Rochambeau's Cavalry: Lauzun's Legion in Connecticut 1780-1781 The Winter Quarters of Lauzun's Legion in Lebanon and its March Through the State in 1781 Rochambeau's Conferences in Hartford and Wethersfield Historical And Architectural Survey Project Historian: ROBERT A. SELIG, Ph.D. Project Director: MARY M. DONOHUE Sponsors: State of Connecticut JOHN G. ROWLAND Governor Connecticut Historical Commission JOHN W. SHANNAHAN Director and State Historic Preservation Officer DAWN MADDOX, Ph.D. Preservation Programs Supervisor Co-Sponsor: Inter Community Historic Resources Committee Hans DePold, Chairman 2000 Connecticut Historical Commission 59 South Prospect Street Hartford, CT 06106 Tel.: (860) 566-3005 Fax: (860) 566-5078 E-mail:
[email protected] Inter Community Historic Resources Committee Hans DePold, Chairman 2 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 3. METHODOLOGY 6 3.1 Criteria for Selection: How Sites Were Chosen for Inclusion 8 3.2 The Form 9 3.3 Other Parts of the Survey Report 10 3.4 Recommendations for Phase III of the Rochambeau in Connecticut Project 11 4. The Conference at Hartford, September 18-22, 1780 14 5. The Conference at Wethersfield, May 19-26, 1781 21 6. The Volontaires Étrangers de Lauzun 27 6.1 A Brief History of the Volontaires 27 6.2 Winter Quarters in Lebanon, November 1, 1780, to June 21, 1781 30 6.3 Order and Organization of the March through Connecticut, June 21 to July 3, 1781 34 7. CONCLUSION 42 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY 44 9. DOCUMENTS 10. MARKERS erected by the State of Connecticut in 1956 Commemorating the March of Infantry under the comte de Rochambeau and of Cavalry under the duc de Lauzun through Connecticut in 1780, 1781, and 1782 11.