The Hon Alex Hawke MP Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection

MEDIA RELEASE 16 August 2017

Citizenship role stripped from

The Turnbull Government moved today to safeguard the integrity of citizenship ceremonies in the City of Yarra.

The local authority will be stripped of its power to hold any citizenship ceremonies following its political resolution which cancelled citizenship formalities.

The Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Alex Hawke today issued a new instrument under the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 which removes the ability of office holders at the City of Yarra Council to receive a pledge of commitment at a citizenship ceremony.

The Government had already issued a warning to Yarra Council that such an action would be viewed by the Government as a significant breach of the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code (‘the Code’).

The Commonwealth now will ensure prospective citizens with the City of Yarra are allocated to citizenship ceremonies held by neighbouring councils while the Department of Immigration and Border Protection will hold ceremonies within the City of Yarra as demand requires, including on Australia Day next year.

Mr Hawke said today the Turnbull Government would not tolerate Yarra Council’s use of citizenship ceremonies as a political device in a campaign against Australia Day being celebrated on January 26.

“We are committed to ensuring that citizenship is treated in the ‘non-commercial, apolitical, bipartisan and secular manner’ which the Code mandates,” Mr Hawke said.

“The instrument I have signed today means there will be no more citizenship ceremonies conducted by the City of Yarra on behalf of the Government.”

Prime Minister today expressed his deep disappointment at the Yarra Council decision.


“On Australia Day, we celebrate what’s great about our wonderful nation. An attack on Australia Day is a repudiation of the values the day celebrates: freedom, a fair go, mateship and diversity,” he said.

“Yarra council is using a day that should unite Australians to divide Australians.

“I recognise Australia Day and its history is complex for many indigenous Australians, but the overwhelming majority of Australians believe the 26th of January is the day and should remain our national day,” Mr Turnbull said.

Mr Hawke has also written today to Minister for Local Government and Territories Senator Fiona Nash, asking that the she examine the proportion of Commonwealth Government funding provided to Yarra Council for the purpose of conducting citizenship ceremonies, with a view to that funding being reconsidered following today’s revocation decision.

“It is regrettable that Yarra Council has proceeded with this course of action. I note that other Councils, including Fremantle and Hobart made the sensible decision to comply with the Code rather than risk losing their ability to conduct citizenship ceremonies,” he said.

“I am surprised and disappointed that the City of Yarra has chosen to pursue this divisive approach.

“I would again like to thank the overwhelming number of local councils Australia wide which comply with the Code and conduct citizenship ceremonies that are non- commercial, apolitical, bipartisan and secular,” Mr Hawke said.

Assistant Minister’s media contact: Lisa Scott 0466 434 257


Mayoral Speech, Australia Day 2017

Councillor Kim Le Cerf, 26 January 2016

Sixty years ago today an important conversation started here in Darebin. We all need to be part of this conversation and it's time for us to act.#changethedate "As you know this is a very auspicious date in our national calendar – the day we celebrate the birth of modern Australia. It’s a date that has a big history, a complicated history, a history that we grapple with and we debate more and more as the years pass. It’s not something we put in our citizenship tests, but Australia Day, which marks the planting of the British Flag at Sydney Cove and the beginning of colonisation, is also a symbol of the unfinished business we have with our First Australians in this country. Right across Australia there is a national debate taking place about how we can make this anniversary an inclusive one, how we can use it to bring all the peoples of our country together, to heal the deep wounds we have inflicted on our indigenous people since we arrived as in invaders in 1788. And the has been playing its part in those debates for over 60 years. It was here, in Darebin, down at Batman Park, on Australia Day, 1957 that Aboriginal leader and activist, Sir Doug Nicholls, made his famous speech calling for the great gulf between White Australia and our First Australians to be bridged. Standing on stage, with the Mayor and City Councillors, Sir Doug spoke about the discrimination and the disadvantage that had plagued Aboriginal Australia since Europeans colonised their lands. Powerfully, he made the case that Australia’s First Peoples had been cast aside and forgotten by modern Australia. But he did not speak of recriminations or debts. This is what was so powerful about his speech. This is what captured the imagination of the crowd and helped to establish the reconciliation movement in this country – he asked only that we extend the hand of friendship. That we recognise our First Peoples, that we afford them the same chances and opportunities. What an incredible Australia Day they had here in Darebin 60 years ago. Well, I want to honour that tradition here today. I want to recognise that this wonderful ceremony takes place on Aboriginal land – land of the Wurundjeri – land that was never ceded. And as we extend the hand of friendship to you, our newest Australians, I want to reaffirm our pledge to work with our oldest Australians toward real recognition, real reconciliation, so that they too can feel fully and inseparably Australian. As a Council we have work to do to move towards this kind of reconciliation. In the spirt of Sir Doug’s speech, I want to extend the hand of friendship to local Elders and to say, we are listening. We have open hearts and we are ready to hear what we need to do to work towards healing. Maybe it will mean shifting the date on which we celebrate the nation – to a date that can be owned by our First Australians just as much as the rest of us. This is a conversation we need to have as a city and as citizens. Maybe it will mean other more practical actions – schemes for the restitution of indigenous land or for housing or scholarships. There are all kinds of things our Council can do, and I want to restart the conversation during my term as Mayor. But this is also a conversation that you, as citizens, can be part of. We all play a role in shaping and building a better Australia, in building a more just Australia. We all play a role in healing these wounds, building these bridges, righting the wrongs of our predecessors. As we look to the future and learn from our past, I put it to you that Australia will remain an unfinished project until true reconcilliation occurs. And it is this, the dedicated work of so many Australians to bridge gulfs, to right injustices, to break down barriers and come together as one people – this is what makes Australia worth celebrating. That is the Australia I celebrate today, and that is the Australia I want to welcome you to." Cr Kim Le Cerf, Mayor, Darebin Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony, 26 January 2017

