVE THE KINGI A No. 46B 3 Block, the north-eastern. boundaries of (P.W. 23/410.) Rangitoto A No. 45B 2B Nos. 3B; 3A, and 2 Blocks to and across the Tauraroa Road; thence along the northern sIde of that road and the eastern side Declaring Land acqu.ired for a Government W01'1c, and generally of the Waipa River Road to its junction with not required for that PU1'pose, to be Grown Land. the \Vaipa River in Block X, Mangaorongo Survey District i thence in a northerly directio'n generally along [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. the boundary of the Waitomo Electric·power District; A PROCLAMATION. 3S defined in Gazette, 1924, page 623, to the north­ western cornel' of Section 1, Block ill, Mangaorongo ON pursuan~e and exercise of the powers and authorities Survey District; thence in an easterly direction r vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of generally along the southern boundary of the Te every other power and authority in anywise enabling me Awamutu Electric-power District, as defined in Gazette, in this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, 1920, page 14, and Gazette, 1924, page 2823, to the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do southernmost corner of Section 4, Block XIII, hereby declare the land described in the'Schedule hereto Maungatautari Survey District; thence in a south­ to be Crown land subject to the Land Act, 1924. easterly direction generally along the Waipa-otorohanga County Boundary ~o the place of commencement. SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be SECOND SCHEDULE. Crown land: 1 acre 0 roods 29 perches. A.LL that area in the Auckland Land District, being Being Sections 21 and 22, Township of Pahi. part of the Outer Area of the \Vaitomo Electric-power Situated in Block III, Hukatere Survey District. District, as defined in the Fourth Schedule of the Pro­ . In the North Auckland District i as the same is more clamation before mentioned, and being part of the particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 89516, \Vaitomo County not comprised in the Waitomo Electric­ deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works power District, as defined in the Third Schedule of the at Wellington, and thereon edged red. before-mentioned Proclamation: Bounded by a line commencing at the south-eastern corner of Section 5, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Block XIV, Mangaorongo Survey District j and pro· General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and ceeding thence in a southerly direction generally along issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 2nd the' Otorohanga-\Vaitomo County Boundary to the day of July, 1935. south-eastern cornel'. of Lot 5 on plan No. 14919, JOHN BITCHENER, Minister of Public Works. deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland; thence in a westerly direction, generally GOD SAVE 'l'HE KING I along the northern boundary of Rangitoto-Tuhua part (P.W. 50/567.) - 35G 20 Block, the north-eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Section 15, Block I, Pakaumanu Survey District, and the northern side of the Ahoroa Road to Altering tile Boundaries of the Waitomo Electric-power the south-western cornel' of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 70B 2B District. ' Block; thence in :Q.ortherly and easterly directions generally by the boundaries of the Waitomo Electric­ . [L.S.] ,GALWAY, Governor-General. power District and the Otorohanga-Waitomo County A PROCLAMATION. Boundary to the place of commencement. N pUl'suance and exercise of the powers. conferred Given llllder the hand of His Excellency the. Governor­ I upon me by section three of the Electric·power General of the Dominion of New .Zealand, and Boards Act, 1925, and of all other powers in anywise issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 29th enabling me in tIns behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, day of June, 1935. Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of JOHN BITCHENER, Minister of Public Works. New Z~aland, do hereby alter the boundaries of the Waitomo 'Electric·power District so as to include the GOD SAVE THE KING I areas described in the Schedules hereto, the same being (P.W. 26/980.) more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 89769, 9.ejlOsited in the office of ·the Minister of Public Works at \-Vellington, and thereon coloured red .. Officer autho-rized to take and receive Statutory Declarations. FIRST SCHEDULE. Ar.L tl~at are·a in the' Auckland Land District, being GALWAY, Governor-General. part of the Outer Area of the Waitomo Electric-power District, as defined in the Fourth Schedule to a Pro­ URSUANT to the authority conferred upon me by the clamation dated· the 3rd day of March, 1924, and P three-hundred-and-first section of the Justices of the published ·in the New Zealand Gazette No. 14 of the 6th Peace Act, 1927, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway. March, 1924, pages 622 and 623, and being part of the the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand do Otorohanga County not comprised in the Wttitomo hereby notify and declare that Roy William Twomey, being an Electric-power District as defined in the Third Schedule officer in the service of the Crown holding the office of Post­ of th~. before-mentioned Proclamation: Bounded by a master at Lake Rotoma, ·is authorized to 0 take and receive li;ne- commencing at the \Vhatauri Trig. Station in Block statutory declaratioJls·· under. the three·hundred-and-first ·VI,. 'Yharepapa Survey District; and proceeding thence .section of the Justices of the Peace Act,.1927. 'in a south-westerly direction generally along the north-western boundaries of Lots 2 and 1 of Section 2, As witness the ·hand of .His Excellency the Governor­ Block VI, Wlmrepapa Survey District, the south­ General, this 29th day of June, 1935. western boundary, of ~ot -1 aforesaid, the north-western JOHN G. COBBE, Minister of Justice. ·JULY 4.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1831

Exempting Grown Land in Wes~la.nd Mining District f1'om IRevoking Notice exempting .Or:own Lands from Ute Provisions of lJIining under fhe Mwwg Act, 1926. tlte Mtntng Act, 1926. GALWAY, Governor-General. GALWAY, Govcrnor-General. HEREAS by notice dated the seventeenth day of W January, one thousnnd nine hundred and thirty.four, HEREAS by section twenty of the Mining Act, 1926, and published in the Gazette on the eighteenth day of January, W it is, intet alia, enacted that the Governor-General one thousand nine hundred and thirty·four, at page 56, may from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, exempt any the Governor-General, in pursuance of the powers conferred Crown lands from mining, or from any specified ruining upon him by section twenty of the l\fining Act, 1926, purpose, or from that Act, or any specificd provisions of that exempted certain Crown land particularly described in the Act; and that the lands to which any such notice relates shall Schedule hereto from the provisions of the Mining Act, 1926, be specified therein by words of particular description: and its amendments, subject to all existing registered mining And whcreas it is desirable that the Crown land specified privileges : in the Schedule hereto shall, subject to all existing registered And whereas it is expedient to revoke the said notice: mining privileges, be exempted from mining: Now, therefore, I, George Vere mundell, Viscount Galway, Now, thcrefore, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur­ Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur­ suance and exercise of the powers conferred on me by the suance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred :lIining Act, 1926, and of all other powers and authorities upon me by section twenty of the Mining Act, 1926, and of e~abling me in that behalf, do hereby revoke the above­ fill other powers and authorities in anywise enabling mc in recited notice, and do also hereby declare that such revocation that behalf, do hereby exempt the land particularly described shall take effect from the date of the publication of this in the Schedule hereto from mining undcr the provisions of revoking notice in the Gazette. that Act, subject to all existing registcred mining privileges; and do also hereby declare thut such exemption shall take SCHEDULE. effect from the date of the gazetting hereof. ,ALL that area of land in the Southland Land District, COlll­ mencing at the south-west corner of Section 6, Block VII, Wendon Survey District; thence at a bearing of approxi­ mately 26° 25' in a right line in the direction of Trig. J and to SCHEDULE. within three miles of the said Trig. J j thence for 94 chains at ALL tlmt area in the Westland Land District, containing by a bearing of 116° 25'; thence at a bearing of approximately admeasurement 298 acres 3 roods 29 perches, being Sections 206° 25' in a right liue to the north-east corner-peg of Sec­ 3591, 3592, and 3692, situated in Block VIII, Okarito Survey tion 20, Block VII, Wendon Survey District; thence due District. As the same is delineated on plnn marked N. 6/4/44, west along the northern boundary of the said Section 20 to lodged in the Head Office of the Mines Department at the junction of that boundary and the traffic road; thence Wellington, and thereon edged green. across that traffic road and along the eastern boundary of Section 6, Block VII, Wendon Survey District, to the north­ As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ east corner-peg of Section 7 of the said block j thence along the northern boundary of the said Section 7 to the commeneing­ General, this 27th day of June, 1935. point. As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan CRAS E. MACMILLAN, Minister of ~Iines. numbered N. 6/4/35, deposited in the Head Office of the Mines Department at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. (ilfines N: 13/4/44.) As witness the hund of His Excellency the Governor­ General, this 28th day of June, 1935. CHAS. E. ~1AC.MILLAN, Minister of l\lines. Revoking Notice exempting Crown Lands from the Provisions (Mines N. 6/4/35.) of the lIIining Act, 1926. Appointment of First A8s~tant Law Draf18man..

GAL\VAY, Governor-General. Prime Minister's Office, '''ellington, 22nd June, 1935. HEREAS by notice dated the twenty-eighth day of IS Excellency the Governor-General has bcen pleased W August, one thousand nine hnndred and thirty-four, H to appoint, as from 19th June, 1935, Howa·I'd Dartrey and published in the Gazelle on the thirtieth day of August, Charles Adums, Esqnire, LL.B., to be First Assistant Law one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, at page 27S1, Dra.itsman, in terms of the Statutes Drafting and Compilation the Governor-General, in pnrsuance of the power~ conferred Act, 1920_ upon him by section twenty of the Mining Act, 1926, exempted E. A_ RANSOM, for Prime Minister. certain Crown land particularly described in the Schedule hereto from the provisions of the Mining Act, 1926, and its Judge of Assessment Court for the Farm-lal1d List jor the amendments, subject to all existing registered mining privileges : Town Di.<;trict of Hel1derson appoil1ted_ And whereas it is expedient to revoke the said notice: Now, therefore, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Department of Internal Affa.irs, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, iu • Wellington, 29th June, 1935. pnrsuance and exercise of the powers conferred on me by the IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased, Mining Act, 1926, and of aU other powers and authorities in terms of section 9 of the Urban Farm Land Rating enabling me in that behalf, do hereby revoke the above-recited H notice, and do also hereby declare that such revocation shall Act, 1932, to appoint take effect from the date of the publication of this revoking Wyvern Wilson, Esquire, Stipendiary "Magistrate, of Auck­ notice in the Gazette. land, to be the Judge of the Assessment Court for the Town District of Henderson. SCHEDULE. J. A. YOUNG, Minister of Internal Affairs. ALL that area of land in the Southland L'and District, Wendon (LA. 1933/223/25.) Snrvey District, bounded by a line commencing at the north­ ------western' corner of the land described in New Zealand Gazette, lIIembers of Assessment Court for the Farm-land List for Ule 1934, page 56; thence north-easterly for a distance of 80 chains Town District of Henderson appointed. in the direction of Trig. J on a bearing of approximately 26° 25'; thence south-easterly on a bearing of approximately Department of Internal Affairs, 116° 25' for a distance of 94 chains; thence south-westerly on Wellington, 29th June, 1935. a bearing of approximately 206° 25' to the north-eastern IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased, corner of the land described as aforesaid; thence north­ H in terms of section 10 of the Urban Farm Land Rating westerly along the north-eastern boundary of the said land Act, 1932, to appoint to its north-western corner, the place of commencement. William Alexander Bishop, Esquire, lfarmer, of Titirangi, As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan to be a member of the Assessment Court for the Town District numbered N. 6/4/35,- deposited in the .Head Office of the of Henderson; and also to appoint ).fines Department at Wellington, and thereon coloured red.' William Richard Thomas Leighton, Esquire, Contractor, of Henderson, As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, this 28th day of June, 1935. on the recommendation of the Henderson Town Board, to be a member of the said Assessment Court_ CRAS E. MACliULLAN, Minister of )Iines. J. A. YOUNG, 1tfinister of Internal Affairs. (Mines N. 6/4/35.) (I.A. 1933/223/25.) 1832 THE NEWZEALANDG-A2iE'J.'TE.

4ppointments, Promotion,s, T.rWlUJjers. Resigncdi0n8, and I CORPS OF N.Z. ENG~EERS. Retirements of Officers of tlJe N.Z. Military Forces. Lieutenant B. S. Smyth. 3rd Field Company. to be Captain. Dated 30th April, 1935. Department of Defence. Wellington, 29th June, 1935. Lieutenant E. I. Hubbard, 2nd Field Company. to be Captain. Dated 1st May~ 1935. . IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased Richard Charles Pemberton to be 2nd Lieutenant and is H to approve of the following appointments, promotions, transfers, resignations, and retirements of office.rs of the New posted to the 3rd Field .company. Dated ist JUne~ ·~}),35. Zealand :Military Forces :- THE WELLINGTON WEST COAST REGIME~. STAFF OF THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL .AND Cor.lMANDER-IN-CmEF. Lieutenant H. ;I!~. Low, 1st Battalion. is tr(l,nsferr,ed to th~ Lieutenant A. G. W. Heber-Percy, Grenadier Gu~rds. is Reserve of Officers. Class I (b), R.D. 6. Dated t8th June, granted the local rank of Captain w4i,st holding the 1935. appointment of Aide-dc-Camp to His Excellency the Lie-q.tenant P. G. Cope, 1s~ Battalion. resigns l,1is .comm:i,s~ion. Governor-General and Commander.ill-Chief. Dated 17th Dated 18th J ~ne, 1935. - April, 1935. - The appointment of 2nd Lieutenant (on probation) J. P. COMMANDS AND STAFF. Wilson, 1st ,Cadet Battalion, is conJirmed. Colonel W. H. Ctulningham, C.B.E., D.S.O .• V.D., relinquishes .command of the 2nd N.Z. Infantry Brigade, and is trans­ THE HAWKE'S BAY REGIMENT. ferred to the Reserve of Officers, Class I (a). Dated 31st Major A. J. M. Manson, E.D., 1st Battaliop., to be Lieutenant. May. 1935. Colonel. Dated 1st June, 1935. . Lieutenant-Colonel R. F. Gambrill, V.D., relinquishes ,command of the 1st Battalion, the Hawke's Bay Regiment, dated James William Ch,arlcs Craig to be 2nd Lieutenant. and js 31st May, 1935. and is appointed to command the 2nd posted to the 1st Battalion. Dated 1st June, 1935. N.Z. Infantry Brigade, with the rank of Colonel, dated 1st June, 1935. THE TARANAKI REGDIENT. The period of command of Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. Major F. S. Varnham. M.G., RD .• 1st Battalion, to be Lieu~ Saunders. D.B.O .• V.D •• 1st Batta1ion, the Wellington Regiment. tenant·Colonel. Dated 2nd June, 1935. is extended to 31st May, 1936. Lieutenant·Colonel A. J. M. Manson, E.D., the Hawke's THE CANTERBURY REGIMENT. Bay Regiment, is appointed to command the 1st Battalion. Captain F. E. Dornwell. 1st Battalion, to be Major. Dated Dated 1st June, 1935. 1st May, 1935. Lieutenant-Colonel G. F. Bertrand, the Taranaki Regiment. Captain T. H. Mitchell, 1st Battalion, is transferred to the relinquishes command ofthe 1st B,attalion, and is transferred Reserve of Officers. Class I (b), R.D. 10. Dated 14th June. to the Reserve of Officers, Class I (b), R.D. 8. Dated 1st 1935. June, 1935. Captain F. E. Wilkes, 1st Battalion, is transferred tp t.he o.tago Lieutenant·Colonel F. S. Varnham, M.a., E.D.• the Taranaki Regiment. Dated 17th June, 1935. . Regiment, is appointed to command the 1st Battalion. Lieutenap.t A. L. M. PWy, 2nd ,Cadet Battalio.n,;is tr.ansfen-ed Dated 2nd June. 1935. to the Reserve of 9ffic(>rs, Class 1" (b), Eo.D. H). pated Lieutenant·Colonel G. Lyon, M.O .• E.n.• Regiment of N.Z. 27th bray. 1935. Artillery. relinquishcs command of the 2nd Field Brigade. Lieutenant F. Edwards, 1st Battalion, is transferred to the N.Z.A.. and is transferred to the Reserve' of Officers, N.Z. Air Force. Dated 8th June, 1935. CI .., I (b). R.D. 5. Dated 11th June, 1935. Major R. W. Fenton, Regiment of N.Z. Artillery. relinquishes TIm NELSON. MARLBOROUGH, AND WEST COAST REGnIENT. command of the 19th Medium Battery. N.Z.A .• dated lIth June, 1935. and is appointed to command the 2nd Field Captain C. H. Bleach, 1st Battalion, is transferred to the Brigade, N.Z.A.. with the rank of Lieutenant·Colonel, Reserve of Officers, Class I (b), R.D. 11. Datee Colonel C. H. Weston, D.B.a., v.D., N.Z. Army Legal Depart­ Lie.utenant, wit:h senio!-'.ity #o.m 9,th .J.a.~Jl.a,rj; :IJ)3,!}, :a:9.


