DEHS JOURNAL TRANSMISSION LINES INDEX 1995 - 2016 This document comprises the index for Transmission Lines Volumes 1 to 20 (1995 – 2015), updated with data on Volume 21 (2016). The index has been sorted by article title and author. This consolidated index will be updated in mid-2017 and published in electronic form on the DEHS website An updated version will also be published in hard copy form and distributed with the December 2017 edition of Transmission Lines. We would welcome any comments, or notifications of errors, by email to
[email protected] . Dick Green 12 Dec 2016 Amendments incorporated in this version: Version Amendment Vol Month/Yr Page rev1 Corrections of errors in author’s name 2/3 Sep/97 6 2/4 Dec/97 7 6/3 Sep/01 1 Page 1 of 36 Index_Combined_1995-2016_4Dec2016_rev1 DEHS JOURNAL TRANSMISSION LINES – 1995-2016 - INDEX BY SUBJECT TITLE AUTHOR VOL M/Y PAGE 1939 GEC Visit by Megaw et al to Gutton in France Dean, Sqn Ldr Mike 21/1 Mar/16 12 2010 DEHS Award for Shrivenham MSc Student Green, Dick 15/3 Sep/10 8 2015 Autumn Symposium Butcher, Peter 20/4 Dec/15 1 2015 Burns Lecture and Exhibition Butcher, Peter & Helm, 20/2 Jun/15 3 Tony 2015 Burns Lecture: Living in the Network: 100 Years of Sigint 20/2 Jun/15 9 2015 MESE Course Presentations and Award Butcher, Peter 20/3 Sep/15 1 2015 Summer Visit and Editorial Butcher, Peter 20/2 Jun/15 25 2nd Tactical Air Force Benson, Ken 12/1 Mar/07 3 A Brief History of EMC Withnall, Stuart 15/1 Mar/10 1 A Brief Look at Early Military Satcom, up to the 1980s Butcher, Peter 18/4 Dec/13 2 A British Success – The Console Type 64 Brown, Sqn Ldr John 5/2 Jun/00 1 A Holiday Surprise Latham, Colin 16/3 Sep/11 9 A la recherché du Temps Perdu Hanbury Brown, Prof R 1/4 Aug/96 1 A line from the Director Beavis, Dr John 1/2 Feb/96 3 A matter of fact….