Appendix C lEmiiNORTHCOTE Aboriginals Celebrate BUDGET Pastor lb* C.P.a. Mejbew fy twnwiiMi- h» ^

AustraliaDay NicholU Printed for the Proprietors bl' ^l-f***L Ltd., ot the Haod Office, 481 High St.. NorthcxHe, N.lo Northcote provided a v«ry large ------B2f|ri«Y ■•<|«*'ies: JW6214 (Not Ckissifled) crowd to take part in the Australia Vol. 22; No. 4 WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 30, Day cddbratkm arranged by abori ­ ginals and frioids on Sunday after­ THEY HELPED noon at Batman Park. The crowd soundly applauded Pastor D«>ug THE SPASTICS NichoDs when he suf^sted, as his theme, that A group of children The Bazaar was or­ ganised by Patrivia the bridge between white and aboriginal inhabi- has raised £6 for the McBride and Rosemary tanU should be bridged. Spastic Children’s Ap­ GulUck, who were ably f peal at a baiaar which assisted by Janire matoFcr^^B w They bought out a $upply of «"Wa^ brichs by wayofeontribatingtowardsa£30fi00 they held in Hartington Billy Gullick, John ami Street Northcote, last Adrian McBride, Neville a • —r-lw’ A ...... ubUiginil ghU hostd. whwh it week. Davey. Brian, Carol, tind e Caught A was €unwd at for Northeota. Peter Jones. But the unanswered the question, even in North­ KT-W5f,issr.^.ari{ goods for the Bazaar by knitting Inunmente them- cote, is “Would you take sotveBBCTo. and_-»Jby »vi^ grocer­ ies throughowt the year. aboriginals into your They announce the winner »f Big home and make both •s!aWsd«.t^. the competition for a DoUy a Mayor iCr. Spain) and vari ­ friends and workmates ous councillors who were pre­ Knitted ^t was Miss M, of them?” sent. WORK CHECKED ^T^*lpastlc caiUdren ’s So­ Think About ciety of has sent a They do it in New letter of very grateful thanks Fish “This is something for to Patricia McBrtrie. smd wo Zealand, even If to a A n enthusiastic limited degree. print it here: »ung Northcote fish- he said. Turn to Page 6 Dmic Nioliolls. fooUMOter. “mb is a great ttv. thi* nan was awarded for birthday of yowa. We come ON HOSPITAL ;ond prize in the to share it with you. nior Angling Com- “Someone said to me re­ cently that we should go to tition held at Al- the Yarra Bank and organise rt Park Lake from, He had prepared one a day of mourning for i^t p.m. on Wednes- sneech. forgot he was carrying Costs Are Too High January 23. Virtually, work on the great Preston-Northcote Communi­ He is John Loch- •But we are very happy to ty Hospital hoM ceased. nid. aged 11. of Will- come here to-day. This place St.. Northcote, ■ Turn to Page 7 Date of completion U now being talked of " has been fishing total cost as £3,000,000 compared with the original £1,028,475 he was a tod- contract in 1949. ' the local efforts pale into ta- received1 ^am hisms ;prn In other words significan ce compared with t>eautiful flshing re cost has jumped from the rate money is spent tm US. I!5See picture). £5000 per bed to £9900!the ho.«tpltal, vrhjch may be The compel ilion waa the largest In Melbourne. nducled by the Victorian About 13 men are left Mr. Barilng, to*™** ’ c;rional Council, whose on the construction part Preston Mayor, i;es must have had 10 difficulty in deciding of the job. SSiuF>Ma^that he had ^ :v>ults. oeived advice in Decern^ This year ’s allocation that Lewis Co. had 1!lish was almost Iden- the aUocatlon,^ Aiin the wmner’s—it was of a quarter of a million has been spent. would have to close down. i;aii an ounce smaller, The Hospitals Commission e winner’s flab weighed On present indicaUons had told the committee toat no more money wlB be there was no prospect what­ 10 hsh was divided be- available, and the ^ ever of any further sum oi 11 Johns grandmother until the year ends on June money this financial year. another old lady od the “ will b/ Uirl^ te whirt The Lewis Co. had advised net. who} has often givm| Uie builders. Lewis Con­ that they could “scrape cliildreuI of the inetghbor------structions, feel inclined to Srough” without acto^ 1 Christmasmas pres^w.presents that— provide by way of ud- closing down — something 1 felt he would like to givegivs vanoe. which would be strongly re­ .