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Olds,Wortman TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, 3IAY 21, 1919. 13 iPilffll to mm Mil! We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash on the Third Floor FIXTURE 1ME: Pl'imThliiiiiiiiijHiiiii! illlll Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Tea Room on Fourth Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing on Second Floor Nut Margarine Best Butter The Standard Store of the Northwest 35c Pound At $1.25 Fourth Floor Umeco Nut OC Fourth Floor No delivery except Margarine priced, a pound 1 &King Columbia Oleomargine QT other purchases made in the Olds, f with Wortman Grocery Dept. Glenwood (2t OP' Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Wednesday, 2 pounds only Otlv Butter, special 2 pounds 0J-"t- l Demonstration in Grocery Dept. 'i t 1-- --, r ASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE MID.-WEE-K ECONOMY SALES! III $17.50 to $25 1$1.75 and $2 Fancy Silks ' I i , T ' ? Basement Sale 4 36-ln- 4? ch Foulard Silks in beautiful designs and color- Women's Coats ings; ideal for summer dresses. $B9 Also fancy Mtssalines and Taffetas in a great assortment of attractive new patterns. Just such silks as you iiYard would pay $1.75 and $2.00 a yard for in the regular way. Over 5000 yards in this great lot. Silks of dc- - pendabls quality from one of America's largest mills. Basement Store special Wednesday, the yard $1.89 " ' ' GET THE - V r Offering ! Sensational Underprice in the BASEMENT HABIT IT PAYS llrvfi-- : i i Basement Wednesday. s i I - -- Only a few of these Coats are $17.50 models the great ma- jority of them are splendid $20.00 and $25.00 values. All are smartly tailored and the styles are very desirable. Coats for street wear for dress occasions for" motoring for utility. Basement Sale of Undermuslins Manv are shown in novelty belted effects with fancy collars and Gowns, Combinations and Chemise vrii popular loose style or plain tailored. WooL For cuffs, others in the Beautiful garments, made up in fine quality muslins, cambrics serg-es- velourB, mixtures- - also a number of handsome buk CLARK, SCE5E FROM ELOPE," HER SEW PARA- - embroideries, ribbons, etc. Many MARGUEKITE IS LETS prao- - J- and nainsooks trimmed with laces, COMEDY-DRAM- A, . assortment of colors and O MOUNT AT THE COLIHBIA THEATER. Coats. Excellent $139 show a touch of color in the yoke or trimmings. Night Gowns in tically all sizes. $17.50 to $25.00 Coats special at OA.tlU film repertory season are Lillian Gish, ; many different styles, Combinations, Envelope Chemise (J" QQ Mae Marsh, Richard Barthelmefis, Don TO SERVE YOU1 and Hundreds of pieces on sale Wednesday, at t TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. ald Crisp. Tully Marshall, Constance COURTEOUS SALESPEOPLE Skirts. UiOIf Sunset Clara Kimball Toting. Talmadge, Oeorgre Fawcet, Mildred Har "The Road Through the Dark." ris (Mrs. Charles Chaplin), Miriam Liberty Lieutenant Bert Hall, In Cooper, 13dward Peil, Margaret Marsh person and in 'A Romance of and Elmer Clifton. the Air." ' Offerings Wednesday Peoples Vivian Martin, "The Minnehaha, the Indian squaw best 72 Extra Special in Basement Home-Tow- n Girl." known for her work with Mabel Nor- - Columbia Marguerite Clark, mand in "Mickey," is much in demand "Let's Elope." at the Hollywood studios. Majestic Constance- Talmadge, "A Lady's Name." Louis Maver. directing the film des 75c Sales $1 Sales of Stewart, signed Shel Sales 50c Sales Star "The Spreading Evil." tinies Anita has 25c Globe Mary Pickford, "Hearts don Lewis, Virginia Pearson's husband, Adrift." to star In a series of unusual pictures. on Wednes All items in this Space on Sale Wednes All Items in this Space on Sale Wednes- All items in this Space on Sale Wednes Mary Minter, "Rose- All items in this Space Sale Circle Miles Fannie "Ward can't get a theater in day Only, No Telephone, C. O. D. or Mail day Only No Telephone, C. O. D. or Mail day Only No "elephone, C. O. D. or Mail day Only No Telephone, C. O. 1). or Mail mary Climbs the Heights." A London and already she is homesick for Accepted for This Sale. Orders Will Be Actepted for This Sale. Orders Will Be Accepted for This Sale. Orders ill Be Accepted for This Sale. California and the studios. English, Orders Will Be Italian and French producers want her Majestic. to make pictures "over there," but she is likely to be back in the United 1 BASEMENT BASEMENT BASEMENT a fascinating young woman dtates soon. BASEMENT SHE'S a cook and a butler's --i she's Constance Tal- Constance Talmadge has bobbed her no r UK tniLUKtfl nuar. FOR SHEETING of good pmf