OtaniemiOtaniemi –– aa FinnishFinnish TechnologyTechnology HubHub Nils Gersberg Helsinki University of Technology Construction Economics and Management Facility Services Research http://cem.tkk.fi/fsr
[email protected] 2 AgendaAgenda Finland in brief Finnish educational system Quality criteria for learning environments Otaniemi area Conclusions 3 FinlandFinland 4 FinlandFinland inin briefbrief Population 5.2 million 67% live in urban , 33% rural areas Surface area 338,000 km² of which 10% is water and 69% forest; 187,888 lakes, 5,100 rapids and 179,584 islands Official languages Finnish (92%) and Swedish (6%), the Sami language in the Sami domicile in Lapland Religion Lutheran (85%), Orthodox (1%), unaffiliated (13%) 5 FinlandFinland inin briefbrief (2)(2) GDP 2005 155.3 billion € 29,612 € per capita Competitiveness rating World Economic Forum 1st place 2005 (3rd consecutive year) Human Development Index UNDP 13th place 2005 OECD PISA survey top places in 2000 & 2003 6 TheThe FinnishFinnish educationeducation systemsystem 7 TheThe FinnishFinnish educationeducation systemsystem (2)(2) Constructive learning philosophy: focuses on students’ willingness and ability to search for knowledge through dialogues with each other and their teachers 8 EducationEducation inin briefbrief The total education budget as a share of total public expenditure is 11.9 % Number of students and educational institutions Students Institutions Basic education 596,000 3,953 General upper secondary education 129,000 441 Vocational upper secondary