‘thing in1 return. This may amount to sisted by the committee — his was a until June 30, the comp^ ^^10 virtual close-down will :arrylng £20.000 until the ihe youuShiYangS^Si add to the already disastrous ^Smittee could reimburse .. have L...„been appreoiatsd ,v^ ■ fS^ tocunred about fo« the reciDients. Aboriginals Celebrate Australia Day _ a ■ay nm aas a KKADY Jika Cricket great pnsp ie. bat is tkere » v»—. you know. ------aay reassa ------us that CupUtn Cook met our not asareh .e—e if/ ancestors. _ , "Is there any reaaon why reports sboai ...... ------^ ms we should be relegated to Haas tai Wsstens Oas li-sWs Swe MT Am . . . river-bank shacks Instead of •Tn two wars. In tndiistrial SCHOOL « being helped to rise above our and primary devetopment we rLT'jJr s:-* present degradation ”? (Ap­ have shown that we have CASES, tnm tni. BOWLERS OH TOP •T doat vut to embam courage. Initiative. *U1 and is there any reason why leadership. SATCHELS, eie. r councillors, but what « ‘T~caa ^y_]om with Poug are thinking of Is tnat In 1837 ?n “12^i5nlSt co«nS<*“MlchoUs in as king ‘When we Bat have all these things — la the Uttle matter of doing justice to our reUtively few aborigi ­ nals too big a task for ua?’ In Northoote vtcimty. ^ chances, opportu- "Surely It would be rub .Ish IN 8TH. RODND I suggest such a thing. ' Applause.) DEWAR & SON »TMs afteraooa shows «wCt: t: vr Fight ? that thia ia a eaicanoe which 112-14 SUtiM Street, what I remind counclUors, the -you know there Is quite a has caught the in J. Louden 12/36; Coifield 11/26; nd (ho------■- »• 4 FtkfieM rental was to be 100 blankets, difference between 1914-18. of the 100 knives. 100 tomahawks. 50! 1939-5 1957. Do you re­ laid. PkwM JW499S iz C-giiSf i/W II pairs of scissors. 30 looking | member how they csune to ue "Let us hope this is the be­ runs on first Innings. ginning of wiping a blot off glasses,aes, 30 suits3U1W9 JtJL clothe^L^lUVtlCZS. min thoseMIOSC terribleWCIIIUIC years and Brennan 11/61 East Preston 152 (Thorpe 87. •Btea me. I could do wUh asked. Aboriginals, can you ovu- splendid record.” > suit, bat 1 don't know fight?' and we said T^y ua about Ussae looking glasses and our blood nowed with (Crocker 35 nA>.; Thorpe 7/34. and tansnhawlu. i-ours In Gallipoli. Tobruk camaiES TO JACOBS Hedley 5/29) by 58 runs on "Then there was aO tons of and New Gumea. "But have we been ss^ ^fium«?*Roven 80 and anyUiing since? We ^ diN ferent from you only In color even if some of you try to copy us tn that. (Laughter). But 120AMD um 120 han 23) by 4 runs on first in- ^I------.kugw*»<^AA» Nlcholls^MhdU .^dhAMhM that^sa shace------are we encouraged? Captain Phillips landed with "Do you extend to ua the "^T^ombury hls cargo from the gnots of Excellent bowling by Thornbnry'» Oakover PJA.FJ3. 44 snd 34 England Australians h^ (Truman 13; J Louden l2/3«» made very great progress. The «• this day of your blrth- medium pace bowler, J- outright by an InnL-gs and 28 nation had become great. 4ay. we ask yew to give to the collapse of Oakovcr PA.F^. -ma. The cities were hives of in­ ■a after aU these 169 dustry and wneat and wool ed 44 and 34, and Tbombury 7/104 dec., Ninth Round grew In the great open, ^^ong those who supported Send your children bock to school with •ecured an outright win. Draw and umpires for ninth Mr.' ------NichoUs were- the M^or are a great nation. ’ (Cr A Spain) and coimcl. LAHGFIELD'S own moke Boots ond and thiir wives; Sir D. Keon Pdwir hdtMmmn cottnpwod, and -.^^(S^;‘.n?f4gerte Clancy, president of■ the Al»-A gulf between the old and rlgS Girls' Hostel Comrnit- Shoes none o0arad tnaeh re«f<^ the new, between gaols and tee;5^. the famousraiuui- --a.aoorigmal diam-paear CarHald, thriving swece*. ^ singer. Mr. Harold Blair, and Your kididies neeiJ tough, har*«>• -D-GRADE. (w&ght wtoa were re­ East Preaton p.YM.S. worded. ./est Preston (WiFalker. Carey) ; M FOB MDiW WICEET Oakover P.AJ smith at nAW^ S.8Si5:'77J?=.?S5J» Sd*ninth wicket pwrtnersWp COLUGEWEAR !S: for West The score was w^ ^y ciolista for the (ollowina SehoolE oiri CoSofOO Camre. » and ents 65; Stevei^ 3/25) by 72 S;?«,'«?SL5S'S5c^ fre* DTHEX INDIVUMJAL CoUingwood Technical School Premiership PoinU JONES