N.Z, ARMY SERVIOE CORPS. Deputy Regi8trar of Marriages, &:c" appointed. Captain C. A. Blazey ceases to be posted to the 3rd Composite Company and is posted to the 2nd Composite Company. Registrar-General's Office, Dated 27th May. 1935. Wellington, 2nd July, 1935. Lieutenant R. C. Aley, 1st Composite Company, to be Captain. -T is hereby notified that the undermentioned person has Dated 1st December, 1934. I been appointed to be the Deputy of the Registrar of ian Emerson Stock to be 2nd Lieutenant and is posted to the Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the district set .3rd Composite Company. Dated 27th May. 1935. opposite his name, viz. ;- Name. District. N.Z. "MEDICAL CORPS. Berne Inglis Rae Kawhia. Lieutenant W. H. Rothwell, M.B., ceases to be posted to the G. G. HODGKINS. Deputy Registrar-General. 3rd Field Ambulance, and is attached to the lOth Field Battery. N.Z.A. Dated 6th June, 1935. David Elmore Orchard, l\I.B., to b.c Lieutenant and is posted to . the 3rd Field Ambulance. Dated 10th June, 1935. Registrar of Births and Deaths of j)Jaorw appointed. N.Z. CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT. Registrar-General's Office, The undermcntioned Chaplains are transferred to the Wellington, 2nd July, 1035. Reserve List. Dated 6th June, 1935:- T is hereby notified that the undermentioned person has Class 1- I been appointed Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris The Reverend F. C. Lawrence, Chaplain,' 3rd Class at the place set opposite his name, viz. :- (Church of England), R.D. 11. Name. Plnce_ The Reverend E. Eo Andrews, JJI.M., B.A., Chaplain, Ngene Weraroa Takarangi Rauana_ 3rd Class (Presbyterian), R.D. 11. Class II- G. G. HODGKINS, Deputy Registrar-General. The Reverend L. K. Collins, Chaplain, 4th Class (Church of England), R.D. 9. ~------.---~----~--

N.Z. AR1I1Y LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Appointments in the Public Service. Lieutenant-Colonel C. H. Weston; D.S.O., V.D., Retired List, to be Colonel. Dated 19th June, 1935. Office of the Public Service Commissioner. Wellington, 27th June, 1935. RE.SERVE OF OFFIOERS. HE Deputy Public Service Commissioner has made the N.Z. Corps of Signals. T following appointments in the Public Service :- Captain G. B. Williamson is posted to the Retired List with Reginald John McGee, permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform. Dated 18th June, 1935. to be an officer under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1908, as from the 26th day of June, 1935. JOHN G. COBBE, Minister of Defence. Bervie Inglis Rae, Ohairman of Adjustment Commission appointed. to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Kawhia, as from the 22nd day of June, 1935. Department of Justice, Wellington, 3rd July,- 1935. Henry Joseph Davern, IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to be Depnty Registrar of Births and Deaths of 1tlaoris at H to appoint Rawene, as from the 24th day of June, 1935. Edgar Herries Young, Esquire, T. MARK. Secretary. Barrister and Solicitor, of Stratford. to be Chairman of the Taranaki Adjustment Commission for the purposes of the Mortgagors and Tenants Relief Aot. 1933. vice Alfred Coleman. Clas8ification of Roads in Waitotara County. Esquire, resigned. JOHN O. COBBE, :Minister of Justice. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on me I by the Transport Department Act, 1929, and the Heavy Menlber of Board of Examiners under ihe j)Iining Act, 1926, l\fotor-vehicle Regulations, 1932, I, James Alexander Young. Acting Minister of Transport, do hereby approve of the Wai­ appointed. totara County Council's proposed classification and proposed Mines Department, alteration in cla-ssification of the roads described in thc Wellington, 28th June, 1935. Schedule hereto and situated in Waitotara County. - IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased SCHEDULE. H to appoint John Francis Downey, Esquire, ROADS classified in Class Three : Available for the use thereon of any heavy motor-vehicle (other than a multi-axled heavy to be a member of the Board of Examiners under the 1tfining motor-vehicle) which, with the load it is carrying, weighs not Act, 1926, for a period of three years as from the 1st July, 1935. more than 6t tons, or any multi-axled heavy motor-vehiclc CRAS- E. :M:ACMILLAN, Minister of Mines. which, with the load it is carrYing. weighs not more than (Mines N. 17/31.) 10 tons:- Rangitatau East - Watcrshed Main Highway No. 47 (aU that portion from its junction with Auckland-Wellington Regi8trars of the Oourt of Review appointed. via Taranaki Main Highway No_ I to the northern boundary of the Rangitatau No. Ie Block). N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority I vested in me by the Public Service Act, 1912. I, Andrew Roads classified in Class Four: Available for the use there­ Duncan Thomson, the Deputy Commissioner appointed under on of any heavy motor-vehicle (other than a multi-axled that Act, do hereby appoint the person for the time being h~avy motor-vehicle) which, with the load it is carrying, 'holding the position of Clerk of the Magistrates' Court at each weighs not more than 4-t tons, or any multi-axled hcavy motor­ of the places set out in the Schedule hereunder to be the vehicle which, wit,h the load it is carrying, weighs not more Registrar of the Court of Review under the Rural Mortgagors than 6t tons :- Final Adjustment Act, 1934-35, at each such place respectively, Rangitatau East - Watershed l\fain Highway No. 47 (all and do hereby appoint the person for the time being holding that portion from the northern boundary of the Rangi­ the position of Deputy Clerk of the Magistrates' Court at each tat.a.u No. Ie Block to its junction with Ahu Ahu Road). such place to be Deputy Registrar of the Court of Review at Kauarapaoa Road (all that portion in Waitotara County, each such place respectively, as from the 1st day of July. 1935. but excluding all that portion betw~en the Whakanga­ As witness my hand, this 26th day of June, 1935_ romanga Stream, in Section I. Block I, Waipakura Survey ANDREW D. THOMSON. District, and the Kauarapaoa Stream, in Section 2, Deputy Public Service Commissioner. Block IT, Waipakura Survcy District). Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of June, 1935. SCHEDULE. J. A. YOUNG, Acting Minister of Transport. Tauranga. "r aipukurau. Wairoa. (TT. 10/112.) l834 'l'H.bJ NE W ZEALAND GAi:'lE'l"1'.bJ. rNo. 48

Olas8ification' of Street8 in Palmerstcm Bcrrough. Oertificate and Declaration- of Execution oj Criminal.

N pursuance aud exercise of the powers conferred on me Department of Justice, I by the Transport Department Act, 1929, and the Heavy Wellington, 1st July, 1935. :Motor-vehicle Regulations, 1932, I, James Alexander Young, HE following certificote and dedaration are published Acting Minister of Transport, do hereby declare that the T in conformity with the provisions of the Crime..c:; Act, streets described in .the Schedule hereto and situated in 1908. - Palmerston Borough shaH belong to the respective classes JOH.!"i G. COBBE, Minister of .Justice. of streets shown in the said Schedule. CERTIFICATE. SCHEDULE. I. Hamilton Andrew Hugh Gilmer, the Medical Officer in PALMERSTON BOROUGH. attendance at the execution' of Charles William Price at the prison at Wellington. do hereby certify and declare that I STREETS classified in Class Three: Available for the use' have this day witnesf.ied the execution of the said Charles thereon of any heavy motor-vehicle (other than a multi-axled 'Villiam Price at the said prison; and I do furt.her eertify heavy motor-vehicle) which, with tho load it is carrying, and dcclure that the said Charles William Price was, in weighs not more than 6t tons, or any multi-axlecl heavy pursuance of the sentence of the Supreme Court, hanged by motor-vehicle which, with the load it, is carrying, weighs not. the neck until his body WM dead. mor~ than 10 tons ;- Given under my hand, this 27th day of June, one thousand J.liain Highways. nine hundred and thirty-five, at the prison at Wellington. Christchurch- Main Highway No. 101 (all that H:AMILTON A. H. GILMER, M~D. portion within Palmerston Borough). Palmerston-Queenstown Main Highway No. 124 (all that portion within Palmerston Borough). DECLARATION. We do hereby testify and declare that we have this day Streets. been present when the extreme penalty of. the law was Goodwood Road, Harrison Street, Sanday Street, Start ('arried into execution on the body of Charles William Price Street (east of Ronaldsay Street), Stronsa Street, Young convicted at the Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court held Street. R.t Napier on the 20th day of May last and sentenced to death, Streets classified in Class Four : Available for the use' and that the said Charles William Price was, in pursuance thereon of any heavy motor_vehicle (other' than a multi-axled. of the said sentence, hanged by the neck untH his body was heavy motor-vehicle) which. with tbe load it is carrying, weighs dead. not more than tons, or any multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle Dated this 27th day. of .June. one thousand nine hundred 4t and thirty-five, at the prison at Wellington. which, with the load it is carrying. weighs not more than 6!tons:- . W. W. SAMSON, ShCliff. Auskery Street, Brough Street. Burraness Street, Bursa! J. DoWN, Gaoler. Street. Copinsba Street, Craig Street, Falcon Street,: W. E. STEWART, Chief Warder. D. H. EDGAR, Visiting Jus.t.ice. Gilligan Street, Kirkwall Street, Mull Street, Roseness i Street, Runbrake Street, Start Street (west of Ronaldsay: ~L E. UHLENBERG (Catholic Chaplain). Street), Stour Street, Stromness Street. DOUGLAS BROWN (iUedical Practitioner). E. Rhodes (Deputy Sheriff). Dated at Wellington, this 27th day of June, 1935. ]f. GOLDSBOROUGH. J. A. YOUNG, Acting Minister of Transport. H. N. BLUNDELL. (TT. 101221.) T. F. REILLY. K. R. P. fuNCOOK.

Notification of Approval of New Rule of Taranaki Acclimatiza-· tion Society. Notice of Intention to take Land in Block VII, Waitakerei Survey District, for the Purposes of a Recreation-ground and for the Purposes of a Road respectively. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 3rd July, 1935. -IT is hereby notified that two copies of thc ncw rule made OTICE is hereby" given that it is proposed, under the by the Taranaki Acclimatization Socicty on the 29th N provisions of tlie Public Works Act, 1928, to take the April, 1935, have been forwarded to me and were approved land described in the First Schedule hereto for the purposes on the 3rd day of July, 1935. of a recreation-ground, and to take the land described in the J. A. YOUNG, Minister of Internal Affairs. Second Schedulc hereto for the purposes of a road: And (I.A. 1934/14/2.) notice is hereby furthcr given that the plan of the Jand so re­ quired to be taken is deposited in the Chief Post-office at Auck­ land, and is there open for inspection,' and that all persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if they have any A1lditor under the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, licensed. well-grounded objcctions to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing and send such writing, within forty days Friendly Socil!tie.9. Department, from the first publication of this notice, to the :Minister of Wellington. 25th June. 1935. Public Works at Wellington: N pursuance of section 10 of the Fricndly Societies Act,· I 1909, His Excellency the Governor-General 11as been pleased to license FIRST SCHEDUI.E. John Gordon Frear, Esquire, LAND PROPOSED TO BE TAKEN FOR THE PURPOSES OF A of Auckland, to act as a Public Auditor unrier the Friendly' RECREATION-GROUND. Sooieties Aot. 1909. ArPROXIllIATE area of the piece of land required to be taken; R. MASTERS, Minister in Charge.. 1 acre 3 roods 21 perches. Being portion of Allotment 125, Karangahape Parish; coloured red. . Courthouse appointed. SECOND SCHEDULE. Department of Justice, LAND PROPOSED TO BE TAKEN FOR THE PURFOSES OF A ROAD. . Wellington, 26th June, 1935. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land required to be IS Excellency the Governor-General has becn pleased taken:- to appoint rooms on the sccond floor of the Post­ H A. R. P., Being Portion of .office Building situated in Norwich Quay, at Lyttelton, to· o 1 0 Allotment S.E. 45, Karangahape Parish j be a place wherein a Magistrates' Court shall be held, in lieu: coloured yellow. of the room on the second floor of thc 1tlunicipal Buildings o 0 13·5 Stream-hed adjoining Allotment 125 and part previously appointed. Allotment S.E. 45, Karangahape Parish j JOHN G. COBBE. Minister of Justice. coJoured purple..


All situated in Block VII, Wa.itakerei Survey District Land Surveyar'8 Examination, September, 1935, Australia and (Auckland R.D.). New Zea/4ml. All in the North Auckland Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. The Survey Board of New Zealand, 89754, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works Wellington, 26th June. 1935. at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. T is hereby notified for general information "that the I Survey Board, in conjunction with the Australian Sur­ As witness my hand at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, veyors Boards. will conduct an eXamination of candidates for­ 1935. registration as surveyor, commencing -at 10 a.m. on Monday, JOHN BITCHENER, Minister of Public Works. 16th September, at Wellington. (P.W.50/576.) Candida-tes are notified tha.t their applications. on the proper form, must reach the Secretary of th€! Board not later than Monday, 2nd September, and that the examination fee must be paid at the same time to the Secretary, from whom !fotice to Mariners No. 25 of 1935. application forms and other particulars may be obtained. Candidates sitting under Rule VIII (1) will be accepted at Marine Department, this examination, and with candidates completing former Wellington, N.Z., 2nd July, 1935. sittings may sit in other centres where there is a Chief Surveyor's office. but the latter must pay an extra fee of £1 Is. in addition to the ordinary fees unless the full fee of NEW ZE.\LAND.-NoRTH ISLAND.-fuURAKI GULF. £5 5s. is payablc. when no extra fee is chargeable. Flat -Rock: Alteration in Light. Examination in all subject.s. fee of £5 5s. New candida-tes Position: Lat. 36° 26',7 S., long. 1740 55'·7 E. (approx.). for the full examination will sit in Wellington. Chart 1998. M. CROMPTON.SMITH. Abridged description.' FL ev. 7 sec. 44 ft. 10 1\1 (U). Secretary, Survey Board. Alteration: The character of the light will be altered on or Govemment Buildings. Wellingt.on. about the lOth instant from group flashing to flashing every NOTE.-Rule VIII (1) allows students to sit for subjects seven seconds, thus-light I second, eclipse 6 seconds. No 1 to 4 inclusive on completion of two years in Articles. and other changes have been made. for such candidates a fee of £2 2s. is payable. Cltart8 affected: 1998-3565-2543. Publications: Admiralty List of Lights, Part VI, 1933. No. 3313; New Zealand Nautical-Almanac and Tide.tables, Tile Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act, page 156, No. 14. 1932.-Notice of Cancellation of Award. L. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary. In the matter of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration (M.8/9/62.) Act, 1925, and its amendments, and in the matter of an ------industrial dispute between the Auckland Ship, Yacht, and Boat Builders' Industrial Union of Workers, appJicallt, Officiating _Mini8ter8 for 193ti.-Notice No. 2'1. and C. Bailey and Sons, Ltd., and others, respondents. HEREAS the Conciliation Commissioner, by notice W under his hand dated the 24th day of June, 1935, Registrar·General's Office, has notified the Clerk of Awards that 11 settlement of the Wellington, 2nd July, 1935. above-mt:ntioned dispute has not been arrived at by the Council T is hereby_ notified that the undermentioned names of of Conciliation appointcd for the hearing thereof, notice is I officiating ministers have been removed from the List hereby given that in accordance wit·h section 7 (4) of the of Officiating l\finister under the Marriage Act. 1908, by Industrial Conciliation and At'bitrat·ion Amelidment Act, request :- 1932. the Northern Industrial District Ship. Yacht, and Boat Tlie M ethodi8t Church of New Zealand. Builders' award. dated 6th September, 1933, aud puLHshed :Mr. Hoani Koniria. in Book of Awards. Volume xxxnr. page 829, is deemed to Mr. Wiremu Hongi (the Younger). be cancelled, and ceases to be in force on the expiration of one month from the date of the Commi"!sioner's notification Tl~e Lutheran Church. to the Clerk of Awards as aforesaid. . Dated at Wellington, t-his 2nd day of July, 1935. The Reverend Hermann Wilhelm Albrccht Lohe. HENRY E. MOSTON, G. G. HODGKINS. Deputy Registrar-Gencral. Deputy Registrar of Industrial Unions.

Mining Privileges to be struck oj! the Register. Mining Registrar's Office, .Riverton: 20th June, 1935. OTICE is hereby given that in accordance with the. p~ovision8 of section 188 (3) of tlle Mining A.ct! 192~, .that, N unless sufficient cause he shown to the contrary w].thin three months from the date hereof, the mlDlllg pnvileges mentioned in the Schedule hereto will be struck off the Register. H. J. HENDERSON. Mining Registrar. _


LIcenlle Locnlity. Licensee. No. Date. 1 Nature of Privilege.

OREFUKI REGISTRY. 1029 I 9/8/27 t Water.race I Preservation .. I Thomas Jackson Smith.

RIVERTON REGISTRY. 1640 10/4/23 Water-race Round Hill Alexander Morrison. 1643 5/6/23 T~ Allau Ernest Charles Govan. 1644 5/6/23 " Merrivale .• Alfred Fyfe Wilson and James Dean. 1661 7/4/24 1705 2/11/25 Te O~eroa .. W. E. and C. H. Robinson and C. Aspray. 1706 2/11/25 Preservation 1746 2/4/28 Coal Island Andrew Peterson. .. 1778 5/5/31 " l\Iaori Hill .. Robert John Cnmming. 1781 2/6/31 Dam" I " 1794 2/2/32 Water-race 1807 7/6/32 Hek~ia John Henry Dawson. 1800 5/7/32 Longwood J. S. and J. W. Harvey and William Goldsmith. 1841 4/7/33 Grove Burn John Herman Sorenson. 1844 1/8/33 Longwood .. W. J. Lennon.


Minister's DeciaiOn8 'U. Bales paz Act, 1932-33. Customs Departme;nt, Wellington, 2n~ July, 1935. T is hereby notified for public information that the Minister of Customs has decided to interpret the Sales Tax Act. I 1932-33 (hereinafter referred to as .. the Act "), as under:- It should be understood that the decisions contained herein may be revised fro~ time to time in the light of further informa.tion which may be obtained by the Minister.

Record No, I ~~.~n. I D"""on 0/ M'''''''''.

C (8) 21/24/2 36 The following persons need not be licensed under the Act :- Persons whose manufact~ring operations consist only of the manufacture of one or more of the following :- (a) Ready-mixed concrete : (b) Tarred metal: (e) Tarred screenings: (d) Hot-mixed preparations of bitumen and metal for road·making. .

The following goods are to be regarded as (a) included or (b) not included under the exemptiom set out in Column No.1 (below), :- -

Exemption. Gootls regarded as Goods not reqarded as included inclnded under EXemption. under ExemptiOn. Column No.1. Column No.2. Coldmn No. a.

C (8) 20/21 37 Bags, bottles, boxes, &c., ~traw_envelopes for bottles, &c. being ordinary trade con­ tainers for packing goods C (8) 10/27 Fish, fresh, raw, or smoked Salted lingfish, saltcd herrings, and salted (or smoked) kippers. C (8) 20/20 Flowers, cut, in their natural Raffia, plain or coloured. state, and leaves, grasses, and similar articles suit· able for usc therewith C (8) 2/11/2 Grinding - machines> emery Rubbing-bricks and similar and similar abrasive stones when im­ ported or sold as spares or replacements for grinding. machines. C (8) 3/13/4 Machinery, &c., of a clR-ss or Aluminium st.orage tanks. C (8) 3/3/4 kind which, if they had Brine tanks with coil pipes, for use been approved by the in a meat-chilling system. C (8) 3/53 Minister under item 352 Log-splitting" guns."- of the Customs Tariff. would have been admitted thereunder C (8) 20/15/2 Machinery for and parts of bucket dredges having buckets under 10 cub. ft. capacity (including parts of pontoons for such dredges). C (8) 3/17/4 .. Slings, wire strops, and lifting gear for use with cranes. &c. C (8) 6/31 .. Sliver cans for use in woollen-mills. C (8) 2/43 I .. Machinery, &0., peculiar to Governors for turbines. - use in industrial and similar processes (Tariff item 352), viz.: Turbines C (8) 2/9/2 .. Pumps for raising or distri­ Pumps for engines of motor-vehicles. buting liquids, including vacuum pumps C (8) 21/89 .. Sheep-shearing machines .. Tools, bolts. nuts, washers, oil, grease, and other fittings, when imported or sold with and forming part of the ordinary standard equipment of sheep - shearing I machines.· C (8) 3/55 ... Silver bullion .. _. .... Granulated silver. C (8) 15/12 .. Timber, viz., split fence .. Split totara. house blocks for posts building purposes. C (8) 2/7/4 .. Tractors and traction-} engines, and parts pecu­ lair to the same' Rubber tires and inner tubes Road graders . . . . 'I for use on tractors or road , graders.