mm FOR BOYS' PANTS Only FOR BOYS' PLAY SUITS madge, sprightly and vivacious camera hair, a favorite pastime these days with quality. bleached a limited number in this of-- These are made of good quality pal, Gish, CEqK"fcof heavy ribbed cotton. firm Full star, in her newest photoplay, "A Lady's the stars, and her Dorothy 81 On j , fer. Good serviceable ma- blue denim trimmed .with red. threatens to follow suit. Jjf Black or white, double heels and inches wide. sale Jj, Name." 1 6 to 16 years. Long sleeves. Ages 1 to 8 years. &LI1U J? Uil 1 til C 50c for day only at this price. terials. Sizes Here's another delightful comedy for 2 Edwin August and Lottie Briscoe, mm 4 FOR GIRLS' MIDDIES white admirers of the popular "Conny," with a well known in "pitchers," are breaklnR warn f UK JlJi S Inis FOR CAMISOLES several pmm FOR BATH TOWELS, succession of amusing and exciting into vaudeville with a sketch called is a special lot. Shown in dainty Btyles in this offer- "size 16x32 inches, are full material of good quality. Just "Movie Mad," by August. g J ends, the thing for school or outing events showing the adventures of the written m black or tan; sizes 30 to 36. ing. Flesh color. Trimmed Jl Jr ..bleached; hemmed blue young feminine novelist who advertises border; 1 dozen to customer. wear. Ages from 8 to 14 years. Molly Malone Is mascot of Fatty e's neat, duckios, wameu wiuuu. 50c with fine laces and ribbons. itUBfoand. is 2 for a Harrison Ford the lucky chap ,wlio wins the girl, while baseball team.. FOR HLMJU.U TOtti.L5 FOR 6 ROLLS Toilet Paper pmm mm TOR CHILDREN'S Aprons FOR 2 DRESSER SCARFS or Emory Johnson, Ella Hall's husband, good cotton huck; excellent quality tissue; in plain striped percale, in Table Covers. Beautiful new former Universal star, is the unlucky Fred Stone, famous Btago comedian. ba. g of quality J . styles. Assorted one who is the stunt king of them all. Is a Jr y size 18x36 inches. Full full standard size rolls of A mj neat attractive styles and lace trimmed Mabel Vere, a writer, bored with her back at Hollywood to make pictures 50c 1000 sheets. A 15c value. well made. Sizes 4 to 12. patterns. Regular S5c values. during summer. Frank Borzage will finance and seeking new material for a the good 4 mm FOR of FOR 12 TOWELS medium srze, novel, advertises for a husband. One of direct him. FOR BRASSIERES of FOR MEN'S TIES wash pmm BRASSIERES the applicants is a butler, and Mabel, quality muslin. Embroidery material in neat striped pat- Msfe. heavy net with dress shields especially adapted for hotel use. loving adventure, accepts an invitation May 1 was the fifth wedding anni trimmed. Front fastening. terns! These usually sell at J jf attached. Also lace trimmed Good grade huck. Limit of one being versary Hayakawas, and Jf 1. ' to (line, the master of the Sessue 25c; I customer. butler's All eizes from 34 up to 44. 50c 20c each. SHOP EARLY Etyles. Sizes range 34 to 44. dozen to any one away. Mabel discovers that she's poach- they gave a film party. ing on the cook's matrimonial pre- FOR LINEN FINISH Suit FOR WOMEN'S HOSE of mmm mm FOR 5 YDS. SILKOLETTE FOR CHILDREN'S DRESSES serves, a pretty squabble develops, and ing; splendid fabric for wo fine mercerized cotton, in ws. g-- 36 inches wide. Excellent attractive new styles, made the authoress is forced to play cook MJ comforters and up in pretty plaid ginghams. upon the unexpected return of the mas- TRADE FACTORS PICTURED c;men's skirts and middies. 3b black, white, brown and &. material for ter. That worthy proves to be one of 25 inches wide. Buy and save! 50c gray, f ull lasmoned style. J Broken range of sizes in this lot. the applicants, and he's the man who 2 3 YDS. FANCY Rib FOR BED SHEETS, size 72x90 places the binding ring on her finger. FOR KIMONO FLANNELS FOR PILLOW CASES FOR Comedy, Pathc "Weekly and Screen WASTE DECLARED BIGGER ITEM in .a choice assortment of size 42x36 inches. A good bons; beautiful Dresden ef- inches. Reinforced with seam in Magazine are other subjects shown. patterns. Light and dark grade full bleached muslin; fects for fancy work, hair-- the center! These are of splen- THAN WAGES. Ci 75c; Two colors. Velour finish. Snap 50c deep hem. 12 to a customer. bows, etc. Light or dark. did quality. to a customer. Sunset, FOR 3 NAIL BRUSHES FOR 6 WOMEN'S Handker- FOR REMNANT S good FOR WOMEN'S APRONS of The Sunset Theater's week of Clara Commercial Education Specialist several different styles. Are chiefs. Fancy embroidered useful pieces in wash goods, percale' and gingham in Ftripes, Kimball Young screen repertoire offers Eor-elg- n.
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