Recently there has been emerging debate in Australia concerning Australia day.

As Darebin Mayor Cr Kim Le Cerf stated in her 2017 Australia day speech, ‘Right across Australia there is a national debate taking place about how we can make this date an inclusive one, use it to bring all the peoples of our country together, to heal the deep wounds inflicted on indigenous people since we arrived as in invaders in 1788..

Maybe it will mean shifting the date on which we celebrate the nation – to a date that can be owned by our First Australians just as much as the rest of us. This is a conversation we need to have as a city and as citizens.’

Background Information

Darebin Council currently holds two events in January:

 A Citizenship ceremony on January 26: people from a range of different countries officially receive their Australian citizenship. There are several of these ceremonies held throughout the year

 The Australia Day Awards: individuals and groups receive awards for making an outstanding contribution to the Darebin community. Darebin Council currently holds this event prior to Australia Day, usually a week before

Seeking your Feedback

This survey is seeking your input as a key member of one of Darebin’s Advisory Committees. This survey is designed to broaden Council’s perspective and understanding of this important issue.

The survey should take no more than about 5 minutes to complete, your time and feedback is appreciated.

1) What does January 26 (also known as Australia Day, Survival Day, and Invasion Day) mean to you?

2) How do you normally spend the day on January 26?

3) Do you think Darebin Council should support the #changethedate campaign? □ Yes □ No □ Not sure/ Do not care

4) How do you feel about Darebin Council holding a citizenship ceremony on January 26? □ I would prefer the citizenship ceremony be held on a different day □ I feel fine about the citizenship ceremony being held on January 26 □ Not sure □ Other (please specify): ______

5) How do you feel about Darebin Council renaming the Australia Day Awards? □ I feel fine about the Australia Day Awards name staying the same □ I would prefer that the Australia Day Awards be renamed □ Not sure □ Other (please specify): ______

6) Do you think Darebin Council should hold an event to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences of January 26? □ Yes (GO TO Q7) □ No (GO TO Q8) □ Not Sure (GO TO Q8)

7) Please provide any suggestions for how Darebin Council should mark January 26.