• Revises decision In lllinister B decision No. 26, gazetted 18th January, 1934. [NOTE.-The decision respecting" Stranded or twisted bare copper wire or cordage" appearing in Minister's decision No. 25 (gazetted on 26th October, 1933) is cancelled. See Order in Council gazetted 22nd November, 1934, exempting these cooda from salcs tax.] '-. E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs.

l....-.....--__ _ JULY 4.) THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1837

Tenders accepted by Publi{; Works Depat:tment. THE following schedule of tenders, passed by the Public Works Department, is published for genera.l information :-

Work or Supply. Price. Tenderer.

£ s. d. Graders-P.W.D. standard power . . . . 4,090 0 0 I Messrs. A. and G. Price, Ltd. Rotorua-Napier Main Highway-Pumice surfacing 1,076 4 2 A. D. Hardie. Central Battery, St. Kilda-Stores building 573 13 0 H. J. Armstrong. Petone Post·office-Erection .. . . 8,297 8 2 E. S. Knight. Ngawhatu Mental Hospital-Villas 4 and 5 .. 12,760 4 0 B. Holbrook. Kingston-Queenstown Road-Supply and delivery of gravel 440 0 0 Taylor Brothers. Devonport Naval Base-Office building . . . . 1,075 0 0 G. Britton. Franz Josef Glacier- Wallio River-Foot suspension-bridge 795 7 4 C. E. Robinson. Nelson - Inangahua Junction Main Highway-Staircase 345 6 6 J. H. Whitn.ll. Creek culvert Nelson - Inangahua Junction Main Highway-Kerr's Creek 555 11 0 culvert Nelson - Inangahua Junction Main Highway, Hope Saddle 270 0 0 A. J. McCaa.. Section-Screened shingle Picton-Bluff Main Highway-Hawkeswood Creek Bridge. &c. 2,575 16 10 J. A. Johnston. Hamilton-Rotorua Main Highway. Rotorua County­ 606 5 5 M. Henderson and Son. Quarrying and delivering pumice Rotorua-Whakatano Main Highway. Rotoma County- 415 II 8 Butler and Carroll, Ltd. Quarrying and delivering pumice Lyttelton Post-office-Repairs and renovations .. 447 0 0 C. S.- Calvert. Glenbrook Road-Supply and delivery of gravel 218 12 6 G. S. Beale. Butcher's Dam, Alexandra-Erection of house .. 726 0 0 W. M. Lcpdell. Eastbourne Foreshore Protection-Quarrying and delivery 800 0 0 E. Marriott. Ltd. of stone Tauranga - Rotoma Direct Road. Tauranga County- 310 0 0 F. Spreadborough. Metalling , To Kuiti - Bulls Main Highway, Manunui Township- 2,848 10 0 K. K.nn. ~1etalling Government Printing Office-Removal of parapets 1,288 0 0 l\I. G. Templeton. Government Life Insurance Building. Wellington 253,313 5 10 Ponsonby Receiving Home-Renovations 175 0 0 H. Plu~ey. Small-farms Scheme-Erection of cottage for Smithson. 307 0 0 G. P. Lornie. Arama Wairoa Courthouse-Erection .. 1,547 0 0 D. Glengarry. Lake Pukaki - Hermitage Main Highway-Bush Creek 3,750 18 0 W. R. Williams. Bridge Guests Road-Erection of bridges 736 10 0 D. S. Haswell. Waikaremoana Scheme-Cottages at Wairoa 720 0 0 R. W. Garrick. Upper Riccarton - Arthurs Pass Main Highway-Recon- 14,337 10 0 Neuchatel Aspha,lte Co. ditioning and sealing Rotarua-Napier Main Highway-Pumice surfacing 1,076 4 2 A. D. Hardie. Aucldand-Maungaturoto Main Highway-Mission culvert 245 8 0 A. E. Codling. Small.farms Scheme-Mapara cottage .. 346 0 0 Lincoln and Hitchcock. Waiotu and Waipuakakahau Streams-Clearing. willows .. 597 0 0 T. J. A. Hutchins. Public Works Office, Palmerston North-Furniture 545 9 0 City Furnishers. Waiata Road-Suspension·bridge at Beaufoys .. 158 9 5 K. F. McLeod. Sockburn-Southbridge - Rakaia Huts Main Highway, Sock- 4,500 0 0 British Pavements (Canterbury), Ltd. burn-Prebbleton Section-Reconstruction and sealing Opahi-McKenzies Road-Erection of two girder bridges .. 710 0 0 Gwynn and Sons. Great South Road Main Highway, Pokeno-Mercer Section­ 2,929 5 2 H. Bray and Co., Ltd. Regrading, metalling, &c. Gisborne-Opotiki via Coast Main Highway-Deviation at 1,599 7 4 W. S. Goosman and Co., Ltd. Tatapouri " Arthurs Pass - Kumara Main Highway, Taipo River Bridge­ 1,684 8 2 Sreel Construction Co. Structural steel, &c. Police Training Barracks, Newtown-Renovations 185 0 0 Hill and Jackson. Nelson-Inangahue. Main Highway, Hope Saddle Section­ 270 0 0 A.J.UeCaa. Screened shingle

26th June, 1935. C. J. McKENZIE. Engineer-in-Chief.


STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 011' '1'HE RESERVE BANK 011' NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE OLOSE 011' BUSINESS ON MONDAY, 1ST JULY, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. 8. Reserve­ £ B. d. 1. Paid-up capital 500,000 0 0 (a) Gold 2,801,732 10 '0 2. General Reserve Fund 1,000,000 0 0 (b) Sterling exohange 21,583,715 13 5 3. Bank-notes 9.074,734 0 0 (c) Gold exchange 4. Demand 1ia.bilitiea­ 9. Subsidiary coin .. 139,910 19 7 (a) State '11,997,282 II 6 10. Discounts- (b) Banks 4,000,716 .6.10 (a) Commercial .. · and a.gricultural (0) Other 21,170 15 0 bills· .. 5. Time deposits (b) Treasury and loeal·body bills 6. Liabilities in ourrenoies other . 'than. ll. Advances...... ; . N.Z. currency .(a) To·the State-or State under- 7.:.0ther.lia.bilities 60,636 ,7.8 takings . .... -~. ' (b) To other publio authorities '(0) Other . 12. Investments 2,094,075 O' 0 13. Bank b.uildings 14. Other assets 35,105 18 ' 0 £26,654,540 1 0 £26,654,540 1 0

Proportion of reserve (No. SIess No.6) to notes and other demand liabilities, 97·17 per cent. W. R. EGGERS, Acting Chief Aeoonntant. ,. ~ - ,,' ..

1838 'I'll NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 48

Government Mereorological Observatory.

ETEOROLOGICAL Observations at Kelburn, Wellington, for the Month C?f -May, 1_93~. OJ>s6!v:ations taken at 9 a.m. M Altitude of Observatory, 415 ft.

o ~] Temperature (" F.) from Observations at 9 a.m. Wlnd. o " iB<> 00 In Screen. m Beaufort Anemo· ~~ g Scale. meter. Date. ;;I d At 9 a.m. Maxi·:mnt· § -~~,t. mum. mum.

/:.000ii~ D'l'.1 W,t·IH;:d. D",. --ID",. J$i, __ ------+---+--~-+--L--L I 29'707\57'0 53·0 75 61·0 49·1 45·6 NW 5 213 29 0·7 o 2 29·243 57·2 51·0 62 59·3 54·0 52·0 NW 6 5Il 13 9·0 bq 3 29·548 48·8 41·7 49 54·6 42·1 40·2 S 3 323 .. 9·1 b 4 29·730 53·3 49·0 71 61·2 44·0 35·0 NE I 89 28 8·8 b 5 29·518 44·1 38·7 57 49·1 38·8 37·4 SSVV 3 287 2 2·7 op 6 29·705 46·6 40·8 57 51·0 39·5 36·0 SSVV 6 368 12 0·9 bq 7 29·955 50·3 47·4 79 52·4 45·4 44·9 S 6 387 21 3·8 opq S 30·108 49·6 47·3 86 50'3 ' 46·3 44·3 S 5 357 2 0·8 op 9 30·147 49·5 48·1 '90 52·3 47·1 46·3 SE I 192 8 2·1 o 10 30·281 48·2 45·4 80 50·9,1 46·0 44·4 SE 5 218 3 0·8 o Il 30·259 48·5 44·5 71 52·7 I 44·1 40·4 ESE 3 200 .. 7·6 be 12 30·226 49·7 46·3 76 53·9 41·7 32·8 SE I Il7 .. 9·0 b 13 30·275 ,46·1 44·0 83 58·1 39·2 30·9 Calm .. 66 .. 7·3 b 14 30·323 54·5 49·5 68 63·7 43·2 34·2 Calm .. 22 .. 9·0 be 15 30·269 54·0 50·4 77 60·2 48·3 42·3 NNW 2 Il4 6 5·7 o 16 29·952 53·8 52·0 88 61·0 50·0 46·1 N 5 182 5 3·5 or 17 29·924 59·0 54·2 71 62·4 52·4 51·3 NNW 3 495 12 5·6 b 18 29·607 57·9 55·6 86 61·7 53·2,52·0 NW 4 316 18 5·8 o 19 29·493 57·3 55·4 88 61·3 54·0 50·6 NW 6 491 .. 5·1 oq 20 29·818 52·6 46·0 57 56·0 44·1 35·2 NW 6 312 2 5·5 bq 21 29·512 49·7 48·0 88 55·0 45·0 38·4 NW 5 426 58 1·2 bep 22 29·600 44·0 41·1 76 45·9 41·7 40·0 SSE 7 336 '61 0·1 oq 23 29·817 44·8 43·8 92 48·3 42·3 41'2 SSE 5 57328 0·7 opq 24 30·185 48·0 45·0 78 49·5 43·8 42·1 SSE 4 289 2 1·6 cjp 25 30·328 46·0 44·0 84 54·1 42·0 36·0 N I 87 .. '6·6 be 26 ,30·419 41·8 41·2 95 51·6 37·3 27·1 Calm.. 57 .. 8·9 -bxw 27 30·430 49·9 47·5 83 52·1 41·1- 39·4 S 2 99 .. 6·1 'b 28 30·412 48·0 45·2 79 53·3 44'-3 42·0 SSE 2 156 .. 3·3 e 29 30·136 49·0 47·8 91 61·1 45·1 40·8 Calm.. 54 40 0·0 I o 30 29·890 59·0 58·4 97 60·6 47·3 48·2 NW 5 '155 Trace 0·9' op 31 .. 30·086 57·1 54·8 85 59·5 54·8 52·0 NW 4 ~ Trace 5·2 b Means, &c. .. 1-29-'-96-5-1:-5-0-'-8+1-4-7'-6-:1-7-8-:1--55-.-6-:1-45-'4-1--41-'-6 i~ 3.41 255 1 350 137'41

Mean earth tcmperature at I ft., 52.8°; and at 3 ft., 56·4°. Number of rain days, 19 . .

DmECTION OF WIND. Gale (force Forces 8 or more). ·4to 7. N. N.E. E. S.E. S. S.VV. ' VV. N.VV. . Calm. 2 16 3 1 5. 7 1 9. , 4, NOTE.-A rather cold month; with mean temperature 1.40 below normal. Total bright sunshine, 137;4 hours, which is 45 per cent. of the possible. There was only one day on which the sun did not s~e at all. Precipitation amounted to 3·50 in .• 15 per ccnt. below the average for May. A severe and prolonged thunderstorm \vas experienced on the 2Ist~ 0 accompanied by heavy hail and rain." A few Ha,kes of snow fell on the 22nd. Mean dew-point at 9 a:m., «.0 ; mean vapour pressure, 0·287 in. -

.NOTES ON THE WEA.THER FOR lliy, 1935. . General.-During May there were two periods when fine and mild weather 'prevailed generally-namely,· between the 11th and 15th and from the 25th to the 27th-but the remainder of the month was mostly cold and unsettled, with a predominance of southerly winds. Owing, however, to a particularly favourable autumn, and also to the two mild periods above referred to, there was a good growth of pasture and generally a plentiful supply of winter feed appears available; ctmsequEmtly stock kept· in good condition, although the cold spells experienced detrimentally 'affected the milk-yield "and there were also some small losses of shecp. Temperatures.-Whereas in t.he preceding six months temperatures were above normal.over the greater part of the :Qo:n;rinion, during May there was a definite change to wintry conditions and, except in the far North. temperatures were everywhere .:beJow normal, the largest difference being in eastern areas where they ranged, between one and. two degrees belo.w.· __ .. . -: _. ,. .... _ " . ". RainJall.-Rainfall was below the average:in parts of the Auckland Province and in the east coast areas between East Cape,'and.,Otago, but ovcr the remainder of the Dominion it was above, the excess being greatest on-the west coast of the and in the Wairarapa. . SU'Mhine.-On tp.e other ham!, sunshine was generally below. normal in eastern districts and above in western. although totals did not differ from May averages. Tauranga registered 183 hours bright sunshine, Nelson 169. Blenheim 155, and New Plymouth 159 hours. ;'" . . . ' .. __ Storm Systems.-On the 1st an unusually deep depression moved on to the Dominion, its centre. crossing the southern districts during the nigh.~ .. Pressm:e remained low: to the eastward. however, until the 9th. while an intense' anticyclone was moving very slowly across the Sea; consequently, throughout this period cold southerly Winds persisted, reaching gale force in many p~aces. . _ - . . . . Between the 4th and 6th conditions were particularly boisterous. a southerly gale being accompanied at times by heavy hail and sle.et showers. On the 5th there were heavy snowfalls on the ranges of both Islands and a considerable amount also occurred on the low country. In Taranaki as much as 2 in. fell on the Hat in places where snow so early in the winter is almost unprecedented. By..the 9th the front of an antioyclone had moved on to New Zealand and-then followed several days fine weather. JULY 4.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1839

From the 16th to the 21st a series of intense westerly depressions crossed the Dominion and strong and squally north to west winds prevailed. Rainfall at this time was confined chiefly to western districts where some heavy falls caused floods in the rivers, particularly in Westland on the 18th and 19th. On the morning of tho 20th a violent north-westerly gale which swept Canterbury caused widespread damage to fences and trees and in places even telegraph poles wero blown over. During tho night of the 21st the last of this series of depressions crossed the Dominion and another southerly storm swept the country, accompanied by bitterly cold weather. Severe thunderstorms occurred in the Taranaki and Wellington districts on the 21st, and heavy rain and floods were experienced in many parts of these areas. The southerly continued to be strong in the central districts during the 22nd and 23rd. The Wanganui district experienced a severe gale on the morning of the latter day, which caused much damage to trees, fences, power lines, &c. At Raglan on the evening of the 21st a man was struck by lightning and received serious injuries. From the 24th until the 28th the weather was fine and quiet, with high pressure ruling. A cyclonic depression was, however, moving from the north down the west coast. and from the lattcr date until the end of the month dull, misty weather prevailed. Fairly general rain fell during the night of the 28th, and on the 29th some heavy downpours occurred in the Nelson district, Motueka having as much as 5·50 in. at this time. EDWARD KIDSON, Director.



