FLY-BY-WIRE AUGMENTED MANUAL CONTROL - BASIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Dominik Niedermeier∗ , Anthony A. Lambregts∗∗ ∗Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., ∗∗Federal Aviation Administration
[email protected];
[email protected] Keywords: Fly-by-Wire, Manual augmented control, C∗ control algorithm, C∗U control algorithm Abstract manufacturer allowing reduced training re- quirements After the introduction of Fly-by-Wire (FBW) flight control in the late eighties, several thousands of com- • Weight and maintenance effort reduction by re- mercial FBW aircraft are in service today. Look- placing mechanical components (e.g. pulleys, ing back, it can be concluded that FBW has brought cables) an impressive improvement to handling qualities and • Introduction of flight envelope protection func- flight safety. However, after the long time of experi- tions for enhanced safety ence with the first generations of FBW aircraft, open questions and issues with respect to the design and • Introduction of maneuver/gust load alleviation the operation of FBW have been revealed. The main functions objective of this paper is to discuss those issues and to • Optimization of aerodynamic performance (e.g. point out further research needs in this field. The char- drag reduction by aft-shifted center of gravity) acteristics of manual augmented pitch control algo- rithms implemented in commercial FBW aircraft are Manufacturer Current Models No. of deliveries discussed in detail. Subsequently the paper describes Boeing B777 1003 particular features of Airbus and Boeing FBW control B787 8 systems that are not directly related to the chosen con- Airbus A318/319/320/321 5022 trol algorithm. Open questions and resulting research A330/340 1225 needs with special focus on recent incidents and acci- A380 71 Embraer E-170/190 802 dents are discussed.