8) Do you have any other comments regarding this topic?

9) We may use some of the comments received in this survey when reporting back to Council. No names will be used or publish. Is it okay if we do? □ Yes □ No

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We do really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, feelings and ideas!

We also acknowledge and thank our colleagues at the City of Yarra for their assistance with us in producing this survey.

The survey results will be compiled along with feedback from the Darebin Aboriginal Advisory Committee and form the basis of a briefing to Council in mid-August.

For further assistance, please contact:

Bronwyn Ryan-Mercer Civic Events and Engagement Officer City of Darebin 03 8470 8551 [email protected]

City of Darebin

Community Engagement Australia Day Events Survey Results and Emerging Themes July 2017 City of Darebin Online Survey Results (n=81)

Do you think Darebin Council should support the #changethedate campaign?

8% 6% Yes No Not Sure/Do not care


How do you feel about Darebin Council holding a citizenship ceremony on January 26?

10% I would prefer the citizenship ceremony be held on a different day 17% I feel fine about the citizenship ceremony being held on 26 Jan 61% 12% Not Sure


“I think that citizenship ceremonies “If the date for Australua Day is changed should be on Australia Day BUT that by consensus then the Citizenship Australia Day should be on a day that Ceremony should be held on that date as doesn\'t celebrate the white invasion of it is meaningful for all Australian citizens.” Australia.”

“If a majority prefers the ceremony to be held on a “i would prefer no citizenship ceremonies different day, why should the actual date matter. The at all are held on that day” ceremony itself is what is important.” City of Darebin Online Survey Results (n=81)

How do you feel about Darebin renaming Australia Day Awards?

18% I feel fine about the Australia Day 25% Awards name staying the same

I would prefer that the Australia 9% Day Awards be renamed

Not sure

Other 48%

“If Australia Day is moved to a date that isn\'t offensive “They can still be named Australia Day to indigenous people, happy for it to remain Australia Awards just on a different date” Day Awards. Otherwise, I think they should be renamed”

“I think the name is fine - the date is the problem”

Do you think Darebin Council should hold an event to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences of January 26?

32% Yes No Not Sure 62% 6%

“Community festival and “I would love to see acknowledgment “Acknowledge a day celebration of culture and of the ATSI experiences of Jan 26 and of mourning perhaps? arts and showing the do have some fear of the potential for Consult with the contribution that Aboriginal divisive reactions which detract from aunties and uncles - people have made across the the healing possibilities. Grief and pain those who have years. Celebrating Aboriginal need a really safe space to be heard.” barely been heard.” heroes from the past to the present” Emerging Themes Round Table and Online Survey

Aboriginal Roundtable (n=7)

Reconcillation Emerging Themes 0%

Inclusive Event

A time to acknowldge Recognition of Worlds Oldest Living achievement and Culture contribtiions of ATSi Darebin as leader/courageous 29% Inclusive Event 36% Reflective and Solemn Event

Reflective and A time to acknowldge achievement Solemn Event and contribtiions of ATSi 7% Reconcillation Darebin as Recognition of Worlds leader/courageous Oldest Living Culture 14% 14%

Online Survey to Advisory Committees (n=81) Emerging Themes Reconcillation 7% Inclusive Event

A time to acknowldge Recognition of Worlds Oldest Living achievement and Culture contribtiions of ATSi Darebin as leader/courageous 24% Inclusive Event 34% Reflective and Solemn Event

Recognition of Worlds A time to acknowldge achievement and Oldest Living Culture contribtiions of ATSi Reflective and Solemn Darebin as 2% Reconcillation Event leader/courageous 14% 19% Emerging Themes Round Table – 19 July 2017

Aboriginal Roundtable (n=7) Emerging Themes Reconcillation 0% Inclusive Event

A time to acknowldge Recognition of Worlds Oldest Living achievement and Inclusive Culture contribtiions of ATSi Event Darebin as leader/courageous 29% 36% Reflective and Solemn Event

A time to acknowldge achievement Reflective and Solemn and contribtiions of ATSi Event Darebin as Recognition of Worlds Reconcillation 7% leader/courageous Oldest Living Culture 14% 14%

Selected reflections:

• “I guess the question, we used to joke when we’d say we should celebrate on the 25th of Jan because that’s not been yet discovered. Because that’s what the 26th is ….. When cook landed.If I can I'd go to work, that's how meaningless it is to me.” • “It seems like the only thing we can do on that day is make a statement that we’ve survived. That’s a critical statement that’s why the concerts happen and all. Absolutely I would work as well, nothing day.” • “There's still an idea of celebrations, when you do a re-enactment of the landing, that hurts. Change the activities. Don’t do another SORRY day on 26 of January make it a inclusive day for all. Celebrate all Nations at Darebin.” • “If Darebin has a proud celebration of oldest culture in the world, why aren't we celebrating that? If this was Europe, that would be celebrated. Could we the City of Darebin have big posters at bus stops in around or a mural saying that " Darebin is proud and respectful of the Older Living Cultural of the World " wouldn't that reinforce to the mob and young ones.” • “The last thing you want to do (happened to us for 200 years) is leave people out. The flip side no celebration for First people. How do we join the two? Can it be managed? Can we do two? What are we looking for? Are we looking to merge or are we looking to stand out?” • “I had no idea that Citizenship Ceremonies are held on other days in other than Australia Day. Have in on the 25 of January or another day what's the difference.” • “Why did Darebin call them the Australia Day Awards? I don't want to be disrespectful but who else outside of Darebin would care? But then to be Devil's advocate, the name 'Australia Day' sounds really 'good', the name has to have some standing.” • “We want a day that's more inclusive than a day that celebrates penal colonisation Stand alone event. The country has benefitted from the aboriginal culture and trends celebrate it.” • “As a young person, I feel I don't have as much experience, but it shouldn't be a day of celebration, people shouldn't be having fun, growing up with multicultural friends, we used to do things on the day but I don't now.” Emerging Themes Online Survey Online Survey to Advisory Committees (n=81) Emerging Themes Inclusive Event Reconcillation 7% Recognition of Worlds Oldest Living Culture A time to acknowldge achievement and Darebin as leader/courageous contribtiions of ATSi 24% Inclusive Event 34% Reflective and Solemn Event

A time to acknowldge Recognition of Worlds achievement and contribtiions of Oldest Living Culture ATSi Reflective and Solemn Darebin as 2% Reconcillation Event leader/courageous 14% 19% Selected reflections:

• “I'd be happy to go with any day - and commemoration type - that ATSI people feel to be appropriate e.g. a tanderrum that includes EVERYONE” • “Australia Day on Jan 26 is increasingly uncomfortable to me. It isn't possible for us, as a country, to 'celebrate' and unite on the very date that led to the immeasurable loss of land, country, culture and life to indigenous people. I fully support Darebin Council in celebrating our country and its people - indigenous and non-indigenous - on a different date.” • “I have selected Yes for supporting #changethedate on the assumption that this is what our local indigenous community want, but I would strongly support Council taking advice from them on whether a citizenship ceremony is appropriate on 26th, whether they would like an alternative event and what date this should be held on.” • “I think it is very important that council doesn't substitute another nationalist celebration for Australia Day. I don't believe we should celebrate "Australia" on any day of the year. This is a nation built on theft, murder and slave labour. We need acts that reflect our shame, sorrow and regret, and that make amends in ways that are meaningful to Aboriginal people. I'd infinitely prefer council to put its resources into acknowledging and strengthening local Wurunjeri connections to country, rather than celebrations of Australia.” • “Some sort of formal acknowledgement to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that the anniversary is not a great one for them, given what has followed. Something that would be meaningful to indigenous people in the municipality. That would at least provide some balance against whatever else council has to do in the name of January 26.” • “I think the past is the past. I did not invade this country. nor did my father, my grandmother, her grandfather. the aboriginal people today were not invaded, their ancestors were. sorry has been said. To be honest I think everyone needs to get over it, why can't we all just be one? we are one country, yet its ''us and them''. it should not be. we should all just be ''australians'', because that is where we live now, not in the past.” • “I think it would be great if there was a day we could all subscribe to and celebrate-; maybe a national treaty day; I feel the indigenous people (in Aus and in Darebin) should guide us on whether a sorry ceremony should be held on Aus Day or another day. Or maybe on a more positive note we shodul have Reconciliation Day ceremonies; or Inclusion day ceremonies. This all needs debate.” Emerging Themes Round Table and Online Survey

Combined Results (n=88)


Inclusive Event

35% Recognition of Worlds Oldest Living 24% Culture Darebin as leader/courageous

Reflective and Solemn Event

A time to acknowldge achievement and contribtiions of ATSi Reconcillation 13% 3%