I ~ Air Temperatures in Degrees (FahrenbeIt). Rainfnll in Incbes. ~ " l[cans of Ab:Jolute Maximum and Most in a ~t-:i" Minimum. Day. Bright Station. S.; Menn Sun· of Difference No. Difference sbine ~;;j A from E Total of from (Hours) A B .nd Normal. § Fall. Wet NoI'Dlll.1. 1i ~ Date. ~ Date. Days. Max. :rolin. B. -a 0= " "0 j;j a 1!" ~ el " A Ft. OF OF OF OF OF OF In. In. In. Te PaId, Te Hapua .. 200 ...... I ...... Waipoua State Forest .. 225 63·2 47·0 55·1 (+0·8) 70·0 1 38:0125: 26 10·09 20 .. 2·01 21 96· o Riverhead .. .. 105 62'5 41·2 51·8 (-1'3) 68·4 1 29·1 27 5·90 19 .. 1·09 16, .. 21 Auckland .. .. 160 61·4 49·4 55·4 -1·2 69·0 1 40'06, 27 4·24 15 -0,91 0·75 16 137· 4 "raihi .. .. 404 58·8 41·2 50·0 -2·5 68·0 30 26·2 27 5·58 13 -2·95 1·55 29 146· 3 Te Aroha .. .. 46 61·6 42·5 52·0 -1·3 69'0 30 29·0 27 3·13 18 ~2'47 0·73 16 .. Tauranga .. .. 100 61·6 42·4 52·0 -1,5 66·4 I 32·9 6 4·88 17 -0·22 1·49 29 183· 4 Ruakura Farm, Hamilton 131 62·7 39·2 51·0 -1,0 70·6 30 24·4 27 3·91 16 -1·24 0·81 29 .. Cambridge .. .. 230 61·2 40·9 51·0 (-1'4) 68·6 30 28·2 27 3·97 17 .. 1·05 29 148· 1 Rotorua .. .. 925 59·6 39·6 49·6 -1·2 64'5 1 29·6 26 4·03 19 -1'66 0·03 16 131· 5 \Vhakarewarewa .. 1,000 58'3 38·6 48·4 (-1'9) 63'3 2 28·5 26 3·37 19 -1·98 0·88 16 .. New Plymouth .. 60 60·4 47·0 53·7 -0·2 67·2 1 32·7 6 7'55 17 +1·35 1·59 17 159· o Chateau Tongariro .. 3,670 ...... Karioi .. .. 2,125 53·0 34·1 43·6 (-0·9) 62·5 30 20·1 26 7·21 18 .. 1·79 22 .. Napier .. .. 5 58·9 43·8 51·4 -1,4 70·2 2 33·0 26 2·55 14 -0·63 1·50 22 143· o Hastings .. .. 45 59·7 42·2 51·0 (+0'4) 69·8 30 28·4 -26 1·84 15 .. 1·03 22 .. Taihape .. .. 2,157 51·6 38·7 45·2 -1'4 61·8 30 28'0 26 4·68 19 +1·22 1·34 22 .. Tangimoana .. .. 8 58·6 41·6 50·1 -1·2 68·0 30 31·21 26 4'50 14 +1·24 1·20 21 .. Palmerston North .. 100 58·1 42·5 50·3 -1·1 68·0 30 28·0 26 5·54 18 +2·27 1·95 22 .. Massey College, P.N. .. 110 57·1 41·7 49·4 (-1'5) 65·2 1 30·0 26 6·43 23 (+2'74) 1·78 22 129· 9 Pahiatua .. .. 384 56·4 41·0 48·7 (-1'0) 66·0 30 25'0 26 6·32 19 (+1-44) 1·70 22 .. Kapiti Island .. 44 56·9 47·4 52·2 ±0·1 64·0 1 40·0 12 3·83 16 +0'35 1·15 22 .. l\Iasterton .. .. 387 57·1 42·1 49·6 -0,3 68·4 31 25·6 26 6·7l 22 +2·67 3·40 22 113·'2 Wellington .. .. 415 55·6 45·4 50·5 -1,4 63·7 14 37·3 26 3·50 19 (+0,60) 0·61 22 137· 4 Nelson .. .. 24 58·7 41·6 50·2 -0'5 64·1 18 30·8 6 3·66 14 +0'40 1·96 29 168· 9 Appleby, Nelson .. 57 57·9 41·0 49·4 (-0·8) 64'5 17 34·5 6, 24, 6·05 13 .. 3·85 29 .. 26 Blenheim .. .. 30 58·8 38·1 48·4 (-1'5) 69'0 31 27·5 6 2·93 11 (+0·31) 1·14 29 154· 5 Golden Downs .. 900 55·3 34·6 45·0 (-1'3) 62·5 31 23·4 12 7·09 12 .. 2·60 29 . . Waihopai " .. 860 56·0 36·9 46·4 (-1'7) 63·0 31 28·9 24 3·81 11 .. 2·21 29 .. Hanmer Springs , .. 1,225 54·2 34·4 44·3 -0,3 68·8 15 22·0 28 4·92 15 +0'38 0·73 18 111· 3 Balmoral .. .. 743 55·0 37·6 46·3 (+0,0) 68·5 15 26·7 25 1·53 12 .. 0·32 19 . . Hokitika .. .. 12 57·2 40·1 48·6 -0,8 63·0 29 31·0 6, 23 13·87 16 +4·29 2·44 29 143· o Lake Coleridge .. 1,220 52·6 35·1 43·8 -1,7 66·0 15 21·0 11 4·17 13 +1·42 0·78 20 .. l'ilethven .. .. 1,200 52·5 39·2 45·8 (-1'1) 66'0 15 32'0 4 2·18 10 -1,02 0·60 21 .. times Christchurch .. .. 22 54'5 39·8 47·2 -0·9 66·2 31 29·5 .09- 4·01 14 +1'39 1·49 21 121· 2 Lincoln .. .. 36 55·3 39·4 47·4 -0·9 67·8 15 27·0 26 3·81 13 +1'53 1·30 21 83· 8 Hermitage, Mount Cook 2,510 45·9 28'5 37·2 (-2'3) 66·0 18 20·0 23,25 30'57 14 +19·90 8·90 19 i 70· 6 Ashhurton .. .. 323 54·0 36·3 45·2 (-0,7) 66·3 31 26·6 26 2'56 19 +0'17 1·02 21 102· 1 Lake Tekapo .. .. 2,350 47·2 32'3 39·8 (-1'3) 67·5 18 18·8 22 3·26 12 .. 0·63 30 129· 9 Fairlie .. .. 1,000 ...... Timaru .. .. 56 53·4 38·3 45·8 -0·9 62·8 31 30'0 26 0·95 8 -0'53 0·37 9 114· 8 Waimate .. .. 200 54·4 38'1 46·2 -0,5 66·7 15 30'0 25 1·49 13 -0,12 0·39 9 129· o lIrIilford Sound .. 23 ...... Queenstown .. .. 1,110 49·8 35·8 42·8 (-0,7) 61·2 17 29·8 26 3·42 16 +0·83 0·98 1 97· 4 Ophir .. .. 1,000 49·1 31·6 40·4 ±O'O 63·6 1 22·8 13 1'05 13 +0'11 0'39 4 . . Waipiata .. .. 1,550 50·7 32·7 41·7 -0'5 61·4 15 23·4 11 1·28 17 .. 0·22 4 137· 4 Alexandra .. .. 520 49·9 34·2 42·0 (-0'4) 62·5 1 27·5 12 1·23 10 (+0'32) 0·48 4 110· 6 lIrIanorburn Dam .. 2,448 45·8 30'7 38·2 (+0'3) 56·2 2 22'0 13 2·17 18 +0·24 0·50 4 .. Dunedin .. .. 240 52·7 41'0 46·8 -1,0 61·0 31 32'5 5 4·01 18 +0·86 0·66 1 107· 7 Gore . .. .. 245 ...... Invercargill ...... 12 53·0 38·8 45·9 -0·2 66·0 2 31·0 27,28 4·73 21 +0'37 1·14 19 89· 3 LATE RETURNS. Balmo April, 1935 raI, .. 743 64·3 43'0 53·6 (+0'5) 80·5 9 34·0 28 2'35 1 9 .. 1·60 11 Gore, January, 1935 .. 245 73·2 47·9 60·6 +2·7 88·0 13 39·0 5 03 19 -1'97 0·90 16 222·0 Gore, February, 1935 .. 245 77·0 50·3 63·6 +6·1 91'0 4 36·0 17 5'1·91 1 9 -0,82 0·58 22 204·5 Gore, April, 1935· .. 245 63·1 42'5 52·8 +2·6 76·0 16 32·0 30 3'52 14 +0'42 1·06 10 122·5



[NOTE.-Late returns for stations appear at end of table.]

Total FalI, Days with Total Fan. Station. Points I Station. Points IDays with I (100 to Inch). Rain. I(100 to Inch). Rain. NORTH ISLAND. NORTH lSLAND-OIinued. (A.) NORTH AUOKLAND. (C.) NOR'1'H-WBS'l'---Cmlli"ued. Cape Maria van Diemen 350 15 " Te Karaka," Ka·awa 654 16 Parengarenga 594 Waiterimu 350 15 Mangonui Nga.rua.wahia 547 15 Rangitihi 506 15 Hamilton 373 12 Kaeo 746 7 Raglan •• •• 501 15 Kaitaia 578 21 Roto-o-rangi, Cambridge .. 494 ·15 Herekino 721 15 Horahora Rapids, Churohill 454 17 Cape Brett 845 17 Te Awamutu 515 15 RWisell .. 834 16 Kawhia Broadwood .. o. 748 23 To Kawa 538 17 Rangiahua, Hokianga Harbour 677 23 Makuru .. .. Kohukohu 470 16 .Arapuni Dam, Puketarua 0 0 504 18 Kawaka.wa 8II 12 Waikeria, Te Awamutu .. 557 16 Kaikohe 529 17 Otorohanga Wekaweka .. .. II90 20 Waitomo Caves .. 835 10 Puhipuhi Plantation, Whakapara 658 II " Rangitoto," Otorohanga 735 12 Waimatenui 927 19 Te Kuiti .0 740 15 Hikurangi (Apotu) 449 14 Paparata., Awakino 739 13 Ruatangata. 485 19 1,'aekaka, Paemako 958 16 Whangarei 493 20 Mokauiti .. 708 13 Donnelly's Crossing 793 14 Te MaW, Aria ., II79 15 Awakino ., 790 16 Whatoro .0 •• 1083 21 Wairna Fa1Ja (power-station) 783 21 Mangatoi, Mokau II92 16 Moko Hinau Lighthouse 477 ·14 Mohakatino 772 14 Dargaville 470 20 Ohura .. 971 15 Matakohe 443 20 Taumarunui 614 13 Mangawai 949 16 Uruti 952 15 Nagle Cove, Great Barrier 423 16 Bautu '0 756 13 Little Barrier Island .. 666 17 Waitara 623 15 Kaipara Heads .. 465 17 Tangarakan . . . . 869 12 Warkworth 709 16 Tongariro Hatchery, Taka.anu Onvier Island 337 14 Lepperton ., .. 961 17 Mahurangi Heads Waterworks, Mangorei 540 13

Whangaparaoa . 0 • 0 469 17 Rangipo o. 1738 12 Horseshoe Bush. Dairy Flat 462 17 Whangamomona .. 705 10 Helensville 394 19 Purangi 906 13 Hobsonville 518 17 Inglewood .. 1265 16 Devonport 446 18 Riversdale, Inglewood II43 17 Rocky Bay, Waiheke 346 16 Upper Ma.ngorei .. 1458 14 Henderson 502 20 Tariki Hydro 1089 17

0 813 17 HulB. Manukau . (Do) SOUTH.BAST. (B.) NORTH-EAST. Katos. .. 1393 II Dar-es-Salaam Island, Mercury Ba.y East Cape •• 706 14 Taims ...... 388 13 W&iraro. Rnatoria 1029 8 Thames 245 15 PakUUXoa o. o. o. II98 1.5 Wharekawa Nursery, Whangamata. 438 16 Waiorongomai, Tapawaeroa 00 900 9 Turua, Thames .. 225 14 Ruangarehu Station, Tokomarn Bay 515 16 Kerepeehi 265 15 Ma.ngatarata Station, Tokomaru Bay 436 19 Paero& 309 17 Tokomaru Bay .. 0 0 •• 450 15 Bene Vue Farm, Mangaiti.. 291 15 Owhena. Tokomaru Bay 544 18 Springdale, Waitos. 244 13 TolagaBay o' 499 14 Katikati 471 17 Whatatutu .0 383 12 Martinsville 270 16 Toromiro, Whakaran 360 16. The Camp, Tauranga .. 370 13 Waihau, Talaga Bay 507 II Rukuhanga, Cape Runaway 680 14 Ol;oko •• •• 357 16 322· Mat&.rau. Cape Runaway .. 1371 16 Te Karaka. 0 • 14 Maraehako, Opotiki 904 15 Puha, Poverty Bay 276 8 Matamata 243 16 Eastwoodhill 0 •• 252 Kaimai 849 12 Glenroy Station .. 693 13 Whakatane .. 405 16 Tahora. Giaborne 449 15 Huntress Creek. Opotiki 467 12 Patutahi, . 0 276 II. Okere Falls 730 II Te Kura, Ituakituri 500 12 Lake Ratoma 846 9 GiBborne , 339 18 Edgecumbe 407 14 Hop1ll'1l8.b4ae 0 • 779 1~ Tancatua 447 9 Whakapnnake 0'­ 1078 18 Mamaku 490 12 Waikatea: Rnakituri 380 9 Kaharoa. Lake House, Waikaremoana 664. 22 Lichfield 433 16 Waikaremoana 0 0 476 19 Sophia Street, Rotarus. 438 15 Tuai. Waika.remoana 0 0 363 13 Takoroa 367 19 Puninga Station. Whareraia 948 17 ~aruD1oko. Motu 1031 15 Mangaone Valley, Tangitere 1393 21 Wairata, Opotiki 872 10 Mautaua, Mohaka .. 290 15 Waiotapu 447 16 Kotemaori 336 I!. Kaingaroa Plains 480 . 18 Wairoa 630 14 .. Murupara. .. 395 12 Maungaharuru o' 200 ·9 Koranga Valley. Mata.wai 417 17 Putorino, Wairoa 336 ... ~2·, .. _ Wairapukao . 422 12 HoB. Forests. Waikoau 487 1~ Mokai •• 645 20 Tutira Homestead- 319.. Rotoka.wa. 459 16 Portland Island . 0 '-0- 460 .. ~F: Taupo . ~ ·399 17 "Te W~irere." Puketitirf.o. 432· ·20· Waimihia. 648 16 Hedgeley, Eskdale 232· . II· Tarawera Riverbank, Rissington 228 12 Whanawhana 0 0 270 10 (C.) NOBTH-WRST. Sherenden 241 II Paerata (Wesley College) 00 504 13 Wbakara.m Station 338· 12· Waiuku .... 418 16 Glencoe Station_ .. 218 14 Onew]lero .' . . . 481 II Poukawa 224 14 H Wharerimu." Onowhero. . 622 15 Anawai, Ma.raetotara 624 .25 Sts.te Farm, Wa.erenga. 294 14 Mokopeka 234 15 JULY 4.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1841

New Zealand Rainfall for May, 1935-continued. New Zealand RainfaU /or May, 1935-continned.

Days with Station. Tota~Pomts Fall'l R i station. Ti>~k1:lI, Ii Days with I(100 to Inch). a n. I(100 to Inch.) ltuin. NORTH ISLAND---continued. NORTH ISLAND---

New Zealand Rainfall Jor May, 1935-oontinued. New ZeaI4nd Rainfall for May, 1935-oontinued.

Total Fall, ! Days with Station. TotalPoints Fall.! Days with StatIon. Points Rain. Rain. !(100 to Inch). !(~OO to Inoh). SOUTH ISLAND-continued. SOUTH ISLAND-<:ontinued. (H.) CA.NTERBURY-continued. (I.) OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND-confinued. 15 Waipiata 98 7 Riverside Farm, Amuri I 190 9 Culverden 179 14 Clyde .. 99 Balmoral No.1 191 13 Moa Creek . . 179 16 Gore Bay 125 14 Gallowa.y 138 11 Arthur's Pass 1919 10 Patearoa 80 8 Waikari 119 13 Earnscleugh 143 10 Woks. Pass 93 8 Kingston . . 227 8 Bealey .. 413 7 Te A wa, Hillgrove 164 10 Mount White Station, Cass 561 10 Paerau .. . . 411 10 Waipara. '85 10 Robertslee, Middlemarch .. 194 16 Croigieburn 463 9 Bushey Pa.rk, Pa.lmerston South 175 14 Flock Hill 731 12 Castle Hill Station, Athol 491 13 Amberley 93 5 . Glenfa.lloch Station, Nokomai 521 12 . Roxburgh 352 Glanthorne. Lake Coleridge 10 Roxburgh East Harper River 777 14 301 13 Mount Torlesse 325 12 Manapouri 564 12 213 8 Whare Flat . . 335 16 Oxford .. Sawyer's Bay .. 1158 18 Simois Creek 460 Monowai (Sunnyside) . . 681 Double Hill 878 9 16 Lake Coleridge Homestea.d 451 14 Fish Hatchery, Porto bello 376 18 Ross Creek, Woodhaugh 425 Point Switching Station 285 10 17 195 7 Taiaroa Heads .. 381 18 Coa.l~ate Wendon 352 17 Darfield Burnside .. .. Paparua Prison .. 279 9 Pumping.sta.tion, Musselburgh Hororata 197 13 346 13 Dipton...... Mount Possession 350 3 306 7 Lawrence 280 Islington 353 15 18 BaH Hut. Mount Cook Tapanui 637 14 Evandale. Mount Somers .. 174 9 Milton .. 278 18 Otautau 499 Methveo 204 8 18 Winton 399 Staveley 236 10 16 Fairfield. Springburn 191 9 Clinton 542 15 Balcititha .. 293 12 Mount Somers .. 284 10 Rhodes' Convalescent Home 610 13 Redan, Wyndbam 535 14 Riverton .. Allendale (Incom plete) 827 18 Oliahuna, Tai Tapu .. 370 12 Roslin Estate. Woodlands 431 18 .. Brockwortb," Little Aka.loa 379 14 " FernhiU," Mokoreta 701 17 Nugget Point Puaha. .. 556 14 220 10 Owaka. .. Onawe, Duvauchelles Bay 614 15 468 18 Centre Island 489 17 Okuti, Little River 809 11 Tahakopa .. .. Akaroa. .. 750 20 Waikawa Valley. . . . 749 Ma.gnet Ba.y, Little River .. 292 15 17 " Dun Ian," Waimahaka .. 446 Ra.kaia...... 253 13 17 268 12 Awarua.Radio 456 21 Southbridge Bluff 337 Winchmore 184 8 19 129 Bluff Reservoir 358 20 Peel Forest 7 392 Orari Gorge 184 10 Slope Point ". . . 10 Half.moon Bay, Stewart Island 476 22 Godley Peaks, Tekapo 384 11 Seafield.. . . 171 11 ISLANDS. Braemar 492 13 Chatha.m Islands .. Lynnford. Hinds .. 240 13 Niue Island . . . . Longbeach .. 240 11 Ramo, Rarotonga .. Waitui, Geraldine 167 8 Ava.rua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands 581 15 Horwell DOWDS. Fairlie 288 9 Aitutaki Isla.nd. Cook Islands 373 13 Cefn Orchard, Geraldine 1~7 5 Mangaia, Cook Islands Bedesburst, Fa.irlie .. Atiu, Cook Islands Lambrook Station, Fairlie 186 5 Manke, Cook Islands Oraci Estate 169 11 Danger Island Kakahu Bush 123 5 Glenlyon, Lake Ohau 553 15 LATE RETURNS. Wara.ta.b, Albury 162 10 Rangitihi, April, 1935 757 6 Albury Park 160 10 Hobsonville, March, 1935 819 11 Pleasant Point 98 6 Thames, April, 1935 336 12 Seadown 113 12 Tarawera, March, 1935 .. 393 12 Cave 71 6 Rangitoto, April, 1935 .. 558 9 Smithfield 69 6 Waikaremoana, April, 1935 1352 19 Timaru Reservoir 104 7 Tuai, Waikaremoana, April, 1935 991 16 Haka. DOWDS, Hakata.ramea 168 8 Martinborough, April, 1935 162 9 Waihaorunga. Waikora. .. 156 6 Twynham, March, 1935 .. 536 7 Glen.Cary Station,. Hakataramea 74 8 Middle Hollyford, April, 1935 851 12 Webeka, January, 1935 .. 3081 19 (I.) OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. February, 1935 .. 912 7 11 " Ma.rch, 1935 .. 1809 9 Makarora . . . . I 948 " April, 1935 .. 994 10 Benmore Station. Clea.rburn 201 14 Duntroon, January, 1935 .. 258 Maunga.wera. 355 6 9 12 " April, 1935 308 6 Hawea Flat 295 Avondale, April, 1935 5 344 6 Waitaki Hydro 93 Moundsdale, March, 1935 92 8 Pembroke Lake Kanieri, April, 1935 219 9 1174 10 Luggate Ambedey, April, 1935 .. 188 4 Otiake .. 119 8 BaImoral Plantation, April, 1935 188 5 207 8 Tarras .. Mount Possession, January, 1935 .. 128 4 Duntroon 86 7 February, 1935 .. 168 617 11 5 Glenorchy March, 1935 176 ' 3 Steward Settlement, Oamaru 119 9 .. April, 1935 198 383 Arrowtown 14 Little River, April, 1935 .. 270 7 Blackstone Hill .. 202 10 Peel Forest, April, 1935 .. 222 16 276 11 Ma.nuherikia Dam Frankton, April, 1935 202 6 Glade House 1047 11 370 Manapouri, April, 1935 .. 359 7 Frankton, Lake Waka.tipu 14 Radio·Rarotonga, April, 1935 851 14 Naseby .. 165 9 Naaeby Plantation 152 12 ERRATA. Rit?ponvale, Cromwell 137 10 Te Awamutu, February, 1935 I 625 15 O&maru 135 12 Twynham, April, 1935 ' 507 ,8 :JULY. ·4.] THE. NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 18'43

Public Trust Office Act, 1908, ana its Amtn&menl8.~Eleclion to ·adminuterE8w.t": OTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee haS filed in. the Supreme Court au eleotion to administer in N respect of the several estates of the persons deceased' whose names, -residences, and occupations (so far as known) are hereunder set forth. . . . .:' , Data Name. Occupation, Residence. Dat, I Election Testate or SmmpOffic'e I I of Deatb. Wed. Intestate. concerned. . 1 Apps. Emma Emily .. ! Wida'.... •• III Vlaikouaiti 2/6/35 28/6/35 Intestate Dunedin. 2 Bartle, Thomas .. . . Carpenter . . Te Kapuru 7/5/35 28/6/35 Testate Auckland. 3 Clcverley, Maria :Married woman I Oamaru 12/1/11 28/6/35 Intestate Dunedin. 4 Copland, John George Slaughterman .. I Balclutha 5/6/35 28/6/35 5 Cotter, Patrick .. Labourer . . Urenui. . .. I 8/4/35 28/6/35 Ne';'Plymouth. 6 Davis, Sarah .. Widow . . Whllngarei, for~~ 10/6/35 28/6/35 Test'~te Auekland. erly Onerahi , 7 Fauvel, Francis .. Retired AccountantI Wellington .. I 30/7/34 28/6/35 Wellington. 8 Hanham, Sarah Jane .. Widow .. I Auckland 20/5/35 28/6/35 Int;~tate Auckland. 9 Johnston, Jane Storey .. Spinster .. Ratanui 5/5/35 28/6/35 Testate Dunedin. 10 Moody, Charles Bernard .. Farm labourer .. Woodend 3/5/35 28/6/35 Christchurch. 11 Mooney, Martin .. Old-age pensioner I Gisborne 26/5/35 28/6/35 Intestate" Gisborne. 12 McEwen, Sarah Henrietta "Tidow . . Tialutahuna 25/3/35 28/6/35 Wellington. 13 Shand, Joseph Patteson .. Stationer . . Wellington 17/4/35 28/6/35 .. 14 Sheard, l\falTiott .. l\Iiner .. . . Brunnerton 28/5/85 28/6/35 Hokitika. 15 Timms. John Henry .. Retired Railway Christchurch 6/6/35 28/6/35 Christchurch. employee 16 Watkins, George Farmer Tauranga 24/6/32 28/6/35 Intestate Auckland.

Publie Trust Office, Wellington, 1st July, 1935. E. O. HALES, Public Trustee.


Education Reserves in NOI·th Auckland Land District for Leasc Land in Hawke's Bay Land District for Selection on Optiona~ by P11blic Auction. Tenures. North Auckland District Lands and Survey Offiee, Auckland, 3rd July, 1935. . District Lands and Survey Office, OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned educa­ Napier, 3rd July, 1935. N tion reserves will be offered for lease by public auction OTICE is hereby given that the undermeutioned section at the North Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, N.L is open for selection on optional tenure undcr the Auckland, at 11 a.m. on Thursday, 15th August, 1935, under Land Act, 1924, and applications will be received at the the provisions of the Education Reserves Aet, 1928, and thc District Lands and Survcy Office, Napier, up to 4 o'clock Public Bodies' Leases Act, 1908, and amendments. p.m. on Tuesday, 6th August, 1935. Applicants should appear personally for examination at SCHEDULE. the District Lands and Survey Office, Napier. on Thursday,. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-EDUCATIOX RESERVES. 8th August, 1935, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but if any applicant is unable to attend he may be examined by any other Land Hobson, Oounty. Board Or by any Commissioner of Crown Lands. (Subdivision of Section 31 and part of Section 25, Block XIII, The ballot w-!ll be held immediately upon conclusion of the- Waipoua Survey District.) examination of applicants. . Lot 1: Area, 194 acres 0 roods 30 perches. Upset annual rent, £4 15s. Lot 2: Area, 212 acres 1 rood. Upset annual rent, £5 lOs. SCHEDULE. Lot 3: Area, 208 acres 0 roods 20 perches. UP!let annual HAWKE'S BAY LAND DrSTRICT.-SECOND-CLASS LAND. rent, £5 5s. Lot 1: Situated on the Aranga-Kaiiwi Road, with access JVaipau-a Oounty.-JVakarara Survey District. from Kaihu, seven miles distant. Road is metalled for sL...: miles and a half, the balance being formed cart-road. The SECTION 16, Bloc)c Xllr: Area, 975 acres. Capital valuep nearest school is at Aranga, four miles away. Approximately £610. Dcposit on defelTed payments, £30: Half-yearly 100 acres ploughable, balance hilly to steep in the gullies. instalments on deferred payments, £18 17s. Renewable Soil is all pOOr to fair quality clay resting on a sandstone lease: Half-yearly rent, £15 5s. formation and is covered in stunted fern and tea-tree; well 'Veighted with £1,000 for improvements, consistillg of watered by creeks and spring. Elevation, 300 ft. to 650 ft. cottage, two sheds, 300 chains of boundary, road, and sub­ above sca-Ievel. divisional fencing, and 450 acres felled, burned, and grassed. Lot 2: Situatcd on the Kaihu-Kaiiwi Road, eight miles This sum may be paid in cash or by a deposit of £lOU, the and a half from Kaihu. The road is metalled for six miles balance bcing secured by an instalment mortgage, term and a half, one mile is formed cart-road, and half a mile thirty-six years and a half, interest 5 per cent. to a returned unformed. Approximately 140 acres ploughable and the soldier.. and thirty-four years and a half, interest 5! per cent. to all others. balanee hilly to steep in gullies. Soil is all fair to poor clay Propert.y is situated on Settlement Road, three milcs and resting on a sandstone formation and is covered with stunted a haH from Hinerua Post-office, thirteen miles from Spring fern and tea-tree j well watCl'ed by creeks and spring. Eleva­ tion, 300 ft. to 650 ft. above sea-level. Hill School, twenty-seven miles from Waipukurau Railway­ Lot 3: Situated on the Kaihu-Kaiiwi Road, four miles station, and seventeen milcs from Onga Onga Saleyards. . and a half from Kalliu, two miles and half of which is metalled About 200 acres are in fair pasture, 250 acres in old danthonia pas: ure, and 525 aeres in natural state. Rough and broken and the balance by formed cart-road. Approximately 160 country;· watered by permanent streams. The soil if; light acres ploughable and the balance hilly to steep. Soil is all loam resting on clay and stone. Property is subdivided into poor quality clay resting on sandstone formation and is four paddocks and is a grazing proposition chiefly suitable for covered in stunted fern and tea-tree j well watered by creeks and spring. Elevation, 300 ft. to 650 ft. above sea-level. running dry sheep. Form of lease may be perused and full particulars obtained Application forms and any further information desired may at the office of the undersigned. be obtained from the undersigned. W. D. ARMIT, F. R. BURNLEY, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Commissioner of Crown Lands. (L. and S. 20/797.) (L. and S. 26/15627.) C a844

LalUU in Wellingt01t Land Di8trictfor,Sekdio1~.· jJ]ducation Res.erIJe8 in Wellington J,aJul--.,Distl'ict for Lea8e by -- Public Auction. District Lands.and' Surv:ey Office, ~o' . ' .--Wellington, 3rd July, 1935; DJs:tl;ict Land~ _ari~' Survey. officc:' ·C: J OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned sections .,:W.lling\Ofi.3,uJul;>. 1935.:" -1:.-N --are open for-selection llnder-the-Land-Actt -1924, and OTICE is hereby given ,that .the,undermentioned.. educa­ applications will be reqeived at. the -District Lands and Survey N tion reserveS will be offered for lease ,by public auction Office,:'Wellington .. up to 4 o'clock p.m ..on Monday, the 29th at the Distriot ·Lands and Survey Office~ Wellington. ·';~t July, 1935. _~_. _... ~. __ . . ,~,~~, ___ .~_ .~. ~.. ~;;l,Q,.,o!.docJj:_,P,·JA.,._on oW.e,dp!!sil!tY... __ 7_th_,A,llgus_t~ Jj)3.5,_under The lands described in the First Schedule may at -the the provisions of the Education Reserves Act, 1928, and the option of the applicants be purchased for cash or on deferred Public Bodies' Leases Act, 1908, and- amendments. ,~ payments or be selected on renewable lease. The lands described in the Second Schedule may be selecte4 on renewable Jease only. SOHEDULE. • Applicants should appear personally for examination at the District Lands and Survey Office, Wellington, on Wednes­ WELLINGTON LL,,{D DISTRICT.-EDUCATION RESERVES. : day. the 31st July. 1935, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but if any GUy of Palmer8ton North. applicant is unable to attend he may be examined by any LOT 8 of Section 116: Area, 23·3 perches. Upset annual other·Land Board or by any Commissioner of CrO\m Lands. rent, £50. ' The ballqt·will be held immediately upon conclusion of the Weighted with £150 foi· improvements, consisting of a party examination of applicants. brick wall. This sum is payable in cash on tl;te fall of the hammer. FIRST SOHEDULE .. Lot 9 of Section 1I6: Area, 23·3 perches. Upset annual ront, £50. 'VELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT. Both sections are situated in Queen Street, adjacent ,t'o SECOND-CLASS LAND. Rangitikei Street, the main business, area of Palmerston Kaitieke Gounty.-Kaitieke Survey Di8trict. North. Suitable for a garage, warehouse, or factory. SECTION 4, Block XII: Area, 193 acres .2 roods. Capital Pahiatua Gounty.-Makuri S~lrvey Di.strict. value, £270. Deposit on deferred payments, £15: Half­ yearly instalment on deferred payments, £8 5s. 9d. Section.61, Block XII: Area, 320 acres. Upset annual Renewable lease: Half-yearly rent, £5 8s. rent, £75. < -- The improvements comprise felling, grassing, and 124 .chains, . ~~is sc,?tion is situated t,-:elve miles from Pahiatua Railway­ of subdivisional, road, and boundary fencing, and are valued statlon by metalled road WIth frontage to the main ~ahiatua­ in all at -£123. Of this amount £76 5s. is included in the UakurLRoad. The whole area consists of hilly land which capital value of £270 and the balance of £46 15s. is payable has all been felled and grassed, but fern is now making its , in cash. , appearance. Soil is of a fair quality resting on clay and Situated on the Raurimu-Kaitieke Road, one mile and a half papa formation. Section is watercd by small streams, Area from Raurimu Post·office and School and two miles from is quite good sheep-grazing country. Improvements consist Railway-station. Saleyards _at, Owhango, dairy factory at, of felling and grassing and 130 chains of boundary fencing j Kaitieke, twelve and twenty-four miles distant respectively. no buildings. Access from Raurimu by metalled road. Soil of a light­ Special GOlldition ...... section musb- bo completely fenced on quality loam resting on sandstone and papa formation .. ,the boundaries within two years from date of selection. .' . --About 40 acres undulating, balance hilly and rough. Tcrm of lease, twenty-one years with perpetual right of : Approximately 75 acres have been felled and grassed, of whic;:h: renewal at rcvaluation. Possession will be given-on day of 'area 35 acres have reverted to fern and second growth­ sale. ~ balance in natural state, covered with mcdium to light mixed bush. Altitude 1,900 ft. to 2,770 ft. above sea·level. A o Form of lease may be perused and full particulars obtained from the undcrsigned. , 0 # - - :, grazing proposition suitable only to an adjoining owner. H. W. O. MAOKINTOSH, Commissioner of Crown Lands. SEOOND SOHEDULE. (L. and S. 20/597 and 531) THIRD-CLASS LAND. TVaimarino Gounty.-Wltirinaki SU,TVe:1J Di8trict. Land in N el.son Land District for Selection on Pa.sloral (Exempt from pajment of rent for five years.) Regulation Licen.se. SECTIO::i" 10, Block 'TIll: Area, 1,343 acres. Capital value, £500; half.yearly rent, £10. District Lands and Survey Office, ' .Weighted with £2,300 for improvements, consisting of dwell­ Nelson, 2nd July, 1935 . ing, two whares, felling and grassing, 80 chains road fencing, OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned section 200 chains boundary·fencing, and 400 chains of internal N is open for selection on pRS;torai regulation license under ,fencing. This sum may be paid in cash or may be secured by the Land Act, 1924, and applications will be received at the , mortgage to the State Advances Superintendent payable over District Lands and Survey Office, Nelson, up to 4 o'clock p.m. .a period of thirty.six years and a half with interest at tlie rate on Tuesday, 6th. August, 1935. ' of 5* per cent. per annum. This mortgage will be free of Applicants should appear personaliy for examination at the , interest for two years.. Both rent and mortgage-interest District Lands and Survey Office, Nelson, on Thursday, 8th · ,exemptions are conditional upon permanent improvements to August.. 1935, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but if any applicant is the value of the amounts involved being effected during the unable to attend he may be examined by any other Land , remission periods. Board or by any Commissioner of Crown Lands. A grazing property" subdivided into eight paddocks, The ballot will be held immediately upOn conoiusion of the , situated on l\Iangatiti Road, five milcs from l\-Iurumurn School; cxamination of applicants. , and twenty-six -miles by metallcd road from Raetihi Post.! · office, Railway.station, and Saleyards. There is access also ',from the Wanganui River, which is about fifteen miles distant, SOHEDULE. : J only five miles being metalle~ road. Cream is collected at th~ NELSON LAND DrsTRIOT.-THIRD-CLAS'S LAND. .~ -property if rcquircd. The' section comprises, easy to steep Buller Gounty.-Kawatiri Survey District.-Karamea Mining hill country, approximately 500 acres are in good pastUre, ,Di8trict. ' : 523 acres in medium pasture, 300 acres reverted, and 20 acres · in natural state. The soil is of medium quality resting on PART Section 54, Block IV! Area, 73 acres 1 rood 6 perches , sandstone and papa formation; watered by streanis and Capital value, £25; half-yearly rent, lOs. ' o· 'Veighte~ · springs.' 0' 0 with.,£60 for improvements, payable in cash'. .. ,N.B.-There is a freehold section adjoining this property; .A grazing proposition, situated on Utopia Road. three

, lmown as Section 11, Block VIII, Whirinn,ki Survey, District, ~lles from· Westport Post'.office, two miles from 0 Sergea.nts .contaiqing 488 acres 2 roods. The succ'eSsful applicant for Hill School, ~hree miles -D-:0m Westport Railway-station ··~Section 10 may acquire Section 11 on negotiation with. the three. mil,es from Buller Valley Dairy Factory; and thirty~ Superintendent, State Advances. Department: . two miles from Inangahua, Junotion Saleyards. Acce,ss, is by formed and metalled road from Westport. Low fla;ti 'of Vull particulars may, ~e obtained from the undersigned. ab~ut .15 acr~~ t~en "higber terrace of poor land oarrying H.W: C. MAOKINTOSH, nninuka, &c. ,; Altitude from- _30 ft. to 70 ft. Soil is fair on Commisflioner of,Crown Lands. about 15 acres, resting on gravels, poor q:n;remainder.; 'watered (L. and S. 31/391 and XI/4/490.) . by small creek. The area comprises 15 acres b~Jt limd. THE.NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, _.'-'-"- '--'" - ~-.- ...... -----. "" .~----'.

,felled and grassed, partly cleared up (only light bush becn 9. Any breach of the condttiQns of sale will render the" on ,on ,area), and 58 acres in natural state (manuka and fern) .. demand" promissory - notes liable for presentation for There arc 28 chains road fencing and 48 chains boundary­ immediate payment. : - .. . . . fencing valued at £30 (part fencing fair condition, I nIt paarY. 10. The purchaser shall have the right to cut the timber A few blackberries are in evidence. for the period specified, but shall hav,e I;l.0 right to the .use :0:1 Application forms-and any further information desired lllay the land. , '. ;' . ,be obtained from the undersigned. 11. The purcha~er shall have the right to·construct and use A. F. WATERS, . on the land such tramway or tramways as way be found necessary for the proper cutting, milling, and removal of the (L. and S. 9/3049.) COlllmil:lsioncr of Crown Lands. timber. . . 12. If at any. time during the currency of the license it 1.1im.ber in Otago Land District for Sale by P1tblic Auction. should appear t~at the timber on any area is being improperly cut~ or. that the mterest of the Crown or of the settlers is. being District Lands and Survey Office, .preJu~ce~, or ~~r any othe! reason, the. Commissioner may, Dunedin, 3rd July, 1935. by notIce ill wl'ltmg to the licensee and hIS sureties (and with~ OTICE is hereby given that the right to cut and remove out prejudice to any proceedings for damage done, recovery N the sawmilling timber 011 the undermentioned land of any amount due on account of royalty, or otherwise) . will be offered for sale by public auction at the District Lands suspend the license pending investigation; and the Commis­ and Survey Office, Dunedin, at 11 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, sioner may cancel such license should it be found that its 1st August, 1935, in accordance with the provisions of the conditions have been infringed. ~Land Act, 1924, and the timber regulations thereunder. ~3. No compensation sh.aU be made, nor shall any be cla1llled, for any elTor or discrepancy in these conditions or SCHEDULE. for any misdescription of any lot. ' 14. The timber will be sold in accordance with the areas SECTION 55, Block I, Warepa Survey ~istrict, Clutha County. and boundaries shown on sale-maps .which may be seen at Bonrd Feet. the Pistrict Lands and Survey Office, Duncdin, where full 804 bluegums (Eucalyptus Globulu8) 270,000 partICulars may be obtained. Upset price: £270. N. C. KENSINGTON, Time for removal: One year and a haH. Commissioner of Crown Lands. (L. and S. 1913/1287.) General De8criptio1t. The plantation is situated on the above section, which is Land in Soufhland Land District for Selection on Optional five miles fro~ 'Varepa Railway-station. The access-road is 1'enure8. practically all metalled (except about a quarter of a mile), and' contains one mile of steep grade. The whole area could be District Lands and Survey Office, logged very satisfactorily by means of a traction· engine. The Invercargill, 3rd July, 1935. timber is considered suitable for mil1ing for gates, hurdles, OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned section bridge.deeking, and mining. props, and a fail' proportion for N is open for selection on optional tenures under the temporary piles. Land Act, 1924, and applications will be received at the District Lands and Survey Office, Inverca-rgill, up to 4 o'Clock Term.s of Payment. p.m. on Tuesday, 13th August, 1935. The purchaser of the timber will be required to pay to the Applicants should appear personally for examination at the District Lands and Survey Office, Invercargill, on Thurs­ Receiver of Land Revenue, Dunedin, one· third of the purchase­ price on the faU of the hammer, together with £1 Is. license day,. 15th. August, 1935, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but. if any fee. The balance will be payable by two equal instalments, applicant IS unable to attend he may be examined by any the first within six months and the second within twelve other Land Board or by any Commissioner of CrO\m Lands. The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion of the months thereafter. examination of applicants. ___ All instn.4nent payments shall hear interest at the rate of five pcr cent. per annum as from the date of purchase, and with the interest added shall be secured by "on demand ". SCHEDULE. promissory-notes endorsed by two approved sureties. The": SOUTHLAXD LAND DISTRICT.-SECOND.CLASS LAND. promissory·notes are to be completed and lodged with the Southland Counfy.-Olara Survey District. · ·Commissioner.of Crown Lands within fourteen days after the SECTH?N 15, Block VII: .Area, 46 acres. - Capital value, £50. purchaser has been notified to c.omplete. DepOSIt on defelTed payments, £5: Half-yearly instalments on deferred payments, £1 9s. 3d. Renewable lease: .Half. Condition8 of Sale. yearly rent, £1. ; . 1. The right to cut and remove the timber will he sold in Situated on the coast, about three miles and three-qurtrtcrs accordance with the provisions of the Land Act, 1924, the from Slope Point School, the last one mile and three-quarters regulations in force thereunder, and these conditions, and being. very ?ld fo~ation. Und.ulating l~nd, the higher part such additional conditions as the Commissioner of Crown carrymg a little Sliver tussock 'wlth grass III places. . Lands considers necessary in the interests of the. Crown or of Application forms and any.further information desired may · the public. . be obtained from the Commissioner of Cr01m Lands. 2. The promissory-notes will be presented at intervals as B. C. McCABE, indicated above, hut they may be presented for payment at Commissioner of Crown Lands. earlier dates if more than a due proportion of the timber is (L. and S. 9/3058.) found to be 'cut or should any breach of the conditions occur, or if, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, the interest of the Crown is jeopardized. 3. Intend.i:ilg purchasers arc expected to visit tho locality MAORI LAND NOTICE. and to satisfy themselves in every particular on aU matterS relating to the sale. J.1Jaori Lands Jor Lease by Public Tender. 4. The right is reserved to the Commissioner of Crown · Lands to withdraw this timber froIll sale before or after the' Waikato-l\Ianiapoto District Maori Land Board . ~ date fixed for the auction. Auckland, 26th June, 1935. . , 5. For the purposes of this sale the foregoing'description OTICE is hereby given, in terms of the Native Land of the timber shall be taken as being sufficiently accurate as N Act; 1931, .and the rcgulations thereunder, that written to quantities, qualities, and species; and no contract for the tenders are invited and will be received at the office of the purchase of the timber shall be voidable, nor shall the pur.' Waikato-nIaniapoto District Maori Land Board, Auckland .chaser be entitled to any abatement of price, by reason of any. up to 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, 13.~h August, 1935,. fo; error or niisdescription herein, or in any advertisement having the lease of the· lands named in the Schedule hereto, 'for a reference .to this sale; nor shaH any extra sum be claimed by: term of twenty.two years .. the Crown if thc quantity of timber is found to be in' excess of =- that stated herein. ' SCHEDULE. (i. All the timber;'whether standing. felled. OF in logs, shaU .. OTOROHANGA COuN,?~SECOND.CLASS LAND. : : . remain the property of the Crown until the purchll:se of same. has been completed. . . . . Blocks VII and VIII, Orahiri Suh;ey.Di8lrict: 7. Should 'any dispute arise as to any boundary, tho'decision: HAU:rURl;r East ··lE No.2. Section 7»:;· 'Arelit: 442:"acres of the Commissioner of Crown Lands shall be final: I 3 roods IS.perches •. Upset ~nnual rent, "£45 13s. S. If the timber is unsold at this offering, the righ.t to 'pur~ .Loaded·with inip.rovements valued at £1,724. chase same at the upset price will remain open until further "About 90 'acres is easy'country of good quality, the balance notice. is hilly-fair quality_ 1841.;

-WA~~ COUNTY~-',-~D-CL_ASS LL~D: (n A copy of the form of lcase,can be -inspected- at- the -Blocks XIII and XIV, 1Jla.:Ungata"Utari S1!rvr-!f ptstrid. 'office of the··Under.Secretary for Native Affairs, Wellirigtoii,. or the office of the Board. _. . Wbarepuhunga. No .. 14B'-Lot" '5. "Area: 830 acres 3 roods 26 perches. Upset annual rent, £41 5a.'- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERER.' Loaded with improverp.ents valued at £365. -l\(ostly easy fern land" soil light -loam. North-east end 1. The sections to be leased arc subject to rental specified. rather broken. - 2. Every tender shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope,. addressed to the President of t,he Board, and marked on the TEW "AND CONDITIONS OF LEASE. outside as follows: "Tender for lease." 1. The term of the lease shall be twenty-two years from 3. Tenders for lease must be accompanied by six months" 15th A:.ugust, 1935, at the rental tendered. Compensation rent, lease fee (£4 4s.), an amount sufficient to cover stamp· for substa;ntial improvements shall be allowed to the lessee duty and registration fcc, and the amount with which the· section is loaded with impr.ovements. at ~he expiration of the term of the lease, as provided in sec­ tion 327 of the Native Land Act, 193L NOTE.-Stamp duty will be 6s. 6d. if rent is under £50 per­ . 2. Residence to commence within one year and to be annum, with an additional 3s. 6d. for each further £50 or­ cqntinuoUH for six years. fraction thereof; registration fee is uniformly lOs. .3. Lessee has no right to minerals without license, but he 4. The highest tenderer to be declared the lessee, but .the· may use on the land any minerals for any agricultural, pas­ Board reserves to itself the right to decline to accept any toral, household, road-making, or building purposes. tender. 4. Every lessee shall bring into cultivation,- 5. The successful lessee will require to make a declaration (a) Within one year from the date of his lease, not less t.o the effect that hc is legally qualified to become the lessee than one-twentieth of thc land leased by him ; of the land, and that he is acquiring the land solely for his· (b) Within two years from the date of his lease, not less own use and benefit, and not directly or indirectly for the than one·tenth of the land leased by him ; use or benefit of any other person. . (c) Within four years from the date of his lease, not less 6. The lands are offered under the Native Land Act, 1931. than one·fifth of the land leased by him; and the regulations made thereunder. and lessees shall be and shall, within six years from the date of his lease, in deemed to be acquainted with the provisions thereof, and be addition to the cultivation of one-fifth of the land, have put bound thereby as effectually as if such provisions were em­ substantial improvements of a permanent character (as bodied therein. defined by the Land Act, 1924) on first·class land to the value 7.- The successful tenderer shall pay to the B.oard the value of £1 for every acre of such land, and on second.class land of the impr.ovements with which cach section is loaded. to an amount equal to the net price of every acre of such lando: Provided that in no case shall the additional improve· INSTRUCTIONS T.o ,ApPLICANTS. ments required on second-class land be Il!ore than lOs. per The land is described for the general information of intend­ acre, or 2s. 6d. on third-class land. ing·tenderers, who are recommended, nevertheless, to make 5. (a) Rent shall be payable half.yearly in advance. personal inspection, as the Board is not responsible for the (b) Lessee shall not assign the leasc without the consent of absolute accuracy of any description. the Board. Area may be liable to slight alterati.on. (c) Lessee will cultivate the land in a husOandlike manner. Tenders must be sent t.o thc office of the Waikato-Maniapoto­ and keep it free from noxious weeds. District Maori Land Board, Auckland, and must be madc .on (d) Lessee will keep fences and buildings in repair. thc pr.oper forms, to 'bc obtained at the office of the Board. (e) Lessee will fence without any right of resort to the Full particulars may bc obtained at thc office of the Board for contribution on account of the Board owning or Waikato.:Maniapoto District Maori Land Board, Auckland. occupying adjacent land; but this provision shall not deprive the lessee of any rights he may have against any subsequent C. E. MAcCORMICK, President, occupier, other than the Board, of such adjacent land. Waikato.:Maniapoto District Maori Land Board.


In B:mkruptcy.-In the. Supreme. Court of New Zealand. In Banl,;rltptcy.-In the Supreme Court holden at lVellingtQn~

"NOTICE is hereby giv~n that CILillLES WHITFIELD RALFE, OTICE is hcreby given that statements.of accounts and of Hamilton, Motor Mechanic, Was this day adjudged N balance·sheets in respect of the undermentioned estates,. bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting .of credit.ors to be together with the reports of the Audit Office thereon, have holden at my office on Wednesday, the lOth day of July, been duly filed in thc above Court; and I hereby further give 1935, at 10.30 o'clock a.m. n.otice that at the sittings .of the said Court, t.o be holden .on Dated at Hamilton, this 26th day of June, 1935. M.onday, the 22nd day of July, 1935, at 10.30 o'clock in the V. R. CROWHURST. foren.oon, or as s.oon thereafter as application may be heard, Official Assignee. I intend to apply for .orders releasing me from thc administra­ tion of the said cstates :- Algar, Eric Albert, of , Veiling ton, Builder. Bittcrs, John Albert, of Lower Hutt, Builder. In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme C01lrt of New Zealand. Burns, John, of Wellington. Carpenter. Bendikson, Albert, of Pahautanui, Dairy.farmer. OTICE is hereby given that CORNELIUS JOSEPH Clark, Cyril Edwin, of Wellington, Engineer. N GALLAGHER, of Gisborne, Labourer, wa.s this day Cannon, Francis Richard, of Wellington, Clerk. adjudged bankrupt; and I herehy summon a meeting of Cullen, CeJ?has John, of Lower Hutt, Slaughterman. ereditors to be holden at my office on Friday, the 5th day .of Cundy, Arthur, .of Lower Hutt, Builder. July. 1935, at 2.30 o'clock p.m. Donnelly, J.ohn Peter, of Wellington, Hair Specialist. Dated at Gisborne, this 26th day of June, 1935. Drummond, Percival Ralph, of Wellington, Boot-repairer_ D'Abrantes, William Henri Frederic Valery Jean Andoche- JOHN N. NALDER, de·Ia·Tour d'Auvergne, of Wellington, Manservant. Official Assignee. Fitzmaurice, Kate Emma, of Wellington, Private Boarding­ house-keeper. Grange, Robert Burns, .of Wellington, EnginQer. In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Z~land. Grant, Charles Arthur Wilson, of Wellington, Company­ manager. OTICE is hereby given that JOHN McFETRIDGE, of Hull.Brown, Oscar, of Wellington, Musical-instrument Dealer. N Tataraimaka, Farmer, was this day adjudged bank.. mpt; and I hereby summon a meeting .of creditors to be Holmes, Harry, of Wellington, Cutter. hO,lden at my office on Tuesday, the 9th day of July. 1935, Hepburn, George (a partner of Prior and Hepburn, Bakers at 2.30 o'clock p.m. and Pastryc.ooks), Wellington, Dated at Ncw Plymouth" this 29th day of June, 1935. Hall, Dougl.as Roland,. o~ Eastbou,rne, Agent. Johnson, Leslie, of Upper Hutt, Advertising Ag,ent. J. S. S. l\IEDJ.,EY, Jordan, W. J., of Wellington, Director. Deputy Ofii~~al AlI:.a.ignee. Kea:y•. William George, of Petone, Porter. JULY 4.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1847

Lodge.- Herbert, of Wellington, Butcher. In Bankrllptcy.-In f!1e Supreme Court !wlilen at Dunedin.: Lamacchia, Gael, of Vilellington, Fisherman. Mayall,. Samuel Charles, of Wellington, City Coullcil OTICE id hereby given that statements of accounts Employee. . N and balance·sllCets in respect of the undcl'ment.ioned Mills, Albert Edward, of Lower Hutt, Storekeeper. estates, together with the report of the Audit Office thereon, l\'lcLean. George, of Wellington, Salesman. have been duly filed in the above Court; and I hereby further Odlin, Stanley, of Lower Hutt, Clerk. giye notice that at.the sitting of the said Court, to be holden Peel, Clifford, of Wellington, Commission Agent. on ulocdl1Y, the 22nd day of July, 1935, at 10.30 o'clock in the Prior (William Henry) and Hepburn (George), of Wellington, forenoon, or so soon th(:l'eafter as appliC'ation may be heard; Bakers and Pastrycooks. I intend to apply for an order releasing me from the adminis­ Prior, William Henry (a partner of Prior and Hepburn, tration of the said estates :-. Bakers and Pastrycoo1cs), Wellington. Constantine Soumaras, Dunedin, Resf.aurant.keellt,lr. Reardon, Robert, of Lower Hutt, Plumber. A.ngus 'ViUiam Cameron l\IacDonald, Q.ueenstown, Saw. Radcliffe, F., of Wellington, Widow. miller. Stevens, Alfred Felix, of Wellington, Driver. Henry Ismay l\Ioralee Ross, Dun(,din, Builder. Spiers, Edgar, of Wellington, Manager. George Percival Cuitri!'!s, Dunedin, Garage.proprietor. Sutherland, Donald, of Wellington, Confectioner. Peter :MeGregor, Dunedin, EleetriC'al EJlgiJle~r. Wright, Arthur Donald, of Petone, Milk-vendor. .lu-thur ,Tell:::, Dunedin, Builder. Estate of L. O. Atkinson (deceased). Duncan McDiarmid, Dunedin, Labourer. Godfrey and Taylor, Limit.ed (in Liquidation). Edward Callery, lIIaeraes Flat, Miner. Moore 'and Cole: Limited (in Liquidation). David Rohertson, Dunedin, Painter. Petone Building and Construct,ion Company, Limited (in Hobert ,Tohn Francis O'Connell, Dunediu, Cartage Con. Liquidation) .. tractor. Renfrew Limited (in Liquidation). Keith Baskett, formerly of l\Iataura now of Dunedin, Nonpareil Manufacturing Company, Limitcd (in Liquida. Plumber. tion). Georg~ Ambrose Flannery,. Dunedin, Petrol·station Pro­ Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1935. . prietoI'. James Lockhart, n'filton, Storekeeper. S. TANSLEY, A.ngus Murray MacIvor, Dunedin, Hutelkeeper. Official Assignee. John James Harper, Balclutha, Butcher. William Robert 'Vedge, Palmerston, Farmer. Stanley David Ncwman, Dunedin, Grocer. In Bankrllptcy.-In lite Supreme Court Itolden at Nels(m. .James Smith, Greenfield, Farmer. James Smith and Sons, Greenfield, Farmeri'!. Dora Storey, Iormel-Iy of Brighton now of Dunedin,Widow. Harold lliyers, l\Iosgiel, Storekeeper. .oTICE is hereby given that statements of accounts and Charles Gieseler, :, Horse·trainer. N balancc·sheets in respect of the undermentioned estates, Jolm Wat.son l\faxwell, Dunedin, Carrier. together "lith the report of the Audit Office thereon, have George Smith Simpson and Elizabeth Margaret Simpson, Ileen duly filed in the above Court; and I hcreby further give Dunediu, Faney·goods Vendors (trading- in co.partner. notice that at the sitting of the said Court to be holden on ship under the style of " Miss Clough "). Tuesday, the 23rd day of July, 1035, at 10.30 o'clock in the .Toseph Alexander l\furdoeh, Pembroke, Farmer, forenoon. or so. soon thereafter as application can be heard. Hubert Wright, Dunedin, .Jeweiler. I intend to apply for an order releasing me from the adminis· Nicol Wallace Andt~r;;:on, Dunedin, Rutchel'. tration of the said estates:- .Alexander Blackwood, Dunedin, Assistant Slanght(·rman. Beattie, Clarence Ivanhoe, of Takaka, Storekeeper. Percival '''illiam Willis, Sawyel"" Bay, near Dunedin, Ferguson, Charles Thomas, of Port Nelson, Hotelkeeper. Cartage ContraetoT·. Jackson, Emily lItlay, late of Nelson, lIIarried Woman Frank Coutts, Waihola;Railway Employee. (deceased). Heginald William Robert::. (dceeased), late of -Dunback, l\Iacaulay, John, of Nelson, Hairdresser. Boardinghouse-keeper. Stewart, Thomas, of Nelson, Plumber. Isabella. King Dick (deceased), late of Owaka, Married Warnes, 'Valter Enterprise, and Warnes, Annie Gertrude 'Yoman. (trading in partnership as ~. W. and A. Warnes," at J. 1\[, ADAM, Nelson, as Ladies' Outfitters). Dunedin, 1st July, 1935. Offit'ial Assignee. Warnes, Walter Enterprise, as aforesaid (private estate). 'Varnes, Annie Gertrude, as Rforesaid (private estate). LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. C. W. CARVER,. Official Assignee. VIDENCE of the loss of, firstly, certificate of title, Nelson, 26th .Tune, H.l35. E Vol. 139. folio 275 (Auckland Registry), for Lot 2 on deposited plan No. 3293, being part of Allotments 22 and 22A of Sectiou XI of the Suburbs of Auckland, of which A1\T1\1JE In Bankruptcy. TROUP, of Auckland, Married Woman, is the registered proprietor, and, secondly, certificate of title, Vol. 132, folio 295 (Auckland Registry), for Lot 81 on deposited plan No. 3576, being part of Allotments 3 and 4 of Sectioll XII of the Suburbs In the Estate of ERWIN SILVESTER EGAN, of Takaka, of Auckland, of which JAMES E\V]£N CAMPBELL, of Labourer. Auckland, Clerk, and ARCHIBALD JOHN CAMPBELL, of OTICE is hereby given that a second and final dividend l\!orrillsville, Farmer. nrc the rcgistered proprietors, having N of 4s. 6d. in the pound, making in all 7s. 6d. in the been lodged with me, toget.hcr wit.h nil applicat.ion for the pound, is now payable at my office on all accepted proved issue of new certificates of title, notice is hcreby given of my claims. intention to issue such new certificates of title accordingly Dated at Nelson, this 3rd day of July, 1935. upon the expirat.ioll of fourteen days from the 4th day of July, 1935. C. W. CARVER, Dated at the Lands Hegistry Office at Auckland, this 28th Official Assignee. day of June, 1935. W. JOHNSTON, District Land Registrar.

In Bm/kruplcy.-In. the Supreme COllrt of New Zealand. PPLICATION having heen made to me for the issue of a A provisional occupation liC{HlSC in fayour of WILLIAM PAUL,late of Winton, Labourer (now deceased), for Section 10, Block VIII, Winton Hundred. being the land contained in OTICE is hereby given that WALLACE SMITH, of Lyall. Register.book, Vol. no, folio :J, norl evidence having been N dale, St. Andrews, Farm Labourer, was this uay adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of lodged of the loss of the said occupation license. I hereby creditors to be holden at my office on Thursday, the 4th day give notice that I shall issue a proYisionallicense as requested uuless caveat be lodged forbidding the same within fourteen of July, 1935, at 2.15.0'clock p.m. days from the date of publication of this not·ice in the Gazette. - Dated at Timaru, this 25th day of Junc, 1935. Dated at the Lands Registry Office, Illvercargill, t.he 27th W. HARTE, day of June, lD35. Official Assignee. .J. A. FRASElt, District Land Hegistrar. D 1848 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 48

PPLICATION haying been mad~ to me to register It I THE COMPANIES ACT. 1933. SECTION 282 (6). A re-entry by EDWARD HART, of Stoke, Farmer, as lessor under Memorandum of Lease No. 325 of all that parcel NOTICE is hereby given that the name of the under of land containing 1 rood 24 perches, more or less, being part mentioned company ha.s been struck off the Register of Section 22, Block XIV, Wukamarina Survey District, and.the company dissolved;- . . contained in Renewable Lease No. 59, entered in Register- Arcade Motors. Limited. 1936/102". book, Vol. 16, folio 71 (Marlborough Registry), of which THOMAS:MARTm1\fILLER, ofWa,kamarina, lHine-IDl1uager, Given under my hand at Wellington, this 2nd day of July, is the registered lessee, I hereby give notice that I will register 1935. such re-entry as requested at the expiration of one month W. H. FLETCHER, from the date of the Gazette. containing this notice. Assistant Registrar of Companies. Dated at the Land Registry Office /l.t Blenheim, this 1st day of July; 1935. H. O. GOVAN, District Land Registrar. THE COMPANIES ACT. 1933. SECTION 282 (3) AND (4) OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three N months from this date the name of the undermentioned ADVERTISEMENTS. company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck ------off the Register and the company dissolved :- THE COMPANIES ACT. 1933. SECTION 282 (6). Hutt Valley Creditors' Association, Limited. 1929/190. Given under mv hand at Wellinoton, this 2nd day of .Julv, OTICE is hereby given that the name of the under­ 1935. . <:> •• N mentioned company bas been struck off the Register W. H. FLETCHER. and the company dissolved :- AssistfLnt Registrar of Companies. The Caro Indenting Company (N.Z.), Limited. 1920/69. Given under my hand at Auckland, tWs 28th day of June, 1930. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933. SECTION 282 (3). H. B. WALTON. Assistant Registrar of Companies. Th1])LY take notice that at the expiration of threo K months from this date the name of the undermentioried compauy will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck THE COMPAl\'lES ACT, 1933. SECTION 282 (3) AND (4)' off the Register and the company will be dissolved :- OTICE 'is hereby given that at the expiration of three Westland Pipe and Tile Company, Limited. 1929/6. N months from this date the names of the undermentioned Given under my hand at Hokitika, this 27th day of June, companies wiII, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be 1935. . struck off the Register and the companies will be dissolved :- W. E. BROWN, G. S. Lintott and Co., Limited. 1920/96. Assistant Registrar of Companies. The Farm Supplies (Hamilton), Limited. 1926/173. Bronze Lacquer and Paint Sprayers, Limited. 1928/172. Sawmillers Marketing Company, Limited. 1928/258. THE COMP14'llES ACT, 1933. SECTION 282 (4). Rockfield Limited. 1929/176. . The New Zealand Co-operative Pig-marketing Association, Limited. 1929/300. OTICE is hereby given that the names of the under. Northland Home Providers, Limited. 1930/55. N" mentioned companies have been struck off the Register Allsports Limited. 1930/287.' , and the companies dissolved:- H. T. Pettit and Co., Limited. 1931/25. T. D. Lennie and Company, Limited. 1926/59. Empire Products (N.Z.), Limited. 1931/33. l'rlelodia Gramophones, Limited. 1928/10. Bond Brake Tester, Limited. 1931/71. Beadle and Spinks, Limited. 1929/52. The Coffee Pot. Limited. 1931/128. New Zealand First Aid Service, Limited. 1930/8:;. Currys Exclusives (N.Z.), Limited. 1931/152. Ernest C. Smith, Limited. 1932/15. J. B. King and Son, Limited. 1931/157. McRae Manufacturing Company (New Zealand), Limited. Healtheries Limited. 1931/211. 1933/73. !\fahara Reefs, Limited. .1933/125. Given under ~llY hand at Christchurch, this 1st day of Given under my hand at Auckland, this 29th day of June, .Tuly. 1935. 1935. J. MORRISON. H. B. WALTON. Assistant Registrar of Companies. Assistant Registrar of Companies.


OTICE is hereby given pUrsuant to section 8 of the AKE notice that the nameS of the undermentioned N above-mentioned Act that the Register and the records T companies have been struck off the Register and the of the companies the names of which are set out in the First companies have been dissolved:- Column of the Schedule hereto which have hitherto been Frederick H. Haig, Limited. 1930/69. kept at the office of the Assistant Registrar of Companies at the respective places named in the Second Column of the Hosiery Pa,rloms, Limited. 1931/8. Schedule hereto have been transferred to the office of the Given under my hand at Dunedin, this 27t.h day of June, Assistant Registrar of Companies at the respective places 1935. ' named in the Third Column of the Schedule hereto. L. G. TUCK, Dated at Wellington, this 28th day of June, 1935. Assistant Registrar of Companies. SCHEDULE. FULLER LIlIIITED. Register previously Register Name of Company. kept at I transferred to I IN LIQUIDATION. A. S. Paterson and Co .. Dunedin Wellington. Limited In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter The Waikari Lime Com­ Christchurch. of FULLER LIMITED (in Liquidation). :," ..: .. pany, Limited GENERAL meeting of the company will, in accordance Waikakaho Deep Lead, Invercargill .. A with section 232 of the Companies Act, 1933, be held at Limited" the office of the liquidator, 401 Colonial Mutual Buildings, Customhouse Quay, ,"Vellington, on Friday, 19th July, at 10 a.m. J. MURRAY, P. HAR~E, Regtstrar of Compames. 257 LlqUldator. JULY 4.] 'I'm NEW ZEALAND GAZE'I''I'E. 1849

ILFORD LnUTED. OHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY. OTICE is hcreby given that Highspeed Sport.s Supplies. In tho matter of ILFoRD LIi\nTED, a compa.ny incorporated in England. N Limited, has changed its name to Highspccd Sports Goods, Limited, and that the new name was this day entered URSUANT to section 338 of the Companies Act, 1933, on my Regi:lter of Companies in placo of the formcr namc. P Ilford Limited hereby gives notice of its intention t.() Dated at Auckland, this 24th day of June, 1935. cease to hfWC a. place of business in Now Zealand af~er ~hc expiry of three months from the date of the first publicatIOn H. B. WALTON, of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette-namely, from the 319 Assistant Registrar of Companies. 27th day of June, 1935. Dp.tcd a.t Auckland, thlli 18th day of June. 1935. OHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY. GEORGE C. GOltRIE, It. S. H. BISS, OTICE is hereby given that the Kaitaia Co-operativo 298 Attorneys ill New Zealand. N Dairy Factory Company, Limited, has changed its name to the Kaitaia Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited, and that the new llame was tIllS day entcred on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. TE AROHA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Dated at Auckland, this 25th day of June, 1935. H. B. WALTON, HESOLUTION MAKL'\'G SPECIAL RATE. 320 Assi8tant Registrar of Companies.

N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it ill that TOKmlARU FARillERS' CO·OPERATIVE COMPANY. I behalf by Part II of the Local Authorities Interest LIl\UTED. Reduction and Loans Conversion Act, 1932-33, and the To Araha Borough Loans Conversion Order, 1935, the To Aroha IN VOLUNTARY J.. IQUlDATION. Borough Council hercby resolves as follows:- "That for the purpose of providing thc intercst, sinking In the matter of the Companies Act, 1Ua3. and in thc fund. and -othcr charges on the new secUl.:ities authorized to mattcr of tho TOKo:.rARu FARl'tlERs' Co-orERATIvE be issued by the Te Aroha Borough ~ouncli ull~er the a.~_)Qye­ COllIPANY, LnuTED. mentioned Act and Order whether In convcrsIOn of eXlStmg OTICE is hereby given that thc above-named company securities issued in respect of the loans set out ill the First N ,Yent into voluntary liquidation on 15th June, 1935. Schedule to that Order or to providc for cash premium pay­ All creditors arc required to send their names and addresses ments and also the interest, sinking fund, instalments of and particulars of their debts or claims to tho undersigned, principal and interest. and other charges in respect of t~e the liquidator of the sa·id company, on or before 10th July. unconverted securities issued in rcspect of such loans, the saul 1935. 'Te Aroha Borough Council hereby makes and levies a special J. PEACH, rate of one shilling and fourpence (Is. 4d.) in the· pound upon Public Accountant. the rateable value (on the basis of the annual value) of all Care of Messrs. :McCulloch, Butler, amI Spence, P.O. Box rateable property of the district, and that such special rate 169, Gisborne. 321 shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of such securities and be payablc yearly on the 1st day of August in each and overy year until the last maturity date ~f such NEW ZEALAND. securities, being the 1st day of August, 1965, or until such securities arc fully paid off." lfR-IENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1909. We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correc.t copy of a resolution passed by the Te Aroha Borough Council Adverti~enrellt of Oancelling. at a special meeting held on Wednesday, the 19th day of June, OTICE is hereby given tha.t the Registrar of Friendly 1935. N Societies has, pursuant to section 70 of the Friendly R. COULTER, .Iayor. Societies Act, 1909, by writing under his hand dated this 25th 316 F. W. WILD, Town Clerk. day of June, 1935, cancelled the registry of Te Ara Rebekah Lodge, No. 11, of the Indepcndent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand Friendly Society (Register No. 146/87), held at Otautau, on the ground that the said branch has ceased to 'MEDICAL HEGISTRATION. exist. 322 R. WITHEFORD. Registrar. FRANK LEO HUTTER, M.B.• Ch.B., 1935, now residing I , in Palmerston North, hereby give noticc that I intend E. E. ANDERSON. L=TED. applying on the 18th July next to have my name placed on the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that IN LIQUIDATION. I have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of the Department of Health at Auckland. OTICE is hereby given that at an cxtraol'dinary general Dated at Pahnerston North, 18th June, 1935. N meeting of tho above-named company duly convened FRANK LEO HUTTER. and held on the 25th day of June, 1935. the following Public Hospital, Palmerston North. special resolution was duly passed:- 317 "That the company be wound up voluntarily." E. E. ANDERSON, 323 Liquidator. TUWHARETOA TIMBER COlllPANY. LIMITED. W AIMATE COUNTY COUNCIL. IN LIQUIDATION. N accordance with the provisions of section (j of the LEASE take notice that a meeting of creditors of the I Water-supply Amendment Act, 1913, it is hereby notified P above company will be held at the registered office of that the Waimate County Council has duly appointed the the company at Waihi. Tokaanu, on Monday, the 15th day of following to be members of the Lower \Vaihao Water-raco July, 1935, at 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon, to consider and Managing Ratepayers Committee, and that it has conferrcd pass such resolution as t.he creditors shall think fit in respect on such committee all the powers of management it possesses of a meeting to be held at 11 R.m. on the same day, when the in respect of all water-races supplying the Lower Waihao following extraordinary resolution is to be considered by Water-race District, viz. :- shareholders :- Edward Stokes, Farmcr, Morven • .. That the company Cannot by rcason of its liabilities James Kirkland Blair, Farmer, Morven. continue its business and that it be wound up, and that John George Ruddenklau, Farmer, Glenavy. MAURICE VINCENT BATES, of Auckland, Public Accountant, John Carson Hay, Farmer, Morven. . be appointed liquidator." George William Holdsworth, Farmer, Glenavy. Dated this 25th day of June, 1935. H. B. S. JOHNSTONE, L. HEMUS, Chairman, Waimate County Council. 318 For Secretary. 28th June>, 1935. 326 1850 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 48

Under thel\!inIDg Act, 1926. WAlPA COUNTY COUNCIL.

APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE FOR A WATER.RACE. In the matter of the Public Works Act. 1928. VELIC notice is hereby given that the Waipa County To the Warden of the Karamca Mining District at Nelson. P Council proposes to execute a cert-ain public work~to URSUANT to the lVIining Act, 1920. the undersigned wit, the construction of a public road-for which purpose the P Alexander James Toogood, of the City of ',"ellington, following lands require to be taken by the said Waipa County Company Director, hercby applies for a license for a water­ Council under the provisions of the Public Works Act. 1928 race, as specified in the Schedule hereto, the course whereof (that is to say). all that picce of land containing -3 roods has been duly marked out for the purpose. . 24·5 perches (more or less). being part of Allotment 87 of the Mark on pegs! T. Parish of Tuhikaramea. As the.. same is delineated coloured Precise time of marking out privilege applied for: 10 a.m., red on a plan lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at 20/6/35. Auckland under No. 27952. Date and number of miner's right: 30/5/35; No. 58150. A plan of the land required to be taken as aforesaid is open Address for service: Care of Messrs. Fell and Harley, for inspcction at the office of :lllcssrs. Swarbrick and Swarbrick, Solicitors. Hardy Street, Nelson. Solicitors. Argus Buildings, Hamilton. . Dated at NelsoD, this 24th day of Junc, 1935. All persons affccted are hereby called upon to set forth in writing any well-founded objectiolls to the cxecution of such SCHEDULE. works or to the talcing of such lands' and to send such writing Locality of the race, and of its starting and terminal points ; to the 'Vaipa County Council. Bank Street. Tc Awamutu, also description of land traversed-e.g., unalienated Crowll within forty days from the datc of thc first lJUblicatioll of this land, private laud, or otherwise: Commencing at a poiut notice. approximately 10 chains down-stream on Baton River from Dated at 'I'e Awamutu. this- 2Dth day of June. 1935. the 'mouth of White Creek, following approximately an By order of the Waipa County Council~ easterly dir.eetion throughout whole course_ Affects Crown land and also freehold land-namely, Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4, S. C. l\1ACKY, Chairman.' Block II, Wangapeka Survey District, as pel' sketch plan THOMAS GltANT, Clerk. filed herewith_ , This notice was first published on the 1st day of July, 1935. Length and intended course of race: 2-1 miles;easterly_ 328 Points of intake: One. Estimated time and cost of construction: Six months j £3,000. Meau depth and breadth: 3 ft. by 5 ft. WAlPAWA COUNTY COUNCIL, Number of heads to be diverted: Thirty-five_ Purpose for which water is to be used: ~Iining. Waipawa Oounty Oouncil Loan,s GontJer8ion Order, 1935. Proposed term of license: Twenty-one years_ NORMAN MATTHIAS PAULSEN. Chairman of the ALEXANDER JAMES TOOGOOD, I , Waipawa County Council, do hereby certify that By his solicitor and duly authorized agent-H. G. BRODIE. pursuant to the provisions of subsection (2) of section 9 of the Local Authorities Interest Reduction and Loans Conversion Precise time of filing of the foregoing application: 12.5 p.m .• Act, 1932-33. a resolution was duly passed at a special 26/6/35. meeting of the Waipawa County Council held on the 10th -day Time and place appointed for the hearing of thc application of June. 1935, and confirmed on the 25th day of June, 1935. and all objections thereto: Monday, 22nd July, 1935, at providing for the issue under Part II of that Aet -of new 10.30 a.m., at Warden's Court at Nelson. securities in conversion of the existing seeurities of the-loans Objections must be filed in the Registrar's office and notified set forth in the First Schedule to th,e Waipawa County Loans to applicant at least three days before the time" so appointed. Conversion Order, 1935. as published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 36 of the 16th May, 1935, page 1330. 324 C. A. MONTGOMERIE. Mining "Registrar. Dated at Waipawa.• this 28th day of June. 1935. NORMAN M. PAULSEN, 329 Chairman. Waipawa County Council. JOHNSONVILLE TOWN BOARD.

RESOLUTION MAKING SPEOIAL RATE. THE SUN NEWSPAPERS, LIMITED. N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that IN LIQUIDATION. I behalf by Part II of the Local Authorities Interest Reduction and Loans Conversion Act, 1932-33. and the Johnsonville Town Board Loans Conversion Order, 1935. the OTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary gellcra:l Johnsonville Town Board hereby resolves as follows:- :N meeting of the above-named company duly conve~e.iJ and held on the 24th day of June. 1935, the following special "That. for the pm'pose of providing the interest. sinking :resolutioll was ~uly passed !- fund, and other charges on the new securities authorized to be issued by the Johnsonville Town Board under the above­ "'fhat a sale of the goodwill of thc company's business mentioned Act and Order in conversion of existing securities having been agreed to the company be wound up voluu­ issued in respect of the loans set out in the First Schedule to tarily, and that FREDERICK HUMPHREY DARE GALE, of that Order, and also the interest, sinking fund, and other Christchurch. Accountant. be and he is hereby appointed charges in respect of the unconverted securities issued in liquidator for the purposes of such winding up." respeet of such loans, the' said Johnsonville Town Board Dated this 28th day of June. 1935. hereby makes and levies a special rate of threepence (3d.) in jo'. H. D. GALE. the pound upon the rateable value (on the basis of the unim­ 330 Liquidator. proved value) of all rateable property of the district, and that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of such securities and be payable yearly on the 1st WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. day of June in each and every year until the last maturity date of such securities, being the 1st day of June, 1963. _or RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. until sueh securities are full paid off." 325 G. A. LAWRENCE, Chairman. The JVeUington Oity Works Loan, 1935. N pursuance and in exercise of the powers vested in it in I that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act. 1926, and of all other powers (if any) it thereunto enabling. the Wellington CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY. City Council hereby resolves as follows :- OTICE is hereby: given that Freeman Motors, Limited, "That. for the purpose of providing for the payment of N has cha~ged its name to Freeman Motor Supplies, interest. instalments of pr4tcipal, and other charges all the Limited. and that the new name was this day ente~ed on my Wellington City Council Works Loan of £100,000. 1935, Register of Companies in place of the former name. authorized to bc raised by the Wellington City Conncil undei· Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of June. 1935. the above-mentioned Act for the provision of stormwater­ relief culverts. stormwater drainage, and for the acquisition W. H. FLETCHER, of land. earthworks, wideriing, construction. and other ,vorks 327 Assistant Registrar of Compa,nies. in respect of certain streets in the City of Wellington. th~ JULY 4.J 'rEE NEW'zEALAND GA'zETTE. 1851 said Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of aixteen I ZEALANDlA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. two.hundredths of a lJellllY (2lfild.) in the pound on the rateable, value (on the basis of the unimproved value) of all rateable IN LIQUIDATION. property in the City of Wellington, and that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the cuneney of such MEgTING of creditors will bc held at the Chamber of 10l1n and be payable yearly on the first day of August in each A Commerce,· Swanson Street, Auckland, on 'Yedncsday. and every year during the currency of such loan, being (l' 17th July, 1U35, at :2 p.m. period of thirty-five years and two calcndn,I' months 01' until the loan is fully paid off." A. 1\1. SEAMAN, E. P. NOltMAN, Liquidator. 331 Town Clerk. Auckland, 1st July, !!J35. 335

CHANGE 01' NMIE OF COMPANY. SAMUEL TURNER, LThllT.ED. OTICE is hereby given that United Buyers, Limited, N has changed its na.me to l!'oodstutfs (Wellington), IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDA1·lON. Limited, and that the new llame was this day entered on Illy Hegister of Companies in place of tile foriller name. In the mat.ter of SA:'UiET. 'l'URNEH, LUliTED (in Voluntary lJllted at Wellington, this 1st day of .July, 1935. Liquidatioll), and in the mattcr of thc Companies Act, W. H. FLETCHEH, 1908, section 230. 332 Assistant Registrar of Companies. OTICE is hcrcby given in pursuance of section 2~0 of N the Companies Act. B108, that a gcncral mecting of the· THE HOUSE 01' S1'EYENS, LTD. above.nallled company will be held at thc officc of Harold Henry Miller, Public Accountaut, Brandon House, ',"ellington, IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDA·l'lON. on Wednesday, the 17th da.y of July, ID35, at 12 noon, for thc purposc of receiving t·he liquidator's acconnts and determining OTlCE is hereby given that 011· the 18t dtLY of .July, by extraordinary resolution the manner in which thc books, N 193:;, 'I'he House of Stevens, Ltd., passed a resolutioll accounts, and documents of the company and thc liquidator for voluntary winding up and appointed Messrs. NOR:.rAN thel'Cof shall be disposed of. 'VEBLEY and HAROLD VhLLSON RUllY. Public Accountants, of Daunevirke. as liquidators, and that a mecting of the HAROLD H. ~llLLER. ereditors of the said company will be held pursuant to :l3G Liquidator. section 300 (7) of the Companies Act, 1933. at the premises of the company, Colcman Place. Palmerston North, Oli the lOth day of July, 1935, at 2 o'clock in the aft·ernoon, at which STANLEY ADVERTISING COMPANY, LBII'l.'ED. meeting a full statement of the position of the company's affairs togethcr with a list of the creditors and the estimated alllount of thcir claims will be laid before the meeting, and at IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. whtch meeting thc crcditors, in pursuance of section 235 of the said Act, may nominate a person to bc the liquidator of In the matter of STANLEY ADVERTISING CO?oIPANY, LlIIllTED the company, and, in pursuance of section 236 of thc said (in Voluntary Liquidation), and in the mattcl' of the Act, may a.ppoint a committee of insllcction. Companies Act, 1908, section 230. Dated the 2nd day of July, Ul35. OTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 230 of WEBLEY AND RUBY, .L.N t.he Companies Act, 1908, that a general meeting of the. Box 32, Dannevirke. Liquidators. above-named company will be held at the office of Harold 3.33 Henry Miller, Public Accountant, Brandon House, Wellington, on Wednesday, .the 17th day of July, 1935, at 11 a.m., for the THE NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE FOR THR DUND purpose of receiving the liquidator's·accounts and deter.m.in..i:llg RATING EXEMPTION ACT, 1935. by extraordinary resolution the manner in which the books, accounts, and documents of the company and the liquidator In the mattcr of a Private Bill intended to be brought into thereof shall be disposed of. the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled "The New Zealand Institute fol' the Blind Rating Exemption HAROLD H. ~llLLER, Act, 1935:' 337 Liquidator. OTICE is hereby given pursunnt to the Standing Orders N of the General Assembly of New Zealand relating to Private Bills that The New Zealand Institute for the Blind AWATUNA EX'1'ENDED GOLD.DREDGING COMPANY (hereinafter called "the Institute") will, within fourt.een (NO LIABILITY). days after the eommcncement of the session of the General Assembly of New Zealand to be held next after thc date of IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. this notice, present a petition to the General Assembly of New Zealand through t.110 Honourable The Speaker and ·Members of the House of Representatives praying and applying OTICE is hereby given in pnrsunnce of seetions 230 a.nd fot' leave to bring in a Private Bill to be called" The New N 252 of thc Companies Act, 1908, that a general meeting Zealand Institute for the Blind Rating Exemption Act., of the members of the above·named company will be held at 1935." the registered office of the company, National Bank Chambers, The o.bject.s of the Bill are- Fcatherston Street, Wellington, on Monday, the 22nd day 1. To exempt all lands and buildings for the time being of July, 1935, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of having an account vested in and actunlly used by t.he Institute for the purposes laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up of any. school, workroom, shop, gardens, recreation-grounds, has been conducted and the aRsets of the company disposed residences, or residential quarters for blind persons aild held of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the otherwise than as an endowmcnt situated in the City of liquidator, and also of determining by extraordinary resolution Auckland from liability for payment of rates (not being rates the manner in which the books, nccounts. and documcnts charged or levied by the Auckland City Council in respect of the company and of the liquidator shall be disposed of. of water supplied by t.1w Auckland City Council in respect of Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1935. such said lands and buildings), as if thc said lands and buildings CEClL T. COX, had always bcen exeluded from the definition of "rateable 338 Liquidator. property" in the Rating Act, 1925. 2. To authorize thc Auckland City Council to rcmit all rates heretofore charged or levicd against the Institute in respect. of the above-mentioned lands and buildings (not THE MEDICAL CO·OPERATIVE CO. OF N.Z., LTD. being rates for or in respect of water supplied by the said Council in respect of the said lands and buildings). . IN LIQUIDATION. 3. To obtain such modification of thc Rating Act, 1925, as may be necessary to give effect to the objects of the Bill. Copies of the said Bill wIll be deposited at the Privatc BiU OTICE is hereby givcn that the final general meeting Office, Parliament Buildings. Wellingt.on, on or before the N of the above company will be held at the office of the 13th day after the commencement of tbc scssion. undersigned, 301 Victoria Arcade, Qneen Street. Auckland, Datcd this 1st day of July, 1935. on Friday. 26th July, 1935, at 10.30 a.m. receive final accounts of the windiug-up. MAHONY, DIGNAN, AND FOSTER, BU8ine.ss.-To Solicitors for the Promoter. D. D. N. McGREGOR. A.P.A. (N.Z.). F.C.8. 38 Shortland Street, Auckland. 334 340 Liquidator. 1852 rB:E NEW zEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 48


APPLICA'fION FOl~ A LICENSE FOR A WA'rER.l\ACE. Tl\OUT.FISHING A..'!PTIONS Such rate shall be ma.de and levied on a differential basis for APPLICABLE TO P ARTIOULAR INSTRUMENTS UNDER each of the several ridings of the district as follows:- THE STAlI!P DUTIES ACTS, ]023 .nd 1924. Price, "(a) On all rateable ,property ill the Ahipara, Awanui, lfI. 9d.; postage, Id. Herekino, Houhora, Kaitaia, and Victoria Valley Ridings, a special rate of 3ld. in the pound: "(b). On all rateable property in the Mangonui and Drum REPOl\T OF THE MONETARY COID.!ITTEE, 1934. Ridings, a special rate of ltd. in the pound. "Such special rate shall he an' annually recurring rate IN PAMPHLET FORM. during the currency of such securities and be payable yearly on the 26th day of October in each and every year until the Price,2s. Postage, 2d. last maturity date of such securities, being the 31st day of July, 1960, or until such securities are fully paid off." LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the resolutions passed by the Mangonui County Council Mnnual No.6. on the 21st day of June, 1935. C. MoKINNON, Part IT: Introduced Birds, Froga, and Fishes. 341 County- Clerk. Paper, 4s. 6d. (postage 2d.), cloth, 78. (postage 3d.).

~--- JULY 4.] THE NE~T ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1853 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS• .. -.----- " HE following Scientific Works, published under the GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 34: The Geology of T authority of the Government, are now obtainable the Dargaville-Rodney Subdivision, Hokianga and from the Government Printer, Wellington, to whom all Kaipara Divisions. Paper covers 17s. j postage, 8d. orders should be addressed :- i·oloth, 18s. 6d. j postage, 10d. GEOGRAPHICAL REPORT ON THE FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER. By J. M. BELL. Is. Postage, 2d. GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No.1: The Geology of the Malvern Hills. 48. 6d. Postage, 3d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.1: Tho Geology of the Hokitika Sheet, North Westla.nd Quadrangle. GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No.2: The Geology of the By DR. BELL. 2s. ad. Postage, lOd. Lower Awatere Distriot. Price, 28. 6d. Postage, 3d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.2: The Geology of the Arc£!. covered by the Alexandra Sheet, Central Otago GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEW ZEALAND. Divi~ion: 28. 6d. Postage, Sd. Reports for IS82, 1887-88, 1888-89, and 1892-93. Royal Svo. 2s. 6d. each. Later reports are con­ GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.4: The Geology of tained in Mining Reports eaoh year. Posta.ge, 3d. the Coroma-odel Subdivision, Auckland. By C. FRASER, assisted by J. H. ADAMS. Prioe. 28. 6d. Postage, IOd. ART ALBUM OF NEW ZEALAND FLORA: A Systematic and Popula.r Description of the Native GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.6: The Geology of Flowering Plants of New ZeaJand and the Adjoining the Mikonui Subdivision, North Westland; By P. G. Islands. By Mr. and Mrs. E. H. FEA.TON. Vo1. i, MORGAN. i-oalf, price lOs. Postage, lOd, £3. Postage, 1a. 2d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 11: . The Geology of the. Mount Radia.nt Subdivision, Westport Division. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE LITERATURE RE. By ERNEST Jan..... HERBERT WEDB. 2s. 6d. Post­ LATING TO NEW ZEALAND. By the Iat~ T. M. age,2d. HOOKEN, M.R.C.S., &c. Cloth boaldB, lOs. Post. age, lOd. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 12: The Geology of the Dun Mountain Subdivision, Motupiko Division, BIOLOGICAL EXERCISES. (1 and 2 out of print.) Nelson. By J. M. BELL, E. DE C. CLARKE, and 3. The Anatomy of the Common Mussels. 4. The P. JrLulsllALL. 2s. 6d. Postage, 4d. Skeleton of t·he New Zealand Crayfishes. Is. each. P03tage, 2d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 16: The Geology of the Aroha Subdivision, Hauraki. By J. HENDERSON, asaisted by J. A. BARTRUM. 2s. 6d. Postage, 8d. ECONOMIC MINERALS IN NEW ZEALAND, and other Papers. By FRANK REED, M.Inst.M.E. 6d. Postage, Id. GEOLOGICAL BULLE'rIN No. 20: Oamaru District, North Ot.ago and Ea.stern Otago Division. By JAMES PARK. 2s.6d. Postage,5d. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE NEW ZEALAND FLORA. Edited by T. F. CREESEJlIAN, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Full­ GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 22: The Limestone page illustrations. Vols i and ii. Cloth boards, £2. and Phosphate Resources of New Zealand (considered Postage, 2s. 4d. principally in relation to Agriculture). Part I, Lime_ stone, by P. G.MORGAN and Others. ;i.cloth, 7s. 6d. INTRODUCTORY CLASS. BOOK OF BOTANY Postage, lOd. FOR USE IN l."EW ZEALAND SCHOOLS. By G. M. TnoMsoN, F.R.S. Demy 8vo. Cloth, 2s. 6d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 24: The Geology of paper, Is. 6d. Postage, 3d. . , the Mokau Subdiv-iflion. By.T. HENDERSON and M. ONGLEY. lOs. Postage, 6d. MANUAL OF THE GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 26: Geology and Minos USEFUL TO NEW ZEALAND. Part I. By THOMAS llicKAY. Numerous Plates. Price, 58. Post- of the Waihi Distriot, Hauraki Goldfield. By P. G. age, 8d. . . MORGAN. lOs. Postage,8d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 27: Geology of the MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND FLORA. CHEESEMAN. Wha.nga.rei - Bay of Islands Subdivision, North Auck. New edition, 25s. Postage: Inland, Is. 2d.; ab.road, land. By H. T. FERRAR. rcloth only, 16s. Postage, 2s.6d. 8d. MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND MOLLUSCA. By GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 28, Geology of Huntly. Professor HUTTON. Royal Svo. 3s. Postage, 6d~ Kawhin. Subdivision, Pirongia Division. i·cloth, price 20s. Postage, 8d. MANUAL m' NEW ZEALAN'D MOLLUSCA. By GEOLOGICAL BULLE1'IN No. 29: Geology of the liE}."RY SUTER. Cloth boards, lOs. Postage~ Is. Egmont Subdivision, Taranaki. By P. G. i\IOROA:N Atlas of Plates to aocompany the above volume. Price, and W. GIBSON. i·cloth. 15s. Postage, Sd, lOs. Postage, Is.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 30: The Geology of NEW ZEALAND DIPTERA, HYlI!ENOPTERA, AND Waiapu Subdivision, Raukuma.ra Division. By M. ORTHOPTERA. By Professor- HUTTON. Royal 8vo. ONGLEY and E. O. MACPHERSON. Paper, 13s., postage, 2s. Postage, 8d. 6d.; i·oloth, 15s. 6d., postage, 6d. GEOLOGICAL BULLE'I'IN No. 31: The Geology of the ROCKS OF CAPE COLVILLE PENINSULA. ' By Tongaporutu·Ohura Subdivision, Taranaki. By L. I. Profossor SOLLAS, F.R.S. Crown 4to. Vols. i and ii. GRANGE. Paper, 128.; i·eloth, 14s .. 6d. Post,nge, 6d. lOs. 6d. each. Postage, Is. eaoh. .

GEOLOGICAL BULLE'fIN No. 32: Minerals and STUDENTS' FLORA aI!' NEW ZEALAND AND lIolineral Substances of New Zealand. By the la.to THE OUTLYING ISLANDS. By THos. KIRK, P. G. MORGAN. Paper, 5s. 6d.; i·cloth, 75. 6d. Post. F.L.S. Crown 4to. Cloth, lOs. Postage, lOd. age, 6d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. aB: The Soils of Irri· SPECIAL REPORT 011 .EDUCATIOIIAL SUBJECTS •. gation Areas in Ota.go Cent:n.l. By H. T. FERRAR. CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS OF NEW ZEALAND: Pa.per covers, lOs.; postage, 8d. i·oloth, 128. 6d.; Indigenous and Naturalized Species. By T. F. postago, 8d. . ClrnF.8EMAN, F.L.S. F.Z.S. Price, Is. Postage, ld. 1854 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 48


EW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS ure now THE NEW ZEALA.'!D COMPANY'S NATIVE RESERVES. also available at Chief Post-offices at By R. L. JBLLICOE. Cloth bound. Price, 6a.; postage, 3d, N AUCKLA..."iD, CHRISTCHURCH) AND DUNEDIN.



NEW ZEALAND WARS. By JAMES COWAN. Vola. I , :. and, II. Price, two volumes, £2; one volume, £1 Is.; REPORT OF THE ECONQ}rrC COMMITrEE, 1932. postage, Sd. por vol. IN PAMPHLET FORM. NEW ZEALAND'S FIRST WAR. By T. L,NDSAY BUIOK. 75 pag~s and cover. Price, 15s.; postage, 8d, Price, 9d. Postage, Id.

ROYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND. DESCRIPTIVE NARRA­ TIVE -OJI'. THE VISIT OF THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE DUKE AND DUOHESS OF CORNWALL AND YORK; (1902.) CONTENTS. Roya14to. Price. lOs.; postage, Is.4d. PAGE NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. AnVERTISE~IENTS 1848 APFOINTr.IENTS, ETC. 1831 OLL OF HONOUR published by the DEFENO:'; R DEPABTME:NT, giving- BANKRUPTOY NOTICES 1846 (1) A list of members of the New Zea.land ExpeditioDat'J Forces killed in action. died of wounds inflicted, CROWN LANDS NOTICES 1843 of accidents occurring. or disease cont.rncted whilt on active service. DEFENOE NOTICE 1832 {2} Those who died after discharge from the New Zealand Expeditionary Force from wounds inflicted or LAND- disease contracted wbile on active service. Births and Deaths Registration Act, Districts {3~ Those who died from accident occurring or di£te8Se reconstituted under 1828 contracted while training witb or attached to the Boundaries altered 1830 New Zealand Expeditionary Forces of New Zealand. Crown Land declared 1830 Price, ?s.; postage, 8d. extra. Defence Purposes, Taken for 1829 Marriage Act, Districts reconstituted under .. 1827 Apply-' Mining Act, Crown Land exempted from Provisions GOVERNMENT PRINTER, or CmEF POSTMASTERS ~ .. 1831 at AUOKLAND,. CmusTommoH. or DUNEDIN. Mining Act. Revoking Notice exempting Crown Land from Provisions of ...... 1831 ~-~~------' Reereation.ground and Road Purposes, Taken for 1834 'A UTRORITIES' HANDBOOK. Road, &e., Purposes, Taken for 1829 Road closed 1829 No. 9,1934. Roads proclaimed and closed 1828 State Forest, Set apart as 1827 Price, 7s. 6d. Postage, Sd. Street proclaimed and closed 1828 Streets, &c" Classification of 1833 LAND TRANSFER AOT NOTICES 1847 TURNBULL LIBRARY BULLETINS. MAORI LAND NOTICE 1845 No. 1.-L1ST OF BOOKS. Gratis. No. 2;-ZIMMEBMAN'S THIRD VOYAGE OF CAPT~N COOK- }USOELLANEOUS-- 1776-1780. Auditor licensed . , .. 1834 Prie~Paper. 28. 6d. j cloth. 3s., 6d. Postage, 2d. Certificate of Declaration of Execution of Criminal 1834 Courthouse appointed 1834 No. 3.-JOURNAL KEPT IN NEW ZEALAND 1N 1820 BY Examination, Land Surveyors' 1835 ENSIGN McRAE. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act: Cloth, ?s. 6d:; paper, 2s. 6d. Postage, 2d. each. Notice of Cancellation of Award 1835 Meteorological Returns for May . . . . 1838 Mining Pl'ivileges to be struck off the Register .: 1835 WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND New Rule of Acclimatization Society approved " 1834 ILLUSTRATED. Officiating Ministers for 1935 .. . . 1835 Manual No.2. Public Trustee: Elections to administer Estates 1843 Part I.-Mammalia. Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Weekly State. ment of Assets and Liabilities 1837 Sales Tax Act, Minister's Decisions under 1836 By the ,Hon. GEO. M. THOMSON. M.L.C .• F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Statutory Declarat.ions, Officer authorized to take and receive 1830 Tenders 1837· Price. paper 3s," cloth _5s.; postage, 2d. extra. Parts 1 and II in one volume, paper. 7s. 6d. (postage 3d. extra), cloth, SHIl'l'ING- lOs. 6d. {postag~. 6d. extra}. Notice to Mariners 1835

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